提交 b4ff474e 编写于 作者: L lichuang

Merge branch '3.0' into feature/sync-implementation

......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ typedef struct SVariant {
uint32_t nType;
int32_t nLen; // only used for string, for number, it is useless
union {
int64_t i64;
uint64_t u64;
int64_t i;
uint64_t u;
double d;
char *pz;
wchar_t *wpz;
......@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ typedef struct SResultDataInfo {
int32_t intermediateBytes;
} SResultDataInfo;
typedef struct SMultiFunctionsDesc {
bool stableQuery;
bool groupbyColumn;
......@@ -203,6 +202,8 @@ typedef struct SMultiFunctionsDesc {
bool timewindow;
bool topbotQuery;
bool interpQuery;
bool distinct;
bool join;
} SMultiFunctionsDesc;
int32_t getResultDataInfo(int32_t dataType, int32_t dataBytes, int32_t functionId, int32_t param, SResultDataInfo* pInfo, int16_t extLength,
......@@ -222,6 +223,8 @@ const char* qGetFunctionName(int32_t functionId);
void extractFunctionDesc(SArray* pFunctionIdList, SMultiFunctionsDesc* pDesc);
tExprNode* exprdup(tExprNode* pTree);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ typedef struct SQueryStmtInfo {
int64_t vgroupLimit; // table limit in case of super table projection query + global order + limit
int32_t udColumnId; // current user-defined constant output field column id, monotonically decreases from TSDB_UD_COLUMN_INDEX
bool distinct; // distinct tag or not
int32_t bufLen;
char* buf;
SArray *pUdfInfo;
......@@ -231,6 +230,8 @@ SExprInfo* createExprInfo(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, int16_t functionId, SC
int32_t copyExprInfoList(SArray* dst, const SArray* src, uint64_t uid, bool deepcopy);
STableMetaInfo* getMetaInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex);
SSchema *getOneColumnSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t colIndex);
int32_t getNewResColId();
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
* @param pQueryNode
* @return
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode** pQueryNode);
* Convert the query plan to string, in order to display it in the shell.
......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
switch (type) {
if (strncasecmp(z, "true", 4) == 0) {
pVar->i64 = TSDB_TRUE;
pVar->i = TSDB_TRUE;
} else if (strncasecmp(z, "false", 5) == 0) {
pVar->i64 = TSDB_FALSE;
pVar->i = TSDB_FALSE;
} else {
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
base = 2;
ret = toInteger(z, n, base, &pVar->i64, &sign);
ret = toInteger(z, n, base, &pVar->i, &sign);
if (ret != 0) {
pVar->nType = -1; // -1 means error type
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
pVar->i64 = taosGetTimestamp(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO);
pVar->i = taosGetTimestamp(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO);
......@@ -151,43 +151,43 @@ void taosVariantCreateFromBinary(SVariant *pVar, const char *pz, size_t len, uin
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT64_VAL(pz);
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ void taosVariantCreateFromBinary(SVariant *pVar, const char *pz, size_t len, uin
pVar->i64 = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT].bytes;
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void taosVariantAssign(SVariant *pDst, const SVariant *pSrc) {
if (IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(pSrc->nType) || (pSrc->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL)) {
pDst->i64 = pSrc->i64;
pDst->i = pSrc->i;
} else if (pSrc->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_POINTER_ARRAY) { // this is only for string array
size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pSrc->arr);
pDst->arr = taosArrayInit(num, sizeof(char*));
......@@ -322,16 +322,16 @@ int32_t taosVariantCompare(const SVariant* p1, const SVariant* p2) {
return p1->d > p2->d? 1:-1;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(p1->nType)) {
if (p1->u64 == p2->u64) {
if (p1->u == p2->u) {
return 0;
} else {
return p1->u64 > p2->u64? 1:-1;
return p1->u > p2->u? 1:-1;
} else {
if (p1->i64 == p2->i64) {
if (p1->i == p2->i) {
return 0;
} else {
return p1->i64 > p2->i64? 1:-1;
return p1->i > p2->i? 1:-1;
......@@ -362,12 +362,12 @@ int32_t taosVariantToString(SVariant *pVar, char *dst) {
return sprintf(dst, "%d", (int32_t)pVar->i64);
return sprintf(dst, "%d", (int32_t)pVar->i);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRId64, pVar->i64);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRId64, pVar->i);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRIu64, pVar->u64);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRIu64, pVar->u);
return sprintf(dst, "%.9lf", pVar->d);
......@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ static int32_t toBinary(SVariant *pVariant, char **pDest, int32_t *pDestSize) {
} else {
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i64);
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%lf", pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%s", (pVariant->i64 == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%s", (pVariant->i == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
} else if (pVariant->nType == 0) { // null data
setNull(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, 0);
......@@ -452,16 +452,16 @@ static int32_t toNchar(SVariant *pVariant, char **pDest, int32_t *pDestSize) {
// convert the number to string, than convert it to wchar string.
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i64);
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%"PRIu64, pVariant->u64);
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%"PRIu64, pVariant->u);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%lf", pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
pDst = pVariant->pz;
nLen = pVariant->nLen;
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%s", (pVariant->i64 == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%s", (pVariant->i == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
if (*pDest == pVariant->pz) {
......@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t convertToInteger(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *result
#if 0
errno = 0;
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType) || (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL)) {
*result = pVariant->i64;
*result = pVariant->i;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*result = pVariant->u64;
*result = pVariant->u;
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*result = (int64_t) pVariant->d;
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
......@@ -639,9 +639,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t convertToInteger(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *result
static int32_t convertToBool(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *pDest) {
if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
*pDest = pVariant->i64; // in order to be compatible to null of bool
*pDest = pVariant->i; // in order to be compatible to null of bool
} else if (IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*pDest = ((pVariant->i64 != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
*pDest = ((pVariant->i != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
*pDest = ((pVariant->d != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
......@@ -791,12 +791,12 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
*converted = true;
if (pVariant->i64 > FLT_MAX || pVariant->i64 < -FLT_MAX) {
SET_EXT_INFO(converted, pVariant->i64, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, extInfo);
if (pVariant->i > FLT_MAX || pVariant->i < -FLT_MAX) {
SET_EXT_INFO(converted, pVariant->i, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, extInfo);
return -1;
SET_FLOAT_VAL(payload, pVariant->i64);
SET_FLOAT_VAL(payload, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
if (converted) {
*converted = true;
......@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, value);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL || IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType) || IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->i64);
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
......@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
*((int64_t *)payload) = TSDB_DATA_BIGINT_NULL;
} else {
*((int64_t *)payload) = pVariant->i64;
*((int64_t *)payload) = pVariant->i;
......@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
switch (type) {
case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: { // bool
if (convertToBool(pVariant, &pVariant->i64) < 0) {
if (convertToBool(pVariant, &pVariant->i) < 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
convertToInteger(pVariant, &(pVariant->i64), type, true, true, NULL);
convertToInteger(pVariant, &(pVariant->i), type, true, true, NULL);
pVariant->nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT;
......@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
pVariant->d = v;
} else if (pVariant->nType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL && pVariant->nType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
double tmp = (double) pVariant->i64;
double tmp = (double) pVariant->i;
pVariant->d = tmp;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "catalogInt.h"
struct SCatalog* getCatalogHandle(const SEpSet* pMgmtEps) {
return NULL;
return (struct SCatalog*) 0x1;
int32_t catalogGetMetaData(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, const SMetaReq* pMetaReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) {
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ typedef struct SExprTraverseSupp {
tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinary(const void* data, size_t size);
tExprNode* exprTreeFromTableName(const char* tbnameCond);
tExprNode* exprdup(tExprNode* pTree);
bool exprTreeApplyFilter(tExprNode *pExpr, const void *pItem, SExprTraverseSupp *param);
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ extern struct SScalarFunctionInfo scalarFunc[1];
#define FUNCTION_MAVG 41
#define FUNCTION_CSUM 42
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
for (int32_t _i = 0; _i < (ctx)->tagInfo.numOfTagCols; ++_i) { \
SQLFunctionCtx *__ctx = (ctx)->tagInfo.pTagCtxList[_i]; \
if (__ctx->functionId == FUNCTION_TS_DUMMY) { \
__ctx->tag.i64 = (ts); \
__ctx->tag.i = (ts); \
__ctx->tag.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; \
} \
aggFunc[FUNCTION_TAG].exec(__ctx); \
......@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ static int32_t firstFuncRequired(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, STimeWindow* w, int32_t c
static int32_t lastFuncRequired(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, STimeWindow* w, int32_t colId) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i) {
......@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ static int32_t firstDistFuncRequired(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, STimeWindow* w, int32
static int32_t lastDistFuncRequired(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, STimeWindow* w, int32_t colId) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i) {
......@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ static void minMax_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, char *pOutput, int32_t isMin,
for (int32_t i = 0; i < (pCtx)->tagInfo.numOfTagCols; ++i) {
SQLFunctionCtx *__ctx = pCtx->tagInfo.pTagCtxList[i];
if (__ctx->functionId == FUNCTION_TS_DUMMY) {
__ctx->tag.i64 = key;
__ctx->tag.i = key;
__ctx->tag.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT;
......@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ static bool first_last_function_setup(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SResultRowCellInfo*
// used to keep the timestamp for comparison
pCtx->param[1].nType = 0;
pCtx->param[1].i64 = 0;
pCtx->param[1].i = 0;
return true;
......@@ -1628,9 +1628,9 @@ static void first_dist_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// The param[1] is used to keep the initial value of max ts value
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != pCtx->outputType || pCtx->param[1].i64 > pInput->ts) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != pCtx->outputType || pCtx->param[1].i > pInput->ts) {
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, pData, pCtx->outputBytes);
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pInput->ts;
pCtx->param[1].i = pInput->ts;
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->outputType;
DO_UPDATE_TAG_COLUMNS(pCtx, pInput->ts);
......@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ static void first_dist_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
* least one data in this block that is not null.(TODO opt for this case)
static void last_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i) {
......@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ static void last_dist_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
* 1. for scan data is not the required order
* 2. for data blocks that are not loaded, no need to check data
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i) {
......@@ -1765,9 +1765,9 @@ static void last_dist_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
* param[1] used to keep the corresponding timestamp to decide if current result is
* the true last result
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != pCtx->outputType || pCtx->param[1].i64 < pInput->ts) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != pCtx->outputType || pCtx->param[1].i < pInput->ts) {
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, pData, pCtx->outputBytes);
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pInput->ts;
pCtx->param[1].i = pInput->ts;
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->outputType;
DO_UPDATE_TAG_COLUMNS(pCtx, pInput->ts);
......@@ -1822,7 +1822,7 @@ static void last_row_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
static void valuePairAssign(tValuePair *dst, int16_t type, const char *val, int64_t tsKey, char *pTags,
