未验证 提交 cb220d65 编写于 作者: 张金富 提交者: GitHub

修改importSampleData (#5915)

* Update main.go


* Update import_config.go

* 增加go.mod
上级 708dfee8
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ go build -o bin/taosimport app/main.go
是否保存统计信息到 tdengine 的 statistic 表中,1 是,0 否, 默认 0。
* -savetb int
* -savetb string
当 save 为 1 时保存统计信息的表名, 默认 statistic。
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
......@@ -17,47 +16,55 @@ import (
dataimport "github.com/taosdata/TDengine/importSampleData/import"
dataImport "github.com/taosdata/TDengine/importSampleData/import"
_ "github.com/taosdata/driver-go/taosSql"
const (
TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"
DATETIME = "datetime"
MILLISECOND = "millisecond"
DEFAULT_INTERVAL int64 = 1 * 1000
DEFAULT_DELAY int64 = -1
JSON_FORMAT = "json"
CSV_FORMAT = "csv"
DRIVER_NAME = "taosSql"
STARTTIME_LAYOUT = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"
INSERT_PREFIX = "insert into "
// 主键类型必须为 timestamp
TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"
// 样例数据中主键时间字段是 millisecond 还是 dateTime 格式
DATETIME = "datetime"
MILLISECOND = "millisecond"
DefaultStartTime int64 = -1
DefaultInterval int64 = 1 * 1000 // 导入的记录时间间隔,该设置只会在指定 auto=1 之后生效,否则会根据样例数据自动计算间隔时间。单位为毫秒,默认 1000。
DefaultDelay int64 = -1 //
// 当 save 为 1 时保存统计信息的表名, 默认 statistic。
DefaultStatisticTable = "statistic"
// 样例数据文件格式,可以是 json 或 csv
JsonFormat = "json"
CsvFormat = "csv"
SuperTablePrefix = "s_" // 超级表前缀
SubTablePrefix = "t_" // 子表前缀
DriverName = "taosSql"
StartTimeLayout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"
InsertPrefix = "insert into "
var (
cfg string
cases string
hnum int
vnum int
thread int
batch int
auto int
starttimestr string
interval int64
host string
port int
user string
password string
dropdb int
db string
dbparam string
cfg string // 导入配置文件路径,包含样例数据文件相关描述及对应 TDengine 配置信息。默认使用 config/cfg.toml
cases string // 需要导入的场景名称,该名称可从 -cfg 指定的配置文件中 [usecase] 查看,可同时导入多个场景,中间使用逗号分隔,如:sensor_info,camera_detection,默认为 sensor_info
hnum int // 需要将样例数据进行横向扩展的倍数,假设原有样例数据包含 1 张子表 t_0 数据,指定 hnum 为 2 时会根据原有表名创建 t、t_1 两张子表。默认为 100。
vnum int // 需要将样例数据进行纵向扩展的次数,如果设置为 0 代表将历史数据导入至当前时间后持续按照指定间隔导入。默认为 1000,表示将样例数据在时间轴上纵向复制1000 次
thread int // 执行导入数据的线程数目,默认为 10
batch int // 执行导入数据时的批量大小,默认为 100。批量是指一次写操作时,包含多少条记录
auto int // 是否自动生成样例数据中的主键时间戳,1 是,0 否, 默认 0
startTimeStr string // 导入的记录开始时间,格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS",不设置会使用样例数据中最小时间,设置后会忽略样例数据中的主键时间,会按照指定的 start 进行导入。如果 auto 为 1,则必须设置 start,默认为空
interval int64 // 导入的记录时间间隔,该设置只会在指定 auto=1 之后生效,否则会根据样例数据自动计算间隔时间。单位为毫秒,默认 1000
host string // 导入的 TDengine 服务器 IP,默认为
port int // 导入的 TDengine 服务器端口,默认为 6030
user string // 导入的 TDengine 用户名,默认为 root
password string // 导入的 TDengine 用户密码,默认为 taosdata
dropdb int // 导入数据之前是否删除数据库,1 是,0 否, 默认 0
db string // 导入的 TDengine 数据库名称,默认为 test_yyyyMMdd
dbparam string // 当指定的数据库不存在时,自动创建数据库时可选项配置参数,如 days 10 cache 16000 ablocks 4,默认为空
dataSourceName string
startTime int64
......@@ -72,10 +79,10 @@ var (
lastStaticTime time.Time
lastTotalRows int64
timeTicker *time.Ticker
delay int64 // default 10 milliseconds
tick int64
save int
saveTable string
delay int64 // 当 vnum 设置为 0 时持续导入的时间间隔,默认为所有场景中最小记录间隔时间的一半,单位 ms。
tick int64 // 打印统计信息的时间间隔,默认 2000 ms。
save int // 是否保存统计信息到 tdengine 的 statistic 表中,1 是,0 否, 默认 0。
saveTable string // 当 save 为 1 时保存统计信息的表名, 默认 statistic。
type superTableConfig struct {
......@@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ type superTableConfig struct {
endTime int64
cycleTime int64
avgInterval int64
config dataimport.CaseConfig
config dataImport.CaseConfig
type scaleTableInfo struct {
......@@ -92,14 +99,14 @@ type scaleTableInfo struct {
insertRows int64
type tableRows struct {
tableName string // tableName
value string // values(...)
