提交 9bddf99d 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

refactor(query): do some internal refactor.

上级 112642a3
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static int32_t mndSaveQueryList(SConnObj *pConn, SQueryHbReqBasic *pBasic) {
pConn->numOfQueries = pBasic->queryDesc ? taosArrayGetSize(pBasic->queryDesc) : 0;
pBasic->queryDesc = NULL;
mDebug("queries updated in conn %d, num:%d", pConn->id, pConn->numOfQueries);
mDebug("queries updated in conn %u, num:%d", pConn->id, pConn->numOfQueries);
......@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
#include "tsdb.h"
typedef enum {
} EContentData;
typedef struct {
STbDataIter* iter;
int32_t index;
......@@ -70,9 +76,9 @@ typedef struct SFilesetIter {
} SFilesetIter;
typedef struct SFileDataBlockInfo {
tbBlockIdx; // index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it
// index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it
uint64_t uid;
int32_t tbBlockIdx;
} SFileDataBlockInfo;
typedef struct SDataBlockIter {
......@@ -99,12 +105,11 @@ typedef struct SReaderStatus {
SHashObj* pTableMap; // SHash<STableBlockScanInfo>
STableBlockScanInfo* pTableIter; // table iterator used in building in-memory buffer data blocks.
SFileBlockDumpInfo fBlockDumpInfo;
SDFileSet* pCurrentFileset; // current opened file set
SBlockData fileBlockData;
SFilesetIter fileIter;
SDataBlockIter blockIter;
bool composedDataBlock; // the returned data block is a composed block or not
SDFileSet* pCurrentFileset; // current opened file set
SBlockData fileBlockData;
SFilesetIter fileIter;
SDataBlockIter blockIter;
bool composedDataBlock; // the returned data block is a composed block or not
} SReaderStatus;
struct STsdbReader {
......@@ -115,15 +120,17 @@ struct STsdbReader {
SSDataBlock* pResBlock;
int32_t capacity;
SReaderStatus status;
char* idStr; // query info handle, for debug purpose
int32_t type; // query type: 1. retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve direct prev|next rows
char* idStr; // query info handle, for debug purpose
int32_t type; // query type: 1. retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve direct prev|next rows
SBlockLoadSuppInfo suppInfo;
STsdbReadSnap* pReadSnap;
SIOCostSummary cost;
STSchema* pSchema;
SDataFReader* pFileReader;
SVersionRange verRange;
SIOCostSummary cost;
STSchema* pSchema;
SDataFReader* pFileReader;
SVersionRange verRange;
int32_t step;
STsdbReader* innerReader[2];
static SFileDataBlockInfo* getCurrentBlockInfo(SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter);
......@@ -200,6 +207,9 @@ static SHashObj* createDataBlockScanInfo(STsdbReader* pTsdbReader, const STableK
tsdbDebug("%p create %d tables scan-info, size:%.2f Kb, %s", pTsdbReader, numOfTables, (sizeof(STableBlockScanInfo)*numOfTables)/1024.0,
return pTableMap;
......@@ -328,7 +338,7 @@ static bool filesetIteratorNext(SFilesetIter* pIter, STsdbReader* pReader) {
tsdbDebug("%p file found fid:%d for qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", ignore, %s", pReader, fid, pReader->window.skey,
tsdbDebug("%p file found fid:%d for qrange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", %s", pReader, fid, pReader->window.skey,
pReader->window.ekey, pReader->idStr);
return true;
......@@ -378,7 +388,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* createResBlock(SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, int32_t capacity)
return pResBlock;
static int32_t tsdbReaderCreate(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STsdbReader** ppReader, const char* idstr) {
static int32_t tsdbReaderCreate(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STsdbReader** ppReader, int32_t capacity, const char* idstr) {
int32_t code = 0;
int8_t level = 0;
STsdbReader* pReader = (STsdbReader*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*pReader));
......@@ -392,7 +402,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbReaderCreate(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STsd
pReader->pTsdb = getTsdbByRetentions(pVnode, pCond->twindows.skey, pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.retentions, idstr, &level);
pReader->suid = pCond->suid;
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->capacity = 4096;
pReader->capacity = capacity;
pReader->idStr = (idstr != NULL) ? strdup(idstr) : NULL;
pReader->verRange = getQueryVerRange(pVnode, pCond, level);
pReader->type = pCond->type;
......@@ -483,95 +493,6 @@ _end:
// return res;
// }
// static TSKEY extractFirstTraverseKey(STableBlockScanInfo* pCheckInfo, int32_t order, int32_t update, TDRowVerT
// maxVer) {
// TSDBROW row = {0};
// STSRow *rmem = NULL, *rimem = NULL;
// if (pCheckInfo->iter) {
// if (tsdbTbDataIterGet(pCheckInfo->iter, &row)) {