SExtTagsInfo *pTagInfo, int16_t stage) {
dst->v.nType = type;
dst->v.i64 = *(int64_t *)val;
dst->v.i = *(int64_t *)val;
dst->timestamp = tsKey;
int32_t size = 0;
......@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ static void valuePairAssign(tValuePair *dst, int16_t type, const char *val, int6
SQLFunctionCtx* ctx = pTagInfo->pTagCtxList[i];
if (ctx->functionId == FUNCTION_TS_DUMMY) {
ctx->tag.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT;
ctx->tag.i64 = tsKey;
ctx->tag.i = tsKey;
taosVariantDump(&ctx->tag, dst->pTags + size, ctx->tag.nType, true);
......@@ -1856,17 +1856,17 @@ static int32_t topBotComparFn(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param)
tValuePair *val2 = *(tValuePair **) p2;
if (val1->v.i64 == val2->v.i64) {
if (val1->v.i == val2->v.i) {
return 0;
return (val1->v.i64 > val2->v.i64) ? 1 : -1;
return (val1->v.i > val2->v.i) ? 1 : -1;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) {
if (val1->v.u64 == val2->v.u64) {
if (val1->v.u == val2->v.u) {
return 0;
return (val1->v.u64 > val2->v.u64) ? 1 : -1;
return (val1->v.u > val2->v.u) ? 1 : -1;
if (val1->v.d == val2->v.d) {
......@@ -1901,16 +1901,16 @@ static void do_top_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pData,
assert(pList != NULL);
if (pInfo->num < maxLen) {
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
taosheapsort((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), pInfo->num + 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 0);
} else {
if ((IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.i64 > pList[0]->v.i64) ||
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u64 > pList[0]->v.u64) ||
if ((IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.i > pList[0]->v.i) ||
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u > pList[0]->v.u) ||
(IS_FLOAT_TYPE(type) && val.d > pList[0]->v.d)) {
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
taosheapadjust((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), 0, maxLen - 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 0);
......@@ -1925,16 +1925,16 @@ static void do_bottom_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pDa
assert(pList != NULL);
if (pInfo->num < maxLen) {
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
taosheapsort((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), pInfo->num + 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 1);
} else {
if ((IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.i64 < pList[0]->v.i64) ||
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u64 < pList[0]->v.u64) ||
if ((IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.i < pList[0]->v.i) ||
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u < pList[0]->v.u) ||
(IS_FLOAT_TYPE(type) && val.d < pList[0]->v.d)) {
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
taosheapadjust((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), 0, maxLen - 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 1);
......@@ -1964,16 +1964,16 @@ static int32_t resDataAscComparFn(const void *pLeft, const void *pRight) {
return pLeftElem->v.d > pRightElem->v.d ? 1 : -1;
} else if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pLeftElem->v.nType)){
if (pLeftElem->v.i64 == pRightElem->v.i64) {
if (pLeftElem->v.i == pRightElem->v.i) {
return 0;
} else {
return pLeftElem->v.i64 > pRightElem->v.i64 ? 1 : -1;
return pLeftElem->v.i > pRightElem->v.i ? 1 : -1;
} else {
if (pLeftElem->v.u64 == pRightElem->v.u64) {
if (pLeftElem->v.u == pRightElem->v.u) {
return 0;
} else {
return pLeftElem->v.u64 > pRightElem->v.u64 ? 1 : -1;
return pLeftElem->v.u > pRightElem->v.u ? 1 : -1;
......@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ static void copyTopBotRes(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t type) {
int32_t *output = (int32_t *)pCtx->pOutput;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i, output += step) {
*output = (int32_t)tvp[i]->v.i64;
*output = (int32_t)tvp[i]->v.i;
......@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ static void copyTopBotRes(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t type) {
int64_t *output = (int64_t *)pCtx->pOutput;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i, output += step) {
*output = tvp[i]->v.i64;
*output = tvp[i]->v.i;
......@@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ static void copyTopBotRes(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t type) {
int16_t *output = (int16_t *)pCtx->pOutput;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i, output += step) {
*output = (int16_t)tvp[i]->v.i64;
*output = (int16_t)tvp[i]->v.i;
......@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ static void copyTopBotRes(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t type) {
int8_t *output = (int8_t *)pCtx->pOutput;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i, output += step) {
*output = (int8_t)tvp[i]->v.i64;
*output = (int8_t)tvp[i]->v.i;
......@@ -2096,11 +2096,11 @@ static STopBotInfo *getTopBotOutputInfo(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
static void buildTopBotStruct(STopBotInfo *pTopBotInfo, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
char *tmp = (char *)pTopBotInfo + sizeof(STopBotInfo);
pTopBotInfo->res = (tValuePair**) tmp;
tmp += POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i64;
tmp += POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i;
size_t size = sizeof(tValuePair) + pCtx->tagInfo.tagsLen;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCtx->param[0].i64; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCtx->param[0].i; ++i) {
pTopBotInfo->res[i] = (tValuePair*) tmp;
pTopBotInfo->res[i]->pTags = tmp + sizeof(tValuePair);
tmp += size;
......@@ -2116,11 +2116,11 @@ bool topbot_datablock_filter(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, const char *minval, const cha
STopBotInfo *pTopBotInfo = getTopBotOutputInfo(pCtx);
// required number of results are not reached, continue load data block
if (pTopBotInfo->num < pCtx->param[0].i64) {
if (pTopBotInfo->num < pCtx->param[0].i) {
return true;
if ((void *)pTopBotInfo->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pTopBotInfo + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i64)) {
if ((void *)pTopBotInfo->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pTopBotInfo + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i)) {
buildTopBotStruct(pTopBotInfo, pCtx);
......@@ -2129,13 +2129,13 @@ bool topbot_datablock_filter(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, const char *minval, const cha
if (pCtx->functionId == FUNCTION_TOP) {
switch (pCtx->inputType) {
return GET_INT8_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT8_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT16_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT16_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT32_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT32_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT64_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT64_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_FLOAT_VAL(maxval) > pRes[0]->v.d;
......@@ -2146,13 +2146,13 @@ bool topbot_datablock_filter(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, const char *minval, const cha
} else {
switch (pCtx->inputType) {
return GET_INT8_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT8_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT16_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT16_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT32_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT32_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_INT64_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i64;
return GET_INT64_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.i;
return GET_FLOAT_VAL(minval) < pRes[0]->v.d;
......@@ -2179,7 +2179,7 @@ static void top_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
STopBotInfo *pRes = getTopBotOutputInfo(pCtx);
assert(pRes->num >= 0);
if ((void *)pRes->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pRes + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i64)) {
if ((void *)pRes->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pRes + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i)) {
buildTopBotStruct(pRes, pCtx);
......@@ -2193,7 +2193,7 @@ static void top_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// NOTE: Set the default timestamp if it is missing [todo refactor]
TSKEY ts = (pCtx->ptsList != NULL)? GET_TS_DATA(pCtx, i):0;
do_top_function_add(pRes, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, data, ts, pCtx->inputType, &pCtx->tagInfo, NULL, 0);
do_top_function_add(pRes, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, data, ts, pCtx->inputType, &pCtx->tagInfo, NULL, 0);
if (!pCtx->hasNull) {
......@@ -2220,7 +2220,7 @@ static void top_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// the intermediate result is binary, we only use the output data type
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInput->num; ++i) {
int16_t type = (pCtx->outputType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT)? TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE:pCtx->outputType;
do_top_function_add(pOutput, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, &pInput->res[i]->v.i64, pInput->res[i]->timestamp,
do_top_function_add(pOutput, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, &pInput->res[i]->v.i, pInput->res[i]->timestamp,
type, &pCtx->tagInfo, pInput->res[i]->pTags, pCtx->currentStage);
......@@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ static void bottom_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
STopBotInfo *pRes = getTopBotOutputInfo(pCtx);
if ((void *)pRes->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pRes + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i64)) {
if ((void *)pRes->res[0] != (void *)((char *)pRes + sizeof(STopBotInfo) + POINTER_BYTES * pCtx->param[0].i)) {
buildTopBotStruct(pRes, pCtx);
......@@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@ static void bottom_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// NOTE: Set the default timestamp if it is missing [todo refactor]
TSKEY ts = (pCtx->ptsList != NULL)? GET_TS_DATA(pCtx, i):0;
do_bottom_function_add(pRes, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, data, ts, pCtx->inputType, &pCtx->tagInfo, NULL, 0);
do_bottom_function_add(pRes, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, data, ts, pCtx->inputType, &pCtx->tagInfo, NULL, 0);
if (!pCtx->hasNull) {
......@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ static void bottom_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// the intermediate result is binary, we only use the output data type
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInput->num; ++i) {
int16_t type = (pCtx->outputType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) ? TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE : pCtx->outputType;
do_bottom_function_add(pOutput, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, &pInput->res[i]->v.i64, pInput->res[i]->timestamp, type,
do_bottom_function_add(pOutput, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, &pInput->res[i]->v.i, pInput->res[i]->timestamp, type,
&pCtx->tagInfo, pInput->res[i]->pTags, pCtx->currentStage);
......@@ -2303,11 +2303,11 @@ static void top_bottom_func_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
tValuePair **tvp = pRes->res;
// user specify the order of output by sort the result according to timestamp
if (pCtx->param[1].i64 == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID) {
__compar_fn_t comparator = (pCtx->param[2].i64 == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? resAscComparFn : resDescComparFn;
if (pCtx->param[1].i == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID) {
__compar_fn_t comparator = (pCtx->param[2].i == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? resAscComparFn : resDescComparFn;
qsort(tvp, (size_t)pResInfo->numOfRes, POINTER_BYTES, comparator);
} else /*if (pCtx->param[1].i64 > PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID)*/ {
__compar_fn_t comparator = (pCtx->param[2].i64 == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? resDataAscComparFn : resDataDescComparFn;
} else /*if (pCtx->param[1].i > PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID)*/ {
__compar_fn_t comparator = (pCtx->param[2].i == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? resDataAscComparFn : resDataDescComparFn;
qsort(tvp, (size_t)pResInfo->numOfRes, POINTER_BYTES, comparator);
......@@ -2418,7 +2418,7 @@ static void percentile_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
static void percentile_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
double v = pCtx->param[0].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT ? pCtx->param[0].i64 : pCtx->param[0].d;
double v = pCtx->param[0].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT ? pCtx->param[0].i : pCtx->param[0].d;
SResultRowCellInfo *pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SPercentileInfo* ppInfo = (SPercentileInfo *) GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
......@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ static void apercentile_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
static void apercentile_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
double v = (pCtx->param[0].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT) ? pCtx->param[0].i64 : pCtx->param[0].d;
double v = (pCtx->param[0].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT) ? pCtx->param[0].i : pCtx->param[0].d;
SResultRowCellInfo * pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SAPercentileInfo *pOutput = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
......@@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@ static void col_project_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// only one row is required.
