diff --git a/docs/examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/SubscribeDemo.java b/docs/examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/SubscribeDemo.java
index b1e675cdf6aa5f3ffe891467e285467bb72966cf..50e8b357719fc6d1f4707e474afdf58fb4531970 100644
--- a/docs/examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/SubscribeDemo.java
+++ b/docs/examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/SubscribeDemo.java
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ public class SubscribeDemo {
+ consumer.unsubscribe();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) {
diff --git a/docs/examples/node/nativeexample/subscribe_demo.js b/docs/examples/node/nativeexample/subscribe_demo.js
index c4f7e6df84933f8f8541814cabd231fcf5c2db68..5b65e1c90758f208b4fc32359e97f3fd83a3a380 100644
--- a/docs/examples/node/nativeexample/subscribe_demo.js
+++ b/docs/examples/node/nativeexample/subscribe_demo.js
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ function runConsumer() {
- consumer.commit(msg);
+ // fixme(@xiaolei): commented temp, should be fixed.
+ //consumer.commit(msg);
console.log(`=======consumer ${i} done`)
@@ -48,4 +49,4 @@ try {
}, 2000);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/zh/05-get-started/01-docker.md b/docs/zh/05-get-started/01-docker.md
index 814784b649ecbaf32ec93d6b26cb40f2a98e82d8..949d54f77b488b2fd6f5ff873fb932987bc3b5de 100644
--- a/docs/zh/05-get-started/01-docker.md
+++ b/docs/zh/05-get-started/01-docker.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ title: 通过 Docker 快速体验 TDengine
如果已经安装了 docker, 只需执行下面的命令。
-docker run -d -p 6030:6030 -p 6041/6041 -p 6043-6049/6043-6049 -p 6043-6049:6043-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
+docker run -d -p 6030:6030 -p 6041:6041 -p 6043-6049:6043-6049 -p 6043-6049:6043-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
注意:TDengine 3.0 服务端仅使用 6030 TCP 端口。6041 为 taosAdapter 所使用提供 REST 服务端口。6043-6049 为 taosAdapter 提供第三方应用接入所使用端口,可根据需要选择是否打开。
diff --git a/docs/zh/05-get-started/03-package.md b/docs/zh/05-get-started/03-package.md
index 63698aab505a4d8d490f75cfb619ef2e069aaca7..0c178e59620265230685b799efc86afe7e9fe05b 100644
--- a/docs/zh/05-get-started/03-package.md
+++ b/docs/zh/05-get-started/03-package.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-stable stable main" |
如果安装 Beta 版需要安装包仓库
+wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-beta beta main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-beta.list
diff --git a/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.md b/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 25d468cad3658190f6b9409637543061ac22f958..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-sidebar_label: 数据订阅
-description: "数据订阅与推送服务。写入到 TDengine 中的时序数据能够被自动推送到订阅客户端。"
-title: 数据订阅
-import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
-import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
-import Java from "./_sub_java.mdx";
-import Python from "./_sub_python.mdx";
-import Go from "./_sub_go.mdx";
-import Rust from "./_sub_rust.mdx";
-import Node from "./_sub_node.mdx";
-import CSharp from "./_sub_cs.mdx";
-import CDemo from "./_sub_c.mdx";
-为了帮助应用实时获取写入 TDengine 的数据,或者以事件到达顺序处理数据,TDengine提供了类似消息队列产品的数据订阅、消费接口。这样在很多场景下,采用 TDengine 的时序数据处理系统不再需要集成消息队列产品,比如 kafka, 从而简化系统设计的复杂度,降低运营维护成本。
-与 kafka 一样,你需要定义 topic, 但 TDengine 的 topic 是基于一个已经存在的超级表、子表或普通表的查询条件,即一个 SELECT 语句。你可以使用 SQL 对标签、表名、列、表达式等条件进行过滤,以及对数据进行标量函数与 UDF 计算(不包括数据聚合)。与其他消息队列软件相比,这是 TDengine 数据订阅功能的最大的优势,它提供了更大的灵活性,数据的颗粒度可以由应用随时调整,而且数据的过滤与预处理交给 TDengine,而不是应用完成,有效的减少传输的数据量与应用的复杂度。
-消费者订阅 topic 后,可以实时获得最新的数据。多个消费者可以组成一个消费者组 (consumer group), 一个消费者组里的多个消费者共享消费进度,便于多线程、分布式地消费数据,提高消费速度。但不同消费者组中的消费者即使消费同一个topic, 并不共享消费进度。一个消费者可以订阅多个 topic。如果订阅的是超级表,数据可能会分布在多个不同的 vnode 上,也就是多个 shard 上,这样一个消费组里有多个消费者可以提高消费效率。TDengine 的消息队列提供了消息的ACK机制,在宕机、重启等复杂环境下确保 at least once 消费。
-为了实现上述功能,TDengine 会为 WAL (Write-Ahead-Log) 文件自动创建索引以支持快速随机访问,并提供了灵活可配置的文件切换与保留机制:用户可以按需指定 WAL 文件保留的时间以及大小(详见 create database 语句)。通过以上方式将 WAL 改造成了一个保留事件到达顺序的、可持久化的存储引擎(但由于 TSDB 具有远比 WAL 更高的压缩率,我们不推荐保留太长时间,一般来说,不超过几天)。 对于以 topic 形式创建的查询,TDengine 将对接 WAL 而不是 TSDB 作为其存储引擎。在消费时,TDengine 根据当前消费进度从 WAL 直接读取数据,并使用统一的查询引擎实现过滤、变换等操作,将数据推送给消费者。
-## 主要数据结构和API
-TMQ 的 API 中,与订阅相关的主要数据结构和API如下:
-typedef struct tmq_t tmq_t;
-typedef struct tmq_conf_t tmq_conf_t;
-typedef struct tmq_list_t tmq_list_t;
-typedef void(tmq_commit_cb(tmq_t *, int32_t code, void *param));
-DLL_EXPORT tmq_list_t *tmq_list_new();
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_list_append(tmq_list_t *, const char *);
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_list_destroy(tmq_list_t *);
-DLL_EXPORT tmq_t *tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t *conf, char *errstr, int32_t errstrLen);
-DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_err2str(int32_t code);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_subscribe(tmq_t *tmq, const tmq_list_t *topic_list);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_unsubscribe(tmq_t *tmq);
-DLL_EXPORT TAOS_RES *tmq_consumer_poll(tmq_t *tmq, int64_t timeout);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_consumer_close(tmq_t *tmq);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_commit_sync(tmq_t *tmq, const TAOS_RES *msg);
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_commit_async(tmq_t *tmq, const TAOS_RES *msg, tmq_commit_cb *cb, void *param);
-enum tmq_conf_res_t {
- TMQ_CONF_OK = 0,
-typedef enum tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_res_t;
-DLL_EXPORT tmq_conf_t *tmq_conf_new();
-DLL_EXPORT tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_set(tmq_conf_t *conf, const char *key, const char *value);
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_conf_destroy(tmq_conf_t *conf);
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_conf_t *conf, tmq_commit_cb *cb, void *param);
-这些 API 的文档请见 [C/C++ Connector](/reference/connector/cpp),下面介绍一下它们的具体用法(超级表和子表结构请参考“数据建模”一节),完整的示例代码请见下面C语言的示例代码。
-## 写入数据
-drop database if exists tmqdb;
-create database tmqdb;
-create table tmqdb.stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 varchar(16) tags(t1 int, t3 varchar(16));
-create table tmqdb.ctb0 using tmqdb.stb tags(0, "subtable0");
-create table tmqdb.ctb1 using tmqdb.stb tags(1, "subtable1");
-insert into tmqdb.ctb0 values(now, 0, 0, 'a0')(now+1s, 0, 0, 'a00');
-insert into tmqdb.ctb1 values(now, 1, 1, 'a1')(now+1s, 11, 11, 'a11');
-## 创建topic:
-create topic topicName as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from tmqdb.stb where c1 > 1;
-### 列订阅
-语法:CREATE TOPIC topic_name as subquery
-通过select语句订阅(包括select *,或select ts, c1等指定列描述订阅,可以带条件过滤、标量函数计算,但不支持聚合函数、不支持时间窗口聚合)
-- TOPIC一旦创建则schema确定
-- 被订阅或用于计算的column和tag不可被删除、修改
-- 若发生schema变更,新增的column不出现在结果中
-### 超级表订阅
-语法:CREATE TOPIC topic_name AS STABLE stbName
-与select * from stbName订阅的区别是:
-- 不会限制用户的schema变更
-- 返回的是非结构化的数据:返回数据的schema会随之超级表的schema变化而变化
-- 用户对于要处理的每一个数据块都可能有不同的schema,因此,必须重新获取schema
-- 返回数据不带有tag
-## 创建 consumer 以及consumer group
-对于consumer, 目前支持的config包括:
-| 参数名称 | 参数值 | 备注 |
-| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
-| group.id | 最大长度:192 | |
-| enable.auto.commit | 合法值:true, false | |
-| auto.commit.interval.ms | | |
-| auto.offset.reset | 合法值:earliest, latest, none | |
-| td.connect.ip | 用于连接,同taos_connect的参数 | |
-| td.connect.user | 用于连接,同taos_connect的参数 | |
-| td.connect.pass | 用于连接,同taos_connect的参数 | |
-| td.connect.port | 用于连接,同taos_connect的参数 | |
-| enable.heartbeat.background | 合法值:true, false | 开启后台心跳,即consumer不会因为长时间不poll而认为离线 |
-| experimental.snapshot.enable | 合法值:true, false | 从wal开始消费,还是从tsbs开始消费 |
-| msg.with.table.name | 合法值:true, false | 从消息中能否解析表名 |
-/* 根据需要,设置消费组(group.id)、自动提交(enable.auto.commit)、自动提交时间间隔(auto.commit.interval.ms)、用户名(td.connect.user)、密码(td.connect.pass)等参数 */
- tmq_conf_t* conf = tmq_conf_new();
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "enable.auto.commit", "true");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.commit.interval.ms", "1000");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "group.id", "cgrpName");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.user", "root");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.pass", "taosdata");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "experimental.snapshot.enable", "true");
- tmq_conf_set(conf, "msg.with.table.name", "true");
- tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb_print, NULL);
- tmq_t* tmq = tmq_consumer_new(conf, NULL, 0);
- tmq_conf_destroy(conf);
-上述配置中包括consumer group ID,如果多个 consumer 指定的 consumer group ID一样,则自动形成一个consumer group,共享消费进度。
-## 创建 topic 列表
- tmq_list_t* topicList = tmq_list_new();
- tmq_list_append(topicList, "topicName");
-## 启动订阅并开始消费
- /* 启动订阅 */
- tmq_subscribe(tmq, topicList);
- tmq_list_destroy(topicList);
- /* 循环poll消息 */
- while (running) {
- TAOS_RES* tmqmsg = tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, timeOut);
- msg_process(tmqmsg);
- }
-这里是一个 **while** 循环,每调用一次tmq_consumer_poll(),获取一个消息,该消息与普通查询返回的结果集完全相同,可以使用相同的解析API完成消息内容的解析。
-## 结束消费
- /* 取消订阅 */
- tmq_unsubscribe(tmq);
- /* 关闭消费 */
- tmq_consumer_close(tmq);
-## 删除topic
- /* 删除topic */
- drop topic topicName;
-## 状态查看
- show topics;
- show consumers;
- show subscriptions;
-## 示例代码
-{{#include examples/c/tmq.c}}
-{{#include docs/examples/python/tmq_example.py}}
diff --git a/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.mdx b/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f36f76fd8565966dae8e20a31cc2d6903b5d26db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/zh/07-develop/07-tmq.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+sidebar_label: 数据订阅
+description: "数据订阅与推送服务。写入到 TDengine 中的时序数据能够被自动推送到订阅客户端。"
+title: 数据订阅
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import Java from "./_sub_java.mdx";
+import Python from "./_sub_python.mdx";
+import Go from "./_sub_go.mdx";
+import Rust from "./_sub_rust.mdx";
+import Node from "./_sub_node.mdx";
+import CSharp from "./_sub_cs.mdx";
+import CDemo from "./_sub_c.mdx";
+为了帮助应用实时获取写入 TDengine 的数据,或者以事件到达顺序处理数据,TDengine 提供了类似消息队列产品的数据订阅、消费接口。这样在很多场景下,采用 TDengine 的时序数据处理系统不再需要集成消息队列产品,比如 kafka, 从而简化系统设计的复杂度,降低运营维护成本。
+与 kafka 一样,你需要定义 *topic*, 但 TDengine 的 *topic* 是基于一个已经存在的超级表、子表或普通表的查询条件,即一个 `SELECT` 语句。你可以使用 SQL 对标签、表名、列、表达式等条件进行过滤,以及对数据进行标量函数与 UDF 计算(不包括数据聚合)。与其他消息队列软件相比,这是 TDengine 数据订阅功能的最大的优势,它提供了更大的灵活性,数据的颗粒度可以由应用随时调整,而且数据的过滤与预处理交给 TDengine,而不是应用完成,有效的减少传输的数据量与应用的复杂度。
+消费者订阅 *topic* 后,可以实时获得最新的数据。多个消费者可以组成一个消费者组 (consumer group), 一个消费者组里的多个消费者共享消费进度,便于多线程、分布式地消费数据,提高消费速度。但不同消费者组中的消费者即使消费同一个 topic, 并不共享消费进度。一个消费者可以订阅多个 topic。如果订阅的是超级表,数据可能会分布在多个不同的 vnode 上,也就是多个 shard 上,这样一个消费组里有多个消费者可以提高消费效率。TDengine 的消息队列提供了消息的 ACK 机制,在宕机、重启等复杂环境下确保 at least once 消费。
+为了实现上述功能,TDengine 会为 WAL (Write-Ahead-Log) 文件自动创建索引以支持快速随机访问,并提供了灵活可配置的文件切换与保留机制:用户可以按需指定 WAL 文件保留的时间以及大小(详见 create database 语句)。通过以上方式将 WAL 改造成了一个保留事件到达顺序的、可持久化的存储引擎(但由于 TSDB 具有远比 WAL 更高的压缩率,我们不推荐保留太长时间,一般来说,不超过几天)。 对于以 topic 形式创建的查询,TDengine 将对接 WAL 而不是 TSDB 作为其存储引擎。在消费时,TDengine 根据当前消费进度从 WAL 直接读取数据,并使用统一的查询引擎实现过滤、变换等操作,将数据推送给消费者。
+## 主要数据结构和 API
+不同语言下, TMQ 订阅相关的 API 及数据结构如下:
+typedef struct tmq_t tmq_t;
+typedef struct tmq_conf_t tmq_conf_t;
+typedef struct tmq_list_t tmq_list_t;
+typedef void(tmq_commit_cb(tmq_t *, int32_t code, void *param));
+DLL_EXPORT tmq_list_t *tmq_list_new();
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_list_append(tmq_list_t *, const char *);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_list_destroy(tmq_list_t *);
+DLL_EXPORT tmq_t *tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t *conf, char *errstr, int32_t errstrLen);
+DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_err2str(int32_t code);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_subscribe(tmq_t *tmq, const tmq_list_t *topic_list);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_unsubscribe(tmq_t *tmq);
+DLL_EXPORT TAOS_RES *tmq_consumer_poll(tmq_t *tmq, int64_t timeout);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_consumer_close(tmq_t *tmq);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_commit_sync(tmq_t *tmq, const TAOS_RES *msg);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_commit_async(tmq_t *tmq, const TAOS_RES *msg, tmq_commit_cb *cb, void *param);
+enum tmq_conf_res_t {
+ TMQ_CONF_OK = 0,
+typedef enum tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_res_t;
+DLL_EXPORT tmq_conf_t *tmq_conf_new();
+DLL_EXPORT tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_set(tmq_conf_t *conf, const char *key, const char *value);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_conf_destroy(tmq_conf_t *conf);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_conf_t *conf, tmq_commit_cb *cb, void *param);
+这些 API 的文档请见 [C/C++ Connector](/reference/connector/cpp),下面介绍一下它们的具体用法(超级表和子表结构请参考“数据建模”一节),完整的示例代码请见下面 C 语言的示例代码。
+void subscribe(Collection topics) throws SQLException;
+void unsubscribe() throws SQLException;
+Set subscription() throws SQLException;
+ConsumerRecords poll(Duration timeout) throws SQLException;
+void commitAsync();
+void commitAsync(OffsetCommitCallback callback);
+void commitSync() throws SQLException;
+void close() throws SQLException;
+## 写入数据
+CREATE TABLE tmqdb.stb (ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT, c2 FLOAT, c3 VARCHAR(16) TAGS(t1 INT, t3 VARCHAR(16));
+CREATE TABLE tmqdb.ctb0 USING tmqdb.stb TAGS(0, "subtable0");
+CREATE TABLE tmqdb.ctb1 USING tmqdb.stb TAGS(1, "subtable1");
+INSERT INTO tmqdb.ctb0 VALUES(now, 0, 0, 'a0')(now+1s, 0, 0, 'a00');
+INSERT INTO tmqdb.ctb1 VALUES(now, 1, 1, 'a1')(now+1s, 11, 11, 'a11');
+## 创建 *topic*
+TDengine 使用 SQL 创建一个 topic:
+CREATE TOPIC topic_name AS SELECT ts, c1, c2, c3 FROM tmqdb.stb WHERE c1 > 1;
+TMQ 支持多种订阅类型:
+### 列订阅
+CREATE TOPIC topic_name as subquery
+通过 `SELECT` 语句订阅(包括 `SELECT *`,或 `SELECT ts, c1` 等指定列订阅,可以带条件过滤、标量函数计算,但不支持聚合函数、不支持时间窗口聚合)。需要注意的是:
+- 该类型 TOPIC 一旦创建则订阅数据的结构确定。
+- 被订阅或用于计算的列或标签不可被删除(`ALTER table DROP`)、修改(`ALTER table MODIFY`)。
+- 若发生表结构变更,新增的列不出现在结果中,若发生列删除则会报错。
+### 超级表订阅
+CREATE TOPIC topic_name AS STABLE stb_name
+与 `SELECT * from stbName` 订阅的区别是:
+- 不会限制用户的表结构变更。
+- 返回的是非结构化的数据:返回数据的结构会随之超级表的表结构变化而变化。
+- 用户对于要处理的每一个数据块都可能有不同的表结构。
+- 返回数据不包含标签。
+### 数据库订阅
+通过该语句可创建一个包含数据库所有表数据的订阅,`WITH META` 可选择将数据库结构变动信息加入到订阅消息流,TMQ 将消费当前数据库下所有表结构的变动,包括超级表的创建与删除,列添加、删除或修改,子表的创建、删除及 TAG 变动信息等等。消费者可通过 API 来判断具体的消息类型。这一点也是与 Kafka 不同的地方。
+## 创建消费者 *consumer*
+| 参数名称 | 类型 | 参数说明 | 备注 |
+| :----------------------------: | :-----: | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
+| `td.connect.ip` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
+| `td.connect.user` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
+| `td.connect.pass` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` |
+| `td.connect.port` | integer | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` |
+| `group.id` | string | 消费组 ID,同一消费组共享消费进度 | **必填项**。最大长度:192。 |
+| `client.id` | string | 客户端 ID | 最大长度:192。 |
+| `auto.offset.reset` | enum | 消费组订阅的初始位置 | 可选:`earliest`, `latest`, `none`(default) |
+| `enable.auto.commit` | boolean | 启用自动提交 | 合法值:`true`, `false`。 |
+| `auto.commit.interval.ms` | integer | 以毫秒为单位的自动提交时间间隔 |
+| `enable.heartbeat.background` | boolean | 启用后台心跳,启用后即使长时间不 poll 消息也不会造成离线 | |
+| `experimental.snapshot.enable` | boolean | 从 WAL 开始消费,还是从 TSBS 开始消费 | |
+| `msg.with.table.name` | boolean | 是否允许从消息中解析表名 |
+/* 根据需要,设置消费组 (group.id)、自动提交 (enable.auto.commit)、
+ 自动提交时间间隔 (auto.commit.interval.ms)、用户名 (td.connect.user)、密码 (td.connect.pass) 等参数 */
+tmq_conf_t* conf = tmq_conf_new();
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "enable.auto.commit", "true");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.commit.interval.ms", "1000");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "group.id", "cgrpName");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.user", "root");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.pass", "taosdata");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "experimental.snapshot.enable", "true");
+tmq_conf_set(conf, "msg.with.table.name", "true");
+tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb_print, NULL);
+tmq_t* tmq = tmq_consumer_new(conf, NULL, 0);
+对于 Java 程序,使用如下配置项:
+| 参数名称 | 类型 | 参数说明 |
+| ----------------------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `bootstrap.servers` | string | 连接地址,如 `localhost:6030` |
+| `value.deserializer` | string | 值解析方法,使用此方法应实现 `com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.Deserializer` 接口或继承 `com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.ReferenceDeserializer` 类 |
+| `value.deserializer.encoding` | string | 指定字符串解析的字符集 | |
+需要注意:此处使用 `bootstrap.servers` 替代 `td.connect.ip` 和 `td.connect.port`,以提供与 Kafka 一致的接口。
+Properties properties = new Properties();
+properties.setProperty("enable.auto.commit", "true");
+properties.setProperty("auto.commit.interval.ms", "1000");
+properties.setProperty("group.id", "cgrpName");
+properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "");
+properties.setProperty("td.connect.user", "root");
+properties.setProperty("td.connect.pass", "taosdata");
+properties.setProperty("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
+properties.setProperty("msg.with.table.name", "true");
+properties.setProperty("value.deserializer", "com.taos.example.MetersDeserializer");
+TaosConsumer consumer = new TaosConsumer<>(properties);
+/* value deserializer definition. */
+import com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.ReferenceDeserializer;
+public class MetersDeserializer extends ReferenceDeserializer {
+上述配置中包括 consumer group ID,如果多个 consumer 指定的 consumer group ID 一样,则自动形成一个 consumer group,共享消费进度。
+## 订阅 *topics*
+一个 consumer 支持同时订阅多个 topic。
+// 创建订阅 topics 列表
+tmq_list_t* topicList = tmq_list_new();
+tmq_list_append(topicList, "topicName");
+// 启动订阅
+tmq_subscribe(tmq, topicList);
+List topics = new ArrayList<>();
+## 消费
+以下代码展示了不同语言下如何对 TMQ 消息进行消费。
+// 消费数据
+while (running) {
+ TAOS_RES* msg = tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, timeOut);
+ msg_process(msg);
+这里是一个 **while** 循环,每调用一次 tmq_consumer_poll(),获取一个消息,该消息与普通查询返回的结果集完全相同,可以使用相同的解析 API 完成消息内容的解析。
+ ConsumerRecords meters = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
+ for (Meters meter : meters) {
+ processMsg(meter);
+ }
+## 结束消费
+/* 取消订阅 */
+/* 关闭消费者对象 */
+/* 取消订阅 */
+/* 关闭消费 */
+## 删除 *topic*
+如果不再需要订阅数据,可以删除 topic,需要注意:只有当前未在订阅中的 TOPIC 才能被删除。
+/* 删除 topic */
+DROP TOPIC topic_name;
+## 状态查看
+1、*topics*:查询已经创建的 topic
+2、consumers:查询 consumer 的状态及其订阅的 topic
+3、subscriptions:查询 consumer 与 vgroup 之间的分配关系
+## 示例代码
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
+ * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "taos.h"
+static int running = 1;
+static char dbName[64] = "tmqdb";
+static char stbName[64] = "stb";
+static char topicName[64] = "topicname";
+static int32_t msg_process(TAOS_RES* msg) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ int32_t rows = 0;
+ const char* topicName = tmq_get_topic_name(msg);
+ const char* dbName = tmq_get_db_name(msg);
+ int32_t vgroupId = tmq_get_vgroup_id(msg);
+ printf("topic: %s\n", topicName);
+ printf("db: %s\n", dbName);
+ printf("vgroup id: %d\n", vgroupId);
+ while (1) {
+ TAOS_ROW row = taos_fetch_row(msg);
+ if (row == NULL) break;
+ TAOS_FIELD* fields = taos_fetch_fields(msg);
+ int32_t numOfFields = taos_field_count(msg);
+ int32_t* length = taos_fetch_lengths(msg);
+ int32_t precision = taos_result_precision(msg);
+ const char* tbName = tmq_get_table_name(msg);
+ rows++;
+ taos_print_row(buf, row, fields, numOfFields);
+ printf("row content from %s: %s\n", (tbName != NULL ? tbName : "table null"), buf);
+ }
+ return rows;
+static int32_t init_env() {
+ TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
+ if (pConn == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TAOS_RES* pRes;
+ // drop database if exists
+ printf("create database\n");
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database if exists tmqdb");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("error in drop tmqdb, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ // create database
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database tmqdb");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("error in create tmqdb, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ // create super table
+ printf("create super table\n");
+ pRes = taos_query(
+ pConn, "create table tmqdb.stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 varchar(16)) tags(t1 int, t3 varchar(16))");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create super table stb, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ // create sub tables
+ printf("create sub tables\n");
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tmqdb.ctb0 using tmqdb.stb tags(0, 'subtable0')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create super table ctb0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tmqdb.ctb1 using tmqdb.stb tags(1, 'subtable1')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create super table ctb1, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tmqdb.ctb2 using tmqdb.stb tags(2, 'subtable2')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create super table ctb2, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tmqdb.ctb3 using tmqdb.stb tags(3, 'subtable3')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create super table ctb3, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ // insert data
+ printf("insert data into sub tables\n");
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into tmqdb.ctb0 values(now, 0, 0, 'a0')(now+1s, 0, 0, 'a00')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to insert into ctb0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into tmqdb.ctb1 values(now, 1, 1, 'a1')(now+1s, 11, 11, 'a11')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to insert into ctb0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into tmqdb.ctb2 values(now, 2, 2, 'a1')(now+1s, 22, 22, 'a22')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to insert into ctb0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into tmqdb.ctb3 values(now, 3, 3, 'a1')(now+1s, 33, 33, 'a33')");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to insert into ctb0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ taos_close(pConn);
+ return 0;
+int32_t create_topic() {
+ printf("create topic\n");
+ TAOS_RES* pRes;
+ TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
+ if (pConn == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use tmqdb");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("error in use tmqdb, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create topic topicname as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from tmqdb.stb where c1 > 1");
+ if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
+ printf("failed to create topic topicname, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(pRes);
+ taos_close(pConn);
+ return 0;
+void tmq_commit_cb_print(tmq_t* tmq, int32_t code, void* param) {
+ printf("tmq_commit_cb_print() code: %d, tmq: %p, param: %p\n", code, tmq, param);
+tmq_t* build_consumer() {
+ tmq_conf_res_t code;
+ tmq_conf_t* conf = tmq_conf_new();
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "enable.auto.commit", "true");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.commit.interval.ms", "1000");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "group.id", "cgrpName");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "client.id", "user defined name");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.user", "root");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "td.connect.pass", "taosdata");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "experimental.snapshot.enable", "true");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "msg.with.table.name", "true");
+ if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
+ tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb_print, NULL);
+ tmq_t* tmq = tmq_consumer_new(conf, NULL, 0);
+ tmq_conf_destroy(conf);
+ return tmq;
+tmq_list_t* build_topic_list() {
+ tmq_list_t* topicList = tmq_list_new();
+ int32_t code = tmq_list_append(topicList, "topicname");
+ if (code) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return topicList;
+void basic_consume_loop(tmq_t* tmq, tmq_list_t* topicList) {
+ int32_t code;
+ if ((code = tmq_subscribe(tmq, topicList))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to tmq_subscribe(): %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t totalRows = 0;
+ int32_t msgCnt = 0;
+ int32_t timeout = 5000;
+ while (running) {
+ TAOS_RES* tmqmsg = tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, timeout);
+ if (tmqmsg) {
+ msgCnt++;
+ totalRows += msg_process(tmqmsg);
+ taos_free_result(tmqmsg);
+ /*} else {*/
+ /*break;*/
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d msg consumed, include %d rows\n", msgCnt, totalRows);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ int32_t code;
+ if (init_env() < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (create_topic() < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tmq_t* tmq = build_consumer();
+ if (NULL == tmq) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% build_consumer() fail!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tmq_list_t* topic_list = build_topic_list();
+ if (NULL == topic_list) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ basic_consume_loop(tmq, topic_list);
+ code = tmq_unsubscribe(tmq);
+ if (code) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to unsubscribe: %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% unsubscribe\n");
+ }
+ code = tmq_consumer_close(tmq);
+ if (code) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to close consumer: %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% Consumer closed\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+import taos
+from taos.tmq import *
+conn = taos.connect()
+# create database
+conn.execute("drop database if exists py_tmq")
+conn.execute("create database if not exists py_tmq vgroups 2")
+# create table and stables
+conn.execute("create stable if not exists stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags(t1 int)")
+conn.execute("create table if not exists tb1 using stb1 tags(1)")
+conn.execute("create table if not exists tb2 using stb1 tags(2)")
+conn.execute("create table if not exists tb3 using stb1 tags(3)")
+# create topic
+conn.execute("drop topic if exists topic_ctb_column")
+conn.execute("create topic if not exists topic_ctb_column as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb1")
+# set consumer configure options
+conf = TaosTmqConf()
+conf.set("group.id", "tg2")
+conf.set("td.connect.user", "root")
+conf.set("td.connect.pass", "taosdata")
+conf.set("enable.auto.commit", "true")
+conf.set("msg.with.table.name", "true")
+def tmq_commit_cb_print(tmq, resp, offset, param=None):
+ print(f"commit: {resp}, tmq: {tmq}, offset: {offset}, param: {param}")
+conf.set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_commit_cb_print, None)
+# build consumer
+tmq = conf.new_consumer()
+# build topic list
+topic_list = TaosTmqList()
+# subscribe consumer
+# check subscriptions
+sub_list = tmq.subscription()
+print("subscribed topics: ",sub_list)
+# start subscribe
+while 1:
+ res = tmq.poll(1000)
+ if res:
+ topic = res.get_topic_name()
+ vg = res.get_vgroup_id()
+ db = res.get_db_name()
+ print(f"topic: {topic}\nvgroup id: {vg}\ndb: {db}")
+ for row in res:
+ print(row)
+ tb = res.get_table_name()
+ print(f"from table: {tb}")
diff --git a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/06-select.md b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/06-select.md
index 8aa6c43747dffba640ff8715643f70d89d827f41..5312d7d2f3597ca63d9d3c43bc2264ca75877fb7 100644
--- a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/06-select.md
+++ b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/06-select.md
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ SELECT d1001.* FROM d1001,d1003 WHERE d1001.ts = d1003.ts;
在超级表和子表的查询中可以指定 _标签列_,且标签列的值会与普通列的数据一起返回。
-ELECT location, groupid, current FROM d1001 LIMIT 2;
+SELECT location, groupid, current FROM d1001 LIMIT 2;
### 结果去重
diff --git a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/13-tmq.md b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/13-tmq.md
index 4d9c475a3829456916175d8a0518c47d67bc18ee..b05d2bf680e2db5db08b2e86d98e2e3018078ddf 100644
--- a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/13-tmq.md
+++ b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/13-tmq.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-sidebar_label: 消息队列
-title: 消息队列
+sidebar_label: 数据订阅
+title: 数据订阅
TDengine 开始对消息队列做了大幅的优化和增强以简化用户的解决方案。
@@ -8,24 +8,17 @@ TDengine 开始对消息队列做了大幅的优化和增强以简化用
## 创建订阅主题
-CREATE TOPIC [IF NOT EXISTS] topic_name AS {subquery | DATABASE db_name | STABLE stb_name };
+CREATE TOPIC [IF NOT EXISTS] topic_name AS subquery;
-**列订阅是**用 subquery 描述,支持过滤和标量函数和 UDF 标量函数,不支持 JOIN、GROUP BY、窗口切分子句、聚合函数和 UDF 聚合函数。列订阅规则如下:
+TOPIC 支持过滤和标量函数和 UDF 标量函数,不支持 JOIN、GROUP BY、窗口切分子句、聚合函数和 UDF 聚合函数。列订阅规则如下:
1. TOPIC 一旦创建则返回结果的字段确定
2. 被订阅或用于计算的列不可被删除、修改
3. 列可以新增,但新增的列不出现在订阅结果字段中
4. 对于 select \*,则订阅展开为创建时所有的列(子表、普通表为数据列,超级表为数据列加标签列)
-1. 被订阅主体的 schema 变更不受限
-2. 返回消息中 schema 是块级别的,每块的 schema 可能不一样
-3. 列变更后写入的数据若未落盘,将以写入时的 schema 返回
-4. 列变更后写入的数据若未已落盘,将以落盘时的 schema 返回
## 删除订阅主题
diff --git a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/29-changes.md b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/29-changes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68f3b5cc293d1aaf181266e9e20868ff3a3fe5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/29-changes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+sidebar_label: 3.0 版本语法变更
+title: 3.0 版本语法变更
+description: "TDengine 3.0 版本的语法变更说明"
+## SQL 基本元素变更
+| # | **元素** | **差异性** | **说明** |
+| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
+| 1 | VARCHAR |
| BINARY类型的别名。
+| 2 | TIMESTAMP字面量 | 新增 | 新增支持 TIMESTAMP 'timestamp format' 语法。
+| 3 | _ROWTS伪列 | 新增 | 表示时间戳主键。是_C0伪列的别名。
+| 4 | INFORMATION_SCHEMA | 新增 | 包含各种SCHEMA定义的系统数据库。
+| 5 | PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | 新增 | 包含运行信息的系统数据库。
+| 6 | 连续查询 | 废除 | 不再支持连续查询。相关的各种语法和接口废除。
+| 7 | 混合运算 | 增强 | 查询中的混合运算(标量运算和矢量运算混合)全面增强,SELECT的各个子句均全面支持符合语法语义的混合运算。
+| 8 | 标签运算 | 新增 |在查询中,标签列可以像普通列一样参与各种运算,用于各种子句。
+| 9 | 时间线子句和时间函数用于超级表查询 | 增强 |没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+## SQL 语句变更
+在 TDengine 中,普通表的数据模型中可使用以下数据类型。
+| # | **语句** | **差异性** | **说明** |
+| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
+| 1 | ALTER ACCOUNT | 废除
| 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
+| 2 | ALTER ALL DNODES | 新增 | 修改所有DNODE的参数。
+| 3 | ALTER DATABASE | 调整 | 废除- QUORUM:写入需要的副本确认数。3.0版本使用STRICT来指定强一致还是弱一致。3.0.0版本STRICT暂不支持修改。
- BLOCKS:VNODE使用的内存块数。3.0版本使用BUFFER来表示VNODE写入内存池的大小。
- UPDATE:更新操作的支持模式。3.0版本所有数据库都支持部分列更新。
- CACHELAST:缓存最新一行数据的模式。3.0版本用CACHEMODEL代替。
- COMP:3.0版本暂不支持修改。
新增 - CACHEMODEL:表示是否在内存中缓存子表的最近数据。
- CACHESIZE:表示缓存子表最近数据的内存大小。
调整 - REPLICA:3.0.0版本暂不支持修改。
- KEEP:3.0版本新增支持带单位的设置方式。
+| 4 | ALTER STABLE | 调整 | 废除- CHANGE TAG:修改标签列的名称。3.0版本使用RENAME TAG代替。
- COMMENT:修改超级表的注释。
+| 5 | ALTER TABLE | 调整 | 废除- CHANGE TAG:修改标签列的名称。3.0版本使用RENAME TAG代替。
- COMMENT:修改表的注释。
- TTL:修改表的生命周期。
+| 6 | ALTER USER | 调整 | 废除- PRIVILEGE:修改用户权限。3.0版本使用GRANT和REVOKE来授予和回收权限。
新增 - ENABLE:启用或停用此用户。
- SYSINFO:修改用户是否可查看系统信息。
+| 7 | COMPACT VNODES | 暂不支持 | 整理指定VNODE的数据。3.0.0版本暂不支持。
+| 8 | CREATE ACCOUNT | 废除 | 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
+| 9 | CREATE DATABASE | 调整 | 废除- BLOCKS:VNODE使用的内存块数。3.0版本使用BUFFER来表示VNODE写入内存池的大小。
- CACHE:VNODE使用的内存块的大小。3.0版本使用BUFFER来表示VNODE写入内存池的大小。
- CACHELAST:缓存最新一行数据的模式。3.0版本用CACHEMODEL代替。
- DAYS:数据文件存储数据的时间跨度。3.0版本使用DURATION代替。
- FSYNC:当 WAL 设置为 2 时,执行 fsync 的周期。3.0版本使用WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD代替。
- QUORUM:写入需要的副本确认数。3.0版本使用STRICT来指定强一致还是弱一致。
- UPDATE:更新操作的支持模式。3.0版本所有数据库都支持部分列更新。
- WAL:WAL 级别。3.0版本使用WAL_LEVEL代替。
新增 - BUFFER:一个 VNODE 写入内存池大小。
- CACHEMODEL:表示是否在内存中缓存子表的最近数据。
- CACHESIZE:表示缓存子表最近数据的内存大小。
- DURATION:代替原DAYS参数。新增支持带单位的设置方式。
- PAGES:一个 VNODE 中元数据存储引擎的缓存页个数。
- PAGESIZE:一个 VNODE 中元数据存储引擎的页大小。
- RETENTIONS:表示数据的聚合周期和保存时长。
- STRICT:表示数据同步的一致性要求。
- SINGLE_STABLE:表示此数据库中是否只可以创建一个超级表。
- VGROUPS:数据库中初始VGROUP的数目。
- WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD:wal文件的额外保留策略,用于数据订阅。
- WAL_RETENTION_SIZE:wal文件的额外保留策略,用于数据订阅。
- WAL_ROLL_PERIOD:wal文件切换时长。
- WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE:wal单个文件大小。
调整 - KEEP:3.0版本新增支持带单位的设置方式。
+| 10 | CREATE DNODE | 调整 | 新增主机名和端口号分开指定语法- CREATE DNODE dnode_host_name PORT port_val
+| 11 | CREATE INDEX | 新增 | 创建SMA索引。
+| 12 | CREATE MNODE | 新增 | 创建管理节点。
+| 13 | CREATE QNODE | 新增 | 创建查询节点。
+| 14 | CREATE STABLE | 调整 | 新增表参数语法COMMENT:表注释。
+| 15 | CREATE STREAM | 新增 | 创建流。
+| 16 | CREATE TABLE | 调整 | 新增表参数语法- COMMENT:表注释。
- WATERMARK:指定窗口的关闭时间。
- MAX_DELAY:用于控制推送计算结果的最大延迟。
- ROLLUP:指定的聚合函数,提供基于多层级的降采样聚合结果。
- SMA:提供基于数据块的自定义预计算功能。
- TTL:用来指定表的生命周期的参数。
+| 17 | CREATE TOPIC | 新增 | 创建订阅主题。
+| 18 | DROP ACCOUNT | 废除 | 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
+| 19 | DROP CONSUMER GROUP | 新增 | 删除消费组。
+| 20 | DROP INDEX | 新增 | 删除索引。
+| 21 | DROP MNODE | 新增 | 创建管理节点。
+| 22 | DROP QNODE | 新增 | 创建查询节点。
+| 23 | DROP STREAM | 新增 | 删除流。
+| 24 | DROP TABLE | 调整 | 新增批量删除语法
+| 25 | DROP TOPIC | 新增 | 删除订阅主题。
+| 26 | EXPLAIN | 新增 | 查看查询语句的执行计划。
+| 27 | GRANT | 新增 | 授予用户权限。
+| 28 | KILL TRANSACTION | 新增 | 终止管理节点的事务。
+| 29 | KILL STREAM | 废除 | 终止连续查询。3.0版本不再支持连续查询,而是用更通用的流计算来代替。
+| 30 | MERGE VGROUP | 新增 | 合并VGROUP。
+| 31 | REVOKE | 新增 | 回收用户权限。
+| 32 | SELECT | 调整 | - SELECT关闭隐式结果列,输出列均需要由SELECT子句来指定。
- DISTINCT功能全面支持。2.x版本只支持对标签列去重,并且不可以和JOIN、GROUP BY等子句混用。
- JOIN功能增强。增加支持:JOIN后WHERE条件中有OR条件;JOIN后的多表运算;JOIN后的多表GROUP BY。
- FROM后子查询功能大幅增强。不限制子查询嵌套层数;支持子查询和UNION ALL混合使用;移除其他一些之前版本的语法限制。
- WHERE后可以使用任意的标量表达式。
- GROUP BY功能增强。支持任意标量表达式及其组合的分组。
- SESSION可以用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
- STATE_WINDOW可以用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
- ORDER BY功能大幅增强。不再必须和GROUP BY子句一起使用;不再有排序表达式个数的限制;增加支持NULLS FIRST/LAST语法功能;支持符合语法语义的任意表达式。
- 新增PARTITION BY语法。替代原来的GROUP BY tags。
+| 33 | SHOW ACCOUNTS | 废除 | 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
+| 34 | SHOW APPS |新增 | 显示接入集群的应用(客户端)信息。
+| 35 | SHOW CONSUMERS | 新增 | 显示当前数据库下所有活跃的消费者的信息。
+| 36 | SHOW DATABASES | 调整 | 3.0版本只显示数据库名。
+| 37 | SHOW FUNCTIONS | 调整 | 3.0版本只显示自定义函数名。
+| 38 | SHOW LICENCE | 新增 | 和SHOW GRANTS 命令等效。
+| 39 | SHOW INDEXES | 新增 | 显示已创建的索引。
+| 40 | SHOW LOCAL VARIABLES | 新增 | 显示当前客户端配置参数的运行值。
+| 41 | SHOW MODULES | 废除 | 显示当前系统中所安装的组件的信息。
+| 42 | SHOW QNODES | 新增 | 显示当前系统中QNODE的信息。
+| 43 | SHOW STABLES | 调整 | 3.0版本只显示超级表名。
+| 44 | SHOW STREAMS | 调整 | 2.x版本此命令显示系统中已创建的连续查询的信息。3.0版本废除了连续查询,用流代替。此命令显示已创建的流。
+| 45 | SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS | 新增 | 显示当前数据库下的所有的订阅关系
+| 46 | SHOW TABLES | 调整 | 3.0版本只显示表名。
+| 47 | SHOW TABLE DISTRIBUTED | 新增 | 显示表的数据分布信息。代替2.x版本中的SELECT _block_dist() FROM { tb_name | stb_name }方式。
+| 48 | SHOW TOPICS | 新增 | 显示当前数据库下的所有订阅主题。
+| 49 | SHOW TRANSACTIONS | 新增 | 显示当前系统中正在执行的事务的信息。
+| 50 | SHOW DNODE VARIABLES | 新增 |显示指定DNODE的配置参数。
+| 51 | SHOW VNODES | 暂不支持 | 显示当前系统中VNODE的信息。3.0.0版本暂不支持。
+| 52 | SPLIT VGROUP | 新增 | 拆分VGROUP。
+| 53 | TRIM DATABASE | 新增 | 删除过期数据,并根据多级存储的配置归整数据。
+## SQL 函数变更
+| # | **函数** | **差异性** | **说明** |
+| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
+| 1 | TWA | 增强
| 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 2 | IRATE | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 3 | LEASTSQUARES | 增强 | 可以用于超级表了。
+| 4 | ELAPSED | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 5 | DIFF | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 6 | DERIVATIVE | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 7 | CSUM | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 8 | MAVG | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 9 | SAMPLE | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 10 | STATECOUNT | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
+| 11 | STATEDURATION | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
diff --git a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/index.md b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/index.md
index 900fff1ba250198d03ff1d8f37261c36f7efa150..821679551c453b1a3f2937ac5d2409dd733cd593 100644
--- a/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/index.md
+++ b/docs/zh/12-taos-sql/index.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: TAOS SQL
description: "TAOS SQL 支持的语法规则、主要查询功能、支持的 SQL 查询函数,以及常用技巧等内容"
-本文档说明 TAOS SQL 支持的语法规则、主要查询功能、支持的 SQL 查询函数,以及常用技巧等内容。阅读本文档需要读者具有基本的 SQL 语言的基础。
+本文档说明 TAOS SQL 支持的语法规则、主要查询功能、支持的 SQL 查询函数,以及常用技巧等内容。阅读本文档需要读者具有基本的 SQL 语言的基础。TDengine 3.0 版本相比 2.x 版本做了大量改进和优化,特别是查询引擎进行了彻底的重构,因此 SQL 语法相比 2.x 版本有很多变更。详细的变更内容请见 [3.0 版本语法变更](/taos-sql/changes) 章节
TAOS SQL 是用户对 TDengine 进行数据写入和查询的主要工具。TAOS SQL 提供标准的 SQL 语法,并针对时序数据和业务的特点优化和新增了许多语法和功能。TAOS SQL 语句的最大长度为 1M。TAOS SQL 不支持关键字的缩写,例如 DELETE 不能缩写为 DEL。
diff --git a/docs/zh/14-reference/02-rest-api/02-rest-api.mdx b/docs/zh/14-reference/02-rest-api/02-rest-api.mdx
index ba43aa30fd3593b9bab4a1f76de1913087e419fc..4b9171c07d165bfa10aea14871da2697cae4b54d 100644
--- a/docs/zh/14-reference/02-rest-api/02-rest-api.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/14-reference/02-rest-api/02-rest-api.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: REST API
-为支持各种不同类型平台的开发,TDengine 提供符合 REST 设计标准的 API,即 REST API。为最大程度降低学习成本,不同于其他数据库 REST API 的设计方法,TDengine 直接通过 HTTP POST 请求 BODY 中包含的 SQL 语句来操作数据库,仅需要一个 URL。REST 连接器的使用参见[视频教程](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html)。
+为支持各种不同类型平台的开发,TDengine 提供符合 REST 设计标准的 API,即 REST API。为最大程度降低学习成本,不同于其他数据库 REST API 的设计方法,TDengine 直接通过 HTTP POST 请求 BODY 中包含的 SQL 语句来操作数据库,仅需要一个 URL。REST 连接器的使用参见 [视频教程](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html)。
与原生连接器的一个区别是,RESTful 接口是无状态的,因此 `USE db_name` 指令没有效果,所有对表名、超级表名的引用都需要指定数据库名前缀。支持在 RESTful URL 中指定 db_name,这时如果 SQL 语句中没有指定数据库名前缀的话,会使用 URL 中指定的这个 db_name。
@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ RESTful 接口不依赖于任何 TDengine 的库,因此客户端不需要安
下面示例是列出所有的数据库,请把 h1.taosdata.com 和 6041(缺省值)替换为实际运行的 TDengine 服务 FQDN 和端口号:
-curl -L -H "Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==" -d "show databases;" h1.taosdata.com:6041/rest/sql
+curl -L -H "Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==" \
+ -d "select name, ntables, status from information_schema.ins_databases;" \
+ h1.taosdata.com:6041/rest/sql
@@ -35,188 +37,27 @@ curl -L -H "Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==" -d "show databases;" h1.t
- [
- "create_time",
- 8
- ],
- [
- "vgroups",
- 2
- ],
- [
- "replica",
- 1
- ],
- [
- "strict",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "duration",
- 10
- ],
- [
- "keep",
- 32
- ],
- [
- "buffer",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "pagesize",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "pages",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "minrows",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "maxrows",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "comp",
- 1
- ],
- [
- "precision",
- 2
- ],
- ],
- [
- "retention",
- 60
- ],
- [
- "single_stable",
- "BOOL",
- 1
- ],
- [
- "cachemodel",
- 11
- ],
- [
- "cachesize",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "wal_level",
- 1
- ],
- [
- "wal_fsync_period",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "wal_retention_period",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "wal_retention_size",
- 8
- ],
- [
- "wal_roll_period",
- "INT",
- 4
- ],
- [
- "wal_seg_size",
- 8
"data": [
- null,
- null,
- 14,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- "ready",
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
+ 16,
+ "ready"
- null,
- null,
- 3,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- "ready",
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
+ 9,
+ "ready"
"rows": 2
@@ -231,21 +72,21 @@ http://:/rest/sql/[db_name]
-- fqnd: 集群中的任一台主机 FQDN 或 IP 地址
-- port: 配置文件中 httpPort 配置项,缺省为 6041
+- fqnd: 集群中的任一台主机 FQDN 或 IP 地址。
+- port: 配置文件中 httpPort 配置项,缺省为 6041。
- db_name: 可选参数,指定本次所执行的 SQL 语句的默认数据库库名。
例如:`http://h1.taos.com:6041/rest/sql/test` 是指向地址为 `h1.taos.com:6041` 的 URL,并将默认使用的数据库库名设置为 `test`。
HTTP 请求的 Header 里需带有身份认证信息,TDengine 支持 Basic 认证与自定义认证两种机制,后续版本将提供标准安全的数字签名机制来做身份验证。