//type tableRows struct {
// tableName string // tableName
// value string // values(...)
type dataRows struct {
rows []map[string]interface{}
config dataimport.CaseConfig
config dataImport.CaseConfig
func (rows dataRows) Len() int {
......@@ -107,9 +114,9 @@ func (rows dataRows) Len() int {
func (rows dataRows) Less(i, j int) bool {
itime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[i][rows.config.Timestamp])
jtime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[j][rows.config.Timestamp])
return itime < jtime
iTime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[i][rows.config.Timestamp])
jTime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[j][rows.config.Timestamp])
return iTime < jTime
func (rows dataRows) Swap(i, j int) {
......@@ -123,26 +130,26 @@ func getPrimaryKey(value interface{}) int64 {
func init() {
parseArg() //parse argument
parseArg() // parse argument
if db == "" {
//db = "go"
// 导入的 TDengine 数据库名称,默认为 test_yyyyMMdd
db = fmt.Sprintf("test_%s", time.Now().Format("20060102"))
if auto == 1 && len(starttimestr) == 0 {
if auto == 1 && len(startTimeStr) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("startTime must be set when auto is 1, the format is \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS\" ")
if len(starttimestr) != 0 {
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(STARTTIME_LAYOUT, strings.TrimSpace(starttimestr), time.Local)
if len(startTimeStr) != 0 {
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(StartTimeLayout, strings.TrimSpace(startTimeStr), time.Local)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("param startTime %s error, %s\n", starttimestr, err)
log.Fatalf("param startTime %s error, %s\n", startTimeStr, err)
startTime = t.UnixNano() / 1e6 // as millisecond
} else {
startTime = DefaultStartTime
dataSourceName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@/tcp(%s:%d)/", user, password, host, port)
......@@ -154,9 +161,9 @@ func init() {
func main() {
importConfig := dataimport.LoadConfig(cfg)
importConfig := dataImport.LoadConfig(cfg)
var caseMinumInterval int64 = -1
var caseMinInterval int64 = -1
for _, userCase := range strings.Split(cases, ",") {
caseConfig, ok := importConfig.UserCases[userCase]
......@@ -168,7 +175,7 @@ func main() {
checkUserCaseConfig(userCase, &caseConfig)
//read file as map array
// read file as map array
fileRows := readFile(caseConfig)
log.Printf("case [%s] sample data file contains %d rows.\n", userCase, len(fileRows.rows))
......@@ -177,31 +184,31 @@ func main() {
_, exists := superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname]
_, exists := superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.StName]
if !exists {
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname] = &superTableConfig{config: caseConfig}
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.StName] = &superTableConfig{config: caseConfig}
} else {
log.Fatalf("the stname of case %s already exist.\n", caseConfig.Stname)
log.Fatalf("the stname of case %s already exist.\n", caseConfig.StName)
var start, cycleTime, avgInterval int64 = getSuperTableTimeConfig(fileRows)
// set super table's startTime, cycleTime and avgInterval
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].startTime = start
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].avgInterval = avgInterval
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].cycleTime = cycleTime
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.StName].startTime = start
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.StName].cycleTime = cycleTime
superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.StName].avgInterval = avgInterval
if caseMinumInterval == -1 || caseMinumInterval > avgInterval {
caseMinumInterval = avgInterval
if caseMinInterval == -1 || caseMinInterval > avgInterval {
caseMinInterval = avgInterval
startStr := time.Unix(0, start*int64(time.Millisecond)).Format(STARTTIME_LAYOUT)
startStr := time.Unix(0, start*int64(time.Millisecond)).Format(StartTimeLayout)
log.Printf("case [%s] startTime %s(%d), average dataInterval %d ms, cycleTime %d ms.\n", userCase, startStr, start, avgInterval, cycleTime)
if DEFAULT_DELAY == delay {
if DefaultDelay == delay {
// default delay
delay = caseMinumInterval / 2
delay = caseMinInterval / 2
if delay < 1 {
delay = 1
......@@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ func main() {
log.Printf("create %d superTable ,used %d ms.\n", superTableNum, time.Since(start)/1e6)
//create sub table
// create sub table
start = time.Now()
log.Printf("create %d times of %d subtable ,all %d tables, used %d ms.\n", hnum, len(subTableMap), len(scaleTableMap), time.Since(start)/1e6)
......@@ -278,7 +285,7 @@ func staticSpeed() {
defer connection.Close()
if save == 1 {
connection.Exec("use " + db)
_, _ = connection.Exec("use " + db)