if (pCtx->param[0].i64 == 1) {
if (pCtx->param[0].i == 1) {
SET_VAL(pCtx, pCtx->size, 1);
} else {
INC_INIT_VAL(pCtx, pCtx->size);
......@@ -2733,7 +2733,7 @@ static void col_project_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
char *pData = GET_INPUT_DATA_LIST(pCtx);
if (pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
int32_t numOfRows = (pCtx->param[0].i64 == 1)? 1:pCtx->size;
int32_t numOfRows = (pCtx->param[0].i == 1)? 1:pCtx->size;
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, pData, (size_t) numOfRows * pCtx->inputBytes);
} else {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pCtx->size; ++i) {
......@@ -2811,9 +2811,9 @@ static bool deriv_function_setup(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SResultRowCellInfo* pResu
// diff function require the value is set to -1
SDerivInfo* pDerivInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResultInfo);
pDerivInfo->ignoreNegative = pCtx->param[1].i64;
pDerivInfo->ignoreNegative = pCtx->param[1].i;
pDerivInfo->prevTs = -1;
pDerivInfo->tsWindow = pCtx->param[0].i64;
pDerivInfo->tsWindow = pCtx->param[0].i;
pDerivInfo->valueSet = false;
return false;
......@@ -3004,10 +3004,10 @@ static void deriv_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
do { \
if ((ctx)->param[1].nType == INITIAL_VALUE_NOT_ASSIGNED) { \
(ctx)->param[1].nType = (ctx)->inputType; \
*(type *)&(ctx)->param[1].i64 = *(type *)(d); \
*(type *)&(ctx)->param[1].i = *(type *)(d); \
} else { \
*(type *)(ctx)->pOutput = *(type *)(d) - (*(type *)(&(ctx)->param[1].i64)); \
*(type *)(&(ctx)->param[1].i64) = *(type *)(d); \
*(type *)(ctx)->pOutput = *(type *)(d) - (*(type *)(&(ctx)->param[1].i)); \
*(type *)(&(ctx)->param[1].i) = *(type *)(d); \
*(int64_t *)(ctx)->ptsOutputBuf = GET_TS_DATA(ctx, index); \
} \
} while (0);
......@@ -3036,13 +3036,13 @@ static void diff_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != INITIAL_VALUE_NOT_ASSIGNED) { // initial value is not set yet
*pOutput = (int32_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i64); // direct previous may be null
*pOutput = (int32_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i); // direct previous may be null
*pTimestamp = (tsList != NULL)? tsList[i]:0;
pOutput += 1;
pTimestamp += 1;
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].i = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->inputType;
......@@ -3058,13 +3058,13 @@ static void diff_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != INITIAL_VALUE_NOT_ASSIGNED) { // initial value is not set yet
*pOutput = pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i64; // direct previous may be null
*pOutput = pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i; // direct previous may be null
*pTimestamp = (tsList != NULL)? tsList[i]:0;
pOutput += 1;
pTimestamp += 1;
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].i = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->inputType;
......@@ -3124,13 +3124,13 @@ static void diff_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != INITIAL_VALUE_NOT_ASSIGNED) { // initial value is not set yet
*pOutput = (int16_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i64); // direct previous may be null
*pOutput = (int16_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i); // direct previous may be null
*pTimestamp = (tsList != NULL)? tsList[i]:0;
pOutput += 1;
pTimestamp += 1;
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].i = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->inputType;
......@@ -3147,13 +3147,13 @@ static void diff_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->param[1].nType != INITIAL_VALUE_NOT_ASSIGNED) { // initial value is not set yet
*pOutput = (int8_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i64); // direct previous may be null
*pOutput = (int8_t)(pData[i] - pCtx->param[1].i); // direct previous may be null
*pTimestamp = (tsList != NULL)? tsList[i]:0;
pOutput += 1;
pTimestamp += 1;
pCtx->param[1].i64 = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].i = pData[i];
pCtx->param[1].nType = pCtx->inputType;
......@@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ void twa_function_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
static void interp_function_impl(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
int32_t type = (int32_t) pCtx->param[2].i64;
int32_t type = (int32_t) pCtx->param[2].i;
if (type == TSDB_FILL_NONE) {
......@@ -3891,11 +3891,11 @@ static void ts_comp_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
// primary ts must be existed, so no need to check its existance
if (pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
tsBufAppend(pTSbuf, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, &pCtx->tag, input, pCtx->size * TSDB_KEYSIZE);
tsBufAppend(pTSbuf, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, &pCtx->tag, input, pCtx->size * TSDB_KEYSIZE);
} else {
for (int32_t i = pCtx->size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
char *d = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
tsBufAppend(pTSbuf, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i64, &pCtx->tag, d, (int32_t)TSDB_KEYSIZE);
tsBufAppend(pTSbuf, (int32_t)pCtx->param[0].i, &pCtx->tag, d, (int32_t)TSDB_KEYSIZE);
......@@ -4047,7 +4047,7 @@ static void rate_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL((double*) pCtx->pOutput, do_calc_rate(pRateInfo, (double) TSDB_TICK_PER_SECOND(pCtx->param[0].i64)));
SET_DOUBLE_VAL((double*) pCtx->pOutput, do_calc_rate(pRateInfo, (double) TSDB_TICK_PER_SECOND(pCtx->param[0].i)));
// cannot set the numOfIteratedElems again since it is set during previous iteration
pResInfo->numOfRes = 1;
......@@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@ static void blockInfo_func(SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
int32_t len = *(int32_t*) pCtx->pInput;
blockDistInfoFromBinary((char*)pCtx->pInput + sizeof(int32_t), len, pDist);
pDist->rowSize = (uint16_t)pCtx->param[0].i64;
pDist->rowSize = (uint16_t)pCtx->param[0].i;
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, pCtx->pInput, sizeof(int32_t) + len);
......@@ -4296,7 +4296,7 @@ void blockinfo_func_finalizer(SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
SResultRowCellInfo *pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
STableBlockDist* pDist = (STableBlockDist*) GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
pDist->rowSize = (uint16_t)pCtx->param[0].i64;
pDist->rowSize = (uint16_t)pCtx->param[0].i;
generateBlockDistResult(pDist, pCtx->pOutput);
if (pDist->dataBlockInfos != NULL) {
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) { // exprLeft + 12
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(pLeftOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pLeftOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pLeft->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
// column data specified on left-hand-side
......@@ -255,16 +255,16 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
reverseCopy(pdata, pLeftInputData, pLeft->pSchema->type, numOfRows);
OperatorFn(pdata, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pdata, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
OperatorFn(pLeftInputData, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pLeftInputData, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
// column data specified on left-hand-side
if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE) { // 12 + expr2
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) { // 12 + columnRight
// column data specified on right-hand-side
......@@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
reverseCopy(pdata, pRightInputData, pRight->pSchema->type, numOfRows);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pdata, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pdata, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightInputData, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightInputData, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) { // 12 + 12
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void exprTreeToBinaryImpl(SBufferWriter* bw, tExprNode* expr) {
tbufWriteInt32(bw, pVal->nLen);
tbufWrite(bw, pVal->pz, pVal->nLen);
} else {
tbufWriteInt64(bw, pVal->i64);
tbufWriteInt64(bw, pVal->i);
} else if (expr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ static tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(SBufferReader* br) {
pVal->pz = calloc(1, pVal->nLen + 1);
tbufReadToBuffer(br, pVal->pz, pVal->nLen);
} else {
pVal->i64 = tbufReadInt64(br);
pVal->i = tbufReadInt64(br);
} else if (pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ static void writeDataToDisk(STSBuf* pTSBuf) {
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&tfloat, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
} else if (pBlock->tag.nType != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, sizeof(pBlock->tag.nLen), pTSBuf->f);
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.i64, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.i, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
} else {
trueLen = 0;
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&trueLen, 1, sizeof(pBlock->tag.nLen), pTSBuf->f);
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ STSBlock* readDataFromDisk(STSBuf* pTSBuf, int32_t order, bool decomp) {
pBlock->tag.d = (double)tfloat;
} else if (pBlock->tag.nType != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) { //TODO check the return value
sz = fread(&pBlock->tag.i64, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, pTSBuf->f);
sz = fread(&pBlock->tag.i, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, pTSBuf->f);
......@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ void tsBufDisplay(STSBuf* pTSBuf) {
while (tsBufNextPos(pTSBuf)) {
STSElem elem = tsBufGetElem(pTSBuf);
if (elem.tag->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
printf("%d-%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "\n", elem.id, elem.tag->i64, elem.ts);
printf("%d-%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "\n", elem.id, elem.tag->i, elem.ts);
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ int32_t getNumOfColumns(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
int32_t getNumOfTags(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
SSchema *getTableColumnSchema(const STableMeta *pTableMeta);
SSchema *getTableTagSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
SSchema *getOneColumnSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t colIndex);
size_t getNumOfExprs(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo);
SExprInfo* createBinaryExprInfo(struct tExprNode* pNode, SSchema* pResSchema);
......@@ -375,25 +375,25 @@ void tSqlExprEvaluate(tSqlExpr* pExpr) {
switch (optrType) {
case TK_PLUS: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 + pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i + pRight->value.i;
case TK_MINUS: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 - pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i - pRight->value.i;
case TK_STAR: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 * pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i * pRight->value.i;
case TK_DIVIDE: {
pExpr->tokenId = TK_FLOAT;
pExpr->value.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE;
pExpr->value.d = (double)pLeft->value.i64 / pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.d = (double)pLeft->value.i / pRight->value.i;
case TK_REM: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 % pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i % pRight->value.i;
......@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ void tSqlExprEvaluate(tSqlExpr* pExpr) {
pExpr->tokenId = TK_FLOAT;
pExpr->type = SQL_NODE_VALUE;
double left = (pLeft->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pLeft->value.d : pLeft->value.i64;
double right = (pRight->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pRight->value.d : pRight->value.i64;
double left = (pLeft->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pLeft->value.d : pLeft->value.i;
double right = (pRight->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pRight->value.d : pRight->value.i;
switch (optrType) {
case TK_PLUS: {
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
static int32_t validateSelectNodeList(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pSelNodeList, bool outerQuery, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
static int32_t extractFunctionParameterInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tokenId, STableMetaInfo** pTableMetaInfo, SSchema* columnSchema,
tExprNode** pNode, SColumnIndex* pIndex, tSqlExprItem* pParamElem, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
void setTokenAndResColumnName(tSqlExprItem* pItem, char* resColumnName, char* rawName, int32_t nameLength) {
memset(resColumnName, 0, nameLength);
......@@ -51,19 +53,15 @@ void setTokenAndResColumnName(tSqlExprItem* pItem, char* resColumnName, char* ra
size_t tscNumOfExprs(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo) {
return taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->exprList);
static int32_t evaluateImpl(tSqlExpr* pExpr, int32_t tsPrecision) {
static int32_t evaluateSqlNodeImpl(tSqlExpr* pExpr, int32_t tsPrecision) {
int32_t code = 0;
if (pExpr->type == SQL_NODE_EXPR) {
code = evaluateImpl(pExpr->pLeft, tsPrecision);
code = evaluateSqlNodeImpl(pExpr->pLeft, tsPrecision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
code = evaluateImpl(pExpr->pRight, tsPrecision);
code = evaluateSqlNodeImpl(pExpr->pRight, tsPrecision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -84,13 +82,13 @@ static int32_t evaluateImpl(tSqlExpr* pExpr, int32_t tsPrecision) {
} else if (pExpr->type == SQL_NODE_VALUE) {
if (pExpr->tokenId == TK_NOW) {
pExpr->value.i64 = taosGetTimestamp(tsPrecision);
pExpr->value.i = taosGetTimestamp(tsPrecision);
pExpr->value.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT;
pExpr->tokenId = TK_TIMESTAMP;
} else if (pExpr->tokenId == TK_VARIABLE) {
char unit = 0;
SToken* pToken = &pExpr->exprToken;
int32_t ret = parseAbsoluteDuration(pToken->z, pToken->n, &pExpr->value.i64, &unit, tsPrecision);
int32_t ret = parseAbsoluteDuration(pToken->z, pToken->n, &pExpr->value.i, &unit, tsPrecision);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -109,28 +107,18 @@ static int32_t evaluateImpl(tSqlExpr* pExpr, int32_t tsPrecision) {
// other types of data are handled in the parent level.
