-**internationalized, you can specify different charset/code page for easy going. eg.: insert `utf-8.zh_cn` characters into database located in linux machine, while query them out in `gb2312/gb18030/...` code page in your chinese windows machine, or vice-versa. and much fun, insert `gb2312/gb18030/...` characters into database located in linux box from
your japanese windows box, and query them out in your local chinese windows machine.
-**enable ODBC-aware software to communicate with TAOS.
-**enable any language with ODBC-bindings/ODBC-plugings to communicate with TAOS
-**still going on...
# Building and Testing
**Note**: all `work` is done in TDengine's project directory
# Building under Windows, use Windows 10 as example
- install windows `flex` port. We use [https://github.com/lexxmark/winflexbison](url) at the moment. Please be noted to append `<path_to_win_flex.exe>` to your `PATH`.
- install Microsoft Visual Studio, take VS2015 as example here
-`"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64`
-`rmdir /s /q debug`
-`cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B debug`
-`cmake --build debug`
-`cmake --install debug`
- open your `Command Prompt` with Administrator's privilidge
- install TAOS ODBC driver that was just built: run `C:\TDengine\todbcinst -i -n TAOS -p C:\TDengine\driver`
# Test
we highly suggest that you build both in linux(ubuntu) and windows(windows 10) platform, because currently TAOS only has it's server-side port on linux platform.
**Note1**: content within <> shall be modified to match your environment
**Note2**: `.stmts` source files are all encoded in `UTF-8`
## start taosd in linux, suppose charset is `UTF-8` as default