_, err := connection.Exec("create table if not exists " + saveTable + "(ts timestamp, speed int)")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("create %s Table error: %s\n", saveTable, err)
......@@ -294,12 +301,12 @@ func staticSpeed() {
total := getTotalRows(successRows)
currentSuccessRows := total - lastTotalRows
speed := currentSuccessRows * 1e9 / int64(usedTime)
speed := currentSuccessRows * 1e9 / usedTime
log.Printf("insert %d rows, used %d ms, speed %d rows/s", currentSuccessRows, usedTime/1e6, speed)
if save == 1 {
insertSql := fmt.Sprintf("insert into %s values(%d, %d)", saveTable, currentTime.UnixNano()/1e6, speed)
_, _ = connection.Exec(insertSql)
lastStaticTime = currentTime
......@@ -327,12 +334,13 @@ func getSuperTableTimeConfig(fileRows dataRows) (start, cycleTime, avgInterval i
} else {
// use the sample data primary timestamp
sort.Sort(fileRows) // sort the file data by the primarykey
sort.Sort(fileRows) // sort the file data by the primaryKey
minTime := getPrimaryKey(fileRows.rows[0][fileRows.config.Timestamp])
maxTime := getPrimaryKey(fileRows.rows[len(fileRows.rows)-1][fileRows.config.Timestamp])
start = minTime // default startTime use the minTime
if DEFAULT_STARTTIME != startTime {
// 设置了start时间的话 按照start来
if DefaultStartTime != startTime {
start = startTime
......@@ -350,31 +358,21 @@ func getSuperTableTimeConfig(fileRows dataRows) (start, cycleTime, avgInterval i
func createStatisticTable() {
connection := getConnection()
defer connection.Close()
_, err := connection.Exec("create table if not exist " + db + "." + saveTable + "(ts timestamp, speed int)")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("createStatisticTable error: %s\n", err)
func createSubTable(subTableMaps map[string]*dataRows) {
connection := getConnection()
defer connection.Close()
connection.Exec("use " + db)
_, _ = connection.Exec("use " + db)
createTablePrefix := "create table if not exists "
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for subTableName := range subTableMaps {
superTableName := getSuperTableName(subTableMaps[subTableName].config.Stname)
tagValues := subTableMaps[subTableName].rows[0] // the first rows values as tags
superTableName := getSuperTableName(subTableMaps[subTableName].config.StName)
firstRowValues := subTableMaps[subTableName].rows[0] // the first rows values as tags
buffers := bytes.Buffer{}
// create table t using supertTable tags(...);
// create table t using superTable tags(...);
for i := 0; i < hnum; i++ {
tableName := getScaleSubTableName(subTableName, i)
......@@ -384,21 +382,21 @@ func createSubTable(subTableMaps map[string]*dataRows) {
scaleTableNames = append(scaleTableNames, tableName)
buffers.WriteString(" using ")
buffers.WriteString(" tags(")
buffer.WriteString(" using ")
buffer.WriteString(" tags(")
for _, tag := range subTableMaps[subTableName].config.Tags {
tagValue := fmt.Sprintf("%v", tagValues[strings.ToLower(tag.Name)])
buffers.WriteString("'" + tagValue + "'")
tagValue := fmt.Sprintf("%v", firstRowValues[strings.ToLower(tag.Name)])
buffer.WriteString("'" + tagValue + "'")
buffers.Truncate(buffers.Len() - 1)
buffer.Truncate(buffer.Len() - 1)
createTableSql := buffers.String()
createTableSql := buffer.String()
//log.Printf("create table: %s\n", createTableSql)
_, err := connection.Exec(createTableSql)
......@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@ func createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap map[string]*superTableConfig) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("drop database error: %s\n", err)
log.Printf("dropDb: %s\n", dropDbSql)
log.Printf("dropdb: %s\n", dropDbSql)
createDbSql := "create database if not exists " + db + " " + dbparam
......@@ -431,7 +429,7 @@ func createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap map[string]*superTableConfig) {
log.Printf("createDb: %s\n", createDbSql)
connection.Exec("use " + db)
_, _ = connection.Exec("use " + db)
prefix := "create table if not exists "
var buffer bytes.Buffer
......@@ -464,7 +462,7 @@ func createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap map[string]*superTableConfig) {
createSql := buffer.String()
//log.Printf("supertable: %s\n", createSql)
//log.Printf("superTable: %s\n", createSql)
_, err = connection.Exec(createSql)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("create supertable error: %s\n", err)
......@@ -473,15 +471,15 @@ func createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap map[string]*superTableConfig) {
func getScaleSubTableName(subTableName string, hnum int) string {
if hnum == 0 {
func getScaleSubTableName(subTableName string, hNum int) string {
if hNum == 0 {
return subTableName
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", subTableName, hnum)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", subTableName, hNum)