-- [自定义身份认证信息](#自定义授权码)如下所示
+- [自定义身份认证信息](#自定义授权码)如下所示:
Authorization: Taosd
-- Basic 身份认证信息如下所示
+- Basic 身份认证信息如下所示:
Authorization: Basic
@@ -259,13 +100,13 @@ HTTP 请求的 BODY 里就是一个完整的 SQL 语句,SQL 语句中的数据
curl -L -H "Authorization: Basic " -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
curl -L -u username:password -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
-其中,`TOKEN` 为 `{username}:{password}` 经过 Base64 编码之后的字符串,例如 `root:taosdata` 编码后为 `cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==`
+其中,`TOKEN` 为 `{username}:{password}` 经过 Base64 编码之后的字符串,例如 `root:taosdata` 编码后为 `cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==`。
## HTTP 返回格式
@@ -282,27 +123,9 @@ curl -L -u username:password -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
### HTTP body 结构
- 执行结果 |
- 说明 |
- 样例 |
- 正确执行 |
- code:(int)0 代表成功
- column_meta:([][3]any)列信息,每个列会用三个值来说明,分别为:列名(string)、列类型(string)、类型长度(int)
- rows:(int)数据返回行数
- data:([][]any)具体数据内容
- |
+#### 正确执行
@@ -313,23 +136,16 @@ curl -L -u username:password -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
- |
- 正确查询 |
- code:(int)0 代表成功
- column_meta:([][3]any) 列信息,每个列会用三个值来说明,分别为:列名(string)、列类型(string)、类型长度(int)
- rows:(int)数据返回行数
- data:([][]any)具体数据内容
- |
+- code:(`int`)0 代表成功。
+- column_meta:(`[1][3]any`)只返回 `[["affected_rows", "INT", 4]]`。
+- rows:(`int`)只返回 `1`。
+- data:(`[][]any`)返回受影响行数。
+#### 正确查询
@@ -385,17 +201,35 @@ curl -L -u username:password -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
- |
- 错误 |
- code:(int)错误码
- desc:(string)错误描述
- |
+- code:(`int`)0 代表成功。
+- column_meta:(`[][3]any`) 列信息,每个列会用三个值来说明,分别为:列名(string)、列类型(string)、类型长度(int)。
+- rows:(`int`)数据返回行数。
+- data:(`[][]any`)具体数据内容(时间格式仅支持 RFC3339,结果集为 0 时区)。
+- "NULL"
+- "BOOL"
+- "INT"
+- "FLOAT"
+- "NCHAR"
+- "JSON"
+#### 错误
@@ -404,30 +238,10 @@ curl -L -u username:password -d "" :/rest/sql/[db_name]
- |
-### 说明
-- 时间格式仅支持 RFC3339,结果集为 0 时区
-- 列类型使用如下字符串:
- > "NULL"
- > "BOOL"
- > "INT"
- > "BIGINT"
- > "FLOAT"
- > "DOUBLE"
- > "NCHAR"
- > "JSON"
+- code:(`int`)错误码。
+- desc:(`string`)错误描述。
## 自定义授权码
@@ -439,11 +253,9 @@ curl http://:/rest/login//
其中,`fqdn` 是 TDengine 数据库的 FQDN 或 IP 地址,`port` 是 TDengine 服务的端口号,`username` 为数据库用户名,`password` 为数据库密码,返回值为 JSON 格式,各字段含义如下:
-- status:请求结果的标志位
-- code:返回值代码
-- desc:授权码
+- status:请求结果的标志位。
+- code:返回值代码。
+- desc:授权码。
diff --git a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/cpp.mdx b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/cpp.mdx
index 3a8367ef3351fd049e10cea706beb2e07cc4aece..bd5776d035b0228637f7ed2255c502ed73d6a654 100644
--- a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/cpp.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/cpp.mdx
@@ -404,47 +404,3 @@ TDengine 的异步 API 均采用非阻塞调用模式。应用程序可以用多
该功能接口从 版本开始支持。
-### 订阅和消费 API
-订阅 API 目前支持订阅一张或多张表,并通过定期轮询的方式不断获取写入表中的最新数据。
-- `TAOS_SUB *taos_subscribe(TAOS* taos, int restart, const char* topic, const char *sql, TAOS_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK fp, void *param, int interval)`
- 该函数负责启动订阅服务,成功时返回订阅对象,失败时返回 `NULL`,其参数为:
- - taos:已经建立好的数据库连接
- - restart:如果订阅已经存在,是重新开始,还是继续之前的订阅
- - topic:订阅的主题(即名称),此参数是订阅的唯一标识
- - sql:订阅的查询语句,此语句只能是 `select` 语句,只应查询原始数据,只能按时间正序查询数据
- - fp:收到查询结果时的回调函数(稍后介绍函数原型),只在异步调用时使用,同步调用时此参数应该传 `NULL`
- - param:调用回调函数时的附加参数,系统 API 将其原样传递到回调函数,不进行任何处理
- - interval:轮询周期,单位为毫秒。异步调用时,将根据此参数周期性的调用回调函数,为避免对系统性能造成影响,不建议将此参数设置的过小;同步调用时,如两次调用 `taos_consume()` 的间隔小于此周期,API 将会阻塞,直到时间间隔超过此周期。
-- `typedef void (*TAOS_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK)(TAOS_SUB* tsub, TAOS_RES *res, void* param, int code)`
- 异步模式下,回调函数的原型,其参数为:
- - tsub:订阅对象
- - res:查询结果集,注意结果集中可能没有记录
- - param:调用 `taos_subscribe()` 时客户程序提供的附加参数
- - code:错误码
- :::note
- 在这个回调函数里不可以做耗时过长的处理,尤其是对于返回的结果集中数据较多的情况,否则有可能导致客户端阻塞等异常状态。如果必须进行复杂计算,则建议在另外的线程中进行处理。
- :::
-- `TAOS_RES *taos_consume(TAOS_SUB *tsub)`
- 同步模式下,该函数用来获取订阅的结果。 用户应用程序将其置于一个循环之中。 如两次调用 `taos_consume()` 的间隔小于订阅的轮询周期,API 将会阻塞,直到时间间隔超过此周期。如果数据库有新记录到达,该 API 将返回该最新的记录,否则返回一个没有记录的空结果集。 如果返回值为 `NULL`,说明系统出错。 异步模式下,用户程序不应调用此 API。
- :::note
- 在调用 `taos_consume()` 之后,用户应用应确保尽快调用 `taos_fetch_row()` 或 `taos_fetch_block()` 来处理订阅结果,否则服务端会持续缓存查询结果数据等待客户端读取,极端情况下会导致服务端内存消耗殆尽,影响服务稳定性。
- :::
-- `void taos_unsubscribe(TAOS_SUB *tsub, int keepProgress)`
- 取消订阅。 如参数 `keepProgress` 不为 0,API 会保留订阅的进度信息,后续调用 `taos_subscribe()` 时可以基于此进度继续;否则将删除进度信息,后续只能重新开始读取数据。
diff --git a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx
index c9d74dcaebcc0f6e548f33f7bd57e00bf54b282f..c0b83e7d4a96a82f4e741b7fa7918c5bc5f618c9 100644
--- a/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/14-reference/03-connector/java.mdx
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ while(true) {
-`poll` 每次调用获取一个消息。请按需选择合理的调用 `poll` 的频率(如例子中的 `Duration.ofMillis(100)`),否则会给服务端造成不必要的压力。
+`poll` 每次调用获取一个消息。
#### 关闭订阅
@@ -765,11 +765,11 @@ public abstract class ConsumerLoop {
- static class ResultDeserializer extends ReferenceDeserializer {
+ public static class ResultDeserializer extends ReferenceDeserializer {
- static class ResultBean {
+ public static class ResultBean {
private Timestamp ts;
private int speed;
diff --git a/docs/zh/14-reference/12-config/index.md b/docs/zh/14-reference/12-config/index.md
index 845693a98e00b2342c3fd749b935b7a36f9c3fbf..d2efc5baf381d7631533f9b80fa2994dc16a221e 100644
--- a/docs/zh/14-reference/12-config/index.md
+++ b/docs/zh/14-reference/12-config/index.md
@@ -647,3 +647,173 @@ charset 的有效值是 UTF-8。
| 含义 | 是否启动 udf 服务 |
| 取值范围 | 0: 不启动;1:启动 |
| 缺省值 | 1 |
+## 2.X 与 3.0 配置参数对比
+| # | **参数** | **适用于 2.X 版本** | **适用于 3.0 版本** |
+| --- | :-----------------: | --------------- | --------------- |
+| 1 | firstEp | 是 | 是 |
+| 2 | secondEp | 是 | 是 |
+| 3 | fqdn | 是 | 是 |
+| 4 | serverPort | 是 | 是 |
+| 5 | maxShellConns | 是 | 是 |
+| 6 | monitor | 是 | 是 |
+| 7 | monitorFqdn | 否 | 是 |
+| 8 | monitorPort | 否 | 是 |
+| 9 | monitorInterval | 是 | 是 |
+| 10 | monitorMaxLogs | 否 | 是 |
+| 11 | monitorComp | 否 | 是 |
+| 12 | telemetryReporting | 是 | 是 |
+| 13 | telemetryInterval | 否 | 是 |
+| 14 | telemetryServer | 否 | 是 |
+| 15 | telemetryPort | 否 | 是 |
+| 16 | queryPolicy | 否 | 是 |
+| 17 | querySmaOptimize | 否 | 是 |
+| 18 | queryBufferSize | 是 | 是 |
+| 19 | maxNumOfDistinctRes | 是 | 是 |
+| 20 | minSlidingTime | 是 | 是 |
+| 21 | minIntervalTime | 是 | 是 |
+| 22 | countAlwaysReturnValue | 是 | 是 |
+| 23 | dataDir | 是 | 是 |
+| 24 | minimalDataDirGB | 是 | 是 |
+| 25 | supportVnodes | 否 | 是 |
+| 26 | tempDir | 是 | 是 |
+| 27 | minimalTmpDirGB | 是 | 是 |
+| 28 | compressMsgSize | 是 | 是 |
+| 29 | compressColData | 是 | 是 |
+| 30 | smlChildTableName | 是 | 是 |
+| 31 | smlTagName | 是 | 是 |
+| 32 | smlDataFormat | 否 | 是 |
+| 33 | statusInterval | 是 | 是 |
+| 34 | shellActivityTimer | 是 | 是 |
+| 35 | transPullupInterval | 否 | 是 |
+| 36 | mqRebalanceInterval | 否 | 是 |
+| 37 | ttlUnit | 否 | 是 |
+| 38 | ttlPushInterval | 否 | 是 |
+| 39 | numOfTaskQueueThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 40 | numOfRpcThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 41 | numOfCommitThreads | 是 | 是 |
+| 42 | numOfMnodeReadThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 43 | numOfVnodeQueryThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 44 | numOfVnodeStreamThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 45 | numOfVnodeFetchThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 46 | numOfVnodeWriteThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 47 | numOfVnodeSyncThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 48 | numOfQnodeQueryThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 49 | numOfQnodeFetchThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 50 | numOfSnodeSharedThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 51 | numOfSnodeUniqueThreads | 否 | 是 |
+| 52 | rpcQueueMemoryAllowed | 否 | 是 |
+| 53 | logDir | 是 | 是 |
+| 54 | minimalLogDirGB | 是 | 是 |
+| 55 | numOfLogLines | 是 | 是 |
+| 56 | asyncLog | 是 | 是 |
+| 57 | logKeepDays | 是 | 是 |
+| 58 | debugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 59 | tmrDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 60 | uDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 61 | rpcDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 62 | jniDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 63 | qDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 64 | cDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 65 | dDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 66 | vDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 67 | mDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 68 | wDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 69 | sDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 70 | tsdbDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 71 | tqDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 72 | fsDebugFlag | 是 | 是 |
+| 73 | udfDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 74 | smaDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 75 | idxDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 76 | tdbDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 77 | metaDebugFlag | 否 | 是 |
+| 78 | timezone | 是 | 是 |
+| 79 | locale | 是 | 是 |
+| 80 | charset | 是 | 是 |
+| 81 | udf | 是 | 是 |
+| 82 | enableCoreFile | 是 | 是 |
+| 83 | arbitrator | 是 | 否 |
+| 84 | numOfThreadsPerCore | 是 | 否 |
+| 85 | numOfMnodes | 是 | 否 |
+| 86 | vnodeBak | 是 | 否 |
+| 87 | balance | 是 | 否 |
+| 88 | balanceInterval | 是 | 否 |
+| 89 | offlineThreshold | 是 | 否 |
+| 90 | role | 是 | 否 |
+| 91 | dnodeNopLoop | 是 | 否 |
+| 92 | keepTimeOffset | 是 | 否 |
+| 93 | rpcTimer | 是 | 否 |
+| 94 | rpcMaxTime | 是 | 否 |
+| 95 | rpcForceTcp | 是 | 否 |
+| 96 | tcpConnTimeout | 是 | 否 |
+| 97 | syncCheckInterval | 是 | 否 |
+| 98 | maxTmrCtrl | 是 | 否 |
+| 99 | monitorReplica | 是 | 否 |
+| 100 | smlTagNullName | 是 | 否 |
+| 101 | keepColumnName | 是 | 否 |
+| 102 | ratioOfQueryCores | 是 | 否 |
+| 103 | maxStreamCompDelay | 是 | 否 |
+| 104 | maxFirstStreamCompDelay | 是 | 否 |
+| 105 | retryStreamCompDelay | 是 | 否 |
+| 106 | streamCompDelayRatio | 是 | 否 |
+| 107 | maxVgroupsPerDb | 是 | 否 |
+| 108 | maxTablesPerVnode | 是 | 否 |
+| 109 | minTablesPerVnode | 是 | 否 |
+| 110 | tableIncStepPerVnode | 是 | 否 |
+| 111 | cache | 是 | 否 |
+| 112 | blocks | 是 | 否 |
+| 113 | days | 是 | 否 |
+| 114 | keep | 是 | 否 |
+| 115 | minRows | 是 | 否 |
+| 116 | maxRows | 是 | 否 |
+| 117 | quorum | 是 | 否 |
+| 118 | comp | 是 | 否 |
+| 119 | walLevel | 是 | 否 |
+| 120 | fsync | 是 | 否 |
+| 121 | replica | 是 | 否 |
+| 122 | partitions | 是 | 否 |
+| 123 | quorum | 是 | 否 |
+| 124 | update | 是 | 否 |
+| 125 | cachelast | 是 | 否 |
+| 126 | maxSQLLength | 是 | 否 |
+| 127 | maxWildCardsLength | 是 | 否 |
+| 128 | maxRegexStringLen | 是 | 否 |
+| 129 | maxNumOfOrderedRes | 是 | 否 |
+| 130 | maxConnections | 是 | 否 |
+| 131 | mnodeEqualVnodeNum | 是 | 否 |
+| 132 | http | 是 | 否 |
+| 133 | httpEnableRecordSql | 是 | 否 |
+| 134 | httpMaxThreads | 是 | 否 |
+| 135 | restfulRowLimit | 是 | 否 |
+| 136 | httpDbNameMandatory | 是 | 否 |
+| 137 | httpKeepAlive | 是 | 否 |
+| 138 | enableRecordSql | 是 | 否 |
+| 139 | maxBinaryDisplayWidth | 是 | 否 |
+| 140 | stream | 是 | 否 |
+| 141 | retrieveBlockingModel | 是 | 否 |
+| 142 | tsdbMetaCompactRatio | 是 | 否 |
+| 143 | defaultJSONStrType | 是 | 否 |
+| 144 | walFlushSize | 是 | 否 |
+| 145 | keepTimeOffset | 是 | 否 |
+| 146 | flowctrl | 是 | 否 |
+| 147 | slaveQuery | 是 | 否 |
+| 148 | adjustMaster | 是 | 否 |
+| 149 | topicBinaryLen | 是 | 否 |
+| 150 | telegrafUseFieldNum | 是 | 否 |
+| 151 | deadLockKillQuery | 是 | 否 |
+| 152 | clientMerge | 是 | 否 |
+| 153 | sdbDebugFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 154 | odbcDebugFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 155 | httpDebugFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 156 | monDebugFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 157 | cqDebugFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 158 | shortcutFlag | 是 | 否 |
+| 159 | probeSeconds | 是 | 否 |
+| 160 | probeKillSeconds | 是 | 否 |
+| 161 | probeInterval | 是 | 否 |
+| 162 | lossyColumns | 是 | 否 |
+| 163 | fPrecision | 是 | 否 |
+| 164 | dPrecision | 是 | 否 |
+| 165 | maxRange | 是 | 否 |
+| 166 | range | 是 | 否 |
diff --git a/docs/zh/28-releases.md b/docs/zh/28-releases.md
index 5f30325829bda75d466118f69f8516908c4c99ab..311d69ac1bbbe7adb1da78c1dde74fcd748c9f62 100644
--- a/docs/zh/28-releases.md
+++ b/docs/zh/28-releases.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ sidebar_label: 发布历史
title: 发布历史
-import Release from "/components/Release";
+import Release from "/components/ReleaseV3";
diff --git a/examples/c/tmq.c b/examples/c/tmq.c
index fc34915fe75498d907381a22461f7dae6536b8a4..19adaad116ef65673f5541b5216ce12d2d9151c7 100644
--- a/examples/c/tmq.c
+++ b/examples/c/tmq.c
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ static int32_t msg_process(TAOS_RES* msg) {
int32_t numOfFields = taos_field_count(msg);
int32_t* length = taos_fetch_lengths(msg);
int32_t precision = taos_result_precision(msg);
- const char* tbName = tmq_get_table_name(msg);
taos_print_row(buf, row, fields, numOfFields);
- printf("row content from %s: %s\n", (tbName != NULL ? tbName : "table null"), buf);
+ printf("row content: %s\n", buf);
return rows;
@@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ int32_t create_topic() {
- pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create topic topicname as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from tmqdb.stb where c1 > 1");
+ pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create topic topicname as select ts, c1, c2, c3, tbname from tmqdb.stb where c1 > 1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create topic topicname, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
return -1;
@@ -199,9 +198,7 @@ tmq_t* build_consumer() {
if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
- code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "experimental.snapshot.enable", "true");
- if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
- code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "msg.with.table.name", "true");
+ code = tmq_conf_set(conf, "experimental.snapshot.enable", "false");
if (TMQ_CONF_OK != code) return NULL;
tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb_print, NULL);
@@ -220,14 +217,7 @@ tmq_list_t* build_topic_list() {
return topicList;
-void basic_consume_loop(tmq_t* tmq, tmq_list_t* topicList) {
- int32_t code;
- if ((code = tmq_subscribe(tmq, topicList))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to tmq_subscribe(): %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
- return;
- }
+void basic_consume_loop(tmq_t* tmq) {
int32_t totalRows = 0;
int32_t msgCnt = 0;
int32_t timeout = 5000;
@@ -237,8 +227,8 @@ void basic_consume_loop(tmq_t* tmq, tmq_list_t* topicList) {
totalRows += msg_process(tmqmsg);
- /*} else {*/
- /*break;*/
+ } else {
+ break;
@@ -267,14 +257,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return -1;
- basic_consume_loop(tmq, topic_list);
- code = tmq_unsubscribe(tmq);
- if (code) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to unsubscribe: %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%% unsubscribe\n");
+ if ((code = tmq_subscribe(tmq, topic_list))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to tmq_subscribe(): %s\n", tmq_err2str(code));
+ tmq_list_destroy(topic_list);
+ basic_consume_loop(tmq);
code = tmq_consumer_close(tmq);
if (code) {
diff --git a/include/client/taos.h b/include/client/taos.h
index dd7266bd96dcb74bb19837ab470a744925db4e64..f260b84f4aaf238badb1de3a6446b639b5681fa9 100644
--- a/include/client/taos.h
+++ b/include/client/taos.h
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ DLL_EXPORT int taos_options(TSDB_OPTION option, const void *arg, ...);
DLL_EXPORT setConfRet taos_set_config(const char *config);
DLL_EXPORT int taos_init(void);
DLL_EXPORT TAOS *taos_connect(const char *ip, const char *user, const char *pass, const char *db, uint16_t port);
-DLL_EXPORT TAOS *taos_connect_auth(const char *ip, const char *user, const char *auth, const char *db, uint16_t port);
-DLL_EXPORT void taos_close(TAOS *taos);
+DLL_EXPORT TAOS *taos_connect_auth(const char *ip, const char *user, const char *auth, const char *db, uint16_t port);
+DLL_EXPORT void taos_close(TAOS *taos);
-const char *taos_data_type(int type);
+const char *taos_data_type(int type);
DLL_EXPORT TAOS_STMT *taos_stmt_init(TAOS *taos);
DLL_EXPORT int taos_stmt_prepare(TAOS_STMT *stmt, const char *sql, unsigned long length);
@@ -244,33 +244,37 @@ DLL_EXPORT void tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_conf_t *conf, tmq_comm
/* -------------------------TMQ MSG HANDLE INTERFACE---------------------- */
+DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_topic_name(TAOS_RES *res);
+DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_db_name(TAOS_RES *res);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_get_vgroup_id(TAOS_RES *res);
+/* ------------------------------ TAOSX -----------------------------------*/
+// note: following apis are unstable
enum tmq_res_t {
-typedef struct tmq_raw_data{
- void* raw;
+typedef struct tmq_raw_data {
+ void *raw;
uint32_t raw_len;
uint16_t raw_type;
} tmq_raw_data;
typedef enum tmq_res_t tmq_res_t;
-DLL_EXPORT tmq_res_t tmq_get_res_type(TAOS_RES *res);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_get_raw(TAOS_RES *res, tmq_raw_data *raw);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_write_raw(TAOS *taos, tmq_raw_data raw);
-DLL_EXPORT int taos_write_raw_block(TAOS *taos, int numOfRows, char *pData, const char* tbname);
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_free_raw(tmq_raw_data raw);
-DLL_EXPORT char *tmq_get_json_meta(TAOS_RES *res); // Returning null means error. Returned result need to be freed by tmq_free_json_meta
-DLL_EXPORT void tmq_free_json_meta(char* jsonMeta);
-DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_topic_name(TAOS_RES *res);
-DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_db_name(TAOS_RES *res);
-DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_get_vgroup_id(TAOS_RES *res);
-DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_table_name(TAOS_RES *res);
-/* ------------------------------ TMQ END -------------------------------- */
+DLL_EXPORT const char *tmq_get_table_name(TAOS_RES *res);
+DLL_EXPORT tmq_res_t tmq_get_res_type(TAOS_RES *res);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_get_raw(TAOS_RES *res, tmq_raw_data *raw);
+DLL_EXPORT int32_t tmq_write_raw(TAOS *taos, tmq_raw_data raw);
+DLL_EXPORT int taos_write_raw_block(TAOS *taos, int numOfRows, char *pData, const char *tbname);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_free_raw(tmq_raw_data raw);
+// Returning null means error. Returned result need to be freed by tmq_free_json_meta
+DLL_EXPORT char *tmq_get_json_meta(TAOS_RES *res);
+DLL_EXPORT void tmq_free_json_meta(char *jsonMeta);
+/* ---------------------------- TAOSX END -------------------------------- */
typedef enum {
diff --git a/include/libs/parser/parser.h b/include/libs/parser/parser.h
index a3de9164a2d4418dd1edc8493d46c20f2fafdcac..717278d51d1b252dc3f2bada18a61bbb65739b6e 100644
--- a/include/libs/parser/parser.h
+++ b/include/libs/parser/parser.h
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ typedef struct SParseContext {
int8_t schemalessType;
const char* svrVer;
bool nodeOffline;
+ SArray* pTableMetaPos; // sql table pos => catalog data pos
+ SArray* pTableVgroupPos; // sql table pos => catalog data pos
} SParseContext;
int32_t qParseSql(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery);
@@ -84,8 +86,8 @@ int32_t qBindStmtSingleColValue(void* pBlock, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind, char* msgBu
int32_t rowNum);
int32_t qBuildStmtColFields(void* pDataBlock, int32_t* fieldNum, TAOS_FIELD_E** fields);
int32_t qBuildStmtTagFields(void* pBlock, void* boundTags, int32_t* fieldNum, TAOS_FIELD_E** fields);
-int32_t qBindStmtTagsValue(void* pBlock, void* boundTags, int64_t suid, const char* sTableName, char* tName, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind,
- char* msgBuf, int32_t msgBufLen);
+int32_t qBindStmtTagsValue(void* pBlock, void* boundTags, int64_t suid, const char* sTableName, char* tName,
+ TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind, char* msgBuf, int32_t msgBufLen);
void destroyBoundColumnInfo(void* pBoundInfo);
int32_t qCreateSName(SName* pName, const char* pTableName, int32_t acctId, char* dbName, char* msgBuf,
int32_t msgBufLen);
diff --git a/include/libs/stream/tstream.h b/include/libs/stream/tstream.h
index f51c37ed47505710043d4590c744fd8dff783916..eac92d76babdedc17ce69339e3bf769b24ed9c83 100644
--- a/include/libs/stream/tstream.h
+++ b/include/libs/stream/tstream.h
@@ -275,12 +275,8 @@ typedef struct SStreamTask {
int32_t nodeId;
SEpSet epSet;
- // used for task source and sink,
- // while task agg should have processedVer for each child
int64_t recoverSnapVer;
int64_t startVer;
- int64_t checkpointVer;
- int64_t processedVer;
// children info
SArray* childEpInfo; // SArray
diff --git a/include/util/taoserror.h b/include/util/taoserror.h
index 3ca6978156bb99d40245bd89c09981786c3b8d46..d7ec3697afe6500b38eb102339d4f3a7ea77d550 100644
--- a/include/util/taoserror.h
+++ b/include/util/taoserror.h
@@ -622,6 +622,7 @@ int32_t* taosGetErrno();
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/include/util/tref.h b/include/util/tref.h
index 7e08bb045b08f56afe59436d07576b6e7604c12c..c2cc54cb07ac3167941061b475f8811e460a3b91 100644
--- a/include/util/tref.h
+++ b/include/util/tref.h
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ int32_t taosOpenRef(int32_t max, void (*fp)(void *));
// close the reference set, refId is the return value by taosOpenRef
// return 0 if success. On error, -1 is returned, and terrno is set appropriately
-int32_t taosCloseRef(int32_t refId);
+int32_t taosCloseRef(int32_t rsetId);
// add ref, p is the pointer to resource or pointer ID
// return Reference ID(rid) allocated. On error, -1 is returned, and terrno is set appropriately
-int64_t taosAddRef(int32_t refId, void *p);
+int64_t taosAddRef(int32_t rsetId, void *p);
// remove ref, rid is the reference ID returned by taosAddRef
// return 0 if success. On error, -1 is returned, and terrno is set appropriately
diff --git a/source/client/src/clientImpl.c b/source/client/src/clientImpl.c
index acdb3b68b0a88477d1ff5f7856e533e33b49e5a7..9c086fc83e155b40505c42c8096e57b7e03a9bca 100644
--- a/source/client/src/clientImpl.c
+++ b/source/client/src/clientImpl.c
@@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ int32_t scheduleQuery(SRequestObj* pRequest, SQueryPlan* pDag, SArray* pNodeList
TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE == pRequest->type) {
pRequest->body.resInfo.numOfRows = res.numOfRows;
if (TDMT_VND_SUBMIT == pRequest->type) {
- STscObj *pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SAppClusterSummary *pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pActivity->numOfInsertRows, res.numOfRows);
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SAppClusterSummary* pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pActivity->numOfInsertRows, res.numOfRows);
schedulerFreeJob(&pRequest->body.queryJob, 0);
@@ -800,8 +800,8 @@ int32_t handleQueryExecRsp(SRequestObj* pRequest) {
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pAppInfo->summary.insertBytes, pRes->numOfBytes);
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pAppInfo->summary.insertBytes, pRes->numOfBytes);
code = handleSubmitExecRes(pRequest, pRes->res, pCatalog, &epset);
@@ -832,9 +832,9 @@ void schedulerExecCb(SExecResult* pResult, void* param, int32_t code) {
if (pResult) {
pRequest->body.resInfo.numOfRows = pResult->numOfRows;
if (TDMT_VND_SUBMIT == pRequest->type) {
- STscObj *pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SAppClusterSummary *pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pActivity->numOfInsertRows, pResult->numOfRows);
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SAppClusterSummary* pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pActivity->numOfInsertRows, pResult->numOfRows);
@@ -877,14 +877,14 @@ SRequestObj* launchQueryImpl(SRequestObj* pRequest, SQuery* pQuery, bool keepQue
if (pQuery->pRoot) {
pRequest->stmtType = pQuery->pRoot->type;
if (pQuery->pRoot && !pRequest->inRetry) {
- STscObj *pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SAppClusterSummary *pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SAppClusterSummary* pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
if (QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT == pQuery->pRoot->type) {
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pActivity->numOfInsertsReq, 1);
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pActivity->numOfInsertsReq, 1);
} else if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == pQuery->pRoot->type) {
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pActivity->numOfQueryReq, 1);
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pActivity->numOfQueryReq, 1);
@@ -1467,9 +1467,9 @@ void* doFetchRows(SRequestObj* pRequest, bool setupOneRowPtr, bool convertUcs4)
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " fetch results, numOfRows:%d total Rows:%" PRId64 ", complete:%d, reqId:0x%" PRIx64,
pRequest->self, pResInfo->numOfRows, pResInfo->totalRows, pResInfo->completed, pRequest->requestId);
- STscObj *pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SAppClusterSummary *pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
- atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t *)&pActivity->fetchBytes, pRequest->body.resInfo.payloadLen);
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SAppClusterSummary* pActivity = &pTscObj->pAppInfo->summary;
+ atomic_add_fetch_64((int64_t*)&pActivity->fetchBytes, pRequest->body.resInfo.payloadLen);
if (pResultInfo->numOfRows == 0) {
return NULL;
@@ -2006,7 +2006,7 @@ int32_t transferTableNameList(const char* tbList, int32_t acctId, char* dbName,
bool inEscape = false;
int32_t code = 0;
- void *pIter = NULL;
+ void* pIter = NULL;
int32_t vIdx = 0;
int32_t vPos[2];
diff --git a/source/client/src/clientMain.c b/source/client/src/clientMain.c
index 0ec724c6d0a388724dbabfd6e4e3e55559c32f14..0e95cd4d999f30343a66996d07409b01bdde097a 100644
--- a/source/client/src/clientMain.c
+++ b/source/client/src/clientMain.c
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ void taos_free_result(TAOS_RES *res) {
if (pRsp->rsp.withSchema) taosArrayDestroyP(pRsp->rsp.blockSchema, (FDelete)tDeleteSSchemaWrapper);
pRsp->resInfo.pRspMsg = NULL;
+ taosMemoryFree(pRsp);
} else if (TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) {
SMqMetaRspObj *pRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj *)res;
diff --git a/source/client/src/taosx.c b/source/client/src/taosx.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..677567e38ffcecefaa72373ac02a976cb2078676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/client/src/taosx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1628 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
+ * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "cJSON.h"
+#include "clientInt.h"
+#include "clientLog.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "tdatablock.h"
+#include "tdef.h"
+#include "tglobal.h"
+#include "tmsgtype.h"
+#include "tqueue.h"
+#include "tref.h"
+#include "ttimer.h"
+static char* buildCreateTableJson(SSchemaWrapper* schemaRow, SSchemaWrapper* schemaTag, char* name, int64_t id,
+ int8_t t) {
+ char* string = NULL;
+ cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ // char uid[32] = {0};
+ // sprintf(uid, "%"PRIi64, id);
+ // cJSON* id_ = cJSON_CreateString(uid);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", id_);
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
+ cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(t == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE ? "normal" : "super");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version);
+ cJSON* columns = cJSON_CreateArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < schemaRow->nCols; i++) {
+ cJSON* column = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ SSchema* s = schemaRow->pSchema + i;
+ cJSON* cname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "name", cname);
+ cJSON* ctype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "type", ctype);
+ if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes);
+ } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToArray(columns, column);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "columns", columns);
+ cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray();
+ for (int i = 0; schemaTag && i < schemaTag->nCols; i++) {
+ cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ SSchema* s = schemaTag->pSchema + i;
+ cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
+ cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
+ if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes);
+ } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags);
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ cJSON_Delete(json);
+ return string;
+static char* buildAlterSTableJson(void* alterData, int32_t alterDataLen) {
+ SMAlterStbReq req = {0};
+ cJSON* json = NULL;
+ char* string = NULL;
+ if (tDeserializeSMAlterStbReq(alterData, alterDataLen, &req) != 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
+ SName name = {0};
+ tNameFromString(&name, req.name, T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB | T_NAME_TABLE);
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name.tname);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
+ cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(req.alterType);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType);
+ switch (req.alterType) {
+ TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
+ if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ break;
+ }
+ TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
+ if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ TAOS_FIELD* oldField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
+ TAOS_FIELD* newField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 1);
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(oldField->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(newField->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ cJSON_Delete(json);
+ tFreeSMAltertbReq(&req);
+ return string;
+static char* processCreateStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder;
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto _err;
+ }
+ string = buildCreateTableJson(&req.schemaRow, &req.schemaTag, req.name, req.suid, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return string;
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return string;
+static char* processAlterStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder;
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto _err;
+ }
+ string = buildAlterSTableJson(req.alterOriData, req.alterOriDataLen);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return string;
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return string;
+static char* buildCreateCTableJson(STag* pTag, char* sname, char* name, SArray* tagName, int64_t id, uint8_t tagNum) {
+ char* string = NULL;
+ SArray* pTagVals = NULL;
+ cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ // char cid[32] = {0};
+ // sprintf(cid, "%"PRIi64, id);
+ // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString(cid);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", cid_);
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
+ cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("child");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ cJSON* using = cJSON_CreateString(sname);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "using", using);
+ cJSON* tagNumJson = cJSON_CreateNumber(tagNum);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tagNum", tagNumJson);
+ // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version);
+ cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray();
+ int32_t code = tTagToValArray(pTag, &pTagVals);
+ if (code) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (tTagIsJson(pTag)) {
+ STag* p = (STag*)pTag;
+ if (p->nTag == 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ char* pJson = parseTagDatatoJson(pTag);
+ cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ STagVal* pTagVal = taosArrayGet(pTagVals, 0);
+ char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, 0);
+ cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
+ // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString("");
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid_);
+ cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
+ cJSON* tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(pJson);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue);
+ cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
+ taosMemoryFree(pJson);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pTagVals); i++) {
+ STagVal* pTagVal = (STagVal*)taosArrayGet(pTagVals, i);
+ cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, i);
+ cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
+ // cJSON* cid = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->cid);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid);
+ cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
+ cJSON* tvalue = NULL;
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTagVal->type)) {
+ char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(pTagVal->nData + 3, 1);
+ if (!buf) goto end;
+ dataConverToStr(buf, pTagVal->type, pTagVal->pData, pTagVal->nData, NULL);
+ tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(buf);
+ taosMemoryFree(buf);
+ } else {
+ double val = 0;
+ GET_TYPED_DATA(val, double, pTagVal->type, &pTagVal->i64);
+ tvalue = cJSON_CreateNumber(val);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue);
+ cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags);
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ cJSON_Delete(json);
+ taosArrayDestroy(pTagVals);
+ return string;
+static char* processCreateTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SDecoder decoder = {0};
+ SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0};
+ SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq;
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ // loop to create table
+ for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
+ pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
+ if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
+ string = buildCreateCTableJson((STag*)pCreateReq->ctb.pTag, pCreateReq->ctb.name, pCreateReq->name,
+ pCreateReq->ctb.tagName, pCreateReq->uid, pCreateReq->ctb.tagNum);
+ } else if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
+ string =
+ buildCreateTableJson(&pCreateReq->ntb.schemaRow, NULL, pCreateReq->name, pCreateReq->uid, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE);
+ }
+ }
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ return string;
+static char* processAlterTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SDecoder decoder = {0};
+ SVAlterTbReq vAlterTbReq = {0};
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&decoder, &vAlterTbReq) < 0) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tbName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
+ cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_VAL ? "child" : "normal");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.action);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType);
+ switch (vAlterTbReq.action) {
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.type);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
+ if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ } else if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ break;
+ }
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.colModType);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
+ if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
+ int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ } else if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
+ int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
+ cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
+ cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colNewName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName);
+ break;
+ }
+ cJSON* tagName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tagName);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", tagName);
+ bool isNull = vAlterTbReq.isNull;
+ if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
+ STag* jsonTag = (STag*)vAlterTbReq.pTagVal;
+ if (jsonTag->nTag == 0) isNull = true;
+ }
+ if (!isNull) {
+ char* buf = NULL;
+ if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
+ ASSERT(tTagIsJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal) == true);
+ buf = parseTagDatatoJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal);
+ } else {
+ buf = taosMemoryCalloc(vAlterTbReq.nTagVal + 1, 1);
+ dataConverToStr(buf, vAlterTbReq.tagType, vAlterTbReq.pTagVal, vAlterTbReq.nTagVal, NULL);
+ }
+ cJSON* colValue = cJSON_CreateString(buf);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValue", colValue);
+ taosMemoryFree(buf);
+ }
+ cJSON* isNullCJson = cJSON_CreateBool(isNull);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValueNull", isNullCJson);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ return string;
+static char* processDropSTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SDecoder decoder = {0};
+ SVDropStbReq req = {0};
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(req.name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
+ cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ return string;
+static char* processDropTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
+ SDecoder decoder = {0};
+ SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0};
+ char* string = NULL;
+ // decode
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ if (json == NULL) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop");
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
+ // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
+ // cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("normal");
+ // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
+ cJSON* tableNameList = cJSON_CreateArray();
+ for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
+ SVDropTbReq* pDropTbReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
+ cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(pDropTbReq->name);
+ cJSON_AddItemToArray(tableNameList, tableName);
+ }
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableNameList", tableNameList);
+ string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ return string;
+static int32_t taosCreateStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder;
+ SMCreateStbReq pReq = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
+ code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // build create stable
+ pReq.pColumns = taosArrayInit(req.schemaRow.nCols, sizeof(SField));
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaRow.nCols; i++) {
+ SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaRow.pSchema + i;
+ SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes};
+ strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq.pColumns, &field);
+ }
+ pReq.pTags = taosArrayInit(req.schemaTag.nCols, sizeof(SField));
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaTag.nCols; i++) {
+ SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaTag.pSchema + i;
+ SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes};
+ strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq.pTags, &field);
+ }
+ pReq.colVer = req.schemaRow.version;
+ pReq.tagVer = req.schemaTag.version;
+ pReq.numOfColumns = req.schemaRow.nCols;
+ pReq.numOfTags = req.schemaTag.nCols;
+ pReq.commentLen = -1;
+ pReq.suid = req.suid;
+ pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX;
+ pReq.igExists = true;
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SName tableName;
+ tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name);
+ SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0};
+ pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
+ pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB;
+ pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq);
+ pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen);
+ if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq);
+ SQuery pQuery = {0};
+ pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC;
+ pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg;
+ pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType;
+ pQuery.stableQuery = true;
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL);
+ if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName);
+ }
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ tFreeSMCreateStbReq(&pReq);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return code;
+static int32_t taosDropStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SVDropStbReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder;
+ SMDropStbReq pReq = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
+ code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // build drop stable
+ pReq.igNotExists = true;
+ pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX;
+ pReq.suid = req.suid;
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SName tableName = {0};
+ tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name);
+ SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0};
+ pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
+ pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_DROP_STB;
+ pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMDropStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq);
+ pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen);
+ if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ tSerializeSMDropStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq);
+ SQuery pQuery = {0};
+ pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC;
+ pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg;
+ pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType;
+ pQuery.stableQuery = true;
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL);
+ if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName);
+ }
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return code;
+typedef struct SVgroupCreateTableBatch {
+ SVCreateTbBatchReq req;
+ SVgroupInfo info;
+ char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
+} SVgroupCreateTableBatch;
+static void destroyCreateTbReqBatch(void* data) {
+ SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupCreateTableBatch*)data;
+ taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray);
+static int32_t taosCreateTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
+ SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
+ SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL;
+ code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq = NULL;
+ SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
+ if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyCreateTbReqBatch);
+ SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
+ .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
+ .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
+ .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
+ pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName));
+ // loop to create table
+ for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
+ pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
+ SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
+ SName pName = {0};
+ toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pCreateReq->name, &pName);
+ code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName);
+ SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId));
+ if (pTableBatch == NULL) {
+ SVgroupCreateTableBatch tBatch = {0};
+ tBatch.info = pInfo;
+ strcpy(tBatch.dbName, pRequest->pDb);
+ tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(struct SVCreateTbReq));
+ taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pCreateReq);
+ taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch));
+ } else { // add to the correct vgroup
+ taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pCreateReq);
+ }
+ }
+ SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsCreateTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap);
+ if (NULL == pBufArray) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
+ pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
+ pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE;
+ pQuery->stableQuery = false;
+ pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TABLE_STMT);
+ code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
+ if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList);
+ }
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
+ return code;
+typedef struct SVgroupDropTableBatch {
+ SVDropTbBatchReq req;
+ SVgroupInfo info;
+ char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
+} SVgroupDropTableBatch;
+static void destroyDropTbReqBatch(void* data) {
+ SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupDropTableBatch*)data;
+ taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray);
+static int32_t taosDropTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
+ SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
+ SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL;
+ code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SVDropTbReq* pDropReq = NULL;
+ SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
+ if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyDropTbReqBatch);
+ SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
+ .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
+ .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
+ .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
+ pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName));
+ // loop to create table
+ for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
+ pDropReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
+ pDropReq->igNotExists = true;
+ SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
+ SName pName = {0};
+ toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pDropReq->name, &pName);
+ code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName);
+ SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId));
+ if (pTableBatch == NULL) {
+ SVgroupDropTableBatch tBatch = {0};
+ tBatch.info = pInfo;
+ tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SVDropTbReq));
+ taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pDropReq);
+ taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch));
+ } else { // add to the correct vgroup
+ taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pDropReq);
+ }
+ }
+ SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsDropTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap);
+ if (NULL == pBufArray) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
+ pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
+ pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE;
+ pQuery->stableQuery = false;
+ pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_DROP_TABLE_STMT);
+ code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
+ if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList);
+ }
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
+ return code;
+// delete from db.tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where ..
+// delete from db .tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where ..
+// static void getTbName(char *sql){
+// char *ch = sql;
+// bool inBackQuote = false;
+// int8_t dotIndex = 0;
+// while(*ch != '\0'){
+// if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){
+// inBackQuote = true;
+// ch++;
+// continue;
+// }
+// if(inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){
+// inBackQuote = false;
+// ch++;
+// continue;
+// }
+// if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '.'){
+// dotIndex ++;
+// if(dotIndex == 2){
+// memmove(sql, ch + 1, strlen(ch + 1) + 1);
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// ch++;
+// }
+static int32_t taosDeleteData(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SDeleteRes req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeDeleteRes(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // getTbName(req.tableFName);
+ char sql[256] = {0};
+ sprintf(sql, "delete from `%s` where `%s` >= %" PRId64 " and `%s` <= %" PRId64, req.tableFName, req.tsColName,
+ req.skey, req.tsColName, req.ekey);
+ printf("delete sql:%s\n", sql);
+ TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(taos, sql);
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)res;
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ }
+ taos_free_result(res);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ return code;
+static int32_t taosAlterTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
+ SVAlterTbReq req = {0};
+ SDecoder coder = {0};
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
+ SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
+ SArray* pArray = NULL;
+ SVgDataBlocks* pVgData = NULL;
+ code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // decode and process req
+ void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
+ int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
+ tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
+ if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (req.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
+ SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
+ .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
+ .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
+ .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
+ SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
+ SName pName = {0};
+ toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.tbName, &pName);
+ code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pArray = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(void*));
+ if (NULL == pArray) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pVgData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
+ if (NULL == pVgData) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pVgData->vg = pInfo;
+ pVgData->pData = taosMemoryMalloc(metaLen);
+ if (NULL == pVgData->pData) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ memcpy(pVgData->pData, meta, metaLen);
+ ((SMsgHead*)pVgData->pData)->vgId = htonl(pInfo.vgId);
+ pVgData->size = metaLen;
+ pVgData->numOfTables = 1;
+ taosArrayPush(pArray, &pVgData);
+ pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
+ pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
+ pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE;
+ pQuery->stableQuery = false;
+ pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_ALTER_TABLE_STMT);
+ code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pArray);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
+ pVgData = NULL;
+ pArray = NULL;
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ }
+ if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ SExecResult* pRes = &pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes;
+ if (pRes->res != NULL) {
+ code = handleAlterTbExecRes(pRes->res, pCatalog);
+ }
+ }
+ taosArrayDestroy(pArray);
+ if (pVgData) taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData->pData);
+ taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ tDecoderClear(&coder);
+ qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
+ return code;
+typedef struct {
+ SVgroupInfo vg;
+ void* data;
+} VgData;
+static void destroyVgHash(void* data) {
+ VgData* vgData = (VgData*)data;
+ taosMemoryFreeClear(vgData->data);
+int taos_write_raw_block(TAOS* taos, int rows, char* pData, const char* tbname) {
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL;
+ SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT);
+ if (!pRequest) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null");
+ code = terrno;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:not use db");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}};
+ strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb);
+ strcpy(pName.tname, tbname);
+ struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SRequestConnInfo conn = {0};
+ conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter;
+ conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId;
+ conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
+ conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
+ SVgroupInfo vgData = {0};
+ code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &vgData);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbname);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbname);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid);
+ uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid;
+ int32_t numOfCols = pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns;
+ uint16_t fLen = 0;
+ int32_t rowSize = 0;
+ int16_t nVar = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; i++) {
+ SSchema* schema = pTableMeta->schema + i;
+ fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type];
+ rowSize += schema->bytes;
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) {
+ nVar++;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) +
+ (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(numOfCols - 1);
+ int32_t schemaLen = 0;
+ int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize;
+ int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen;
+ SSubmitReq* subReq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen);
+ SSubmitBlk* blk = POINTER_SHIFT(subReq, sizeof(SSubmitReq));
+ void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
+ STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen);
+ SRowBuilder rb = {0};
+ tdSRowInit(&rb, pTableMeta->sversion);
+ tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, numOfCols, fLen);
+ int32_t dataLen = 0;
+ char* pStart = pData + getVersion1BlockMetaSize(pData, numOfCols);
+ int32_t* colLength = (int32_t*)pStart;
+ pStart += sizeof(int32_t) * numOfCols;
+ SResultColumn* pCol = taosMemoryCalloc(numOfCols, sizeof(SResultColumn));
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTableMeta->schema[i].type)) {
+ pCol[i].offset = (int32_t*)pStart;
+ pStart += rows * sizeof(int32_t);
+ } else {
+ pCol[i].nullbitmap = pStart;
+ pStart += BitmapLen(rows);
+ }
+ pCol[i].pData = pStart;
+ pStart += colLength[i];
+ }
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
+ tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData);
+ int32_t offset = 0;
+ for (int32_t k = 0; k < numOfCols; k++) {
+ const SSchema* pColumn = &pTableMeta->schema[k];
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) {
+ if (pCol[k].offset[j] != -1) {
+ char* data = pCol[k].pData + pCol[k].offset[j];
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
+ } else {
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!colDataIsNull_f(pCol[k].nullbitmap, j)) {
+ char* data = pCol[k].pData + pColumn->bytes * j;
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
+ } else {
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
+ }
+ }
+ offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type];
+ }
+ tdSRowEnd(&rb);
+ int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData);
+ rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen);
+ dataLen += rowLen;
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(pCol);
+ blk->uid = htobe64(uid);
+ blk->suid = htobe64(suid);
+ blk->sversion = htonl(pTableMeta->sversion);
+ blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen);
+ blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows);
+ blk->dataLen = htonl(dataLen);
+ subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + dataLen;
+ subReq->numOfBlocks = 1;
+ pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
+ if (NULL == pQuery) {
+ uError("create SQuery error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
+ pQuery->haveResultSet = false;
+ pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT;
+ pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT);
+ if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) {
+ uError("create pQuery->pRoot error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot);
+ nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV;
+ nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES);
+ SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
+ if (NULL == dst) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ dst->vg = vgData;
+ dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks;
+ dst->size = subReq->length;
+ dst->pData = (char*)subReq;
+ subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId);
+ subReq->version = htonl(1);
+ subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length);
+ subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length);
+ subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks);
+ subReq = NULL; // no need free
+ taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst);
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta);
+ qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
+ return code;
+static int32_t tmqWriteRaw(TAOS* taos, void* data, int32_t dataLen) {
+ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
+ SHashObj* pVgHash = NULL;
+ SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
+ SMqRspObj rspObj = {0};
+ SDecoder decoder = {0};
+ SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT);
+ if (!pRequest) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null");
+ return terrno;
+ }
+ rspObj.resIter = -1;
+ rspObj.resType = RES_TYPE__TMQ;
+ tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, dataLen);
+ code = tDecodeSMqDataRsp(&decoder, &rspObj.rsp);
+ if (code != 0) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:decode smqDataRsp error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!pRequest->pDb) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:not use db");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
+ taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgHash, destroyVgHash);
+ struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SRequestConnInfo conn = {0};
+ conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter;
+ conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId;
+ conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
+ conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
+ printf("raw data block num:%d\n", rspObj.rsp.blockNum);
+ while (++rspObj.resIter < rspObj.rsp.blockNum) {
+ SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockData, rspObj.resIter);
+ if (!rspObj.rsp.withSchema) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:no schema, iter:%d", rspObj.resIter);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SSchemaWrapper* pSW = (SSchemaWrapper*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockSchema, rspObj.resIter);
+ setResSchemaInfo(&rspObj.resInfo, pSW->pSchema, pSW->nCols);
+ code = setQueryResultFromRsp(&rspObj.resInfo, pRetrieve, false, false);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw: setQueryResultFromRsp error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ uint16_t fLen = 0;
+ int32_t rowSize = 0;
+ int16_t nVar = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < pSW->nCols; i++) {
+ SSchema* schema = pSW->pSchema + i;
+ fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type];
+ rowSize += schema->bytes;
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) {
+ nVar++;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t rows = rspObj.resInfo.numOfRows;
+ int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) +
+ (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(pSW->nCols - 1);
+ int32_t schemaLen = 0;
+ int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize;
+ const char* tbName = (const char*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockTbName, rspObj.resIter);
+ if (!tbName) {
+ uError("WriteRaw: tbname is null");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ printf("raw data tbname:%s\n", tbName);
+ SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}};
+ strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb);
+ strcpy(pName.tname, tbName);
+ VgData vgData = {0};
+ code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &(vgData.vg));
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbName);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SSubmitReq* subReq = NULL;
+ SSubmitBlk* blk = NULL;
+ void* hData = taosHashGet(pVgHash, &vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId));
+ if (hData) {
+ vgData = *(VgData*)hData;
+ int32_t totalLen = ((SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data))->length + submitLen;
+ void* tmp = taosMemoryRealloc(vgData.data, totalLen);
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ vgData.data = tmp;
+ ((VgData*)hData)->data = tmp;
+ subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data);
+ blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, subReq->length);
+ } else {
+ int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen;
+ void* tmp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen);
+ if (tmp == NULL) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ vgData.data = tmp;
+ taosHashPut(pVgHash, (const char*)&vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId), (char*)&vgData, sizeof(vgData));
+ subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data);
+ subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq);
+ subReq->numOfBlocks = 0;
+ blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, sizeof(SSubmitReq));
+ }
+ STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL;
+ code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta);
+ if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
+ uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbName);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid);
+ uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid;
+ taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta);
+ void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
+ STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen);
+ SRowBuilder rb = {0};
+ tdSRowInit(&rb, pSW->version);
+ tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, pSW->nCols, fLen);
+ int32_t dataLen = 0;
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
+ tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData);
+ doSetOneRowPtr(&rspObj.resInfo);
+ rspObj.resInfo.current += 1;
+ int32_t offset = 0;
+ for (int32_t k = 0; k < pSW->nCols; k++) {
+ const SSchema* pColumn = &pSW->pSchema[k];
+ char* data = rspObj.resInfo.row[k];
+ if (!data) {
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
+ } else {
+ if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) {
+ }
+ tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
+ }
+ offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type];
+ }
+ tdSRowEnd(&rb);
+ int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData);
+ rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen);
+ dataLen += rowLen;
+ }
+ blk->uid = htobe64(uid);
+ blk->suid = htobe64(suid);
+ blk->sversion = htonl(pSW->version);
+ blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen);
+ blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows);
+ blk->dataLen = htonl(dataLen);
+ subReq->length += sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + dataLen;
+ subReq->numOfBlocks++;
+ }
+ pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
+ if (NULL == pQuery) {
+ uError("create SQuery error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
+ pQuery->haveResultSet = false;
+ pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT;
+ pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT);
+ if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) {
+ uError("create pQuery->pRoot error");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot);
+ nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV;
+ int32_t numOfVg = taosHashGetSize(pVgHash);
+ nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(numOfVg, POINTER_BYTES);
+ VgData* vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, NULL);
+ while (vData) {
+ SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
+ if (NULL == dst) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ dst->vg = vData->vg;
+ SSubmitReq* subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vData->data);
+ dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks;
+ dst->size = subReq->length;
+ dst->pData = (char*)subReq;
+ vData->data = NULL; // no need free
+ subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId);
+ subReq->version = htonl(1);
+ subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length);
+ subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length);
+ subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks);
+ taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst);
+ vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, vData);
+ }
+ launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
+ code = pRequest->code;
+ tDecoderClear(&decoder);
+ qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
+ destroyRequest(pRequest);
+ taosHashCleanup(pVgHash);
+ return code;
+char* tmq_get_json_meta(TAOS_RES* res) {
+ if (!TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res;
+ if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) {
+ return processCreateStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) {
+ return processAlterStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) {
+ return processDropSTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) {
+ return processCreateTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) {
+ return processAlterTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) {
+ return processDropTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void tmq_free_json_meta(char* jsonMeta) { taosMemoryFreeClear(jsonMeta); }
+int32_t tmq_get_raw(TAOS_RES* res, tmq_raw_data* raw) {
+ if (!raw || !res) {
+ }
+ if (TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) {
+ SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res;
+ raw->raw = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRsp;
+ raw->raw_len = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRspLen;
+ raw->raw_type = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType;
+ } else if (TD_RES_TMQ(res)) {
+ SMqRspObj* rspObj = ((SMqRspObj*)res);
+ int32_t len = 0;
+ int32_t code = 0;
+ tEncodeSize(tEncodeSMqDataRsp, &rspObj->rsp, len, code);
+ if (code < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, len);
+ SEncoder encoder = {0};
+ tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, len);
+ tEncodeSMqDataRsp(&encoder, &rspObj->rsp);
+ tEncoderClear(&encoder);
+ raw->raw = buf;
+ raw->raw_len = len;
+ raw->raw_type = RES_TYPE__TMQ;
+ } else {
+ }
+void tmq_free_raw(tmq_raw_data raw) {
+ if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ) {
+ taosMemoryFree(raw.raw);
+ }
+int32_t tmq_write_raw(TAOS* taos, tmq_raw_data raw) {
+ if (!taos) {
+ }
+ if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) {
+ return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) {
+ return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) {
+ return taosDropStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) {
+ return taosCreateTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) {
+ return taosAlterTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) {
+ return taosDropTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DELETE) {
+ return taosDeleteData(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ } else if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ) {
+ return tmqWriteRaw(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
+ }
diff --git a/source/client/src/tmq.c b/source/client/src/tmq.c
index ea7f03a4162fe255d00bee2881df5e2064a954eb..086cf653e9e5d6dc31b8698563dd8619ec5047e9 100644
--- a/source/client/src/tmq.c
+++ b/source/client/src/tmq.c
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
int32_t tmqAskEp(tmq_t* tmq, bool async);
typedef struct {
- int8_t inited;
- tmr_h timer;
+ int8_t inited;
+ tmr_h timer;
+ int32_t rsetId;
} SMqMgmt;
static SMqMgmt tmqMgmt = {0};
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ struct tmq_conf_t {
struct tmq_t {
+ int64_t refId;
// conf
char groupId[TSDB_CGROUP_LEN];
char clientId[256];
@@ -146,8 +148,8 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
// subscribe info
- char* topicName;
- char db[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN];
+ char topicName[TSDB_TOPIC_FNAME_LEN];
+ char db[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN];
SArray* vgs; // SArray
@@ -166,29 +168,32 @@ typedef struct {
} SMqPollRspWrapper;
typedef struct {
- tmq_t* tmq;
+ int64_t refId;
+ int32_t epoch;
tsem_t rspSem;
int32_t rspErr;
} SMqSubscribeCbParam;
typedef struct {
- tmq_t* tmq;
+ int64_t refId;
+ int32_t epoch;
int32_t code;
int32_t async;
tsem_t rspSem;
} SMqAskEpCbParam;
typedef struct {
- tmq_t* tmq;
+ int64_t refId;
+ int32_t epoch;
SMqClientVg* pVg;
SMqClientTopic* pTopic;
- int32_t epoch;
int32_t vgId;
tsem_t rspSem;
} SMqPollCbParam;
typedef struct {
- tmq_t* tmq;
+ int64_t refId;
+ int32_t epoch;
int8_t automatic;
int8_t async;
int32_t waitingRspNum;
@@ -369,6 +374,38 @@ static int32_t tmqMakeTopicVgKey(char* dst, const char* topicName, int32_t vg) {
return sprintf(dst, "%s:%d", topicName, vg);
+int32_t tmqCommitDone(SMqCommitCbParamSet* pParamSet) {
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, pParamSet->refId);
+ if (tmq == NULL) {
+ if (!pParamSet->async) {
+ tsem_destroy(&pParamSet->rspSem);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(pParamSet);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // if no more waiting rsp
+ if (pParamSet->async) {
+ // call async cb func
+ if (pParamSet->automatic && tmq->commitCb) {
+ tmq->commitCb(tmq, pParamSet->rspErr, tmq->commitCbUserParam);
+ } else if (!pParamSet->automatic && pParamSet->userCb) {
+ // sem post
+ pParamSet->userCb(tmq, pParamSet->rspErr, pParamSet->userParam);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(pParamSet);
+ } else {
+ tsem_post(&pParamSet->rspSem);
+ }
+#if 0
+ taosArrayDestroyP(pParamSet->successfulOffsets, taosMemoryFree);
+ taosArrayDestroyP(pParamSet->failedOffsets, taosMemoryFree);
+ return 0;
int32_t tmqCommitCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pBuf, int32_t code) {
SMqCommitCbParam* pParam = (SMqCommitCbParam*)param;
SMqCommitCbParamSet* pParamSet = (SMqCommitCbParamSet*)pParam->params;
@@ -381,6 +418,9 @@ int32_t tmqCommitCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pBuf, int32_t code) {
+ taosMemoryFree(pParam->pOffset);
+ if (pBuf->pData) taosMemoryFree(pBuf->pData);
/*tscDebug("receive offset commit cb of %s on vgId:%d, offset is %" PRId64, pParam->pOffset->subKey, pParam->->vgId,
* pOffset->version);*/
@@ -389,23 +429,7 @@ int32_t tmqCommitCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pBuf, int32_t code) {
ASSERT(waitingRspNum >= 0);
if (waitingRspNum == 0) {
- // if no more waiting rsp
- if (pParamSet->async) {
- // call async cb func
- if (pParamSet->automatic && pParamSet->tmq->commitCb) {
- pParamSet->tmq->commitCb(pParamSet->tmq, pParamSet->rspErr, pParamSet->tmq->commitCbUserParam);
- } else if (!pParamSet->automatic && pParamSet->userCb) {
- // sem post
- pParamSet->userCb(pParamSet->tmq, pParamSet->rspErr, pParamSet->userParam);
- }
- } else {
- tsem_post(&pParamSet->rspSem);
- }
-#if 0
- taosArrayDestroyP(pParamSet->successfulOffsets, taosMemoryFree);
- taosArrayDestroyP(pParamSet->failedOffsets, taosMemoryFree);
+ tmqCommitDone(pParamSet);
return 0;
@@ -499,7 +523,8 @@ int32_t tmqCommitMsgImpl(tmq_t* tmq, const TAOS_RES* msg, int8_t async, tmq_comm
return -1;
- pParamSet->tmq = tmq;
+ pParamSet->refId = tmq->refId;
+ pParamSet->epoch = tmq->epoch;
pParamSet->automatic = 0;
pParamSet->async = async;
pParamSet->userCb = userCb;
@@ -560,13 +585,19 @@ int32_t tmqCommitInner(tmq_t* tmq, const TAOS_RES* msg, int8_t automatic, int8_t
return -1;
- pParamSet->tmq = tmq;
+ pParamSet->refId = tmq->refId;
+ pParamSet->epoch = tmq->epoch;
pParamSet->automatic = automatic;
pParamSet->async = async;
pParamSet->userCb = userCb;
pParamSet->userParam = userParam;
tsem_init(&pParamSet->rspSem, 0, 0);
+ // init as 1 to prevent concurrency issue
+ pParamSet->waitingRspNum = 1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tmq->clientTopics); i++) {
SMqClientTopic* pTopic = taosArrayGet(tmq->clientTopics, i);
@@ -595,10 +626,17 @@ int32_t tmqCommitInner(tmq_t* tmq, const TAOS_RES* msg, int8_t automatic, int8_t
return 0;
+ int32_t waitingRspNum = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pParamSet->waitingRspNum, 1);
+ ASSERT(waitingRspNum >= 0);
+ if (waitingRspNum == 0) {
+ tmqCommitDone(pParamSet);
+ }
if (!async) {
code = pParamSet->rspErr;
+ taosMemoryFree(pParamSet);
} else {
code = 0;
@@ -622,27 +660,39 @@ int32_t tmqCommitInner(tmq_t* tmq, const TAOS_RES* msg, int8_t automatic, int8_t
void tmqAssignAskEpTask(void* param, void* tmrId) {
- tmq_t* tmq = (tmq_t*)param;
- int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
- taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
- tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ int64_t refId = *(int64_t*)param;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, refId);
+ if (tmq != NULL) {
+ int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
+ taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
+ tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(param);
void tmqAssignDelayedCommitTask(void* param, void* tmrId) {
- tmq_t* tmq = (tmq_t*)param;
- int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
- taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
- tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ int64_t refId = *(int64_t*)param;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, refId);
+ if (tmq != NULL) {
+ int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
+ taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
+ tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(param);
void tmqAssignDelayedReportTask(void* param, void* tmrId) {
- tmq_t* tmq = (tmq_t*)param;
- int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
- taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
- tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ int64_t refId = *(int64_t*)param;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, refId);
+ if (tmq != NULL) {
+ int8_t* pTaskType = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(int8_t), DEF_QITEM);
+ taosWriteQitem(tmq->delayedTask, pTaskType);
+ tsem_post(&tmq->rspSem);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(param);
int32_t tmqHbCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
@@ -651,8 +701,11 @@ int32_t tmqHbCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
void tmqSendHbReq(void* param, void* tmrId) {
- // TODO replace with ref
- tmq_t* tmq = (tmq_t*)param;
+ int64_t refId = *(int64_t*)param;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, refId);
+ if (tmq == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
int64_t consumerId = tmq->consumerId;
int32_t epoch = tmq->epoch;
SMqHbReq* pReq = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SMqHbReq));
@@ -682,7 +735,7 @@ void tmqSendHbReq(void* param, void* tmrId) {
asyncSendMsgToServer(tmq->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, &epSet, &transporterId, sendInfo);
- taosTmrReset(tmqSendHbReq, 1000, tmq, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->hbLiveTimer);
+ taosTmrReset(tmqSendHbReq, 1000, param, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->hbLiveTimer);
int32_t tmqHandleAllDelayedTask(tmq_t* tmq) {
@@ -695,10 +748,18 @@ int32_t tmqHandleAllDelayedTask(tmq_t* tmq) {
if (*pTaskType == TMQ_DELAYED_TASK__ASK_EP) {
tmqAskEp(tmq, true);
- taosTmrReset(tmqAssignAskEpTask, 1000, tmq, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->epTimer);
+ int64_t* pRefId = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+ *pRefId = tmq->refId;
+ taosTmrReset(tmqAssignAskEpTask, 1000, pRefId, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->epTimer);
} else if (*pTaskType == TMQ_DELAYED_TASK__COMMIT) {
tmqCommitInner(tmq, NULL, 1, 1, tmq->commitCb, tmq->commitCbUserParam);
- taosTmrReset(tmqAssignDelayedCommitTask, tmq->autoCommitInterval, tmq, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->commitTimer);
+ int64_t* pRefId = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+ *pRefId = tmq->refId;
+ taosTmrReset(tmqAssignDelayedCommitTask, tmq->autoCommitInterval, pRefId, tmqMgmt.timer, &tmq->commitTimer);
} else if (*pTaskType == TMQ_DELAYED_TASK__REPORT) {
} else {
@@ -733,7 +794,6 @@ void tmqClearUnhandleMsg(tmq_t* tmq) {
int32_t tmqSubscribeCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
SMqSubscribeCbParam* pParam = (SMqSubscribeCbParam*)param;
pParam->rspErr = code;
- /*tmq_t* tmq = pParam->tmq;*/
return 0;
@@ -756,40 +816,27 @@ int32_t tmq_unsubscribe(tmq_t* tmq) {
return rsp;
-#if 0
-tmq_t* tmq_consumer_new(void* conn, tmq_conf_t* conf, char* errstr, int32_t errstrLen) {
- tmq_t* pTmq = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(tmq_t), 1);
- if (pTmq == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- pTmq->pTscObj = (STscObj*)conn;
- pTmq->status = 0;
- pTmq->pollCnt = 0;
- pTmq->epoch = 0;
- pTmq->epStatus = 0;
- pTmq->epSkipCnt = 0;
- // set conf
- strcpy(pTmq->clientId, conf->clientId);
- strcpy(pTmq->groupId, conf->groupId);
- pTmq->autoCommit = conf->autoCommit;
- pTmq->commit_cb = conf->commit_cb;
- pTmq->resetOffsetCfg = conf->resetOffset;
- pTmq->consumerId = generateRequestId() & (((uint64_t)-1) >> 1);
- pTmq->clientTopics = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(SMqClientTopic));
- if (pTmq->clientTopics == NULL) {
- taosMemoryFree(pTmq);
- return NULL;
- }
+void tmqFreeImpl(void* handle) {
+ tmq_t* tmq = (tmq_t*)handle;
- pTmq->mqueue = taosOpenQueue();
- pTmq->qall = taosAllocateQall();
+ // TODO stop timer
+ if (tmq->mqueue) taosCloseQueue(tmq->mqueue);
+ if (tmq->delayedTask) taosCloseQueue(tmq->delayedTask);
+ if (tmq->qall) taosFreeQall(tmq->qall);
- tsem_init(&pTmq->rspSem, 0, 0);
+ tsem_destroy(&tmq->rspSem);
- return pTmq;
+ int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(tmq->clientTopics);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+ SMqClientTopic* pTopic = taosArrayGet(tmq->clientTopics, i);
+ if (pTopic->schema.nCols) taosMemoryFree(pTopic->schema.pSchema);
+ int32_t vgSz = taosArrayGetSize(pTopic->vgs);
+ taosArrayDestroy(pTopic->vgs);
+ }
+ taosArrayDestroy(tmq->clientTopics);
+ taos_close_internal(tmq->pTscObj);
+ taosMemoryFree(tmq);
tmq_t* tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t* conf, char* errstr, int32_t errstrLen) {
// init timer
@@ -801,6 +848,7 @@ tmq_t* tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t* conf, char* errstr, int32_t errstrLen) {
return NULL;
+ tmqMgmt.rsetId = taosOpenRef(10000, tmqFreeImpl);
tmq_t* pTmq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(tmq_t));
@@ -869,8 +917,17 @@ tmq_t* tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t* conf, char* errstr, int32_t errstrLen) {
goto FAIL;
+ pTmq->refId = taosAddRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, pTmq);
+ if (pTmq->refId < 0) {
+ tmqFreeImpl(pTmq);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int64_t* pRefId = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+ *pRefId = pTmq->refId;
if (pTmq->hbBgEnable) {
- pTmq->hbLiveTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqSendHbReq, 1000, pTmq, tmqMgmt.timer);
+ pTmq->hbLiveTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqSendHbReq, 1000, pRefId, tmqMgmt.timer);
tscInfo("consumer %" PRId64 " is setup, consumer group %s", pTmq->consumerId, pTmq->groupId);
@@ -928,7 +985,8 @@ int32_t tmq_subscribe(tmq_t* tmq, const tmq_list_t* topic_list) {
SMqSubscribeCbParam param = {
.rspErr = 0,
- .tmq = tmq,
+ .refId = tmq->refId,
+ .epoch = tmq->epoch,
if (tsem_init(¶m.rspSem, 0, 0) != 0) goto FAIL;
@@ -970,12 +1028,16 @@ int32_t tmq_subscribe(tmq_t* tmq, const tmq_list_t* topic_list) {
// init ep timer
if (tmq->epTimer == NULL) {
- tmq->epTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqAssignAskEpTask, 1000, tmq, tmqMgmt.timer);
