diff --git a/docs/zh/21-tdinternal/01-arch.md b/docs/zh/21-tdinternal/01-arch.md index 4edad0fd1dda699d39ccf43ae9d6cc1894713bea..e60debc87fe37b11d185f3e626e16337cb18a2fd 100644 --- a/docs/zh/21-tdinternal/01-arch.md +++ b/docs/zh/21-tdinternal/01-arch.md @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ TDengine 分布式架构的逻辑结构图如下: **管理节点(mnode):** 一个虚拟的逻辑单元,负责所有数据节点运行状态的监控和维护,以及节点之间的负载均衡(图中 M)。同时,管理节点也负责元数据(包括用户、数据库、超级表等)的存储和管理,因此也称为 Meta Node。TDengine 集群中可配置多个(最多不超过 3 个)mnode,它们自动构建成为一个虚拟管理节点组(图中 M1,M2,M3)。mnode 支持多副本,采用 RAFT 一致性协议,保证系统的高可用与高可靠,任何数据更新操作只能在 Leader 上进行。mnode 集群的第一个节点在集群部署时自动完成,其他节点的创建与删除由用户通过 SQL 命令完成。每个 dnode 上至多有一个 mnode,由所属的数据节点的 EP 来唯一标识。每个 dnode 通过内部消息交互自动获取整个集群中所有 mnode 所在的 dnode 的 EP。 -**弹性计算点(qnode):** 一个虚拟的逻辑单元,运行查询计算任务,也包括基于系统表来实现的 show 命令(图中 Q)。集群中可配置多个 qnode,在整个集群内部共享使用(图中 Q1,Q2,Q3)。qnode 不与具体的 DB 绑定,即一个 qnode 可以同时执行多个 DB 的查询任务。每个 dnode 上至多有一个 qnode,由所属的数据节点的 EP 来唯一标识。客户端通过与 mnode 交互,获取可用的 qnode 列表,当没有可用的 qnode 时,计算任务在 vnode 中执行。 +**弹性计算节点(qnode):** 一个虚拟的逻辑单元,运行查询计算任务,也包括基于系统表来实现的 show 命令(图中 Q)。集群中可配置多个 qnode,在整个集群内部共享使用(图中 Q1,Q2,Q3)。qnode 不与具体的 DB 绑定,即一个 qnode 可以同时执行多个 DB 的查询任务。每个 dnode 上至多有一个 qnode,由所属的数据节点的 EP 来唯一标识。客户端通过与 mnode 交互,获取可用的 qnode 列表,当没有可用的 qnode 时,计算任务在 vnode 中执行。 -**流计算点(snode):** 一个虚拟的逻辑单元,只运行流计算任务(图中 S)。集群中可配置多个 snode,在整个集群内部共享使用(图中 S1,S2,S3)。snode 不与具体的 stream 绑定,即一个 snode 可以同时执行多个 stream 的计算任务。每个 dnode 上至多有一个 snode,由所属的数据节点的 EP 来唯一标识。由 mnode 调度可用的 snode 完成流计算任务,当没有可用的 snode 时,流计算任务在 vnode 中执行。 +**流计算节点(snode):** 一个虚拟的逻辑单元,只运行流计算任务(图中 S)。集群中可配置多个 snode,在整个集群内部共享使用(图中 S1,S2,S3)。snode 不与具体的 stream 绑定,即一个 snode 可以同时执行多个 stream 的计算任务。每个 dnode 上至多有一个 snode,由所属的数据节点的 EP 来唯一标识。由 mnode 调度可用的 snode 完成流计算任务,当没有可用的 snode 时,流计算任务在 vnode 中执行。 **虚拟节点组(VGroup):** 不同数据节点上的 vnode 可以组成一个虚拟节点组(vgroup),采用 RAFT 一致性协议,保证系统的高可用与高可靠。写操作只能在 leader vnode 上进行,系统采用异步复制的方式将数据同步到 follower vnode,这样确保了一份数据在多个物理节点上有拷贝。一个 vgroup 里虚拟节点个数就是数据的副本数。如果一个 DB 的副本数为 N,系统必须有至少 N 数据节点。副本数在创建 DB 时通过参数 replica 可以指定,缺省为 1。使用 TDengine 的多副本特性,可以不再需要昂贵的磁盘阵列等存储设备,就可以获得同样的数据高可靠性。虚拟节点组由管理节点创建、管理,并且由管理节点分配一个系统唯一的 ID,VGroup ID。如果两个虚拟节点的 VGroup ID 相同,说明他们属于同一个组,数据互为备份。虚拟节点组里虚拟节点的个数是可以动态改变的,容许只有一个,也就是没有数据复制。VGroup ID 是永远不变的,即使一个虚拟节点组被删除,它的 ID 也不会被收回重复利用。 @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ TDengine 存储的数据包括采集的时序数据以及库、表相关的元 vnode(虚拟数据节点)负责为采集的时序数据提供写入、查询和计算功能。为便于负载均衡、数据恢复、支持异构环境,TDengine 将一个数据节点根据其计算和存储资源切分为多个 vnode。这些 vnode 的管理是 TDengine 自动完成的,对应用完全透明。 -对于单独一个数据采集点,无论其数据量多大,一个 vnode(或 vgroup,如果副本数大于 1)有足够的计算资源和存储资源来处理(如果每秒生成一条 16 字节的记录,一年产生的原始数据不到 0.5G),因此 TDengine 将一张表(一个数据采集点)的所有数据都存放在一个 vnode 里,而不会让同一个采集点的数据分布到两个或多个 dnode 上。而且一个 vnode 可存储多个数据采集点(表)的数据,一个 vnode 可容纳的表的数目的上限为一百万。设计上,一个 vnode 里所有的表都属于同一个 DB。一个数据节点上,除非特殊配置,一个 DB 拥有的 vnode 数目不会超过系统核的数目。 +对于单独一个数据采集点,无论其数据量多大,一个 vnode(或 vgroup,如果副本数大于 1)有足够的计算资源和存储资源来处理(如果每秒生成一条 16 字节的记录,一年产生的原始数据不到 0.5G),因此 TDengine 将一张表(一个数据采集点)的所有数据都存放在一个 vnode 里,而不会让同一个采集点的数据分布到两个或多个 dnode 上。而且一个 vnode 可存储多个数据采集点(表)的数据,一个 vnode 可容纳的表的数目的上限为一百万。设计上,一个 vnode 里所有的表都属于同一个 DB。 TDengine 3.0 采用 hash 一致性算法,确定每张数据表所在的 vnode。创建 DB 时,系统会立刻分配指定数目的 vnode,并确定每个 vnode 所负责的数据表范围。当创建一张表时,系统根据数据表名计算出所在的 vnodeID,立即在该 vnode 创建表。如果 DB 有多个副本,系统不是只创建一个 vnode,而是一个 vgroup(虚拟数据节点组)。系统对 vnode 的数目没有任何限制,仅仅受限于物理节点本身的计算和存储资源。 -每张表的 meta data(包含 schema,标签等)也存放于 vnode 里,而不是集中存放于 mnode,实际上这是对 Meta 数据的分片,这样便于高效并行的进行标签过滤操作。 +每张表的 meta data(包含 schema,标签等)也存放于 vnode 里,而不是集中存放于 mnode,实际上这是对 meta 数据的分片,这样便于高效并行的进行标签过滤操作。 ### 数据分区 diff --git a/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt b/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt index 88b721d104dcbb532734afcdb3ee9679469b34be..d745ecf706a09e0ff04d9b8a23588c10cbf81062 100644 --- a/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt +++ b/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt @@ -89,13 +89,20 @@ ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/alter_column.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/alter_stable.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/alter.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/alter1.sim +# TD-17959 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/alter1.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/auto_create_tb_drop_tb.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/auto_create_tb.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/between_and.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/binary_escapeCharacter.sim -# TD-17738 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/commit.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/condition.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/constCol.sim @@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/select_across_vnodes.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/select_distinct_tag.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/select_from_cache_disk.sim -# TD-17832 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/select_with_tags.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/select_with_tags.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/selectResNum.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/set_tag_vals.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/single_row_in_tb.sim @@ -154,15 +161,15 @@ ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit1.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/stableOp.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tbnameIn.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/timestamp.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/top_groupby.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/topbot.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/union.sim -# TD-17704 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/where.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/parser/where.sim # ---- query ---- ./test.sh -f tsim/query/charScalarFunction.sim @@ -422,18 +429,18 @@ ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/bool_binary.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/bool_int.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/bool.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/change.sim +# TD-17407 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/change.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/column.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/commit.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/create.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/delete.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/double.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/filter.sim +# TD-17407 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/create.sim +# TD-17407 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/delete.sim +# TD-17407 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/double.sim +./test.sh -f tsim/tag/filter.sim # TD-17407 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/float.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/int_binary.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/int_float.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/int.sim -# TD-17661 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/set.sim +# TD-17959 ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/set.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/smallint.sim ./test.sh -f tsim/tag/tinyint.sim diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/alter1.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/alter1.sim index b01e98a83418119786d5cd88cecd0b13cf643510..d917f4b61e093d9500a03899e507b3f7c16d9b00 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/alter1.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/alter1.sim @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ endi print ================== change a tag value sql alter table car1 set tag carid=10 -sql select carId, carmodel from car1 +sql select distinct carId, carmodel from car1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim index add2945c666ba633c22623995f73dc7697cf91e0..f22beefdf88c3d90bff8554cc44b5768bfef3d1e 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim @@ -131,20 +131,5 @@ sql_error select max(c1-c2) from $tb #========================================regression test cases==================================== print =====================> td-1764 sql select sum(c1)/count(*), sum(c1) as b, count(*) as b from $stb interval(1y) -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data00 != @18-01-01 00:00:00.000@ then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 2.250000000 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data02 != 225000 then - return -1 -endi system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_query.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_query.sim index 10840b229606fc249cab2ed7e86d2e1f676f2129..b77dcbe4982744a59b61687f70d5a650229361e4 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_query.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/col_arithmetic_query.sim @@ -511,24 +511,21 @@ if $rows != 1 then endi # slimit/soffset not support for normal table query. [d.11]=============================================================== -sql select sum(c1) from $stb slimit 1 soffset 19; -if $rows != 0 then - return -1 -endi +sql_error select sum(c1) from $stb slimit 1 soffset 19; -sql select sum(c1) from $stb interval(1s) group by tbname slimit 1 soffset 1 -sql select sum(c1) from ca_stb0 interval(1s) group by tbname slimit 2 soffset 4 limit 10 offset 1 +sql select sum(c1) from ca_stb0 partition by tbname interval(1s) slimit 1 soffset 1 +sql select sum(c1) from ca_stb0 partition by tbname interval(1s) slimit 2 soffset 4 limit 10 offset 1 # fill [d.12]=============================================================== -sql_error select first(c1)-last(c1), sum(c3)*count(c3), spread(c5 ) % count(*) from $stb interval(1s) fill(prev); -sql_error select first(c1) from $stb fill(value, 20); +sql_error select first(c1)-last(c1), sum(c3)*count(c3), spread(c5 ) % count(*) from ca_stb0 interval(1s) fill(prev); +sql_error select first(c1) from ca_stb0 fill(value, 20); # constant column. [d.13]=============================================================== # column value filter [d.14]=============================================================== # tag filter. [d.15]=============================================================== -sql select sum(c2)+99 from $stb where t1=12; +sql select sum(c2)+99 from ca_stb0 where t1=12; # multi-field output [d.16]=============================================================== sql select count(*), sum(c1)*avg(c2), avg(c3)*count(c3), sum(c3), sum(c4), first(c7), last(c8), first(c9), first(c7), last(c8) from $tb @@ -548,15 +545,12 @@ if $data90 != 9.500000000 then endi # interval query [d.17]=============================================================== -sql select avg(c2)*count(c2), sum(c3)-first(c3), last(c4)+9 from $stb interval(1s) +sql select avg(c2)*count(c2), sum(c3)-first(c3), last(c4)+9 from ca_stb0 interval(1s) if $rows != 10000 then return -1 endi -if $data00 != @18-09-17 09:00:00.000@ then - return -1 -endi -sql_error select first(c7)- last(c1) from $tb interval(2y) +sql select first(c7)- last(c1) from $tb interval(2y) # aggregation query [d.18]=============================================================== # all cases in this part are aggregation query test. diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue.sim deleted file mode 100644 index 68336cdcc14483b51e3079442dae8b3d730608aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue.sim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -system sh/stop_dnodes.sh -system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 -system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -sql connect - -print ========== columnValues.sim - -sql drop database if exists db -sql create database db -sql use db - -run tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim -run tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim - -system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT - diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim index 8841418ed3d0eef22e55c3a059183e04362e4686..ae97835dff3ce058fdf99766ae98e5b708f9aee2 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bigint.sim @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sql connect -sql create database if not exists db + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -10,78 +17,64 @@ sql create table mt_bigint (ts timestamp, c bigint) tags (tagname bigint) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_bigint_0 using mt_bigint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_1 using mt_bigint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_1 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_bigint_2 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_2 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_bigint_3 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_3 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_bigint_4 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_4 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_bigint_5 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi + +sql_error create table st_bigint_2 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_bigint_3 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_bigint_4 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") +sql_error create table st_bigint_5 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") + sql create table st_bigint_6 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775807) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_6 -if $data00 != -9223372036854775807 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_6 +if $data05 != -9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_7 using mt_bigint tags (9223372036854775807) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_7 -if $data00 != 9223372036854775807 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_7 +if $data05 != 9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_8 using mt_bigint tags (37) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_8 -if $data00 != 37 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_8 +if $data05 != 37 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_9 using mt_bigint tags (-100) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_9 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_9 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_10 using mt_bigint tags (+113) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_10 -if $data00 != 113 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_10 +if $data05 != 113 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_11 using mt_bigint tags ('-100') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_11 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_11 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_12 using mt_bigint tags ("+78") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_12 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_12 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_13 using mt_bigint tags (+0078) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_13 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_13 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_bigint_14 using mt_bigint tags (-00078) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_14 -if $data00 != -78 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_14 +if $data05 != -78 then return -1 endi @@ -102,38 +95,7 @@ endi if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi -sql insert into st_bigint_2 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_bigint_2 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_bigint_3 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_bigint_3 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_bigint_4 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_bigint_4 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_bigint_5 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_bigint_5 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi + sql insert into st_bigint_6 values (now, 9223372036854775807) sql select * from st_bigint_6 if $rows != 1 then @@ -211,8 +173,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_bigint_16 using mt_bigint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_16 @@ -221,8 +183,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_bigint_17 using mt_bigint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_17 @@ -230,8 +192,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_18 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_18 @@ -239,8 +201,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_19 using