typedef struct SVgroupTableInfo {
SVgroupMsg vgInfo;
SArray *itemList; // SArray<STableIdInfo>
} SVgroupTableInfo;
void freeVgroupTableInfo(SArray* pVgroupTables) {
if (pVgroupTables == NULL) {
} else if (pExpr->type == SQL_NODE_SQLFUNCTION) {
SArray* pParam = pExpr->Expr.paramList;
size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pVgroupTables);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
SVgroupTableInfo* pInfo = taosArrayGet(pVgroupTables, i);
if (pParam != NULL) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pParam); ++i) {
tSqlExprItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pParam, i);
evaluateSqlNodeImpl(pItem->pNode, tsPrecision);
void destroyFilterInfo(SColumnFilterList* pFilterList) {
......@@ -183,7 +171,7 @@ void clearTableMetaInfo(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo) {
static STableMeta* extractTempTableMetaFromSubquery(SQueryStmtInfo* pUpstream) {
STableMetaInfo* pUpstreamTableMetaInfo /*= getMetaInfo(pUpstream, 0)*/;
STableMetaInfo* pUpstreamTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pUpstream, 0);
int32_t numOfColumns = pUpstream->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput;
STableMeta *meta = calloc(1, sizeof(STableMeta) + sizeof(SSchema) * numOfColumns);
......@@ -196,20 +184,14 @@ static STableMeta* extractTempTableMetaFromSubquery(SQueryStmtInfo* pUpstream) {
int32_t n = 0;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfColumns; ++i) {
// SInternalField* pField = tscFieldInfoGetInternalField(&pUpstream->fieldsInfo, i);
// if (!pField->visible) {
// continue;
// }
// meta->schema[n].bytes = pField->field.bytes;
// meta->schema[n].type = pField->field.type;
// SExprInfo* pExpr = pField->pExpr;
// meta->schema[n].colId = pExpr->base.resColId;
// tstrncpy(meta->schema[n].name, pField->pExpr->base.aliasName, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN);
// info->rowSize += meta->schema[n].bytes;
// n += 1;
SInternalField* pField = getInternalField(&pUpstream->fieldsInfo, i);
if (!pField->visible) {
meta->schema[n] = pField->pExpr->base.resSchema;
info->rowSize += meta->schema[n].bytes;
n += 1;
info->numOfColumns = n;
......@@ -501,9 +483,15 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
const char* msg4 = "join query does not support group by";
const char* msg5 = "not allowed column type for group by";
const char* msg6 = "tags not allowed for table query";
const char* msg7 = "not support group by expression";
const char* msg7 = "normal column and tags can not be mixed up in group by clause";
const char* msg8 = "normal column can only locate at the end of group by clause";
SGroupbyExpr* pGroupExpr = &(pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr);
pGroupExpr->columnInfo = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColIndex));
if (pGroupExpr->columnInfo == NULL) {
// todo : handle two tables situation
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = NULL;
if (pList == NULL) {
......@@ -514,12 +502,6 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
SGroupbyExpr* pGroupExpr = &(pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr);
pGroupExpr->columnInfo = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColIndex));
if (pGroupExpr->columnInfo == NULL) {
size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pList);
if (num > TSDB_MAX_TAGS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
......@@ -528,6 +510,7 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
int32_t numOfGroupbyCols = 0;
SSchema *pSchema = NULL;
int32_t tableIndex = COLUMN_INDEX_INITIAL_VAL;
bool groupbyTag = false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
SListItem * pItem = taosArrayGet(pList, i);
......@@ -561,6 +544,8 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg6);
groupbyTag = true;
int32_t relIndex = index.columnIndex;
if (index.columnIndex != TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX) {
relIndex -= getNumOfColumns(pTableMeta);
......@@ -590,12 +575,12 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
// 1. only one normal column allowed in the group by clause
// 2. the normal column in the group by clause can only located at the end position
if (numOfGroupbyCols > 1) {
if (numOfGroupbyCols > 0 && groupbyTag) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg7);
// todo ???
// 1. the normal column in the group by clause can only located at the end position
for(int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
SColIndex* pIndex = taosArrayGet(pGroupExpr->columnInfo, i);
if (TSDB_COL_IS_NORMAL_COL(pIndex->flag) && i != num - 1) {
......@@ -608,29 +593,30 @@ int32_t validateGroupbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pList, SMsgBuf*
int32_t filterUnsupportedQueryFunction(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
// todo NOT support yet
const char* msg6 = "not support stddev/percentile/interp in the outer query yet";
const char* msg9 = "not support 3 level select";
int32_t checkForUnsupportedQuery(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "not support percentile/interp/block_dist in the outer query yet";
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo); ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo); ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExpr = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, i);
assert(pExpr->pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_UNARYEXPR_NODE);
int32_t f = pExpr->pExpr->_node.functionId;
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg6);
int32_t f = getExprFunctionId(pExpr);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
if (f == FUNCTION_BLKINFO && taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->pUpstream) > 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg9);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
#if 0
//todo planner handle this
if (/*(timeWindowQuery || pQueryInfo->stateWindow) &&*/ f == FUNCTION_LAST) {
pExpr->base.numOfParams = 1;
pExpr->base.param[0].i64 = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
pExpr->base.param[0].i = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
pExpr->base.param[0].nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
......@@ -644,34 +630,36 @@ static int32_t parseIntervalOffset(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SToken* offsetTok
const char* msg3 = "cannot use 'year' as offset when interval is 'month'";
SToken* t = offsetToken;
SInterval* pInterval = &pQueryInfo->interval;
if (t->n == 0) {
pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit = pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit;
pQueryInfo->interval.offset = 0;
pInterval->offsetUnit = pInterval->intervalUnit;
pInterval->offset = 0;
if (parseNatualDuration(t->z, t->n, &pQueryInfo->interval.offset, &pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit, precision) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (parseNatualDuration(t->z, t->n, &pInterval->offset, &pInterval->offsetUnit, precision) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (pQueryInfo->interval.offset < 0) {
if (pInterval->offset < 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
if (!TIME_IS_VAR_DURATION(pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit)) {
if (!TIME_IS_VAR_DURATION(pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit)) {
if (pQueryInfo->interval.offset > pQueryInfo->interval.interval) {
if (!TIME_IS_VAR_DURATION(pInterval->offsetUnit)) {
if (!TIME_IS_VAR_DURATION(pInterval->intervalUnit)) {
if (pInterval->offset > pInterval->interval) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
} else if (pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit == pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit) {
if (pQueryInfo->interval.offset >= pQueryInfo->interval.interval) {
} else if (pInterval->offsetUnit == pInterval->intervalUnit) {
if (pInterval->offset >= pInterval->interval) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
} else if (pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit == 'n' && pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit == 'y') {
} else if (pInterval->intervalUnit == 'n' && pInterval->offsetUnit == 'y') {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
} else if (pQueryInfo->interval.intervalUnit == 'y' && pQueryInfo->interval.offsetUnit == 'n') {
if (pQueryInfo->interval.interval * 12 <= pQueryInfo->interval.offset) {
} else if (pInterval->intervalUnit == 'y' && pInterval->offsetUnit == 'n') {
if (pInterval->interval * 12 <= pQueryInfo->interval.offset) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
} else {
......@@ -777,10 +765,6 @@ int32_t validateIntervalNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMs
// if ((pSqlNode->interval.token == TK_EVERY && (!interpQuery)) || (pSqlNode->interval.token == TK_INTERVAL && interpQuery)) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
// }
// The following part is used to check for the invalid query expression.
// return checkInvalidExprForTimeWindow(pCmd, pQueryInfo);
int32_t validateSessionNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSessionWindowVal* pSession, int32_t precision, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
......@@ -825,8 +809,6 @@ int32_t validateSessionNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSessionWindowVal* pSess
pQueryInfo->sessionWindow.primaryColId = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID;
// The following part is used to check for the invalid query expression.