// rmem = row.pTSRow;
// }
// }
// if (pCheckInfo->iiter) {
// if (tsdbTbDataIterGet(pCheckInfo->iiter, &row)) {
// rimem = row.pTSRow;
// }
// }
// if (rmem == NULL && rimem == NULL) {
// }
// if (rmem != NULL && rimem == NULL) {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_MEM;
// return TD_ROW_KEY(rmem);
// }
// if (rmem == NULL && rimem != NULL) {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_IMEM;
// return TD_ROW_KEY(rimem);
// }
// TSKEY r1 = TD_ROW_KEY(rmem);
// TSKEY r2 = TD_ROW_KEY(rimem);
// if (r1 == r2) {
// if (TD_SUPPORT_UPDATE(update)) {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_BOTH;
// } else {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_IMEM;
// tsdbTbDataIterNext(pCheckInfo->iter);
// }
// return r1;
// } else if (r1 < r2 && ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(order)) {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_MEM;
// return r1;
// } else {
// pCheckInfo->chosen = CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_IMEM;
// return r2;
// }
// }
// static bool moveToNextRowInMem(STableBlockScanInfo* pCheckInfo) {
// bool hasNext = false;
// if (pCheckInfo->chosen == CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_MEM) {
// if (pCheckInfo->iter != NULL) {
// hasNext = tsdbTbDataIterNext(pCheckInfo->iter);
// }
// if (hasNext) {
// return hasNext;
// }
// if (pCheckInfo->iiter != NULL) {
// return tsdbTbDataIterGet(pCheckInfo->iiter, NULL);
// }
// } else if (pCheckInfo->chosen == CHECKINFO_CHOSEN_IMEM) {
// if (pCheckInfo->iiter != NULL) {
// hasNext = tsdbTbDataIterNext(pCheckInfo->iiter);
// }
// if (hasNext) {
// return hasNext;
// }
// if (pCheckInfo->iter != NULL) {
// return tsdbTbDataIterGet(pCheckInfo->iter, NULL);
// }
// } else {
// if (pCheckInfo->iter != NULL) {
// hasNext = tsdbTbDataIterNext(pCheckInfo->iter);
// }
// if (pCheckInfo->iiter != NULL) {
// hasNext = tsdbTbDataIterNext(pCheckInfo->iiter) || hasNext;
// }
// }
// return hasNext;
// }
// static int32_t binarySearchForBlock(SBlock* pBlock, int32_t numOfBlocks, TSKEY skey, int32_t order) {
// int32_t firstSlot = 0;
// int32_t lastSlot = numOfBlocks - 1;
......@@ -602,18 +523,22 @@ _end:
static int32_t doLoadBlockIndex(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataFReader* pFileReader, SArray* pIndexList) {
SArray* aBlockIdx = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(SBlockIdx));
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
int32_t code = tsdbReadBlockIdx(pFileReader, aBlockIdx, NULL);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _end;
if (taosArrayGetSize(aBlockIdx) == 0) {
size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(aBlockIdx);
if (num == 0) {
SBlockIdx* pBlockIdx;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(aBlockIdx); ++i) {
int64_t et1 = taosGetTimestampUs();
SBlockIdx* pBlockIdx = NULL;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
pBlockIdx = (SBlockIdx*)taosArrayGet(aBlockIdx, i);
// uid check
......@@ -627,17 +552,6 @@ static int32_t doLoadBlockIndex(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataFReader* pFileReader,
// todo: not valid info in bockIndex
// time range check
// if (pBlockIdx->minKey > pReader->window.ekey || pBlockIdx->maxKey < pReader->window.skey) {
// continue;
// }
// version check
// if (pBlockIdx->minVersion > pReader->verRange.maxVer || pBlockIdx->maxVersion < pReader->verRange.minVer) {
// continue;
// }
STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo = p;
if (pScanInfo->pBlockList == NULL) {
pScanInfo->pBlockList = taosArrayInit(16, sizeof(SBlock));
......@@ -647,6 +561,9 @@ static int32_t doLoadBlockIndex(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataFReader* pFileReader,
taosArrayPush(pIndexList, pBlockIdx);
int64_t et2 = taosGetTimestampUs();
tsdbDebug("load block index for %d tables completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms, set blockIdx:%.2f ms, size:%d bytes %s",
(int32_t)num, (et1 - st)/1000.0, (et2-et1)/1000.0, num * sizeof(SBlockIdx), pReader->idStr);
return code;
......@@ -655,9 +572,11 @@ _end:
static int32_t doLoadFileBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIndexList, uint32_t* numOfValidTables,
int32_t* numOfBlocks) {
size_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(pIndexList);
*numOfValidTables = 0;
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
size_t size = 0;
STableBlockScanInfo* px = NULL;
while (1) {
px = taosHashIterate(pReader->status.pTableMap, px);
......@@ -675,6 +594,8 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIndexList, uint32_
tsdbReadBlock(pReader->pFileReader, pBlockIdx, &mapData, NULL);
size += mapData.nData;
STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo = taosHashGet(pReader->status.pTableMap, &pBlockIdx->uid, sizeof(int64_t));
for (int32_t j = 0; j < mapData.nItem; ++j) {
SBlock block = {0};
......@@ -706,6 +627,10 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIndexList, uint32_
int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
tsdbDebug("load block of %d tables completed, blocks:%d in %d tables, size:%.2f Kb, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s",
numOfTables, *numOfBlocks, *numOfValidTables, size/1000.0, (et-st)/1000.0, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -816,7 +741,6 @@ static int32_t copyBlockDataToSDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanIn
// todo consider the output buffer size
static int32_t doLoadFileBlockData(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter,
STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, SBlockData* pBlockData) {
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
......@@ -853,346 +777,6 @@ _error:
return code;
// static int doBinarySearchKey(char* pValue, int num, TSKEY key, int order) {
// int firstPos, lastPos, midPos = -1;
// int numOfRows;
// TSKEY* keyList;
// assert(order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC || order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC);
// if (num <= 0) return -1;
// keyList = (TSKEY*)pValue;
// firstPos = 0;
// lastPos = num - 1;
// if (order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
// // find the first position which is smaller than the key
// while (1) {
// if (key >= keyList[lastPos]) return lastPos;
// if (key == keyList[firstPos]) return firstPos;
// if (key < keyList[firstPos]) return firstPos - 1;
// numOfRows = lastPos - firstPos + 1;
// midPos = (numOfRows >> 1) + firstPos;
// if (key < keyList[midPos]) {
// lastPos = midPos - 1;
// } else if (key > keyList[midPos]) {
// firstPos = midPos + 1;
// } else {
// break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// // find the first position which is bigger than the key
// while (1) {
// if (key <= keyList[firstPos]) return firstPos;
// if (key == keyList[lastPos]) return lastPos;
// if (key > keyList[lastPos]) {
// lastPos = lastPos + 1;
// if (lastPos >= num)
// return -1;
// else
// return lastPos;
// }
// numOfRows = lastPos - firstPos + 1;
// midPos = (numOfRows >> 1) + firstPos;
// if (key < keyList[midPos]) {
// lastPos = midPos - 1;
// } else if (key > keyList[midPos]) {
// firstPos = midPos + 1;
// } else {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// return midPos;
// }
// static void doCheckGeneratedBlockRange(STsdbReader* pTsdbReadHandle) {
// SQueryFilePos* cur = &pTsdbReadHandle->cur;
// if (cur->rows > 0) {
// if (ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pTsdbReadHandle->order)) {
// assert(cur->win.skey >= pTsdbReadHandle->window.skey && cur->win.ekey <= pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey);
// } else {
// assert(cur->win.skey >= pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey && cur->win.ekey <= pTsdbReadHandle->window.skey);
// }
// SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData = taosArrayGet(pTsdbReadHandle->pColumns, 0);
// assert(cur->win.skey == ((TSKEY*)pColInfoData->pData)[0] &&
// cur->win.ekey == ((TSKEY*)pColInfoData->pData)[cur->rows - 1]);
// } else {
// cur->win = pTsdbReadHandle->window;
// int32_t step = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pTsdbReadHandle->order) ? 1 : -1;
// cur->lastKey = pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey + step;
// }
// }
// static void copyAllRemainRowsFromFileBlock(STsdbReader* pTsdbReadHandle, STableBlockScanInfo* pCheckInfo,
// SDataBlockInfo* pBlockInfo, int32_t endPos) {
// SQueryFilePos* cur = &pTsdbReadHandle->cur;
// SDataCols* pCols = pTsdbReadHandle->rhelper.pDCols[0];
// TSKEY* tsArray = pCols->cols[0].pData;
// bool ascScan = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pTsdbReadHandle->order);
// int32_t step = ascScan ? 1 : -1;
// int32_t start = cur->pos;
// int32_t end = endPos;
// if (!ascScan) {
// TSWAP(start, end);
// }
// assert(pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity >= (end - start + 1));
// int32_t numOfRows = doCopyRowsFromFileBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, 0, start, end);
// // the time window should always be ascending order: skey <= ekey
// cur->win = (STimeWindow){.skey = tsArray[start], .ekey = tsArray[end]};
// cur->mixBlock = (numOfRows != pBlockInfo->rows);
// cur->lastKey = tsArray[endPos] + step;
// cur->blockCompleted = (ascScan ? (endPos == pBlockInfo->rows - 1) : (endPos == 0));
// // The value of pos may be -1 or pBlockInfo->rows, and it is invalid in both cases.
