@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The major features are listed below:
6. Support for [continuous query](/develop/continuous-query).
7. Support for [data subscription](/develop/subscribe) with the capability to specify filter conditions.
8. Support for [cluster](/cluster/), with the capability of increasing processing power by adding more nodes. High availability is supported by replication.
9. Provides interactive [command-line intrerface](/reference/taos-shell) for management, maintainence and ad-hoc query.
9. Provides interactive [command-line interface](/reference/taos-shell) for management, maintenance and ad-hoc query.
10. Provides many ways to [import](/operation/import) and [export](/operation/export) data.
11. Provides [monitoring](/operation/monitor) on TDengine running instances.
12. Provides [connectors](/reference/connector/) for [C/C++](/reference/connector/cpp), [Java](/reference/connector/java), [Python](/reference/connector/python), [Go](/reference/connector/go), [Rust](/reference/connector/rust), [Node.js](/reference/connector/node) and other programming languages.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ TDengine makes full use of [the characteristics of time series data](https://tde
-**Interactive Console**: TDengine provides convenient console access to the database to run ad hoc queries, maintain the database, or manage the cluster without any programming.
With TDengine, the total cost of ownership of time-seriess data platform can be greatly reduced. Because 1: with its superior performance, the computing and storage resources are reduced significantly; 2:with SQL support, it can be seamlessly integrated with many third party tools, and learning costs/migration costs are reduced significantly; 3: with its simple architecture and zero management, the operation and maintainence costs are reduced.
With TDengine, the total cost of ownership of time-series data platform can be greatly reduced. Because 1: with its superior performance, the computing and storage resources are reduced significantly; 2:with SQL support, it can be seamlessly integrated with many third party tools, and learning costs/migration costs are reduced significantly; 3: with its simple architecture and zero management, the operation and maintenance costs are reduced.
## Technical Ecosystem
In the time-series data processing platform, TDengine stands in a role like this diagram below:
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ In the time-series data processing platform, TDengine stands in a role like this
On the left side, there are data collection agents like OPC-UA, MQTT, Telegraf and Kafka. On the right side, visualization/BI tools, HMI, Python/R, and IoT Apps can be connected. TDengine itself provides interactive command-line interface and web interface for management and maintainence.
On the left side, there are data collection agents like OPC-UA, MQTT, Telegraf and Kafka. On the right side, visualization/BI tools, HMI, Python/R, and IoT Apps can be connected. TDengine itself provides interactive command-line interface and web interface for management and maintenance.
## Suited Scenarios
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ As a high-performance, scalable and SQL supported time-series database, TDengine
| Minimize learning and maintenance costs | | | √ | In addition to being easily configurable, standard SQL support and the Taos shell for ad hoc queries makes maintenance simpler, allows reuse and reduces learning costs.|
| Abundant talent supply | √ | | | Given the above, and given the extensive training and professional services provided by TDengine, it is easy to migrate from existing solutions or create a new and lasting solution based on TDengine.|
## Comparision with other databases
## Comparison with other databases
-[Writing Performance Comparison of TDengine and InfluxDB ](https://tdengine.com/2022/02/23/4975.html)
-[Query Performance Comparison of TDengine and InfluxDB](https://tdengine.com/2022/02/24/5120.html)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ The relationship between a STable and the subtables created based on this STable
Queries can be executed on both a table (subtable) and a STable. For a query on a STable, TDengine will treat the data in all its subtables as a whole data set for processing. TDengine will first find the subtables that meet the tag filter conditions, then scan the time-series data of these subtables to perform aggregation operation, which can greatly reduce the data sets to be scanned, thus greatly improving the performance of data aggregation across multiple DCPs.
In TDengine, it is recommended to use a substable instead of a regular table for a DCP.
In TDengine, it is recommended to use a subtable instead of a regular table for a DCP.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ If you are using versions prior to 2.0.15, the `STable` keyword needs to be repl
Similar to creating a regular table, when creating a STable, name and schema need to be provided too. In the STable schema, the first column must be timestamp (like ts in the example), and other columns (like current, voltage and phase in the example) are the data collected. The type of a column can be integer, float, double, string ,etc. Besides, the schema for tags need to be provided, like location and groupId in the example. The type of a tag can be integer, float, string, etc. The static properties of a data collection point can be defined as tags, like the location, device type, device group ID, manager ID, etc. Tags in the schema can be added, removed or updated. Please refer to [STable](/taos-sql/stable) for more details.
