提交 f2f353c0 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

finish refact

上级 c29b78d3
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ typedef void TSDB_REPO_T; // use void to hide implementation details from outsi
STsdbCfg *tsdbGetCfg(const TSDB_REPO_T *repo);
int tsdbCreateRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
int32_t tsdbDropRepo(char *rootDir);
TSDB_REPO_T *tsdbOpenRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbAppH *pAppH);
int32_t tsdbCreateRepo(int repoid);
int32_t tsdbDropRepo(int repoid);
TSDB_REPO_T *tsdbOpenRepo(STsdbCfg *pCfg, STsdbAppH *pAppH);
int tsdbCloseRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, int toCommit);
int32_t tsdbConfigRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
int tsdbGetState(TSDB_REPO_T *repo);
......@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ STableCfg *tsdbCreateTableCfgFromMsg(SMDCreateTableMsg *pMsg);
int tsdbCreateTable(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, STableCfg *pCfg);
int tsdbDropTable(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo, STableId tableId);
int tsdbUpdateTableTagValue(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, SUpdateTableTagValMsg *pMsg);
// TSKEY tsdbGetTableLastKey(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, uint64_t uid);
uint32_t tsdbGetFileInfo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, char *name, uint32_t *index, uint32_t eindex, int64_t *size);
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ PROJECT(TDengine)
list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC "src/tsdbFS.c")
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(tsdb tfs common tutil)
......@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ typedef struct {
STsdbFS *tsdbNewFS(int keep, int days);
STsdbFS *tsdbNewFS(STsdbCfg *pCfg);
void * tsdbFreeFS(STsdbFS *pfs);
int tsdbOpenFS(STsdbFS *pFs, int keep, int days);
void tsdbCloseFS(STsdbFS *pFs);
int tsdbOpenFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
void tsdbCloseFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
void tsdbStartFSTxn(STsdbFS *pfs, int64_t pointsAdd, int64_t storageAdd);
int tsdbEndFSTxn(STsdbFS *pfs);
int tsdbEndFSTxnWithError(STsdbFS *pfs);
......@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ typedef struct STsdbRepo STsdbRepo;
struct STsdbRepo {
int8_t state;
char* rootDir;
STsdbCfg config;
STsdbAppH appH;
STsdbStat stat;
......@@ -92,12 +91,8 @@ struct STsdbRepo {
#define IS_REPO_LOCKED(r) (r)->repoLocked
#define TSDB_SUBMIT_MSG_HEAD_SIZE sizeof(SSubmitMsg)
char* tsdbGetMetaFileName(char* rootDir);
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char* rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char* fname);
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
char* tsdbGetDataDirName(char* rootDir);
int tsdbGetNextMaxTables(int tid);
STsdbMeta* tsdbGetMeta(TSDB_REPO_T* pRepo);
int tsdbCheckCommit(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
......@@ -114,6 +109,18 @@ static FORCE_INLINE STsdbBufBlock* tsdbGetCurrBufBlock(STsdbRepo* pRepo) {
return pBufBlock;
static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbGetNextMaxTables(int tid) {
ASSERT(tid >= 1 && tid <= TSDB_MAX_TABLES);
int maxTables = TSDB_INIT_NTABLES;
while (true) {
maxTables = MIN(maxTables, TSDB_MAX_TABLES);
if (tid <= maxTables) break;
maxTables *= 2;
return maxTables + 1;
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
#define TSDB_FS_TEMP_FNAME "current.t"
#define TSDB_MAX_FSETS(keep, days) ((keep) / (days) + 3)
static int tsdbComparFidFSet(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
static void tsdbResetFSStatus(SFSStatus *pStatus);
static int tsdbApplyFSTxn(STsdbFS *pfs);
static void tsdbApplyFSTxnOnDisk(SFSStatus *pFrom, SFSStatus *pTo);
// ================== CURRENT file header info
static int tsdbEncodeFSHeader(void **buf, SFSHeader *pHeader) {
int tlen = 0;
......@@ -29,7 +34,7 @@ static int tsdbEncodeFSHeader(void **buf, SFSHeader *pHeader) {
return tlen;
static void *tsdbDecodeFSHeader(void *buf, SFSHeader *pHeader) {
static UNUSED_FUNC void *tsdbDecodeFSHeader(void *buf, SFSHeader *pHeader) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pHeader->version));
buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pHeader->len));
......@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ static int tsdbEncodeFSMeta(void **buf, STsdbFSMeta *pMeta) {
return tlen;
static void *tsdbDecodeFSMeta(void *buf, STsdbFSMeta *pMeta) {
static UNUSED_FUNC void *tsdbDecodeFSMeta(void *buf, STsdbFSMeta *pMeta) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pMeta->version));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &(pMeta->totalPoints));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &(pMeta->totalStorage));
......@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ static int tsdbEncodeFSStatus(void **buf, SFSStatus *pStatus) {
return tlen;
static void *tsdbDecodeFSStatus(void *buf, SFSStatus *pStatus) {
static UNUSED_FUNC void *tsdbDecodeFSStatus(void *buf, SFSStatus *pStatus) {
pStatus->pmf = &(pStatus->mf);
......@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ static SFSStatus *tsdbNewFSStatus(int maxFSet) {
return NULL;
pStatus->df = taosArrayInit(maxFSet, sizeof(SDFileSet));
