未验证 提交 d0bd15dc 编写于 作者: sangshuduo's avatar sangshuduo 提交者: GitHub

docs: refine reference english docs (#12576)

* docs: reference doc in English


* docs: reference docs in English


* docs: refine reference English docs

上级 0b5ff182
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ http://<fqdn>:<port>/rest/sql/[db_name]
- port: 配置文件中 httpPort 配置项,缺省为 6041
- db_name: 可选参数,指定本次所执行的 SQL 语句的默认数据库库名。(从 版本开始支持)
例如:http://h1.taos.com:6041/rest/sql/test 是指向地址为 h1.taos.com:6041 的 url,并将默认使用的数据库库名设置为 test
例如:`http://h1.taos.com:6041/rest/sql/test` 是指向地址为 `h1.taos.com:6041` 的 URL,并将默认使用的数据库库名设置为 `test`
HTTP 请求的 Header 里需带有身份认证信息,TDengine 支持 Basic 认证与自定义认证两种机制,后续版本将提供标准安全的数字签名机制来做身份验证。
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ HTTP 请求的 Header 里需带有身份认证信息,TDengine 支持 Basic 认
HTTP 请求的 BODY 里就是一个完整的 SQL 语句,SQL 语句中的数据表应提供数据库前缀,例如 \<db_name>.\<tb_name>。如果表名不带数据库前缀,又没有在 url 中指定数据库名的话,系统会返回错误。因为 HTTP 模块只是一个简单的转发,没有当前 DB 的概念。
使用 curl 通过自定义身份认证方式来发起一个 HTTP Request,语法如下:
使用 `curl` 通过自定义身份认证方式来发起一个 HTTP Request,语法如下:
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic <TOKEN>' -d '<SQL>' <ip>:<PORT>/rest/sql/[db_name]
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ curl -u username:password -d '<SQL>' <ip>:<PORT>/rest/sql/[db_name]
- status: 告知操作结果是成功还是失败。
- head: 表的定义,如果不返回结果集,则仅有一列 “affected_rows”。(从 版本开始,建议不要依赖 head 返回值来判断数据列类型,而推荐使用 column_meta。在未来版本中,有可能会从返回值中去掉 head 这一项。)
- head: 表的定义,如果不返回结果集,则仅有一列 “affected_rows”。(从 版本开始,建议不要依赖 head 返回值来判断数据列类型,而推荐使用 column_meta。在后续版本中,有可能会从返回值中去掉 head 这一项。)
- column_meta: 从 版本开始,返回值中增加这一项来说明 data 里每一列的数据类型。具体每个列会用三个值来说明,分别为:列名、列类型、类型长度。例如`["current",6,4]`表示列名为“current”;列类型为 6,也即 float 类型;类型长度为 4,也即对应 4 个字节表示的 float。如果列类型为 binary 或 nchar,则类型长度表示该列最多可以保存的内容长度,而不是本次返回值中的具体数据长度。当列类型是 nchar 的时候,其类型长度表示可以保存的 unicode 字符数量,而不是 bytes。
- data: 具体返回的数据,一行一行的呈现,如果不返回结果集,那么就仅有 [[affected_rows]]。data 中每一行的数据列顺序,与 column_meta 中描述数据列的顺序完全一致。
- rows: 表明总共多少行数据。
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ HTTP 请求中需要带有授权码 `<TOKEN>`,用于身份识别。授权码
curl http://<fqnd>:<port>/rest/login/<username>/<password>
其中,`fqdn` 是 TDengine 数据库的 fqdn 或 ip 地址,port 是 TDengine 服务的端口号,`username` 为数据库用户名,`password` 为数据库密码,返回值为 `JSON` 格式,各字段含义如下:
其中,`fqdn` 是 TDengine 数据库的 FQDN 或 IP 地址,`port` 是 TDengine 服务的端口号,`username` 为数据库用户名,`password` 为数据库密码,返回值为 JSON 格式,各字段含义如下:
- status:请求结果的标志位
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ HTTP 请求 URL 采用 `sqlt` 时,返回结果集的时间戳将采用 Unix
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'select * from demo.d1001'
......@@ -302,6 +302,5 @@ HTTP 请求 URL 采用 `sqlutc` 时,返回结果集的时间戳将采用 UTC
- httpDbNameMandatory: 是否必须在 RESTful url 中指定默认的数据库名。默认为 0,即关闭此检查。如果设置为 1,那么每个 RESTful url 中都必须设置一个默认数据库名,否则无论此时执行的 SQL 语句是否需要指定数据库,都会返回一个执行错误,拒绝执行此 SQL 语句。
如果使用 taosd 提供的 REST API, 那么以上配置需要写在 taosd 的配置文件 taos.cfg 中。如果使用 taosAdaper 提供的 REST API, 那么需要参考 taosAdaper [对应的配置方法](/reference/taosadapter/)。