func getSuperTableName(stname string) string {
return SUPERTABLE_PREFIX + stname
func getSuperTableName(stName string) string {
return SuperTablePrefix + stName
......@@ -499,7 +497,7 @@ func normalizationData(fileRows dataRows, minTime int64) int64 {
row[fileRows.config.Timestamp] = getPrimaryKey(row[fileRows.config.Timestamp]) - minTime
subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.Stname)
subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.StName)
value, ok := subTableMap[subTableName]
if !ok {
......@@ -527,7 +525,7 @@ func normalizationDataWithSameInterval(fileRows dataRows, avgInterval int64) int
subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.Stname)
subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.StName)
value, ok := currSubTableMap[subTableName]
if !ok {
......@@ -543,7 +541,7 @@ func normalizationDataWithSameInterval(fileRows dataRows, avgInterval int64) int
var maxRows, tableRows int = 0, 0
var maxRows, tableRows = 0, 0
for tableName := range currSubTableMap {
tableRows = len(currSubTableMap[tableName].rows)
subTableMap[tableName] = currSubTableMap[tableName] // add to global subTableMap
......@@ -556,7 +554,7 @@ func normalizationDataWithSameInterval(fileRows dataRows, avgInterval int64) int
func getSubTableName(subTableValue string, superTableName string) string {
return SUBTABLE_PREFIX + subTableValue + "_" + superTableName
return SubTablePrefix + subTableValue + "_" + superTableName
func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, successRows []int64) {
......@@ -564,25 +562,25 @@ func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, successRows []i
defer connection.Close()
defer wg.Done()
connection.Exec("use " + db) // use db
_, _ = connection.Exec("use " + db) // use db
log.Printf("thread-%d start insert into [%d, %d) subtables.\n", threadIndex, start, end)
num := 0
subTables := scaleTableNames[start:end]
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for {
var currSuccessRows int64
var appendRows int
var lastTableName string
buffers := bytes.Buffer{}
for _, tableName := range subTables {
subTableInfo := subTableMap[scaleTableMap[tableName].subTableName]
subTableRows := int64(len(subTableInfo.rows))
superTableConf := superTableConfigMap[subTableInfo.config.Stname]
superTableConf := superTableConfigMap[subTableInfo.config.StName]
tableStartTime := superTableConf.startTime
var tableEndTime int64
......@@ -605,40 +603,35 @@ func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, successRows []i
// append
if lastTableName != tableName {
buffers.WriteString(" values")
buffer.WriteString(" values")
lastTableName = tableName
buffers.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", currentTime))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", currentTime))
// fieldNum := len(subTableInfo.config.Fields)
for _, field := range subTableInfo.config.Fields {
// if( i != fieldNum -1){
// }
buffers.Truncate(buffers.Len() - 1)
buffers.WriteString(") ")
buffer.Truncate(buffer.Len() - 1)
buffer.WriteString(") ")
if appendRows == batch {
// executebatch
insertSql := buffers.String()
connection.Exec("use " + db)
// executeBatch
insertSql := buffer.String()
affectedRows := executeBatchInsert(insertSql, connection)
successRows[threadIndex] += affectedRows
currSuccessRows += affectedRows
lastTableName = ""
appendRows = 0
......@@ -654,15 +647,14 @@ func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, successRows []i
// left := len(rows)
if appendRows > 0 {
// executebatch
insertSql := buffers.String()
connection.Exec("use " + db)
// executeBatch
insertSql := buffer.String()
affectedRows := executeBatchInsert(insertSql, connection)
successRows[threadIndex] += affectedRows
currSuccessRows += affectedRows
// log.Printf("thread-%d finished insert %d rows, used %d ms.", threadIndex, currSuccessRows, time.Since(threadStartTime)/1e6)
......@@ -688,65 +680,10 @@ func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, successRows []i
func buildSql(rows []tableRows) string {
var lastTableName string
buffers := bytes.Buffer{}
for i, row := range rows {
if i == 0 {
lastTableName = row.tableName
buffers.WriteString(" values")
if lastTableName == row.tableName {
} else {
buffers.WriteString(" ")
buffers.WriteString(" values")
lastTableName = row.tableName
inserSql := buffers.String()
return inserSql
func buildRow(tableName string, currentTime int64, subTableInfo *dataRows, currentRow map[string]interface{}) tableRows {
tableRows := tableRows{tableName: tableName}
buffers := bytes.Buffer{}
buffers.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", currentTime))
for _, field := range subTableInfo.config.Fields {
buffers.Truncate(buffers.Len() - 1)
insertSql := buffers.String()
tableRows.value = insertSql
return tableRows
func executeBatchInsert(insertSql string, connection *sql.DB) int64 {
result, error := connection.Exec(insertSql)
