提交 e6005b1e 编写于 作者: Z zyyang


上级 a2e62fd3
......@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class BatchInsertTest extends BaseTest {
static Connection connection = null;
static Statement statement = null;
static String dbName = "test";
static String stbName = "meters";
static String host = "localhost";
static int numOfTables = 30;
final static int numOfRecordsPerTable = 1000;
static long ts = 1496732686000l;
final static String tablePrefix = "t";
public class BatchInsertTest {
private Connection connection;
private static String dbName = "test";
private static String stbName = "meters";
private static String host = "";
private static int numOfTables = 30;
private static int numOfRecordsPerTable = 1000;
private static long ts = 1496732686000l;
private static String tablePrefix = "t";
public void createDatabase() throws SQLException {
......@@ -34,38 +34,33 @@ public class BatchInsertTest extends BaseTest {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_HOST, host);
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE, "en_US.UTF-8");
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE, "UTC-8");
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:TAOS://" + host + ":0/", properties);
statement = connection.createStatement();
statement.executeUpdate("drop database if exists " + dbName);
statement.executeUpdate("create database if not exists " + dbName);
statement.executeUpdate("use " + dbName);
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
stmt.execute("drop database if exists " + dbName);
stmt.execute("create database if not exists " + dbName);
stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
String createTableSql = "create table " + stbName + "(ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 int, f3 int) tags(areaid int, loc binary(20))";
for(int i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++) {
String loc = i % 2 == 0 ? "beijing" : "shanghai";
String createSubTalbesSql = "create table " + tablePrefix + i + " using " + stbName + " tags(" + i + ", '" + loc + "')";
public void testBatchInsert() throws SQLException{
public void testBatchInsert() throws SQLException {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numOfTables);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++) {
final int index = i;
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
executorService.execute(() -> {
try {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); // get statement
......@@ -87,10 +82,8 @@ public class BatchInsertTest extends BaseTest {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
......@@ -109,12 +102,14 @@ public class BatchInsertTest extends BaseTest {
public void close() throws Exception {
public void close() {
try {
if (connection != null)
} catch (SQLException e) {
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