如果使用 taosd 提供的 REST API, 那么以上配置需要写在 taosd 的配置文件 taos.cfg 中。如果使用 taosAdapter 提供的 REST API, 那么需要参考 taosAdapter [对应的配置方法](/reference/taosadapter/)。
......@@ -8,25 +8,27 @@ TDengine 命令行程序(以下简称 TDengine CLI)是用户操作 TDengine
## 安装
如果在 TDengine 服务器端执行,无需任何安装,已经自动安装好。如果要在非 TDengine 服务器端运行,需要安装 TDengine 客户端驱动,具体安装,请参考 [连接器](/reference/connector/)
如果在 TDengine 服务器端执行,无需任何安装,已经自动安装好 TDengine CLI。如果要在非 TDengine 服务器端运行,需要安装 TDengine 客户端驱动安装包,具体安装,请参考 [连接器](/reference/connector/)
## 执行
要进入 TDengine CLI,您只要在 Linux 终端或Windows 终端执行 `taos` 即可。
要进入 TDengine CLI,您只要在 Linux 终端或 Windows 终端执行 `taos` 即可。
如果连接服务成功,将会打印出欢迎消息和版本信息。如果失败,则会打印错误消息出来(请参考 [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) 来解决终端连接服务端失败的问题)。TDengine CLI 的提示符号如下:
如果连接服务成功,将会打印出欢迎消息和版本信息。如果失败,则会打印错误消息。(请参考 [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) 来解决终端连接服务端失败的问题)。TDengine CLI 的提示符号如下:
进入 TDengine CLI 后,你可执行各种 SQL 语句,包括插入、查询以及各种管理命令。
## 执行 SQL 脚本
在 TDengine CLI 里可以通过 `source` 命令来运行 SQL 命令脚本
在 TDengine CLI 里可以通过 `source` 命令来运行脚本文件中的多条 SQL 命令
taos> source <filename>;
......@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ taos> source <filename>;
如显示的内容后面以 ... 结尾时,表示该内容已被截断,可通过本命令修改显示字符宽度以显示完整的内容。
## 命令行参数
......@@ -54,20 +56,20 @@ taos> SET MAX_BINARY_DISPLAY_WIDTH <nn>;
- -c, --config-dir: 指定配置文件目录,默认为 `/etc/taos`,该目录下的配置文件默认名称为 taos.cfg
- -C, --dump-config: 打印 -c 指定的目录中 taos.cfg 的配置参数
- -c, --config-dir: 指定配置文件目录,Linux 环境下默认为 `/etc/taos`,该目录下的配置文件默认名称为 `taos.cfg`
- -C, --dump-config: 打印 -c 指定的目录中 `taos.cfg` 的配置参数
- -d, --database=DATABASE: 指定连接到服务端时使用的数据库
- -D, --directory=DIRECTORY: 导入指定路径中的 SQL 脚本文件
- -f, --file=FILE: 以非交互模式执行 SQL 脚本文件
- -k, --check=CHECK: 指定要检查的表
- -l, --pktlen=PKTLEN: 网络测试时使用的测试包大小
- -n, --netrole=NETROLE: 网络连接测试时的测试范围,默认为 startup, 可选值为 client, server, rpc, startup, sync, speed, fqdn
- -r, --raw-time: 将时间输出出 uint64_t
- -n, --netrole=NETROLE: 网络连接测试时的测试范围,默认为 `startup`, 可选值为 `client``server``rpc``startup``sync``speed``fqdn` 之一
- -r, --raw-time: 将时间输出出无符号 64 位整数类型(即 C 语音中 uint64_t)
- -s, --commands=COMMAND: 以非交互模式执行的 SQL 命令
- -S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: 指定网络测试所用的包类型,默认为 TCP。只有 netrole 为 speed 时既可以指定为 TCP 也可以指定为 UDP
- -S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: 指定网络测试所用的包类型,默认为 TCP。只有 netrole 为 `speed` 时既可以指定为 TCP 也可以指定为 UDP
- -T, --thread=THREADNUM: 以多线程模式导入数据时的线程数
- -s, --commands: 在不进入终端的情况下运行 TDengine 命令
- -z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: 指定时区,默认为本地
- -z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: 指定时区,默认为本地时区
- -V, --version: 打印出当前版本号
......@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ taos -h h1.taos.com -s "use db; show tables;"
## TDengine CLI 小技巧
- 可以使用上下光标键查看历史输入的指令
- 修改用户密码:在 shell 中使用 `alter user` 命令,缺省密码为 taosdata
- ctrl+c 中止正在进行中的查询
- 执行 `RESET QUERY CACHE` 可清除本地缓存的表 schema
- 批量执行 SQL 语句。可以将一系列的 shell 命令(以英文 ; 结尾,每个 SQL 语句为一行)按行存放在文件里,在 shell 里执行命令 `source <file-name>` 自动执行该文件里所有的 SQL 语句
- 输入 q 回车,退出 taos shell