if error != nil {
log.Printf("execute insertSql %s error, %s\n", insertSql, error)
result, err := connection.Exec(insertSql)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("execute insertSql %s error, %s\n", insertSql, err)
return 0
affected, _ := result.RowsAffected()
......@@ -754,7 +691,6 @@ func executeBatchInsert(insertSql string, connection *sql.DB) int64 {
affected = 0
return affected
// return 0
func getFieldValue(fieldValue interface{}) string {
......@@ -762,7 +698,7 @@ func getFieldValue(fieldValue interface{}) string {
func getConnection() *sql.DB {
db, err := sql.Open(DRIVER_NAME, dataSourceName)
db, err := sql.Open(DriverName, dataSourceName)
if err != nil {
......@@ -773,19 +709,11 @@ func getSubTableNameValue(suffix interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", suffix)
func hash(s string) int {
v := int(crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(s)))
if v < 0 {
return -v
return v
func readFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
func readFile(config dataImport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
fileFormat := strings.ToLower(config.Format)
if fileFormat == JSON_FORMAT {
if fileFormat == JsonFormat {
return readJSONFile(config)
} else if fileFormat == CSV_FORMAT {
} else if fileFormat == CsvFormat {
return readCSVFile(config)
......@@ -793,7 +721,7 @@ func readFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
return dataRows{}
func readCSVFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
func readCSVFile(config dataImport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
var rows dataRows
f, err := os.Open(config.FilePath)
if err != nil {
......@@ -813,7 +741,7 @@ func readCSVFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
line := strings.ToLower(string(lineBytes))
titles := strings.Split(line, config.Separator)
if len(titles) < 3 {
// need suffix、 primarykey and at least one other field
// need suffix、 primaryKey and at least one other field
log.Printf("the first line of file %s should be title row, and at least 3 field.\n", config.FilePath)
return rows
......@@ -848,7 +776,7 @@ func readCSVFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
// if the primary key valid
primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMillisec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, dataMap)
primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMilliSec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, dataMap)
if primaryKeyValue == -1 {
log.Printf("the Timestamp[%s] of line %d is not valid, will filtered.\n", config.Timestamp, lineNum)
......@@ -861,7 +789,7 @@ func readCSVFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
return rows
func readJSONFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
func readJSONFile(config dataImport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
var rows dataRows
f, err := os.Open(config.FilePath)
......@@ -899,7 +827,7 @@ func readJSONFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMillisec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, line)
primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMilliSec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, line)
if primaryKeyValue == -1 {
log.Printf("the Timestamp[%s] of line %d is not valid, will filtered.\n", config.Timestamp, lineNum)
......@@ -916,7 +844,7 @@ func readJSONFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows {
* get primary key as millisecond , otherwise return -1
func getPrimaryKeyMillisec(key string, valueType string, valueFormat string, line map[string]interface{}) int64 {
func getPrimaryKeyMilliSec(key string, valueType string, valueFormat string, line map[string]interface{}) int64 {
if !existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(key, line) {
return -1
......@@ -971,13 +899,13 @@ func existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(key string, maps map[string]interface{}) bool {
return true
func checkUserCaseConfig(caseName string, caseConfig *dataimport.CaseConfig) {
func checkUserCaseConfig(caseName string, caseConfig *dataImport.CaseConfig) {
if len(caseConfig.Stname) == 0 {
if len(caseConfig.StName) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("the stname of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName)
caseConfig.Stname = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.Stname)
caseConfig.StName = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.StName)
if len(caseConfig.Tags) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("the tags of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName)
......@@ -1029,24 +957,24 @@ func checkUserCaseConfig(caseName string, caseConfig *dataimport.CaseConfig) {
func parseArg() {
flag.StringVar(&cfg, "cfg", "config/cfg.toml", "configuration file which describes usecase and data format.")