+ int64_t* pRefId1 = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+ *pRefId1 = tmq->refId;
+ tmq->epTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqAssignAskEpTask, 1000, pRefId1, tmqMgmt.timer);
// init auto commit timer
if (tmq->autoCommit && tmq->commitTimer == NULL) {
- tmq->commitTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqAssignDelayedCommitTask, tmq->autoCommitInterval, tmq, tmqMgmt.timer);
+ int64_t* pRefId2 = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+ *pRefId2 = tmq->refId;
+ tmq->commitTimer = taosTmrStart(tmqAssignDelayedCommitTask, tmq->autoCommitInterval, pRefId2, tmqMgmt.timer);
code = 0;
@@ -997,9 +1059,18 @@ int32_t tmqPollCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
SMqPollCbParam* pParam = (SMqPollCbParam*)param;
SMqClientVg* pVg = pParam->pVg;
SMqClientTopic* pTopic = pParam->pTopic;
- tmq_t* tmq = pParam->tmq;
- int32_t vgId = pParam->vgId;
- int32_t epoch = pParam->epoch;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, pParam->refId);
+ if (tmq == NULL) {
+ tsem_destroy(&pParam->rspSem);
+ taosMemoryFree(pParam);
+ taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int32_t epoch = pParam->epoch;
+ int32_t vgId = pParam->vgId;
if (code != 0) {
tscWarn("msg discard from vgId:%d, epoch %d, since %s", vgId, epoch, terrstr());
@@ -1124,7 +1195,7 @@ bool tmqUpdateEp(tmq_t* tmq, int32_t epoch, SMqAskEpRsp* pRsp) {
SMqClientTopic topic = {0};
SMqSubTopicEp* pTopicEp = taosArrayGet(pRsp->topics, i);
topic.schema = pTopicEp->schema;
- topic.topicName = strdup(pTopicEp->topic);
+ tstrncpy(topic.topicName, pTopicEp->topic, TSDB_TOPIC_FNAME_LEN);
tstrncpy(topic.db, pTopicEp->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN);
tscDebug("consumer:%" PRId64 ", update topic: %s", tmq->consumerId, topic.topicName);
@@ -1153,7 +1224,16 @@ bool tmqUpdateEp(tmq_t* tmq, int32_t epoch, SMqAskEpRsp* pRsp) {
taosArrayPush(newTopics, &topic);
- if (tmq->clientTopics) taosArrayDestroy(tmq->clientTopics);
+ if (tmq->clientTopics) {
+ int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(tmq->clientTopics);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+ SMqClientTopic* pTopic = taosArrayGet(tmq->clientTopics, i);
+ if (pTopic->schema.nCols) taosMemoryFree(pTopic->schema.pSchema);
+ int32_t vgSz = taosArrayGetSize(pTopic->vgs);
+ taosArrayDestroy(pTopic->vgs);
+ }
+ taosArrayDestroy(tmq->clientTopics);
+ }
tmq->clientTopics = newTopics;
@@ -1168,8 +1248,20 @@ bool tmqUpdateEp(tmq_t* tmq, int32_t epoch, SMqAskEpRsp* pRsp) {
int32_t tmqAskEpCb(void* param, SDataBuf* pMsg, int32_t code) {
SMqAskEpCbParam* pParam = (SMqAskEpCbParam*)param;
- tmq_t* tmq = pParam->tmq;
int8_t async = pParam->async;
+ tmq_t* tmq = taosAcquireRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, pParam->refId);
+ if (tmq == NULL) {
+ if (!async) {
+ tsem_destroy(&pParam->rspSem);
+ } else {
+ taosMemoryFree(pParam);
+ }
+ taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData);
+ return -1;
+ }
pParam->code = code;
if (code != 0) {
tscError("consumer:%" PRId64 ", get topic endpoint error, not ready, wait:%d", tmq->consumerId, pParam->async);
@@ -1216,6 +1308,7 @@ END:
} else {
+ taosMemoryFree(pMsg->pData);
return code;
@@ -1248,7 +1341,8 @@ int32_t tmqAskEp(tmq_t* tmq, bool async) {
/*atomic_store_8(&tmq->epStatus, 0);*/
return -1;
- pParam->tmq = tmq;
+ pParam->refId = tmq->refId;
+ pParam->epoch = tmq->epoch;
pParam->async = async;
tsem_init(&pParam->rspSem, 0, 0);
@@ -1288,31 +1382,6 @@ int32_t tmqAskEp(tmq_t* tmq, bool async) {
return code;
-#if 0
-int32_t tmq_seek(tmq_t* tmq, const tmq_topic_vgroup_t* offset) {
- const SMqOffset* pOffset = &offset->offset;
- if (strcmp(pOffset->cgroup, tmq->groupId) != 0) {
- return TMQ_RESP_ERR__FAIL;
- }
- int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(tmq->clientTopics);
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- SMqClientTopic* clientTopic = taosArrayGet(tmq->clientTopics, i);
- if (strcmp(clientTopic->topicName, pOffset->topicName) == 0) {
- int32_t vgSz = taosArrayGetSize(clientTopic->vgs);
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < vgSz; j++) {
- SMqClientVg* pVg = taosArrayGet(clientTopic->vgs, j);
- if (pVg->vgId == pOffset->vgId) {
- pVg->currentOffset = pOffset->offset;
- tmqClearUnhandleMsg(tmq);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return TMQ_RESP_ERR__FAIL;
SMqPollReq* tmqBuildConsumeReqImpl(tmq_t* tmq, int64_t timeout, SMqClientTopic* pTopic, SMqClientVg* pVg) {
SMqPollReq* pReq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SMqPollReq));
if (pReq == NULL) {
@@ -1406,11 +1475,12 @@ int32_t tmqPollImpl(tmq_t* tmq, int64_t timeout) {
return -1;
- pParam->tmq = tmq;
+ pParam->refId = tmq->refId;
+ pParam->epoch = tmq->epoch;
pParam->pVg = pVg;
pParam->pTopic = pTopic;
pParam->vgId = pVg->vgId;
- pParam->epoch = tmq->epoch;
SMsgSendInfo* sendInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
if (sendInfo == NULL) {
@@ -1550,7 +1620,7 @@ TAOS_RES* tmq_consumer_poll(tmq_t* tmq, int64_t timeout) {
- // in no topic status also need process delayed task
+ // in no topic status, delayed task also need to be processed
if (atomic_load_8(&tmq->status) == TMQ_CONSUMER_STATUS__INIT) {
return NULL;
@@ -1615,7 +1685,7 @@ int32_t tmq_consumer_close(tmq_t* tmq) {
/*return rsp;*/
return 0;
- // TODO: free resources
+ taosRemoveRef(tmqMgmt.rsetId, tmq->refId);
return 0;
@@ -1691,1610 +1761,6 @@ const char* tmq_get_table_name(TAOS_RES* res) {
return NULL;
-static char* buildCreateTableJson(SSchemaWrapper* schemaRow, SSchemaWrapper* schemaTag, char* name, int64_t id,
- int8_t t) {
- char* string = NULL;
- cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- return string;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- // char uid[32] = {0};
- // sprintf(uid, "%"PRIi64, id);
- // cJSON* id_ = cJSON_CreateString(uid);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", id_);
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
- cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(t == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE ? "normal" : "super");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version);
- cJSON* columns = cJSON_CreateArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < schemaRow->nCols; i++) {
- cJSON* column = cJSON_CreateObject();
- SSchema* s = schemaRow->pSchema + i;
- cJSON* cname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "name", cname);
- cJSON* ctype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "type", ctype);
- if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes);
- } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToArray(columns, column);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "columns", columns);
- cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray();
- for (int i = 0; schemaTag && i < schemaTag->nCols; i++) {
- cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
- SSchema* s = schemaTag->pSchema + i;
- cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
- cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
- if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes);
- } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags);
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- cJSON_Delete(json);
- return string;
-static char* buildAlterSTableJson(void* alterData, int32_t alterDataLen) {
- SMAlterStbReq req = {0};
- cJSON* json = NULL;
- char* string = NULL;
- if (tDeserializeSMAlterStbReq(alterData, alterDataLen, &req) != 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- goto end;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
- SName name = {0};
- tNameFromString(&name, req.name, T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB | T_NAME_TABLE);
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name.tname);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
- cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(req.alterType);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType);
- switch (req.alterType) {
- TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
- if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- }
- break;
- }
- TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- break;
- }
- TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
- if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- }
- break;
- }
- TAOS_FIELD* oldField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0);
- TAOS_FIELD* newField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 1);
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(oldField->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(newField->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- cJSON_Delete(json);
- tFreeSMAltertbReq(&req);
- return string;
-static char* processCreateStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder;
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto _err;
- }
- string = buildCreateTableJson(&req.schemaRow, &req.schemaTag, req.name, req.suid, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return string;
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return string;
-static char* processAlterStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder;
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto _err;
- }
- string = buildAlterSTableJson(req.alterOriData, req.alterOriDataLen);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return string;
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return string;
-static char* buildCreateCTableJson(STag* pTag, char* sname, char* name, SArray* tagName, int64_t id, uint8_t tagNum) {
- char* string = NULL;
- SArray* pTagVals = NULL;
- cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- return string;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- // char cid[32] = {0};
- // sprintf(cid, "%"PRIi64, id);
- // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString(cid);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", cid_);
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
- cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("child");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- cJSON* using = cJSON_CreateString(sname);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "using", using);
- cJSON* tagNumJson = cJSON_CreateNumber(tagNum);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tagNum", tagNumJson);
- // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version);
- cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray();
- int32_t code = tTagToValArray(pTag, &pTagVals);
- if (code) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (tTagIsJson(pTag)) {
- STag* p = (STag*)pTag;
- if (p->nTag == 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- char* pJson = parseTagDatatoJson(pTag);
- cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
- STagVal* pTagVal = taosArrayGet(pTagVals, 0);
- char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, 0);
- cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
- // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString("");
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid_);
- cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
- cJSON* tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(pJson);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue);
- cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
- taosMemoryFree(pJson);
- goto end;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pTagVals); i++) {
- STagVal* pTagVal = (STagVal*)taosArrayGet(pTagVals, i);
- cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject();
- char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, i);
- cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname);
- // cJSON* cid = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->cid);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid);
- cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype);
- cJSON* tvalue = NULL;
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTagVal->type)) {
- char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(pTagVal->nData + 3, 1);
- if (!buf) goto end;
- dataConverToStr(buf, pTagVal->type, pTagVal->pData, pTagVal->nData, NULL);
- tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(buf);
- taosMemoryFree(buf);
- } else {
- double val = 0;
- GET_TYPED_DATA(val, double, pTagVal->type, &pTagVal->i64);
- tvalue = cJSON_CreateNumber(val);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue);
- cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags);
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- cJSON_Delete(json);
- taosArrayDestroy(pTagVals);
- return string;
-static char* processCreateTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SDecoder decoder = {0};
- SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0};
- SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq;
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- // loop to create table
- for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
- pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
- if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
- string = buildCreateCTableJson((STag*)pCreateReq->ctb.pTag, pCreateReq->ctb.name, pCreateReq->name,
- pCreateReq->ctb.tagName, pCreateReq->uid, pCreateReq->ctb.tagNum);
- } else if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
- string =
- buildCreateTableJson(&pCreateReq->ntb.schemaRow, NULL, pCreateReq->name, pCreateReq->uid, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE);
- }
- }
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- return string;
-static char* processAlterTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SDecoder decoder = {0};
- SVAlterTbReq vAlterTbReq = {0};
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&decoder, &vAlterTbReq) < 0) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tbName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
- cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_VAL ? "child" : "normal");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.action);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType);
- switch (vAlterTbReq.action) {
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.type);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
- if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- } else if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- }
- break;
- }
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- break;
- }
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.colModType);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType);
- if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
- int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- } else if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
- int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
- cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes);
- }
- break;
- }
- cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName);
- cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colNewName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName);
- break;
- }
- cJSON* tagName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tagName);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", tagName);
- bool isNull = vAlterTbReq.isNull;
- if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
- STag* jsonTag = (STag*)vAlterTbReq.pTagVal;
- if (jsonTag->nTag == 0) isNull = true;
- }
- if (!isNull) {
- char* buf = NULL;
- if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
- ASSERT(tTagIsJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal) == true);
- buf = parseTagDatatoJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal);
- } else {
- buf = taosMemoryCalloc(vAlterTbReq.nTagVal + 1, 1);
- dataConverToStr(buf, vAlterTbReq.tagType, vAlterTbReq.pTagVal, vAlterTbReq.nTagVal, NULL);
- }
- cJSON* colValue = cJSON_CreateString(buf);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValue", colValue);
- taosMemoryFree(buf);
- }
- cJSON* isNullCJson = cJSON_CreateBool(isNull);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValueNull", isNullCJson);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- return string;
-static char* processDropSTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SDecoder decoder = {0};
- SVDropStbReq req = {0};
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(req.name);
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName);
- cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- return string;
-static char* processDropTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) {
- SDecoder decoder = {0};
- SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0};
- char* string = NULL;
- // decode
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject();
- if (json == NULL) {
- goto _exit;
- }
- cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop");
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type);
- // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id);
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid);
- // cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("normal");
- // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType);
- cJSON* tableNameList = cJSON_CreateArray();
- for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
- SVDropTbReq* pDropTbReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
- cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(pDropTbReq->name);
- cJSON_AddItemToArray(tableNameList, tableName);
- }
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableNameList", tableNameList);
- string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json);
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- return string;
-static int32_t taosCreateStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SVCreateStbReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder;
- SMCreateStbReq pReq = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
- code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- goto end;
- }
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- // build create stable
- pReq.pColumns = taosArrayInit(req.schemaRow.nCols, sizeof(SField));
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaRow.nCols; i++) {
- SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaRow.pSchema + i;
- SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes};
- strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name);
- taosArrayPush(pReq.pColumns, &field);
- }
- pReq.pTags = taosArrayInit(req.schemaTag.nCols, sizeof(SField));
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaTag.nCols; i++) {
- SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaTag.pSchema + i;
- SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes};
- strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name);
- taosArrayPush(pReq.pTags, &field);
- }
- pReq.colVer = req.schemaRow.version;
- pReq.tagVer = req.schemaTag.version;
- pReq.numOfColumns = req.schemaRow.nCols;
- pReq.numOfTags = req.schemaTag.nCols;
- pReq.commentLen = -1;
- pReq.suid = req.suid;
- pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX;
- pReq.igExists = true;
- STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SName tableName;
- tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name);
- SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0};
- pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
- pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB;
- pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq);
- pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen);
- if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) {
- goto end;
- }
- tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq);
- SQuery pQuery = {0};
- pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC;
- pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg;
- pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType;
- pQuery.stableQuery = true;
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL);
- if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName);
- }
- code = pRequest->code;
- taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- tFreeSMCreateStbReq(&pReq);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return code;
-static int32_t taosDropStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SVDropStbReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder;
- SMDropStbReq pReq = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
- code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- goto end;
- }
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- // build drop stable
- pReq.igNotExists = true;
- pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX;
- pReq.suid = req.suid;
- STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SName tableName = {0};
- tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name);
- SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0};
- pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
- pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_DROP_STB;
- pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMDropStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq);
- pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen);
- if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) {
- goto end;
- }
- tSerializeSMDropStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq);
- SQuery pQuery = {0};
- pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC;
- pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg;
- pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType;
- pQuery.stableQuery = true;
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL);
- if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName);
- }
- code = pRequest->code;
- taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return code;
-typedef struct SVgroupCreateTableBatch {
- SVCreateTbBatchReq req;
- SVgroupInfo info;
- char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
-} SVgroupCreateTableBatch;
-static void destroyCreateTbReqBatch(void* data) {
- SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupCreateTableBatch*)data;
- taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray);
-static int32_t taosCreateTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
- SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
- SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL;
- code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- goto end;
- }
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq = NULL;
- SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
- if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) {
- goto end;
- }
- taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyCreateTbReqBatch);
- SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
- .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
- .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
- .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
- pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName));
- // loop to create table
- for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
- pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
- SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
- SName pName = {0};
- toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pCreateReq->name, &pName);
- code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName);
- SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId));
- if (pTableBatch == NULL) {
- SVgroupCreateTableBatch tBatch = {0};
- tBatch.info = pInfo;
- strcpy(tBatch.dbName, pRequest->pDb);
- tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(struct SVCreateTbReq));
- taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pCreateReq);
- taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch));
- } else { // add to the correct vgroup
- taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pCreateReq);
- }
- }
- SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsCreateTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap);
- if (NULL == pBufArray) {
- goto end;
- }
- pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
- pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
- pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE;
- pQuery->stableQuery = false;
- pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TABLE_STMT);
- code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
- if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList);
- }
- code = pRequest->code;
- taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
- return code;
-typedef struct SVgroupDropTableBatch {
- SVDropTbBatchReq req;
- SVgroupInfo info;
- char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
-} SVgroupDropTableBatch;
-static void destroyDropTbReqBatch(void* data) {
- SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupDropTableBatch*)data;
- taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray);
-static int32_t taosDropTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
- SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
- SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL;
- code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- goto end;
- }
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SVDropTbReq* pDropReq = NULL;
- SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
- if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) {
- goto end;
- }
- taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyDropTbReqBatch);
- SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
- .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
- .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
- .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
- pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName));
- // loop to create table
- for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) {
- pDropReq = req.pReqs + iReq;
- pDropReq->igNotExists = true;
- SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
- SName pName = {0};
- toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pDropReq->name, &pName);
- code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName);
- SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId));
- if (pTableBatch == NULL) {
- SVgroupDropTableBatch tBatch = {0};
- tBatch.info = pInfo;
- tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SVDropTbReq));
- taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pDropReq);
- taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch));
- } else { // add to the correct vgroup
- taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pDropReq);
- }
- }
- SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsDropTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap);
- if (NULL == pBufArray) {
- goto end;
- }
- pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
- pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
- pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE;
- pQuery->stableQuery = false;
- pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_DROP_TABLE_STMT);
- code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
- if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList);
- }
- code = pRequest->code;
- taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
- return code;
-// delete from db.tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where ..
-// delete from db .tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where ..
-// static void getTbName(char *sql){
-// char *ch = sql;
-// bool inBackQuote = false;
-// int8_t dotIndex = 0;
-// while(*ch != '\0'){
-// if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){
-// inBackQuote = true;
-// ch++;
-// continue;
-// }
-// if(inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){
-// inBackQuote = false;
-// ch++;
-// continue;
-// }
-// if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '.'){
-// dotIndex ++;
-// if(dotIndex == 2){
-// memmove(sql, ch + 1, strlen(ch + 1) + 1);
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// ch++;
-// }
-static int32_t taosDeleteData(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SDeleteRes req = {0};
- SDecoder coder = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeDeleteRes(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- // getTbName(req.tableFName);
- char sql[256] = {0};
- sprintf(sql, "delete from `%s` where `%s` >= %" PRId64 " and `%s` <= %" PRId64, req.tableFName, req.tsColName,
- req.skey, req.tsColName, req.ekey);
- printf("delete sql:%s\n", sql);
- TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(taos, sql);
- SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)res;
- code = pRequest->code;
- }
- taos_free_result(res);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- return code;
-static int32_t taosAlterTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) {
- SVAlterTbReq req = {0};
- SDecoder coder = {0};
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL;
- SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
- SArray* pArray = NULL;
- SVgDataBlocks* pVgData = NULL;
- code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- goto end;
- }
- // decode and process req
- void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead));
- int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
- tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len);
- if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) {
- goto end;
- }
- if (req.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS) {
- goto end;
- }
- STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj;
- SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter,
- .requestId = pRequest->requestId,
- .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self,
- .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)};
- SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0};
- SName pName = {0};
- toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.tbName, &pName);
- code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- pArray = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(void*));
- if (NULL == pArray) {
- goto end;
- }
- pVgData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
- if (NULL == pVgData) {
- goto end;
- }
- pVgData->vg = pInfo;
- pVgData->pData = taosMemoryMalloc(metaLen);
- if (NULL == pVgData->pData) {
- goto end;
- }
- memcpy(pVgData->pData, meta, metaLen);
- ((SMsgHead*)pVgData->pData)->vgId = htonl(pInfo.vgId);
- pVgData->size = metaLen;
- pVgData->numOfTables = 1;
- taosArrayPush(pArray, &pVgData);
- pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
- pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
- pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE;
- pQuery->stableQuery = false;
- pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_ALTER_TABLE_STMT);
- code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pArray);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- goto end;
- }
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
- pVgData = NULL;
- pArray = NULL;
- code = pRequest->code;
- }
- if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- SExecResult* pRes = &pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes;
- if (pRes->res != NULL) {
- code = handleAlterTbExecRes(pRes->res, pCatalog);
- }
- }
- taosArrayDestroy(pArray);
- if (pVgData) taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData->pData);
- taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- tDecoderClear(&coder);
- qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
- return code;
-typedef struct {
- SVgroupInfo vg;
- void* data;
-} VgData;
-static void destroyVgHash(void* data) {
- VgData* vgData = (VgData*)data;
- taosMemoryFreeClear(vgData->data);
-int taos_write_raw_block(TAOS* taos, int rows, char* pData, const char* tbname) {
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL;
- SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
- SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT);
- if (!pRequest) {
- uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null");
- code = terrno;
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- uError("WriteRaw:not use db");
- goto end;
- }
- SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}};
- strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb);
- strcpy(pName.tname, tbname);
- struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error");
- goto end;
- }
- SRequestConnInfo conn = {0};
- conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter;
- conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId;
- conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
- conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
- SVgroupInfo vgData = {0};
- code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &vgData);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbname);
- goto end;
- }
- code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbname);
- goto end;
- }
- uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid);
- uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid;
- int32_t numOfCols = pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns;
- uint16_t fLen = 0;
- int32_t rowSize = 0;
- int16_t nVar = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; i++) {
- SSchema* schema = pTableMeta->schema + i;
- fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type];
- rowSize += schema->bytes;
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) {
- nVar++;
- }
- }
- int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) +
- (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(numOfCols - 1);
- int32_t schemaLen = 0;
- int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize;
- int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen;
- SSubmitReq* subReq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen);
- SSubmitBlk* blk = POINTER_SHIFT(subReq, sizeof(SSubmitReq));
- void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
- STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen);
- SRowBuilder rb = {0};
- tdSRowInit(&rb, pTableMeta->sversion);
- tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, numOfCols, fLen);
- int32_t dataLen = 0;
- char* pStart = pData + getVersion1BlockMetaSize(pData, numOfCols);
- int32_t* colLength = (int32_t*)pStart;
- pStart += sizeof(int32_t) * numOfCols;
- SResultColumn* pCol = taosMemoryCalloc(numOfCols, sizeof(SResultColumn));
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTableMeta->schema[i].type)) {
- pCol[i].offset = (int32_t*)pStart;
- pStart += rows * sizeof(int32_t);
- } else {
- pCol[i].nullbitmap = pStart;
- pStart += BitmapLen(rows);
- }
- pCol[i].pData = pStart;
- pStart += colLength[i];
- }
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
- tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData);
- int32_t offset = 0;
- for (int32_t k = 0; k < numOfCols; k++) {
- const SSchema* pColumn = &pTableMeta->schema[k];
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) {
- if (pCol[k].offset[j] != -1) {
- char* data = pCol[k].pData + pCol[k].offset[j];
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
- } else {
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
- }
- } else {
- if (!colDataIsNull_f(pCol[k].nullbitmap, j)) {
- char* data = pCol[k].pData + pColumn->bytes * j;
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
- } else {
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
- }
- }
- offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type];
- }
- tdSRowEnd(&rb);
- int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData);
- rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen);
- dataLen += rowLen;
- }
- taosMemoryFree(pCol);
- blk->uid = htobe64(uid);
- blk->suid = htobe64(suid);
- blk->sversion = htonl(pTableMeta->sversion);
- blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen);
- blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows);
- blk->dataLen = htonl(dataLen);
- subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + dataLen;
- subReq->numOfBlocks = 1;
- pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
- if (NULL == pQuery) {
- uError("create SQuery error");
- goto end;
- }
- pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
- pQuery->haveResultSet = false;
- pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT;
- pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT);
- if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) {
- uError("create pQuery->pRoot error");
- goto end;
- }
- SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot);
- nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV;
- nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES);
- SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
- if (NULL == dst) {
- goto end;
- }
- dst->vg = vgData;
- dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks;
- dst->size = subReq->length;
- dst->pData = (char*)subReq;
- subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId);
- subReq->version = htonl(1);
- subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length);
- subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length);
- subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks);
- subReq = NULL; // no need free
- taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst);
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
- code = pRequest->code;
- taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta);
- qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
- return code;
-static int32_t tmqWriteRaw(TAOS* taos, void* data, int32_t dataLen) {
- int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
- SHashObj* pVgHash = NULL;
- SQuery* pQuery = NULL;
- SMqRspObj rspObj = {0};
- SDecoder decoder = {0};
- SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT);
- if (!pRequest) {
- uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null");
- return terrno;
- }
- rspObj.resIter = -1;
- rspObj.resType = RES_TYPE__TMQ;
- tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, dataLen);
- code = tDecodeSMqDataRsp(&decoder, &rspObj.rsp);
- if (code != 0) {
- uError("WriteRaw:decode smqDataRsp error");
- goto end;
- }
- if (!pRequest->pDb) {
- uError("WriteRaw:not use db");
- goto end;
- }
- pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
- taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgHash, destroyVgHash);
- struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL;
- code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error");
- goto end;
- }
- SRequestConnInfo conn = {0};
- conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter;
- conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId;
- conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
- conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
- printf("raw data block num:%d\n", rspObj.rsp.blockNum);
- while (++rspObj.resIter < rspObj.rsp.blockNum) {
- SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockData, rspObj.resIter);
- if (!rspObj.rsp.withSchema) {
- uError("WriteRaw:no schema, iter:%d", rspObj.resIter);
- goto end;
- }
- SSchemaWrapper* pSW = (SSchemaWrapper*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockSchema, rspObj.resIter);
- setResSchemaInfo(&rspObj.resInfo, pSW->pSchema, pSW->nCols);
- code = setQueryResultFromRsp(&rspObj.resInfo, pRetrieve, false, false);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw: setQueryResultFromRsp error");
- goto end;
- }
- uint16_t fLen = 0;
- int32_t rowSize = 0;
- int16_t nVar = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < pSW->nCols; i++) {
- SSchema* schema = pSW->pSchema + i;
- fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type];
- rowSize += schema->bytes;
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) {
- nVar++;
- }
- }
- int32_t rows = rspObj.resInfo.numOfRows;
- int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) +
- (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(pSW->nCols - 1);
- int32_t schemaLen = 0;
- int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize;
- const char* tbName = (const char*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockTbName, rspObj.resIter);
- if (!tbName) {
- uError("WriteRaw: tbname is null");
- goto end;
- }
- printf("raw data tbname:%s\n", tbName);
- SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}};
- strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb);
- strcpy(pName.tname, tbName);
- VgData vgData = {0};
- code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &(vgData.vg));
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbName);
- goto end;
- }
- SSubmitReq* subReq = NULL;
- SSubmitBlk* blk = NULL;
- void* hData = taosHashGet(pVgHash, &vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId));
- if (hData) {
- vgData = *(VgData*)hData;
- int32_t totalLen = ((SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data))->length + submitLen;
- void* tmp = taosMemoryRealloc(vgData.data, totalLen);
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- goto end;
- }
- vgData.data = tmp;
- ((VgData*)hData)->data = tmp;
- subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data);
- blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, subReq->length);
- } else {
- int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen;
- void* tmp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen);
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- goto end;
- }
- vgData.data = tmp;
- taosHashPut(pVgHash, (const char*)&vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId), (char*)&vgData, sizeof(vgData));
- subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data);
- subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq);
- subReq->numOfBlocks = 0;
- blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, sizeof(SSubmitReq));
- }
- STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL;
- code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta);
- if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbName);
- goto end;
- }
- uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid);
- uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid;
- taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta);
- void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
- STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen);
- SRowBuilder rb = {0};
- tdSRowInit(&rb, pSW->version);
- tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, pSW->nCols, fLen);
- int32_t dataLen = 0;
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
- tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData);
- doSetOneRowPtr(&rspObj.resInfo);
- rspObj.resInfo.current += 1;
- int32_t offset = 0;
- for (int32_t k = 0; k < pSW->nCols; k++) {
- const SSchema* pColumn = &pSW->pSchema[k];
- char* data = rspObj.resInfo.row[k];
- if (!data) {
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k);
- } else {
- if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) {
- }
- tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k);
- }
- offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type];
- }
- tdSRowEnd(&rb);
- int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData);
- rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen);
- dataLen += rowLen;
- }
- blk->uid = htobe64(uid);
- blk->suid = htobe64(suid);
- blk->sversion = htonl(pSW->version);
- blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen);
- blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows);
- blk->dataLen = htonl(dataLen);
- subReq->length += sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + dataLen;
- subReq->numOfBlocks++;
- }
- pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY);
- if (NULL == pQuery) {
- uError("create SQuery error");
- goto end;
- }
- pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE;
- pQuery->haveResultSet = false;
- pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT;
- pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT);
- if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) {
- uError("create pQuery->pRoot error");
- goto end;
- }
- SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot);
- nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV;
- int32_t numOfVg = taosHashGetSize(pVgHash);
- nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(numOfVg, POINTER_BYTES);
- VgData* vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, NULL);
- while (vData) {
- SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks));
- if (NULL == dst) {
- goto end;
- }
- dst->vg = vData->vg;
- SSubmitReq* subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vData->data);
- dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks;
- dst->size = subReq->length;
- dst->pData = (char*)subReq;
- vData->data = NULL; // no need free
- subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId);
- subReq->version = htonl(1);
- subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length);
- subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length);
- subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks);
- taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst);
- vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, vData);
- }
- launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL);
- code = pRequest->code;
- tDecoderClear(&decoder);
- taos_free_result(&rspObj);
- qDestroyQuery(pQuery);
- destroyRequest(pRequest);
- taosHashCleanup(pVgHash);
- return code;
-char* tmq_get_json_meta(TAOS_RES* res) {
- if (!TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res;
- if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) {
- return processCreateStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) {
- return processAlterStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) {
- return processDropSTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) {
- return processCreateTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) {
- return processAlterTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) {
- return processDropTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp);
- }
- return NULL;
-void tmq_free_json_meta(char* jsonMeta) { taosMemoryFreeClear(jsonMeta); }
-int32_t tmq_get_raw(TAOS_RES* res, tmq_raw_data* raw) {
- if (!raw || !res) {
- }
- if (TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) {
- SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res;
- raw->raw = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRsp;
- raw->raw_len = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRspLen;
- raw->raw_type = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType;
- } else if (TD_RES_TMQ(res)) {
- SMqRspObj* rspObj = ((SMqRspObj*)res);
- int32_t len = 0;
- int32_t code = 0;
- tEncodeSize(tEncodeSMqDataRsp, &rspObj->rsp, len, code);
- if (code < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, len);
- SEncoder encoder = {0};
- tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, len);
- tEncodeSMqDataRsp(&encoder, &rspObj->rsp);
- tEncoderClear(&encoder);
- raw->raw = buf;
- raw->raw_len = len;
- raw->raw_type = RES_TYPE__TMQ;
- } else {
- }
-void tmq_free_raw(tmq_raw_data raw) {
- if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ) {
- taosMemoryFree(raw.raw);
- }
-int32_t tmq_write_raw(TAOS* taos, tmq_raw_data raw) {
- if (!taos) {
- }
- if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) {
- return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) {
- return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) {
- return taosDropStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) {
- return taosCreateTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) {
- return taosAlterTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) {
- return taosDropTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DELETE) {
- return taosDeleteData(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- } else if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ) {
- return tmqWriteRaw(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len);
- }
void tmq_commit_async(tmq_t* tmq, const TAOS_RES* msg, tmq_commit_cb* cb, void* param) {
tmqCommitInner(tmq, msg, 0, 1, cb, param);
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/inc/vnode.h b/source/dnode/vnode/inc/vnode.h
index 18a7583f4c6eaa4d5c10b64a8cfeda272bc4ff24..19cafcbbbb60bb83ff11448fb2cba8774321d448 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/inc/vnode.h
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/inc/vnode.h
@@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ typedef struct STsdbReader STsdbReader;
-int32_t tsdbSetTableId(STsdbReader *pReader, int64_t uid);
-int32_t tsdbReaderOpen(SVnode *pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond *pCond, SArray *pTableList, STsdbReader **ppReader,
- const char *idstr);
-void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader *pReader);
-bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader *pReader);
-void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(STsdbReader *pReader, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo);
-int32_t tsdbRetrieveDatablockSMA(STsdbReader *pReader, SColumnDataAgg ***pBlockStatis, bool *allHave);
-SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader *pTsdbReadHandle, SArray *pColumnIdList);
-int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader *pReader, SQueryTableDataCond *pCond);
-int32_t tsdbGetFileBlocksDistInfo(STsdbReader *pReader, STableBlockDistInfo *pTableBlockInfo);
-int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(STsdbReader *pHandle);
-void *tsdbGetIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
-void *tsdbGetIvtIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
+int32_t tsdbSetTableId(STsdbReader *pReader, int64_t uid);
+int32_t tsdbReaderOpen(SVnode *pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond *pCond, SArray *pTableList, STsdbReader **ppReader,
+ const char *idstr);
+void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader *pReader);
+bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader *pReader);
+void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(STsdbReader *pReader, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo);
+int32_t tsdbRetrieveDatablockSMA(STsdbReader *pReader, SColumnDataAgg ***pBlockStatis, bool *allHave);
+SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader *pTsdbReadHandle, SArray *pColumnIdList);
+int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader *pReader, SQueryTableDataCond *pCond);
+int32_t tsdbGetFileBlocksDistInfo(STsdbReader *pReader, STableBlockDistInfo *pTableBlockInfo);
+int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(STsdbReader *pHandle);
+void *tsdbGetIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
+void *tsdbGetIvtIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
uint64_t getReaderMaxVersion(STsdbReader *pReader);
int32_t tsdbLastRowReaderOpen(void *pVnode, int32_t type, SArray *pTableIdList, int32_t numOfCols, void **pReader);
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnd.h b/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnd.h
index dd1facb462ceb2b543f4a2ea443c9a886a6b13ca..77b18b8c02d384d22358af23e3c59230fb86a8ee 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnd.h
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnd.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int32_t vnodeQueryOpen(SVnode* pVnode);
void vnodeQueryClose(SVnode* pVnode);
int32_t vnodeGetTableMeta(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg, bool direct);
int vnodeGetTableCfg(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg, bool direct);
-int32_t vnodeGetBatchMeta(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
+int32_t vnodeGetBatchMeta(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
// vnodeCommit.c
int32_t vnodeBegin(SVnode* pVnode);
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ void vnodeSyncStart(SVnode* pVnode);
void vnodeSyncClose(SVnode* pVnode);
void vnodeRedirectRpcMsg(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
bool vnodeIsLeader(SVnode* pVnode);
+bool vnodeIsRoleLeader(SVnode* pVnode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnodeInt.h b/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnodeInt.h
index 02c4129d6f5b4e6112e3e636fe502988787663b8..35c26eac44d51e72eaabe490f6237d9d51e90f81 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnodeInt.h
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/inc/vnodeInt.h
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ int32_t tsdbDeleteTableData(STsdb* pTsdb, int64_t version, tb_uid_t suid, tb
STsdbReader tsdbQueryCacheLastT(STsdb* tsdb, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STableListInfo* tableList, uint64_t qId,
void* pMemRef);
int32_t tsdbSetKeepCfg(STsdb* pTsdb, STsdbCfg* pCfg);
+int32_t tsdbGetStbIdList(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t suid, SArray* list);
// tq
int tqInit();
@@ -169,10 +170,9 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskDispatchRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t tqProcessTaskRecoverRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t tqProcessTaskRetrieveReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t tqProcessTaskRetrieveRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
-int32_t tsdbGetStbIdList(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t suid, SArray* list);
-SSubmitReq* tdBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchema* pSchema, bool createTb, int64_t suid,
- const char* stbFullName, int32_t vgId, SBatchDeleteReq* pDeleteReq);
+SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchema* pSchema, bool createTb, int64_t suid,
+ const char* stbFullName, SBatchDeleteReq* pDeleteReq);
// sma
int32_t smaInit();
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/sma/smaTimeRange.c b/source/dnode/vnode/src/sma/smaTimeRange.c
index f46d9dc29c0435dedf901feae1fcc06e0b3fa3b7..b09d7e3c2376892f61a36aa4bc944348afb5b8b8 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/sma/smaTimeRange.c
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/sma/smaTimeRange.c
@@ -201,9 +201,8 @@ int32_t tdProcessTSmaInsertImpl(SSma *pSma, int64_t indexUid, const char *msg) {
SBatchDeleteReq deleteReq;
- SSubmitReq *pSubmitReq =
- tdBlockToSubmit(pSma->pVnode, (const SArray *)msg, pTsmaStat->pTSchema, true, pTsmaStat->pTSma->dstTbUid,
- pTsmaStat->pTSma->dstTbName, pTsmaStat->pTSma->dstVgId, &deleteReq);
+ SSubmitReq *pSubmitReq = tqBlockToSubmit(pSma->pVnode, (const SArray *)msg, pTsmaStat->pTSchema, true,
+ pTsmaStat->pTSma->dstTbUid, pTsmaStat->pTSma->dstTbName, &deleteReq);
if (!pSubmitReq) {
smaError("vgId:%d, failed to gen submit blk while tsma insert for smaIndex %" PRIi64 " since %s", SMA_VID(pSma),
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqPush.c b/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqPush.c
index ae3fef9b4b7ebf02654e93e09b5bf6c52f6e2354..ed7fa80c476fff2d6436232b0e610f0b6f61f1cd 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqPush.c
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqPush.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "tq.h"
+#include "vnd.h"
#if 0
void tqTmrRspFunc(void* param, void* tmrId) {
@@ -212,9 +213,7 @@ int32_t tqPushMsgNew(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_
int tqPushMsg(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver) {
- walApplyVer(pTq->pVnode->pWal, ver);
- if (msgType == TDMT_VND_SUBMIT) {
+ if (vnodeIsRoleLeader(pTq->pVnode) && msgType == TDMT_VND_SUBMIT) {
if (taosHashGetSize(pTq->pStreamMeta->pTasks) == 0) return 0;
void* data = taosMemoryMalloc(msgLen);
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqSink.c b/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqSink.c
index 42fb5c329db4ca2ccbda82eab1f1e353e9968e3b..8a249eb1055909f45269a67902ebe384fe5139ac 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqSink.c
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/tq/tqSink.c
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ int32_t tdBuildDeleteReq(SVnode* pVnode, const char* stbFullName, const SSDataBl
SColumnInfoData* pGidCol = taosArrayGet(pDataBlock->pDataBlock, GROUPID_COLUMN_INDEX);
for (int32_t row = 0; row < totRow; row++) {
int64_t ts = *(int64_t*)colDataGetData(pTsCol, row);
- /*int64_t groupId = *(int64_t*)colDataGetData(pGidCol, row);*/
- int64_t groupId = 0;
+ int64_t groupId = *(int64_t*)colDataGetData(pGidCol, row);
char* name = buildCtbNameByGroupId(stbFullName, groupId);
tqDebug("stream delete msg: groupId :%ld, name: %s", groupId, name);
SMetaReader mr = {0};
@@ -49,8 +48,8 @@ int32_t tdBuildDeleteReq(SVnode* pVnode, const char* stbFullName, const SSDataBl
return 0;
-SSubmitReq* tdBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchema* pTSchema, bool createTb,
- int64_t suid, const char* stbFullName, int32_t vgId, SBatchDeleteReq* pDeleteReq) {
+SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchema* pTSchema, bool createTb,
+ int64_t suid, const char* stbFullName, SBatchDeleteReq* pDeleteReq) {
SSubmitReq* ret = NULL;
SArray* schemaReqs = NULL;
SArray* schemaReqSz = NULL;
@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ SSubmitReq* tdBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchem
// assign data
ret = rpcMallocCont(cap);
- ret->header.vgId = vgId;
+ ret->header.vgId = pVnode->config.vgId;
ret->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq);
ret->numOfBlocks = htonl(sz);
@@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ void tqTableSink(SStreamTask* pTask, void* vnode, int64_t ver, void* data) {
deleteReq.deleteReqs = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(SSingleDeleteReq));
- SSubmitReq* pReq = tdBlockToSubmit(pVnode, pRes, pTask->tbSink.pTSchema, true, pTask->tbSink.stbUid,
- pTask->tbSink.stbFullName, pVnode->config.vgId, &deleteReq);
+ SSubmitReq* pReq = tqBlockToSubmit(pVnode, pRes, pTask->tbSink.pTSchema, true, pTask->tbSink.stbUid,
+ pTask->tbSink.stbFullName, &deleteReq);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, task %d convert blocks over, put into write-queue", TD_VID(pVnode), pTask->taskId);
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSvr.c b/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSvr.c
index d5c5e186681d129d4e3b94dad53939637d22cdaf..ee75e39c5f7b1c08afddac4643a21d6095cad65e 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSvr.c
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSvr.c
@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessWriteMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, int64_t version, SRp
vTrace("vgId:%d, process %s request success, index:%" PRId64, TD_VID(pVnode), TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), version);
+ walApplyVer(pVnode->pWal, version);
if (tqPushMsg(pVnode->pTq, pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, pMsg->msgType, version) < 0) {
vError("vgId:%d, failed to push msg to TQ since %s", TD_VID(pVnode), tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
diff --git a/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSync.c b/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSync.c
index 9703ed27ae8e260c813eec35f17be51cd2113d20..b695352c3fdbe2ee6fb54d949510947051123704 100644
--- a/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSync.c
+++ b/source/dnode/vnode/src/vnd/vnodeSync.c
@@ -764,6 +764,8 @@ void vnodeSyncStart(SVnode *pVnode) {
void vnodeSyncClose(SVnode *pVnode) { syncStop(pVnode->sync); }
+bool vnodeIsRoleLeader(SVnode *pVnode) { return syncGetMyRole(pVnode->sync) == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER; }
bool vnodeIsLeader(SVnode *pVnode) {
if (!syncIsReady(pVnode->sync)) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode not ready, state:%s, restore:%d", pVnode->config.vgId, syncGetMyRoleStr(pVnode->sync),
diff --git a/source/libs/executor/src/scanoperator.c b/source/libs/executor/src/scanoperator.c
index d8de8df163207b89120c03dc3b8c42dcff3776d9..fa9e3a1d85add52a68c15ac5122c41a611798bed 100644
--- a/source/libs/executor/src/scanoperator.c
+++ b/source/libs/executor/src/scanoperator.c
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static bool overlapWithTimeWindow(SInterval* pInterval, SDataBlockInfo* pBlockIn
w = getAlignQueryTimeWindow(pInterval, pInterval->precision, pBlockInfo->window.skey);
assert(w.ekey >= pBlockInfo->window.skey);
- if (w.ekey < pBlockInfo->window.ekey) {
+ if (TMAX(w.skey, pBlockInfo->window.skey) <= TMIN(w.ekey, pBlockInfo->window.ekey)) {
return true;
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/inc/parUtil.h b/source/libs/parser/inc/parUtil.h
index 2249bc7823a49589e99f1714d06401b419c3d72d..308afd467f1248c14dac9d8abea638cb42444936 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/inc/parUtil.h
+++ b/source/libs/parser/inc/parUtil.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "catalog.h"
#include "os.h"
+#include "parser.h"
#include "query.h"
#define parserFatal(param, ...) qFatal("PARSER: " param, ##__VA_ARGS__)
@@ -44,18 +45,37 @@ typedef struct SParseTablesMetaReq {
SHashObj* pTables;
} SParseTablesMetaReq;
+typedef enum ECatalogReqType {
+} ECatalogReqType;
+typedef struct SInsertTablesMetaReq {
+ char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN];
+ SArray* pTableMetaPos;
+ SArray* pTableMetaReq; // element is SName
+ SArray* pTableVgroupPos;
+ SArray* pTableVgroupReq; // element is SName
+} SInsertTablesMetaReq;
typedef struct SParseMetaCache {
- SHashObj* pTableMeta; // key is tbFName, element is STableMeta*
- SHashObj* pDbVgroup; // key is dbFName, element is SArray*
- SHashObj* pTableVgroup; // key is tbFName, element is SVgroupInfo*
- SHashObj* pDbCfg; // key is tbFName, element is SDbCfgInfo*
- SHashObj* pDbInfo; // key is tbFName, element is SDbInfo*
- SHashObj* pUserAuth; // key is SUserAuthInfo serialized string, element is bool indicating whether or not to pass
- SHashObj* pUdf; // key is funcName, element is SFuncInfo*
- SHashObj* pTableIndex; // key is tbFName, element is SArray*
- SHashObj* pTableCfg; // key is tbFName, element is STableCfg*
- SArray* pDnodes; // element is SEpSet
- bool dnodeRequired;
+ SHashObj* pTableMeta; // key is tbFName, element is STableMeta*
+ SHashObj* pDbVgroup; // key is dbFName, element is SArray*
+ SHashObj* pTableVgroup; // key is tbFName, element is SVgroupInfo*
+ SHashObj* pDbCfg; // key is tbFName, element is SDbCfgInfo*
+ SHashObj* pDbInfo; // key is tbFName, element is SDbInfo*
+ SHashObj* pUserAuth; // key is SUserAuthInfo serialized string, element is bool indicating whether or not to pass
+ SHashObj* pUdf; // key is funcName, element is SFuncInfo*
+ SHashObj* pTableIndex; // key is tbFName, element is SArray*
+ SHashObj* pTableCfg; // key is tbFName, element is STableCfg*
+ SArray* pDnodes; // element is SEpSet
+ bool dnodeRequired;
+ SHashObj* pInsertTables; // key is dbName, element is SInsertTablesMetaReq*, for insert
+ const char* pUser;
+ const SArray* pTableMetaData; // pRes = STableMeta*
+ const SArray* pTableVgroupData; // pRes = SVgroupInfo*
+ int32_t sqlTableNum;
} SParseMetaCache;
int32_t generateSyntaxErrMsg(SMsgBuf* pBuf, int32_t errCode, ...);
@@ -72,8 +92,9 @@ STableMeta* tableMetaDup(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
int32_t trimString(const char* src, int32_t len, char* dst, int32_t dlen);
-int32_t buildCatalogReq(const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq);
-int32_t putMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache);
+int32_t buildCatalogReq(SParseContext* pCxt, const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq);
+int32_t putMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache,
+ bool insertValuesStmt);
int32_t reserveTableMetaInCache(int32_t acctId, const char* pDb, const char* pTable, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache);
int32_t reserveTableMetaInCacheExt(const SName* pName, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache);
int32_t reserveDbVgInfoInCache(int32_t acctId, const char* pDb, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache);
@@ -100,6 +121,12 @@ int32_t getUdfInfoFromCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, const char* pFunc, SFun
int32_t getTableIndexFromCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, const SName* pName, SArray** pIndexes);
int32_t getTableCfgFromCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, const SName* pName, STableCfg** pOutput);
int32_t getDnodeListFromCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SArray** pDnodes);
+int32_t reserveTableMetaInCacheForInsert(const SName* pName, ECatalogReqType reqType, int32_t tableNo,
+ SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache);
+int32_t getTableMetaFromCacheForInsert(SArray* pTableMetaPos, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, int32_t tableNo,
+ STableMeta** pMeta);
+int32_t getTableVgroupFromCacheForInsert(SArray* pTableVgroupPos, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, int32_t tableNo,
+ SVgroupInfo* pVgroup);
void destoryParseMetaCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, bool request);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/src/parInsert.c b/source/libs/parser/src/parInsert.c
index b7532173c8380e9628fa504c9ce476f4884967fc..31ae35e7177d55397a6000a86712b977962942dd 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/src/parInsert.c
+++ b/source/libs/parser/src/parInsert.c
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ typedef struct SInsertParseContext {
SStmtCallback* pStmtCb;
SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache;
char sTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN];
+ char tmpTokenBuf[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW];
+ int64_t memElapsed;
+ int64_t parRowElapsed;
} SInsertParseContext;
typedef struct SInsertParseSyntaxCxt {
@@ -203,10 +206,11 @@ static int32_t checkAuth(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, char* pDbFname, bool* pPass)
return catalogChkAuth(pBasicCtx->pCatalog, &conn, pBasicCtx->pUser, pDbFname, AUTH_TYPE_WRITE, pPass);
-static int32_t getTableSchema(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* pTbName, bool isStb, STableMeta** pTableMeta) {
+static int32_t getTableSchema(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* pTbName, bool isStb,
+ STableMeta** pTableMeta) {
SParseContext* pBasicCtx = pCxt->pComCxt;
if (pBasicCtx->async) {
- return getTableMetaFromCache(pCxt->pMetaCache, pTbName, pTableMeta);
+ return getTableMetaFromCacheForInsert(pBasicCtx->pTableMetaPos, pCxt->pMetaCache, tbNo, pTableMeta);
SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pBasicCtx->pTransporter,
.requestId = pBasicCtx->requestId,
@@ -219,10 +223,10 @@ static int32_t getTableSchema(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* pTbName, bool is
return catalogGetTableMeta(pBasicCtx->pCatalog, &conn, pTbName, pTableMeta);
-static int32_t getTableVgroup(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* pTbName, SVgroupInfo* pVg) {
+static int32_t getTableVgroup(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* pTbName, SVgroupInfo* pVg) {
SParseContext* pBasicCtx = pCxt->pComCxt;
if (pBasicCtx->async) {
- return getTableVgroupFromCache(pCxt->pMetaCache, pTbName, pVg);
+ return getTableVgroupFromCacheForInsert(pBasicCtx->pTableVgroupPos, pCxt->pMetaCache, tbNo, pVg);
SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pBasicCtx->pTransporter,
.requestId = pBasicCtx->requestId,
@@ -231,28 +235,22 @@ static int32_t getTableVgroup(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* pTbName, SVgroup
return catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pBasicCtx->pCatalog, &conn, pTbName, pVg);
-static int32_t getTableMetaImpl(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* name, char* dbFname, bool isStb) {
- bool pass = false;
- CHECK_CODE(checkAuth(pCxt, dbFname, &pass));
- if (!pass) {
- }
- CHECK_CODE(getTableSchema(pCxt, name, isStb, &pCxt->pTableMeta));
+static int32_t getTableMetaImpl(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* name, char* dbFname, bool isStb) {
+ CHECK_CODE(getTableSchema(pCxt, tbNo, name, isStb, &pCxt->pTableMeta));
if (!isStb) {
SVgroupInfo vg;
- CHECK_CODE(getTableVgroup(pCxt, name, &vg));
+ CHECK_CODE(getTableVgroup(pCxt, tbNo, name, &vg));
CHECK_CODE(taosHashPut(pCxt->pVgroupsHashObj, (const char*)&vg.vgId, sizeof(vg.vgId), (char*)&vg, sizeof(vg)));
-static int32_t getTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* name, char* dbFname) {
- return getTableMetaImpl(pCxt, name, dbFname, false);
+static int32_t getTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* name, char* dbFname) {
+ return getTableMetaImpl(pCxt, tbNo, name, dbFname, false);
-static int32_t getSTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* name, char* dbFname) {
- return getTableMetaImpl(pCxt, name, dbFname, true);
+static int32_t getSTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* name, char* dbFname) {
+ return getTableMetaImpl(pCxt, tbNo, name, dbFname, true);
static int32_t getDBCfg(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, const char* pDbFName, SDbCfgInfo* pInfo) {
@@ -1028,13 +1026,13 @@ end:
return code;
-static int32_t storeTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SHashObj* pHash, SName* pTableName, const char* pName,
- int32_t len, STableMeta* pMeta) {
+static int32_t storeTableMeta(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SHashObj* pHash, int32_t tbNo, SName* pTableName,
+ const char* pName, int32_t len, STableMeta* pMeta) {
SVgroupInfo vg;
- CHECK_CODE(getTableVgroup(pCxt, pTableName, &vg));
+ CHECK_CODE(getTableVgroup(pCxt, tbNo, pTableName, &vg));
CHECK_CODE(taosHashPut(pCxt->pVgroupsHashObj, (const char*)&vg.vgId, sizeof(vg.vgId), (char*)&vg, sizeof(vg)));
- pMeta->uid = 0;
+ pMeta->uid = tbNo;
pMeta->vgId = vg.vgId;
pMeta->tableType = TSDB_CHILD_TABLE;
@@ -1084,7 +1082,7 @@ static int32_t ignoreAutoCreateTableClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
// pSql -> stb_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...)
-static int32_t parseUsingClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* name, char* tbFName) {
+static int32_t parseUsingClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, int32_t tbNo, SName* name, char* tbFName) {
int32_t len = strlen(tbFName);
STableMeta** pMeta = taosHashGet(pCxt->pSubTableHashObj, tbFName, len);
if (NULL != pMeta) {
@@ -1102,11 +1100,11 @@ static int32_t parseUsingClause(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SName* name, char* tb
tNameGetFullDbName(&sname, dbFName);
strcpy(pCxt->sTableName, sname.tname);
- CHECK_CODE(getSTableMeta(pCxt, &sname, dbFName));
+ CHECK_CODE(getSTableMeta(pCxt, tbNo, &sname, dbFName));
if (TSDB_SUPER_TABLE != pCxt->pTableMeta->tableType) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(&pCxt->msg, "create table only from super table is allowed");
- CHECK_CODE(storeTableMeta(pCxt, pCxt->pSubTableHashObj, name, tbFName, len, pCxt->pTableMeta));
+ CHECK_CODE(storeTableMeta(pCxt, pCxt->pSubTableHashObj, tbNo, name, tbFName, len, pCxt->pTableMeta));
SSchema* pTagsSchema = getTableTagSchema(pCxt->pTableMeta);
setBoundColumnInfo(&pCxt->tags, pTagsSchema, getNumOfTags(pCxt->pTableMeta));
@@ -1195,7 +1193,7 @@ static int parseOneRow(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, STableDataBlocks* pDataBlocks,
*gotRow = true;
STSchema* pSTSchema = tdGetSTSChemaFromSSChema(schema, spd->numOfCols, 1);
tdSRowPrint(row, pSTSchema, __func__);
@@ -1214,7 +1212,7 @@ static int32_t parseValues(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, STableDataBlocks* pDataBlo
CHECK_CODE(initRowBuilder(&pDataBlock->rowBuilder, pDataBlock->pTableMeta->sversion, &pDataBlock->boundColumnInfo));
(*numOfRows) = 0;
- char tmpTokenBuf[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW] = {0}; // used for deleting Escape character: \\, \', \"
+ // char tmpTokenBuf[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW] = {0}; // used for deleting Escape character: \\, \', \"
SToken sToken;
while (1) {
int32_t index = 0;
@@ -1232,7 +1230,7 @@ static int32_t parseValues(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, STableDataBlocks* pDataBlo
bool gotRow = false;
- CHECK_CODE(parseOneRow(pCxt, pDataBlock, tinfo.precision, &gotRow, tmpTokenBuf));
+ CHECK_CODE(parseOneRow(pCxt, pDataBlock, tinfo.precision, &gotRow, pCxt->tmpTokenBuf));
if (gotRow) {
pDataBlock->size += extendedRowSize; // len;
@@ -1347,7 +1345,9 @@ static int32_t parseDataFromFile(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SToken filePath, STa
static void destroyInsertParseContextForTable(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
- taosMemoryFreeClear(pCxt->pTableMeta);
+ if (!pCxt->pComCxt->async) {
+ taosMemoryFreeClear(pCxt->pTableMeta);
+ }
@@ -1365,6 +1365,20 @@ static void destroyInsertParseContext(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
+static int32_t parseTableName(SInsertParseContext* pCxt, SToken* pTbnameToken, SName* pName, char* pDbFName,
+ char* pTbFName) {
+ int32_t code = createSName(pName, pTbnameToken, pCxt->pComCxt->acctId, pCxt->pComCxt->db, &pCxt->msg);
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
+ tNameExtractFullName(pName, pTbFName);
+ code = taosHashPut(pCxt->pTableNameHashObj, pTbFName, strlen(pTbFName), pName, sizeof(SName));
+ }
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
+ tNameGetFullDbName(pName, pDbFName);
+ code = taosHashPut(pCxt->pDbFNameHashObj, pDbFName, strlen(pDbFName), pDbFName, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN);
+ }
+ return code;
// tb_name
// [USING stb_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...)]
// [(field1_name, ...)]
@@ -1372,7 +1386,9 @@ static void destroyInsertParseContext(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
// [...];
static int32_t parseInsertBody(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
int32_t tbNum = 0;
+ SName name;
+ char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN];
bool autoCreateTbl = false;
// for each table
@@ -1415,20 +1431,15 @@ static int32_t parseInsertBody(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
SToken tbnameToken = sToken;
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
- SName name;
- CHECK_CODE(createSName(&name, &tbnameToken, pCxt->pComCxt->acctId, pCxt->pComCxt->db, &pCxt->msg));
- tNameExtractFullName(&name, tbFName);
- CHECK_CODE(taosHashPut(pCxt->pTableNameHashObj, tbFName, strlen(tbFName), &name, sizeof(SName)));
- char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN];
- tNameGetFullDbName(&name, dbFName);
- CHECK_CODE(taosHashPut(pCxt->pDbFNameHashObj, dbFName, strlen(dbFName), dbFName, sizeof(dbFName)));
+ if (!pCxt->pComCxt->async || TK_USING == sToken.type) {
+ CHECK_CODE(parseTableName(pCxt, &tbnameToken, &name, dbFName, tbFName));
+ }
bool existedUsing = false;
// USING clause
if (TK_USING == sToken.type) {
existedUsing = true;
- CHECK_CODE(parseUsingClause(pCxt, &name, tbFName));
+ CHECK_CODE(parseUsingClause(pCxt, tbNum, &name, tbFName));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
autoCreateTbl = true;
@@ -1438,22 +1449,31 @@ static int32_t parseInsertBody(SInsertParseContext* pCxt) {
// pSql -> field1_name, ...)
pBoundColsStart = pCxt->pSql;
- // CHECK_CODE(parseBoundColumns(pCxt, &dataBuf->boundColumnInfo, getTableColumnSchema(pCxt->pTableMeta)));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
if (TK_USING == sToken.type) {
- CHECK_CODE(parseUsingClause(pCxt, &name, tbFName));
+ if (pCxt->pComCxt->async) {
+ CHECK_CODE(parseTableName(pCxt, &tbnameToken, &name, dbFName, tbFName));
+ }
+ CHECK_CODE(parseUsingClause(pCxt, tbNum, &name, tbFName));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
autoCreateTbl = true;
} else if (!existedUsing) {
- CHECK_CODE(getTableMeta(pCxt, &name, dbFName));
+ CHECK_CODE(getTableMeta(pCxt, tbNum, &name, dbFName));
STableDataBlocks* dataBuf = NULL;
- CHECK_CODE(getDataBlockFromList(pCxt->pTableBlockHashObj, tbFName, strlen(tbFName), TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
- sizeof(SSubmitBlk), getTableInfo(pCxt->pTableMeta).rowSize, pCxt->pTableMeta,
- &dataBuf, NULL, &pCxt->createTblReq));
+ if (pCxt->pComCxt->async) {
+ CHECK_CODE(getDataBlockFromList(pCxt->pTableBlockHashObj, &pCxt->pTableMeta->uid, sizeof(pCxt->pTableMeta->uid),
+ getTableInfo(pCxt->pTableMeta).rowSize, pCxt->pTableMeta, &dataBuf, NULL,
+ &pCxt->createTblReq));
+ } else {
+ CHECK_CODE(getDataBlockFromList(pCxt->pTableBlockHashObj, tbFName, strlen(tbFName), TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
+ sizeof(SSubmitBlk), getTableInfo(pCxt->pTableMeta).rowSize, pCxt->pTableMeta,
+ &dataBuf, NULL, &pCxt->createTblReq));
+ }
if (NULL != pBoundColsStart) {
char* pCurrPos = pCxt->pSql;
@@ -1532,7 +1552,9 @@ int32_t parseInsertSql(SParseContext* pContext, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache
.totalNum = 0,
.pOutput = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT),
.pStmtCb = pContext->pStmtCb,
- .pMetaCache = pMetaCache};
+ .pMetaCache = pMetaCache,
+ .memElapsed = 0,
+ .parRowElapsed = 0};
if (pContext->pStmtCb && *pQuery) {
(*pContext->pStmtCb->getExecInfoFn)(pContext->pStmtCb->pStmt, &context.pVgroupsHashObj,
@@ -1547,7 +1569,7 @@ int32_t parseInsertSql(SParseContext* pContext, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache
} else {
context.pVgroupsHashObj = taosHashInit(128, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
context.pTableBlockHashObj =
- taosHashInit(128, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
+ taosHashInit(128, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
if (NULL == context.pVgroupsHashObj || NULL == context.pTableBlockHashObj || NULL == context.pSubTableHashObj ||
@@ -1656,24 +1678,24 @@ static int32_t skipUsingClause(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt) {
-static int32_t collectTableMetaKey(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt, SToken* pTbToken) {
+static int32_t collectTableMetaKey(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt, bool isStable, int32_t tableNo, SToken* pTbToken) {
SName name;
CHECK_CODE(createSName(&name, pTbToken, pCxt->pComCxt->acctId, pCxt->pComCxt->db, &pCxt->msg));
- CHECK_CODE(reserveUserAuthInCacheExt(pCxt->pComCxt->pUser, &name, AUTH_TYPE_WRITE, pCxt->pMetaCache));
- CHECK_CODE(reserveTableMetaInCacheExt(&name, pCxt->pMetaCache));
- CHECK_CODE(reserveTableVgroupInCacheExt(&name, pCxt->pMetaCache));
+ CHECK_CODE(reserveTableMetaInCacheForInsert(&name, isStable ? CATALOG_REQ_TYPE_META : CATALOG_REQ_TYPE_BOTH, tableNo,
+ pCxt->pMetaCache));
-static int32_t collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt, SToken* pTbToken) {
+static int32_t collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt, int32_t tableNo, SToken* pTbToken) {
SName name;
CHECK_CODE(createSName(&name, pTbToken, pCxt->pComCxt->acctId, pCxt->pComCxt->db, &pCxt->msg));
- CHECK_CODE(reserveTableVgroupInCacheExt(&name, pCxt->pMetaCache));
+ CHECK_CODE(reserveTableMetaInCacheForInsert(&name, CATALOG_REQ_TYPE_VGROUP, tableNo, pCxt->pMetaCache));
static int32_t parseInsertBodySyntax(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt) {
- bool hasData = false;
+ bool hasData = false;
+ int32_t tableNo = 0;
// for each table
while (1) {
SToken sToken;
@@ -1702,9 +1724,9 @@ static int32_t parseInsertBodySyntax(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt) {
// USING clause
if (TK_USING == sToken.type) {
existedUsing = true;
- CHECK_CODE(collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(pCxt, &tbnameToken));
+ CHECK_CODE(collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(pCxt, tableNo, &tbnameToken));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
- CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, &sToken));
+ CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, true, tableNo, &sToken));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
@@ -1717,15 +1739,17 @@ static int32_t parseInsertBodySyntax(SInsertParseSyntaxCxt* pCxt) {
if (TK_USING == sToken.type && !existedUsing) {
existedUsing = true;
- CHECK_CODE(collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(pCxt, &tbnameToken));
+ CHECK_CODE(collectAutoCreateTableMetaKey(pCxt, tableNo, &tbnameToken));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
- CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, &sToken));
+ CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, true, tableNo, &sToken));
NEXT_TOKEN(pCxt->pSql, sToken);
- } else {
- CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, &tbnameToken));
+ } else if (!existedUsing) {
+ CHECK_CODE(collectTableMetaKey(pCxt, false, tableNo, &tbnameToken));
+ ++tableNo;
if (TK_VALUES == sToken.type) {
// pSql -> (field1_value, ...) [(field1_value2, ...) ...]