if (pStatus->df == NULL) {
......@@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ static void tsdbResetFSStatus(SFSStatus *pStatus) {
pStatus->pmf = NULL;
......@@ -167,7 +172,9 @@ static int tsdbAddDFileSetToStatus(SFSStatus *pStatus, const SDFileSet *pSet) {
// ================== STsdbFS
STsdbFS *tsdbNewFS(int keep, int days) {
STsdbFS *tsdbNewFS(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
int keep = pCfg->keep;
int days = pCfg->daysPerFile;
int maxFSet = TSDB_MAX_FSETS(keep, days);
STsdbFS *pfs;
......@@ -220,14 +227,13 @@ void *tsdbFreeFS(STsdbFS *pfs) {
int tsdbOpenFS(STsdbFS *pFs, int keep, int days) {
int tsdbOpenFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
return 0;
void tsdbCloseFS(STsdbFS *pFs) {
void tsdbCloseFS(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
......@@ -298,7 +304,7 @@ static int tsdbApplyFSTxn(STsdbFS *pfs) {
ASSERT(taosArrayGetSize(pfs->nstatus->df) == 0);
fsheader.len = 0;
} else {
fsheader.len = tsdbEncodeFSHeader(NULL, pfs->nstatus) + sizeof(TSCKSUM);
fsheader.len = tsdbEncodeFSHeader(NULL, &fsheader) + sizeof(TSCKSUM);
// Encode header part and write
......@@ -325,7 +331,7 @@ static int tsdbApplyFSTxn(STsdbFS *pfs) {
ptr = pBuf;
tsdbEncodeFSStatus(&ptr, pfs->nstatus);
taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)pBuf, fsheader.len)
taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)pBuf, fsheader.len);
if (taosWrite(fd, pBuf, fsheader.len) < fsheader.len) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
......@@ -455,7 +461,7 @@ void tsdbFSIterSeek(SFSIter *pIter, int fid) {
flags = TD_LE;
void *ptr = taosbsearch(&fid, pfs->cstatus->df->pData, size, sizeof(SDFileSet), , flags);
void *ptr = taosbsearch(&fid, pfs->cstatus->df->pData, size, sizeof(SDFileSet), tsdbComparFidFSet, flags);
if (ptr == NULL) {
pIter->index = -1;
pIter->fid = TSDB_IVLD_FID;
......@@ -504,3 +510,16 @@ SDFileSet *tsdbFSIterNext(SFSIter *pIter) {
return pSet;
static int tsdbComparFidFSet(const void *arg1, const void *arg2) {
int fid = *(int *)arg1;
SDFileSet *pSet = (SDFileSet *)arg2;
if (fid < pSet->fid) {
return -1;
} else if (fid == pSet->fid) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,111 +16,100 @@
// no test file errors here
#include "tsdbint.h"
#define TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME "config"
#define TSDB_DATA_DIR_NAME "data"
#define TSDB_META_FILE_NAME "meta"
#define TSDB_META_FILE_INDEX 10000000
#define IS_VALID_PRECISION(precision) \
(((precision) >= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI) && ((precision) <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO))
#define IS_VALID_COMPRESSION(compression) (((compression) >= NO_COMPRESSION) && ((compression) <= TWO_STAGE_COMP))
static void tsdbGetDataDir(int repoid, char dirName[]);
static void tsdbGetRootDir(int repoid, char dirName[]);
static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static int32_t tsdbSetRepoEnv(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static int32_t tsdbUnsetRepoEnv(char *rootDir);
static int32_t tsdbSaveConfig(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static int tsdbLoadConfig(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static char * tsdbGetCfgFname(char *rootDir);
static STsdbRepo * tsdbNewRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbAppH *pAppH, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static STsdbRepo *tsdbNewRepo(STsdbCfg *pCfg, STsdbAppH *pAppH);
static void tsdbFreeRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static int tsdbRestoreInfo(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static void tsdbAlterCompression(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int8_t compression);
static int tsdbAlterKeep(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int32_t keep);
static int tsdbAlterCacheTotalBlocks(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int totalBlocks);
static int keyFGroupCompFunc(const void *key, const void *fgroup);
static int tsdbEncodeCfg(void **buf, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static void * tsdbDecodeCfg(void *buf, STsdbCfg *pCfg);
static void tsdbStartStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static void tsdbStopStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static int tsdbRestoreInfo(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
// Function declaration
int32_t tsdbCreateRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
int32_t tsdbCreateRepo(int repoid) {
char tsdbDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
char dataDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
snprintf(tsdbDir, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir);
DIR *dir = opendir(tsdbDir);
if (dir) {
tsdbDebug("repository %s already exists", rootDir);
return 0;
} else {
if (ENOENT != errno) {
tsdbError("failed to open directory %s since %s", rootDir, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
return -1;
tsdbGetRootDir(repoid, tsdbDir);
if (tfsMkdir(tsdbDir) < 0) {
goto _err;
if (tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(pCfg) < 0) return -1;
if (tsdbSetRepoEnv(rootDir, pCfg) < 0) return -1;
tsdbGetDataDir(repoid, dataDir);
if (tfsMkdir(dataDir) < 0) {
goto _err;
"vgId:%d tsdb env create succeed! cacheBlockSize %d totalBlocks %d daysPerFile %d keep "