flag.StringVar(&cases, "cases", "sensor_info", "usecase for dataset to be imported. Multiple choices can be separated by comma, for example, -cases sensor_info,camera_detection.")
flag.StringVar(&cfg, "cfg", "config/cfg.toml", "configuration file which describes useCase and data format.")
flag.StringVar(&cases, "cases", "sensor_info", "useCase for dataset to be imported. Multiple choices can be separated by comma, for example, -cases sensor_info,camera_detection.")
flag.IntVar(&hnum, "hnum", 100, "magnification factor of the sample tables. For example, if hnum is 100 and in the sample data there are 10 tables, then 10x100=1000 tables will be created in the database.")
flag.IntVar(&vnum, "vnum", 1000, "copies of the sample records in each table. If set to 0,this program will never stop simulating and importing data even if the timestamp has passed current time.")
flag.Int64Var(&delay, "delay", DEFAULT_DELAY, "the delay time interval(millisecond) to continue generating data when vnum set 0.")
flag.Int64Var(&delay, "delay", DefaultDelay, "the delay time interval(millisecond) to continue generating data when vnum set 0.")
flag.Int64Var(&tick, "tick", 2000, "the tick time interval(millisecond) to print statistic info.")
flag.IntVar(&save, "save", 0, "whether to save the statistical info into 'statistic' table. 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled.")
flag.StringVar(&saveTable, "savetb", DEFAULT_STATISTIC_TABLE, "the table to save 'statistic' info when save set 1.")
flag.StringVar(&saveTable, "savetb", DefaultStatisticTable, "the table to save 'statistic' info when save set 1.")
flag.IntVar(&thread, "thread", 10, "number of threads to import data.")
flag.IntVar(&batch, "batch", 100, "rows of records in one import batch.")
flag.IntVar(&auto, "auto", 0, "whether to use the starttime and interval specified by users when simulating the data. 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled.")
flag.StringVar(&starttimestr, "start", "", "the starting timestamp of simulated data, in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. If not specified, the ealiest timestamp in the sample data will be set as the starttime.")
flag.Int64Var(&interval, "interval", DEFAULT_INTERVAL, "time inteval between two consecutive records, in the unit of millisecond. Only valid when auto is 1.")
flag.IntVar(&auto, "auto", 0, "whether to use the startTime and interval specified by users when simulating the data. 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled.")
flag.StringVar(&startTimeStr, "start", "", "the starting timestamp of simulated data, in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. If not specified, the earliest timestamp in the sample data will be set as the startTime.")
flag.Int64Var(&interval, "interval", DefaultInterval, "time interval between two consecutive records, in the unit of millisecond. Only valid when auto is 1.")
flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "", "tdengine server ip.")
flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 6030, "tdengine server port.")
flag.StringVar(&user, "user", "root", "user name to login into the database.")
flag.StringVar(&password, "password", "taosdata", "the import tdengine user password")
flag.IntVar(&dropdb, "dropdb", 0, "whether to drop the existing datbase. 1 is yes and 0 otherwise.")
flag.IntVar(&dropdb, "dropdb", 0, "whether to drop the existing database. 1 is yes and 0 otherwise.")
flag.StringVar(&db, "db", "", "name of the database to store data.")
flag.StringVar(&dbparam, "dbparam", "", "database configurations when it is created.")
......@@ -1066,7 +994,7 @@ func printArg() {
fmt.Println("-thread:", thread)
fmt.Println("-batch:", batch)
fmt.Println("-auto:", auto)
fmt.Println("-start:", starttimestr)
fmt.Println("-start:", startTimeStr)
fmt.Println("-interval:", interval)
fmt.Println("-host:", host)
fmt.Println("-port", port)
......@@ -899,103 +899,103 @@ devid,location,color,devgroup,ts,temperature,humidity
8, haerbing, yellow, 2, 1575129697000, 31, 16.321497
8, haerbing, yellow, 2, 1575129698000, 25, 15.864515
8, haerbing, yellow, 2, 1575129699000, 25, 16.492443
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129600000, 23, 16.002889
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129601000, 26, 17.034610
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129602000, 29, 12.892319
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129603000, 34, 15.321807
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129604000, 29, 12.562642
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129605000, 32, 17.190246
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129606000, 19, 15.361774
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129607000, 26, 15.022364
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129608000, 31, 14.837084
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129609000, 25, 11.554289
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129610000, 21, 15.313973
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129611000, 27, 18.621783
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129612000, 31, 18.018101
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129613000, 23, 14.421450
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129614000, 28, 10.833142
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129615000, 33, 18.169837
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129616000, 21, 18.772730
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129617000, 24, 18.893146
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129618000, 24, 10.290187
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129619000, 23, 17.393345
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129620000, 30, 12.949215
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129621000, 19, 19.267621
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129622000, 33, 14.831735
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129623000, 21, 14.711125
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129624000, 16, 17.168485
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129625000, 17, 16.426433
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129626000, 19, 13.879050
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129627000, 21, 18.308168
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129628000, 17, 10.845681
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129629000, 20, 10.238272
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129630000, 19, 19.424976
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129631000, 31, 13.885909
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129632000, 15, 19.264740
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129633000, 30, 12.460645
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129634000, 27, 17.608036
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129635000, 25, 13.493812
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129636000, 19, 10.955939
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129637000, 24, 11.956587
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129638000, 15, 19.141381
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129639000, 24, 14.801530
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129640000, 17, 14.347318
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129641000, 29, 14.803237
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129642000, 28, 10.342297
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129643000, 29, 19.368282
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129644000, 31, 17.491654
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129645000, 18, 13.161736
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129646000, 17, 16.067354
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129647000, 18, 13.736465
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129648000, 23, 19.103276
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129649000, 29, 16.075892
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129650000, 21, 10.728566
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129651000, 15, 18.921849
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129652000, 24, 16.914709
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129653000, 19, 13.501651
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129654000, 19, 13.538347
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129655000, 16, 13.261095
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129656000, 32, 16.315746
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129657000, 27, 16.400939
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129658000, 24, 13.321819
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129659000, 27, 19.070181
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129660000, 27, 13.040922
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129661000, 32, 10.872530
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129662000, 28, 16.428657
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129663000, 32, 13.883854
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129664000, 33, 14.299554
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129665000, 30, 16.445130
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129666000, 15, 18.059404
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129667000, 21, 12.348847
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129668000, 32, 13.315378
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129669000, 17, 15.689507
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129670000, 22, 15.591808
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129671000, 27, 16.386065
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129672000, 25, 10.564803
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129673000, 20, 12.276544
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129674000, 26, 15.828786
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129675000, 18, 12.236420
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129676000, 15, 19.439522
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129677000, 19, 19.831531
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129678000, 22, 17.115744
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129679000, 29, 19.879456
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129680000, 34, 10.207136
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129681000, 16, 17.633523
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129682000, 15, 14.227873
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129683000, 34, 12.027768
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129684000, 22, 11.376610
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129685000, 21, 11.711299
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129686000, 33, 14.281126
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129687000, 31, 10.895302
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129688000, 31, 13.971350
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129689000, 15, 15.262790
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129690000, 23, 12.440568
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129691000, 32, 19.731267
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129692000, 22, 10.518092
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129693000, 34, 17.863021
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129694000, 28, 11.478909
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129695000, 16, 15.075524
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129696000, 16, 10.292127
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129697000, 22, 13.716012
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129698000, 32, 10.906551
9, sijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129699000, 19, 18.386868
\ No newline at end of file
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129600000, 23, 16.002889
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129601000, 26, 17.034610
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129602000, 29, 12.892319
