提交 9de8ca67 编写于 作者: L Liu Jicong

[TD-5694]<hot-fix>: alloc mem for datacols dynamically

上级 dd5a627b
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ typedef struct SDataCol {
#define isAllRowsNull(pCol) ((pCol)->len == 0)
static FORCE_INLINE void dataColReset(SDataCol *pDataCol) { pDataCol->len = 0; }
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, void **pBuf, int maxPoints);
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, int maxPoints);
void dataColAppendVal(SDataCol *pCol, const void *value, int numOfRows, int maxPoints);
void dataColSetOffset(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle);
......@@ -358,12 +358,12 @@ typedef struct {
int maxRowSize;
int maxCols; // max number of columns
int maxPoints; // max number of points
int bufSize;
//int bufSize;
int numOfRows;
int numOfCols; // Total number of cols
int sversion; // TODO: set sversion
void * buf;
//void * buf;
SDataCol *cols;
} SDataCols;
......@@ -207,24 +207,16 @@ SMemRow tdMemRowDup(SMemRow row) {
return trow;
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, void **pBuf, int maxPoints) {
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, int maxPoints) {
pDataCol->type = colType(pCol);
pDataCol->colId = colColId(pCol);
pDataCol->bytes = colBytes(pCol);
pDataCol->offset = colOffset(pCol) + TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE;
pDataCol->len = 0;
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pDataCol->type)) {
pDataCol->dataOff = (VarDataOffsetT *)(*pBuf);
pDataCol->pData = POINTER_SHIFT(*pBuf, sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) * maxPoints);
pDataCol->spaceSize = pDataCol->bytes * maxPoints;
*pBuf = POINTER_SHIFT(*pBuf, pDataCol->spaceSize + sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) * maxPoints);
} else {
pDataCol->spaceSize = pDataCol->bytes * maxPoints;
pDataCol->pData = NULL;
pDataCol->dataOff = NULL;
pDataCol->pData = *pBuf;
*pBuf = POINTER_SHIFT(*pBuf, pDataCol->spaceSize);
// value from timestamp should be TKEY here instead of TSKEY
void dataColAppendVal(SDataCol *pCol, const void *value, int numOfRows, int maxPoints) {
......@@ -239,6 +231,15 @@ void dataColAppendVal(SDataCol *pCol, const void *value, int numOfRows, int maxP
if (numOfRows > 0) {
// Find the first not null value, fill all previouse values as NULL
dataColSetNEleNull(pCol, numOfRows, maxPoints);
} else {
if(pCol->pData == NULL) {
pCol->pData = malloc(maxPoints * pCol->bytes);
ASSERT(pCol->pData != NULL);
if(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->dataOff = malloc(maxPoints * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT));
ASSERT(pCol->dataOff != NULL);
......@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ bool isNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle) {
return true;
FORCE_INLINE void dataColSetNullAt(SDataCol *pCol, int index) {
static FORCE_INLINE void dataColSetNullAt(SDataCol *pCol, int index) {
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->dataOff[index] = pCol->len;
char *ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, pCol->len);
......@@ -277,6 +278,15 @@ FORCE_INLINE void dataColSetNullAt(SDataCol *pCol, int index) {
void dataColSetNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle, int maxPoints) {
if(pCol->pData == NULL) {
pCol->pData = malloc(maxPoints * pCol->bytes);
ASSERT(pCol->pData != NULL);
if(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->dataOff = malloc(maxPoints * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT));
ASSERT(pCol->dataOff != NULL);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nEle; i++) {
......@@ -324,17 +334,7 @@ SDataCols *tdNewDataCols(int maxRowSize, int maxCols, int maxRows) {
pCols->maxRowSize = maxRowSize;
pCols->bufSize = maxRowSize * maxRows;
if (pCols->bufSize > 0) {
pCols->buf = malloc(pCols->bufSize);
if (pCols->buf == NULL) {
uDebug("malloc failure, size:%" PRId64 " failed, reason:%s", (int64_t)sizeof(SDataCol) * maxCols,
return NULL;
return pCols;
......@@ -348,27 +348,31 @@ int tdInitDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, STSchema *pSchema) {
if (schemaTLen(pSchema) > pCols->maxRowSize) {
pCols->maxRowSize = schemaTLen(pSchema);
pCols->bufSize = schemaTLen(pSchema) * pCols->maxPoints;
pCols->buf = realloc(pCols->buf, pCols->bufSize);
if (pCols->buf == NULL) return -1;
pCols->numOfCols = schemaNCols(pSchema);
void *ptr = pCols->buf;
for (int i = 0; i < schemaNCols(pSchema); i++) {
dataColInit(pCols->cols + i, schemaColAt(pSchema, i), &ptr, pCols->maxPoints);
ASSERT((char *)ptr - (char *)(pCols->buf) <= pCols->bufSize);
dataColInit(pCols->cols + i, schemaColAt(pSchema, i), pCols->maxPoints);
return 0;
SDataCols *tdFreeDataCols(SDataCols *pCols) {
int i;
if (pCols) {
if(pCols->cols) {
int maxCols = pCols->maxCols;
for(i = 0; i < maxCols; i++) {
SDataCol *pCol = &pCols->cols[i];
pCols->cols = NULL;
return NULL;
......@@ -389,19 +393,17 @@ SDataCols *tdDupDataCols(SDataCols *pDataCols, bool keepData) {