// return checkInvalidExprForTimeWindow(pCmd, pQueryInfo);
// parse the window_state
......@@ -948,7 +930,6 @@ int32_t validateLimitNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBu
static void setTsOutputExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, int32_t outputIndex, int32_t tableIndex);
int32_t validateOrderbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "invalid column name in orderby clause";
const char* msg2 = "too many order by columns";
......@@ -991,11 +972,11 @@ int32_t validateOrderbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsg
s = *(SSchema*) getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, index.columnIndex);
} else { // order by [1|2|3]
if (pVar->i64 > getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo)) {
if (pVar->i > getNumOfFields(&pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pVar->i64);
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pVar->i);
s = pExprInfo->base.resSchema;
......@@ -1150,7 +1131,7 @@ int32_t checkForInvalidOrderby(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, S
// orderby ts query on super table
if (tscOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
bool found = false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo); ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo); ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExpr = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, i);
if (getExprFunctionId(pExpr) == FUNCTION_PRJ && pExpr->base.colInfo.colId == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID) {
found = true;
......@@ -1266,7 +1247,7 @@ int32_t checkForInvalidOrderby(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, S
static int32_t checkQueryRangeForFill(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
static int32_t checkFillQueryRange(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg3 = "start(end) time of time range required or time range too large";
if (pQueryInfo->interval.interval == 0) {
......@@ -1305,20 +1286,14 @@ int32_t validateFillNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBuf
const char* msg1 = "value is expected";
const char* msg2 = "invalid fill option";
const char* msg3 = "top/bottom not support fill";
const char* msg4 = "illegal value or data overflow";
const char* msg5 = "fill only available for interval query";
const char* msg6 = "not supported function now";
// if ((!isTimeWindowQuery(pQueryInfo)) && (!tscIsPointInterpQuery(pQueryInfo))) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg5);
// }
* fill options are set at the end position, when all columns are set properly
* the columns may be increased due to group by operation
if (checkQueryRangeForFill(pQueryInfo, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (checkFillQueryRange(pQueryInfo, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1406,15 +1381,6 @@ int32_t validateFillNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBuf
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
// for(int32_t i = 0; i < tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo); ++i) {
// SExprInfo* pExpr = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, i);
// int32_t functionId = pExpr->pExpr->_node.functionId;
// if (functionId == FUNCTION_TOP || functionId == FUNCTION_BOTTOM) {
// return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
// }
// }
......@@ -1437,6 +1403,8 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
* select server_version();
* select client_version();
* select database();
* select 1+2;
* select now();
if (pSqlNode->from == NULL) {
assert(pSqlNode->fillType == NULL && pSqlNode->pGroupby == NULL && pSqlNode->pWhere == NULL &&
......@@ -1458,28 +1426,24 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
int32_t timeWindowQuery =
(TPARSER_HAS_TOKEN(pSqlNode->interval.interval) || TPARSER_HAS_TOKEN(pSqlNode->sessionVal.gap));
// parse the group by clause in the first place
if (validateGroupbyNode(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pGroupby, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (validateSelectNodeList(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pSelNodeList, true, pMsgBuf) !=
if (validateSelectNodeList(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pSelNodeList, true, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
code = filterUnsupportedQueryFunction(pQueryInfo, pMsgBuf);
code = checkForUnsupportedQuery(pQueryInfo, pMsgBuf);
STableMeta* pTableMeta = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pTableMeta;
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, 0);
int32_t precision = pTableMeta->tableInfo.precision;
#if 0
if (pSchema->type != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
int32_t numOfExprs = (int32_t)tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t numOfExprs = (int32_t)getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfExprs; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExpr = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, i);
......@@ -1490,6 +1454,7 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
// validate the query filter condition info
if (pSqlNode->pWhere != NULL) {
......@@ -1536,19 +1501,14 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
} else {
pQueryInfo->command = TSDB_SQL_SELECT;
size_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(pSqlNode->from->list);
if (numOfTables > TSDB_MAX_JOIN_TABLE_NUM) {
if (taosArrayGetSize(pSqlNode->from->list) > TSDB_MAX_JOIN_TABLE_NUM) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int32_t precision = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->tableInfo.precision;
bool isSTable = UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo);
pQueryInfo->info.stableQuery = UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo);
TSDB_QUERY_SET_TYPE(pQueryInfo->type, type);
int32_t precision = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->tableInfo.precision;
// parse the group by clause in the first place
if (validateGroupbyNode(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pGroupby, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1566,8 +1526,7 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
if (validateSelectNodeList(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pSelNodeList, false, pMsgBuf) !=
if (validateSelectNodeList(pQueryInfo, pSqlNode->pSelNodeList, false, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1599,10 +1558,6 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
// if (isTimeWindowQuery(pQueryInfo) && (validateFunctionsInIntervalOrGroupbyQuery(pCmd, pQueryInfo) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS)) {
// }
// no result due to invalid query time range
if (pQueryInfo->window.skey > pQueryInfo->window.ekey) {
......@@ -1623,27 +1578,96 @@ int32_t validateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf*
int32_t checkForInvalidExpr(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
assert(pQueryInfo != NULL && pMsgBuf != NULL);
return 0;
static int32_t distinctCompatibleCheck(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, bool joinQuery, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "invalid query expression";
const char* msg2 = "top/bottom query does not support order by value in time window query";
const char* msg3 = "fill only available in time window query";
const char* msg4 = "top/bottom not support fill";
const char* msg5 = "scalar function can not be used in time window query";
const char* msg6 = "not support distinct mixed with join";
const char* msg7 = "not support distinct mixed with groupby";
const char* msg8 = "not support distinct in nest query";
const char* msg8 = "_block_dist not support subquery, only support stable/table";
if (pQueryInfo->info.topbotQuery) {
// 1. invalid sql:
// select top(col, k) from table_name [interval(1d)|session(ts, 1d)|statewindow(col)] order by k asc
// order by normal column is not supported
int32_t colId = pQueryInfo->order.orderColId;
if (pQueryInfo->info.timewindow && colId != PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
// select top(col, k) from table_name interval(10s) fill(prev)
// not support fill in top/bottom query.
if (pQueryInfo->fillType != TSDB_FILL_NONE) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
* 2. invalid sql:
* select count(tbname)/count(tag1)/count(tag2) from super_table_name [interval(1d)|session(ts, 1d)|statewindow(col)];
if (pQueryInfo->info.timewindow) {
size_t size = getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExpr = getExprInfo(pQueryInfo, i);
int32_t functionId = getExprFunctionId(pExpr);
if (functionId == FUNCTION_COUNT && TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pExpr->base.colInfo.flag)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
* 3. invalid sql:
* select tbname, tags_fields from super_table_name [interval(1s)|session(ts,1s)|statewindow(col)]
if (pQueryInfo->info.onlyTagQuery && pQueryInfo->info.timewindow) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
* 4. invalid sql:
* select * from table_name fill(prev|next|null|none)
if (!pQueryInfo->info.timewindow && !pQueryInfo->info.interpQuery && pQueryInfo->fillType != TSDB_FILL_NONE) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
if (pQueryInfo->distinct) {
if (joinQuery) {
* 5. invalid sql:
* select diff(col)|derivative(col)|* from table_name interval(1s)|session(20s)|statewindow(col)
* projection query not compatible with the time window query
if (pQueryInfo->info.timewindow && pQueryInfo->info.projectionQuery) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg5);
* 6. invalid sql:
* distinct + join not supported.
* select distinct a,b from table1, table2 where table1.ts=table2.ts
* distinct + group by not supported:
* select distinct count(a) from table_name group by col1;
if (pQueryInfo->info.distinct) {
if (pQueryInfo->info.join) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg6);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.columnInfo) != 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg7);
if (pQueryInfo->pDownstream != NULL) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg8);
* 7. invalid sql:
* nested subquery not support block_dist query
* select block_dist() from (select * from table_name)
static int32_t resColId = 5000;
......@@ -1684,42 +1708,32 @@ void setResultColName(char* name, tSqlExprItem* pItem, SToken* pToken, SToken* f
SExprInfo* doAddOneExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputColIndex, int16_t functionId, SColumnIndex* pIndex,
SSchema* pColSchema, SSchema* pResultSchema, tExprNode* pExprNode, int32_t interSize, const char* token) {
SSchema* pColSchema, SSchema* pResultSchema, tExprNode* pExprNode, int32_t interSize, const char* token, bool finalResult) {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, pIndex->tableIndex);
SExprInfo* pExpr = createExprInfo(pTableMetaInfo, functionId, pIndex, pExprNode, pResultSchema, interSize);
addExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, pExpr);
tstrncpy(pExpr->base.token, token, sizeof(pExpr->base.token));
pExpr->base.colInfo.flag = pIndex->type;
uint64_t uid = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid;
SArray* p = TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pIndex->type)?pTableMetaInfo->tagColList:pQueryInfo->colList;
columnListInsert(p, pIndex->columnIndex, pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid, pColSchema);
addResColumnInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, pColSchema, pExpr);
return pExpr;
columnListInsert(p, pIndex->columnIndex, uid, pColSchema);
void doAddSourceColumnAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SColumnIndex* index, int32_t outputIndex, SExprInfo* pExpr, SSchema* pColSchema, bool finalResult) {
columnListInsert(pQueryInfo->colList, index->columnIndex, pExpr->base.uid, pColSchema);
pExpr->base.colInfo.flag = pIndex->type;
if (TSDB_COL_IS_NORMAL_COL(pIndex->type)) {
insertPrimaryTsColumn(pQueryInfo->colList, uid);
if (finalResult) {
addResColumnInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, &pExpr->base.resSchema, pExpr);
addResColumnInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, pColSchema, pExpr);
if (TSDB_COL_IS_NORMAL_COL(index->type)) {
insertPrimaryTsColumn(pQueryInfo->colList, pExpr->base.uid);
return pExpr;
static int32_t addOneExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem, int32_t functionId,