- 在 TDengine CLI 中使用 `alter user` 命令可以修改用户密码,缺省密码为 `taosdata`
- Ctrl+C 中止正在进行中的查询
- 执行 `RESET QUERY CACHE` 可清除本地表 Schema 的缓存
- 批量执行 SQL 语句。可以将一系列的 TDengine CLI 命令(以英文 ; 结尾,每个 SQL 语句为一行)按行存放在文件里,在 TDengine CLI 里执行命令 `source <file-name>` 自动执行该文件里所有的 SQL 语句
- 输入 `q``quit``exit` 回车,可以退出 TDengine CLI
......@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
title: REST API
TDengine provides an API that conforms to REST design standards to support development on various platforms, i.e., the REST API. To minimize learning costs, and unlike other databases' REST API design approaches, TDengine operates on databases directly through HTTP POST requests for SQL statements contained in the BODY, requiring only a URL. See the [video tutorial](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html) to use the REST connector.
To support the development of various types of platforms, TDengine provides an API that conforms to the REST design standard, namely REST API. To minimize the learning cost, different from the design methods of other database REST APIs, TDengine directly requests the SQL statement contained in the BODY through HTTP POST to operate the database and only requires a URL.
Note: One difference from the native connector is that the RESTful interface is stateless, so the `USE db_name` directive has no effect. All references to table names and super table names need to be specified with a database name prefix. (Starting with version, RESTful supports specifying db_name in the RESTful URL, so if the database name prefix is not specified in the SQL statement, the db_name specified in the URL will be used. (db_name.)
Note: One difference from the native connector is that the RESTful interface is stateless, so the `USE db_name` command has no effect. All references to table names and supertable names need to specify the database name prefix. (Since version, it is supported to specify db_name in RESTful URL. If the database name prefix is not specified in the SQL statement, the db_name specified in the URL will be used. Since version, RESTful is provided by taosAdapter by default. And it requires that the db_name must be specified in the URL.)
## Installation
The RESTful interface does not rely on any TDengine libraries, so the client does not need to install any TDengine libraries. The client's development language supports the HTTP protocol.
The REST interface does not rely on any TDengine native library, so the client application does not need to install any TDengine libraries. The client application's development language supports the HTTP protocol is enough.
## Verification
If the TDengine server side is already installed, it can be verified as follows:
If the TDengine server is already installed, it can be verified as follows:
The following is an Ubuntu environment using the curl tool (to confirm that it is installed) to verify that the RESTful interface is working.
