提交 b73444b2 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

fix(stream): start stream task in case of scan history completing.

上级 437eb93a
......@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ int32_t streamDispatchTransferStateMsg(SStreamTask* pTask);
// agg level
int32_t streamAggRecoverPrepare(SStreamTask* pTask);
int32_t streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t childId);
int32_t streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t taskId, int32_t childId);
void streamMetaInit();
void streamMetaCleanup();
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ int32_t sndProcessTaskRecoverFinishReq(SSnode *pSnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
// do process request
if (streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(pTask, req.childId) < 0) {
if (streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(pTask, req.taskId, req.childId) < 0) {
streamMetaReleaseTask(pSnode->pMeta, pTask);
return -1;
......@@ -894,8 +894,9 @@ int32_t tqExpandTask(STQ* pTq, SStreamTask* pTask, int64_t ver) {
tqInfo("vgId:%d expand stream task, s-task:%s, checkpoint ver:%" PRId64 " child id:%d, level:%d", vgId,
pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.version, pTask->info.selfChildId, pTask->info.taskLevel);
tqInfo("vgId:%d expand stream task, s-task:%s, checkpoint ver:%" PRId64 " child id:%d, level:%d, scan-history:%d",
vgId, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.version, pTask->info.selfChildId, pTask->info.taskLevel,
// next valid version will add one
pTask->chkInfo.version += 1;
......@@ -1072,7 +1073,9 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
// do recovery step 1
tqDebug("s-task:%s start history data scan stage(step 1), status:%s", pTask->id.idStr, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus));
const char* pId = pTask->id.idStr;
tqDebug("s-task:%s start history data scan stage(step 1), status:%s", pId,
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampMs();
int8_t schedStatus = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE,
......@@ -1085,15 +1088,16 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
if (!pReq->igUntreated && !streamTaskRecoverScanStep1Finished(pTask)) {
if (atomic_load_8(&pTask->status.taskStatus) == TASK_STATUS__DROPPING || streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status)) {
tqDebug("s-task:%s is dropped or paused, abort recover in step1", pTask->id.idStr);
tqDebug("s-task:%s is dropped or paused, abort recover in step1", pId);
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask);
return 0;
double el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - st) / 1000.0;
tqDebug("s-task:%s history data scan stage(step 1) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", pTask->id.idStr, el);
tqDebug("s-task:%s history data scan stage(step 1) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", pId, el);
if (pTask->info.fillHistory) {
SVersionRange* pRange = NULL;
......@@ -1118,7 +1122,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
// now we can stop the stream task execution
pStreamTask->status.taskStatus = TASK_STATUS__HALT;
tqDebug("s-task:%s level:%d status is set to halt by history scan task:%s", pStreamTask->id.idStr,
pStreamTask->info.taskLevel, pTask->id.idStr);
pStreamTask->info.taskLevel, pId);
// if it's an source task, extract the last version in wal.
int64_t ver = pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer + 1;
......@@ -1135,14 +1139,14 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
if (pRange->minVer == pRange->maxVer) {
tqDebug("s-task:%s no need to perform secondary scan-history-data(step 2), since no new data ingest",
if (!streamTaskRecoverScanStep1Finished(pTask)) {
tqDebug("s-task:%s level:%d verRange:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64
" do secondary scan-history-data after halt the related stream task:%s",
pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.taskLevel, pRange->minVer, pRange->maxVer, pStreamTask->id.idStr);
pId, pTask->info.taskLevel, pRange->minVer, pRange->maxVer, pStreamTask->id.idStr);
ASSERT(pTask->status.schedStatus == TASK_SCHED_STATUS__WAITING);
st = taosGetTimestampMs();
......@@ -1153,7 +1157,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
if(!streamTaskRecoverScanStep2Finished(pTask)) {
if (atomic_load_8(&pTask->status.taskStatus) == TASK_STATUS__DROPPING || streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status)) {
tqDebug("s-task:%s is dropped or paused, abort recover in step1", pTask->id.idStr);
tqDebug("s-task:%s is dropped or paused, abort recover in step1", pId);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask);
return 0;
......@@ -1161,12 +1165,11 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - st) / 1000.0;
tqDebug("s-task:%s history data scan stage(step 2) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", pTask->id.idStr, el);
tqDebug("s-task:%s history data scan stage(step 2) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", pId, el);
if (!pTask->status.transferState) {
// 3. notify the downstream tasks to transfer executor state after handle all history blocks.
pTask->status.transferState = true;
code = streamDispatchTransferStateMsg(pTask);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// todo handle error
......@@ -1178,7 +1181,9 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
pTask->status.taskStatus = TASK_STATUS__DROPPING;
tqDebug("s-task:%s set status to be dropping", pTask->id.idStr);
tqDebug("s-task:%s set status to be dropping", pId);
// transfer the ownership of executor state
......@@ -1195,19 +1200,25 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
// todo update the chkInfo version for current task.