mt_bigint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_19 @@ -248,8 +210,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_20 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_20 @@ -257,8 +219,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_21 using mt_bigint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bigint_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_21 @@ -266,8 +228,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_22 using mt_bigint tags (9223372036854775807) values (now, 9223372036854775807) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_22 -if $data00 != 9223372036854775807 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_22 +if $data05 != 9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_22 @@ -275,8 +237,8 @@ if $data01 != 9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_23 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775807) values (now, -9223372036854775807) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_23 -if $data00 != -9223372036854775807 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_23 +if $data05 != -9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_23 @@ -284,8 +246,8 @@ if $data01 != -9223372036854775807 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_24 using mt_bigint tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_24 -if $data00 != 10 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_24 +if $data05 != 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_24 @@ -293,8 +255,8 @@ if $data01 != 10 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_25 using mt_bigint tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_bigint_25 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_25 +if $data05 != 0 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_25 @@ -302,8 +264,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_26 using mt_bigint tags ('123') values (now, '123') -sql select tagname from st_bigint_26 -if $data00 != 123 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_26 +if $data05 != 123 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_26 @@ -311,8 +273,8 @@ if $data01 != 123 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_27 using mt_bigint tags (+056) values (now, +00056) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_27 -if $data00 != 56 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_27 +if $data05 != 56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_27 @@ -320,8 +282,8 @@ if $data01 != 56 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bigint_28 using mt_bigint tags (-056) values (now, -0056) -sql select tagname from st_bigint_28 -if $data00 != -56 then +sql show tags from st_bigint_28 +if $data05 != -56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_bigint_28 @@ -331,50 +293,50 @@ endi ### case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=9223372036854775807 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != 9223372036854775807 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != 9223372036854775807 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=-9223372036854775807 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != -9223372036854775807 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != -9223372036854775807 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=+100 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != 100 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != 100 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=-33 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != -33 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != -33 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname='+98' -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != 98 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != 98 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname='-076' -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != -76 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != -76 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=+0012 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != 12 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != 12 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bigint_0 set tag tagname=-00063 -#sql select tagname from st_bigint_0 -#if $data00 != -63 then +#sql show tags from st_bigint_0 +#if $data05 != -63 then # return -1 #endi ## case 04: illegal input ################## when overflow, auto set max sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags (9223372036854775808) -sql_error create table st_bigint_e0_1 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775808) +sql create table st_bigint_e0_1 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775808) sql_error create table st_bigint_e0_2 using mt_bigint tags (92233720368547758080) sql_error create table st_bigint_e0_3 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775809) #sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags (12.80) truncate integer part @@ -384,7 +346,7 @@ sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags (abc) sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags ("abc") sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags ('') +sql create table st_bigint_e0_error using mt_bigint tags ('') sql create table st_bigint_e0 using mt_bigint tags (123) sql create table st_bigint_e1 using mt_bigint tags (123) @@ -401,9 +363,9 @@ sql create table st_bigint_e11 using mt_bigint tags (123) sql create table st_bigint_e12 using mt_bigint tags (123) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e0 values (now, 9223372036854775808) -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e1 values (now, -9223372036854775808) +sql insert into st_bigint_e1 values (now, -9223372036854775808) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e2 values (now, 9223372036854775809) -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e3 values (now, -9223372036854775808) +sql insert into st_bigint_e3 values (now, -9223372036854775808) #sql_error insert into st_bigint_e4 values (now, 922337203.6854775808) #sql_error insert into st_bigint_e5 values (now, -922337203685477580.9) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e6 values (now, 123abc) @@ -411,10 +373,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_bigint_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_bigint_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_bigint_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_bigint_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_bigint_e13 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, 9223372036854775808) -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e14 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, -9223372036854775808) +sql insert into st_bigint_e14 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, -9223372036854775808) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e15 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, 9223372036854775818) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e16 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, -9923372036854775808) #sql_error insert into st_bigint_e17 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, 92233720368547758.08) @@ -424,10 +386,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_bigint_e20 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, "123 sql_error insert into st_bigint_e22 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e23 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_bigint_e24 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e25 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_bigint_e25 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_bigint_e13_0 using mt_bigint tags (9223372036854775808) values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e14_0 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775808) values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_bigint_e14_0 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775808) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e15_0 using mt_bigint tags (9223372036854775809) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e16_0 using mt_bigint tags (-9223372036854775898) values (now, -033) #sql_error insert into st_bigint_e17 using mt_bigint tags (12.80) values (now, -033) @@ -437,7 +399,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_bigint_e20 using mt_bigint tags ("123abc") values (now, sql_error insert into st_bigint_e22 using mt_bigint tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e23 using mt_bigint tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_bigint_e24 using mt_bigint tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_bigint_e25 using mt_bigint tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_bigint_e25 using mt_bigint tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_bigint_e13 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_bigint_e14 using mt_bigint tags (033) values (now, 00062) diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim index 3e8c408e137d0ceb59ce391314f569f08312fef2..d20c4efdc0ff2ee19767dddb3484f0518ae12b0e 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_bool.sim @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sql connect -sql create database if not exists db + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -10,110 +17,110 @@ sql create table mt_bool (ts timestamp, c bool) tags (tagname bool) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_bool_0 using mt_bool tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bool_0 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==1== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_0 +if $data05 != NULL then + print ==1== expect: NULL, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_1 using mt_bool tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bool_1 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==2== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_1 +if $data05 != NULL then + print ==2== expect: NULL, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_2 using mt_bool tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bool_2 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==3== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_2 +if $data05 != false then + print ==3== expect: false, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_3 using mt_bool tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bool_3 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==4== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_3 +if $data05 != false then + print ==4== expect: false, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_4 using mt_bool tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bool_4 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==5== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_4 +if $data05 != false then + print ==5== expect: false, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_5 using mt_bool tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bool_5 -if $data00 != NULL then - print ==6== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_5 +if $data05 != false then + print ==6== expect: false, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_6 using mt_bool tags ("true") -sql select tagname from st_bool_6 -if $data00 != 1 then - print ==7== expect: 1, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_6 +if $data05 != true then + print ==7== expect: 1, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_7 using mt_bool tags ('true') -sql select tagname from st_bool_7 -if $data00 != 1 then - print ==8== expect: 1, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_7 +if $data05 != true then + print ==8== expect: 1, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_8 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql select tagname from st_bool_8 -if $data00 != 1 then - print ==9== expect: 1, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_8 +if $data05 != true then + print ==9== expect: 1, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_9 using mt_bool tags ("false") -sql select tagname from st_bool_9 -if $data00 != 0 then - print ==10== expect: 0, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_9 +if $data05 != false then + print ==10== expect: 0, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_10 using mt_bool tags ('false') -sql select tagname from st_bool_10 -if $data00 != 0 then - print ==11== expect: 0, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_10 +if $data05 != false then + print ==11== expect: 0, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_11 using mt_bool tags (false) -sql select tagname from st_bool_11 -if $data00 != 0 then - print ==12== expect: 0, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_11 +if $data05 != false then + print ==12== expect: 0, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_12 using mt_bool tags (0) -sql select tagname from st_bool_12 -if $data00 != 0 then - print ==13== expect: 0, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_12 +if $data05 != false then + print ==13== expect: 0, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_13 using mt_bool tags (1) -sql select tagname from st_bool_13 -if $data00 != 1 then - print ==14== expect: 1, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_13 +if $data05 != true then + print ==14== expect: 1, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_14 using mt_bool tags (6.9) -sql select tagname from st_bool_14 -if $data00 != 1 then - print ==15== expect: 1, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_bool_14 +if $data05 != true then + print ==15== expect: 1, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_15 using mt_bool tags (-3) -sql select tagname from st_bool_15 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_15 +if $data05 != true then print ==16== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_15_0 using mt_bool tags (+300) -sql select tagname from st_bool_15_0 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_15_0 +if $data05 != true then print ==16== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi sql create table st_bool_15_1 using mt_bool tags (-8.03) -sql select tagname from st_bool_15_1 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_15_1 +if $data05 != true then print ==16== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -284,8 +291,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_bool_16 using mt_bool tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bool_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_16 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==33== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -296,8 +303,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_bool_17 using mt_bool tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_bool_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_17 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==35== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -307,8 +314,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_18 using mt_bool tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bool_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_18 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==37== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -318,8 +325,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_19 using mt_bool tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_bool_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_19 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==39== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -329,8 +336,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_20 using mt_bool tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bool_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_20 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==41== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -340,8 +347,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_21 using mt_bool tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_bool_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_bool_21 +if $data05 != NULL then print ==43== expect: NULL, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -351,8 +358,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_22 using mt_bool tags ("true") values (now, "true") -sql select tagname from st_bool_22 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_22 +if $data05 != true then print ==45== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -362,8 +369,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_23 using mt_bool tags ('true') values (now, 'true') -sql select tagname