提交 a9cf4bd3 编写于 作者: H hzcheng


上级 3f5bf97c
......@@ -718,12 +718,18 @@ static int32_t tsdbInsertDataToTable(tsdb_repo_t *repo, SSubmitBlk *pBlock) {
return 0;
static int tsdbReadRowsFromCache(SSkipListIterator *pIter, TSKEY minKey, TSKEY maxKey, int maxRowsToRead, void *dst) {
static int tsdbReadRowsFromCache(SSkipListIterator *pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int maxRowsToRead, void *dst) {
int numOfRows = 0;
do {
SSkipListNode *node = tSkipListIterGet(pIter);
if (node == NULL) break;
SDataRow row = SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node);
if (dataRowKey(row) > maxKey) break;
// Convert row data to column data
if (numOfRows > maxRowsToRead) break;
} while (tSkipListIterNext(pIter));
return numOfRows;
......@@ -746,6 +752,9 @@ static void *tsdbCommitToFile(void *arg) {
return NULL;
int maxCols = pMeta->maxCols;
int maxBytes = pMeta->maxRowBytes;
for (int fid = sfid; fid <= efid; fid++) {
TSKEY minKey = 0, maxKey = 0;
tsdbGetKeyRangeOfFileId(pCfg->daysPerFile, pCfg->precision, fid, &minKey, &maxKey);
......@@ -754,7 +763,7 @@ static void *tsdbCommitToFile(void *arg) {
STable *pTable = pMeta->tables[tid];
if (pTable == NULL || pTable->imem == NULL) continue;
if (iters[tid] == NULL) { // create table iterator
iters[tid] = tSkipListCreateIter(pTable->imem);
iters[tid] = tSkipListCreateIter(pTable->imem->pData);
// TODO: deal with the error
if (iters[tid] == NULL) break;
if (!tSkipListIterNext(iters[tid])) {
......@@ -763,7 +772,10 @@ static void *tsdbCommitToFile(void *arg) {
// Loop the iterator
// tsdbReadRowsFromCache();
int rowsRead = 0;
while ((rowsRead = tsdbReadRowsFromCache(iters[tid], maxKey, pCfg->maxRowsPerFileBlock, NULL)) > 0) {
int k = 0;
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