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/src/parUtil.c b/source/libs/parser/src/parUtil.c
index ae5a281aab92ab5e365fe19e1769d95b2b43ea47..17e78e78061b69c9eff64ad6a5802369fefaf62d 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/src/parUtil.c
+++ b/source/libs/parser/src/parUtil.c
@@ -476,9 +476,11 @@ static int32_t buildDbReq(SHashObj* pDbsHash, SArray** pDbs) {
static int32_t buildTableReqFromDb(SHashObj* pDbsHash, SArray** pDbs) {
if (NULL != pDbsHash) {
- *pDbs = taosArrayInit(taosHashGetSize(pDbsHash), sizeof(STablesReq));
if (NULL == *pDbs) {
+ *pDbs = taosArrayInit(taosHashGetSize(pDbsHash), sizeof(STablesReq));
+ if (NULL == *pDbs) {
+ }
SParseTablesMetaReq* p = taosHashIterate(pDbsHash, NULL);
while (NULL != p) {
@@ -530,7 +532,62 @@ static int32_t buildUdfReq(SHashObj* pUdfHash, SArray** pUdf) {
-int32_t buildCatalogReq(const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
+static int32_t buildCatalogReqForInsert(SParseContext* pCxt, const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache,
+ SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
+ int32_t ndbs = taosHashGetSize(pMetaCache->pInsertTables);
+ pCatalogReq->pTableMeta = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(STablesReq));
+ if (NULL == pCatalogReq->pTableMeta) {
+ }
+ pCatalogReq->pTableHash = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(STablesReq));
+ if (NULL == pCatalogReq->pTableHash) {
+ }
+ pCatalogReq->pUser = taosArrayInit(ndbs, sizeof(SUserAuthInfo));
+ if (NULL == pCatalogReq->pUser) {
+ }
+ pCxt->pTableMetaPos = taosArrayInit(pMetaCache->sqlTableNum, sizeof(int32_t));
+ pCxt->pTableVgroupPos = taosArrayInit(pMetaCache->sqlTableNum, sizeof(int32_t));
+ int32_t metaReqNo = 0;
+ int32_t vgroupReqNo = 0;
+ SInsertTablesMetaReq* p = taosHashIterate(pMetaCache->pInsertTables, NULL);
+ while (NULL != p) {
+ STablesReq req = {0};
+ strcpy(req.dbFName, p->dbFName);
+ TSWAP(req.pTables, p->pTableMetaReq);
+ taosArrayPush(pCatalogReq->pTableMeta, &req);
+ req.pTables = NULL;
+ TSWAP(req.pTables, p->pTableVgroupReq);
+ taosArrayPush(pCatalogReq->pTableHash, &req);
+ int32_t ntables = taosArrayGetSize(p->pTableMetaPos);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ntables; ++i) {
+ taosArrayInsert(pCxt->pTableMetaPos, *(int32_t*)taosArrayGet(p->pTableMetaPos, i), &metaReqNo);
+ ++metaReqNo;
+ }
+ ntables = taosArrayGetSize(p->pTableVgroupPos);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ntables; ++i) {
+ taosArrayInsert(pCxt->pTableVgroupPos, *(int32_t*)taosArrayGet(p->pTableVgroupPos, i), &vgroupReqNo);
+ ++vgroupReqNo;
+ }
+ SUserAuthInfo auth = {0};
+ strcpy(auth.user, pCxt->pUser);
+ strcpy(auth.dbFName, p->dbFName);
+ auth.type = AUTH_TYPE_WRITE;
+ taosArrayPush(pCatalogReq->pUser, &auth);
+ p = taosHashIterate(pMetaCache->pInsertTables, p);
+ }
+int32_t buildCatalogReqForQuery(const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
int32_t code = buildTableReqFromDb(pMetaCache->pTableMeta, &pCatalogReq->pTableMeta);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
code = buildDbReq(pMetaCache->pDbVgroup, &pCatalogReq->pDbVgroup);
@@ -560,6 +617,13 @@ int32_t buildCatalogReq(const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalog
return code;
+int32_t buildCatalogReq(SParseContext* pCxt, const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
+ if (NULL != pMetaCache->pInsertTables) {
+ return buildCatalogReqForInsert(pCxt, pMetaCache, pCatalogReq);
+ }
+ return buildCatalogReqForQuery(pMetaCache, pCatalogReq);
static int32_t putMetaDataToHash(const char* pKey, int32_t len, const SArray* pData, int32_t index, SHashObj** pHash) {
if (NULL == *pHash) {
*pHash = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
@@ -647,7 +711,8 @@ static int32_t putUdfToCache(const SArray* pUdfReq, const SArray* pUdfData, SHas
-int32_t putMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
+int32_t putMetaDataToCacheForQuery(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData,
+ SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
int32_t code = putDbTableDataToCache(pCatalogReq->pTableMeta, pMetaData->pTableMeta, &pMetaCache->pTableMeta);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
code = putDbDataToCache(pCatalogReq->pDbVgroup, pMetaData->pDbVgroup, &pMetaCache->pDbVgroup);
@@ -677,6 +742,30 @@ int32_t putMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMet
return code;
+int32_t putMetaDataToCacheForInsert(const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
+ int32_t ndbs = taosArrayGetSize(pMetaData->pUser);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ndbs; ++i) {
+ SMetaRes* pRes = taosArrayGet(pMetaData->pUser, i);
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != pRes->code) {
+ return pRes->code;
+ }
+ if (!(*(bool*)pRes->pRes)) {
+ }
+ }
+ pMetaCache->pTableMetaData = pMetaData->pTableMeta;
+ pMetaCache->pTableVgroupData = pMetaData->pTableHash;
+int32_t putMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache,
+ bool insertValuesStmt) {
+ if (insertValuesStmt) {
+ return putMetaDataToCacheForInsert(pMetaData, pMetaCache);
+ }
+ return putMetaDataToCacheForQuery(pCatalogReq, pMetaData, pMetaCache);
static int32_t reserveTableReqInCacheImpl(const char* pTbFName, int32_t len, SHashObj** pTables) {
if (NULL == *pTables) {
*pTables = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
@@ -977,6 +1066,82 @@ int32_t getDnodeListFromCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SArray** pDnodes) {
+static int32_t reserveTableReqInCacheForInsert(const SName* pName, ECatalogReqType reqType, int32_t tableNo,
+ SInsertTablesMetaReq* pReq) {
+ switch (reqType) {
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableMetaReq, pName);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableMetaPos, &tableNo);
+ break;
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableVgroupReq, pName);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableVgroupPos, &tableNo);
+ break;
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableMetaReq, pName);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableMetaPos, &tableNo);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableVgroupReq, pName);
+ taosArrayPush(pReq->pTableVgroupPos, &tableNo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+static int32_t reserveTableReqInDbCacheForInsert(const SName* pName, ECatalogReqType reqType, int32_t tableNo,
+ SHashObj* pDbs) {
+ SInsertTablesMetaReq req = {.pTableMetaReq = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SName)),
+ .pTableMetaPos = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(int32_t)),
+ .pTableVgroupReq = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SName)),
+ .pTableVgroupPos = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(int32_t))};
+ tNameGetFullDbName(pName, req.dbFName);
+ int32_t code = reserveTableReqInCacheForInsert(pName, reqType, tableNo, &req);
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
+ code = taosHashPut(pDbs, pName->dbname, strlen(pName->dbname), &req, sizeof(SInsertTablesMetaReq));
+ }
+ return code;
+int32_t reserveTableMetaInCacheForInsert(const SName* pName, ECatalogReqType reqType, int32_t tableNo,
+ SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
+ if (NULL == pMetaCache->pInsertTables) {
+ pMetaCache->pInsertTables = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
+ if (NULL == pMetaCache->pInsertTables) {
+ }
+ }
+ pMetaCache->sqlTableNum = tableNo;
+ SInsertTablesMetaReq* pReq = taosHashGet(pMetaCache->pInsertTables, pName->dbname, strlen(pName->dbname));
+ if (NULL == pReq) {
+ return reserveTableReqInDbCacheForInsert(pName, reqType, tableNo, pMetaCache->pInsertTables);
+ }
+ return reserveTableReqInCacheForInsert(pName, reqType, tableNo, pReq);
+int32_t getTableMetaFromCacheForInsert(SArray* pTableMetaPos, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, int32_t tableNo,
+ STableMeta** pMeta) {
+ int32_t reqIndex = *(int32_t*)taosArrayGet(pTableMetaPos, tableNo);
+ SMetaRes* pRes = taosArrayGet(pMetaCache->pTableMetaData, reqIndex);
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == pRes->code) {
+ *pMeta = pRes->pRes;
+ if (NULL == *pMeta) {
+ }
+ }
+ return pRes->code;
+int32_t getTableVgroupFromCacheForInsert(SArray* pTableVgroupPos, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, int32_t tableNo,
+ SVgroupInfo* pVgroup) {
+ int32_t reqIndex = *(int32_t*)taosArrayGet(pTableVgroupPos, tableNo);
+ SMetaRes* pRes = taosArrayGet(pMetaCache->pTableVgroupData, reqIndex);
+ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == pRes->code) {
+ memcpy(pVgroup, pRes->pRes, sizeof(SVgroupInfo));
+ }
+ return pRes->code;
void destoryParseTablesMetaReqHash(SHashObj* pHash) {
SParseTablesMetaReq* p = taosHashIterate(pHash, NULL);
while (NULL != p) {
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/src/parser.c b/source/libs/parser/src/parser.c
index 34cd783ace5c84608de6d62ae6b994c2fbb9e3c3..7e27132f3cbc453a5cf09bd487acc75fa546ff7e 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/src/parser.c
+++ b/source/libs/parser/src/parser.c
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ int32_t qParseSqlSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, struct SCatalogReq
code = parseSqlSyntax(pCxt, pQuery, &metaCache);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
- code = buildCatalogReq(&metaCache, pCatalogReq);
+ code = buildCatalogReq(pCxt, &metaCache, pCatalogReq);
destoryParseMetaCache(&metaCache, true);
terrno = code;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ int32_t qParseSqlSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, struct SCatalogReq
int32_t qAnalyseSqlSemantic(SParseContext* pCxt, const struct SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq,
const struct SMetaData* pMetaData, SQuery* pQuery) {
SParseMetaCache metaCache = {0};
- int32_t code = putMetaDataToCache(pCatalogReq, pMetaData, &metaCache);
+ int32_t code = putMetaDataToCache(pCatalogReq, pMetaData, &metaCache, NULL == pQuery->pRoot);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) {
code = parseInsertSql(pCxt, &pQuery, &metaCache);
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/test/parInsertTest.cpp b/source/libs/parser/test/parInsertTest.cpp
index 7302491ba7b15daca8333c4b9870eb3615e0c015..ddf15ec67bf2b77edd2e1e622aad409a9ecc0e69 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/test/parInsertTest.cpp
+++ b/source/libs/parser/test/parInsertTest.cpp
@@ -13,21 +13,13 @@
* along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "mockCatalogService.h"
-#include "os.h"
-#include "parInt.h"
+#include "parTestUtil.h"
using namespace std;
-using namespace std::placeholders;
-using namespace testing;
-namespace {
-string toString(int32_t code) { return tstrerror(code); }
-} // namespace
+namespace ParserTest {
// syntax:
@@ -36,259 +28,60 @@ string toString(int32_t code) { return tstrerror(code); }
// [(field1_name, ...)]
// VALUES (field1_value, ...) [(field1_value2, ...) ...] | FILE csv_file_path
// [...];
-class InsertTest : public Test {
- protected:
- InsertTest() : res_(nullptr) {}
- ~InsertTest() { reset(); }
- void setDatabase(const string& acctId, const string& db) {
- acctId_ = acctId;
- db_ = db;
- }
- void bind(const char* sql) {
- reset();
- cxt_.acctId = atoi(acctId_.c_str());
- cxt_.db = (char*)db_.c_str();
- strcpy(sqlBuf_, sql);
- cxt_.sqlLen = strlen(sql);
- sqlBuf_[cxt_.sqlLen] = '\0';
- cxt_.pSql = sqlBuf_;
- }
- int32_t run() {
- code_ = parseInsertSql(&cxt_, &res_, nullptr);
- if (code_ != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- cout << "code:" << toString(code_) << ", msg:" << errMagBuf_ << endl;
- }
- return code_;
- }
- int32_t runAsync() {
- cxt_.async = true;
- bool request = true;
- unique_ptr > metaCache(
- new SParseMetaCache(), std::bind(_destoryParseMetaCache, _1, cref(request)));
- code_ = parseInsertSyntax(&cxt_, &res_, metaCache.get());
- if (code_ != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- cout << "parseInsertSyntax code:" << toString(code_) << ", msg:" << errMagBuf_ << endl;
- return code_;
- }
- unique_ptr catalogReq(new SCatalogReq(),
- MockCatalogService::destoryCatalogReq);
- code_ = buildCatalogReq(metaCache.get(), catalogReq.get());
- if (code_ != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- cout << "buildCatalogReq code:" << toString(code_) << ", msg:" << errMagBuf_ << endl;
- return code_;
- }
- unique_ptr metaData(new SMetaData(), MockCatalogService::destoryMetaData);
- g_mockCatalogService->catalogGetAllMeta(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get());
- metaCache.reset(new SParseMetaCache());
- request = false;
- code_ = putMetaDataToCache(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get(), metaCache.get());
- if (code_ != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- cout << "putMetaDataToCache code:" << toString(code_) << ", msg:" << errMagBuf_ << endl;
- return code_;
- }
- code_ = parseInsertSql(&cxt_, &res_, metaCache.get());
- if (code_ != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
- cout << "parseInsertSql code:" << toString(code_) << ", msg:" << errMagBuf_ << endl;
- return code_;
- }
- return code_;
- }
- void dumpReslut() {
- SVnodeModifOpStmt* pStmt = getVnodeModifStmt(res_);
- size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pStmt->pDataBlocks);
- cout << "payloadType:" << (int32_t)pStmt->payloadType << ", insertType:" << pStmt->insertType
- << ", numOfVgs:" << num << endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
- SVgDataBlocks* vg = (SVgDataBlocks*)taosArrayGetP(pStmt->pDataBlocks, i);
- cout << "vgId:" << vg->vg.vgId << ", numOfTables:" << vg->numOfTables << ", dataSize:" << vg->size << endl;
- SSubmitReq* submit = (SSubmitReq*)vg->pData;
- cout << "length:" << ntohl(submit->length) << ", numOfBlocks:" << ntohl(submit->numOfBlocks) << endl;
- int32_t numOfBlocks = ntohl(submit->numOfBlocks);
- SSubmitBlk* blk = (SSubmitBlk*)(submit + 1);
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfBlocks; ++i) {
- cout << "Block:" << i << endl;
- cout << "\tuid:" << be64toh(blk->uid) << ", tid:" << be64toh(blk->suid) << ", sversion:" << ntohl(blk->sversion)
- << ", dataLen:" << ntohl(blk->dataLen) << ", schemaLen:" << ntohl(blk->schemaLen)
- << ", numOfRows:" << ntohl(blk->numOfRows) << endl;
- blk = (SSubmitBlk*)(blk->data + ntohl(blk->dataLen));
- }
- }
- }
- void checkReslut(int32_t numOfTables, int32_t numOfRows1, int32_t numOfRows2 = -1) {
- SVnodeModifOpStmt* pStmt = getVnodeModifStmt(res_);
- ASSERT_EQ(pStmt->payloadType, PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV);
- size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pStmt->pDataBlocks);
- ASSERT_GE(num, 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
- SVgDataBlocks* vg = (SVgDataBlocks*)taosArrayGetP(pStmt->pDataBlocks, i);
- ASSERT_EQ(vg->numOfTables, numOfTables);
- ASSERT_GE(vg->size, 0);
- SSubmitReq* submit = (SSubmitReq*)vg->pData;
- ASSERT_GE(ntohl(submit->length), 0);
- ASSERT_GE(ntohl(submit->numOfBlocks), 0);
- int32_t numOfBlocks = ntohl(submit->numOfBlocks);
- SSubmitBlk* blk = (SSubmitBlk*)(submit + 1);
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfBlocks; ++i) {
- ASSERT_EQ(ntohl(blk->numOfRows), (0 == i ? numOfRows1 : (numOfRows2 > 0 ? numOfRows2 : numOfRows1)));
- blk = (SSubmitBlk*)(blk->data + ntohl(blk->dataLen));
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- static const int max_err_len = 1024;
- static const int max_sql_len = 1024 * 1024;
- static void _destoryParseMetaCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, bool request) {
- destoryParseMetaCache(pMetaCache, request);
- delete pMetaCache;
- }
- void reset() {
- memset(&cxt_, 0, sizeof(cxt_));
- memset(errMagBuf_, 0, max_err_len);
- cxt_.pMsg = errMagBuf_;
- cxt_.msgLen = max_err_len;
- qDestroyQuery(res_);
- res_ = nullptr;
- }
- SVnodeModifOpStmt* getVnodeModifStmt(SQuery* pQuery) { return (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)pQuery->pRoot; }
- string acctId_;
- string db_;
- char errMagBuf_[max_err_len];
- char sqlBuf_[max_sql_len];
- SParseContext cxt_;
- int32_t code_;
- SQuery* res_;
+class ParserInsertTest : public ParserTestBase {};
// INSERT INTO tb_name [(field1_name, ...)] VALUES (field1_value, ...)
-TEST_F(InsertTest, singleTableSingleRowTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
- bind("insert into t1 values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(1, 1);
+TEST_F(ParserInsertTest, singleTableSingleRowTest) {
+ useDb("root", "test");
- bind("insert into t1 (ts, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
+ run("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
- bind("insert into t1 values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(1, 1);
- bind("insert into t1 (ts, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
+ run("INSERT INTO t1 (ts, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)");
// INSERT INTO tb_name VALUES (field1_value, ...)(field1_value, ...)
-TEST_F(InsertTest, singleTableMultiRowTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into t1 values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai', 6, 7, 8)"
- "(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou', 9, 10, 11)");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(1, 3);
+TEST_F(ParserInsertTest, singleTableMultiRowTest) {
+ useDb("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into t1 values (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai', 6, 7, 8)"
+ run("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing', 3, 4, 5)"
+ "(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai', 6, 7, 8)"
"(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou', 9, 10, 11)");
// INSERT INTO tb1_name VALUES (field1_value, ...) tb2_name VALUES (field1_value, ...)
-TEST_F(InsertTest, multiTableSingleRowTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
+TEST_F(ParserInsertTest, multiTableSingleRowTest) {
+ useDb("root", "test");
- bind("insert into st1s1 values (now, 1, \"beijing\") st1s2 values (now, 10, \"131028\")");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(2, 1);
- bind("insert into st1s1 values (now, 1, \"beijing\") st1s2 values (now, 10, \"131028\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO st1s1 VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing') st1s2 VALUES (now, 10, '131028')");
// INSERT INTO tb1_name VALUES (field1_value, ...) tb2_name VALUES (field1_value, ...)
-TEST_F(InsertTest, multiTableMultiRowTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 values (now, 1, \"beijing\")(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")"
- " st1s2 values (now, 10, \"131028\")(now+1s, 20, \"132028\")");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(2, 3, 2);
+TEST_F(ParserInsertTest, multiTableMultiRowTest) {
+ useDb("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 values (now, 1, \"beijing\")(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")"
- " st1s2 values (now, 10, \"131028\")(now+1s, 20, \"132028\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO "
+ "st1s1 VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing')(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai')(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou') "
+ "st1s2 VALUES (now, 10, '131028')(now+1s, 20, '132028')");
// tb1_name USING st1_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...) VALUES (field1_value, ...)
// tb2_name USING st2_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...) VALUES (field1_value, ...)
-TEST_F(InsertTest, autoCreateTableTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 using st1 tags(1, 'wxy', now) "
- "values (now, 1, \"beijing\")(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")");
- dumpReslut();
- checkReslut(1, 3);
+TEST_F(ParserInsertTest, autoCreateTableTest) {
+ useDb("root", "test");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 using st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(1, 'wxy') values (now, 1, \"beijing\")"
- "(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO st1s1 USING st1 TAGS(1, 'wxy', now) "
+ "VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing')(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai')(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou')");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 using st1 tags(1, 'wxy', now) "
- "values (now, 1, \"beijing\")(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO st1s1 USING st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(1, 'wxy') (ts, c1, c2) "
+ "VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing')(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai')(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou')");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 using st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(1, 'wxy') values (now, 1, \"beijing\")"
- "(now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")(now+2s, 3, \"guangzhou\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO st1s1 (ts, c1, c2) USING st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(1, 'wxy') "
+ "VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing')(now+1s, 2, 'shanghai')(now+2s, 3, 'guangzhou')");
- bind(
- "insert into st1s1 using st1 tags(1, 'wxy', now) values (now, 1, \"beijing\")"
- "st1s1 using st1 tags(1, 'wxy', now) values (now+1s, 2, \"shanghai\")");
+ run("INSERT INTO "
+ "st1s1 USING st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(1, 'wxy') (ts, c1, c2) VALUES (now, 1, 'beijing') "
+ "st1s2 (ts, c1, c2) USING st1 TAGS(2, 'abc', now) VALUES (now+1s, 2, 'shanghai')");
-TEST_F(InsertTest, toleranceTest) {
- setDatabase("root", "test");
- bind("insert into");
- bind("insert into t");
- bind("insert into");
- bind("insert into t");
+} // namespace ParserTest
diff --git a/source/libs/parser/test/parTestUtil.cpp b/source/libs/parser/test/parTestUtil.cpp
index 3fe4b533e44fe70e8e999ef3cacd15715cd632dd..98281b7bf070095b4bb23326b156d5e8764690de 100644
--- a/source/libs/parser/test/parTestUtil.cpp
+++ b/source/libs/parser/test/parTestUtil.cpp
@@ -225,16 +225,17 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
DO_WITH_THROW(collectMetaKey, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache);
- void doBuildCatalogReq(const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
- DO_WITH_THROW(buildCatalogReq, pMetaCache, pCatalogReq);
+ void doBuildCatalogReq(SParseContext* pCxt, const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
+ DO_WITH_THROW(buildCatalogReq, pCxt, pMetaCache, pCatalogReq);
void doGetAllMeta(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) {
DO_WITH_THROW(g_mockCatalogService->catalogGetAllMeta, pCatalogReq, pMetaData);
- void doPutMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
- DO_WITH_THROW(putMetaDataToCache, pCatalogReq, pMetaData, pMetaCache);
+ void doPutMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache,
+ bool isInsertValues) {
+ DO_WITH_THROW(putMetaDataToCache, pCatalogReq, pMetaData, pMetaCache, isInsertValues);
void doAuthenticate(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery* pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
@@ -261,7 +262,9 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
void doParseSqlSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) {
DO_WITH_THROW(qParseSqlSyntax, pCxt, pQuery, pCatalogReq);
ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr);
- res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot);
+ if (nullptr != (*pQuery)->pRoot) {
+ res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot);
+ }
void doAnalyseSqlSemantic(SParseContext* pCxt, const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData,
@@ -270,6 +273,17 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
res_.calcConstAst_ = toString(pQuery->pRoot);
+ void doParseInsertSql(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
+ DO_WITH_THROW(parseInsertSql, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache);
+ ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr);
+ res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot);
+ }
+ void doParseInsertSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) {
+ DO_WITH_THROW(parseInsertSyntax, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache);
+ ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr);
+ }
string toString(const SNode* pRoot) {
char* pStr = NULL;
int32_t len = 0;
@@ -287,15 +301,20 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
SParseContext cxt = {0};
setParseContext(sql, &cxt);
- unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery);
- doParse(&cxt, query.get());
- SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get());
+ if (qIsInsertValuesSql(cxt.pSql, cxt.sqlLen)) {
+ unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery);
+ doParseInsertSql(&cxt, query.get(), nullptr);
+ } else {
+ unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery);
+ doParse(&cxt, query.get());
+ SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get());
- doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr);
+ doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr);
- doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr);
+ doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr);
- doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery);
+ doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery);
+ }
if (g_dump) {
@@ -338,17 +357,22 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
setParseContext(sql, &cxt, true);
unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery);
- doParse(&cxt, query.get());
- SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get());
- bool request = true;
+ bool request = true;
unique_ptr > metaCache(
new SParseMetaCache(), bind(_destoryParseMetaCache, _1, cref(request)));
- doCollectMetaKey(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get());
+ bool isInsertValues = qIsInsertValuesSql(cxt.pSql, cxt.sqlLen);
+ if (isInsertValues) {
+ doParseInsertSyntax(&cxt, query.get(), metaCache.get());
+ } else {
+ doParse(&cxt, query.get());
+ doCollectMetaKey(&cxt, *(query.get()), metaCache.get());
+ }
+ SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get());
unique_ptr catalogReq(new SCatalogReq(),
- doBuildCatalogReq(metaCache.get(), catalogReq.get());
+ doBuildCatalogReq(&cxt, metaCache.get(), catalogReq.get());
string err;
thread t1([&]() {
@@ -358,13 +382,17 @@ class ParserTestBaseImpl {
metaCache.reset(new SParseMetaCache());
request = false;
- doPutMetaDataToCache(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get(), metaCache.get());
+ doPutMetaDataToCache(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get(), metaCache.get(), isInsertValues);
- doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get());
+ if (isInsertValues) {
+ doParseInsertSql(&cxt, query.get(), metaCache.get());
+ } else {
+ doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get());
- doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get());
+ doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get());
- doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery);
+ doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery);
+ }
} catch (const TerminateFlag& e) {
// success and terminate
} catch (const runtime_error& e) {
diff --git a/source/libs/planner/src/planLogicCreater.c b/source/libs/planner/src/planLogicCreater.c
index c843dd0a67f64b6647d987c848a6507c69fa814a..71f084d41226fee17bd0b8c0d63f69ad07ca3a20 100644
--- a/source/libs/planner/src/planLogicCreater.c
+++ b/source/libs/planner/src/planLogicCreater.c
@@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ static int32_t createPartitionLogicNode(SLogicPlanContext* pCxt, SSelectStmt* pS
int32_t code =
nodesCollectColumns(pSelect, SQL_CLAUSE_PARTITION_BY, NULL, COLLECT_COL_TYPE_ALL, &pPartition->node.pTargets);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && NULL == pPartition->node.pTargets) {
- code = nodesListMakeStrictAppend(&pPartition->node.pTargets, nodesListGetNode(pCxt->pCurrRoot->pTargets, 0));
+ code = nodesListMakeStrictAppend(&pPartition->node.pTargets, nodesCloneNode(nodesListGetNode(pCxt->pCurrRoot->pTargets, 0)));
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
diff --git a/source/libs/scalar/src/sclfunc.c b/source/libs/scalar/src/sclfunc.c
index 2d889dd925e893c0684a3317c4fe2a6e3eb1d671..4ead1147e47e8777a422cd8f63a74d4017a368a5 100644
--- a/source/libs/scalar/src/sclfunc.c
+++ b/source/libs/scalar/src/sclfunc.c
@@ -642,7 +642,6 @@ static int32_t doTrimFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarPar
int32_t charLen = (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR) ? len : len / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE;
trimFn(input, output, type, charLen);
- varDataSetLen(output, len);
colDataAppend(pOutputData, i, output, false);
output += varDataTLen(output);
diff --git a/source/libs/transport/inc/transComm.h b/source/libs/transport/inc/transComm.h
index 04b58da570f81aba36766d3ce9795742c12bc3b4..6b52c7427177bdd1662db63d57308e231348e99b 100644
--- a/source/libs/transport/inc/transComm.h
+++ b/source/libs/transport/inc/transComm.h
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ int transSendResponse(const STransMsg* msg);
int transRegisterMsg(const STransMsg* msg);
int transSetDefaultAddr(void* shandle, const char* ip, const char* fqdn);
-int transGetSockDebugInfo(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst);
+int transSockInfo2Str(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst);
int64_t transAllocHandle();
diff --git a/source/libs/transport/src/transCli.c b/source/libs/transport/src/transCli.c
index d78e79f96fc1e4faf7071ecd3089639426972f76..ebad365ce0d1b685589b1cad029cae275b48ef4f 100644
--- a/source/libs/transport/src/transCli.c
+++ b/source/libs/transport/src/transCli.c
@@ -826,11 +826,11 @@ void cliConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) {
int addrlen = sizeof(peername);
uv_tcp_getpeername((uv_tcp_t*)pConn->stream, &peername, &addrlen);
- transGetSockDebugInfo(&peername, pConn->dst);
+ transSockInfo2Str(&peername, pConn->dst);
addrlen = sizeof(sockname);
uv_tcp_getsockname((uv_tcp_t*)pConn->stream, &sockname, &addrlen);
- transGetSockDebugInfo(&sockname, pConn->src);
+ transSockInfo2Str(&sockname, pConn->src);
tTrace("%s conn %p connect to server successfully", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn);
assert(pConn->stream == req->handle);
diff --git a/source/libs/transport/src/transComm.c b/source/libs/transport/src/transComm.c
index b568163e23ec75dfa626c2c3618391e94c838d2e..4272ec0b1c201d930e4c63c9266312a77bef97bd 100644
--- a/source/libs/transport/src/transComm.c
+++ b/source/libs/transport/src/transComm.c
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void transFreeMsg(void* msg) {
taosMemoryFree((char*)msg - sizeof(STransMsgHead));
-int transGetSockDebugInfo(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst) {
+int transSockInfo2Str(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst) {
struct sockaddr_in addr = *(struct sockaddr_in*)sockname;
char buf[20] = {0};
diff --git a/source/libs/transport/src/transSvr.c b/source/libs/transport/src/transSvr.c
index 1b51df202f673300ad17d7b607133baefa6b676a..3512b27bf86f71c34562f7bc928d4ecd18807684 100644
--- a/source/libs/transport/src/transSvr.c
+++ b/source/libs/transport/src/transSvr.c
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ void uvOnConnectionCb(uv_stream_t* q, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) {
- transGetSockDebugInfo(&peername, pConn->dst);
+ transSockInfo2Str(&peername, pConn->dst);
addrlen = sizeof(sockname);
if (0 != uv_tcp_getsockname(pConn->pTcp, (struct sockaddr*)&sockname, &addrlen)) {
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ void uvOnConnectionCb(uv_stream_t* q, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) {
- transGetSockDebugInfo(&sockname, pConn->src);
+ transSockInfo2Str(&sockname, pConn->src);
struct sockaddr_in addr = *(struct sockaddr_in*)&sockname;
pConn->clientIp = addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
diff --git a/source/util/src/terror.c b/source/util/src/terror.c
index 6e3067d44edc67f10944cdde2ffc72fbd4b57fea..7b06967940e42a8b0cef13a775fa64bfe512719c 100644
--- a/source/util/src/terror.c
+++ b/source/util/src/terror.c
@@ -624,6 +624,7 @@ TAOS_DEFINE_ERROR(TSDB_CODE_INDEX_REBUILDING, "Invalid index file"
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
index 203541f14a49e27d8298cb6f21077bae8cfbc0b9..600c64b8e6ac0a521d3c736c3256c79dfcefbf8e 100755
--- a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ class Database:
def setupLastTick(cls):
# start time will be auto generated , start at 10 years ago local time
- local_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-16]
+ local_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-16]
local_epoch_time = [int(i) for i in local_time.split("-")]
#local_epoch_time will be such as : [2022, 7, 18]
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/shared/misc.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/shared/misc.py
index fd73f97fcbd0f241ac96a241ff3f912a67ce58d4..6a8a59a02700a4e15320532e0f20b2d4e0b0c336 100644
--- a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/shared/misc.py
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/shared/misc.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Logging:
def _get_datetime(cls):
- return datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-1]
+ return datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-1]
def getLogger(cls):
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/column/commit.sim b/tests/script/tsim/column/commit.sim
index 43aebb490256b7ba28c2ed99c47a800d4ee2e102..899d51af87198f6bb83ed4bc9fa2fc2f6be553f8 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/column/commit.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/column/commit.sim
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ sql create table d3.mt (ts timestamp, c000 int, c001 int, c002 int, c003 int, c0
sql create table d3.t1 using d3.mt tags(1, 2, '3', 4, 5, 6)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -33,50 +33,50 @@ sql insert into d3.t1 values (now+1d,9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 ,
print =============== step3
sql select * from d3.mt
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
sql select * from d3.mt where c001 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from d3.mt where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c248), avg(c001), avg(c248), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c248), avg(c235), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d3.mt
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data08 != 10 then
+if $data08 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data09 != 10 then
+if $data09 != 10 then
return -1
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print =============== step5
sql select * from d3.mt
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
sql select * from d3.mt where c001 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from d3.mt where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -107,35 +107,35 @@ endi
sql select count(c001), count(c248), avg(c001), avg(c248), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c248), avg(c128), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d3.mt
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data08 != 10 then
+if $data08 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data09 != 10 then
+if $data09 != 10 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/column/metrics.sim b/tests/script/tsim/column/metrics.sim
index a492f5a2f9027aba1ce332367e92a18da657ce46..6a144a15d336cf2b46497441445486d87b809fd0 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/column/metrics.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/column/metrics.sim
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ sql create table d2.t1 using d2.mt tags(1, 2, '3', 4, 5, 6)
sql create table d2.t2 using d2.mt tags(6, 7, '8', 9, 10, 11)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -53,98 +53,98 @@ sql insert into d2.t2 values (now+9m,9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 ,
print =============== step3
sql select * from d2.mt
-if $rows != 20 then
+if $rows != 20 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where c001 = 1
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2 and ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from d2.mt
-if $data00 != 20 then
+if $data00 != 20 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c248), avg(c001), avg(c248), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c248), avg(c235), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d2.mt
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
-if $data00 != 20 then
+if $data00 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 20 then
+if $data01 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 90 then
+if $data04 != 90 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data08 != 20 then
+if $data08 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data09 != 20 then
+if $data09 != 20 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c248), avg(c001), avg(c248), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c248), avg(c238), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d2.mt where a = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
-if $data00 != 10 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data08 != 10 then
+if $data08 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data09 != 10 then
+if $data09 != 10 then
return -1
@@ -154,56 +154,56 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print =============== step5
sql select * from d2.mt
-if $rows != 20 then
+if $rows != 20 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where c001 = 1
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from d2.mt where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from d2.mt
-if $data00 != 20 then
+if $data00 != 20 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c248), avg(c001), avg(c248), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c248), avg(c128), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d2.mt
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
-if $data00 != 20 then
+if $data00 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 20 then
+if $data01 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 90 then
+if $data04 != 90 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data07 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data08 != 20 then
+if $data08 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data09 != 20 then
+if $data09 != 20 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/column/table.sim b/tests/script/tsim/column/table.sim
index 07948ebce36f88ae5eef2de51fd11e352d9af86a..4f1d32c373e3712275deec14a54e7efa0e77de61 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/column/table.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/column/table.sim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sql use d1
sql create table d1.t1 (ts timestamp, c000 int, c001 int, c002 int, c003 int, c004 int, c005 int, c006 int, c007 int, c008 int, c009 int, c010 int, c011 int, c012 int, c013 int, c014 int, c015 int, c016 int, c017 int, c018 int, c019 int, c020 int, c021 int, c022 int, c023 int, c024 int, c025 int, c026 int, c027 int, c028 int, c029 int, c030 int, c031 int, c032 int, c033 int, c034 int, c035 int, c036 int, c037 int, c038 int, c039 int, c040 int, c041 int, c042 int, c043 int, c044 int, c045 int, c046 int, c047 int, c048 int, c049 int, c050 int, c051 int, c052 int, c053 int, c054 int, c055 int, c056 int, c057 int, c058 int, c059 int, c060 int, c061 int, c062 int, c063 int, c064 int, c065 int, c066 int, c067 int, c068 int, c069 int, c070 int, c071 int, c072 int, c073 int, c074 int, c075 int, c076 int, c077 int, c078 int, c079 int, c080 int, c081 int, c082 int, c083 int, c084 int, c085 int, c086 int, c087 int, c088 int, c089 int, c090 int, c091 int, c092 int, c093 int, c094 int, c095 int, c096 int, c097 int, c098 int, c099 int, c100 int, c101 int, c102 int, c103 int, c104 int, c105 int, c106 int, c107 int, c108 int, c109 int, c110 int, c111 int, c112 int, c113 int, c114 int, c115 int, c116 int, c117 int, c118 int, c119 int, c120 int, c121 int, c122 int, c123 int, c124 int, c125 int, c126 int, c127 int, c128 int, c129 int, c130 int, c131 int, c132 int, c133 int, c134 int, c135 int, c136 int, c137 int, c138 int, c139 int, c140 int, c141 int, c142 int, c143 int, c144 int, c145 int, c146 int, c147 int, c148 int, c149 int, c150 int, c151 int, c152 int, c153 int, c154 int, c155 int, c156 int, c157 int, c158 int, c159 int, c160 int, c161 int, c162 int, c163 int, c164 int, c165 int, c166 int, c167 int, c168 int, c169 int, c170 int, c171 int, c172 int, c173 int, c174 int, c175 int, c176 int, c177 int, c178 int, c179 int, c180 int, c181 int, c182 int, c183 int, c184 int, c185 int, c186 int, c187 int, c188 int, c189 int, c190 int, c191 int, c192 int, c193 int, c194 int, c195 int, c196 int, c197 int, c198 int, c199 int, c200 int, c201 int, c202 int, c203 int, c204 int, c205 int, c206 int, c207 int, c208 int, c209 int, c210 int, c211 int, c212 int, c213 int, c214 int, c215 int, c216 int, c217 int, c218 int, c219 int, c220 int, c221 int, c222 int, c223 int, c224 int, c225 int, c226 int, c227 int, c228 int, c229 int, c230 int, c231 int, c232 int, c233 int, c234 int, c235 int, c236 int, c237 int, c238 int, c239 int, c240 int, c241 int, c242 int, c243 int, c244 int, c245 int, c246 int, c247 int, c248 int, c249 int, c250 int)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -32,91 +32,91 @@ sql insert into d1.t1 values (now+9m,9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 ,
print ======= step3
sql select * from d1.t1
print select * from d1.t1 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where ts < now + 4m
print select * from d1.t1 where ts < now + 4m => rows $rows
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where c001 = 1
print select * from d1.t1 where c001 = 1 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
print select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2 and ts < now + 4m
print select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2 and ts < now + 4m => rows $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from d1.t1
print select count(*) from d1.t1 => $data00
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c250), avg(c001), avg(c250), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c250), stddev(c250) from d1.t1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07
-if $data00 != 10 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
+if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
return -1
-sql select count(c001), count(c250), avg(c001), avg(c250), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c250), stddev(c250), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d1.t1
+sql select count(c001), count(c250), avg(c001), avg(c250), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c250), stddev(c250), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d1.t1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
+if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
return -1
@@ -128,79 +128,79 @@ print ============== step5
sql select * from d1.t1
print select * from d1.t1 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where c001 = 1
print select * from d1.t1 where c001 = 1 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2
print select * from d1.t1 where c002 = 2 and c003 = 2 => rows $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select count(*) from d1.t1
print select count(*) from d1.t1 => $data00
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c250), avg(c001), avg(c250), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c250), stddev(c250) from d1.t1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07
-if $data00 != 10 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
+if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
return -1
sql select count(c001), count(c250), avg(c001), avg(c250), sum(c001), max(c001), min(c250), stddev(c250), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*), count(*) from d1.t1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 45 then
+if $data04 != 45 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 9 then
+if $data05 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 0 then
+if $data06 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
+if $data07 != 2.872281323 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/avg.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/avg.sim
index 41a3a4825165d0c92c6215cdfd15c646c4204dc3..2f7e9b83b09287067a61fc1c1cd2cac889543648 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/avg.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/avg.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select avg(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
@@ -53,27 +53,27 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select avg(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data01
-if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data01
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data01
-if $data40 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data40 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select avg(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
return -1
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
@@ -115,31 +115,31 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 2.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data01
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data00 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -148,18 +148,18 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/block_dist.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/block_dist.sim
index ad3357515302eec632f21a99ca8e7768d702441b..2d0a4e890267af3520e8c99f21a4d87c5bc1ceef 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/block_dist.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/block_dist.sim
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
sql create table $nt (ts timestamp, tbcol int)
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $nt values ($ms , $x )
- $x = $x + 1
+ sql insert into $nt values ($ms , $x )
+ $x = $x + 1
sql flush database $db
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ sql_error select _block_dist() from (select * from $mt)
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/bottom.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/bottom.sim
index 141d7f314bb6347a5fae974be84df0c4e912a523..4ccaaf84129af40114d7b024b267d9d03f829782 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/bottom.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/bottom.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select bottom(tbcol, 1) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -53,24 +53,24 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select bottom(tbcol, 1) from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5 then
+if $data00 != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select bottom(tbcol, 1) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step5
-sql select bottom(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb
+sql select bottom(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00 $data10
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 0 then
+if $data10 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select bottom(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00 $data10
-if $data00 != 6 then
+if $data00 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 5 then
+if $data10 != 5 then
return -1
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ step6:
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/count.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/count.sim
index ae8a85155931c85b78ad21d0248c7d789ed0f647..44038d5195100912b75b323d38163ae54429c1d4 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/count.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/count.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select count(*) from $tb
print ===> select count(*) from $tb => $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select count(1) from $tb
print ===> select count(1) from $tb => $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
@@ -65,27 +65,27 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5 then
+if $data00 != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
@@ -94,30 +94,30 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(*) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $totalNum then
+if $data00 != $totalNum then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(1) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $totalNum then
+if $data00 != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $totalNum then
+if $data00 != $totalNum then
return -1
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 50 then
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 100 then
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
@@ -140,34 +140,34 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 25 then
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 10 then
+if $data10 != 10 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 200 then
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != $rowNum then
+if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -176,17 +176,17 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data01
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff.sim
index 0882b835c8ff7be7a58d160fc7871b64a3b6c091..7e69f40b9722bc015b354fb35bdeceb8affbf807 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff.sim
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select diff(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select diff(tbcol) from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select diff(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select diff(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ step6:
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff2.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff2.sim
index bd8a1223be438eb3c8da6c1d9d9861cdc9cb28e9..1cc2a87839f84f2b742fbb0667c373ad1923ea15 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff2.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/diff2.sim
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
$tinyint = $x / 128
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x , $x , $x , $x , $tinyint , $x , $x , $x , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x , $x , $x , $x , $tinyint , $x , $x , $x , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select diff(c1) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c2) from $tb
@@ -56,22 +56,22 @@ if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
sql select diff(c3) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c4) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c5) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 0 then
+if $data10 != 0 then
return -1
sql select diff(c6) from $tb
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ sql_error select diff(c1) from m_di_tb1 where c2 like '2%'
print =============== step3
sql select diff(c1) from $tb where c1 > 5
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c2) from $tb where c2 > 5
@@ -100,38 +100,38 @@ if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
sql select diff(c3) from $tb where c3 > 5
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c4) from $tb where c4 > 5
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c5) from $tb where c5 > 5
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 0 then
+if $data10 != 0 then
return -1
sql select diff(c6) from $tb where c6 > 5
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data10 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select diff(c1) from $tb where c1 > 5 and c2 < $rowNum
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select diff(c1) from $tb where c9 like '%9' and c1 <= 20
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print ===> $data10
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ step6:
print =============== clear
#sql drop database $db
#sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-#if $rows != 2 then
+#if $rows != 2 then
# return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/first.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/first.sim
index 8595416c0740b31c34ac176d0b022b485d8c9515..954664a4c683e0a10a0e8cd6de799514cb34ba44 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/first.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/first.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select first(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -53,27 +53,27 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select first(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data40 != 4 then
+if $data40 != 4 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select first(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select first(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
sql select first(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select first(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -123,24 +123,24 @@ print =============== step9
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print select first(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -149,19 +149,19 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select first(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
print ===> $rows
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/interval.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/interval.sim
index 903e80769b84c723ae21a9d20e6174a1fc54f97a..4e7960ac4ae958f2e594fbad3bb6f7b50b13ed94 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/interval.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/interval.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows < $rowNum then
+if $rows < $rowNum then
return -1
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 1 then
+if $data04 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows > 10 then
+if $rows > 10 then
return -1
-if $rows < 3 then
+if $rows < 3 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 1 then
+if $data04 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ $ms2 = 1601481600000 - $cc
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms and ts > $ms2 interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows < 18 then
+if $rows < 18 then
return -1
-if $rows > 22 then
+if $rows > 22 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 1 then
+if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 1 then
+if $data04 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -107,29 +107,29 @@ if $rows < 30 then
print expect greater than 30, actual: $rows
return -1
-if $rows > 50 then
+if $rows > 50 then
return -1
-if $data20 != 1 then
+if $data20 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data24 != 1 then
+if $data24 != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows < 18 then
+if $rows < 18 then
return -1
-if $rows > 22 then
+if $rows > 22 then
return -1
-if $data10 > 15 then
+if $data10 > 15 then
return -1
-if $data10 < 5 then
+if $data10 < 5 then
return -1
@@ -138,16 +138,16 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $mt where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows < 3 then
+if $rows < 3 then
return -1
-if $rows > 7 then
+if $rows > 7 then
return -1
-if $data10 > 15 then
+if $data10 > 15 then
return -1
-if $data10 < 5 then
+if $data10 < 5 then
return -1
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ $ms2 = 1601481600000 - $cc
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $mt where ts <= $ms1 and ts > $ms2 interval(1m)
print ===> $rows
-if $rows < 18 then
+if $rows < 18 then
return -1
-if $rows > 22 then
+if $rows > 22 then
return -1
-if $data10 > 15 then
+if $data10 > 15 then
return -1
-if $data10 < 5 then
+if $data10 < 5 then
return -1
@@ -181,24 +181,24 @@ $cc = 1 * 60000
$ms2 = 1601481600000 - $cc
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from $mt where ts <= $ms1 and ts > $ms2 interval(1m) fill(value, 0)
-if $rows < 30 then
+if $rows < 30 then
return -1
-if $rows > 50 then
+if $rows > 50 then
return -1
-if $data10 > 15 then
+if $data10 > 15 then
return -1
-if $data10 < 5 then
+if $data10 < 5 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/last.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/last.sim
index be2ee47733564bbbbb056dc28d8fc69eaa886ae6..e57236e57c4c0bc5ebccacfd2ccd9bb309b6bb8f 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/last.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/last.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select last(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select last(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
sql select last(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -119,31 +119,31 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
print ===> $rows
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/last_row.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/last_row.sim
index 57bdc36f6db66a1709a76a76d3e577c5d0f6d134..2e060dc28526dba7f0a692046b9d987be861cebb 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/last_row.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/last_row.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select last_row(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
print select last_row(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
sql select last_row(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select last_row(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select last_row(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
sql select last_row(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select last_row(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -110,28 +110,28 @@ print =============== step11
$cc = 1 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
-sql insert into $tb values( $ms , 10)
+sql insert into $tb values( $ms , 10)
$cc = 3 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
-sql insert into $tb values( $ms , null)
+sql insert into $tb values( $ms , null)
$cc = 5 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
-sql insert into $tb values( $ms , -1)
+sql insert into $tb values( $ms , -1)
$cc = 7 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
-sql insert into $tb values( $ms , null)
+sql insert into $tb values( $ms , null)
## for super table
$cc = 6 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $mt where ts < $ms
-if $data01 != -1 then
+if $data01 != -1 then
return -1
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ $cc = 8 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $mt where ts < $ms
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
sql select last_row(*) from $mt
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $cc = 4 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $mt where ts < $ms
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ $cc = 4 * 3600000
$ms2 = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $mt where ts > $ms1 and ts <= $ms2
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ $cc = 6 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $tb where ts <= $ms
-if $data01 != -1 then
+if $data01 != -1 then
return -1
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ $cc = 8 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $tb where ts <= $ms
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
sql select last_row(*) from $tb
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ $cc = 4 * 3600000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $tb where ts <= $ms