For each kind of data collection points, a corresponding STable must be created. There may be many STables in an application. For electrical power system, we need to create a STable respectively for meters, transformers, busbars, switches. There may be multiple kinds of data collection points on a single device, for example there may be one data collection point for electrical data like current and voltage and another point for environmental data like temperature, humidity and wind direction, multiple STables are required for such kind of device.
For each kind of data collection points, a corresponding STable must be created. There may be many STables in an application. For electrical power system, we need to create a STable respectively for meters, transformers, busbars, switches. There may be multiple kinds of data collection points on a single device, for example there may be one data collection point for electrical data like current and voltage and another point for environmental data like temperature, humidity and wind direction, multiple STables are required for such kind of device.
At most 4096 (or 1024 prior to version columns are allowed in a STable. If there are more than 4096 of metrics to bo collected for a data collection point, multiple STables are required for such kind of data collection point. There can be multiple databases in system, while one or more STables can exist in a database.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Below function template can be used to define your own scalar function.
`udfNormalFunc` is the place holder of function name, a function implemented based on the above template can be used to perform scalar computation on data rows. The parameters are fixed to control the data exchange between UDF and TDengine.
- Defintions of the parameters:
- Definitions of the parameters:
- data:input data
- itype:the type of input data, for details please refer to [type definition in column_meta](/reference/rest-api/), for example 4 represents INT
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ To develop an application, if you are going to use TDengine as the tool to proce
2. Design the data model based on your own application scenarios. According to the data characteristics, you can decide to create one or more databases; learns about static labels, collected metrics, create the STable with right schema, and create the subtables.
3. Decide how to insert data. TDengine supports writing using standard SQL, but also supports schemaless writing, so that data can be written directly without creating tables manually.
4. Based on business requirements, find out what SQL query statements need to be written.
5. If you want to run real-time analysis based on time series data, including various dashboards, it is recommended that you use the TDengine continuous query feature instead of depolying complex streaming processing systems such as Spark or Flink.
5. If you want to run real-time analysis based on time series data, including various dashboards, it is recommended that you use the TDengine continuous query feature instead of deploying complex streaming processing systems such as Spark or Flink.
6. If your application has modules that need to consume inserted data, and they need to be notified when new data is inserted, it is recommended that you use the data subscription function provided by TDengine without the need to deploy Kafka.
7. In many scenarios (such as fleet management), the application needs to obtain the latest status of each data collection point. It is recommended that you use the cache function of TDengine instead of deploying Redis separately.
8. If you find that the SQL functions of TDengine cannot meet your requirements, then you can use user-defined functions to solve the problem.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001316s)
## Drop DNODE
Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute the command below to drop or remove a dndoe from the cluster. In the command, `dnodeId` can be gotten from `show dnodes`.
Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute the command below to drop or remove a dnode from the cluster. In the command, `dnodeId` can be gotten from `show dnodes`.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ ALTER DNODE <source-dnodeId> BALANCE "VNODE:<vgId>-DNODE:<dest-dnodeId>";
In the above command, `source-dnodeId` is the original dnodeId where the vnode resides, `dest-dnodeId` specifies the target dnode. vgId (vgroup ID) can be shown by `SHOW VGROUPS `.
Firstly `show vgroups` is executed to show the vgrup distribution.
Firstly `show vgroups` is executed to show the vgroup distribution.
taos> show vgroups;
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ taos> show vgroups;
Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.001242s)
It can be seen from above output that vgId 18 has been moved from dndoe 3 to dnode 1.
It can be seen from above output that vgId 18 has been moved from dnode 3 to dnode 1.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ When using TDengine to store and query data, the most important part of the data
- internal function `now` can be used to get the current timestamp of the client side
- the current timestamp of the client side is applied when `now` is used to insert data
- Epoch Time:timestamp can also be a long integer number, which means the number of seconds, milliseconds or nanoseconds, depending on the time precision, from 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 (UTC/GMT)
- timestamp can be applied with add/substract operation, for example `now-2h` means 2 hours back from the time at which query is executed,the unit can be b(nanosecond), u(microsecond), a(millisecond), s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), w(week.。 So `select * from t1 where ts > now-2w and ts <= now-1w` means the data between two weeks ago and one week ago. The time unit can also be n (calendar month) or y (calendar year) when specifying the time window for down sampling operation.
- timestamp can be applied with add/subtract operation, for example `now-2h` means 2 hours back from the time at which query is executed,the unit can be b(nanosecond), u(microsecond), a(millisecond), s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), w(week.。 So `select * from t1 where ts > now-2w and ts <= now-1w` means the data between two weeks ago and one week ago. The time unit can also be n (calendar month) or y (calendar year) when specifying the time window for down sampling operation.