The following is an Ubuntu environment using the `curl` tool (to confirm that it is installed) to verify that the REST interface is working.
The following example lists all databases, replacing h1.taosdata.com and 6041 (the default) with the actual running TDengine service FQDN and port number.
The following example lists all databases, replacing `h1.taosdata.com` and `6041` (the default port) with the actual running TDengine service FQDN and port number.
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'show databases;'
The following return value results indicate that the validation passed.
The following return value results indicate that the verification passed.
......@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ The following return value results indicate that the validation passed.
Parameter Description.
Parameter Description:
- fqnd: FQDN or IP address of any host in the cluster
- port: httpPort configuration item in the configuration file, default is 6041
- db_name: Optional parameter that specifies the default database name for the executed SQL statement. (supported since version
- db_name: Optional parameter that specifies the default database name for the executed SQL command. (supported since version
For example, http://h1.taos.com:6041/rest/sql/test is a URL to h1.taos.com:6041 and sets the default database name to test.
For example, `http://h1.taos.com:6041/rest/sql/test` is a URL to `h1.taos.com:6041` and sets the default database name to `test`.
TDengine supports both Basic authentication and custom authentication mechanisms, and subsequent versions will provide a standard secure digital signature mechanism for authentication.
......@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ TDengine supports both Basic authentication and custom authentication mechanisms
Authorization: Basic <TOKEN>
The HTTP request's BODY is a complete SQL statement, and the data table in the SQL statement should be provided with a database prefix, e.g., \<db_name>. \<tb_name>. If the table name does not have a database prefix and the database name is not specified in the URL, the system will return an error because the HTTP module is a simple forwarder and has no concept of the current DB.
The HTTP request's BODY is a complete SQL command, and the data table in the SQL statement should be provided with a database prefix, e.g., `\<db_name>.\<tb_name>`. If the table name does not have a database prefix and the database name is not specified in the URL, the system will response an error because the HTTP module is a simple forwarder and has no awareness of the current DB.
Use curl to initiate an HTTP Request with a custom authentication method, with the following syntax.
Use `curl` to initiate an HTTP request with a custom authentication method, with the following syntax.
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic <TOKEN>' -d '<SQL>' <ip>:<PORT>/rest/sql/[db_name]
......@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ Or
curl -u username:password -d '<SQL>' <ip>:<PORT>/rest/sql/[db_name]
where `TOKEN` is the string after Base64 encoding of `{username}:{password}`, e.g. `root:taosdata` is encoded as `cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==`
where `TOKEN` is the string after Base64 encoding of `{username}:{password}`, e.g. `root:taosdata` is encoded as `cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==`.
## HTTP Return Format
The return value is in JSON format, as follows:
The return result is in JSON format, as follows:
......@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ The return value is in JSON format, as follows:
- status: tell if the operation result is success or failure.
- head: the definition of the table, or just one column "affected_rows" if no result set is returned. (As of version, it is recommended not to rely on the head return value to determine the data column type but rather use column_meta. In future versions, the head item may be removed from the return value.)
- head: the definition of the table, or just one column "affected_rows" if no result set is returned. (As of version, it is recommended not to rely on the head return value to determine the data column type but rather use column_meta. In later versions, the head item may be removed from the return value.)
- column_meta: this item is added to the return value to indicate the data type of each column in the data with version and later versions. Each column is described by three values: column name, column type, and type length. For example, `["current",6,4]` means that the column name is "current", the column type is 6, which is the float type, and the type length is 4, which is the float type with 4 bytes. If the column type is binary or nchar, the type length indicates the maximum length of content stored in the column, not the length of the specific data in this return value. When the column type is nchar, the type length indicates the number of Unicode characters that can be saved, not bytes.
- data: The exact data returned, presented row by row, or just [[affected_rows]] if no result set is returned. The order of the data columns in each row of data is the same as that of the data columns described in column_meta.
- rows: Indicates how many rows of data there are.
......@@ -302,6 +302,6 @@ Only some configuration parameters related to the RESTful interface are listed b
- httpDbNameMandatory: users must specify the default database name in the RESTful URL. The default is 0, which turns off this check. If set to 1, users must put a default database name in every RESTful URL. Otherwise, it will return an execution error and reject this SQL statement, regardless of whether the SQL statement executed at this time requires a specified database.