// int32_t pos = endPos + step;
// updateInfoAfterMerge(pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo, numOfRows, pos);
// doCheckGeneratedBlockRange(pTsdbReadHandle);
// tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 ", data block created, mixblock:%d, brange:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " rows:%d, %s",
// pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo->tableId, cur->mixBlock, cur->win.skey, cur->win.ekey, cur->rows,
// pTsdbReadHandle->idStr);
// }
// // only return the qualified data to client in terms of query time window, data rows in the same block but do not
// // be included in the query time window will be discarded
// static void doMergeTwoLevelData(STsdbReader* pTsdbReadHandle, STableBlockScanInfo* pCheckInfo, SBlock* pBlock) {
// SQueryFilePos* cur = &pTsdbReadHandle->cur;
// SDataBlockInfo blockInfo = GET_FILE_DATA_BLOCK_INFO(pCheckInfo, pBlock);
// STsdbCfg* pCfg = REPO_CFG(pTsdbReadHandle->pTsdb);
// initTableMemIterator(pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo);
// SDataCols* pCols = pTsdbReadHandle->rhelper.pDCols[0];
// assert(pCols->cols[0].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP && pCols->cols[0].colId == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID &&
// cur->pos >= 0 && cur->pos < pBlock->numOfRows);
// // Even Multi-Version supported, the records with duplicated TSKEY would be merged inside of tsdbLoadData
// interface. TSKEY* tsArray = pCols->cols[0].pData; assert(pCols->numOfRows == pBlock->numOfRows && tsArray[0] ==
// pBlock->minKey.ts &&
// tsArray[pBlock->numOfRows - 1] == pBlock->maxKey.ts);
// bool ascScan = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pTsdbReadHandle->order);
// int32_t step = ascScan ? 1 : -1;
// // for search the endPos, so the order needs to reverse
// int32_t order = ascScan ? TSDB_ORDER_DESC : TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
// int32_t numOfCols = (int32_t)(QH_GET_NUM_OF_COLS(pTsdbReadHandle));
// int32_t endPos = getEndPosInDataBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, &blockInfo);
// STimeWindow* pWin = &blockInfo.window;
// tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 " start merge data block, file block range:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64
// " rows:%d, start:%d, end:%d, %s",
// pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo->tableId, pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, blockInfo.rows, cur->pos, endPos,
// pTsdbReadHandle->idStr);
// // compared with the data from in-memory buffer, to generate the correct timestamp array list
// int32_t numOfRows = 0;
// int32_t curRow = 0;
// int16_t rv1 = -1;
// int16_t rv2 = -1;
// STSchema* pSchema1 = NULL;
// STSchema* pSchema2 = NULL;
// int32_t pos = cur->pos;
// bool adjustPos = false;
// // no data in buffer, load data from file directly
// if (pCheckInfo->iiter == NULL && pCheckInfo->iter == NULL) {
// copyAllRemainRowsFromFileBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo, &blockInfo, endPos);
// return;
// } else if (pCheckInfo->iter != NULL || pCheckInfo->iiter != NULL) {
// SSkipListNode* node = NULL;
// do {
// STSRow* row2 = NULL;
// STSRow* row1 = getSRowInTableMem(pCheckInfo, pTsdbReadHandle->order, pCfg->update, &row2, TD_VER_MAX);
// if (row1 == NULL) {
// break;
// }
// TSKEY key = TD_ROW_KEY(row1);
// if ((key > pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey && ascScan) || (key < pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey && !ascScan)) {
// break;
// }
// if (adjustPos) {
// if (key == lastKeyAppend) {
// pos -= step;
// }
// adjustPos = false;
// }
// if (((pos > endPos || tsArray[pos] > pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && ascScan) ||
// ((pos < endPos || tsArray[pos] < pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && !ascScan)) {
// break;
// }
// if ((key < tsArray[pos] && ascScan) || (key > tsArray[pos] && !ascScan)) {
// if (rv1 != TD_ROW_SVER(row1)) {
// // pSchema1 = tsdbGetTableSchemaByVersion(pTable, memRowVersion(row1));
