未验证 提交 c02f1e08 编写于 作者: wafwerar's avatar wafwerar 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #16420 from taosdata/fix/ZhiqiangWang/TD-13064-fix-mac-semaphore-error

os: fix Mac Semaphore error
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
#set output directory
SET(PREPARE_ENV_CMD "prepare_env_cmd")
SET(PREPARE_ENV_TARGET "prepare_env_target")
COMMAND echo "make test directory"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo dataDir ${TD_TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR}/data > ${TD_TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR}/cfg/taos.cfg
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo charset UTF-8 >> ${TD_TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR}/cfg/taos.cfg
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo monitor 0 >> ${TD_TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR}/cfg/taos.cfg
COMMENT "prepare taosd environment")
SET(TD_MAKE_INSTALL_SH "${TD_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh")
INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(\"make install script: ${TD_MAKE_INSTALL_SH}\")")
......@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ ELSE ()
"If build with rust-bindings"
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_
#define _TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <semaphore.h>
#if defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
// typedef struct tsem_s *tsem_t;
typedef struct bosal_sem_t *tsem_t;
int tsem_init(tsem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *sim, int64_t nanosecs);
int tsem_post(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *sem);
#define tsem_t sem_t
#define tsem_init sem_init
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *sim, int64_t nanosecs);
#define tsem_post sem_post
#define tsem_destroy sem_destroy
#if defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
// #define TdThreadRwlock TdThreadMutex
// #define taosThreadRwlockInit(lock, NULL) taosThreadMutexInit(lock, NULL)
// #define taosThreadRwlockDestroy(lock) taosThreadMutexDestroy(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockWrlock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockRdlock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockUnlock(lock) taosThreadMutexUnlock(lock)
// #define TdThreadSpinlock TdThreadMutex
// #define taosThreadSpinInit(lock, NULL) taosThreadMutexInit(lock, NULL)
// #define taosThreadSpinDestroy(lock) taosThreadMutexDestroy(lock)
// #define taosThreadSpinLock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadSpinUnlock(lock) taosThreadMutexUnlock(lock)
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread);
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId();
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread);
void taosResetPthread(TdThread *thread);
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second);
int32_t taosGetPId();
int32_t taosGetAppName(char *name, int32_t *len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*_TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_*/
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_
#define _TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <semaphore.h>
#if defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
// typedef struct tsem_s *tsem_t;
typedef dispatch_semaphore_t tsem_t;
int tsem_init(tsem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *sim, int64_t nanosecs);
int tsem_post(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *sem);
#define tsem_t sem_t
#define tsem_init sem_init
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *sim, int64_t nanosecs);
#define tsem_post sem_post
#define tsem_destroy sem_destroy
#if defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
// #define TdThreadRwlock TdThreadMutex
// #define taosThreadRwlockInit(lock, NULL) taosThreadMutexInit(lock, NULL)
// #define taosThreadRwlockDestroy(lock) taosThreadMutexDestroy(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockWrlock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockRdlock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadRwlockUnlock(lock) taosThreadMutexUnlock(lock)
// #define TdThreadSpinlock TdThreadMutex
// #define taosThreadSpinInit(lock, NULL) taosThreadMutexInit(lock, NULL)
// #define taosThreadSpinDestroy(lock) taosThreadMutexDestroy(lock)
// #define taosThreadSpinLock(lock) taosThreadMutexLock(lock)
// #define taosThreadSpinUnlock(lock) taosThreadMutexUnlock(lock)
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread);
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId();
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread);
void taosResetPthread(TdThread *thread);
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second);
int32_t taosGetPId();
int32_t taosGetAppName(char *name, int32_t *len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*_TD_OS_SEMPHONE_H_*/
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "os.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
* windows implementation
#include <windows.h>
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) { return thread.p != NULL; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread* thread) { thread->p = 0; }
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) {
#ifdef PTW32_VERSION
return pthread_getw32threadid_np(thread);
return (int64_t)thread;
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() { return GetCurrentThreadId(); }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return first.p == second.p; }
int32_t taosGetPId() { return GetCurrentProcessId(); }
int32_t taosGetAppName(char* name, int32_t* len) {
char filepath[1024] = {0};
GetModuleFileName(NULL, filepath, MAX_PATH);
char* sub = strrchr(filepath, '.');
if (sub != NULL) {
*sub = '\0';
char* end = strrchr(filepath, TD_DIRSEP[0]);
if (end == NULL) {
end = filepath;
tstrncpy(name, end, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = (int32_t)strlen(end);
return 0;
int32_t tsem_wait(tsem_t* sem) {
int ret = 0;
do {
ret = sem_wait(sem);
} while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
return ret;
int32_t tsem_timewait(tsem_t* sem, int64_t nanosecs) {
struct timespec ts, rel;
FILETIME ft_before, ft_after;
int rc;
rel.tv_sec = 0;
rel.tv_nsec = nanosecs;
// errno = 0;
rc = sem_timedwait(sem, pthread_win32_getabstime_np(&ts, &rel));
/* This should have timed out */
// assert(errno == ETIMEDOUT);
// assert(rc != 0);
// GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_after);
// // We specified a non-zero wait. Time must advance.
// if (ft_before.dwLowDateTime == ft_after.dwLowDateTime && ft_before.dwHighDateTime == ft_after.dwHighDateTime)
// {
// printf("nanoseconds: %d, rc: %d, code:0x%x. before filetime: %d, %d; after filetime: %d, %d\n",
// nanosecs, rc, errno,
// (int)ft_before.dwLowDateTime, (int)ft_before.dwHighDateTime,
// (int)ft_after.dwLowDateTime, (int)ft_after.dwHighDateTime);
// printf("time must advance during sem_timedwait.");
// return 1;
// }
return rc;
#elif defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
* darwin implementation
#include <libproc.h>
// #define SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// #define SEM_USE_POSIX
// #define SEM_USE_SEM
// #ifdef SEM_USE_SEM
// #include <mach/mach_error.h>
// #include <mach/mach_init.h>
// #include <mach/semaphore.h>
// #include <mach/task.h>
// static TdThread sem_thread;
// static TdThreadOnce sem_once;
// static task_t sem_port;
// static volatile int sem_inited = 0;
// static semaphore_t sem_exit;
// static void *sem_thread_routine(void *arg) {
// (void)arg;
// setThreadName("sem_thrd");
// sem_port = mach_task_self();
// kern_return_t ret = semaphore_create(sem_port, &sem_exit, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, 0);
// if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s()==failed to create sem_exit\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__);
// sem_inited = -1;
// return NULL;
// }
// sem_inited = 1;
// semaphore_wait(sem_exit);
// return NULL;
// }
// static void once_init(void) {
// int r = 0;
// r = taosThreadCreate(&sem_thread, NULL, sem_thread_routine, NULL);
// if (r) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s()==failed to create thread\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__);
// return;
// }
// while (sem_inited == 0) {
// ;
// }
// }
// #endif
// struct tsem_s {
// TdThreadMutex lock;
// TdThreadCond cond;
// volatile int64_t val;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// size_t id;
// sem_t *sem;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// semaphore_t sem;
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// dispatch_semaphore_t sem;
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// volatile unsigned int valid : 1;
// };
// int tsem_init(tsem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==creating\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// if (*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = (struct tsem_s *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*p));
// if (!p) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==out of memory\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// int r = taosThreadMutexInit(&p->lock, NULL);
// do {
// if (r) break;
// r = taosThreadCondInit(&p->cond, NULL);
// if (r) {
// taosThreadMutexDestroy(&p->lock);
// break;
// }
// p->val = value;
// } while (0);
// if (r) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// static size_t tick = 0;
// do {
// size_t id = atomic_add_fetch_64(&tick, 1);
// if (id == SEM_VALUE_MAX) {
// atomic_store_64(&tick, 0);
// id = 0;
// }
// char name[NAME_MAX - 4];
// snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/t" PRId64, id);
// p->sem = sem_open(name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, pshared, value);
// p->id = id;
// if (p->sem != SEM_FAILED) break;
// int e = errno;
// if (e == EEXIST) continue;
// if (e == EINTR) continue;
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created[%d]%s\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem,
// e, strerror(e));
// abort();
// } while (p->sem == SEM_FAILED);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// taosThreadOnce(&sem_once, once_init);
// if (sem_inited != 1) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal resource init failed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__, sem);
// errno = ENOMEM;
// return -1;
// }
// kern_return_t ret = semaphore_create(sem_port, &p->sem, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, value);
// if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==semophore_create failed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// // we fail-fast here, because we have less-doc about semaphore_create for the moment
// abort();
// }
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(value);
// if (p->sem == NULL) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->valid = 1;
// *sem = p;
// return 0;
// }
// int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem) {
// if (!*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem); abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->val -= 1;
// if (p->val < 0) {
// if (taosThreadCondWait(&p->cond, &p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// return 0;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// return sem_wait(p->sem);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// return semaphore_wait(p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// return dispatch_semaphore_wait(p->sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// }
// int tsem_post(tsem_t *sem) {
// if (!*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem); abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->val += 1;
// if (p->val <= 0) {
// if (taosThreadCondSignal(&p->cond)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// return 0;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// return sem_post(p->sem);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// return semaphore_signal(p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// return dispatch_semaphore_signal(p->sem);
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// }
// int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *sem) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==destroying\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// if (!*sem) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// // abort();
// return 0;
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// // sem); abort();
// return 0;
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->valid = 0;
// if (taosThreadCondDestroy(&p->cond)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexDestroy(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// char name[NAME_MAX - 4];
// snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/t" PRId64, p->id);
// int r = sem_unlink(name);
// if (r) {
// int e = errno;
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==unlink failed[%d]%s\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem,
// e, strerror(e));
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// semaphore_destroy(sem_port, p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->valid = 0;
// taosMemoryFree(p);
// *sem = NULL;
// return 0;
// }
typedef struct {
pthread_mutex_t count_lock;
pthread_cond_t count_bump;
unsigned int count;
} bosal_sem_t;
int tsem_init(tsem_t *psem, int flags, unsigned int count) {
bosal_sem_t *pnewsem;
int result;
pnewsem = (bosal_sem_t *)malloc(sizeof(bosal_sem_t));
if (!pnewsem) {
return -1;
result = pthread_mutex_init(&pnewsem->count_lock, NULL);
if (result) {
return result;
result = pthread_cond_init(&pnewsem->count_bump, NULL);
if (result) {
return result;
pnewsem->count = count;
*psem = (tsem_t)pnewsem;
return 0;
int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *psem) {
bosal_sem_t *poldsem;
if (!psem) {
return EINVAL;
poldsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
return 0;
int tsem_post(tsem_t *psem) {
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (!psem) {
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
pxsem->count = pxsem->count + 1;
xresult = pthread_cond_signal(&pxsem->count_bump);
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
if (xresult) {
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
int tsem_trywait(tsem_t *psem) {
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (!psem) {
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count > 0) {
} else {
xresult = EAGAIN;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
if (xresult) {
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *psem) {
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (!psem) {
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count == 0) {
xresult = pthread_cond_wait(&pxsem->count_bump, &pxsem->count_lock);
if (!xresult) {
if (pxsem->count > 0) {
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
if (xresult) {
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *psem, int64_t nanosecs) {
struct timespec abstim = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = nanosecs,
bosal_sem_t *pxsem;
int result, xresult;
if (!psem) {
return EINVAL;
pxsem = (bosal_sem_t *)*psem;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
xresult = 0;
if (pxsem->count == 0) {
xresult = pthread_cond_timedwait(&pxsem->count_bump, &pxsem->count_lock, &abstim);
if (!xresult) {
if (pxsem->count > 0) {
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pxsem->count_lock);
if (result) {
return result;
if (xresult) {
errno = xresult;
return -1;
return 0;
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) {
int32_t ret = taosThreadKill(thread, 0);
if (ret == ESRCH) return false;
if (ret == EINVAL) return false;
// alive
return true;
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() {
TdThread thread = taosThreadSelf();
return (int64_t)thread;
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) { return (int64_t)thread; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread *thread) { *thread = NULL; }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return taosThreadEqual(first, second) ? true : false; }
int32_t taosGetPId() { return (int32_t)getpid(); }
int32_t taosGetAppName(char *name, int32_t *len) {
char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
buf[0] = '\0';
proc_name(getpid(), buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
buf[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
size_t n = strlen(buf);
if (len) *len = n;
if (name) tstrncpy(name, buf, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
return 0;
* linux implementation
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) { return thread != 0; }
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() {
static __thread int id = 0;
if (id != 0) return id;
id = syscall(SYS_gettid);
return id;
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) { return (int64_t)thread; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread* thread) { *thread = 0; }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return first == second; }
int32_t taosGetPId() {
static int32_t pid;
if (pid != 0) return pid;
pid = getpid();
return pid;
int32_t taosGetAppName(char* name, int32_t* len) {
const char* self = "/proc/self/exe";
char path[PATH_MAX] = {0};
if (readlink(self, path, PATH_MAX) <= 0) {
return -1;
path[PATH_MAX - 1] = 0;
char* end = strrchr(path, '/');
if (end == NULL) {
return -1;
tstrncpy(name, end, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = strlen(name);
return 0;
int32_t tsem_wait(tsem_t* sem) {
int ret = 0;
do {
ret = sem_wait(sem);
} while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
return ret;
int32_t tsem_timewait(tsem_t* sem, int64_t nanosecs) {
int ret = 0;
struct timespec tv = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = nanosecs,
while ((ret = sem_timedwait(sem, &tv)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue;
return ret;
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "os.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#ifdef WINDOWS
* windows implementation
#include <windows.h>
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) { return thread.p != NULL; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread* thread) { thread->p = 0; }
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) {
#ifdef PTW32_VERSION
return pthread_getw32threadid_np(thread);
return (int64_t)thread;
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() { return GetCurrentThreadId(); }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return first.p == second.p; }
int32_t taosGetPId() { return GetCurrentProcessId(); }
int32_t taosGetAppName(char* name, int32_t* len) {
char filepath[1024] = {0};
GetModuleFileName(NULL, filepath, MAX_PATH);
char* sub = strrchr(filepath, '.');
if (sub != NULL) {
*sub = '\0';
char* end = strrchr(filepath, TD_DIRSEP[0]);
if (end == NULL) {
end = filepath;
tstrncpy(name, end, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = (int32_t)strlen(end);
return 0;
int32_t tsem_wait(tsem_t* sem) {
int ret = 0;
do {
ret = sem_wait(sem);
} while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
return ret;
int32_t tsem_timewait(tsem_t* sem, int64_t nanosecs) {
struct timespec ts, rel;
FILETIME ft_before, ft_after;
int rc;
rel.tv_sec = 0;
rel.tv_nsec = nanosecs;
// errno = 0;
rc = sem_timedwait(sem, pthread_win32_getabstime_np(&ts, &rel));
/* This should have timed out */
// assert(errno == ETIMEDOUT);
// assert(rc != 0);
// GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_after);
// // We specified a non-zero wait. Time must advance.
// if (ft_before.dwLowDateTime == ft_after.dwLowDateTime && ft_before.dwHighDateTime == ft_after.dwHighDateTime)
// {
// printf("nanoseconds: %d, rc: %d, code:0x%x. before filetime: %d, %d; after filetime: %d, %d\n",
// nanosecs, rc, errno,
// (int)ft_before.dwLowDateTime, (int)ft_before.dwHighDateTime,
// (int)ft_after.dwLowDateTime, (int)ft_after.dwHighDateTime);
// printf("time must advance during sem_timedwait.");
// return 1;
// }
return rc;
#elif defined(_TD_DARWIN_64)
* darwin implementation
#include <libproc.h>
// #define SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// #define SEM_USE_POSIX
// #define SEM_USE_SEM
// #ifdef SEM_USE_SEM
// #include <mach/mach_error.h>
// #include <mach/mach_init.h>
// #include <mach/semaphore.h>
// #include <mach/task.h>
// static TdThread sem_thread;
// static TdThreadOnce sem_once;
// static task_t sem_port;
// static volatile int sem_inited = 0;
// static semaphore_t sem_exit;
// static void *sem_thread_routine(void *arg) {
// (void)arg;
// setThreadName("sem_thrd");
// sem_port = mach_task_self();
// kern_return_t ret = semaphore_create(sem_port, &sem_exit, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, 0);
// if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s()==failed to create sem_exit\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__);
// sem_inited = -1;
// return NULL;
// }
// sem_inited = 1;
// semaphore_wait(sem_exit);
// return NULL;
// }
// static void once_init(void) {
// int r = 0;
// r = taosThreadCreate(&sem_thread, NULL, sem_thread_routine, NULL);
// if (r) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s()==failed to create thread\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__);
// return;
// }
// while (sem_inited == 0) {
// ;
// }
// }
// #endif
// struct tsem_s {
// TdThreadMutex lock;
// TdThreadCond cond;
// volatile int64_t val;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// size_t id;
// sem_t *sem;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// semaphore_t sem;
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// dispatch_semaphore_t sem;
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// volatile unsigned int valid : 1;
// };
// int tsem_init(tsem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==creating\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// if (*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = (struct tsem_s *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*p));
// if (!p) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==out of memory\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// int r = taosThreadMutexInit(&p->lock, NULL);
// do {
// if (r) break;
// r = taosThreadCondInit(&p->cond, NULL);
// if (r) {
// taosThreadMutexDestroy(&p->lock);
// break;
// }
// p->val = value;
// } while (0);
// if (r) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// static size_t tick = 0;
// do {
// size_t id = atomic_add_fetch_64(&tick, 1);
// if (id == SEM_VALUE_MAX) {
// atomic_store_64(&tick, 0);
// id = 0;
// }
// char name[NAME_MAX - 4];
// snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/t" PRId64, id);
// p->sem = sem_open(name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, pshared, value);
// p->id = id;
// if (p->sem != SEM_FAILED) break;
// int e = errno;
// if (e == EEXIST) continue;
// if (e == EINTR) continue;
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created[%d]%s\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem,
// e, strerror(e));
// abort();
// } while (p->sem == SEM_FAILED);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// taosThreadOnce(&sem_once, once_init);
// if (sem_inited != 1) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal resource init failed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__, sem);
// errno = ENOMEM;
// return -1;
// }
// kern_return_t ret = semaphore_create(sem_port, &p->sem, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, value);
// if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==semophore_create failed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// // we fail-fast here, because we have less-doc about semaphore_create for the moment
// abort();
// }
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(value);
// if (p->sem == NULL) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not created\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->valid = 1;
// *sem = p;
// return 0;
// }
// int tsem_wait(tsem_t *sem) {
// if (!*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem); abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->val -= 1;
// if (p->val < 0) {
// if (taosThreadCondWait(&p->cond, &p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// return 0;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// return sem_wait(p->sem);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// return semaphore_wait(p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// return dispatch_semaphore_wait(p->sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// }
// int tsem_post(tsem_t *sem) {
// if (!*sem) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// abort();
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem); abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->val += 1;