If you are using the REST API provided by taosd, you should write the above configuration in taosd's configuration file taos.cfg. If you use the REST API of taosAdaper, you need to refer to taosAdaper [corresponding configuration method](/reference/taosadapter/).
If you are using the REST API provided by taosd, you should write the above configuration in taosd's configuration file taos.cfg. If you use the REST API of taosAdapter, you need to refer to taosAdapter [corresponding configuration method](/reference/taosadapter/).
......@@ -4,37 +4,38 @@ sidebar_label: TDengine CLI
description: Instructions and tips for using the TDengine CLI
The TDengine command-line application (hereafter referred to as TDengine CLI) is the cleanest and most common way for users to manipulate and interact with TDengine instances.
The TDengine command-line application (hereafter referred to as `TDengine CLI`) is the most feasility way for users to manipulate and interact with TDengine instances.
## Installation
If executed on the TDengine server-side, there is no need for additional installation as it is already installed automatically. To run on the non-TDengine server-side, the TDengine client driver needs to be installed. For details, please refer to [connector](/reference/connector/).
If executed on the TDengine server-side, there is no need for additional installation steps to install TDengine CLI as it is already included and installed automatically. To run TDengine CLI on the environemtn which no TDengine server running, the TDengine client installation package needs to be installed first. For details, please refer to [connector](/reference/connector/).
## Execution
To access the TDengine CLI, you can execute `taos` from a Linux terminal or Windows terminal.
To access the TDengine CLI, you can execute `taos` command-line utility from a Linux terminal or Windows terminal.
TDengine will display a welcome message and version information if the connection to the service is successful. If it fails, TDengine will print an error message (see [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) to solve the problem of terminal connection failure to the server.) The TDengine CLI prompt symbols are as follows:
TDengine CLI will display a welcome message and version information if it successfully connected to the TDengine service. If it fails, TDengine CLI will print an error message. See [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) to solve the problem of terminal connection failure to the server. The TDengine CLI prompts as follows:
After entering the CLI, you can execute various SQL statements, including inserts, queries, and administrative commands.
After entering the TDengine CLI, you can execute various SQL commands, including inserts, queries, or administrative commands.
## Execute SQL scripts
## Execute SQL script file
Run SQL command scripts in the TDengine CLI via the `source` command.
Run SQL command script file in the TDengine CLI via the `source` command.
taos> source <filename>;
## Modify display character width online
## Adjust display width to show more characters
Users can adjust the character display width in TDengine CLI with the following command:
Users can adjust the display width in TDengine CLI to show more characters with the following command:
......@@ -44,31 +45,31 @@ If the displayed content is followed by `...` you can use this command to change
## Command Line Parameters
You can change the behavior of TDengine CLI by configuring command-line parameters. The following command-line arguments are commonly used.
You can change the behavior of TDengine CLI by specifying command-line parameters. The following parameters are commonly used.
-h, --host=HOST: FQDN of the server where the TDengine server is to be connected. Default is to connect to the local service
-P, --port=PORT: Specify the port number to be used by the server
-u, --user=USER: the user name to use when connecting
-p, --password=PASSWORD: the password to use when connecting to the server
--?, --help: print out all command-line arguments
- -h, --host=HOST: FQDN of the server where the TDengine server is to be connected. Default is to connect to the local service
- -P, --port=PORT: Specify the port number to be used by the server. Default is `6030`
- -u, --user=USER: the user name to use when connecting. Default is `root`
- -p, --password=PASSWORD: the password to use when connecting to the server. Default is `taosdata`
- -?, --help: print out all command-line arguments
And many more parameters.
-c, --config-dir: Specify the configuration file directory. The default is `/etc/taos`, and the default name of the configuration file in this directory is taos.cfg
-C, --dump-config: Print the configuration parameters of taos.cfg in the directory specified by -c
-d, --database=DATABASE: Specify the database to use when connecting to the server
-D, --directory=DIRECTORY: Import the SQL script file in the specified path
-f, --file=FILE: Execute the SQL script file in non-interactive mode
-k, --check=CHECK: Specify the table to be checked
-l, --pktlen=PKTLEN: Test package size to be used for network testing
-n, --netrole=NETROLE: test scope for network connection test, default is `startup`, The value can be `client`, `server`, `rpc`, `startup`, `sync`, `speed`, or `fqdn`.