from st_bool_23 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_23 +if $data05 != true then print ==47== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -373,8 +380,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_24 using mt_bool tags (true) values (now, true) -sql select tagname from st_bool_24 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_24 +if $data05 != true then print ==49== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -384,8 +391,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_25 using mt_bool tags ("false") values (now, "false") -sql select tagname from st_bool_25 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_bool_25 +if $data05 != false then print ==51== expect: 0, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -395,8 +402,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_26 using mt_bool tags ('false') values (now, 'false') -sql select tagname from st_bool_26 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_bool_26 +if $data05 != false then print ==53== expect: 0, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -406,8 +413,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_27 using mt_bool tags (false) values (now, false) -sql select tagname from st_bool_27 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_bool_27 +if $data05 != false then print ==55== expect: 0, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -417,8 +424,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_28 using mt_bool tags (0) values (now, 0) -sql select tagname from st_bool_28 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_bool_28 +if $data05 != false then print ==57== expect: 0, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -428,8 +435,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_29 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql select tagname from st_bool_29 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_29 +if $data05 != true then print ==59== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -439,8 +446,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_30 using mt_bool tags (6.9) values (now, 6.9) -sql select tagname from st_bool_30 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_30 +if $data05 != true then print ==61== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -450,8 +457,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_31 using mt_bool tags (-3) values (now, -3) -sql select tagname from st_bool_31 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_31 +if $data05 != true then print ==63== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -461,8 +468,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_32 using mt_bool tags (+300) values (now, +300) -sql select tagname from st_bool_32 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_32 +if $data05 != true then print ==63== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -472,8 +479,8 @@ if $data01 != 1 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_bool_33 using mt_bool tags (+30.890) values (now, +30.890) -sql select tagname from st_bool_33 -if $data00 != 1 then +sql show tags from st_bool_33 +if $data05 != true then print ==63== expect: 1, actually: $data00 return -1 endi @@ -490,140 +497,140 @@ endi ## case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=true -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=NULL -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=false -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != false then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=NULL -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname='true' -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname='NULL' -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname='false' -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != false then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname='NULL' -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname="true" -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname="NULL" -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname="false" -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != false then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname="NULL" -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != NULL then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=1 -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=0 -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != false then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=6.9 -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_bool_0 set tag tagname=-3 -#sql select tagname from st_bool_0 +#sql show tags from st_bool_0 #if $data00 != true then # return -1 #endi # case 04: illegal input sql_error create table st_bool_e0 using mt_bool tags (123abc) -sql_error create table st_bool_e1 using mt_bool tags ("123abc") -sql_error create table st_bool_e2 using mt_bool tags ("123") +sql create table st_bool_e1 using mt_bool tags ("123abc") +sql create table st_bool_e2 using mt_bool tags ("123") sql_error create table st_bool_e3 using mt_bool tags (abc) -sql_error create table st_bool_e4 using mt_bool tags ("abc") -sql_error create table st_bool_e5 using mt_bool tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_bool_e6 using mt_bool tags ('') +sql create table st_bool_e4 using mt_bool tags ("abc") +sql create table st_bool_e5 using mt_bool tags (" ") +sql create table st_bool_e6 using mt_bool tags ('') -sql create table st_bool_e0 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e1 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e2 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e3 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e4 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e5 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql create table st_bool_e6 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f0 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f1 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f2 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f3 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f4 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f5 using mt_bool tags (true) +sql create table st_bool_f6 using mt_bool tags (true) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e0 values (now, 123abc) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e1 values (now, "123abc") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e2 values (now, "123") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e3 values (now, abc) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e4 values (now, "abc") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e5 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e6 values (now, '') +sql_error insert into st_bool_g0 values (now, 123abc) +sql_error insert into st_bool_g1 values (now, "123abc") +sql_error insert into st_bool_g2 values (now, "123") +sql_error insert into st_bool_g3 values (now, abc) +sql_error insert into st_bool_g4 values (now, "abc") +sql_error insert into st_bool_g5 values (now, " ") +sql_error insert into st_bool_g6 values (now, '') -sql_error insert into st_bool_e10 using mt_bool tags (123abc) values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e11 using mt_bool tags ("123abc") values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e12 using mt_bool tags ("123") values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e13 using mt_bool tags (abc) values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e14 using mt_bool tags ("abc") values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e15 using mt_bool tags (" ") values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e16 using mt_bool tags ('') values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h0 using mt_bool tags (123abc) values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h1 using mt_bool tags ("123abc") values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h2 using mt_bool tags ("123") values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h3 using mt_bool tags (abc) values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h4 using mt_bool tags ("abc") values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h5 using mt_bool tags (" ") values (now, 1) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h6 using mt_bool tags ('') values (now, 1) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e17 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 123abc) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e18 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "123abc") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e19 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "123") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e20 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, abc) -sql_error insert into st_bool_e21 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "abc") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e22 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_bool_e23 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, '') +sql_error insert into st_bool_h0 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 123abc) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h1 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "123abc") +sql_error insert into st_bool_h2 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "123") +sql_error insert into st_bool_h3 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, abc) +sql_error insert into st_bool_h4 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, "abc") +sql_error insert into st_bool_h5 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, " ") +sql_error insert into st_bool_h6 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, '') -sql insert into st_bool_e10 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e11 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e12 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e13 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e14 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e15 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql insert into st_bool_e16 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i0 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i1 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i2 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i3 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i4 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i5 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) +sql insert into st_bool_i6 using mt_bool tags (1) values (now, 1) -sql_error alter table st_bool_e10 set tag tagname=123abc -sql_error alter table st_bool_e11 set tag tagname="123abc" -sql_error alter table st_bool_e12 set tag tagname="123" -sql_error alter table st_bool_e13 set tag tagname=abc -sql_error alter table st_bool_e14 set tag tagname="abc" -sql_error alter table st_bool_e15 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_bool_e16 set tag tagname='' +sql_error alter table st_bool_i0 set tag tagname=123abc +sql alter table st_bool_i1 set tag tagname="123abc" +sql alter table st_bool_i2 set tag tagname="123" +sql_error alter table st_bool_i3 set tag tagname=abc +sql alter table st_bool_i4 set tag tagname="abc" +sql alter table st_bool_i5 set tag tagname=" " +sql alter table st_bool_i6 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim index c7ba7b00486cf0e282b9e8a6103b6c1af2d09d6b..dae64735ea78c633645fa536a7f07b9d6d6ab5e2 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_double.sim @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sql connect -sql create database if not exists db + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -10,135 +17,135 @@ sql create table mt_double (ts timestamp, c double) tags (tagname double) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_double_0 using mt_double tags (NULL ) -sql select tagname from st_double_0 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_0 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_1 using mt_double tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_double_1 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_2 using mt_double tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_double_2 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_2 +if $data05 != 0.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_3 using mt_double tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_double_3 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_3 +if $data05 != 0.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_4 using mt_double tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_double_4 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_4 +if $data05 != 0.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_5 using mt_double tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_double_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_5 +if $data05 != 0.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_6 using mt_double tags (-123.321) -sql select tagname from st_double_6 -if $data00 != -123.321000000 then - print expect -123.321000000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_double_6 +if $data05 != -123.321000000 then + print expect -123.321000000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_double_7 using mt_double tags (+1.567) -sql select tagname from st_double_7 -if $data00 != 1.567000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_7 +if $data05 != 1.567000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_8 using mt_double tags (379.001) -sql select tagname from st_double_8 -if $data00 != 379.001000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_8 +if $data05 != 379.001000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_9 using mt_double tags (1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_double_9 -if $data00 != 1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_9 +if $data05 != 1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_10 using mt_double tags (-1.5e-3) -sql select tagname from st_double_10 -if $data00 != -0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_10 +if $data05 != -0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_11 using mt_double tags (+1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_double_11 -if $data00 != 1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_11 +if $data05 != 1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_12 using mt_double tags (-1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_double_12 -if $data00 != -1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_12 +if $data05 != -1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_13 using mt_double tags (1.5e-3) -sql select tagname from st_double_13 -if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_13 +if $data05 != 0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_14 using mt_double tags (1.5E-3) -sql select tagname from st_double_14 -if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_14 +if $data05 != 0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_6_0 using mt_double tags ('-123.321') -sql select tagname from st_double_6_0 -if $data00 != -123.321000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_6_0 +if $data05 != -123.321000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_7_0 using mt_double tags ('+1.567') -sql select tagname from st_double_7_0 -if $data00 != 1.567000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_7_0 +if $data05 != 1.567000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_8_0 using mt_double tags ('379.001') -sql select tagname from st_double_8_0 -if $data00 != 379.001000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_8_0 +if $data05 != 379.001000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_9_0 using mt_double tags ('1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_double_9_0 -if $data00 != 1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_9_0 +if $data05 != 1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_10_0 using mt_double tags ('-1.5e-3') -sql select tagname from st_double_10_0 -if $data00 != -0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_10_0 +if $data05 != -0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_11_0 using mt_double tags ('+1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_double_11_0 -if $data00 != 1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_11_0 +if $data05 != 1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_12_0 using mt_double tags ('-1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_double_12_0 -if $data00 != -1500.000000000 then +sql show tags from st_double_12_0 +if $data05 != -1500.000000000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_13_0 using mt_double tags ('1.5e-3') -sql select tagname from st_double_13_0 -if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_13_0 +if $data05 != 0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_14_0 using mt_double tags ('1.5E-3') -sql select tagname from st_double_14_0 -if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_14_0 +if $data05 != 0.001500000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_double_15_0 using mt_double tags (1.7976931348623157e+308) -sql select tagname from st_double_15_0 -#if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_15_0 +#if $data05 != 0.001500000 then # return -1 #endi sql create table st_double_16_0 using mt_double tags (-1.7976931348623157e+308) -sql select tagname from st_double_16_0 -#if $data00 != 0.001500000 then +sql show tags from st_double_16_0 +#if $data05 != 0.001500000 then # return -1 #endi @@ -270,8 +277,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_double_16 using mt_double tags (NULL ) values (now, NULL ) -sql select tagname from st_double_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_16 @@ -280,8 +287,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_double_17 using mt_double tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_double_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_17 @@ -289,8 +296,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_double_18 using mt_double tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_double_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_18 @@ -298,8 +305,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_double_19 using mt_double tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_double_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_19 @@ -307,8 +314,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_double_20 using mt_double tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_double_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_20 @@ -316,8 +323,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_double_21 using mt_double tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_double_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_double_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_double_21 @@ -325,8 +332,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_double_22 using mt_double tags (127) values (now, 1.7976931348623157e+308) -sql select tagname from st_double_22 -#if $data00 != 127 then +sql show tags from st_double_22 +#if $data05 != 127 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_22 @@ -334,8 +341,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_22 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_23 using mt_double tags (-127) values (now, -1.7976931348623157e+308) -sql select tagname from st_double_23 -#if $data00 != -127 then +sql show tags from st_double_23 +#if $data05 != -127 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_23 @@ -343,8 +350,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_23 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_24 using mt_double tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_double_24 -#if $data00 != 10 then +sql show tags from st_double_24 +#if $data05 != 10 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_24 @@ -352,8 +359,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_24 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_25 using mt_double tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_double_25 -#if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_double_25 +#if $data05 != 0 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_25 @@ -361,8 +368,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_25 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_26 using mt_double tags ('123') values (now, '12.3') -sql select tagname from st_double_26 -#if $data00 != 123 then +sql show tags from st_double_26 +#if $data05 != 123 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_26 @@ -370,8 +377,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_26 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_27 using mt_double tags (+056) values (now, +0005.6) -sql select tagname from st_double_27 -#if $data00 != 56 then +sql show tags from st_double_27 +#if $data05 != 56 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_27 @@ -379,8 +386,8 @@ sql select * from st_double_27 # return -1 #endi sql insert into st_double_28 using mt_double tags (-056) values (now, -005.6) -sql select tagname from st_double_28 -#if $data00 != -56 then +sql show tags from st_double_28 +#if $data05 != -56 then # return -1 #endi sql select * from st_double_28 @@ -390,43 +397,43 @@ sql select * from st_double_28 ### case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=1.7976931348623157e+308 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != 127 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != 127 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=-1.7976931348623157e+308 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != -127 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != -127 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=+10.340 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != 100 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != 100 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=-33.87 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != -33 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != -33 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname='+9.8' -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != 98 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != 98 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname='-07.6' -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != -76 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != -76 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=+0012.871 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != 12 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != 12 then ## return -1 ##endi #sql alter table st_double_0 set tag tagname=-00063.582 -#sql select tagname from st_double_0 -##if $data00 != -63 then +#sql show tags from st_double_0 +##if $data05 != -63 then ## return -1 ##endi @@ -438,11 +445,11 @@ sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (-31.7976931348623157e+ #sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (12.80) truncate integer part #sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (-11.80) sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (123abc) -sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags ("123abc") +sql create table st_double_e0_1 using mt_double tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (abc) -sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags ("abc") -sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags ('') +sql create table st_double_e0_2 using mt_double tags ("abc") +sql create table st_double_e0_3 using mt_double tags (" ") +sql create table st_double_e0_4 using mt_double tags ('') sql create table st_double_e0 using mt_double tags (123) sql create table st_double_e1 using mt_double tags (123) @@ -469,7 +476,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_double_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_double_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_double_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_double_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_double_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_double_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_double_e13 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, 11.7976931348623157e+308) sql_error insert into st_double_e14 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, -11.7976931348623157e+308) @@ -482,7 +489,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_double_e20 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, "123 sql_error insert into st_double_e22 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_double_e23 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_double_e24 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_double_e25 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_double_e25_1 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_double_e13 using mt_double tags (31.7976931348623157e+308) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_double_e14 using mt_double tags (-31.7976931348623157e+308) values (now, -033) @@ -495,7 +502,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_double_e20 using mt_double tags ("123abc") values (now, sql_error insert into st_double_e22 using mt_double tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_double_e23 using mt_double tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_double_e24 using mt_double tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_double_e25 using mt_double tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_double_e25 using mt_double tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_double_e13 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_double_e14 using mt_double tags (033) values (now, 00062) @@ -516,8 +523,8 @@ sql_error alter table st_double_e14 set tag tagname=-1.8976931348623157e+308 sql_error alter table st_double_e15 set tag tagname=131.7976931348623157e+308 sql_error alter table st_double_e16 set tag tagname=-131.7976931348623157e+308 sql_error alter table st_double_e19 set tag tagname=123abc -sql_error alter table st_double_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" +sql alter table st_double_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" sql_error alter table st_double_e22 set tag tagname=abc -sql_error alter table st_double_e23 set tag tagname="abc" -sql_error alter table st_double_e24 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_double_e25 set tag tagname='' +sql alter table st_double_e23 set tag tagname="abc" +sql alter table st_double_e24 set tag tagname=" " +sql alter table st_double_e25 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim index 8fca0d4671b838ddeca99dd98af18472cdd4a836..9b0ca4b186a4cee21bf6f5ec914e279f51273843 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_float.sim @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sql connect -sql create database if not exists db + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -10,152 +17,152 @@ sql create table mt_float (ts timestamp, c float) tags (tagname float) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_float_0 using mt_float tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_1 using mt_float tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_float_1 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_2 using mt_float tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_float_2 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_2 +if $data05 != 0.00000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_3 using mt_float tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_float_3 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_3 +if $data05 != 0.00000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_4 using mt_float tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_float_4 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_4 +if $data05 != 0.00000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_5 using mt_float tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_float_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_5 +if $data05 != 0.00000 then return -1 endi sql create table st_float_6 using mt_float tags (-123.321) -sql select tagname from st_float_6 -if $data00 != -123.32100 then - print expect -123.32100, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_6 +if $data05 != -123.32100 then + print expect -123.32100, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_7 using mt_float tags (+1.567) -sql select tagname from st_float_7 -if $data00 != 1.56700 then - print expect 1.56700, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_7 +if $data05 != 1.56700 then + print expect 1.56700, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_8 using mt_float tags (379.001) -sql select tagname from st_float_8 -if $data00 != 379.00101 then - print expect 379.00101, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_8 +if $data05 != 379.00101 then + print expect 379.00101, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_9 using mt_float tags (1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_float_9 -if $data00 != 1500.00000 then - print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_9 +if $data05 != 1500.00000 then + print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_10 using mt_float tags (-1.5e-3) -sql select tagname from st_float_10 -if $data00 != -0.00150 then - print expect -0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_10 +if $data05 != -0.00150 then + print expect -0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_11 using mt_float tags (+1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_float_11 -if $data00 != 1500.00000 then - print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_11 +if $data05 != 1500.00000 then + print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_12 using mt_float tags (-1.5e+3) -sql select tagname from st_float_12 -if $data00 != -1500.00000 then - print expect -1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_12 +if $data05 != -1500.00000 then + print expect -1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_13 using mt_float tags (1.5e-3) -sql select tagname from st_float_13 -if $data00 != 0.00150 then - print expect 0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_13 +if $data05 != 0.00150 then + print expect 0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_14 using mt_float tags (1.5E-3) -sql select tagname from st_float_14 -if $data00 != 0.00150 then - print expect 0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_14 +if $data05 != 0.00150 then + print expect 0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_6_0 using mt_float tags ('-123.321') -sql select tagname from st_float_6_0 -if $data00 != -123.32100 then - print expect -123.32100, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_6_0 +if $data05 != -123.32100 then + print expect -123.32100, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_7_0 using mt_float tags ('+1.567') -sql select tagname from st_float_7_0 -if $data00 != 1.56700 then - print expect 1.56700, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_7_0 +if $data05 != 1.56700 then + print expect 1.56700, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_8_0 using mt_float tags ('379.001') -sql select tagname from st_float_8_0 -if $data00 != 379.00101 then - print expect 379.00101, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_8_0 +if $data05 != 379.00101 then + print expect 379.00101, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_9_0 using mt_float tags ('1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_float_9_0 -if $data00 != 1500.00000 then - print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_9_0 +if $data05 != 1500.00000 then + print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_10_0 using mt_float tags ('-1.5e-3') -sql select tagname from st_float_10_0 -if $data00 != -0.00150 then - print expect -0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_10_0 +if $data05 != -0.00150 then + print expect -0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_11_0 using mt_float tags ('+1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_float_11_0 -if $data00 != 1500.00000 then - print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_11_0 +if $data05 != 1500.00000 then + print expect 1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_12_0 using mt_float tags ('-1.5e+3') -sql select tagname from st_float_12_0 -if $data00 != -1500.00000 then - print expect -1500.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_12_0 +if $data05 != -1500.00000 then + print expect -1500.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_13_0 using mt_float tags ('1.5e-3') -sql select tagname from st_float_13_0 -if $data00 != 0.00150 then - print expect 0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_13_0 +if $data05 != 0.00150 then + print expect 0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_float_14_0 using mt_float tags ('1.5E-3') -sql select tagname from st_float_14_0 -if $data00 != 0.00150 then - print expect 0.00150, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_14_0 +if $data05 != 0.00150 then + print expect 0.00150, actual: $data05 return -1 endi #sql create table st_float_15_0 using mt_float tags (3.40282347e+38) -#sql select tagname from st_float_15_0 -#if $data00 != 0.001500 then +#sql show tags from st_float_15_0 +#if $data05 != 0.001500 then # return -1 #endi #sql create table st_float_16_0 using mt_float tags (-3.40282347e+38) -#sql select tagname from st_float_16_0 -#if $data00 != 0.001500 then +#sql show tags from st_float_16_0 +#if $data05 != 0.001500 then # return -1 #endi @@ -292,8 +299,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_float_16 using mt_float tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_float_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_16 @@ -302,8 +309,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_float_17 using mt_float tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_float_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_17 @@ -311,8 +318,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_18 using mt_float tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_float_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_18 @@ -320,8 +327,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_19 using mt_float tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_float_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_19 @@ -329,8 +336,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_20 using mt_float tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_float_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_20 @@ -338,8 +345,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_21 using mt_float tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_float_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_float_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_21 @@ -350,9 +357,9 @@ endi sql_error insert into st_float_22 using mt_float tags (127) values (now, 3.40282347e+38) sql insert into st_float_22 using mt_float tags (127) values (now, 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000) -sql select tagname from st_float_22 -if $data00 != 127.00000 then - print expect 127.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_22 +if $data05 != 127.00000 then + print expect 127.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi @@ -362,14 +369,14 @@ if $data01 != 127.00000 then endi sql insert into st_float_23 using mt_float tags (-127) values (now, -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000) -sql select tagname from st_float_23 -if $data00 != -127.00000 then +sql show tags from st_float_23 +if $data05 != -127.00000 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_24 using mt_float tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_float_24 -if $data00 != 10.00000 then +sql show tags from st_float_24 +if $data05 != 10.00000 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_24 @@ -378,9 +385,9 @@ if $data01 != 10.00000 then endi sql insert into st_float_25 using mt_float tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_float_25 -if $data00 != -0.00000 then - print expect -0.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_25 +if $data05 != -0.00000 then + print expect -0.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_25 @@ -388,9 +395,9 @@ if $data01 != -0.00000 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_26 using mt_float tags ('123') values (now, '12.3') -sql select tagname from st_float_26 -if $data00 != 123.00000 then - print expect 123.00000, actual: $data00 +sql show tags from st_float_26 +if $data05 != 123.00000 then + print expect 123.00000, actual: $data05 return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_26 @@ -398,9 +405,9 @@ if $data01 != 12.30000 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_27 using mt_float tags (+056) values (now, +0005.6) -sql select tagname from st_float_27 -if $data00 != 56.00000 then - print expect 56.00000, actual:$data00 +sql show tags from st_float_27 +if $data05 != 56.00000 then + print expect 56.00000, actual:$data05 return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_27 @@ -408,8 +415,8 @@ if $data01 != 5.60000 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_float_28 using mt_float tags (-056) values (now, -005.6) -sql select tagname from st_float_28 -if $data00 != -56.00000 then +sql show tags from st_float_28 +if $data05 != -56.00000 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_float_28 @@ -419,44 +426,44 @@ endi ### case 03: alter tag values sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.00000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=+10.340 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != 10.34000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != 10.34000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=-33.87 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != -33.87000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != -33.87000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname='+9.8' -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != 9.80000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != 9.80000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname='-07.6' -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != -7.60000 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != -7.60000 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=+0012.871 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != 12.87100 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != 12.87100 then return -1 endi sql alter table st_float_0 set tag tagname=-00063.582 -sql select tagname from st_float_0 -if $data00 != -63.58200 then +sql show tags from st_float_0 +if $data05 != -63.58200 then return -1 endi @@ -468,11 +475,11 @@ sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (-333.40282347e+38) #sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (12.80) truncate integer part #sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (-11.80) sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (123abc) -sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags ("123abc") +sql create table st_float_e0_1 using mt_float tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (abc) -sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags ("abc") -sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags ('') +sql create table st_float_e0_2 using mt_float tags ("abc") +sql create table st_float_e0_3 using mt_float tags (" ") +sql create table st_float_e0_4 using mt_float tags ('') sql create table st_float_e0 using mt_float tags (123) sql create table st_float_e1 using mt_float tags (123) @@ -499,7 +506,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_float_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_float_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_float_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_float_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_float_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_float_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_float_e13 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, 3.50282347e+38) sql_error insert into st_float_e14 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, -3.50282347e+38) @@ -512,7 +519,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_float_e20 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, "123ab sql_error insert into st_float_e22 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_float_e23 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_float_e24 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_float_e25 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_float_e25_1 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_float_e13 using mt_float tags (3.50282347e+38) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_float_e14 using mt_float tags (-3.50282347e+38) values (now, -033) @@ -525,7 +532,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_float_e20 using mt_float tags ("123abc") values (now, - sql_error insert into st_float_e22 using mt_float tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_float_e23 using mt_float tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_float_e24 using mt_float tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_float_e25 using mt_float tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_float_e25_3 using mt_float tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_float_e13 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_float_e14 using mt_float tags (033) values (now, 00062) @@ -546,8 +553,8 @@ sql_error alter table st_float_e14 set tag tagname=-3.50282347e+38 sql_error alter table st_float_e15 set tag tagname=13.40282347e+38 sql_error alter table st_float_e16 set tag tagname=-13.40282347e+38 sql_error alter table st_float_e19 set tag tagname=123abc -sql_error alter table st_float_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" +sql alter table st_float_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" sql_error alter table st_float_e22 set tag tagname=abc -sql_error alter table st_float_e23 set tag tagname="abc" -sql_error alter table st_float_e24 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_float_e25 set tag tagname='' +sql alter table st_float_e23 set tag tagname="abc" +sql alter table st_float_e24 set tag tagname=" " +sql alter table st_float_e25 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim index 66be28ef89325f63f45e3d057bbfc9cc138fe6ca..48d95f5ecb36c757121c47d7acccf8db6dbeafc4 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_int.sim @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start sql connect -sql create database if not exists db + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -10,78 +17,64 @@ sql create table mt_int (ts timestamp, c int) tags (tagname int) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_int_0 using mt_int tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_int_0 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_0 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_1 using mt_int tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_int_1 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_int_2 using mt_int tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_int_2 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_int_3 using mt_int tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_int_3 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_int_4 using mt_int tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_int_4 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_int_5 using mt_int tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_int_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi + +sql_error create table st_int_2 using mt_int tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_int_3 using mt_int tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_int_4 using mt_int tags ("NULL") +sql_error create table st_int_5 using mt_int tags ("NULL") + sql create table st_int_6 using mt_int tags (-2147483647) -sql select tagname from st_int_6 -if $data00 != -2147483647 then +sql show tags from st_int_6 +if $data05 != -2147483647 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_7 using mt_int tags (2147483647) -sql select tagname from st_int_7 -if $data00 != 2147483647 then +sql show tags from st_int_7 +if $data05 != 2147483647 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_8 using mt_int tags (37) -sql select tagname from st_int_8 -if $data00 != 37 then +sql show tags from st_int_8 +if $data05 != 37 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_9 using mt_int tags (-100) -sql select tagname from st_int_9 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_int_9 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_10 using mt_int tags (+113) -sql select tagname from st_int_10 -if $data00 != 113 then +sql show tags from st_int_10 +if $data05 != 113 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_11 using mt_int tags ('-100') -sql select tagname from st_int_11 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_int_11 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_12 using mt_int tags ("+78") -sql select tagname from st_int_12 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_int_12 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_13 using mt_int tags (+0078) -sql select tagname from st_int_13 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_int_13 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_int_14 using mt_int tags (-00078) -sql select tagname from st_int_14 -if $data00 != -78 then +sql show tags from st_int_14 +if $data05 != -78 then return -1 endi @@ -102,38 +95,6 @@ endi if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi -sql insert into st_int_2 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_int_2 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_int_3 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_int_3 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_int_4 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_int_4 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_int_5 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_int_5 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi sql insert into st_int_6 values (now, 2147483647) sql select * from st_int_6 if $rows != 1 then @@ -211,8 +172,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_int_16 using mt_int tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_int_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_16 @@ -221,8 +182,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_int_17 using mt_int tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_int_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_17 @@ -230,8 +191,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_18 using mt_int tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_int_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_18 @@ -239,8 +200,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_19 using mt_int tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_int_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_19 @@ -248,8 +209,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_20 using mt_int tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_int_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_20 @@ -257,8 +218,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_21 using mt_int tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_int_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_int_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_21 @@ -266,8 +227,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_22 using mt_int tags (2147483647) values (now, 2147483647) -sql select tagname from st_int_22 -if $data00 != 2147483647 then +sql show tags from st_int_22 +if $data05 != 2147483647 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_22 @@ -275,8 +236,8 @@ if $data01 != 2147483647 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_23 using mt_int tags (-2147483647) values (now, -2147483647) -sql select tagname from st_int_23 -if $data00 != -2147483647 then +sql show tags from st_int_23 +if $data05 != -2147483647 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_23 @@ -284,8 +245,8 @@ if $data01 != -2147483647 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_24 using mt_int tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_int_24 -if $data00 != 10 then +sql show tags from st_int_24 +if $data05 != 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_24 @@ -293,8 +254,8 @@ if $data01 != 10 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_25 using mt_int tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_int_25 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_int_25 +if $data05 != 0 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_25 @@ -302,8 +263,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_26 using mt_int tags ('123') values (now, '123') -sql select tagname from st_int_26 -if $data00 != 123 then +sql show tags from st_int_26 +if $data05 != 123 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_26 @@ -311,8 +272,8 @@ if $data01 != 123 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_27 using mt_int tags (+056) values (now, +00056) -sql select tagname from st_int_27 -if $data00 != 56 then +sql show tags from st_int_27 +if $data05 != 56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_27 @@ -320,8 +281,8 @@ if $data01 != 56 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_int_28 using mt_int tags (-056) values (now, -0056) -sql select tagname from st_int_28 -if $data00 != -56 then +sql show tags from st_int_28 +if $data05 != -56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_int_28 @@ -331,49 +292,49 @@ endi ### case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=2147483647 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != 2147483647 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != 2147483647 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=-2147483647 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != -2147483647 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != -2147483647 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=+100 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != 100 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != 100 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=-33 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != -33 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != -33 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname='+98' -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != 98 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != 98 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname='-076' -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != -76 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != -76 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=+0012 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != 12 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != 12 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_int_0 set tag tagname=-00063 -#sql select tagname from st_int_0 -#if $data00 != -63 then +#sql show tags from st_int_0 +#if $data05 != -63 then # return -1 #endi ## case 04: illegal input sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (2147483648) -sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (-2147483648) +sql create table st_int_e0_err1 using mt_int tags (-2147483648) sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (214748364800) sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (-214748364800) #sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (12.80) truncate integer part @@ -383,7 +344,7 @@ sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (abc) sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags ("abc") sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags ('') +sql create table st_int_e0_err2 using mt_int tags ('') sql create table st_int_e0 using mt_int tags (123) sql create table st_int_e1 using mt_int tags (123) @@ -400,7 +361,7 @@ sql create table st_int_e11 using mt_int tags (123) sql create table st_int_e12 using mt_int tags (123) sql_error insert into st_int_e0 values (now, 2147483648) -sql_error insert into st_int_e1 values (now, -2147483648) +sql insert into st_int_e1 values (now, -2147483648) sql_error insert into st_int_e2 values (now, 3147483648) sql_error insert into st_int_e3 values (now, -21474836481) #sql_error insert into st_int_e4 values (now, 12.80) @@ -410,10 +371,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_int_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_int_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_int_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_int_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_int_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_int_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_int_e13 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 2147483648) -sql_error insert into st_int_e14 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, -2147483648) +sql insert into st_int_e14 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, -2147483648) sql_error insert into st_int_e15 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 5147483648) sql_error insert into st_int_e16 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, -21474836481) #sql_error insert into st_int_e17 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 12.80) @@ -423,10 +384,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_int_e20 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_int_e22 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_int_e23 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_int_e24 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_int_e25 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_int_e25 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_int_e13 using mt_int tags (2147483648) values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_int_e14 using mt_int tags (-2147483648) values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_int_e14_1 using mt_int tags (-2147483648) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_int_e15 using mt_int tags (21474836480) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_int_e16 using mt_int tags (-2147483649) values (now, -033) #sql_error insert into st_int_e17 using mt_int tags (12.80) values (now, -033) @@ -436,7 +397,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_int_e20 using mt_int tags ("123abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_int_e22 using mt_int tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_int_e23 using mt_int tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_int_e24 using mt_int tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_int_e25 using mt_int tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_int_e25_1 using mt_int tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_int_e13 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_int_e14 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 00062) @@ -453,7 +414,7 @@ sql insert into st_int_e24 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_int_e25 using mt_int tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql_error alter table st_int_e13 set tag tagname=2147483648 -sql_error alter table st_int_e14 set tag tagname=-2147483648 +sql alter table st_int_e14 set tag tagname=-2147483648 sql_error alter table st_int_e15 set tag tagname=12147483648 sql_error alter table st_int_e16 set tag tagname=-3147483648 sql_error alter table st_int_e19 set tag tagname=123abc @@ -461,4 +422,4 @@ sql_error alter table st_int_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" sql_error alter table st_int_e22 set tag tagname=abc sql_error alter table st_int_e23 set tag tagname="abc" sql_error alter table st_int_e24 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_int_e25 set tag tagname='' +sql alter table st_int_e25 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim index 6608b6cea4905086f65640a9060f711507d3f750..ced486ba0b8a1c04e9209936383dc18b30b5acd7 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_smallint.sim @@ -1,6 +1,17 @@ -sql create database if not exists db +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start +sql connect + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db +print ========== columnValues.sim +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value ######## case 0: smallint @@ -9,78 +20,64 @@ sql create table mt_smallint (ts timestamp, c smallint) tags (tagname smallint) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_smallint_0 using mt_smallint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_1 using mt_smallint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_1 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_smallint_2 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_2 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_smallint_3 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_3 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_smallint_4 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_4 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_smallint_5 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi + +sql_error create table st_smallint_2 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_smallint_3 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_smallint_4 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") +sql_error create table st_smallint_5 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") + sql create table st_smallint_6 using mt_smallint tags (-32767) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_6 -if $data00 != -32767 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_6 +if $data05 != -32767 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_7 using mt_smallint tags (32767) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_7 -if $data00 != 32767 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_7 +if $data05 != 32767 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_8 using mt_smallint tags (37) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_8 -if $data00 != 37 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_8 +if $data05 != 37 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_9 using mt_smallint tags (-100) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_9 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_9 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_10 using mt_smallint tags (+113) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_10 -if $data00 != 113 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_10 +if $data05 != 113 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_11 using mt_smallint tags ('-100') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_11 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_11 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_12 using mt_smallint tags ("+78") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_12 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_12 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_13 using mt_smallint tags (+0078) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_13 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_13 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_smallint_14 using mt_smallint tags (-00078) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_14 -if $data00 != -78 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_14 +if $data05 != -78 then return -1 endi @@ -101,38 +98,6 @@ endi if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi -sql insert into st_smallint_2 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_smallint_2 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_smallint_3 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_smallint_3 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_smallint_4 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_smallint_4 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_smallint_5 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_smallint_5 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi sql insert into st_smallint_6 values (now, 32767) sql select * from st_smallint_6 if $rows != 1 then @@ -210,8 +175,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_smallint_16 using mt_smallint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_16 @@ -220,8 +185,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_smallint_17 using mt_smallint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_17 @@ -229,8 +194,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_18 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_18 @@ -238,8 +203,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_19 using mt_smallint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_19 @@ -247,8 +212,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_20 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_20 @@ -256,8 +221,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_21 using mt_smallint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_smallint_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_21 @@ -265,8 +230,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_22 using mt_smallint tags (32767) values (now, 32767) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_22 -if $data00 != 32767 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_22 +if $data05 != 32767 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_22 @@ -274,8 +239,8 @@ if $data01 != 32767 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_23 using mt_smallint tags (-32767) values (now, -32767) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_23 -if $data00 != -32767 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_23 +if $data05 != -32767 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_23 @@ -283,8 +248,8 @@ if $data01 != -32767 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_24 using mt_smallint tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_24 -if $data00 != 10 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_24 +if $data05 != 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_24 @@ -292,8 +257,8 @@ if $data01 != 10 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_25 using mt_smallint tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_smallint_25 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_25 +if $data05 != 0 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_25 @@ -301,8 +266,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_26 using mt_smallint tags ('123') values (now, '123') -sql select tagname from st_smallint_26 -if $data00 != 123 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_26 +if $data05 != 123 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_26 @@ -310,8 +275,8 @@ if $data01 != 123 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_27 using mt_smallint tags (+056) values (now, +00056) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_27 -if $data00 != 56 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_27 +if $data05 != 56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_27 @@ -319,8 +284,8 @@ if $data01 != 56 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_smallint_28 using mt_smallint tags (-056) values (now, -0056) -sql select tagname from st_smallint_28 -if $data00 != -56 then +sql show tags from st_smallint_28 +if $data05 != -56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_smallint_28 @@ -330,49 +295,49 @@ endi ## case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=32767 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != 32767 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != 32767 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=-32767 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != -32767 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != -32767 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=+100 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != 100 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != 100 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=-33 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != -33 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != -33 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname='+98' -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != 98 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != 98 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname='-076' -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != -76 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != -76 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=+0012 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != 12 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != 12 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_smallint_0 set tag tagname=-00063 -#sql select tagname from st_smallint_0 -#if $data00 != -63 then +#sql show tags from st_smallint_0 +#if $data05 != -63 then # return -1 #endi ## case 04: illegal input sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (32768) -sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (-32768) +sql create table st_smallint_e0_0 using mt_smallint tags (-32768) sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (3276899) sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (-3276833) #sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (12.80) truncate integer part @@ -382,7 +347,7 @@ sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (abc) sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags ("abc") sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags ('') +sql create table st_smallint_e0_1 using mt_smallint tags ('') sql create table st_smallint_e0 using mt_smallint tags (123) sql create table st_smallint_e1 using mt_smallint tags (123) @@ -399,7 +364,7 @@ sql create table st_smallint_e11 using mt_smallint tags (123) sql create table st_smallint_e12 using mt_smallint tags (123) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e0 values (now, 32768) -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e1 values (now, -32768) +sql insert into st_smallint_e1 values (now, -32768) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e2 values (now, 42768) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e3 values (now, -32769) #sql_error insert into st_smallint_e4 values (now, 12.80) @@ -409,10 +374,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_smallint_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_smallint_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_smallint_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_smallint_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_smallint_e13 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 32768) -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e14 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, -32768) +sql insert into st_smallint_e14_1 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, -32768) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e15 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 32968) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e16 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, -33768) #sql_error insert into st_smallint_e17 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 12.80) @@ -422,10 +387,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_smallint_e20 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, sql_error insert into st_smallint_e22 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e23 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_smallint_e24 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e25 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_smallint_e25_1 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_smallint_e13 using mt_smallint tags (32768) values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e14 using mt_smallint tags (-32768) values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_smallint_e14 using mt_smallint tags (-32768) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e15 using mt_smallint tags (72768) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e16 using mt_smallint tags (-92768) values (now, -033) #sql_error insert into st_smallint_e17 using mt_smallint tags (12.80) values (now, -033) @@ -435,7 +400,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_smallint_e20 using mt_smallint tags ("123abc") values ( sql_error insert into st_smallint_e22 using mt_smallint tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e23 using mt_smallint tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_smallint_e24 using mt_smallint tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_smallint_e25 using mt_smallint tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_smallint_e25 using mt_smallint tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_smallint_e13 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_smallint_e14 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 00062) @@ -452,7 +417,7 @@ sql insert into st_smallint_e24 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_smallint_e25 using mt_smallint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql_error alter table st_smallint_e13 set tag tagname=32768 -sql_error alter table st_smallint_e14 set tag tagname=-32768 +sql alter table st_smallint_e14 set tag tagname=-32768 sql_error alter table st_smallint_e15 set tag tagname=52768 sql_error alter table st_smallint_e16 set tag tagname=-32778 sql_error alter table st_smallint_e19 set tag tagname=123abc @@ -460,4 +425,4 @@ sql_error alter table st_smallint_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" sql_error alter table st_smallint_e22 set tag tagname=abc sql_error alter table st_smallint_e23 set tag tagname="abc" sql_error alter table st_smallint_e24 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_smallint_e25 set tag tagname='' +sql alter table st_smallint_e25 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim index 67c0f998ca0a7f1b2c533bcd743e0a19f5297396..bc1fcd3445bf7fa5257cad050df439909f9a0b1e 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_tinyint.sim @@ -1,4 +1,12 @@ -sql create database if not exists db +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start +sql connect + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db #### test the value of all data types in four cases: static create table, insert column value, synamic create table, alter tag value @@ -9,79 +17,65 @@ sql create table mt_tinyint (ts timestamp, c tinyint) tags (tagname tinyint) ## case 00: static create table for test tag values sql create table st_tinyint_0 using mt_tinyint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -if $data00 != NULL then - print expect NULL, actually: $data00 +sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +if $data05 != NULL then + print expect NULL, actually: $data05 return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_1 using mt_tinyint tags (NULL) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_1 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_tinyint_2 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_2 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_tinyint_3 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_3 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_tinyint_4 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_4 -if $data00 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql create table st_tinyint_5 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_5 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_1 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi + +sql_error create table st_tinyint_2 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_tinyint_3 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') +sql_error create table st_tinyint_4 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") +sql_error create table st_tinyint_5 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") + sql create table st_tinyint_6 using mt_tinyint tags (-127) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_6 -if $data00 != -127 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_6 +if $data05 != -127 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_7 using mt_tinyint tags (127) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_7 -if $data00 != 127 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_7 +if $data05 != 127 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_8 using mt_tinyint tags (37) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_8 -if $data00 != 37 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_8 +if $data05 != 37 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_9 using mt_tinyint tags (-100) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_9 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_9 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_10 using mt_tinyint tags (+113) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_10 -if $data00 != 113 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_10 +if $data05 != 113 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_11 using mt_tinyint tags ('-100') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_11 -if $data00 != -100 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_11 +if $data05 != -100 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_12 using mt_tinyint tags ("+78") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_12 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_12 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_13 using mt_tinyint tags (+0078) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_13 -if $data00 != 78 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_13 +if $data05 != 78 then return -1 endi sql create table st_tinyint_14 using mt_tinyint tags (-00078) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_14 -if $data00 != -78 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_14 +if $data05 != -78 then return -1 endi @@ -102,38 +96,6 @@ endi if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi -sql insert into st_tinyint_2 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_tinyint_2 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_tinyint_3 values (now, 'NULL') -sql select * from st_tinyint_3 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_tinyint_4 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_tinyint_4 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi -sql insert into st_tinyint_5 values (now, "NULL") -sql select * from st_tinyint_5 -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi -if $data01 != NULL then - return -1 -endi sql insert into st_tinyint_6 values (now, 127) sql select * from st_tinyint_6 if $rows != 1 then @@ -211,8 +173,8 @@ endi ## case 02: dynamic create table for test tag values sql insert into st_tinyint_16 using mt_tinyint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_16 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_16 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_16 @@ -221,8 +183,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then endi sql insert into st_tinyint_17 using mt_tinyint tags (NULL) values (now, NULL) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_17 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_17 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_17 @@ -230,8 +192,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_18 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_18 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_18 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_18 @@ -239,8 +201,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_19 using mt_tinyint tags ('NULL') values (now, 'NULL') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_19 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_19 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_19 @@ -248,8 +210,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_20 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_20 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_20 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_20 @@ -257,8 +219,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_21 using mt_tinyint tags ("NULL") values (now, "NULL") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_21 -if $data00 != NULL then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_21 +if $data05 != NULL then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_21 @@ -266,8 +228,8 @@ if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_22 using mt_tinyint tags (127) values (now, 127) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_22 -if $data00 != 127 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_22 +if $data05 != 127 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_22 @@ -275,8 +237,8 @@ if $data01 != 127 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_23 using mt_tinyint tags (-127) values (now, -127) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_23 -if $data00 != -127 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_23 +if $data05 != -127 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_23 @@ -284,8 +246,8 @@ if $data01 != -127 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_24 using mt_tinyint tags (10) values (now, 10) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_24 -if $data00 != 10 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_24 +if $data05 != 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_24 @@ -293,8 +255,8 @@ if $data01 != 10 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_25 using mt_tinyint tags ("-0") values (now, "-0") -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_25 -if $data00 != 0 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_25 +if $data05 != 0 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_25 @@ -302,8 +264,8 @@ if $data01 != 0 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_26 using mt_tinyint tags ('123') values (now, '123') -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_26 -if $data00 != 123 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_26 +if $data05 != 123 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_26 @@ -311,8 +273,8 @@ if $data01 != 123 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_27 using mt_tinyint tags (+056) values (now, +00056) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_27 -if $data00 != 56 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_27 +if $data05 != 56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_27 @@ -320,8 +282,8 @@ if $data01 != 56 then return -1 endi sql insert into st_tinyint_28 using mt_tinyint tags (-056) values (now, -0056) -sql select tagname from st_tinyint_28 -if $data00 != -56 then +sql show tags from st_tinyint_28 +if $data05 != -56 then return -1 endi sql select * from st_tinyint_28 @@ -331,49 +293,49 @@ endi ## case 03: alter tag values #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=127 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != 127 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != 127 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=-127 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != -127 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != -127 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=+100 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != 100 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != 100 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=-33 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != -33 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != -33 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname='+98' -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != 98 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != 98 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname='-076' -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != -76 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != -76 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=+0012 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != 12 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != 12 then # return -1 #endi #sql alter table st_tinyint_0 set tag tagname=-00063 -#sql select tagname from st_tinyint_0 -#if $data00 != -63 then +#sql show tags from st_tinyint_0 +#if $data05 != -63 then # return -1 #endi ## case 04: illegal input sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (128) -sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (-128) +sql create table st_tinyint_e0_1 using mt_tinyint tags (-128) sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (1280) sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (-1280) #sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (12.80) truncate integer part @@ -383,7 +345,7 @@ sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags ("123abc") sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (abc) sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags ("abc") sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (" ") -sql_error create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags ('') +sql create table st_tinyint_e0_2 using mt_tinyint tags ('') sql create table st_tinyint_e0 using mt_tinyint tags (123) sql create table st_tinyint_e1 using mt_tinyint tags (123) @@ -400,7 +362,7 @@ sql create table st_tinyint_e11 using mt_tinyint tags (123) sql create table st_tinyint_e12 using mt_tinyint tags (123) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e0 values (now, 128) -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e1 values (now, -128) +sql insert into st_tinyint_e1 values (now, -128) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e2 values (now, 1280) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e3 values (now, -1280) #sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e4 values (now, 12.80) @@ -410,10 +372,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e7 values (now, "123abc") sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e9 values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e10 values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e11 values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e12 values (now, '') +sql insert into st_tinyint_e12 values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e13 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 128) -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e14 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, -128) +sql insert into st_tinyint_e14_1 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, -128) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e15 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 1280) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e16 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, -1280) #sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e17 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 12.80) @@ -423,10 +385,10 @@ sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e20 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, "1 sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e22 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, abc) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e23 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, "abc") sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e24 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, " ") -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e25 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, '') +sql insert into st_tinyint_e25_2 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, '') sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e13 using mt_tinyint tags (128) values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e14 using mt_tinyint tags (-128) values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_tinyint_e14 using mt_tinyint tags (-128) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e15 using mt_tinyint tags (1280) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e16 using mt_tinyint tags (-1280) values (now, -033) #sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e17 using mt_tinyint tags (12.80) values (now, -033) @@ -436,7 +398,7 @@ sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e20 using mt_tinyint tags ("123abc") values (no sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e22 using mt_tinyint tags (abc) values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e23 using mt_tinyint tags ("abc") values (now, -033) sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e24 using mt_tinyint tags (" ") values (now, -033) -sql_error insert into st_tinyint_e25 using mt_tinyint tags ('') values (now, -033) +sql insert into st_tinyint_e25 using mt_tinyint tags ('') values (now, -033) sql insert into st_tinyint_e13 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_tinyint_e14 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 00062) @@ -453,7 +415,7 @@ sql insert into st_tinyint_e24 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql insert into st_tinyint_e25 using mt_tinyint tags (033) values (now, 00062) sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e13 set tag tagname=128 -sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e14 set tag tagname=-128 +sql alter table st_tinyint_e14 set tag tagname=-128 sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e15 set tag tagname=1280 sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e16 set tag tagname=-1280 sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e19 set tag tagname=123abc @@ -461,4 +423,4 @@ sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e20 set tag tagname="123abc" sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e22 set tag tagname=abc sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e23 set tag tagname="abc" sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e24 set tag tagname=" " -sql_error alter table st_tinyint_e25 set tag tagname='' +sql alter table st_tinyint_e25 set tag tagname='' diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim index 4b8baf10cd0c6791dc397cb5d2883613eaa47a9b..a72b1082f690c655ba94de7507b543c62d5fffac 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/columnValue_unsign.sim @@ -1,4 +1,12 @@ -sql create database if not exists db +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start +sql connect + +print ========== columnValues.sim + +sql drop database if exists db +sql create database db sql use db sql drop table if exists mt_unsigned; @@ -10,28 +18,21 @@ sql alter table mt_unsigned_1 set tag t1=138; sql alter table mt_unsigned_1 set tag t2=32769; sql alter table mt_unsigned_1 set tag t3=294967295; sql alter table mt_unsigned_1 set tag t4=446744073709551615; +sql insert into mt_unsigned_1 values (now, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + sql select t1,t2,t3,t4 from mt_unsigned_1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi - -print $data00, $data01, $data02, $data03 - -if $data00 != 138 then - print expect 138, actual: $data00 - return -1 -endi - +print $data01, $data02, $data03 if $data01 != 32769 then -return -1 + return -1 endi - if $data02 != 294967295 then -return -1 + return -1 endi - if $data03 != 446744073709551615 then -return -1 + return -1 endi sql_error sql alter table mt_unsigned_1 set tag t1 = 999; @@ -44,10 +45,10 @@ sql_error create table mt_unsigned_3 using mt_unsigned tags(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 sql_error create table mt_unsigned_4 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); sql_error create table mt_unsigned_5 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); -sql_error create table mt_unsigned_2 using mt_unsigned tags(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); -sql_error create table mt_unsigned_3 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 65535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); -sql_error create table mt_unsigned_4 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, 4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); -sql_error create table mt_unsigned_5 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, 0, 18446744073709551615, 0, 0, 0, 0); +sql create table mt_unsigned_21 using mt_unsigned tags(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); +sql create table mt_unsigned_31 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 65535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); +sql create table mt_unsigned_41 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, 4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); +sql create table mt_unsigned_51 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 0, 0, 18446744073709551615, 0, 0, 0, 0); sql_error create table mt_unsigned_2 using mt_unsigned tags(999, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); sql_error create table mt_unsigned_3 using mt_unsigned tags(0, 95535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); @@ -63,11 +64,6 @@ if $rows != 1 then return -1; endi -if $data00 != NULL then - print expect NULL, actual: $data00 - return -1 -endi - if $data01 != NULL then return -1 endi @@ -87,82 +83,44 @@ sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); -sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, 255, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); -sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, 65535, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); -sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, 4294967295, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); -sql_error insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18446744073709551615, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); +sql insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, 255, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); +sql insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, 65535, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); +sql insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, 4294967295, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); +sql insert into mt_unsigned_1 values(now, NULL, NULL, NULL, 18446744073709551615, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + sql select count(a),count(b),count(c),count(d), count(e) from mt_unsigned_1 if $rows != 1 then return -1 endi -if $data00 != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 1 then +if $data01 != 3 then return -1 endi sql select a+b+c from mt_unsigned_1 where a is null; -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data00 != NULL then - print expect NULL, actual:$data00 +if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi sql select count(*), a from mt_unsigned_1 group by a; -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data00 != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 1 then +if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi sql select count(*), b from mt_unsigned_1 group by b; -if $rows != 1 then +if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi -if $data00 != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 2 then - return -1 -endi sql select count(*), c from mt_unsigned_1 group by c; -if $rows != 1 then +if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi -if $data00 != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 3 then - return -1 -endi sql select count(*), d from mt_unsigned_1 group by d; -if $rows != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data00 != 1 then - return -1 -endi - -if $data01 != 4 then +if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/join.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/join.sim index 269d4ca254e18d96c06d184739ee9424cad46438..0f41ebd1780d8922a1b2111830645f21514eff74 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/join.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/join.sim @@ -243,9 +243,6 @@ if $rows != $val then return -1 endi -#TODO -return - #===========================aggregation=================================== #select + where condition sql select count(join_tb1.*), count(join_tb0.*) from $tb1 , $tb2 where $ts1 = $ts2 and join_tb1.ts >= 100000 and join_tb0.c7 = false; diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim index d1f73c4f6037fe8f2390034471950df186d0ca4c..e6cdeea970207feae01c1472c70f381c65f14a18 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim @@ -41,12 +41,10 @@ sql_error insert into tb17 (ts, c1, c3) using stb (t1, t3) tags ('tag5', 11.11, sql_error insert into tb18 (ts, c1, c3) using stb tags ('tag5', 16) values ( now + 5s, 'binary6', 6.6) sql_error insert into tb19 (ts, c1, c2, c3) using stb tags (19, 'tag5', 91.11) values ( now + 5s, 'binary7', 7, 7.7) - - sql create table stbx (ts timestamp, c1 binary(10), c2 int, c3 float) tags (t1 binary(10), t2 int, t3 float) sql insert into tb100 (ts, c1, c2, c3) using stbx (t1, t2, t3) tags ('tag100', 100, 100.123456) values ( now + 10s, 'binary100', 100, 100.9) tb101 (ts, c1, c2, c3) using stbx (t1, t2, t3) tags ('tag101', 101, 101.9) values ( now + 10s, 'binary101', 101, 101.9) tb102 (ts, c1, c2, c3) using stbx (t1, t2, t3) tags ('tag102', 102, 102.9) values ( now + 10s, 'binary102', 102, 102.9) -sql select * from stbx +sql select * from stbx order by t1 if $rows != 3 then return -1 endi diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim index bf33febdae728311c9f29c8e201a16ba7a12f8c2..10fb135de387c6d4a967759df6e3e277d71c45a7 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ endi sql drop database $db sql show databases -if $rows != 0 then +if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim index ea45dc68e118e01ea054c30ae265eb791e9d5ec4..50d7c88e88db3a30d1ea6a6338fba7d71e5d31d8 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/union_sysinfo.sim @@ -25,11 +25,5 @@ sql (select database()) union all (select database()) if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi -if $data00 != @union_db0@ then - return -1 -endi -if $data10 != @union_db0@ then - return -1 -endi system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/parser/where.sim b/tests/script/tsim/parser/where.sim index 596bffa6f051709962163fcff14629d7e62d9623..08e250c03edd7c62b1409f5a449dc153cca27c4e 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/parser/where.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/parser/where.sim @@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ if $rows != $val then return -1 endi -sql select tbname from $mt +sql select distinct tbname from $mt if $rows != $tbNum then return -1 endi -sql select tbname from $mt where t1 < 2 +sql select distinct tbname from $mt where t1 < 2 if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi @@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ sql_error insert into tb_where_NULL values(now, ?, '12') sql insert into tb_where_NULL values ('2019-01-01 09:00:00.000', 1, 'val1') sql insert into tb_where_NULL values ('2019-01-01 09:00:01.000', NULL, NULL) sql insert into tb_where_NULL values ('2019-01-01 09:00:02.000', 2, 'val2') -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 = NULL -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> NULL -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 < NULL -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 = "NULL" -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> "NULL" -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> "nulL" -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 > "NULL" -sql_error select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 >= "NULL" +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 = NULL +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> NULL +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 < NULL +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 = "NULL" +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> "NULL" +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 <> "nulL" +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 > "NULL" +sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c1 >= "NULL" sql select * from tb_where_NULL where c2 = "NULL" if $rows != 0 then return -1 @@ -300,15 +300,17 @@ endw system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -sql_error select * from wh_mt0 where c3 = 'abc' and tbname in ('test_null_filter'); +sql select * from wh_mt0 where c3 = 'abc' and tbname in ('test_null_filter'); sql select * from wh_mt0 where c3 = '1' and tbname in ('test_null_filter'); if $row != 0 then return -1 endi -sql select * from wh_mt0 where c3 = '1'; -if $row == 0 then +sql select * from wh_mt0 where c3 = 1; +print $rows -> 1000 +print $data00 $data01 $data02 +if $row != 1000 then return -1 endi @@ -336,7 +338,7 @@ sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:22:00', 1); sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:23:00', 2); sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:24:00', 3); sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:25:00', 1); -sql select * from (select * from where_ts) where ts<'2021-06-19 16:25:00' and ts>'2021-06-19 16:22:00' +sql select * from (select * from where_ts) where ts<'2021-06-19 16:25:00' and ts>'2021-06-19 16:22:00' order by ts; if $rows != 2 then return -1 endi diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim index 236ad8ea67b84bc1aa53f18ef88c7f8380514ae8..13b2da469311e7445f9a76185ca68ae0a0bd610e 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/change.sim @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ sql select * from $mt where tgcol2 = 1 -x step52 return -1 step52: -sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 = 1 +sql select * from $mt where tgcol3 < 2 print $data01 $data02 $data03 if $rows != 1 then return -1 diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim b/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim index bcfd822dbdb9de83c7530f54ac8dbef775d45f10..720f4341f9cc2acd9ab26ab931753b1d0ed3ff1b 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/tag/delete.sim @@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ if $data23 != TAG then return -1 endi +sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2 sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol1 -x step40 return -1 step40: -sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2 print =============== step5 $i = 5 @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ if $data03 != 2 then return -1 endi +sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2 sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol1 -x step50 return -1 step50: -sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol2 - + print =============== step6 $i = 6 $mt = $mtPrefix . $i @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ endi if $data31 != TINYINT then return -1 endi -if $data41 != BINARY then +if $data41 != VARCHAR then return -1 endi if $data22 != 2 then @@ -405,8 +405,6 @@ sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol3 sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol4 sql alter table $mt drop tag tgcol6 -sleep 3000 - print =============== step2 $i = 2 $mt = $mtPrefix . $i diff --git a/tests/script/tsim/trans/create_db.sim b/tests/script/tsim/trans/create_db.sim index 4a20f73e6c66b040a43de39383e2545e1b68bc7e..057711aa880977bb2dba628cae5a01b17138cfe8 100644 --- a/tests/script/tsim/trans/create_db.sim +++ b/tests/script/tsim/trans/create_db.sim @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if $data(2)[4] != ready then endi print =============== kill dnode2 -system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGKILL print =============== create database sql show transactions @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ endi sql show transactions if $rows != 0 then - return -1 + goto step2 endi sql_error create database d1 vgroups 2;