pRet->cols[i].offset = pDataCols->cols[i].offset;
pRet->cols[i].spaceSize = pDataCols->cols[i].spaceSize;
pRet->cols[i].pData = (void *)((char *)pRet->buf + ((char *)(pDataCols->cols[i].pData) - (char *)(pDataCols->buf)));
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pRet->cols[i].type)) {
ASSERT(pDataCols->cols[i].dataOff != NULL);
pRet->cols[i].dataOff =
(int32_t *)((char *)pRet->buf + ((char *)(pDataCols->cols[i].dataOff) - (char *)(pDataCols->buf)));
pRet->cols[i].len = 0;
pRet->cols[i].dataOff = NULL;
pRet->cols[i].pData = NULL;
if (keepData) {
pRet->cols[i].len = pDataCols->cols[i].len;
if (pDataCols->cols[i].len > 0) {
pRet->cols[i].pData = malloc(pDataCols->cols[i].bytes * pDataCols->maxPoints);
memcpy(pRet->cols[i].pData, pDataCols->cols[i].pData, pDataCols->cols[i].len);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pRet->cols[i].type)) {
pRet->cols[i].dataOff = malloc(sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) * pDataCols->maxPoints);
memcpy(pRet->cols[i].dataOff, pDataCols->cols[i].dataOff, sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) * pDataCols->maxPoints);
......@@ -426,20 +428,9 @@ static void tdAppendDataRowToDataCol(SDataRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols
int rcol = 0;
int dcol = 0;
if (dataRowDeleted(row)) {
for (; dcol < pCols->numOfCols; dcol++) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pCols->cols[dcol]);
if (dcol == 0) {
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, dataRowTuple(row), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
} else {
dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
} else {
while (dcol < pCols->numOfCols) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pCols->cols[dcol]);
if (rcol >= schemaNCols(pSchema)) {
// dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, getNullValue(pDataCol->type), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
......@@ -455,13 +446,11 @@ static void tdAppendDataRowToDataCol(SDataRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols
} else {
if(forceSetNull) {
//dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, getNullValue(pDataCol->type), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
......@@ -471,22 +460,11 @@ static void tdAppendKvRowToDataCol(SKVRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCo
int rcol = 0;
int dcol = 0;
if (kvRowDeleted(row)) {
for (; dcol < pCols->numOfCols; dcol++) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pCols->cols[dcol]);
if (dcol == 0) {
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, kvRowValues(row), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
} else {
dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
} else {
int nRowCols = kvRowNCols(row);
while (dcol < pCols->numOfCols) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pCols->cols[dcol]);
if (rcol >= nRowCols || rcol >= schemaNCols(pSchema)) {
// dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, getNullValue(pDataCol->type), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
......@@ -503,13 +481,11 @@ static void tdAppendKvRowToDataCol(SKVRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCo
} else {
if (forceSetNull) {
// dataColSetNullAt(pDataCol, pCols->numOfRows);
dataColAppendVal(pDataCol, getNullValue(pDataCol->type), pCols->numOfRows, pCols->maxPoints);
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ typedef void* SMergeBuf;
SDataRow tsdbMergeTwoRows(SMergeBuf *pBuf, SMemRow row1, SMemRow row2, STSchema *pSchema1, STSchema *pSchema2);
static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbMergeBufMakeSureRoom(SMergeBuf *pBuf, STSchema* pSchema1, STSchema* pSchema2) {
return tsdbMakeRoom(pBuf, MAX(dataRowMaxBytesFromSchema(pSchema1), dataRowMaxBytesFromSchema(pSchema2)));
size_t len1 = dataRowMaxBytesFromSchema(pSchema1);
size_t len2 = dataRowMaxBytesFromSchema(pSchema2);
return tsdbMakeRoom(pBuf, MAX(len1, len2));
static FORCE_INLINE void tsdbFreeMergeBuf(SMergeBuf buf) {
......@@ -1035,6 +1035,8 @@ static void tsdbRemoveTableFromMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo, STable *pTable, bool rmFro
pMeta->maxCols = maxCols;
pMeta->maxRowBytes = maxRowBytes;
if (lock) tsdbUnlockRepoMeta(pRepo);
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d table %s uid %" PRIu64 " is removed from meta", REPO_ID(pRepo), TABLE_CHAR_NAME(pTable), TABLE_UID(pTable));
......@@ -518,6 +518,15 @@ static int tsdbCheckAndDecodeColumnData(SDataCol *pDataCol, void *content, int32
return -1;
if(pDataCol->pData == NULL) {
pDataCol->pData = malloc(maxPoints * pDataCol->bytes);
ASSERT(pDataCol->pData != NULL);
if(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pDataCol->type)) {
pDataCol->dataOff = malloc(maxPoints * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT));
ASSERT(pDataCol->dataOff != NULL);
// Decode the data
if (comp) {
// Need to decompress
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