Time precision in TDengine can be set by the `PRECISION` parameter when executing `CREATE DATABASE`, like below, the default time precision is millisecond.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ In TDengine, below data types can be used when specifying a column or tag.
| 5 | DOUBLE | 8 | double precision floating point number, the effective number of digits is 15-16, the value range is [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
| 6 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. The string length can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'` |
| 7 | SMALLINT | 2 | Short integer, the value range is [-32767, 32767], while -32768 is treated as NULL |
| 8 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-127, 127], while -128 is treated as NLLL |
| 8 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-127, 127], while -128 is treated as NULL |
| 9 | BOOL | 1 | Bool, the value range is {true, false} |
| 10 | NCHAR | User Defined| Multiple-Byte string that can include like Chinese characters. Each character of NCHAR type consumes 4 bytes storage. The string value should be quoted with single quotes. Literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with backslash, like `\’`. The length must be specified when defining a column or tag of NCHAR type, for example nchar(10) means it can store at most 10 characters of nchar type and will consume fixed storage of 40 bytes. Error will be reported the string value exceeds the length defined. |
| 11 | JSON | | json type can only be used on tag, a tag of json type is excluded with any other tags of any other type |
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ ALTER STable stb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
This command can be used to change (or incerase, more specifically) the length of a column of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
This command can be used to change (or increase, more specifically) the length of a column of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
## Change Tags of A STable
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ The tag name will be changed automatically from all the sub tables crated using
ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY TAG tag_name data_type(length);
This command can be used to change (or incerase, more specifically) the length of a tag of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
This command can be used to change (or increase, more specifically) the length of a tag of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
Changing tag value can be applied to only sub tables. All other tag operations, like add tag, remove tag, however, can be applied to only STable. If a new tag is added for a STable, the tag will be added with NULL value for all its sub tables.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Window related clauses are used to divide the data set to be queried into subset
## Time Window
`INTERVAL` claused is used to generate time windows of same time interval, `SLIDING` is used to specify the time step for which the time window moves forward. The query is performed on one time window each time, and the time window moves forward with time. When defining continuous query both the size of time window and the step of forward sliding time need to be specified. As shown in the figure blow, [t0s, t0e] ,[t1s , t1e], [t2s, t2e] are respectively the time range of three time windows on which continuous queries are executed. The time step for which time window moves forward is marked by `sliding time`. Query, filter and aggregate operations are executed on each time window respectively. When the time step specified by `SLIDING` is same as the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding time window is actually a flip time window.
`INTERVAL` clause is used to generate time windows of same time interval, `SLIDING` is used to specify the time step for which the time window moves forward. The query is performed on one time window each time, and the time window moves forward with time. When defining continuous query both the size of time window and the step of forward sliding time need to be specified. As shown in the figure blow, [t0s, t0e] ,[t1s , t1e], [t2s, t2e] are respectively the time range of three time windows on which continuous queries are executed. The time step for which time window moves forward is marked by `sliding time`. Query, filter and aggregate operations are executed on each time window respectively. When the time step specified by `SLIDING` is same as the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding time window is actually a flip time window.

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The primary key, i.e. timestamp, is used to determine which session window the r

If the time interval between two continuous rows are withint the time interval specified by `tol_value` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically. Session window is not supported on STable for now.
If the time interval between two continuous rows are within the time interval specified by `tol_value` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically. Session window is not supported on STable for now.
## More On Window Aggregate
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
### Restrictions
- Aggregate functions and selection functions can be used in `function_list`, with each function having only one output, for example COUNT, AVG, SUM, STDDEV, LEASTSQUARES, PERCENTILE, MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST. Functions having multiple ouput can't be used, for example DIFF or arithmetic operations.
- Aggregate functions and selection functions can be used in `function_list`, with each function having only one output, for example COUNT, AVG, SUM, STDDEV, LEASTSQUARES, PERCENTILE, MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST. Functions having multiple output can't be used, for example DIFF or arithmetic operations.
-`LAST_ROW` can't be used together with window aggregate.
- Scalar functions, like CEIL/FLOOR, can't be used with window aggregate.