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129603000, 34, 15.321807
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129604000, 29, 12.562642
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129605000, 32, 17.190246
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129606000, 19, 15.361774
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129607000, 26, 15.022364
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129608000, 31, 14.837084
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129609000, 25, 11.554289
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129610000, 21, 15.313973
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129611000, 27, 18.621783
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129612000, 31, 18.018101
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129613000, 23, 14.421450
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129614000, 28, 10.833142
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129615000, 33, 18.169837
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129616000, 21, 18.772730
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129617000, 24, 18.893146
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129618000, 24, 10.290187
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129619000, 23, 17.393345
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129620000, 30, 12.949215
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129621000, 19, 19.267621
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129622000, 33, 14.831735
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129623000, 21, 14.711125
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129624000, 16, 17.168485
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129625000, 17, 16.426433
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129626000, 19, 13.879050
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129627000, 21, 18.308168
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129628000, 17, 10.845681
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129629000, 20, 10.238272
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129630000, 19, 19.424976
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129631000, 31, 13.885909
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129632000, 15, 19.264740
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129633000, 30, 12.460645
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129634000, 27, 17.608036
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129635000, 25, 13.493812
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129636000, 19, 10.955939
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129637000, 24, 11.956587
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129638000, 15, 19.141381
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129639000, 24, 14.801530
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129640000, 17, 14.347318
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129641000, 29, 14.803237
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129642000, 28, 10.342297
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129643000, 29, 19.368282
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129644000, 31, 17.491654
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129645000, 18, 13.161736
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129646000, 17, 16.067354
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129647000, 18, 13.736465
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129648000, 23, 19.103276
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129649000, 29, 16.075892
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129650000, 21, 10.728566
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129651000, 15, 18.921849
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129652000, 24, 16.914709
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129653000, 19, 13.501651
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129654000, 19, 13.538347
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129655000, 16, 13.261095
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129656000, 32, 16.315746
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129657000, 27, 16.400939
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129658000, 24, 13.321819
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129659000, 27, 19.070181
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129660000, 27, 13.040922
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129661000, 32, 10.872530
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129662000, 28, 16.428657
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129663000, 32, 13.883854
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129664000, 33, 14.299554
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129665000, 30, 16.445130
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129666000, 15, 18.059404
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129667000, 21, 12.348847
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129668000, 32, 13.315378
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129669000, 17, 15.689507
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129670000, 22, 15.591808
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129671000, 27, 16.386065
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129672000, 25, 10.564803
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129673000, 20, 12.276544
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129674000, 26, 15.828786
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129675000, 18, 12.236420
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129676000, 15, 19.439522
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129677000, 19, 19.831531
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129678000, 22, 17.115744
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129679000, 29, 19.879456
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129680000, 34, 10.207136
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129681000, 16, 17.633523
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129682000, 15, 14.227873
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129683000, 34, 12.027768
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129684000, 22, 11.376610
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129685000, 21, 11.711299
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129686000, 33, 14.281126
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129687000, 31, 10.895302
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129688000, 31, 13.971350
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129689000, 15, 15.262790
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129690000, 23, 12.440568
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129691000, 32, 19.731267
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129692000, 22, 10.518092
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129693000, 34, 17.863021
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129694000, 28, 11.478909
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129695000, 16, 15.075524
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129696000, 16, 10.292127
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129697000, 22, 13.716012
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129698000, 32, 10.906551
9, shijiazhuang, blue, 0, 1575129699000, 19, 18.386868
\ No newline at end of file
module github.com/taosdata/TDengine/importSampleData
go 1.13
require (
github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.9.0 // indirect
github.com/taosdata/driver-go v0.0.0-20210415143420-d99751356e28 // indirect
......@@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ var (
once sync.Once
// Config inclue all scene import config
// Config include all scene import config
type Config struct {
UserCases map[string]CaseConfig
// CaseConfig include the sample data config and tdengine config
type CaseConfig struct {
Format string
FilePath string
Separator string
Stname string
SubTableName string
Timestamp string
TimestampType string
TimestampTypeFormat string
Tags []FieldInfo
Fields []FieldInfo
Format string
FilePath string
Separator string
StName string
SubTableName string
Timestamp string
TimestampType string
TimestampTypeFormat string
Tags []FieldInfo
Fields []FieldInfo
// FieldInfo is field or tag info
Markdown is supported
0% .
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