int32_t outputColIndex, SColumnIndex* pColIndex, tExprNode* pNode, bool finalResult, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
static int32_t addOneExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem, int32_t functionId, int32_t outputIndex, SSchema* pSchema, SColumnIndex* pColIndex, tExprNode* pNode, bool finalResult, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "not support column types";
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, pColIndex->tableIndex);
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, pColIndex->columnIndex);
if (functionId == FUNCTION_SPREAD) {
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pSchema->type) || pSchema->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
......@@ -1734,7 +1748,7 @@ static int32_t addOneExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem, i
getResultDataInfo(pSchema->type, pSchema->bytes, functionId, 0, &resInfo, 0, false);
SSchema resultSchema = createSchema(resInfo.type, resInfo.bytes, getNewResColId(), name);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, functionId, pColIndex, pSchema, &resultSchema, pNode, resInfo.intermediateBytes, name);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, functionId, pColIndex, pSchema, &resultSchema, pNode, resInfo.intermediateBytes, name, finalResult);
......@@ -1776,6 +1790,8 @@ static void setTsOutputExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTab
SSchema s = createSchema(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, TSDB_KEYSIZE, getNewResColId(), "ts");
SExprInfo* pExpr = createExprInfo(pTableMetaInfo, FUNCTION_TS_DUMMY, &indexTS, NULL, &s, TSDB_KEYSIZE);
strncpy(pExpr->base.token, "ts", tListLen(pExpr->base.token));
addExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, pExpr);
SSchema* pSourceSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, indexTS.columnIndex);
......@@ -1783,37 +1799,45 @@ static void setTsOutputExprInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTab
addResColumnInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, &pExpr->base.resSchema, pExpr);
// todo handle count(a+b)
static int32_t setColumnIndex(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pParamList, SColumnIndex* index, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg3 = "illegal column name";
const char* msg4 = "invalid table name";
static int32_t setColumnIndex(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pParamList, SColumnIndex* index, SSchema* columnSchema, tExprNode** pNode, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg1 = "illegal column name";
const char* msg2 = "invalid table name";
if (pParamList != NULL) {
STableMeta* pTableMeta = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pTableMeta;
if (pParamList == NULL) {
// count(*) is equalled to count(primary_timestamp_key)
*index = (SColumnIndex) {0, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID, false};
*columnSchema = *(SSchema*) getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, index->columnIndex);
} else {
tSqlExprItem* pParamElem = taosArrayGet(pParamList, 0);
SToken* pToken = &pParamElem->pNode->columnName;
int16_t tokenId = pParamElem->pNode->tokenId;
if ((pToken->z == NULL || pToken->n == 0) && (TK_INTEGER != tokenId)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
// select count(table.*), select count(1), count(2)
if (tokenId == TK_ALL || tokenId == TK_INTEGER) {
if (tokenId == TK_ALL || tokenId == TK_INTEGER || tokenId == TK_FLOAT) {
// check if the table name is valid or not
SToken tmpToken = pParamElem->pNode->columnName;
if (getTableIndexByName(&tmpToken, pQueryInfo, index) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
} else {
*index = (SColumnIndex) {0, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID, false};
*columnSchema = *(SSchema*) getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, index->columnIndex);
} else if (pToken->z != NULL && pToken->n > 0) {
// count the number of table created according to the super table
if (getColumnIndexByName(pToken, pQueryInfo, index, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
*columnSchema = *(SSchema*) getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, index->columnIndex);
} else {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = NULL;
int32_t code = extractFunctionParameterInfo(pQueryInfo, tokenId, &pTableMetaInfo, columnSchema, pNode, index, pParamElem, pMsgBuf);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
} else { // count(*) is equalled to count(primary_timestamp_key)
*index = (SColumnIndex) {0, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID, false};
......@@ -1821,10 +1845,12 @@ static int32_t setColumnIndex(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pParamList, SC
static int32_t doAddAllColumnExprInSelectClause(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem, int32_t functionId,
int32_t tableIndex, int32_t* colIndex, bool finalResult, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < getNumOfColumns(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta); ++i) {
STableMeta* pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < getNumOfColumns(pTableMeta); ++i) {
SColumnIndex index = {.tableIndex = tableIndex, .columnIndex = i, .type = TSDB_COL_NORMAL};
if (addOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pItem, functionId, *colIndex, &index, NULL, finalResult, pMsgBuf) != 0) {
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, i);
if (addOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pItem, functionId, *colIndex, pSchema, &index, NULL, finalResult, pMsgBuf) != 0) {
......@@ -1832,9 +1858,6 @@ static int32_t doAddAllColumnExprInSelectClause(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, STab
static int32_t extractFunctionParameterInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tokenId, STableMetaInfo** pTableMetaInfo, SSchema* columnSchema,
tExprNode** pNode, SColumnIndex* pIndex, tSqlExprItem* pParamElem, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
static int32_t doHandleOneParam(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem, tSqlExprItem* pParamElem, int32_t functionId,
int32_t* outputIndex, bool finalResult, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
const char* msg3 = "illegal column name";
......@@ -1858,18 +1881,17 @@ static int32_t doHandleOneParam(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem* pItem,
SSchema columnSchema = {0};
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = {0};
extractFunctionParameterInfo(pQueryInfo, tokenId, &pTableMetaInfo, &columnSchema, &pNode, &index, pParamElem, pMsgBuf);
if (getColumnIndexByName(&pParamElem->pNode->columnName, pQueryInfo, &index, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
int32_t code = extractFunctionParameterInfo(pQueryInfo, tokenId, &pTableMetaInfo, &columnSchema, &pNode, &index, pParamElem, pMsgBuf);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
// functions can not be applied to tags
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(index.type)) {
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(index.type) && (functionId == FUNCTION_INTERP || functionId == FUNCTION_SPREAD)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg6);
if (addOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pItem, functionId, (*outputIndex)++, &index, pNode, finalResult, pMsgBuf) != 0) {
if (addOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pItem, functionId, (*outputIndex)++, &columnSchema, &index, pNode, finalResult, pMsgBuf) != 0) {
......@@ -1882,9 +1904,9 @@ int32_t extractFunctionParameterInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tokenId
const char* msg1 = "not support column types";
const char* msg2 = "invalid parameters";
const char* msg3 = "illegal column name";
const char* msg6 = "functions applied to tags are not allowed";
const char* msg13 = "nested function is not supported";
const char* msg4 = "nested function is not supported";
const char* msg5 = "functions applied to tags are not allowed";
if (tokenId == TK_ALL || tokenId == TK_ID) { // simple parameter
if ((getColumnIndexByName(&pParamElem->pNode->columnName, pQueryInfo, pIndex, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
......@@ -1892,14 +1914,14 @@ int32_t extractFunctionParameterInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tokenId
// functions can not be applied to tags
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pIndex->type)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg6);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg5);
*pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, pIndex->tableIndex);
// 2. check if sql function can be applied on this column data type
*columnSchema = *(SSchema*) getOneColumnSchema((*pTableMetaInfo)->pTableMeta, pIndex->columnIndex);
} else if (tokenId == TK_PLUS || tokenId == TK_MINUS || tokenId == TK_STAR || tokenId == TK_REM || tokenId == TK_CONCAT) {
} else if (tokenId == TK_PLUS || tokenId == TK_MINUS || tokenId == TK_STAR || tokenId == TK_REM || tokenId == TK_DIVIDE || tokenId == TK_CONCAT) {
int32_t arithmeticType = NON_ARITHMEIC_EXPR;
SArray* pColumnList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColumnIndex));
if (validateComplexExpr(pParamElem->pNode, pQueryInfo, pColumnList, &arithmeticType, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1907,12 +1929,16 @@ int32_t extractFunctionParameterInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tokenId
if (arithmeticType != NORMAL_ARITHMETIC) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg13);
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
*pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0); // todo get the first table meta.
*columnSchema = createSchema(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), getNewResColId(), "");
SToken* pExprToken = &pParamElem->pNode->exprToken;
int32_t len = MIN(TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN, pExprToken->n + 1);
tstrncpy(columnSchema->name, pExprToken->z, len);
SArray* colList = taosArrayInit(10, sizeof(SColIndex));
int32_t ret = sqlExprToExprNode(pNode, pParamElem->pNode, pQueryInfo, colList, NULL, pMsgBuf);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1978,8 +2004,11 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
return code;
tExprNode* pNode = NULL;
code = setColumnIndex(pQueryInfo, pParamList, &index, pMsgBuf);
SSchema columnSchema = {0};
code = setColumnIndex(pQueryInfo, pParamList, &index, &columnSchema, &pNode, pMsgBuf);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1990,11 +2019,8 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token,sizeof(s.name) - 1);
STableMeta* pTableMeta = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, index.tableIndex)->pTableMeta;
int32_t outputIndex = getNumOfFields(&pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo);
SSchema* ps = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMeta, index.columnIndex);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, functionId, &index, ps, &s, NULL, size, token);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, functionId, &index, &columnSchema, &s, pNode, size, token, finalResult);
......@@ -2058,7 +2084,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token, sizeof(s.name) - 1);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, numOfOutput, functionId, &index, &columnSchema, &s, pNode, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, numOfOutput, functionId, &index, &columnSchema, &s, pNode, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token, finalResult);
if (functionId == FUNCTION_LEASTSQR) { // set the leastsquares parameters
char val[8] = {0};
......@@ -2151,13 +2177,17 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
tSqlExprItem* pParamElem = taosArrayGet(pItem->pNode->Expr.paramList, 0);
if (pParamElem->pNode->tokenId != TK_ID) {
if (pParamElem->pNode->tokenId == TK_ALL) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
tExprNode* pNode = NULL;
int32_t tokenId = pParamElem->pNode->tokenId;
if (getColumnIndexByName(&pParamElem->pNode->columnName, pQueryInfo, &index, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg3);
SSchema columnSchema = {0};
code = extractFunctionParameterInfo(pQueryInfo, tokenId, &pTableMetaInfo, &columnSchema, &pNode, &index, pParamElem,pMsgBuf);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
// functions can not be applied to tags
......@@ -2166,10 +2196,9 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, index.tableIndex);
