未验证 提交 b1b85c3d 编写于 作者: H Hui Li 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21227 from taosdata/fix/TD-24058

fix:[TD-24058]send poll result to client if no data 5 times to avoid …
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ typedef struct {
STqPushHandle pushHandle; // push
STqExecHandle execHandle; // exec
SRpcMsg* msg;
int32_t noDataPollCnt;
} STqHandle;
typedef struct {
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "tq.h"
#define IS_OFFSET_RESET_TYPE(_t) ((_t) < 0)
#define NO_POLL_CNT 5
static int32_t tqSendMetaPollRsp(STQ* pTq, const SRpcMsg* pMsg, const SMqPollReq* pReq, const SMqMetaRsp* pRsp);
......@@ -185,6 +186,8 @@ static int32_t extractDataAndRspForNormalSubscribe(STQ* pTq, STqHandle* pHandle,
// till now, all data has been transferred to consumer, new data needs to push client once arrived.
if (dataRsp.blockNum == 0 && dataRsp.reqOffset.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG &&
dataRsp.reqOffset.version == dataRsp.rspOffset.version && pHandle->consumerId == pRequest->consumerId) {
if(pHandle->noDataPollCnt >= NO_POLL_CNT){ // send poll result to client if no data 5 times to avoid lost data
pHandle->noDataPollCnt = 0;
// lock
code = tqRegisterPushHandle(pTq, pHandle, pMsg);
......@@ -192,6 +195,10 @@ static int32_t extractDataAndRspForNormalSubscribe(STQ* pTq, STqHandle* pHandle,
return code;
code = tqSendDataRsp(pTq, pMsg, pRequest, (SMqDataRsp*)&dataRsp, TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_RSP);
......@@ -74,18 +74,17 @@ int32_t walNextValidMsg(SWalReader *pReader) {
int64_t lastVer = walGetLastVer(pReader->pWal);
int64_t committedVer = walGetCommittedVer(pReader->pWal);
int64_t appliedVer = walGetAppliedVer(pReader->pWal);
while(appliedVer < committedVer){ // wait apply ver equal to commit ver, otherwise may lost data when consume data [TD-24010]
wDebug("vgId:%d, wal apply ver:%"PRId64" smaller than commit ver:%"PRId64", so sleep 1ms", pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, appliedVer, committedVer);
appliedVer = walGetAppliedVer(pReader->pWal);
if(appliedVer < committedVer){ // wait apply ver equal to commit ver, otherwise may lost data when consume data [TD-24010]
wDebug("vgId:%d, wal apply ver:%"PRId64" smaller than commit ver:%"PRId64, pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, appliedVer, committedVer);
// taosMsleep(10);
// int64_t endVer = pReader->cond.scanUncommited ? lastVer : committedVer;
// endVer = TMIN(appliedVer, endVer);
int64_t endVer = TMIN(appliedVer, committedVer);
wDebug("vgId:%d, wal start to fetch, index:%" PRId64 ", last index:%" PRId64 " commit index:%" PRId64
", applied index:%" PRId64,
pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, fetchVer, lastVer, committedVer, appliedVer);
while (fetchVer <= committedVer) {
", applied index:%" PRId64", end index:%" PRId64,
pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, fetchVer, lastVer, committedVer, appliedVer, endVer);
while (fetchVer <= endVer) {
if (walFetchHeadNew(pReader, fetchVer) < 0) {
return -1;
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