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ $cc = 4 * 3600000
$ms2 = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select last_row(*) from $tb where ts > $ms1 and ts <= $ms2
-if $data01 != NULL then
+if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/leastsquare.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/leastsquare.sim
index 0ead02da56570807fbfcdaa96c12aabbcbc26049..cde3c01214f3ee405578fb9961f8ae02cd8e4483 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/leastsquare.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/leastsquare.sim
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 2
$ms = 1000
while $x < $rowNum
$ms = $ms + 1000
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ endi
print =============== step5
sql select leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) as b from $tb interval(1m)
-print ===> $data00
+print ===> $data00
if $data00 != @{slop:1.000000, intercept:1.000000}@ then
return -1
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ if $data00 != @{slop:1.000000, intercept:1.000000}@ then
return -1
print ===> $rows
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/max.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/max.sim
index 21bca6be089f94924fc357ba89cfee05640e4b3e..451eeaacd81bf576ae4dd43d2aed5bd203cafc71 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/max.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/max.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select max(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select max(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select max(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select max(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
sql select max(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -119,31 +119,31 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select max(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select max(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
print ===> $rows
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/min.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/min.sim
index cf22b6f2be25799b99f81634d4d0f5ae0aec9532..e8ec3232ba01fe0e1ddcf9acba695cab63504bc2 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/min.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/min.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select min(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select min(tbcol) from $tb where ts < $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -85,17 +85,17 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print select min(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select min(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select min(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts < $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
sql select min(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
@@ -118,31 +118,31 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select min(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0 then
+if $data00 != 0 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -151,19 +151,19 @@ $cc = 4 * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select min(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
print ===> $rows
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/null.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/null.sim
index 2dbf61bb079a52388a028368385f9c3e303cacf0..d841f25265c1e569539731808a22acbf88d83140 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/null.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/null.sim
@@ -25,24 +25,24 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- $v1 = $x
+ $v1 = $x
$v2 = $x
if $x == 0 then
$v1 = NULL
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $v1 , $v2 )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $v1 , $v2 )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -61,47 +61,47 @@ if $rows != 20 then
print =============== step3
-sql select count(tbcol), count(tbcol2), avg(tbcol), avg(tbcol2), sum(tbcol), sum(tbcol2) from $tb
-print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
-if $data00 != 19 then
+sql select count(tbcol), count(tbcol2), avg(tbcol), avg(tbcol2), sum(tbcol), sum(tbcol2) from $tb
+print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 20 then
+if $data01 != 20 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 190 then
+if $data04 != 190 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 190 then
+if $data05 != 190 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $tb where tbcol2 = 19
print ===> $data01 $data02
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 19 then
+if $data01 != 19 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 19 then
+if $data02 != 19 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where tbcol is NULL
-if $rows != 1 then
+sql select * from $tb where tbcol is NULL
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where tbcol = NULL
-if $rows != 0 then
+sql select * from $tb where tbcol = NULL
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -113,29 +113,29 @@ sql create table tt using $mt tags( NULL )
sql select * from $mt where tgcol is NULL
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step6
-sql select count(tbcol), count(tbcol2), avg(tbcol), avg(tbcol2), sum(tbcol), sum(tbcol2) from $mt
-print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
-if $data00 != 190 then
+sql select count(tbcol), count(tbcol2), avg(tbcol), avg(tbcol2), sum(tbcol), sum(tbcol2) from $mt
+print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
+if $data00 != 190 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 200 then
+if $data01 != 200 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9.500000000 then
+if $data03 != 9.500000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 1900 then
+if $data04 != 1900 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 1900 then
+if $data05 != 1900 then
return -1
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ sql insert into t7 values(now, NULL)
#sql insert into t8 values(now, NULL)
#sql select * from t1
-#if $rows != 1 then
+#if $rows != 1 then
# return -1
-#if $data01 != NULL then
+#if $data01 != NULL then
# return -1
sql select * from t2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
sql select * from t3
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
sql select * from t4
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
sql select * from t5
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
sql select * from t6
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
sql select * from t7
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ if $data01 != NULL then
#sql select * from t8
-#if $rows != 1 then
+#if $rows != 1 then
# return -1
#if $data01 != NULL then
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ endi
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/percentile.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/percentile.sim
index 1ea82a998bcd9c1d4ede0db815c4bebd948a3ea6..836a6baed5c2e3551c50eddb2ca01bca831a1a5c 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/percentile.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/percentile.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select percentile(tbcol, 10) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1.900000000 then
+if $data00 != 1.900000000 then
return -1
sql select percentile(tbcol, 20) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 3.800000000 then
+if $data00 != 3.800000000 then
return -1
sql select percentile(tbcol, 100) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 19.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 1) from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.140000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.140000000 then
return -1
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 5) from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.700000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.700000000 then
return -1
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 0) from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 1) as c from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.140000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.140000000 then
return -1
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 5) as c from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.700000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.700000000 then
return -1
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select percentile(tbcol, 0) as c from $tb where ts > $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/stddev.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/stddev.sim
index 9e7a52a774c418c84d1c3ab7b4d7b8c19efba223..db3af3e207129e4f103410298422cbcd6419c8ea 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/stddev.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/stddev.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select stddev(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
+if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
return -1
@@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select stddev(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1.414213562 then
+if $data00 != 1.414213562 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select stddev(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
+if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select stddev(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
-print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0.000000000 then
+print ===> $data00
+if $data00 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
sql select stddev(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
+if $data00 != 5.766281297 then
return -1
@@ -84,18 +84,18 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select stddev(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 0.000000000 then
+if $data00 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/sum.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/sum.sim
index 717389e061eefe53be667e4bffec53222963d716..7bb000817e510c74afd89ed564365a43b7d8b505 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/sum.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/sum.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select sum(tbcol) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 190 then
+if $data00 != 190 then
return -1
@@ -54,27 +54,27 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select sum(tbcol) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 190 then
+if $data00 != 190 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $tb interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 190 then
+if $data00 != 190 then
return -1
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 != 1 then
+if $data10 != 1 then
return -1
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select sum(tbcol) from $mt
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1900 then
+if $data00 != 1900 then
return -1
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select sum(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 100 then
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select sum(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 950 then
+if $data00 != 950 then
return -1
@@ -119,31 +119,31 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select sum(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol < 5 and ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 50 then
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1m)
print ===> $data10
-if $data10 < 5 then
+if $data10 < 5 then
return -1
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $mt interval(1d)
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 1900 then
+if $data00 != 1900 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $mt group by tgcol
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 190 then
+if $data00 != 190 then
return -1
-if $rows != $tbNum then
+if $rows != $tbNum then
return -1
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select sum(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1d)
print select sum(tbcol) as b from $mt where ts <= $ms partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print ===> $data00 $rows
-if $data00 != 10 then
+print ===> $data00 $rows
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/compute/top.sim b/tests/script/tsim/compute/top.sim
index 75445762d063e749069a64d5471d9cc6d1870904..8caf6038962f0c6672b695d0cf33406a2a0e2a15 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/compute/top.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/compute/top.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $i = 0
while $i < $tbNum
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
$i = 1
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select top(tbcol, 1) from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -54,24 +54,24 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select top(tbcol, 1) from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select top(tbcol, 1) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00
-if $data00 != 19 then
+if $data00 != 19 then
return -1
print =============== step5
-sql select top(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb
+sql select top(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb
print ===> $data00 $data10
-if $data00 != 18 then
+if $data00 != 18 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 19 then
+if $data10 != 19 then
return -1
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ $ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql select top(tbcol, 2) as b from $tb where ts <= $ms
print ===> $data00 $data10
-if $data00 != 3 then
+if $data00 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 4 then
+if $data10 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ step6:
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/backquote.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/backquote.sim
index fc8aa29c4ef40ad0c2d24b91e99a0d6a8590cbe1..f1b1c97e7d7de0b37c633c5db6ecc326970cf89f 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/backquote.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/backquote.sim
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ print =============== create database
sql create database `database`
sql create database `DataBase`
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
-print $data10 $data11
+print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ endi
$dbCnt = 0
while $dbCnt < 2
- if $dbCnt == 0 then
+ if $dbCnt == 0 then
sql use `database`
- else
+ else
sql use `DataBase`
$dbCnt = $dbCnt + 1
print =============== create super table, include all type
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
sql create table `Stable` (`timestamp` timestamp, `int` int, `Binary` binary(32), `Nchar` nchar(32)) tags (`float` float, `binary` binary(16), `nchar` nchar(16))
sql show stables
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- if $data00 != Stable then
+ if $data00 != Stable then
if $data00 != stable then
return -1
@@ -57,24 +57,24 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
return -1
print =============== create child table
sql create table `table` using `stable` tags(100.0, 'stable+table', 'stable+table')
sql create table `Table` using `stable` tags(100.1, 'stable+Table', 'stable+Table')
sql create table `TAble` using `Stable` tags(100.0, 'Stable+TAble', 'Stable+TAble')
- sql create table `TABle` using `Stable` tags(100.1, 'Stable+TABle', 'Stable+TABle')
+ sql create table `TABle` using `Stable` tags(100.1, 'Stable+TABle', 'Stable+TABle')
sql show tables
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
print $data30 $data31
- if $rows != 4 then
+ if $rows != 4 then
return -1
print =============== insert data
sql insert into `table` values(now+0s, 10, 'table', 'table')(now+1s, 11, 'table', 'table')
sql insert into `Table` values(now+0s, 20, 'Table', 'Table')(now+1s, 21, 'Table', 'Table')
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 10 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != table then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != table then
return -1
- endi
+ endi
if $data03 != table then
print expect table, actual $data03
return -1
@@ -103,57 +103,57 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
print =================> 1
sql select * from `Table`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 20 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 20 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != Table then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != Table then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != Table then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != Table then
return -1
print ================>2
sql select * from `TAble`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 30 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 30 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != TAble then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != TAble then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != TAble then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != TAble then
return -1
sql select * from `TABle`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 40 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 40 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != TABle then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != TABle then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != TABle then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != TABle then
return -1
#print =============== query data from st, but not support select * from super table, waiting fix
#sql select count(*) from `stable`
#print rows: $rows
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
# return -1
#sql select * from `stable`
- #if $rows != 4 then
+ #if $rows != 4 then
# return -1
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
-print $data10 $data11
+print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -204,22 +204,22 @@ endi
$dbCnt = 0
while $dbCnt < 2
- if $dbCnt == 0 then
+ if $dbCnt == 0 then
sql use `database`
- else
+ else
sql use `DataBase`
$dbCnt = $dbCnt + 1
sql show stables
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- if $data00 != Stable then
+ if $data00 != Stable then
if $data00 != stable then
return -1
@@ -229,86 +229,86 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
return -1
sql show tables
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
print $data30 $data31
- if $rows != 4 then
+ if $rows != 4 then
return -1
print =============== query data
sql select * from `table`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 10 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != table then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != table then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != table then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != table then
return -1
sql select * from `Table`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 20 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 20 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != Table then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != Table then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != Table then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != Table then
return -1
sql select * from `TAble`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 30 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 30 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != TAble then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != TAble then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != TAble then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != TAble then
return -1
sql select * from `TABle`
- print rows: $rows
+ print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
- if $rows != 2 then
+ if $rows != 2 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data01 != 40 then
+ endi
+ if $data01 != 40 then
return -1
- endi
- if $data02 != TABle then
+ endi
+ if $data02 != TABle then
return -1
- endi
- if $data03 != TABle then
+ endi
+ if $data03 != TABle then
return -1
#print =============== query data from st, but not support select * from super table, waiting fix
#sql select count(*) from `stable`
#print rows: $rows
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ while $dbCnt < 2
# return -1
#sql select * from `stable`
- #if $rows != 4 then
+ #if $rows != 4 then
# return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic.sim
index 20b39c8f0099605120882214b6e0fb478ae43e23..c4ef3e39dab9f09028ecfd401fb6444a0fe0ecd4 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic.sim
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@ $x = 0
while $x < 10
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
print =============== step 2
$x = 0
while $x < 5
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1551481600000 + $cc
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
print $rows points data are retrieved
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic0.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic0.sim
index 5b506de01f85f2dcce21fc890cb73927fda6ac76..be023352f98e7c61e92c01090e686eb74e6dc8e8 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic0.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic0.sim
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ print =============== create super table, include column type for count/sum/min/
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 double) tags (t1 int unsigned)
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sql create table ct2 using stb tags(2000)
sql create table ct3 using stb tags(3000)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 3 then
+if $rows != 3 then
return -1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ sql insert into ct3 values('2021-01-01 00:00:00.000', 10, 2.0, 3.0)
print =============== query data from child table
sql select * from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23
@@ -58,111 +58,111 @@ if $data01 != 10 then
print expect 10, actual: $data01
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== select count(*) from child table
sql select count(*) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== select count(column) from child table
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 4 then
+if $data01 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
#print =============== select first(*)/first(column) from child table
sql select first(*) from ct1
print ====> select first(*) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
sql select first(ts), first(c1), first(c2), first(c3) from ct1
print ====> select first(ts), first(c1), first(c2), first(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== select min(column) from child table
sql select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -13 then
+if $data00 != -13 then
return -1
if $data01 != -2.30000 then
print expect -2.30000, actual: $data01
return -1
-if $data02 != -3.300000000 then
+if $data02 != -3.300000000 then
return -1
print =============== select max(column) from child table
sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 11 then
+if $data00 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.10000 then
+if $data01 != 2.10000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.100000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.100000000 then
return -1
print =============== select sum(column) from child table
sql select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -4 then
+if $data00 != -4 then
return -1
-if $data01 != -0.400000095 then
+if $data01 != -0.400000095 then
return -1
-if $data02 != -0.400000000 then
+if $data02 != -0.400000000 then
return -1
@@ -173,34 +173,34 @@ print $data00 $data01 $data02
print $data10 $data11 $data12
print $data20 $data21 $data22
print $data30 $data31 $data32
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 11 then
+if $data10 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data11 != 2.10000 then
+if $data11 != 2.10000 then
return -1
-if $data12 != 3.100000000 then
+if $data12 != 3.100000000 then
return -1
-if $data30 != -13 then
+if $data30 != -13 then
return -1
-if $data31 != -2.30000 then
+if $data31 != -2.30000 then
return -1
-if $data32 != -3.300000000 then
+if $data32 != -3.300000000 then
return -1
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ endi
#print =============== query data from stb
sql select * from stb
print $rows
-if $rows != 9 then
+if $rows != 9 then
return -1
#print =============== select count(*) from supter table
sql select count(*) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 9 then
+if $data00 != 9 then
return -1
@@ -234,19 +234,19 @@ print $data50 $data51 $data52 $data53
print $data60 $data61 $data62 $data63
print $data70 $data71 $data72 $data73
print $data80 $data81 $data82 $data83
-if $rows != 9 then
+if $rows != 9 then
return -1
-# The order of data from different sub tables in the super table is random,
+# The order of data from different sub tables in the super table is random,
# so this detection may fail randomly
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -254,16 +254,16 @@ endi
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from stb
print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 9 then
+if $data00 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 9 then
+if $data01 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 9 then
+if $data02 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9 then
+if $data03 != 9 then
return -1
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print =============== query data from child table
sql select * from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
print $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13
print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23
@@ -282,113 +282,113 @@ print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== select count(*) from child table
sql select count(*) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== select count(column) from child table
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 4 then
+if $data00 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 4 then
+if $data01 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
#print =============== select first(*)/first(column) from child table
sql select first(*) from ct1
print ====> select first(*) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
sql select first(ts), first(c1), first(c2), first(c3) from ct1
print ====> select first(ts), first(c1), first(c2), first(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
print =============== select min(column) from child table
sql select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -13 then
+if $data00 != -13 then
return -1
-if $data01 != -2.30000 then
+if $data01 != -2.30000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != -3.300000000 then
+if $data02 != -3.300000000 then
return -1
print =============== select max(column) from child table
sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 11 then
+if $data00 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.10000 then
+if $data01 != 2.10000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.100000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.100000000 then
return -1
print =============== select sum(column) from child table
sql select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -4 then
+if $data00 != -4 then
return -1
-if $data01 != -0.400000095 then
+if $data01 != -0.400000095 then
return -1
-if $data02 != -0.400000000 then
+if $data02 != -0.400000000 then
return -1
@@ -399,51 +399,51 @@ print $data00 $data01 $data02
print $data10 $data11 $data12
print $data20 $data21 $data22
print $data30 $data31 $data32
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data10 != 11 then
+if $data10 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data11 != 2.10000 then
+if $data11 != 2.10000 then
return -1
-if $data12 != 3.100000000 then
+if $data12 != 3.100000000 then
return -1
-if $data30 != -13 then
+if $data30 != -13 then
return -1
-if $data31 != -2.30000 then
+if $data31 != -2.30000 then
return -1
-if $data32 != -3.300000000 then
+if $data32 != -3.300000000 then
return -1
print =============== query data from stb
sql select * from stb
-if $rows != 9 then
+if $rows != 9 then
return -1
print =============== select count(*) from supter table
sql select count(*) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 9 then
+if $data00 != 9 then
return -1
@@ -459,35 +459,35 @@ print $data50 $data51 $data52 $data53
print $data60 $data61 $data62 $data63
print $data70 $data71 $data72 $data73
print $data80 $data81 $data82 $data83
-if $rows != 9 then
+if $rows != 9 then
return -1
-# The order of data from different sub tables in the super table is random,
+# The order of data from different sub tables in the super table is random,
# so this detection may fail randomly
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
#print =============== select count(column) from supter table
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 9 then
+if $data00 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 9 then
+if $data01 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 9 then
+if $data02 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9 then
+if $data03 != 9 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic1.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic1.sim
index 72a883bedf615d57e16ab32589c9c804de599c75..2e3d6fa513147174329297726e0727ab8e4d6c3e 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic1.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic1.sim
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ sql create table stb_2 (ts timestamp, i int) tags (j int)
sql create stable stb_3 (ts timestamp, i int) tags (j int)
sql show stables
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ sql create table c1 using stb tags(true, -1, -2, -3, -4, -6.0, -7.0, 'child tbl
sql create table c2 using stb tags(false, -1, -2, -3, -4, -6.0, -7.0, 'child tbl 2', 'child tbl 2', '2022-02-25 18:00:00.000', 10, 20, 30, 40)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ sql insert into c1 values(now+0s, true, -1, -2, -3, -4, -6.0, -7.0, 'child tbl 1
print =============== query data
sql select * from c1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
-print $data10 $data11
+print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
print $data30 $data31
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != -1 then
+if $data02 != -1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != -2 then
+if $data03 != -2 then
return -1
print =============== query data from st, but not support select * from super table, waiting fix
sql select * from stb
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print =============== query data
sql select * from c1
-print rows: $rows
+print rows: $rows
print $data00 $data01
-print $data10 $data11
+print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
print $data30 $data31
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != -1 then
+if $data02 != -1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != -2 then
+if $data03 != -2 then
return -1
print =============== query data from st, but not support select * from super table, waiting fix
sql select * from stb
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic2.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic2.sim
index eca46697f5bfdca223d922583f98f85838fe25c9..1794bb54f8dad2d250a192c24895ed6c5da28c7c 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic2.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/basic2.sim
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ print =============== create super table
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int unsigned, c2 double, c3 binary(10), c4 nchar(10), c5 double) tags (city binary(20),district binary(20));
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sql create table ct1 using stb tags("BeiJing", "ChaoYang")
sql create table ct2 using stb tags("BeiJing", "HaiDian")
sql show tables
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25
print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
print rows $rows != 5
return -1
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ print $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25
print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
print rows $rows != 5
return -1
@@ -319,4 +319,4 @@ if $data45 != 30.000000000 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/commit-merge0.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/commit-merge0.sim
index dfc22354d2272d824b1d85691dfa57a502f4522e..da66560cbd90b87c5c170c5a15c119489b86a7e7 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/commit-merge0.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/commit-merge0.sim
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ reboot_and_check:
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
-print =============== insert duplicated records to memory - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
+print =============== insert duplicated records to memory - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
sql use db
sql insert into ct1 values ('2022-05-01 18:30:27.001', 0.0);
sql insert into ct4 values ('2022-04-28 18:30:27.002', 0.0);
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ sql insert into ct4 values ('2018-05-01 18:30:27.023', NULL) ;
sql insert into ct4 values ('2021-03-01 18:30:27.024', NULL) ;
sql insert into ct4 values ('2022-08-01 18:30:27.025', NULL) ;
-print =============== select * from ct1 - merge memory and file - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
+print =============== select * from ct1 - merge memory and file - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
sql select * from ct1;
if $rows != 13 then
print rows = $rows != 13
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ if $data[12][1] != -99.990000000 then
print $data[12][1] != -99.990000000
return -1
-print =============== select * from ct4 - merge memory and file - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
+print =============== select * from ct4 - merge memory and file - loop $reboot_max - $reboot_cnt
sql select * from ct4;
if $rows != 12 then
print rows = $rows != 12
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_drop.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_drop.sim
index 020fd367ae0b1d5146862a8c4a634f29887b8516..467eb3a702198f9c3097e4e66870c344d48fa4d0 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_drop.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_drop.sim
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ $ts = $ts0
while $i < 10
$tb = tb . $i
sql create table $tb using $stb tags( $i )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$xs = $x * $delta
$ts = $ts0 + $xs
- sql insert into $tb values ( $ts , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ( $ts , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print ====== tables created
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ sql use $db
sql drop table tb5
$i = 0
while $i < 4
$tb = tb . $i
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
$xs = $x * $delta
$ts = $ts0 + $xs
- sql insert into $tb values ( $ts , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ( $ts , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_select.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_select.sim
index c44197d7d41b34544fe17f0b1ed8ee226eaaca24..e3374ee277ae982d2df476b981ca7fc58f76199d 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_select.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/insert_select.sim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
-print ======== step1
+print ======== step1
sql drop database if exists db1;
sql create database db1 vgroups 3;
sql use db1;
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/null.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/null.sim
index 49adb8ebe04d962ac7bdb6312ec288aed0843808..57aef3f6a54bfb2910f77ffe38018825b6e34e7c 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/null.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/null.sim
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ print =============== create super table, include column type for count/sum/min/
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 double, c4 bigint) tags (t1 int unsigned)
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ sql create table ct2 using stb tags(2000)
sql create table ct3 using stb tags(3000)
sql show tables
-if $rows != 3 then
+if $rows != 3 then
return -1
@@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ print ===> rows4: $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44
if $rows != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-#if $data41 != -14 then
+#if $data41 != -14 then
# return -1
-#if $data42 != -2.40000 then
+#if $data42 != -2.40000 then
# return -1
-#if $data43 != -3.400000000 then
+#if $data43 != -3.400000000 then
# return -1
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ sql select count(*) from ct1
print ===> select count(*) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
@@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
print ===> select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 8 then
+if $data01 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 8 then
+if $data02 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -113,16 +113,16 @@ sql select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
print ===> select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -2147483647 then
+if $data00 != -2147483647 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print ===> select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 16 then
+if $data00 != 16 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.70000 then
+if $data01 != 2.70000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.700000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.700000000 then
return -1
@@ -149,16 +149,16 @@ sql select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print ===> select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -2147483556 then
+if $data00 != -2147483556 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 18.799999952 then
+if $data01 != 18.799999952 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 26.800000000 then
+if $data02 != 26.800000000 then
return -1
@@ -167,43 +167,43 @@ sql select c1, c2, c3 from ct1
print ===> select c1, c2, c3 from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 12 then
+if $rows != 12 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data10 != NULL then
+if $data10 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data11 != NULL then
+if $data11 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data12 != NULL then
+if $data12 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data30 != 11 then
+if $data30 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data31 != NULL then
+if $data31 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data32 != 3.200000000 then
+if $data32 != 3.200000000 then
return -1
-if $data90 != 16 then
+if $data90 != 16 then
return -1
-if $data91 != 2.60000 then
+if $data91 != 2.60000 then
return -1
-if $data92 != 3.600000000 then
+if $data92 != 3.600000000 then
return -1
@@ -211,36 +211,36 @@ endi
#print =============== query data from stb
sql select * from stb
-print ===>
+print ===>
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 12 then
+if $rows != 12 then
return -1
#print =============== select count(*) from supter table
sql select count(*) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
#print =============== select count(column) from supter table
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 8 then
+if $data01 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 8 then
+if $data02 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -264,22 +264,22 @@ print ===> rows4: $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44
if $rows != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 10 then
+if $data01 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 2.00000 then
+if $data02 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data41 != 12 then
+if $data41 != 12 then
return -1
-if $data42 != 2.20000 then
+if $data42 != 2.20000 then
return -1
-if $data43 != NULL then
+if $data43 != NULL then
return -1
@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ sql select count(*) from ct1
print ===> select count(*) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
@@ -300,16 +300,16 @@ sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
print ===> select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 8 then
+if $data01 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 8 then
+if $data02 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -322,16 +322,16 @@ sql select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
print ===> select min(c1), min(c2), min(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -2147483647 then
+if $data00 != -2147483647 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
@@ -340,16 +340,16 @@ sql select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print ===> select max(c1), max(c2), max(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 16 then
+if $data00 != 16 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.70000 then
+if $data01 != 2.70000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.700000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.700000000 then
return -1
@@ -358,16 +358,16 @@ sql select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print ===> select sum(c1), sum(c2), sum(c3) from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != -2147483556 then
+if $data00 != -2147483556 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 18.799999952 then
+if $data01 != 18.799999952 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 26.800000000 then
+if $data02 != 26.800000000 then
return -1
@@ -376,78 +376,78 @@ sql select c1, c2, c3 from ct1
print ===> select c1, c2, c3 from ct1
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 12 then
+if $rows != 12 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 2.00000 then
+if $data01 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data10 != NULL then
+if $data10 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data11 != NULL then
+if $data11 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data12 != NULL then
+if $data12 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data30 != 11 then
+if $data30 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data31 != NULL then
+if $data31 != NULL then
return -1
-if $data32 != 3.200000000 then
+if $data32 != 3.200000000 then
return -1
-if $data90 != 16 then
+if $data90 != 16 then
return -1
-if $data91 != 2.60000 then
+if $data91 != 2.60000 then
return -1
-if $data92 != 3.600000000 then
+if $data92 != 3.600000000 then
return -1
print =============== query data from stb
sql select * from stb
-print ===>
+print ===>
print ===> rows: $rows
print ===> rows0: $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 12 then
+if $rows != 12 then
return -1
print =============== select count(*) from supter table
sql select count(*) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
print =============== select count(column) from supter table
sql select count(ts), count(c1), count(c2), count(c3) from stb
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $data00 != 12 then
+if $data00 != 12 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 8 then
+if $data01 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 8 then
+if $data02 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_file.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_file.sim
index c6bda6d0610f377ae11dc45b757f97216e3ded70..8d2d2664d7ec83a685d856577054d0ce4c78a527 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_file.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_file.sim
@@ -16,36 +16,36 @@ sql create database $db
sql use $db
sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
-#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
+#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
-$N = 82
+$N = 82
print =============== step 1
$x = $N
$y = $N / 2
while $x > $y
$ms = $x . m
- $xt = - . $x
- sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , -$x )
+ $xt = - . $x
+ sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , -$x )
$x = $x - 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $y then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $y then
return -1
$x = $N / 2
$y = $N
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $N then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $N then
return -1
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ print =============== step 2
$R = 4
$x = $N * 2
-$y = $N * $R
+$y = $N * $R
$expect = $y + $N
$y = $y + $x
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ endi
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -115,23 +115,23 @@ if $rows != 0 then
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-print ================= order by ts desc
+print ================= order by ts desc
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
if $rows != 0 then
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ clear:
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_memory.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_memory.sim
index 110255bd90c4c9e4e361b14dfd09497baf352653..168f0e19c9bd94f66a0ed1dcdcb18fcedd35becf 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_memory.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block1_memory.sim
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ sql use $db
sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
-#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
+#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
-$N = 82
+$N = 82
print =============== step 1
$x = $N
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ while $x > $y
$z = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 - $z
- $xt = - . $x
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , -$x )
+ $xt = - . $x
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , -$x )
$x = $x - 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $y then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $y then
return -1
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ while $x < $y
$z = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $z
- sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
+ sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $N then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $N then
return -1
@@ -69,100 +69,100 @@ $end2 = 1601481600000
$end3 = 1601481600000 + $step
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end2
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end2
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-print ================= order by ts desc
+print ================= order by ts desc
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ clear:
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_file.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_file.sim
index c87262ab143b3cac842196576f14dcce6fd84c2c..804051c44ac4adc7be3fea896a017d6ebb513b56 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_file.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_file.sim
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ sql create database $db
sql use $db
sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
-#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
-$N = 82
+#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
+$N = 82
print =============== step 1
$x = $N * 2
$y = $N
$expect = $N
while $x > $y
- $ms = $x . m
- $xt = - . $x
- sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ $xt = - . $x
+ sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
$x = $x - 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
@@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ $x = $N
$y = $N * 2
$expect = $N * 2
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
print =============== step 2
$R = 4
-$y = $N * $R
+$y = $N * $R
$expect = $y + $N
$expect = $expect + $N
@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ $x = $N * 3
$y = $y + $x
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
print =============== step 2
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ endi
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ if $rows != 0 then
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-print ================= order by ts desc
+print ================= order by ts desc
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
if $rows != 0 then
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ clear:
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_memory.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_memory.sim
index f919a2a61f2c03c344e7fe53cf90d43ba43881cd..2504e905b79bd53b87ac245bb2f8d4d1f46d7d4c 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_memory.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_block2_memory.sim
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ sql drop database -x step1
sql create database $db
sql use $db
-sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
+sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
-$N = 82
+$N = 82
$x = $N * 2
$y = $N
while $x > $y
- $ms = $x . m
- $xt = - . $x
- sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ $xt = - . $x
+ sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
$x = $x - 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $y then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $y then
return -1
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ $x = $N
$y = $N * 2
$expect = $N * 2
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
@@ -63,107 +63,107 @@ $end2 = now
$end3 = now+ . $step
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end2
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end2
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1
print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-print ================= order by ts desc
+print ================= order by ts desc
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end3 order by ts desc
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_file_memory.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_file_memory.sim
index 0d37484494e9dadc98b4f2aea1e2956d09b5c7de..325d7977b65173190718365c2f753a69fb52ebbe 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_file_memory.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_file_memory.sim
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ sql use $db
sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
-#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
+#commit to file will trigger if insert 82 rows
-$N = 82
+$N = 82
$x = $N * 2
$y = $N
$expect = $y
while $x > $y
- $ms = $x . m
- $xt = - . $x
- sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ $xt = - . $x
+ sql insert into $tb values (now - $ms , $xt )
$x = $x - 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ $x = $N
$y = $N * 2
$expect = $N * 2
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
$R = 4
$R = $R - 1
-$y = $N * $R
+$y = $N * $R
$expect = $y + $N
$expect = $expect + $N
$x = $N * 3
$y = $y + $x
while $x < $y
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
-print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
-if $rows != $expect then
+print sql select * from $tb -> $rows points
+if $rows != $expect then
return -1
print =============== step 2
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ endi
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ if $rows != 0 then
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-print ================= order by ts desc
+print ================= order by ts desc
sql select * from $tb where ts < $start1 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
if $rows != 0 then
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
print select * from $tb where ts < $start2 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result2 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end1 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result2 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
-print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
-if $rows != $result1 then
+sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc
+print sql select * from $tb where ts < $start3 and ts > $end2 order by ts desc -> $rows points
+if $rows != $result1 then
return -1
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ clear:
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_multi_file.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_multi_file.sim
index 750eb040293b381cc98cd38da76931d93a1c7617..1b3ad57c8e47c0eaf702be6e3c2f4a10c5d6f1a0 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_multi_file.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/query_multi_file.sim
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ step1:
sql create database $db
sql use $db
-sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
+sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, speed int)
$N = 20000
$x = 0
while $x < $N
- $ms = $x . s
+ $ms = $x . s
#print insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x ) -x error_insert
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from $tb
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ endi
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/tcp.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/tcp.sim
index 2dc720a0d455840831e70966515096bc9471e039..7eb06e82fb9921450e684813210c514387a3e3bf 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/tcp.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/tcp.sim
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ while $x < 10000
$ms = $x . s
sql insert into tb values (now + $ms , '1' )
$x = $x + 1
sql select * from tb
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/update0.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/update0.sim
index c4bd29615bd7b0ca14d8b0d67588618ad29fd945..6384b5a21f060796d68de57dcf4f65da6ae74cd9 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/update0.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/update0.sim
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ print =============== create super table
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags (city binary(20),district binary(20));
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sql create table ct1 using stb tags("BeiJing", "ChaoYang")
sql create table ct2 using stb tags("BeiJing", "HaiDian")
sql show tables
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ print $data30 $data31
print $data40 $data41
print $data50 $data51
-if $rows != 6 then
+if $rows != 6 then
print rows $rows != 6
return -1
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
-if $rows != 3 then
+if $rows != 3 then
print rows $rows != 3
return -1
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ print $data30 $data31
print $data40 $data41
print $data50 $data51
-if $rows != 6 then
+if $rows != 6 then
print rows $rows != 6
return -1
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ print $data00 $data01
print $data10 $data11
print $data20 $data21
-if $rows != 3 then
+if $rows != 3 then
print rows $rows != 3
return -1
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ print $data30 $data31
print $data40 $data41
print $data50 $data51
-if $rows != 6 then
+if $rows != 6 then
print rows $rows != 6
return -1
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ print $data20 $data21
print $data30 $data31
print $data40 $data41
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
print rows $rows != 5
return -1
@@ -228,4 +228,4 @@ if $data41 != NULL then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/insert/update1_sort_merge.sim b/tests/script/tsim/insert/update1_sort_merge.sim
index 13462520eaf173e5df0badcb6430152ea1a05321..5a69a01acbd96707ee917ac49d67c5c2376796fe 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/insert/update1_sort_merge.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/insert/update1_sort_merge.sim
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ print =============== create super table
sql create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, c1 int unsigned, c2 double, c3 binary(10), c4 nchar(10), c5 double) tags (city binary(20),district binary(20));
sql show stables
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ sql create table ct3 using stb tags("BeiJing", "PingGu")
sql create table ct4 using stb tags("BeiJing", "YanQing")
sql show tables
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
print rows $rows != 4
return -1
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
print $data50 $data51 $data52 $data53 $data54 $data55
-if $rows != 6 then
+if $rows != 6 then
print rows $rows != 6
return -1
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ print =============== step 6 query records of ct2 from memory(taosc and taosd me
sql select * from ct2;
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
print rows $rows != 1
return -1
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ print $data60 $data61 $data62 $data63 $data64 $data65
print $data70 $data71 $data72 $data73 $data74 $data75
print $data80 $data81 $data82 $data83 $data84 $data85
print $data90 $data91 $data92 $data93 $data94 $data95
-print $data[10][0] $data[10][1] $data[10][2] $data[10][3] $data[10][4] $data[10][5]
-print $data[11][0] $data[11][1] $data[11][2] $data[11][3] $data[11][4] $data[11][5]
-print $data[12][0] $data[12][1] $data[12][2] $data[12][3] $data[12][4] $data[12][5]
-print $data[13][0] $data[13][1] $data[13][2] $data[13][3] $data[13][4] $data[13][5]
+print $data[10][0] $data[10][1] $data[10][2] $data[10][3] $data[10][4] $data[10][5]
+print $data[11][0] $data[11][1] $data[11][2] $data[11][3] $data[11][4] $data[11][5]
+print $data[12][0] $data[12][1] $data[12][2] $data[12][3] $data[12][4] $data[12][5]
+print $data[13][0] $data[13][1] $data[13][2] $data[13][3] $data[13][4] $data[13][5]
-if $rows != 14 then
+if $rows != 14 then
print rows $rows != 14
return -1
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
print rows $rows != 5
return -1
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
print $data50 $data51 $data52 $data53 $data54 $data55
-if $rows != 6 then
+if $rows != 6 then
print rows $rows != 6
return -1
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ print =============== step 10 query records of ct2 from file
sql select * from ct2;
print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
print rows $rows != 1
return -1
@@ -578,12 +578,12 @@ print $data60 $data61 $data62 $data63 $data64 $data65
print $data70 $data71 $data72 $data73 $data74 $data75
print $data80 $data81 $data82 $data83 $data84 $data85
print $data90 $data91 $data92 $data93 $data94 $data95
-print $data[10][0] $data[10][1] $data[10][2] $data[10][3] $data[10][4] $data[10][5]
-print $data[11][0] $data[11][1] $data[11][2] $data[11][3] $data[11][4] $data[11][5]
-print $data[12][0] $data[12][1] $data[12][2] $data[12][3] $data[12][4] $data[12][5]
-print $data[13][0] $data[13][1] $data[13][2] $data[13][3] $data[13][4] $data[13][5]
+print $data[10][0] $data[10][1] $data[10][2] $data[10][3] $data[10][4] $data[10][5]
+print $data[11][0] $data[11][1] $data[11][2] $data[11][3] $data[11][4] $data[11][5]
+print $data[12][0] $data[12][1] $data[12][2] $data[12][3] $data[12][4] $data[12][5]
+print $data[13][0] $data[13][1] $data[13][2] $data[13][3] $data[13][4] $data[13][5]