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, index.columnIndex);
// 2. valid the column type
if (!IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(pSchema->type)) {
if (!IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(columnSchema.type)) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
......@@ -2178,50 +2207,42 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg2);
SVariant* pVariant = &pParamElem[1].pNode->value;
SResultDataInfo resInfo = {0};
char val[8] = {0};
getResultDataInfo(columnSchema.type, columnSchema.bytes, functionId, 0, &resInfo, 0, false);
if (functionId == FUNCTION_TOP || functionId == FUNCTION_BOTTOM) {
// set the first column ts for top/bottom query
setTsOutputExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pTableMetaInfo, colIndex, index.tableIndex);
colIndex += 1; // the first column is ts
if (functionId == FUNCTION_PERCT || functionId == FUNCTION_APERCT) {
taosVariantDump(pVariant, val, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, true);
SSchema s = createSchema(resInfo.type, resInfo.bytes, getNewResColId(), "");
double dp = GET_DOUBLE_VAL(val);
if (dp < 0 || dp > TOP_BOTTOM_QUERY_LIMIT) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg5);
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token, sizeof(s.name) - 1);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, &columnSchema, &s, pNode, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token, finalResult);
SToken* pParamToken = &pParamElem[1].pNode->exprToken;
pExpr->base.numOfParams += 1;
getResultDataInfo(pSchema->type, pSchema->bytes, functionId, 0, &resInfo, 0, false);
SVariant* pVar = &pExpr->base.param[0];
if (functionId == FUNCTION_PERCT || functionId == FUNCTION_APERCT) {
taosVariantCreate(pVar, pParamToken->z, pParamToken->n, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
* sql function transformation
* for dp = 0, it is actually min,
* for dp = 100, it is max,
colIndex += 1; // the first column is ts
if (pVar->d < 0 || pVar->d > TOP_BOTTOM_QUERY_LIMIT) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg5);
} else {
taosVariantDump(pVariant, val, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, true);
int64_t nTop = GET_INT32_VAL(val);
if (nTop <= 0 || nTop > 100) { // todo use macro
taosVariantCreate(pVar, pParamToken->z, pParamToken->n, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
if (pVar->i <= 0 || pVar->i > 100) { // todo use macro
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg12);
// set the first column ts for top/bottom query
setTsOutputExprInfo(pQueryInfo, pTableMetaInfo, colIndex, index.tableIndex);
colIndex += 1; // the first column is ts
SSchema s = createSchema(resInfo.type, resInfo.bytes, getNewResColId(), "");
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token, sizeof(s.name) - 1);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, pSchema, &s, NULL, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token);
if (functionId == FUNCTION_PERCT || functionId == FUNCTION_APERCT) {
addExprInfoParam(&pExpr->base, val, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeof(double));
} else {
addExprInfoParam(&pExpr->base, val, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, sizeof(int64_t));
......@@ -2288,7 +2309,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
s.colId = getNewResColId();
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, 0, FUNCTION_TID_TAG, &index, &s, &s, NULL, 0, s.name);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, 0, FUNCTION_TID_TAG, &index, &s, &s, NULL, 0, s.name, true);
......@@ -2309,7 +2330,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token, sizeof(s.name) - 1);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, &colSchema, &s, NULL, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token);
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, &colSchema, &s, NULL, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token, finalResult);
int64_t rowSize = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize;
addExprInfoParam(&pExpr->base, (char*) &rowSize, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, 8);
......@@ -2351,7 +2372,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t colIndex, tSqlEx
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, s.name, token, sizeof(s.name) - 1);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, colSchema, &s, NULL, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, colIndex, functionId, &index, colSchema, &s, NULL, resInfo.intermediateBytes, token, finalResult);
......@@ -2377,7 +2398,7 @@ SExprInfo* doAddProjectCol(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputColIndex, S
const char* name = (aliasName == NULL)? pSchema->name:aliasName;
SSchema s = createSchema(pSchema->type, pSchema->bytes, colId, name);
return doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, functionId, &index, pSchema, &s, NULL, 0, pSchema->name);
return doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, outputColIndex, functionId, &index, pSchema, &s, NULL, 0, pSchema->name, true);
static int32_t doAddProjectionExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SColumnIndex* pIndex, int32_t startPos) {
......@@ -2440,7 +2461,7 @@ int32_t addProjectionExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem*
int32_t startPos = (int32_t)tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t startPos = (int32_t)getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t tokenId = pItem->pNode->tokenId;
if (tokenId == TK_ALL) { // project on all fields
......@@ -2470,9 +2491,9 @@ int32_t addProjectionExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem*
SColumnIndex index = createConstantColumnIndex(&pQueryInfo->udColumnId);
SSchema colSchema = createConstantColumnSchema(&pItem->pNode->value, &pItem->pNode->exprToken, pItem->aliasName);
char rawName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
tstrncpy(rawName, pItem->pNode->exprToken.z, MIN(TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN));
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, startPos, FUNCTION_PRJ, &index, &colSchema, &colSchema, NULL, 0, rawName);
char token[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
tstrncpy(token, pItem->pNode->exprToken.z, MIN(TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN));
SExprInfo* pExpr = doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, startPos, FUNCTION_PRJ, &index, &colSchema, &colSchema, NULL, 0, token, true);
// NOTE: the first parameter is reserved for the tag column id during join query process.
pExpr->base.numOfParams = 2;
......@@ -2519,7 +2540,7 @@ int32_t addProjectionExprAndResColumn(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, tSqlExprItem*
char rawName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0};
setTokenAndResColumnName(pItem, resultSchema.name, rawName, sizeof(colSchema.name) - 1);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, startPos, functionId, &index, &colSchema, &resultSchema, NULL, 0, rawName);
doAddOneExprInfo(pQueryInfo, startPos, functionId, &index, &colSchema, &resultSchema, NULL, 0, rawName, true);
} else {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, index.tableIndex);
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(index.type) && UTIL_TABLE_IS_NORMAL_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
......@@ -2584,13 +2605,13 @@ static int32_t validateExprLeafNode(tSqlExpr* pExpr, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo,
int32_t outputIndex = (int32_t)tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t outputIndex = (int32_t)getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
if (addExprAndResColumn(pQueryInfo, outputIndex, &item, false, pMsgBuf) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// It is invalid in case of more than one sqlExpr, such as first(ts, k) - last(ts, k)
int32_t inc = (int32_t) tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo) - outputIndex;
int32_t inc = (int32_t) getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo) - outputIndex;
if (inc > 1) {
......@@ -2805,7 +2826,7 @@ int32_t sqlExprToExprNode(tExprNode **pExpr, const tSqlExpr* pSqlExpr, SQuerySt
// check for dividing by 0
if ((*pExpr)->_node.optr == TSDB_BINARY_OP_DIVIDE) {
if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) {
if (pRight->pVal->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT && pRight->pVal->i64 == 0) {
if (pRight->pVal->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT && pRight->pVal->i == 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, "invalid expr (divide by 0)");
} else if (pRight->pVal->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT && pRight->pVal->d == 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, "invalid expr (divide by 0)");
......@@ -2950,32 +2971,27 @@ int32_t validateSelectNodeList(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pSelNodeList,
const char* msg1 = "too many items in selection clause";
const char* msg2 = "functions or others can not be mixed up";
const char* msg3 = "not support query expression";
const char* msg4 = "not support distinct mixed with proj/agg func";
const char* msg4 = "distinct should be in the first place in select clause";
const char* msg5 = "invalid function name";
const char* msg6 = "_block_dist not support subquery, only support stable/table";
// too many result columns not support order by in query
if (taosArrayGetSize(pSelNodeList) > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
if (pQueryInfo->colList == NULL) {
pQueryInfo->colList = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
size_t numOfExpr = taosArrayGetSize(pSelNodeList);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfExpr; ++i) {
int32_t outputIndex = (int32_t)tscNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t outputIndex = (int32_t)getNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
tSqlExprItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pSelNodeList, i);
int32_t type = pItem->pNode->type;
if (pItem->distinct) {
if (i != 0 || type == SQL_NODE_SQLFUNCTION || type == SQL_NODE_EXPR) {
if (i != 0/* || type == SQL_NODE_SQLFUNCTION || type == SQL_NODE_EXPR*/) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
pQueryInfo->distinct = true;
pQueryInfo->info.distinct = true;
......@@ -3010,39 +3026,32 @@ int32_t validateSelectNodeList(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* pSelNodeList,
// there is only one user-defined column in the final result field, add the timestamp column.
// size_t numOfSrcCols = taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList);
// if ((numOfSrcCols <= 0 || !hasNoneUserDefineExpr(pQueryInfo)) && !tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo) && !tscQueryBlockInfo(pQueryInfo)) {
// addPrimaryTsColIntoResult(pQueryInfo, pCmd);
// }
int32_t evaluateSqlNode(SSqlNode* pNode, int32_t tsPrecision, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
assert(pNode != NULL && pMsgBuf != NULL && pMsgBuf->len > 0);
if (pNode->pWhere == NULL) {
// Evaluate expression in where clause
int32_t code = evaluateImpl(pNode->pWhere, tsPrecision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
strncpy(pMsgBuf->buf, "invalid time expression in sql", pMsgBuf->len);
return code;
if (pNode->pWhere != NULL) {
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNodeImpl(pNode->pWhere, tsPrecision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
strncpy(pMsgBuf->buf, "invalid time expression in sql", pMsgBuf->len);
return code;
// Evaluate the expression in select clause
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pNode->pSelNodeList);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
tSqlExprItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pNode->pSelNodeList, i);
code = evaluateImpl(pItem->pNode, tsPrecision);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNodeImpl(pItem->pNode, tsPrecision);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
return code;
int32_t qParserValidateSqlNode(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, SSqlInfo* pInfo, SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int64_t id, char* msgBuf, int32_t msgBufLen) {
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ int32_t qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(const SSqlInfo* pSqlInfo, SMetaReq* pMet
// Let's assume that it is an UDF/UDAF, if it is not a built-in function.