-`WHERE` clause can be used to specify the starting and ending time and other filter conditions
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ During the installation process:
- When TDengine is uninstalled, the configuration /etc/taos/taos.cfg, data directory /var/lib/taos, log directory /var/log/taos are kept. They can be deleted manually with caution because data can't be recovered once
- When reinstalling TDengine, if the default configuration file /etc/taos/taos.cfg exists, it will be kept and the configuration file in the installation package will be renamed to taos.cfg.orig and stored at /usr/loca/taos/cfg to be used as configuration sample. Otherwise the configuration file in the installation package will be installed to /etc/taos/taos.cfg and used.
- When reinstalling TDengine, if the default configuration file /etc/taos/taos.cfg exists, it will be kept and the configuration file in the installation package will be renamed to taos.cfg.orig and stored at /usr/local/taos/cfg to be used as configuration sample. Otherwise the configuration file in the installation package will be installed to /etc/taos/taos.cfg and used.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Once this parameter is set to 135 or 143, the log file grows very quickly especi
## Client Log
An independent log file, named as "taoslog+<seq num\>" is generated for each client program, i.e. a client process. The default value of `debugfalg` is also 131 and only log at level of INFO/ERROR/WARNING is recorded, it and needs to be changed to 135 or 143 so that log at DEBUG or TRACE level can be recorded for debugging purpose.
An independent log file, named as "taoslog+<seq num\>" is generated for each client program, i.e. a client process. The default value of `debugFlag` is also 131 and only log at level of INFO/ERROR/WARNING is recorded, it and needs to be changed to 135 or 143 so that log at DEBUG or TRACE level can be recorded for debugging purpose.
The maximum length of a single log file is controlled by parameter `numOfLogLines` and only 2 log files are kept for each `taosd` server process.
Since the TDengine client driver is written in C, using the native connection requires loading the client driver shared library file, which is usually included in the TDengine installer. You can install either standard TDengine server installation package or [TDengine client installtion package](/get-started/). For Windows development, you need to install the corresponding [Windows client](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/#TDengine-Windows-Client) for TDengine.
Since the TDengine client driver is written in C, using the native connection requires loading the client driver shared library file, which is usually included in the TDengine installer. You can install either standard TDengine server installation package or [TDengine client installation package](/get-started/). For Windows development, you need to install the corresponding [Windows client](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/#TDengine-Windows-Client) for TDengine.
- libtaos.so: After successful installation of TDengine on a Linux system, the dependent Linux version of the client driver `libtaos.so` file will be automatically linked to `/usr/lib/libtaos.so`, which is included in the Linux scannable path and does not need to be specified separately.
- taos.dll: After installing the client on Windows, the dependent Windows version of the client driver taos.dll file will be automatically copied to the system default search path C:/Windows/System32, again without the need to specify it separately.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import PkgList from "/components/PkgList";
1. If you use FQDN to connect to the server, you must ensure the local network environment DNS is configured, or add FQDN addressing records in the `hosts` file, e.g., edit C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add a record like the following: ` h1.tados.com`..
1. If you use FQDN to connect to the server, you must ensure the local network environment DNS is configured, or add FQDN addressing records in the `hosts` file, e.g., edit C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add a record like the following: ` h1.taosd.com`..
2. Uninstall: Run unins000.exe to uninstall the TDengine client driver.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ The base API is used to do things like create database connections and provide a
- user: user name
- pass: password
- db: database name, if the user does not provide, it can also be connected correctly, the user can create a new database through this connection, if the user provides the database name, it means that the database user has already created, the default use of the database
- port: the port the tasd program is listening on
- port: the port the taosd program is listening on
NULL indicates a failure. The application needs to save the returned parameters for subsequent use.
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ The APIs described in this subsection are all synchronous interfaces. After bein
- ` TAOS_FIELD *taos_fetch_fields(TAOS_RES *res)`
Gets the properties of each column of the query result set (column name, column data type, column length), used in conjunction with `taos_num_fileds()` to parse a tuple (one row) of data returned by `taos_fetch_row()`. The structure of `TAOS_FIELD` is as follows.
Gets the properties of each column of the query result set (column name, column data type, column length), used in conjunction with `taos_num_fields()` to parse a tuple (one row) of data returned by `taos_fetch_row()`. The structure of `TAOS_FIELD` is as follows.
import CSInsert from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_cs_sql.mdx"
import CSInfluxLine from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_cs_line.mdx"
import CSOpenTSDBTelnet from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_cs_opts_telnet.mdx"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Please refer to [version support list](/reference/connector#version-support)
## Supported features
1. Connection Mmanagement
1. Connection Management
2. General Query
3. Continuous Query
4. Parameter Binding
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace TDengineExample
Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'taos' or one of its dependencies: The specified module cannot be found.