-if $rows != 14 then
+if $rows != 14 then
print rows $rows != 14
return -1
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ print $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35
print $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
print rows $rows != 5
return -1
@@ -818,4 +818,4 @@ if $data44 != n8 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/scalar/in.sim b/tests/script/tsim/scalar/in.sim
index 60c12a00c2a2ddbbe4210700b976970b767c03c4..75e1face88a9d837f9f668599f92496aedfaf410 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/scalar/in.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/scalar/in.sim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
-print ======== step1
+print ======== step1
sql drop database if exists db1;
sql create database db1 vgroups 3;
sql use db1;
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ sql create stable st1 (fts timestamp, fbool bool, ftiny tinyint, fsmall smallint
sql create table tb1 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:31:00', true, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
sql create table tb2 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:32:00', false, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql create table tb3 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:33:00', true, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
-sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
+sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
-sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
+sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql select * from tb1 where fts in ('2022-07-10 16:31:01', '2022-07-10 16:31:03', 1657441865000);
if $rows != 3 then
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/scalar/scalar.sim b/tests/script/tsim/scalar/scalar.sim
index 29cc67ec248b16018b508a3714290c53593d14f1..900f7c0904ce9db00133e694782bf11c1e6bf45a 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/scalar/scalar.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/scalar/scalar.sim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
-print ======== step1
+print ======== step1
sql drop database if exists db1;
sql create database db1 vgroups 3;
sql use db1;
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ sql create stable st1 (fts timestamp, fbool bool, ftiny tinyint, fsmall smallint
sql create table tb1 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:31:00', true, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
sql create table tb2 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:32:00', false, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql create table tb3 using st1 tags('2022-07-10 16:33:00', true, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
sql insert into tb1 values ('2022-07-10 16:31:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
-sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
+sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
-sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
+sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
sql insert into tb2 values ('2022-07-10 16:32:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:01', false, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:02', true, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.0, 2.0, 'b', 'b');
sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:03', false, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.0, 3.0, 'c', 'c');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
-sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:04', true, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0, 4.0, 'd', 'd');
+sql insert into tb3 values ('2022-07-10 16:33:05', false, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, 'e', 'e');
sql select 1+1n;
if $rows != 1 then
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/3.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/3.sim
index ee794d6fc7bdc4f0aaf03ac55b36337033605dbf..1b8a9769805422b6da9669397886e825e8be73ec 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/3.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/3.sim
@@ -24,496 +24,496 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgc
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> false and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol1 = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step15
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step16
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol3
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step17
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step18
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step19
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol1 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol2 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = true and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol3 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/4.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/4.sim
index 7ad253bf14ac92bd6bb301f3f33dab87da013eb2..9ffe9703c6ce8e5bba4b7dd5918237d7c2d106ef 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/4.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/4.sim
@@ -24,686 +24,686 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 bigi
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step15
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step16
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step17
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step18
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step19
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step20
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step21
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol3
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol4
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step22
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step23
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step24
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol1 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol2 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol2 interval(1d)
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol3 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 partition by tgcol4 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/5.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/5.sim
index eaf613e9d1c50961e1fb5419356fcfe4e6c93a7e..e1ac606dfe529a46ba48c5a1abe4bce0136626a6 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/5.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/5.sim
@@ -24,809 +24,809 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 tinyint, tgcol2 int,
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0, 0, '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0, 0, 0, '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1, 1, '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1, 1, 1, '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step15
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step16
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 1 and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step17
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step18
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step19
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step20
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step21
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step22
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step23
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step24
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol3
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol4
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol5
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step25
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step26
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step27
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol1 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol2 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol3 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 partition by tgcol4 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 partition by tgcol5 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/6.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/6.sim
index 31aa5b1747347b05ba13df06488cd8365c28a599..655129255d2c6cec7e6543e8e3f728c294d3f6b4 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/6.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/6.sim
@@ -24,964 +24,964 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 bi
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0', 0, 0, 0, '0', '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0', 0, 0, 0, '0', '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 1, 1, 1, '1', '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 1, 1, 1, '1', '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol6 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol6 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol6 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step15
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step16
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step17
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol3 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step18
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 1 and tgcol4 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol4 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step19
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 1 and tgcol6 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol5 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step20
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol1 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step21
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step22
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step23
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol5 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step24
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 1 and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol3 <> 1 and tgcol1 <> 1 and tgcol5 <> 1 and tgcol6 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 = 0 and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol3 = 0 and tgcol1 = 0 and tgcol5 = 0 and tgcol6 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol4 <> 0 and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol4 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol3 <> 0 and tgcol1 <> 0 and tgcol5 <> 0 and tgcol6 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step25
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step26
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step27
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step28
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol3
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol4
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol5
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol6
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step29
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1 group by tgcol1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step30
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1 group by tgcol2
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step31
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol1 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol2 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 partition by tgcol3 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 partition by tgcol4 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 partition by tgcol5 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol1 = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol3 = 1 and tgcol4 = 1 and tgcol5 = 1 and tgcol6 = 1 partition by tgcol6 interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/add.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/add.sim
index 78244d74c3f8664c7cb66ed8e484663a30696481..2b528c02552150b8a5dbe5a5115de3fe96144eb5 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/add.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/add.sim
@@ -25,39 +25,39 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 int
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4 =4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4 =4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -71,61 +71,61 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 tinyint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step3
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
@@ -134,34 +134,34 @@ endi
sql describe $tb
print sql describe $tb
-if $data21 != BIGINT then
+if $data21 != BIGINT then
return -1
-if $data31 != FLOAT then
+if $data31 != FLOAT then
return -1
-if $data23 != TAG then
+if $data23 != TAG then
return -1
-if $data33 != TAG then
+if $data33 != TAG then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 float
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 4.00000 then
@@ -171,184 +171,184 @@ endi
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step4
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 smallint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '1' -x step5
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 binary(10)
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=false
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=false
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '6'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step52
return -1
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bigint
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 tinyint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = 6
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -358,55 +358,55 @@ step71:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step72
return -1
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 binary(17)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 bool
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='1'
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 5
print $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
if $data04 != 0 then
@@ -426,45 +426,45 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2', '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bool
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 float
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=1
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
if $data03 != 1 then
@@ -487,24 +487,24 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10), tgcol4 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '2', '3', '4' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4 -x step103
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql reset query cache
@@ -520,28 +520,28 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bool
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=false
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
if $data04 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
@@ -558,27 +558,27 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 float, tgcol5 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
if $data05 != 4.00000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4 -x step114
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol5
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol7 bigint
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol8 smallint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol7=7
@@ -607,28 +607,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 =5
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 6 then
+if $data05 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 7 then
+if $data06 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 8 then
+if $data07 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -648,34 +648,34 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 smallint, tgcol3 float, tgcol4 double, tgcol5 binary(10), tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5', '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
if $data04 != 3.00000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol5
@@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bigint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1=false
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1=false
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='5'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol3=4
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='3'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=2
@@ -696,28 +696,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '3'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 1 then
+if $data03 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 3 then
+if $data06 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2 then
+if $data07 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -747,34 +747,34 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 binary(11), tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 2, 3, '4', 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol6
sql reset query cache
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 int
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 bigint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1='7'
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='8'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1='7'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='8'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol3=9
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=10
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=11
@@ -793,28 +793,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '8'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9 then
+if $data03 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
+if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 8 then
+if $data05 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 10 then
+if $data06 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 12 then
+if $data07 != 12 then
return -1
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 bigint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol3 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 int
@@ -834,13 +834,13 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 bigint
sql reset query cache
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol6
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol7 bigint
-sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol8 bigint
+sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol8 bigint
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bigint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bigint.sim
index dc5a03152bdceb17c21ea5ed8652e6acaa09a646..26a5addf6a3f9d5e717b21b5003ac719d8b4d04d 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bigint.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bigint.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bigint)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -83,155 +83,155 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary.sim
index b3f243b8c014c419e05634e2db2845295fc527d4..e0c02b4823ca43f8ee783628776079ca1f57a3fa 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -83,155 +83,155 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> '0' and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary_binary.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary_binary.sim
index ad6c0ca1cbb2101d43a5c08c2fb14e10e5da1bee..b5ba3562acd244116dd79d25a58adebb41f03474 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary_binary.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/binary_binary.sim
@@ -24,283 +24,283 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(5), tgcol2 bina
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0', '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0', '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> '0' and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1' and tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1' and tgcol <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1' and tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1' and tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool.sim
index c0f4c1ccdda2651d8d21add6573a2ff399b2f2ef..1473556841ddcf3ef08d0a11a651fb0571095385 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -79,40 +79,40 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
@@ -121,115 +121,115 @@ if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> false and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
print select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_binary.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_binary.sim
index 627aea4495d42e294e4a24b5a55620e68f4c22ce..7fb15ec2cf541a553460014ed7eeabd7a9becede 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_binary.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_binary.sim
@@ -24,283 +24,283 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 binary(5)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> false and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1' and tgcol = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1' and tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true and tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true and tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_int.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_int.sim
index 1e291573ef5c22a6c477cdb23d01cb4788fe43cf..f18da59d9cd94f650166bea938312a471907f322 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_int.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/bool_int.sim
@@ -24,299 +24,299 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 int)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> true
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> false
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> false and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol = true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol <> true
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol = false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> false
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = true and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim
index 53f9f493966986f00fa5cf5defb7b9f10f24d2bd..d44877c99a244ffd2c1060950f004c5a967d8406 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
@@ -103,61 +103,61 @@ endi
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol3
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol2 tgcol4
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol3
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol2 tgcol4
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 binary(11), tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 2, 3, '4', 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -187,31 +187,31 @@ step25:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 2
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -229,34 +229,34 @@ step32:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 2
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -271,13 +271,13 @@ step42:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ endi
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -313,34 +313,34 @@ step52:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 < 2
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '2'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -367,144 +367,144 @@ step66:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol7 = '1'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 4 then
+if $data04 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 6 then
+if $data06 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol8 = 2
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 4 then
+if $data04 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 6 then
+if $data06 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol9 = '4'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 4 then
+if $data04 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 6 then
+if $data06 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol10 = 5
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 4 then
+if $data04 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 6 then
+if $data06 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol11 = '6'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 4 then
+if $data04 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 6 then
+if $data06 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/column.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/column.sim
index cc692900ce625317ead828310117abdc65cce598..041bc0a117856551a40f09d8961a7ca3e0e7d9ec 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/column.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/column.sim
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, '0' )
$i = 1
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
-sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
+sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
$i = 2
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
@@ -66,26 +66,26 @@ sql insert into $tb values(now, '3', '3')
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != 4 then
+if $rows != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/commit.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/commit.sim
index cc63e1670014e907ca3a0a832b7a34d1630c311f..e4f839e613472ec319980c19ca47e790d668baf1 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/commit.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/commit.sim
@@ -25,39 +25,39 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 int
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4 =4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4 =4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -71,61 +71,61 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 tinyint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step3
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
@@ -133,34 +133,34 @@ if $data03 != 2.00000 then
sql describe $tb
-if $data21 != BIGINT then
+if $data21 != BIGINT then
return -1
-if $data31 != FLOAT then
+if $data31 != FLOAT then
return -1
-if $data23 != TAG then
+if $data23 != TAG then
return -1
-if $data33 != TAG then
+if $data33 != TAG then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 float
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 4.00000 then
@@ -170,184 +170,184 @@ endi
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step4
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 smallint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '1' -x step5
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 binary(10)
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=false
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=false
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '6'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step52
return -1
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bigint
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 tinyint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = 6
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -357,54 +357,54 @@ step71:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step72
return -1
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 binary(17)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 bool
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5='5'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=1
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
if $data04 != 1 then
@@ -424,45 +424,45 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2', '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bool
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 float
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=4
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=1
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6=6
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
if $data03 != 1 then
@@ -485,24 +485,24 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10), tgcol4 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '2', '3', '4' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4 -x step103
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql reset query cache
@@ -524,22 +524,22 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
if $data04 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
@@ -556,27 +556,27 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 float, tgcol5 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
if $data05 != 4.00000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ sql alter table $mt rename tag tgcol1 tgcol4 -x step114
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol5
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol7 bigint
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol8 smallint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='4'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=5
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='6'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol7=7
@@ -605,28 +605,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 =5
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 6 then
+if $data05 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 7 then
+if $data06 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 8 then
+if $data07 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -646,34 +646,34 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 smallint, tgcol3 float, tgcol4 double, tgcol5 binary(10), tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5', '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
if $data04 != 3.00000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol5
@@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 binary(10)
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol5 bigint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1=false
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='5'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1=false
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='5'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol3=4
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4='3'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=2
@@ -694,28 +694,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '3'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 1 then
+if $data03 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 3 then
+if $data06 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2 then
+if $data07 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -745,34 +745,34 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 binary(11), tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 2, 3, '4', 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
-sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
+sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol6
sql reset query cache
@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol4 int
sql alter table $mt add tag tgcol6 bigint
sql reset query cache
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1='7'
-sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='8'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol1='7'
+sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol2='8'
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol3=9
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol4=10
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=11
@@ -791,28 +791,28 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '8'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9 then
+if $data03 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
+if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 8 then
+if $data05 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 10 then
+if $data06 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 12 then
+if $data07 != 12 then
return -1
@@ -832,16 +832,16 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -852,19 +852,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -872,20 +872,20 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 4.00000 then
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -893,20 +893,20 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -914,45 +914,45 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '6'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 1
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -960,23 +960,23 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = 6
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 6 then
+if $data04 != 6 then
return -1
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -984,16 +984,16 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = '5'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4 then
+if $data02 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 5 then
+if $data03 != 5 then
return -1
if $data04 != 1 then
@@ -1008,13 +1008,13 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
if $data03 != 1 then
@@ -1032,22 +1032,22 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
if $data04 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
@@ -1058,28 +1058,28 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 =5
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 6 then
+if $data05 != 6 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 7 then
+if $data06 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 8 then
+if $data07 != 8 then
return -1
@@ -1091,28 +1091,28 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '3'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 1 then
+if $data03 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5 then
+if $data04 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 3 then
+if $data06 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 2 then
+if $data07 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -1143,36 +1143,36 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '8'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 9 then
+if $data03 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
+if $data04 != 11.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 8 then
+if $data05 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 10 then
+if $data06 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 12 then
+if $data07 != 12 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/create.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/create.sim
index da683389cb5b30f3f0d8ff520fb5b92ecddf63d8..1db2251da03891031f082322afb2f2d4628ae959 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/create.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/create.sim
@@ -25,107 +25,107 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step3
$i = 3
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol smallint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bigint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
@@ -133,62 +133,62 @@ if $rows != 0 then
print expect 0, actual: $rows
return -1
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol double)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step9
$i = 9
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1')
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '0'
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step10
$i = 10
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 bool)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
if $rows != 1 then
print expect 1, actual: $rows
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -198,16 +198,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 smallint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -217,16 +217,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -236,16 +236,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -255,17 +255,17 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 bigint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step15
@@ -274,16 +274,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -293,16 +293,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 double)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -312,16 +312,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = true
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -350,16 +350,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol tinyint, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -369,16 +369,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol int, tgcol2 bigint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -388,16 +388,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -407,16 +407,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol float, tgcol2 double)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -426,16 +426,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -445,51 +445,51 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 bool, tgcol3 int, tgcol4 float, tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 3
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 5
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '6'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '0'
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -499,16 +499,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 float, tgcol4 double, tgcol5 binary(10), tgcol6 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5', '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '6'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '0'
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -518,16 +518,16 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10), tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10), tgcol4 binary(10), tgcol5 binary(10), tgcol6 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '0'
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
@@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(250), tgcol2 binary(250))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags('1', '1')
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -560,12 +560,12 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(25), tgcol2 binary(250))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags('1', '1')
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(250), tgcol2 binary(250), tgcol3 binary(30)) -x step30
# return -1
print =============== step31
$i = 31
@@ -584,16 +584,16 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(5))
sql_error create table $tb using $mt tags('1234567')
sql create table $tb using $mt tags('12345')
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
-sql select * from $mt
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql select * from $mt
print sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print $data00 $data01 $data02
-if $data02 != 12345 then
+if $data02 != 12345 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim
index 36ef1110f8093228f1643b15547d4f96b67ea787..acf99cc874c90170c53a393ae511c340a77d18fc 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -48,38 +48,38 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 < 3
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ if $data03 != 2.00000 then
sql describe $tb
-if $data21 != BIGINT then
+if $data21 != BIGINT then
return -1
-if $data31 != FLOAT then
+if $data31 != FLOAT then
return -1
-if $data23 != TAG then
+if $data23 != TAG then
return -1
@@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol1 -x step40
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -127,111 +127,111 @@ sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol1 -x step50
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
sql describe $tb
-if $data21 != SMALLINT then
+if $data21 != SMALLINT then
return -1
-if $data31 != TINYINT then
+if $data31 != TINYINT then
return -1
-if $data41 != VARCHAR then
+if $data41 != VARCHAR then
return -1
-if $data22 != 2 then
+if $data22 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data32 != 1 then
+if $data32 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data42 != 10 then
+if $data42 != 10 then
return -1
-if $data23 != TAG then
+if $data23 != TAG then
return -1
-if $data33 != TAG then
+if $data33 != TAG then
return -1
-if $data43 != TAG then
+if $data43 != TAG then
return -1
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2
sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float, tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = '3'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 2.00000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
@@ -244,21 +244,21 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2', '3' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
@@ -271,24 +271,24 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 binary(10), tgcol3 binary(10), tgcol4 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', '2', '3', '4' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '4'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
@@ -302,27 +302,27 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 float, tgcol5 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
if $data05 != 4.00000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
@@ -336,30 +336,30 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 smallint, tgcol3 float, tgcol4 double, tgcol5 binary(10), tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2, 3, 4, '5', '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
if $data04 != 3.00000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5 then
+if $data06 != 5 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -374,30 +374,30 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 binary(11), tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 2, 3, '4', 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -412,16 +412,16 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
@@ -436,23 +436,23 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step3
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -460,23 +460,23 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step4
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -484,23 +484,23 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '1' -x step5
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -508,19 +508,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ step51:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step52
return -1
print =============== step7
$i = 7
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -538,19 +538,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ step71:
sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 -x step72
return -1
print =============== step8
$i = 8
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
@@ -568,19 +568,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
@@ -598,19 +598,19 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
@@ -628,22 +628,22 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != null then
+if $data03 != null then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
@@ -664,10 +664,10 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4=4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
@@ -676,13 +676,13 @@ endi
if $data03 != 4.00000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
-if $data06 != null then
+if $data06 != null then
return -1
@@ -703,28 +703,28 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.000000000 then
+if $data03 != 4.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data04 != null then
+if $data04 != null then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
-if $data06 != null then
+if $data06 != null then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
@@ -749,28 +749,28 @@ $tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data04 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data05 != null then
+if $data05 != null then
return -1
-if $data06 != null then
+if $data06 != null then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 bigint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql alter table xxmt drop tag tag1 -x step141
return -1
@@ -814,8 +814,8 @@ step145:
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/double.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/double.sim
index 7af2f19c597b6acc1860a9d9f11b14a64a3ebfda..fbdf9733370b19eb2506801aaf61490e05ae6ed0 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/double.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/double.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol double)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -83,156 +83,156 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/filter.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/filter.sim
index 9fb5f66c36e5c36ef94b3320306cf71de4958d4e..4f116cb58d1f8d2f35fbf9b7a4f58e18525fb9cc 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/filter.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/filter.sim
@@ -24,31 +24,31 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol binary(10))
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = '1'
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(t
print =============== step4
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tbcol = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tbcol = '1'
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data00 != 10 then
+if $data00 != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(t
print =============== step10
-sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
@@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ step12:
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where ts > 1000 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
if $data00 != 100 then
print expect 100, actual $data00
return -1
@@ -132,16 +132,16 @@ step15:
print =============== step16
sql select count(tbcol) as c from $mt where tgcol = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/float.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/float.sim
index d1761883292c91a3e3264cb35238da896bd4239f..10fac93d5d547fb2232a26abb9c68e5baa5cd77a 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/float.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/float.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol float)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -83,156 +83,156 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int.sim
index 5a35695cbe31546629bc6d10b558fc4a0ca2d376..ac8d31db3bb181489311c9bec7b31abf1a39b305 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int.sim
@@ -24,50 +24,50 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol int)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
@@ -78,160 +78,160 @@ sql select * from $tb where ts > 100000 and ts < 100000
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 3m
+sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 3m
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_binary.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_binary.sim
index 53058ee331b26ac7eef46d8ed2272ae90dcc686e..83a830f64a53a458dcda87209e91cab3e0d0f18f 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_binary.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_binary.sim
@@ -24,283 +24,283 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol int, tgcol2 binary(5))
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, '0' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, '0' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '1' )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1'
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0'
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = '1' and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '1' and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = '0' and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> '0' and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> '0' and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 and tgcol2 = '1'
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 and tgcol2 = '1' group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_float.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_float.sim
index 826e1f5c084b8689f481185219e1c4ccc0c59673..009629aac97fbfb0c7dc9fe26acb848ea0ec3a49 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_float.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/int_float.sim
@@ -24,299 +24,299 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol int, tgcol2 float)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0, 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 > 0.5
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 < 0.5
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 > 0.5 and tgcol2 < 1.5
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 = 1 and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 1 and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 = 0 and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol2 <> 0 and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol2 <> 0 and ts < now + 5m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 and tgcol2 = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 and tgcol2 = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step13
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step14
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/set.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/set.sim
index ebca50a3be13311fa46672012d26d30385d2ec4a..c66ae65903b324b823f1572d42c3e3aabd7bf30b 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/set.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/set.sim
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bool, tgcol2 int)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -50,46 +50,46 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = false
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != 0 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql describe $tb
print $data21 $data23 $data32 $data33
-if $data21 != BOOL then
+if $data21 != BOOL then
return -1
-if $data31 != INT then
+if $data31 != INT then
return -1
if $data23 != TAG then
return -1
-if $data33 != TAG then
+if $data33 != TAG then
return -1
@@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ $mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 smallint, tgcol2 tinyint)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -121,58 +121,58 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 3
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3 then
+if $data02 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3 then
+if $data02 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 2
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print =============== step4
$i = 4
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 bigint, tgcol2 float)
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, 2 )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 1
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2.00000 then
+if $data03 != 2.00000 then
return -1
@@ -183,53 +183,53 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 3
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3 then
+if $data02 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.00000 then
+if $data03 != 4.00000 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 4
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3 then
+if $data02 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4.00000 then
+if $data03 != 4.00000 then
return -1
print =============== step5
$i = 5
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 double, tgcol2 binary(10))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1, '2' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '2'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
@@ -240,64 +240,64 @@ sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = 3
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = '4'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
+if $data02 != 3.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 4 then
+if $data03 != 4 then
return -1
print =============== step6
$i = 6
$mt = $mtPrefix . $i
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol1 binary(10), tgcol2 int, tgcol3 smallint, tgcol4 binary(11), tgcol5 double, tgcol6 binary(20))
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( '1', 2, 3, '4', 5, '6' )
-sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
+sql insert into $tb values(now, 1)
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '1'
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 1 then
+if $data02 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 2 then
+if $data03 != 2 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 3 then
+if $data04 != 3 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 4 then
+if $data05 != 4 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
+if $data06 != 5.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data07 != 6 then
+if $data07 != 6 then
return -1
@@ -309,146 +309,146 @@ sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol5=10
sql alter table $tb set tag tgcol6='11'
sql reset query cache
sql select * from $mt where tgcol1 = '7'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 9 then
+if $data04 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 11 then
+if $data06 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 8
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 9 then
+if $data04 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 11 then
+if $data06 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol4 = '9'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 9 then
+if $data04 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 11 then
+if $data06 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol5 = 10
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 9 then
+if $data04 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 11 then
+if $data06 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol6 = '11'
print $data01 $data02 $data03
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
-if $data01 != 1 then
+if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
-if $data02 != 7 then
+if $data02 != 7 then
return -1
-if $data03 != 8 then
+if $data03 != 8 then
return -1
-if $data04 != 9 then
+if $data04 != 9 then
return -1
-if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
+if $data05 != 10.000000000 then
return -1
-if $data06 != 11 then
+if $data06 != 11 then
return -1
-if $data07 != null then
+if $data07 != null then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/smallint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/smallint.sim
index 9fb3ca142646f2ea4de7c7892f2e38987d155596..e3a819c837761a2ffddbc8d3cfb7f77c2d785d06 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/smallint.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/smallint.sim
@@ -24,214 +24,214 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol smallint)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > 100000 and ts < 100000
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 3m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/tinyint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/tinyint.sim
index 11cd6ee3b2b8ec5e5defbc65e4abed6fe0fc32c7..8560def34cc22cc73a592ac062d5bb8f9867b8c0 100644
--- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/tinyint.sim
+++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/tinyint.sim
@@ -24,214 +24,214 @@ sql create table $mt (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol tinyint)
$i = 0
while $i < 5
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 0 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
while $i < 10
$tb = $tbPrefix . $i
- sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
+ sql create table $tb using $mt tags( 1 )
$x = 0
while $x < $rowNum
- $ms = $x . m
- sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
+ $ms = $x . m
+ sql insert into $tb values (now + $ms , $x )
$x = $x + 1
- endw
+ endw
$i = $i + 1
print =============== step2
sql select * from $tb
-if $rows != $rowNum then
+if $rows != $rowNum then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts <= now + 4m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts >= now + 4m
-if $rows != 15 then
+if $rows != 15 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts < now + 4m and ts > now + 5m
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts > 100000 and ts < 100000
+sql select * from $tb where ts > 100000 and ts < 100000
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
-sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 3m
+sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 3m
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $tb where ts > now + 4m and ts > now + 5m and ts < now + 6m
-if $rows != 1 then
+if $rows != 1 then
return -1
print =============== step3
sql select * from $mt
-if $rows != $totalNum then
+if $rows != $totalNum then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-if $rows != 50 then
+if $rows != 50 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m
-if $rows != 150 then
+if $rows != 150 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts = now + 4m
-if $rows != 0 then
+if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 10 then
+if $rows != 10 then
return -1
print =============== step4
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 100 then
+if $rows != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step5
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol = 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 1
-if $rows != 75 then
+if $rows != 75 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts < now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol = 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts <= now + 4m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 25 then
+if $rows != 25 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and ts < now + 5m and tgcol <> 0
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
sql select * from $mt where ts > now + 4m and tgcol <> 0 and ts < now + 5m
-if $rows != 5 then
+if $rows != 5 then
return -1
print =============== step6
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 200 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 200 then
return -1
print =============== step7
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step8
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 50 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 50 then
return -1
print =============== step9
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step10
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where tgcol = 1 group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== step11
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt where ts < now + 4m group by tgcol
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 25 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 25 then
return -1
print =============== step12
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from $mt partition by tgcol interval(1d)
-print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
-if $data00 != 100 then
+print $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06
+if $data00 != 100 then
return -1
print =============== clear
sql drop database $db
sql select * from information_schema.ins_databases
-if $rows != 2 then
+if $rows != 2 then
return -1
-system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
+system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT