diff --git a/docs/en/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx b/docs/en/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx index cbf7daa879ae58e6c4f08c23330d943d50f7f4bc..1ea033eab4c7f9afb2cd4bf1eb82f5fd5b31d31a 100644 --- a/docs/en/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx +++ b/docs/en/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ The configuration parameters in the URL are as follows: - charset: The character set used by the client, the default value is the system character set. - locale: Client locale, by default, use the system's current locale. - timezone: The time zone used by the client, the default value is the system's current time zone. -- batchfetch: true: pulls result sets in batches when executing queries; false: pulls result sets row by row. The default value is: false. Enabling batch pulling and obtaining a batch of data can improve query performance when the query data volume is large. +- batchfetch: true: pulls result sets in batches when executing queries; false: pulls result sets row by row. The default value is: true. Enabling batch pulling and obtaining a batch of data can improve query performance when the query data volume is large. - batchErrorIgnore:true: When executing statement executeBatch, if there is a SQL execution failure in the middle, the following SQL will continue to be executed. false: No more statements after the failed SQL are executed. The default value is: false. For more information about JDBC native connections, see [Video Tutorial](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1955.html). diff --git a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx index 6a78902b1edb19bb140ef1176b88f8280de54c93..183994313e205bbaf13f30d534fa151a23216708 100644 --- a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx +++ b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ url 中的配置参数如下: - charset:客户端使用的字符集,默认值为系统字符集。 - locale:客户端语言环境,默认值系统当前 locale。 - timezone:客户端使用的时区,默认值为系统当前时区。 -- batchfetch: true:在执行查询时批量拉取结果集;false:逐行拉取结果集。默认值为:false。开启批量拉取同时获取一批数据在查询数据量较大时批量拉取可以有效的提升查询性能。 +- batchfetch: true:在执行查询时批量拉取结果集;false:逐行拉取结果集。默认值为:true。开启批量拉取同时获取一批数据在查询数据量较大时批量拉取可以有效的提升查询性能。 - batchErrorIgnore:true:在执行 Statement 的 executeBatch 时,如果中间有一条 SQL 执行失败将继续执行下面的 SQL。false:不再执行失败 SQL 后的任何语句。默认值为:false。 JDBC 原生连接的使用请参见[视频教程](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1955.html)。