// if (p->val <= 0) {
// if (taosThreadCondSignal(&p->cond)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__,
// __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// return 0;
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// return sem_post(p->sem);
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// return semaphore_signal(p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// return dispatch_semaphore_signal(p->sem);
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// }
// int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *sem) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==destroying\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__, sem);
// if (!*sem) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==not initialized\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// // abort();
// return 0;
// }
// struct tsem_s *p = *sem;
// if (!p->valid) {
// // fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==already destroyed\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// // sem); abort();
// return 0;
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexLock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// p->valid = 0;
// if (taosThreadCondDestroy(&p->cond)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexUnlock(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// if (taosThreadMutexDestroy(&p->lock)) {
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==internal logic error\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem);
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_POSIX)
// char name[NAME_MAX - 4];
// snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/t" PRId64, p->id);
// int r = sem_unlink(name);
// if (r) {
// int e = errno;
// fprintf(stderr, "==%s[%d]%s():[%p]==unlink failed[%d]%s\n", taosDirEntryBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, __func__,
// sem,
// e, strerror(e));
// abort();
// }
// #elif defined(SEM_USE_SEM)
// semaphore_destroy(sem_port, p->sem);
// #else // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// #endif // SEM_USE_PTHREAD
// p->valid = 0;
// taosMemoryFree(p);
// *sem = NULL;
// return 0;
// }
int tsem_init(tsem_t *psem, int flags, unsigned int count) {
*psem = dispatch_semaphore_create(count);
if (*psem == NULL) return -1;
return 0;
int tsem_destroy(tsem_t *psem) {
return 0;
int tsem_post(tsem_t *psem) {
if (psem == NULL || *psem == NULL) return -1;
return 0;
int tsem_wait(tsem_t *psem) {
if (psem == NULL || *psem == NULL) return -1;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(*psem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
int tsem_timewait(tsem_t *psem, int64_t nanosecs) {
if (psem == NULL || *psem == NULL) return -1;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(*psem, nanosecs);
return 0;
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) {
int32_t ret = taosThreadKill(thread, 0);
if (ret == ESRCH) return false;
if (ret == EINVAL) return false;
// alive
return true;
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() {
TdThread thread = taosThreadSelf();
return (int64_t)thread;
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) { return (int64_t)thread; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread *thread) { *thread = NULL; }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return taosThreadEqual(first, second) ? true : false; }
int32_t taosGetPId() { return (int32_t)getpid(); }
int32_t taosGetAppName(char *name, int32_t *len) {
char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
buf[0] = '\0';
proc_name(getpid(), buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
buf[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
size_t n = strlen(buf);
if (len) *len = n;
if (name) tstrncpy(name, buf, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
return 0;
* linux implementation
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(TdThread thread) { return thread != 0; }
int64_t taosGetSelfPthreadId() {
static __thread int id = 0;
if (id != 0) return id;
id = syscall(SYS_gettid);
return id;
int64_t taosGetPthreadId(TdThread thread) { return (int64_t)thread; }
void taosResetPthread(TdThread* thread) { *thread = 0; }
bool taosComparePthread(TdThread first, TdThread second) { return first == second; }
int32_t taosGetPId() {
static int32_t pid;
if (pid != 0) return pid;
pid = getpid();
return pid;
int32_t taosGetAppName(char* name, int32_t* len) {
const char* self = "/proc/self/exe";
char path[PATH_MAX] = {0};
if (readlink(self, path, PATH_MAX) <= 0) {
return -1;
path[PATH_MAX - 1] = 0;
char* end = strrchr(path, '/');
if (end == NULL) {
return -1;
tstrncpy(name, end, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = strlen(name);
return 0;
int32_t tsem_wait(tsem_t* sem) {
int ret = 0;
do {
ret = sem_wait(sem);
} while (ret != 0 && errno == EINTR);
return ret;
int32_t tsem_timewait(tsem_t* sem, int64_t nanosecs) {
int ret = 0;
struct timespec tv = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = nanosecs,
while ((ret = sem_timedwait(sem, &tv)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue;
return ret;
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