-r, --raw-time: output the time to uint64_t
-s, --commands=COMMAND: execute SQL commands in non-interactive mode
-S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: Specify the packet type used for network testing. The default is TCP. only `netrole` can be specified as either TCP or UDP when speed is specified
-T, --thread=THREADNUM: The number of threads to import data in multi-threaded mode
-s, --commands: Run TDengine commands without entering the terminal
-z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: Specify time zone. Default is local
-V, --version: Print out the current version number
- -c, --config-dir: Specify the directory where configuration file exists. The default is `/etc/taos`, and the default name of the configuration file in this directory is `taos.cfg`
- -C, --dump-config: Print the configuration parameters of `taos.cfg` in the default directory or specified by -c
- -d, --database=DATABASE: Specify the database to use when connecting to the server
- -D, --directory=DIRECTORY: Import the SQL script file in the specified path
- -f, --file=FILE: Execute the SQL script file in non-interactive mode
- -k, --check=CHECK: Specify the table to be checked
- -l, --pktlen=PKTLEN: Test package size to be used for network testing
- -n, --netrole=NETROLE: test scope for network connection test, default is `startup`, The value can be `client`, `server`, `rpc`, `startup`, `sync`, `speed`, or `fqdn`.
- -r, --raw-time: output the timestamp format as unsigned 64-bits integer (uint64_t in C language)
- -s, --commands=COMMAND: execute SQL commands in non-interactive mode
- -S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: Specify the packet type used for network testing. The default is TCP. can be specified as either TCP or UDP when `speed` is specified to netrole parameter
- -T, --thread=THREADNUM: The number of threads to import data in multi-threaded mode
- -s, --commands: Run TDengine CLI commands without entering the terminal
- -z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: Specify time zone. Default is the value of current configruation file
- -V, --version: Print out the current version number
......@@ -77,9 +78,9 @@ taos -h h1.taos.com -s "use db; show tables;"
## TDengine CLI tips
- You can use the up and down cursor keys to see the history of commands entered
- Change user password: use `alter user` command in TDengine CLI. The default password is `taosdata`.
- ctrl+c to stop a query in progress
- You can use the up and down keys to iterate the history of commands entered
- Change user password: use `alter user` command in TDengine CLI to change user's password. The default password is `taosdata`.
- use Ctrl+C to stop a query in progress
- Execute `RESET QUERY CACHE` to clear the local cache of the table schema
- Execute SQL statements in batches. You can store a series of shell commands (ending with ;, one line for each SQL statement) in a file and execute the command `source <file-name>` in the shell to execute all SQL statements in that file automatically
- Enter `q` to exit taos shell
- Execute SQL statements in batches. You can store a series of shell commands (ending with ;, one line for each SQL command) in a script file and execute the command `source <file-name>` in the TDengine CLI to execute all SQL commands in that file automatically
- Enter `q` to exit TDengine CLI
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/app /usr/bin/
CMD ["app"]
目前我们已经有了 `main.go`, `go.mod`, `go.sum`, `app.dockerfile`, 现在可以构建出这个应用程序并在 `td-net` 网络上启动它
Now that we have `main.go`, `go.mod`, `go.sum`, `app.dockerfile`, we can build the application and start it on the `td-net` network.