// this task has an associated history stream task, so we need to scan wal from the end version of
// history scan. The current version of chkInfo.current is not updated during the history scan
STimeWindow* pWindow = &pTask->dataRange.window;
if (pTask->historyTaskId.taskId == 0) {
pTask->dataRange.window.ekey = INT64_MAX;
pTask->dataRange.window.skey = INT64_MIN;
tqDebug("s-task:%s without associated stream task, reset the time window:%"PRId64" - %"PRId64, pTask->id.idStr,
pTask->dataRange.window.skey, pTask->dataRange.window.ekey);
*pWindow = (STimeWindow){INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX};
tqDebug("s-task:%s without associated stream task, reset the time window:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64, pId,
pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey);
} else {
tqDebug("s-task:%s history data scan completed, now start to scan data from wal, start ver:%" PRId64
", window:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64,
pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.currentVer, pTask->dataRange.window.skey, pTask->dataRange.window.ekey);
", window:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64, pId, pTask->chkInfo.currentVer, pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey);
code = streamTaskScanHistoryDataComplete(pTask);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask);
// let's start the stream task by extracting data from wal
if (pTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) {
return code;
......@@ -1311,7 +1322,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskRecoverFinishReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
return -1;
// do process request
if (streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(pTask, req.childId) < 0) {
if (streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(pTask, req.taskId, req.childId) < 0) {
streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask);
return -1;
......@@ -1402,9 +1413,9 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskRunReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
} else {
if (streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status)) {
// if (streamTaskShouldPause(&pTask->status)) {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
// }
tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s ignore run req since not in ready state, status:%s, sched-status:%d", vgId,
pTask->id.idStr, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus), pTask->status.schedStatus);
......@@ -1546,16 +1557,20 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskRetrieveReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
char* msgStr = pMsg->pCont;
char* msgBody = POINTER_SHIFT(msgStr, sizeof(SMsgHead));
int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead);
SStreamRetrieveReq req;
SDecoder decoder;
SStreamRetrieveReq req;
tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msgBody, msgLen);
tDecodeStreamRetrieveReq(&decoder, &req);
int32_t taskId = req.dstTaskId;
SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, taskId);
if (pTask) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info, .code = 0};
streamProcessRetrieveReq(pTask, &req, &rsp);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask);
return 0;
......@@ -170,21 +170,18 @@ int32_t streamTaskEnqueueRetrieve(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamRetrieveReq* pReq,
// enqueue
if (pData != NULL) {
qDebug("s-task:%s (child %d) recv retrieve req from task:0x%x, reqId %" PRId64, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.selfChildId,
qDebug("s-task:%s (child %d) recv retrieve req from task:0x%x, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.selfChildId,
pReq->srcTaskId, pReq->reqId);
pData->srcVgId = 0;
// decode
/*pData->blocks = pReq->data;*/
/*pBlock->sourceVer = pReq->sourceVer;*/
streamRetrieveReqToData(pReq, pData);
if (tAppendDataToInputQueue(pTask, (SStreamQueueItem*)pData) == 0) {
} else {
} else {
} else { // todo handle oom
......@@ -199,6 +196,7 @@ int32_t streamTaskEnqueueRetrieve(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamRetrieveReq* pReq,
pRsp->pCont = buf;
pRsp->contLen = sizeof(SMsgHead) + sizeof(SStreamRetrieveRsp);
return status == TASK_INPUT_STATUS__NORMAL ? 0 : -1;
......@@ -314,7 +314,10 @@ int32_t streamDoDispatchScanHistoryFinishMsg(SStreamTask* pTask, const SStreamRe
msg.info.noResp = 1;
tmsgSendReq(pEpSet, &msg);
qDebug("s-task:%s dispatch scan-history-data finish msg to taskId:0x%x (vgId:%d)", pTask->id.idStr, pReq->taskId, vgId);
const char* pStatus = streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus);
qDebug("s-task:%s status:%s dispatch scan-history-data finish msg to taskId:0x%x (vgId:%d)", pTask->id.idStr, pStatus,
pReq->taskId, vgId);
return 0;
......@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ int32_t streamTaskLaunchScanHistory(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// check status
int32_t streamTaskCheckDownstreamTasks(SStreamTask* pTask) {
SHistDataRange* pRange = &pTask->dataRange;
qDebug("s-task:%s check downstream tasks, ver:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 " window:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