This is usually because the program did not find the dependent client driver. The solution is to copy `C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll` to the `C:\Windows\System32\` directory on Windows, and create the following softlink on Linux `ln -s /usr/local/taos/driver/libtaos.so.x.x .x.x /usr/lib/libtaos.so` will work.
This is usually because the program did not find the dependent client driver. The solution is to copy `C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll` to the `C:\Windows\System32\` directory on Windows, and create the following softlink on Linux `ln -s /usr/local/taos/driver/libtaos.so.x.x .x.x /usr/lib/libtaos.so` will work.
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ In the above example, a connection is established to `taosdemo.com`, port is 603
The configuration parameters in properties are as follows.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USER: Login TDengine user name, default value 'root'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD: user login password, default value 'tasdata'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD: user login password, default value 'taosdata'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_LOAD: true: pull the result set in batch when executing query; false: pull the result set row by row. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_ERROR_IGNORE: true: when executing executeBatch of Statement, if there is a SQL execution failure in the middle, continue to execute the following sq. false: no longer execute any statement after the failed SQL. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: Only works when using JDBC native connection. Client configuration file directory path, default value `/etc/taos` on Linux OS, default value `C:/TDengine/cfg` on Windows OS.
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ Example usage is as follows.
//query or insert
// ...
connection.close(); // put back to conneciton pool
connection.close(); // put back to connection pool
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ We recommend using the latest version of `taospy`, regardless what the version o
## Supported features
- Native connections support all the core features of TDeingine, including connection management, SQL execution, bind interface, subscriptions, and schemaless writing.
- Native connections support all the core features of TDengine, including connection management, SQL execution, bind interface, subscriptions, and schemaless writing.
- REST connections support features such as connection management and SQL execution. (SQL execution allows you to: manage databases, tables, and supertables, write data, query data, create continuous queries, etc.).
## Installation
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ We recommend using the latest version of `taospy`, regardless what the version o
### Preparation
1. Install Python. Python >= 3.6 is recommended. If Python is not available on your system, refer to the [Python BeginnersGuide](https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download) to install it.
2. Install [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/). In most cases, the Python installer comes with the pip utility. If not, please refer to [pip docuemntation](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/) to install it.
2. Install [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/). In most cases, the Python installer comes with the pip utility. If not, please refer to [pip documentation](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/) to install it.
If you use a native connection, you will also need to [Install Client Driver](/reference/connector#Install-Client-Driver). The client install package includes the TDengine client dynamic link library (`libtaos.so` or `taos.dll`) and the TDengine CLI.
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ The `connect()` function returns a `taos.TaosConnection` instance. In client-sid
All arguments to the `connect()` function are optional keyword arguments. The following are the connection parameters specified.
- `host`: The host to connect to. The default is localhost.
- `user`: TDenigne user name. The default is `root`.
- `password`: TDeingine user password. The default is `taosdata`.
- `user`: TDengine user name. The default is `root`.
- `password`: TDengine user password. The default is `taosdata`.
- `port`: The port on which the taosAdapter REST service listens. Default is 6041.
- `timeout`: HTTP request timeout in seconds. The default is `socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT`. Usually, no configuration is needed.
description:Instructions and tips for using the TDengine CLI
The TDengine command-line application (hereafter referred to as `TDengine CLI`) is the most feasility way for users to manipulate and interact with TDengine instances.
The TDengine command-line application (hereafter referred to as `TDengine CLI`) is the most simplest way for users to manipulate and interact with TDengine instances.
## Installation
If executed on the TDengine server-side, there is no need for additional installation steps to install TDengine CLI as it is already included and installed automatically. To run TDengine CLI on the environemtn which no TDengine server running, the TDengine client installation package needs to be installed first. For details, please refer to [connector](/reference/connector/).
If executed on the TDengine server-side, there is no need for additional installation steps to install TDengine CLI as it is already included and installed automatically. To run TDengine CLI on the environment which no TDengine server running, the TDengine client installation package needs to be installed first. For details, please refer to [connector](/reference/connector/).
## Execution
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ And many more parameters.
- -f, --file=FILE: Execute the SQL script file in non-interactive mode
- -k, --check=CHECK: Specify the table to be checked
- -l, --pktlen=PKTLEN: Test package size to be used for network testing
- -n, --netrole=NETROLE: test scope for network connection test, default is `startup`, The value can be `client`, `server`, `rpc`, `startup`, `sync`, `speed`, or `fqdn`.