if (!qIsBuiltinFunction(t->z, t->n)) {
if (qIsBuiltinFunction(t->z, t->n) < 0) {
char* fname = strndup(t->z, t->n);
taosArrayPush(pMetaInfo->pUdf, &fname);
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void assignExprInfo(SExprInfo* dst, const SExprInfo* src) {
// dst->pExpr = exprdup(src->pExpr);
dst->pExpr = exprdup(src->pExpr);
memset(dst->base.param, 0, sizeof(SVariant) * tListLen(dst->base.param));
for (int32_t j = 0; j < src->base.numOfParams; ++j) {
taosVariantAssign(&dst->base.param[j], &src->base.param[j]);
PUBLIC os util common parser catalog transport gtest function
PUBLIC os util common parser catalog transport gtest function planner
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <function.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
......@@ -124,287 +123,462 @@ TEST(testCase, validateAST_test) {
//TEST(testCase, function_Test) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(a) from `t.1abc`");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "count(a)");
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.a");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "count(a)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 8);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, function_Test2) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(a) abc from `t.1abc`");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "abc");
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.a");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "count(a)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 8);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 2);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, function_Test3) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select first(*) from `t.1abc`");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 4);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "first(ts)");
TEST(testCase, function_Test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(a) from `t.1abc`");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "count(a)");
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.a");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "count(a)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 8);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
TEST(testCase, function_Test2) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(a) abc from `t.1abc`");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "abc");
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.a");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "count(a)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 8);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
TEST(testCase, function_Test3) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select first(*) from `t.1abc`");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 4);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "first(ts)");
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.ts");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "first(ts)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 24);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 4);
TEST(testCase, function_Test4) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select _block_dist() as a1 from `t.1abc`");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.ts");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "first(ts)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 24);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 4);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, function_Test4) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select _block_dist() as a1 from `t.1abc`");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 1);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
//// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.ts");
//// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "_block_dist()");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, function_Test5) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select sum(a) + avg(b) as a1 from `t.1abc`");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 3);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
//// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.ts");
//// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "sum(a) + avg(b)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, function_Test6) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select sum(a+b) as a1, first(b*a) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf buf;
// buf.len = 128;
// buf.buf = msg;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "sum(a+b)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->nodeType, TEXPR_UNARYEXPR_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_SUM);
// ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
// tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.optr, TSDB_BINARY_OP_ADD);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
\ No newline at end of file
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "_block_dist()");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
TEST(testCase, function_Test5) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select sum(a) + avg(b) as a1 from `t.1abc`");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 3);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.colInfo.name, "t.1abc.ts");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.colId, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "sum(a) + avg(b)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 1);
TEST(testCase, function_Test6) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select sum(a+b) as a1, first(b*a), count(b+b), count(1), count(42.1) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 5);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "a1");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "sum(a+b)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_SUM);
ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.optr, TSDB_BINARY_OP_ADD);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 5);
SExprInfo* p2 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p2->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p2->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p2->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p2->base.resSchema.name, "first(b*a)");
ASSERT_EQ(p2->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p2->base.token, "first(b*a)");
ASSERT_EQ(p2->base.interBytes, 24);
ASSERT_EQ(p2->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_FIRST);
ASSERT_TRUE(p2->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
TEST(testCase, function_Test7) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(a+b),count(1) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "count(a+b)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "count(a+b)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 8);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_COUNT);
ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.optr, TSDB_BINARY_OP_ADD);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_COL_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
TEST(testCase, function_Test8) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select top(a*b / 99, 20) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_TOP);
ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_VALUE_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
TEST(testCase, invalid_sql_Test) {
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select count(k) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_NE(ret, 0);
info1 = doGenerateAST("select top(a*b, ABC) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_NE(ret, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#include "os.h"
#include "astGenerator.h"
#include "parserInt.h"
#include "taos.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#include "tvariant.h"
#include "planner.h"
namespace {
void setSchema(SSchema* p, int32_t type, int32_t bytes, const char* name, int32_t colId) {
p->colId = colId;
p->bytes = bytes;
p->type = type;
strcpy(p->name, name);
void setTableMetaInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMetaReq *req) {
pQueryInfo->numOfTables = 1;
pQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo = (STableMetaInfo**)calloc(1, POINTER_BYTES);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = (STableMetaInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(STableMetaInfo));
pQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo[0] = pTableMetaInfo;
SName* name = (SName*)taosArrayGet(req->pTableName, 0);
memcpy(&pTableMetaInfo->name, taosArrayGet(req->pTableName, 0), sizeof(SName));
pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta = (STableMeta*)calloc(1, sizeof(STableMeta) + 4 * sizeof(SSchema));
strcpy(pTableMetaInfo->aliasName, name->tname);
STableMeta* pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
pTableMeta->tableType = TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE;
pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns = 4;
pTableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize = 28;
pTableMeta->uid = 110;
pTableMetaInfo->tagColList = (SArray*) taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
SSchema* pSchema = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->schema;
setSchema(&pSchema[0], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 8, "ts", 0);
setSchema(&pSchema[1], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, 4, "a", 1);
setSchema(&pSchema[2], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 8, "b", 2);
setSchema(&pSchema[3], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 8, "col", 3);
TEST(testCase, planner_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select top(a*b / 99, 20) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_TOP);
ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_VALUE_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
struct SQueryPlanNode* n = nullptr;
code = qCreateQueryPlan(pQueryInfo, &n);
char* str = NULL;
qQueryPlanToString(n, &str);
printf("%s\n", str);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -37,22 +37,22 @@ SToken createToken(char* s) {
} // namespace
static void _init_tvariant_bool(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = TSDB_FALSE;
t->i = TSDB_FALSE;
static void _init_tvariant_tinyint(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -27;
t->i = -27;
static void _init_tvariant_int(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -23997659;
t->i = -23997659;
static void _init_tvariant_bigint(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -3333333333333;
t->i = -3333333333333;
......@@ -359,19 +359,19 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -394,23 +394,23 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// 2. tinyint to other data types
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// types//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
......@@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// type//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
......@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -3333333333333);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -3333333333333);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// types////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -8991212199);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -8991212199);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -539,14 +539,14 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
t.nLen = strlen(t.pz);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), -1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 200000);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 200000);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -572,14 +572,14 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
t.nLen = wcslen(t.wpz);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_LE(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -2000000);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -2000000);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -667,59 +667,59 @@ TEST(testCase, isValidNumber_test) {
EXPECT_EQ(tGetNumericStringType(&t1), TK_FLOAT);
//TEST(testCase, generateAST_test) {
// SSqlInfo info = doGenerateAST("select * from t1 where ts < now");
// ASSERT_EQ(info.valid, true);
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select * from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and col < 20+99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
// msgBuf.buf = msg;
// msgBuf.len = 128;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SSqlInfo info2 = doGenerateAST("select * from abc where ts<now+2");
// SSqlNode* pNode2 = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info2.list), 0);
// code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode2, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_NE(code, 0);
// destroySqlInfo(&info);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
// destroySqlInfo(&info2);
//TEST(testCase, evaluateAST_test) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
// msgBuf.buf = msg;
// msgBuf.len = 128;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, extractMeta_test) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
TEST(testCase, generateAST_test) {
SSqlInfo info = doGenerateAST("select * from t1 where ts < now");
ASSERT_EQ(info.valid, true);
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select * from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and col < 20+99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
msgBuf.buf = msg;
msgBuf.len = 128;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SSqlInfo info2 = doGenerateAST("select * from abc where ts<now+2");
SSqlNode* pNode2 = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info2.list), 0);
code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode2, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_NE(code, 0);
TEST(testCase, evaluateAST_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
msgBuf.buf = msg;
msgBuf.len = 128;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
TEST(testCase, extractMeta_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
......@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ target_include_directories(
PRIVATE os util common catalog parser transport function
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "parser.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -46,23 +46,20 @@ typedef struct SJoinCond {
static SArray* createQueryPlanImpl(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo);
static void doDestroyQueryNode(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
return 0;
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode** pQueryNode) {
SArray* upstream = createQueryPlanImpl((struct SQueryStmtInfo*) pQueryInfo);
assert(taosArrayGetSize(upstream) == 1);
/*SQueryPlanNode* p = */taosArrayGetP(upstream, 0);
*pQueryNode = taosArrayGetP(upstream, 0);
int32_t qQueryPlanToString(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** str) {
return 0;
int32_t qQueryPlanToSql(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** sql) {
return 0;
......@@ -108,10 +105,10 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* createQueryNode(int32_t type, const char* name, SQueryPla
pNode->numOfOutput = numOfOutput;
pNode->pExpr = calloc(numOfOutput, sizeof(SExprInfo));
pNode->pExpr = taosArrayInit(numOfOutput, POINTER_BYTES);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfOutput; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGet(pNode->pExpr, i);
assignExprInfo(pExprInfo, pExpr[i]);
taosArrayPush(pNode->pExpr, &pExpr[i]);
pNode->pPrevNodes = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doAddTableColumnNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMe
int32_t num = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(pExprs);
SQueryPlanNode* pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_TAGSCAN, "TableTagScan", NULL, 0, pExprs->pData, num, info, NULL);
if (pQueryInfo->distinct) {
if (pQueryInfo->info.distinct) {
pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_DISTINCT, "Distinct", &pNode, 1, pExprs->pData, num, info, NULL);
......@@ -184,22 +181,21 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doAddTableColumnNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMe
// table source column projection, generate the projection expr
int32_t numOfCols = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(tableCols);
SExprInfo** pExpr = calloc(numOfCols, POINTER_BYTES);
SSchema* pSchema = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->schema;
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo1 = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
SSchema resultSchema = *pSchema;
resultSchema.colId = getNewResColId();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumn* pCol = taosArrayGetP(tableCols, i);
SColumnIndex index = {.tableIndex = 0, .columnIndex = pCol->columnIndex};
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, i);
SSchema resultSchema = *pSchema;
SExprInfo* p = createExprInfo(pTableMetaInfo1, FUNCTION_PRJ, &index, NULL, &resultSchema, 0);
pExpr[i] = p;
pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_PROJECT, "Projection", &pNode, 1, pExpr, numOfCols, info, NULL);
// dropAllExprInfo(pExpr);
......@@ -254,7 +250,7 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doCreateQueryPlanForOneTableImpl(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryIn
static SQueryPlanNode* doCreateQueryPlanForOneTable(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SArray* pExprs,
SArray* tableCols) {
char name[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN] = {0};
tNameExtractFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, name);
tstrncpy(name, pTableMetaInfo->name.tname, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN);
SQueryTableInfo info = {.tableName = strdup(name), .uid = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid,};
......@@ -357,12 +353,6 @@ static void doDestroyQueryNode(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
bool hasAliasName(SExprInfo* pExpr) {
assert(pExpr != NULL);
return true;
// return strncmp(pExpr->base.token, pExpr->base., tListLen(pExpr->base.aliasName)) != 0;
static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level, int32_t totalLen) {
if (level > 0) {
sprintf(buf + totalLen, "%*c", level, ' ');
......@@ -412,13 +402,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
// if (hasAliasName(&pQueryNode->pExpr[i])) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
// } else {
// len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
// }
len += len1;
len += sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, ", ");
len += len1;
......@@ -435,13 +419,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
if (hasAliasName(pExprInfo)) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
} else {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
len += len1;
len += sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,", ");
len += len1;
......@@ -452,9 +430,11 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
len += len1;
SInterval* pInterval = pQueryNode->pExtInfo;
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, "interval:%" PRId64 "(%s), sliding:%" PRId64 "(%s), offset:%" PRId64 "\n",
// todo dynamic return the time precision
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, "interval:%" PRId64 "(%s), sliding:%" PRId64 "(%s), offset:%" PRId64 "(%s)\n",
len += len1;
......@@ -465,12 +445,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
if (hasAliasName(pExprInfo)) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
} else {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
len += len1;
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
......@@ -568,14 +543,15 @@ int32_t queryPlanToStringImpl(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t lev
return len;
char* queryPlanToString(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qQueryPlanToString(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** str) {
char* buf = calloc(1, 4096);
*str = calloc(1, 4096);
int32_t len = sprintf(buf, "===== logic plan =====\n");
queryPlanToStringImpl(buf, pQueryNode, 0, len);
return buf;
int32_t len = sprintf(*str, "===== logic plan =====\n");
queryPlanToStringImpl(*str, pQueryNode, 0, len);
SQueryPlanNode* queryPlanFromString() {
#include "tvariant.h"
#include "plannerUtil.h"
MESSAGE(STATUS "build planner unit test")
# GoogleTest requires at least C++11
PUBLIC os util common planner parser catalog transport gtest function
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/libs/planner/"
PRIVATE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/libs/planner/inc"
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "os.h"
#include "taos.h"
#include "parser.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
TEST(testCase, planner_test) {
char msg[128] = {0};
const char* sql = "select top(a*b / 99, 20) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)";
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = nullptr;
// int32_t code = qParseQuerySql(sql, strlen(sql), &pQueryInfo, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*)taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->nodeType, TEXPR_UNARYEXPR_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_TOP);
// ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
// tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.optr, TSDB_BINARY_OP_DIVIDE);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_VALUE_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
\ No newline at end of file
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