$ docker build -t app -f app.dockerfile
......@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ password: taosdata
2022-01-18 01:43:51.029 +0000 UTC 3
## 用 docker-compose 启动 TDengine 集群
## Start the TDengine cluster with docker-compose
1. 如下 docker-compose 文件启动一个 2 副本、2 管理节点、2 数据节点以及 1 个 arbitrator 的 TDengine 集群。
1. The following docker-compose file starts a TDengine cluster with two replicas, two management nodes, two data nodes, and one arbitrator.
version: "3"
......@@ -316,14 +316,14 @@ password: taosdata
- `VERSION` 环境变量被用来设置 tdengine image tag
- 在新创建的实例上必须设置 `TAOS_FIRST_EP` 以使其能够加入 TDengine 集群;如果有高可用需求,则需要同时使用 `TAOS_SECOND_EP`
- `TAOS_REPLICA` 用来设置缺省的数据库副本数量,其取值范围为[1,3]
在双副本环境下,推荐使用 arbitrator, 用 TAOS_ARBITRATOR 来设置
- The `VERSION` environment variable is used to set the tdengine image tag
- `TAOS_FIRST_EP` must be set on the newly created instance so that it can join the TDengine cluster; if there is a high availability requirement, `TAOS_SECOND_EP` needs to be used at the same time
- `TAOS_REPLICA` is used to set the default number of database replicas. Its value range is [1,3]
We recommend setting with `TAOS_ARBITRATOR` to use arbitrator in a two-nodes environment.
2. 启动集群
2. Start the cluster
$ VERSION= docker-compose up -d
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ password: taosdata
Creating test_td-2_1 ... done
3. 查看节点状态
3. Check the status of each node
$ docker-compose ps
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ password: taosdata
test_td-2_1 /usr/bin/entrypoint.sh taosd Up 6030/tcp, 6031/tcp, 6032/tcp, 6033/tcp, 6034/tcp, 6035/tcp, 6036/tcp, 6037/tcp, 6038/tcp, 6039/tcp, 6040/tcp, 6041/tcp, 6042/tcp
4. 用 taos shell 查看 dnodes
4. Show dnodes via TDengine CLI
$ docker-compose exec td-1 taos -s "show dnodes"
......@@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ password: taosdata
## taosAdapter
1. taosAdapter 在 TDengine 容器中默认是启动的。如果想要禁用它,在启动时指定环境变量 `TAOS_DISABLE_ADAPTER=true`
1. taosAdapter is enabled by default in the TDengine container. If you want to disable it, specify the environment variable `TAOS_DISABLE_ADAPTER=true` at startup
2. 同时为了部署灵活起见,可以在独立的容器中启动 taosAdapter
2. At the same time, for flexible deployment, taosAdapter can be started in a separate container
......@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ password: taosdata
image: tdengine/tdengine:$VERSION
command: taosadapter
如果要部署多个 taosAdapter 来提高吞吐量并提供高可用性,推荐配置方式为使用 nginx 等反向代理来提供统一的访问入口。具体配置方法请参考 nginx 的官方文档。如下是示例:
Suppose you want to deploy multiple taosAdapters to improve throughput and provide high availability. In that case, the recommended configuration method uses a reverse proxy such as Nginx to offer a unified access entry. For specific configuration methods, please refer to the official documentation of Nginx. Here is an example:
ersion: "3"
......@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ password: taosdata
## 使用 docker swarm 部署
## Deploy with docker swarm
如果要想将基于容器的 TDengine 集群部署在多台主机上,可以使用 docker swarm。首先要在这些主机上建立 docke swarm 集群,请参考 docker 官方文档。
If you want to deploy a container-based TDengine cluster on multiple hosts, you can use docker swarm. First, to establish a docker swarm cluster on these hosts, please refer to the official docker documentation.
docker-compose 文件可以参考上节。下面是使用 docker swarm 启动 TDengine 的命令:
The docker-compose file can refer to the previous section. Here is the command to start TDengine with docker swarm:
$ VERSION=2.4.0 docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml taos
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Creating service taos_adapter
Creating service taos_nginx
Checking status:
$ docker stack ps taos
......@@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ d8qr52envqzu taos_nginx replicated 1/1
9pzw7u02ichv taos_td-2 replicated 1/1 tdengine/tdengine:2.4.0
从上面的输出可以看到有两个 dnode, 和两个 taosAdapter,以及一个 nginx 反向代理服务。
From the above output, you can see two dnodes, two taosAdapters, and one Nginx reverse proxy service.
接下来,我们可以减少 taosAdapter 服务的数量
Next, we can reduce the number of taosAdapter services.
$ docker service scale taos_adapter=1
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