- -n, --netrole=NETROLE: test scope for network connection test, default is `startup`. The value can be `client`, `server`, `rpc`, `startup`, `sync`, `speed`, or `fqdn`.
- -r, --raw-time: output the timestamp format as unsigned 64-bits integer (uint64_t in C language)
- -s, --commands=COMMAND: execute SQL commands in non-interactive mode
- -S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: Specify the packet type used for network testing. The default is TCP. can be specified as either TCP or UDP when `speed` is specified to netrole parameter
- -S, --pkttype=PKTTYPE: Specify the packet type used for network testing. The default is TCP, can be specified as either TCP or UDP when `speed` is specified to `netrole` parameter
- -T, --thread=THREADNUM: The number of threads to import data in multi-threaded mode
- -s, --commands: Run TDengine CLI commands without entering the terminal
- -z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: Specify time zone. Default is the value of current configruation file
- -z, --timezone=TIMEZONE: Specify time zone. Default is the value of current configuration file
- -V, --version: Print out the current version number
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ TDengine uses continuous 13 ports, both TCP and TCP, from the port specified by
| TCP | 6041 | REST connection between client and server | Prior to serverPort+11; After refer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| TCP | 6042 | Service Port of Arbitrator | The parameter of Arbitrator |
| TCP | 6043 | Service Port of TaosKeeper | The parameter of TaosKeeper |
| TCP | 6044 | Data access port for StatsD | efer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| UDP | 6045 | Data access for statsd | efer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| TCP | 6044 | Data access port for StatsD | refer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| UDP | 6045 | Data access for statsd | refer to [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/) |
| TCP | 6060 | Port of Monitoring Service in Enterprise version | |
| UDP | 6030-6034 | Communication between client and server | serverPort |
| UDP | 6035-6039 | Communication among server nodes in cluster | serverPort |
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ TDengine uses continuous 13 ports, both TCP and TCP, from the port specified by
| Note | It's suggested to configure to enable if network is not good enough |
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ TDengine uses continuous 13 ports, both TCP and TCP, from the port specified by
| Default Value | TimeZone configured in the host |
To handle the data insertion and data query from multiple timezones, Unix Timestamp is used and stored TDengie. The timestamp generated from any timezones at same time is same in Unix timestamp. To make sure the time on client side can be converted to Unix timestamp correctly, the timezone must be set properly.
To handle the data insertion and data query from multiple timezones, Unix Timestamp is used and stored TDengine. The timestamp generated from any timezones at same time is same in Unix timestamp. To make sure the time on client side can be converted to Unix timestamp correctly, the timezone must be set properly.
On Linux system, TDengine clients automatically obtain timezone from the host. Alternatively, the timezone can be configured explicitly in configuration file `taos.cfg` like below.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ To avoid the problems of using time strings, Unix timestamp can be used directly
| Default Value | Locale configured in host |
A specific type "nchar" is provied in TDengine to store non-ASCII characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean. The characters to be stored in nchar type are firstly encoded in UCS4-LE before sending to server side. To store non-ASCII characters correctly, the encoding format of the client side needs to be set properly.
A specific type "nchar" is provided in TDengine to store non-ASCII characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean. The characters to be stored in nchar type are firstly encoded in UCS4-LE before sending to server side. To store non-ASCII characters correctly, the encoding format of the client side needs to be set properly.
The characters input on the client side are encoded using the default system encoding, which is UTF-8 on Linux, or GB18030 or GBK on some systems in Chinese, POSIX in docker, CP936 on Windows in Chinese. The encoding of the operating system in use must be set correctly so that the characters in nchar type can be converted to UCS4-LE.
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ charset CP936
| Default Value | 0.0000000000000001 |
| Note | The fractional part lower than this value will be discarded |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ From version, at most 4096 columns can be defined for a table.
Inserting data in batch is a good practice. Single SQL statement can insert data for one or multiple tables in batch.
### 9. JDBC Error: the excuted SQL is not a DML or a DDL?
### 9. JDBC Error: the executed SQL is not a DML or a DDL?
Please upgrade to latest JDBC driver, for details please refer to [Java Connector](/reference/connector/java)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ ALTER LOCAL flag_name flag_value;
### 13. Hhat to do if go compilation fails?
### 13. What to do if go compilation fails?
From version, a new component named `taosAdapter` is introduced. Its' developed in Go. If you want to compile from source code and meet go compilation problems, try to do below steps to resolve Go environment problems.