"%d minRowsPerFileBlock %d maxRowsPerFileBlock %d precision %d compression %d update %d cacheLastRow %d",
pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->cacheBlockSize, pCfg->totalBlocks, pCfg->daysPerFile, pCfg->keep, pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock,
pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock, pCfg->precision, pCfg->compression, pCfg->update, pCfg->cacheLastRow);
return 0;
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create TSDB repository since %s", repoid, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
int32_t tsdbDropRepo(char *rootDir) { return tsdbUnsetRepoEnv(rootDir); }
int32_t tsdbDropRepo(int repoid) {
char tsdbDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
TSDB_REPO_T *tsdbOpenRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbAppH *pAppH) {
STsdbCfg config = {0};
STsdbRepo *pRepo = NULL;
tsdbGetRootDir(repoid, tsdbDir);
return tfsRmdir(tsdbDir);
TSDB_REPO_T *tsdbOpenRepo(STsdbCfg *pCfg, STsdbAppH *pAppH) {
STsdbRepo *pRepo;
STsdbCfg config = *pCfg;
if (tsdbLoadConfig(rootDir, &config) < 0) {
tsdbError("failed to open repo in rootDir %s since %s", rootDir, tstrerror(terrno));
// Check and set default configurations
if (tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(&config) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository since %s", config.tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
return NULL;
pRepo = tsdbNewRepo(rootDir, pAppH, &config);
if (pRepo == NULL) {
tsdbError("failed to open repo in rootDir %s since %s", rootDir, tstrerror(terrno));
// Create new TSDB object
if ((pRepo = tsdbNewRepo(&config, pAppH)) == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository while creating TSDB object since %s", config.tsdbId,
return NULL;
// Open meta
if (tsdbOpenMeta(pRepo) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open meta since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository while opening Meta since %s", config.tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo, false);
return NULL;
if (tsdbOpenBufPool(pRepo) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open buffer pool since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository while opening buffer pool since %s", config.tsdbId,
tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo, false);
return NULL;
if (tsdbOpenFS(pRepo) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open file handle since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository while opening FS since %s", config.tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo, false);
return NULL;
// TODO: Restore information from data
if (tsdbRestoreInfo(pRepo) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to restore info from file since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open TSDB repository while restore info since %s", config.tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo, false);
return NULL;
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d open tsdb repository succeed!", REPO_ID(pRepo));
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d, TSDB repository opened", REPO_ID(pRepo));
return (TSDB_REPO_T *)pRepo;
tsdbCloseRepo(pRepo, false);
return NULL;
// Note: all working thread and query thread must stopped when calling this function
......@@ -135,16 +124,14 @@ int tsdbCloseRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, int toCommit) {
if (toCommit) {
terrno = pRepo->code;
tsdbUnRefMemTable(pRepo, pRepo->mem);
tsdbUnRefMemTable(pRepo, pRepo->imem);
pRepo->mem = NULL;
pRepo->imem = NULL;
tsdbCloseFileH(pRepo, !toCommit);
......@@ -157,7 +144,119 @@ int tsdbCloseRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, int toCommit) {
STsdbCfg *tsdbGetCfg(const TSDB_REPO_T *repo) {
ASSERT(repo != NULL);
return &((STsdbRepo *)repo)->config;
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
int code = pthread_mutex_lock(&pRepo->mutex);
if (code != 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to lock tsdb since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
return -1;
pRepo->repoLocked = true;
return 0;
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
pRepo->repoLocked = false;
int code = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pRepo->mutex);
if (code != 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to unlock tsdb since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
return -1;
return 0;
int tsdbCheckCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
ASSERT(pRepo->mem != NULL);
STsdbCfg *pCfg = &(pRepo->config);
STsdbBufBlock *pBufBlock = tsdbGetCurrBufBlock(pRepo);
ASSERT(pBufBlock != NULL);
if ((pRepo->mem->extraBuffList != NULL) ||
((listNEles(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList) >= pCfg->totalBlocks / 3) && (pBufBlock->remain < TSDB_BUFFER_RESERVE))) {
// trigger commit
if (tsdbAsyncCommit(pRepo) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
STsdbMeta *tsdbGetMeta(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo) { return ((STsdbRepo *)pRepo)->tsdbMeta; }
STsdbRepoInfo *tsdbGetStatus(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo) { return NULL; }
int tsdbGetState(TSDB_REPO_T *repo) { return ((STsdbRepo *)repo)->state; }