pTask->id.idStr, pRange->range.minVer, pRange->range.maxVer, pRange->window.skey, pRange->window.ekey);
STimeWindow* pWindow = &pRange->window;
SStreamTaskCheckReq req = {
.streamId = pTask->id.streamId,
......@@ -98,13 +97,16 @@ int32_t streamTaskCheckDownstreamTasks(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// serialize
if (pTask->outputType == TASK_OUTPUT__FIXED_DISPATCH) {
qDebug("s-task:%s check single downstream task:0x%x(vgId:%d) ver:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 " window:%" PRId64
"-%" PRId64,
pTask->id.idStr, req.downstreamTaskId, req.downstreamNodeId, pRange->range.minVer, pRange->range.maxVer,
pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey);
req.reqId = tGenIdPI64();
req.downstreamNodeId = pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.nodeId;
req.downstreamTaskId = pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.taskId;
pTask->checkReqId = req.reqId;
qDebug("s-task:%s (vgId:%d) check downstream task:0x%x (vgId:%d)", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.nodeId, req.downstreamTaskId,
streamDispatchCheckMsg(pTask, &req, pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.nodeId, &pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.epSet);
} else if (pTask->outputType == TASK_OUTPUT__SHUFFLE_DISPATCH) {
SArray* vgInfo = pTask->shuffleDispatcher.dbInfo.pVgroupInfos;
......@@ -113,14 +115,17 @@ int32_t streamTaskCheckDownstreamTasks(SStreamTask* pTask) {
pTask->notReadyTasks = numOfVgs;
pTask->checkReqIds = taosArrayInit(numOfVgs, sizeof(int64_t));
qDebug("s-task:%s check %d downstream tasks, ver:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 " window:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64,
pTask->id.idStr, numOfVgs, pRange->range.minVer, pRange->range.maxVer, pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfVgs; i++) {
SVgroupInfo* pVgInfo = taosArrayGet(vgInfo, i);
req.reqId = tGenIdPI64();
taosArrayPush(pTask->checkReqIds, &req.reqId);
req.downstreamNodeId = pVgInfo->vgId;
req.downstreamTaskId = pVgInfo->taskId;
qDebug("s-task:%s (vgId:%d) check downstream task:0x%x (vgId:%d) (shuffle)", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.nodeId,
req.downstreamTaskId, req.downstreamNodeId);
qDebug("s-task:%s (vgId:%d) check downstream task:0x%x (vgId:%d) (shuffle), idx:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->info.nodeId,
req.downstreamTaskId, req.downstreamNodeId, i);
streamDispatchCheckMsg(pTask, &req, pVgInfo->vgId, &pVgInfo->epSet);
} else {
......@@ -303,9 +308,6 @@ int32_t streamDispatchScanHistoryFinishMsg(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// serialize
if (pTask->outputType == TASK_OUTPUT__FIXED_DISPATCH) {
qDebug("s-task:%s send scan-history-data complete msg to downstream (fix-dispatch) to taskId:0x%x, status:%s", pTask->id.idStr,
pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.taskId, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus));
req.taskId = pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.taskId;
streamDoDispatchScanHistoryFinishMsg(pTask, &req, pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.nodeId, &pTask->fixedEpDispatcher.epSet);
} else if (pTask->outputType == TASK_OUTPUT__SHUFFLE_DISPATCH) {
......@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ int32_t streamDispatchTransferStateMsg(SStreamTask* pTask) {
// agg
int32_t streamAggRecoverPrepare(SStreamTask* pTask) {
pTask->numOfWaitingUpstream = taosArrayGetSize(pTask->pUpstreamEpInfoList);
qDebug("s-task:%s agg task is ready and wait for %d upstream tasks complete fill history procedure", pTask->id.idStr,
qDebug("s-task:%s agg task is ready and wait for %d upstream tasks complete scan-history procedure", pTask->id.idStr,
return 0;
......@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ int32_t streamAggUpstreamScanHistoryFinish(SStreamTask* pTask) {
return 0;
int32_t streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t childId) {
int32_t streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t taskId, int32_t childId) {
if (pTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__AGG) {
int32_t left = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pTask->numOfWaitingUpstream, 1);
ASSERT(left >= 0);
......@@ -422,7 +424,8 @@ int32_t streamProcessRecoverFinishReq(SStreamTask* pTask, int32_t childId) {
qDebug("s-task:%s all %d upstream tasks finish scan-history data", pTask->id.idStr, numOfTasks);
} else {
qDebug("s-task:%s remain unfinished upstream tasks:%d", pTask->id.idStr, left);
qDebug("s-task:%s receive scan-history data finish msg from upstream:0x%x(index:%d), unfinished:%d",
pTask->id.idStr, taskId, childId, left);
......@@ -563,11 +566,12 @@ int32_t streamTaskScanHistoryDataComplete(SStreamTask* pTask) {
ASSERT(pTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY);
/*code = */streamSetStatusNormal(pTask);
// ready to process data from inputQ
atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE);
// todo check rsp
// todo check rsp, commit data
streamMetaSaveTask(pMeta, pTask);
return 0;
......@@ -576,7 +576,6 @@ $loop_count = 0
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