提交 ede4a57c 编写于 作者: G Ganlin Zhao

enh(query): tail function handle offset param

上级 a281da13
......@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ static int32_t translateSample(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len)
static int32_t translateTail(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len) {
if (2 != LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList)) {
int32_t numOfParams = LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList);
if (2 != numOfParams && 3 != numOfParams) {
return invaildFuncParaNumErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
......@@ -397,10 +398,12 @@ static int32_t translateTail(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len) {
"The input parameter of TAIL function can only be column");
uint8_t paraType = ((SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1))->resType.type;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < numOfParams; ++i) {
uint8_t paraType = ((SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, i))->resType.type;
if (!IS_INTEGER_TYPE(paraType)) {
return invaildFuncParaTypeErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
SExprNode* pCol = (SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 0);
uint8_t colType = pCol->resType.type;
......@@ -3177,7 +3177,11 @@ bool tailFunctionSetup(SqlFunctionCtx *pCtx, SResultRowEntryInfo *pResultInfo) {
STailInfo *pInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResultInfo);
pInfo->numAdded = 0;
pInfo->numOfPoints = pCtx->param[1].param.i;
if (pCtx->numOfParams == 4) {
pInfo->offset = pCtx->param[2].param.i;
} else {
pInfo->offset = 0;
pInfo->colType = pCtx->resDataInfo.type;
pInfo->colBytes = pCtx->resDataInfo.bytes;
if ((pInfo->numOfPoints < 1 || pInfo->numOfPoints > TAIL_MAX_POINTS_NUM) ||
......@@ -3236,8 +3240,12 @@ int32_t tailFunction(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
SColumnInfoData* pOutput = (SColumnInfoData*)pCtx->pOutput;
int32_t startOffset = pCtx->offset;
pInfo->numOfPoints = MIN(pInfo->numOfPoints, pInput->numOfRows);
for (int32_t i = pInput->startRowIndex; i < pInput->numOfRows + pInput->startRowIndex; i += 1) {
if (pInfo->offset >= pInput->numOfRows) {
return 0;
} else {
pInfo->numOfPoints = MIN(pInfo->numOfPoints, pInput->numOfRows - pInfo->offset);
for (int32_t i = pInput->startRowIndex; i < pInput->numOfRows + pInput->startRowIndex - pInfo->offset; i += 1) {
char* data = colDataGetData(pInputCol, i);
doTailAdd(pInfo, data, tsList[i], colDataIsNull_s(pInputCol, i));
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