void tsdbReportStat(void *repo, int64_t *totalPoints, int64_t *totalStorage, int64_t *compStorage) {
ASSERT(repo != NULL);
STsdbRepo *pRepo = repo;
*totalPoints = pRepo->stat.pointsWritten;
*totalStorage = pRepo->stat.totalStorage;
*compStorage = pRepo->stat.compStorage;
int32_t tsdbConfigRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
// TODO: think about multithread cases
return 0;
#if 0
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)repo;
STsdbCfg config = pRepo->config;
STsdbCfg * pRCfg = &pRepo->config;
if (tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(pCfg) < 0) return -1;
ASSERT(pRCfg->tsdbId == pCfg->tsdbId);
ASSERT(pRCfg->cacheBlockSize == pCfg->cacheBlockSize);
ASSERT(pRCfg->daysPerFile == pCfg->daysPerFile);
ASSERT(pRCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock == pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock);
ASSERT(pRCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock == pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock);
ASSERT(pRCfg->precision == pCfg->precision);
bool configChanged = false;
if (pRCfg->compression != pCfg->compression) {
tsdbAlterCompression(pRepo, pCfg->compression);
config.compression = pCfg->compression;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->keep != pCfg->keep) {
if (tsdbAlterKeep(pRepo, pCfg->keep) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to configure repo when alter keep since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
config.keep = pCfg->keep;
return -1;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->totalBlocks != pCfg->totalBlocks) {
tsdbAlterCacheTotalBlocks(pRepo, pCfg->totalBlocks);
config.totalBlocks = pCfg->totalBlocks;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->cacheLastRow != pCfg->cacheLastRow) {
config.cacheLastRow = pCfg->cacheLastRow;
configChanged = true;
if (configChanged) {
if (tsdbSaveConfig(pRepo->rootDir, &config) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to configure repository while save config since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
return 0;
uint32_t tsdbGetFileInfo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, char *name, uint32_t *index, uint32_t eindex, int64_t *size) {
return 0;
#if 0
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)repo;
// STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
......@@ -233,166 +332,33 @@ uint32_t tsdbGetFileInfo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, char *name, uint32_t *index, uint32_
return magic;
STsdbCfg *tsdbGetCfg(const TSDB_REPO_T *repo) {
ASSERT(repo != NULL);
return &((STsdbRepo *)repo)->config;
int32_t tsdbConfigRepo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
// TODO: think about multithread cases
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)repo;
STsdbCfg config = pRepo->config;
STsdbCfg * pRCfg = &pRepo->config;
if (tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(pCfg) < 0) return -1;
ASSERT(pRCfg->tsdbId == pCfg->tsdbId);
ASSERT(pRCfg->cacheBlockSize == pCfg->cacheBlockSize);
ASSERT(pRCfg->daysPerFile == pCfg->daysPerFile);
ASSERT(pRCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock == pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock);
ASSERT(pRCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock == pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock);
ASSERT(pRCfg->precision == pCfg->precision);
bool configChanged = false;
if (pRCfg->compression != pCfg->compression) {
tsdbAlterCompression(pRepo, pCfg->compression);
config.compression = pCfg->compression;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->keep != pCfg->keep) {
if (tsdbAlterKeep(pRepo, pCfg->keep) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to configure repo when alter keep since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
config.keep = pCfg->keep;
return -1;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->totalBlocks != pCfg->totalBlocks) {
tsdbAlterCacheTotalBlocks(pRepo, pCfg->totalBlocks);
config.totalBlocks = pCfg->totalBlocks;
configChanged = true;
if (pRCfg->cacheLastRow != pCfg->cacheLastRow) {
config.cacheLastRow = pCfg->cacheLastRow;
configChanged = true;
if (configChanged) {
if (tsdbSaveConfig(pRepo->rootDir, &config) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to configure repository while save config since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
return 0;
void tsdbReportStat(void *repo, int64_t *totalPoints, int64_t *totalStorage, int64_t *compStorage) {
ASSERT(repo != NULL);
STsdbRepo *pRepo = repo;
*totalPoints = pRepo->stat.pointsWritten;
*totalStorage = pRepo->stat.totalStorage;
*compStorage = pRepo->stat.compStorage;
int tsdbGetState(TSDB_REPO_T *repo) {
return ((STsdbRepo *)repo)->state;
static void tsdbGetRootDir(int repoid, char dirName[]) {
snprintf(dirName, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb", repoid);
// ----------------- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS -----------------
char *tsdbGetMetaFileName(char *rootDir) {
int tlen = (int)(strlen(TFS_PRIMARY_PATH()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_META_FILE_NAME) + 3);
char *fname = calloc(1, tlen);
if (fname == NULL) {
return NULL;
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir, TSDB_META_FILE_NAME);
return fname;
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char *rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char *fname) {
snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s/v%df%d%s", rootDir, TSDB_DATA_DIR_NAME, vid, fid, tsdbFileSuffix[type]);
static void tsdbGetDataDir(int repoid, char dirName[]) {
snprintf(dirName, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb/data", repoid);
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
int code = pthread_mutex_lock(&pRepo->mutex);
if (code != 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to lock tsdb since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
return -1;
pRepo->repoLocked = true;
return 0;
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
pRepo->repoLocked = false;
int code = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pRepo->mutex);
if (code != 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to unlock tsdb since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
// Check tsdbId
if (pCfg->tsdbId < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d invalid vgroup ID", pCfg->tsdbId);
return -1;
return 0;
char *tsdbGetDataDirName(char *rootDir) {
int tlen = (int)(strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_DATA_DIR_NAME) + 2);
char *fname = calloc(1, tlen);
if (fname == NULL) {
return NULL;
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s", rootDir, TSDB_DATA_DIR_NAME);
return fname;
int tsdbGetNextMaxTables(int tid) {
ASSERT(tid >= 1 && tid <= TSDB_MAX_TABLES);
int maxTables = TSDB_INIT_NTABLES;
while (true) {
maxTables = MIN(maxTables, TSDB_MAX_TABLES);
if (tid <= maxTables) break;
maxTables *= 2;
return maxTables + 1;
int tsdbCheckCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
ASSERT(pRepo->mem != NULL);
STsdbCfg *pCfg = &(pRepo->config);
STsdbBufBlock *pBufBlock = tsdbGetCurrBufBlock(pRepo);
ASSERT(pBufBlock != NULL);
if ((pRepo->mem->extraBuffList != NULL) ||
((listNEles(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList) >= pCfg->totalBlocks / 3) && (pBufBlock->remain < TSDB_BUFFER_RESERVE))) {
// trigger commit
if (tsdbAsyncCommit(pRepo) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
STsdbMeta * tsdbGetMeta(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo) { return ((STsdbRepo *)pRepo)->tsdbMeta; }
// STsdbFileH * tsdbGetFile(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo) { return ((STsdbRepo *)pRepo)->tsdbFileH; }
STsdbRepoInfo *tsdbGetStatus(TSDB_REPO_T *pRepo) { return NULL; }
// ----------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS -----------------
static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
// Check precision
if (pCfg->precision == -1) {
} else {
if (!IS_VALID_PRECISION(pCfg->precision)) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d invalid precision configuration %d", pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->precision);
goto _err;
return -1;
......@@ -402,14 +368,9 @@ static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
} else {
if (!IS_VALID_COMPRESSION(pCfg->compression)) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d invalid compression configuration %d", pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->precision);
goto _err;
return -1;
// Check tsdbId
if (pCfg->tsdbId < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d invalid vgroup ID", pCfg->tsdbId);
goto _err;
// Check daysPerFile
......@@ -421,7 +382,8 @@ static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
"vgId:%d invalid daysPerFile configuration! daysPerFile %d TSDB_MIN_DAYS_PER_FILE %d TSDB_MAX_DAYS_PER_FILE "
goto _err;
return -1;
......@@ -434,7 +396,8 @@ static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
"vgId:%d invalid minRowsPerFileBlock configuration! minRowsPerFileBlock %d TSDB_MIN_MIN_ROW_FBLOCK %d "
pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock, TSDB_MIN_MIN_ROW_FBLOCK, TSDB_MAX_MIN_ROW_FBLOCK);
goto _err;
return -1;
......@@ -446,14 +409,16 @@ static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
"vgId:%d invalid maxRowsPerFileBlock configuration! maxRowsPerFileBlock %d TSDB_MIN_MAX_ROW_FBLOCK %d "
pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock, TSDB_MIN_MIN_ROW_FBLOCK, TSDB_MAX_MIN_ROW_FBLOCK);
goto _err;
return -1;
if (pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock > pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d invalid configuration! minRowsPerFileBlock %d maxRowsPerFileBlock %d", pCfg->tsdbId,
pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock, pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock);
goto _err;
return -1;
// Check keep
......@@ -465,238 +430,119 @@ static int32_t tsdbCheckAndSetDefaultCfg(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
"vgId:%d invalid keep configuration! keep %d TSDB_MIN_KEEP %d "
pCfg->tsdbId, pCfg->keep, TSDB_MIN_KEEP, TSDB_MAX_KEEP);
goto _err;
// update check
if (pCfg->update != 0) pCfg->update = 1;
// update cacheLastRow
if (pCfg->cacheLastRow != 0) pCfg->cacheLastRow = 1;
return 0;
return -1;
static int32_t tsdbSetRepoEnv(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
if (tfsMkdir(rootDir) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create rootDir %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, rootDir, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
if (tsdbSaveConfig(rootDir, pCfg) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to set TSDB environment since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
char *dirName = tsdbGetDataDirName(rootDir);
if (dirName == NULL) return -1;
if (tfsMkdir(dirName) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create directory %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, dirName, strerror(errno));
return -1;
char *fname = tsdbGetMetaFileName(rootDir);
if (fname == NULL) return -1;
if (tdCreateKVStore(fname) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open KV store since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
return 0;
static int32_t tsdbUnsetRepoEnv(char *rootDir) {
tsdbDebug("repository %s is removed", rootDir);
return 0;
static int32_t tsdbSaveConfig(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
int fd = -1;
char *fname = NULL;
char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0";
char *pBuf = buf;
fname = tsdbGetCfgFname(rootDir);
if (fname == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to save configuration since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0755);
if (fd < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to open file %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, fname, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
goto _err;
int tlen = tsdbEncodeCfg((void *)(&pBuf), pCfg);
ASSERT((tlen + sizeof(TSCKSUM) <= TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) && (POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf) == tlen));
taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE);
if (taosWrite(fd, (void *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to write %d bytes to file %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE, fname,
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
goto _err;
if (fsync(fd) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to fsync file %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, fname, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
goto _err;
return 0;
if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
return -1;
static int tsdbLoadConfig(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
char *fname = NULL;
int fd = -1;
char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0";
fname = tsdbGetCfgFname(rootDir);
if (fname == NULL) {
goto _err;
fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
tsdbError("failed to open file %s since %s", fname, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
goto _err;
if (taosRead(fd, (void *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) {
tsdbError("failed to read %d bytes from file %s since %s", TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE, fname, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
goto _err;
if (pCfg->keep1 == 0) {
pCfg->keep1 = pCfg->keep;
if (!taosCheckChecksumWhole((uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE)) {
tsdbError("file %s is corrupted", fname);
goto _err;
if (pCfg->keep2 == 0) {
pCfg->keep2 = pCfg->keep;
tsdbDecodeCfg(buf, pCfg);
// update check
if (pCfg->update != 0) pCfg->update = 1;
// update cacheLastRow
if (pCfg->cacheLastRow != 0) pCfg->cacheLastRow = 1;
return 0;
if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
return -1;
static char *tsdbGetCfgFname(char *rootDir) {
int tlen = (int)(strlen(TFS_PRIMARY_PATH()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME) + 3);
char *fname = calloc(1, tlen);
if (fname == NULL) {
return NULL;
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir, TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME);
return fname;
static STsdbRepo *tsdbNewRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbAppH *pAppH, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)calloc(1, sizeof(STsdbRepo));
static STsdbRepo *tsdbNewRepo(STsdbCfg *pCfg, STsdbAppH *pAppH) {
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)calloc(1, sizeof(*pRepo));
if (pRepo == NULL) {
goto _err;
return NULL;
pRepo->state = TSDB_STATE_OK;
pRepo->code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
pRepo->config = *pCfg;
if (pAppH) {
pRepo->appH = *pAppH;
pRepo->repoLocked = false;
int code = pthread_mutex_init(&pRepo->mutex, NULL);
int code = pthread_mutex_init(&(pRepo->mutex), NULL);
if (code != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
goto _err;
return NULL;
code = sem_init(&(pRepo->readyToCommit), 0, 1);
if (code != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(code);
goto _err;
pRepo->repoLocked = false;
pRepo->rootDir = strdup(rootDir);
if (pRepo->rootDir == NULL) {
goto _err;
return NULL;
pRepo->config = *pCfg;
if (pAppH) pRepo->appH = *pAppH;
pRepo->tsdbMeta = tsdbNewMeta(pCfg);
if (pRepo->tsdbMeta == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create meta since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
return NULL;
pRepo->pPool = tsdbNewBufPool(pCfg);
if (pRepo->pPool == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create buffer pool since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
return NULL;
pRepo->tsdbFileH = tsdbNewFileH(pCfg);
if (pRepo->tsdbFileH == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create file handle since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
pRepo->fs = tsdbNewFS(pCfg);
if (pRepo->fs == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to TSDB file system since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
return NULL;
return pRepo;
return NULL;
static void tsdbFreeRepo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
if (pRepo) {
// tsdbFreeMemTable(pRepo->mem);
// tsdbFreeMemTable(pRepo->imem);
static int tsdbRestoreInfo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) { // TODO
static void tsdbStartStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
for (int i = 0; i < pMeta->maxTables; i++) {
STable *pTable = pMeta->tables[i];
if (pTable && pTable->type == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE) {
pTable->cqhandle = (*pRepo->appH.cqCreateFunc)(pRepo->appH.cqH, TABLE_UID(pTable), TABLE_TID(pTable), TABLE_NAME(pTable)->data, pTable->sql,
tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(pTable, false, false, -1));
static void tsdbStopStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
for (int i = 0; i < pMeta->maxTables; i++) {
STable *pTable = pMeta->tables[i];
if (pTable && pTable->type == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE) {
static int tsdbRestoreInfo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
// TODO: add restore meta
return 0;
#if 0
STsdbMeta * pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
SFileGroup *pFGroup = NULL;
......@@ -754,171 +600,5 @@ static int tsdbRestoreInfo(STsdbRepo *pRepo) { // TODO
return -1;
static void tsdbAlterCompression(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int8_t compression) {
int8_t ocompression = pRepo->config.compression;
pRepo->config.compression = compression;
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d tsdb compression is changed from %d to %d", REPO_ID(pRepo), ocompression, compression);
static int tsdbAlterKeep(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int32_t keep) {
STsdbCfg * pCfg = &pRepo->config;
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
int okeep = pCfg->keep;
SFileGroup *pFGroup = NULL;
ASSERT(pCfg->keep != keep);
int maxFiles = TSDB_MAX_FILE(keep, pCfg->daysPerFile);
if (maxFiles != pFileH->maxFGroups) {
pCfg->keep = keep;
pFGroup = (SFileGroup *)calloc(maxFiles, sizeof(SFileGroup));
if (pFGroup == NULL) {
return -1;
int mfid = (int)(TSDB_KEY_FILEID(taosGetTimestamp(pCfg->precision), pCfg->daysPerFile, pCfg->precision) -
TSDB_MAX_FILE(keep, pCfg->daysPerFile));
int i = 0;
for (; i < pFileH->nFGroups; i++) {
if (pFileH->pFGroup[i].fileId >= mfid) break;
tsdbRemoveFileGroup(pRepo, &(pFileH->pFGroup[i]));
for (int j = 0; i < pFileH->nFGroups; i++, j++) {
pFGroup[j] = pFileH->pFGroup[i];
pFileH->pFGroup = pFGroup;
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d keep is changed from %d to %d", REPO_ID(pRepo), okeep, keep);
return 0;
static int keyFGroupCompFunc(const void *key, const void *fgroup) {
int fid = *(int *)key;
SFileGroup *pFGroup = (SFileGroup *)fgroup;
if (fid == pFGroup->fileId) {
return 0;
} else {
return fid > pFGroup->fileId ? 1 : -1;
static int tsdbEncodeCfg(void **buf, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->tsdbId);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pCfg->cacheBlockSize);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->totalBlocks);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->daysPerFile);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->keep);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->keep1);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->keep2);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock);
tlen += taosEncodeVariantI32(buf, pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pCfg->precision);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pCfg->compression);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pCfg->update);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pCfg->cacheLastRow);
return tlen;
static void *tsdbDecodeCfg(void *buf, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->tsdbId));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &(pCfg->cacheBlockSize));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->totalBlocks));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->daysPerFile));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->keep));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->keep1));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->keep2));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->minRowsPerFileBlock));
buf = taosDecodeVariantI32(buf, &(pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pCfg->precision));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pCfg->compression));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pCfg->update));
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pCfg->cacheLastRow));
return buf;
static int tsdbAlterCacheTotalBlocks(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int totalBlocks) {
// STsdbCache *pCache = pRepo->tsdbCache;
// int oldNumOfBlocks = pCache->totalCacheBlocks;
// tsdbLockRepo((TsdbRepoT *)pRepo);
// ASSERT(pCache->totalCacheBlocks != totalBlocks);
// if (pCache->totalCacheBlocks < totalBlocks) {
// ASSERT(pCache->totalCacheBlocks == pCache->pool.numOfCacheBlocks);
// int blocksToAdd = pCache->totalCacheBlocks - totalBlocks;
// pCache->totalCacheBlocks = totalBlocks;
// for (int i = 0; i < blocksToAdd; i++) {
// if (tsdbAddCacheBlockToPool(pCache) < 0) {
// tsdbUnLockRepo((TsdbRepoT *)pRepo);
// tsdbError("tsdbId:%d, failed to add cache block to cache pool", pRepo->config.tsdbId);
// return -1;
// }
// }
// } else {
// pCache->totalCacheBlocks = totalBlocks;
// tsdbAdjustCacheBlocks(pCache);
// }
// pRepo->config.totalBlocks = totalBlocks;
// tsdbUnLockRepo((TsdbRepoT *)pRepo);
// tsdbDebug("vgId:%d, tsdb total cache blocks changed from %d to %d", pRepo->config.tsdbId, oldNumOfBlocks,
// totalBlocks);
return 0;
#if 0
TSKEY tsdbGetTableLastKey(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, uint64_t uid) {
STsdbRepo *pRepo = (STsdbRepo *)repo;
STable *pTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(pRepo->tsdbMeta, uid);
if (pTable == NULL) return -1;
static void tsdbStartStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
for (int i = 0; i < pMeta->maxTables; i++) {
STable *pTable = pMeta->tables[i];
if (pTable && pTable->type == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE) {
pTable->cqhandle = (*pRepo->appH.cqCreateFunc)(pRepo->appH.cqH, TABLE_UID(pTable), TABLE_TID(pTable), TABLE_NAME(pTable)->data, pTable->sql,
tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(pTable, false, false, -1));
static void tsdbStopStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
for (int i = 0; i < pMeta->maxTables; i++) {
STable *pTable = pMeta->tables[i];
if (pTable && pTable->type == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -463,6 +463,8 @@ void tsdbFreeMeta(STsdbMeta *pMeta) {
int tsdbOpenMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
return 0;
#if 0
char * fname = NULL;
STsdbMeta *pMeta = pRepo->tsdbMeta;
ASSERT(pMeta != NULL);
......@@ -486,6 +488,7 @@ int tsdbOpenMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
return -1;
int tsdbCloseMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
......@@ -62,24 +62,24 @@ int32_t vnodeCreate(SCreateVnodeMsg *pVnodeCfg) {
return code;
STsdbCfg tsdbCfg = {0};
tsdbCfg.tsdbId = pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId;
tsdbCfg.cacheBlockSize = pVnodeCfg->cfg.cacheBlockSize;
tsdbCfg.totalBlocks = pVnodeCfg->cfg.totalBlocks;
tsdbCfg.daysPerFile = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysPerFile;
tsdbCfg.keep = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep;
tsdbCfg.keep1 = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep1;
tsdbCfg.keep2 = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep2;
tsdbCfg.minRowsPerFileBlock = pVnodeCfg->cfg.minRowsPerFileBlock;
tsdbCfg.maxRowsPerFileBlock = pVnodeCfg->cfg.maxRowsPerFileBlock;
tsdbCfg.precision = pVnodeCfg->cfg.precision;
tsdbCfg.compression = pVnodeCfg->cfg.compression;
tsdbCfg.update = pVnodeCfg->cfg.update;
tsdbCfg.cacheLastRow = pVnodeCfg->cfg.cacheLastRow;
char tsdbDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
sprintf(tsdbDir, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId);
if (tsdbCreateRepo(tsdbDir, &tsdbCfg) < 0) {
// STsdbCfg tsdbCfg = {0};
// tsdbCfg.tsdbId = pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId;
// tsdbCfg.cacheBlockSize = pVnodeCfg->cfg.cacheBlockSize;
// tsdbCfg.totalBlocks = pVnodeCfg->cfg.totalBlocks;
// tsdbCfg.daysPerFile = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysPerFile;
// tsdbCfg.keep = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep;
// tsdbCfg.keep1 = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep1;
// tsdbCfg.keep2 = pVnodeCfg->cfg.daysToKeep2;
// tsdbCfg.minRowsPerFileBlock = pVnodeCfg->cfg.minRowsPerFileBlock;
// tsdbCfg.maxRowsPerFileBlock = pVnodeCfg->cfg.maxRowsPerFileBlock;
// tsdbCfg.precision = pVnodeCfg->cfg.precision;
// tsdbCfg.compression = pVnodeCfg->cfg.compression;
// tsdbCfg.update = pVnodeCfg->cfg.update;
// tsdbCfg.cacheLastRow = pVnodeCfg->cfg.cacheLastRow;
// char tsdbDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
// sprintf(tsdbDir, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId);
if (tsdbCreateRepo(pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId) < 0) {
vError("vgId:%d, failed to create tsdb in vnode, reason:%s", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, tstrerror(terrno));
......@@ -234,10 +234,9 @@ int32_t vnodeOpen(int32_t vgId) {
appH.cqH = pVnode->cq;
appH.cqCreateFunc = cqCreate;
appH.cqDropFunc = cqDrop;
sprintf(temp, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb", vgId);
terrno = 0;
pVnode->tsdb = tsdbOpenRepo(temp, &appH);
pVnode->tsdb = tsdbOpenRepo(&(pVnode->tsdbCfg), &appH);
if (pVnode->tsdb == NULL) {
return terrno;
......@@ -456,9 +455,6 @@ static int32_t vnodeProcessTsdbStatus(void *arg, int32_t status, int32_t eno) {
int32_t vnodeReset(SVnodeObj *pVnode) {
char rootDir[128] = "\0";
sprintf(rootDir, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb", pVnode->vgId);
if (!vnodeSetResetStatus(pVnode)) {
return -1;
......@@ -481,7 +477,7 @@ int32_t vnodeReset(SVnodeObj *pVnode) {
appH.cqH = pVnode->cq;
appH.cqCreateFunc = cqCreate;
appH.cqDropFunc = cqDrop;
pVnode->tsdb = tsdbOpenRepo(rootDir, &appH);
pVnode->tsdb = tsdbOpenRepo(&(pVnode->tsdbCfg), &appH);
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