未验证 提交 a92039b3 编写于 作者: H Hui Li 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #10647 from taosdata/fix/crash_gen_restful

<fix> : fix crash_gen support restful mode by deploy taosadapter
......@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ class WorkerThread:
# self._thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,))
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run)
self._stepGate = threading.Event()
# Let us have a DB connection of our own
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
# print("connector_type = {}".format(gConfig.connector_type))
# print("connector_type = {}".format(Config.getConfig().connector_type))
tInst = gContainer.defTdeInstance
if Config.getConfig().connector_type == 'native':
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative(tInst.getDbTarget())
......@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ class StateMechine:
# did not do this when openning connection, and this is NOT the worker
# thread, which does this on their own
if not dbc.hasTables(): # no tables
if not dbc.hasTables(dbName): # no tables
Logging.debug("[STT] DB_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateDbOnly()
......@@ -1434,6 +1434,7 @@ class Task():
# TODO: refactor away, just provide the dbConn
def execWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread
""" Haha """
# print("thread %d runing sql is : %s " %(wt._tid , sql) )
return wt.execSql(sql)
def queryWtSql(self, wt: WorkerThread, sql): # execute an SQL on the worker thread
......@@ -1690,6 +1691,9 @@ class TdSuperTable:
def getName(self):
return self._stName
def getFullTableName(self):
return self._dbName + '.' + self._stName
def drop(self, dbc, skipCheck = False):
dbName = self._dbName
if self.exists(dbc) : # if myself exists
......@@ -1701,7 +1705,7 @@ class TdSuperTable:
def exists(self, dbc):
dbc.execute("USE " + self._dbName)
return dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName)
return dbc.existsSuperTable(self._dbName, self._stName)
# TODO: odd semantic, create() method is usually static?
def create(self, dbc, cols: TdColumns, tags: TdTags, dropIfExists = False):
......@@ -1710,7 +1714,7 @@ class TdSuperTable:
dbName = self._dbName
dbc.execute("USE " + dbName)
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + self._stName
if dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName):
if dbc.existsSuperTable(dbName, self._stName):
if dropIfExists:
dbc.execute("DROP TAbLE {}".format(fullTableName))
else: # error
......@@ -2491,7 +2495,7 @@ class MainExec:
help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: 10)')
help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: native)')
......@@ -2552,7 +2556,7 @@ class MainExec:
help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)')
help='Use a pair of always-fsynced files to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)')
......@@ -165,6 +165,9 @@ quorum 2
def getExecFile(self): # .../taosd
return self._buildDir + "/build/bin/taosd"
def getAdapterFile(self): # .../taosadapter for restful
return self._buildDir + "/build/bin/taosadapter"
def getRunDir(self) -> DirPath : # TODO: rename to "root dir" ?!
if Config.getConfig().set_path =='': # use default path
return DirPath(self._buildDir + self._subdir)
......@@ -188,6 +191,31 @@ quorum 2
# TODO: move "exec -c" into Popen(), we can both "use shell" and NOT fork so ask to lose kill control
return ["exec " + self.getExecFile(), '-c', self.getCfgDir()] # used in subproce.Popen()
def getAdapterCmdLine(self):
Adapter_ports =str(self._port + REST_PORT_INCREMENT)
AdapterCmds = [self.getAdapterFile() + ' --port='+ Adapter_ports +
' --log.path='+ self.getLogDir() + ' --taosConfigDir='+self.getCfgDir()+
' --collectd.enable=false' +
' --influxdb.enable=false --node_exporter.enable=false' +
' --opentsdb.enable=false --statsd.enable=false' +
' --prometheus.enable=false --opentsdb_telnet.enable=false'] # get adapter cmd string
return AdapterCmds
def start_Adapter(self,cmdLine):
# print('nohup '+' '.join(cmdLine)+ '>>taosadapter.log 2>&1 &')
cmds = 'nohup '+' '.join(cmdLine)+ '>>taosadapter.log 2>&1 &'
ret = Popen(
time.sleep(0.1) # very brief wait, then let's check if sub process started successfully.
if ret.poll():
raise CrashGenError("Sub process failed to start with command line: {}".format(cmdLine))
return ret
def _getDnodes(self, dbc):
dbc.query("show dnodes")
cols = dbc.getQueryResult() # id,end_point,vnodes,cores,status,role,create_time,offline reason
......@@ -230,6 +258,10 @@ quorum 2
# self._smThread.start(self.getServiceCmdLine(), self.getLogDir()) # May raise exceptions
self._subProcess = TdeSubProcess(self.getServiceCmdLine(), self.getLogDir())
# run taosadapter by subprocess ,taosadapter is stateless with TDengine ,so it don't need monitor
print(' '.join(self.getAdapterCmdLine()))
def stop(self):
self._subProcess = None
......@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ class DbConn:
# print("dbs = {}, str = {}, ret2={}, type2={}".format(dbs, dbName,ret2, type(dbName)))
return dbName in dbs # TODO: super weird type mangling seen, once here
def existsSuperTable(self, stName):
self.query("show stables")
def existsSuperTable(self, dbName, stName):
self.query("show {}.stables".format(dbName))
sts = [v[0] for v in self.getQueryResult()]
return stName in sts
def hasTables(self):
return self.query("show tables") > 0
def hasTables(self, dbName):
return self.query("show {}.tables".format(dbName)) > 0
def execute(self, sql):
''' Return the number of rows affected'''
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