// rv1 = TD_ROW_SVER(row1);
// }
// if (row2 && rv2 != TD_ROW_SVER(row2)) {
// // pSchema2 = tsdbGetTableSchemaByVersion(pTable, memRowVersion(row2));
// rv2 = TD_ROW_SVER(row2);
// }
// numOfRows +=
// mergeTwoRowFromMem(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, &curRow, row1, row2, numOfCols,
// pCheckInfo->tableId, pSchema1, pSchema2, pCfg->update, &lastKeyAppend);
// if (cur->win.skey == TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) {
// cur->win.skey = key;
// }
// cur->win.ekey = key;
// cur->lastKey = key + step;
// cur->mixBlock = true;
// moveToNextRowInMem(pCheckInfo);
// } else if (key == tsArray[pos]) { // data in buffer has the same timestamp of data in file block, ignore it
// if (TD_SUPPORT_UPDATE(pCfg->update)) {
// if (lastKeyAppend != key) {
// if (lastKeyAppend != TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) {
// ++curRow;
// }
// lastKeyAppend = key;
// }
// // load data from file firstly
// numOfRows = doCopyRowsFromFileBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, curRow, pos, pos);
// if (rv1 != TD_ROW_SVER(row1)) {
// rv1 = TD_ROW_SVER(row1);
// }
// if (row2 && rv2 != TD_ROW_SVER(row2)) {
// rv2 = TD_ROW_SVER(row2);
// }
// // still assign data into current row
// numOfRows +=
// mergeTwoRowFromMem(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, &curRow, row1, row2, numOfCols,
// pCheckInfo->tableId, pSchema1, pSchema2, pCfg->update, &lastKeyAppend);
// if (cur->win.skey == TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) {
// cur->win.skey = key;
// }
// cur->win.ekey = key;
// cur->lastKey = key + step;
// cur->mixBlock = true;
// moveToNextRowInMem(pCheckInfo);
// pos += step;
// adjustPos = true;
// } else {
// // discard the memory record
// moveToNextRowInMem(pCheckInfo);
// }
// } else if ((key > tsArray[pos] && ascScan) || (key < tsArray[pos] && !ascScan)) {
// if (cur->win.skey == TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) {
// cur->win.skey = tsArray[pos];
// }
// int32_t end = doBinarySearchKey(pCols->cols[0].pData, pCols->numOfRows, key, order);
// assert(end != -1);
// if (tsArray[end] == key) { // the value of key in cache equals to the end timestamp value, ignore it
// #if 0
// if (pCfg->update == TD_ROW_DISCARD_UPDATE) {
// moveToNextRowInMem(pCheckInfo);
// } else {
// end -= step;
// }
// #endif
// if (!TD_SUPPORT_UPDATE(pCfg->update)) {
// moveToNextRowInMem(pCheckInfo);
// } else {
// end -= step;
// }
// }
// int32_t qstart = 0, qend = 0;
// getQualifiedRowsPos(pTsdbReadHandle, pos, end, numOfRows, &qstart, &qend);
// if ((lastKeyAppend != TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) && (lastKeyAppend != (ascScan ? tsArray[qstart] : tsArray[qend]))) {
// ++curRow;
// }
// numOfRows = doCopyRowsFromFileBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, curRow, qstart, qend);
// pos += (qend - qstart + 1) * step;
// if (numOfRows > 0) {
// curRow = numOfRows - 1;
// }
// cur->win.ekey = ascScan ? tsArray[qend] : tsArray[qstart];
// cur->lastKey = cur->win.ekey + step;
// lastKeyAppend = cur->win.ekey;
// }
// } while (numOfRows < pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity);
// if (numOfRows < pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity) {
// /**
// * if cache is empty, load remain file block data. In contrast, if there are remain data in cache, do NOT
// * copy them all to result buffer, since it may be overlapped with file data block.
// */
// if (node == NULL || ((TD_ROW_KEY((STSRow*)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node)) > pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && ascScan)
// ||
// ((TD_ROW_KEY((STSRow*)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node)) < pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && !ascScan)) {
// // no data in cache or data in cache is greater than the ekey of time window, load data from file block
// if (cur->win.skey == TSKEY_INITIAL_VAL) {
// cur->win.skey = tsArray[pos];
// }
// int32_t start = -1, end = -1;
// getQualifiedRowsPos(pTsdbReadHandle, pos, endPos, numOfRows, &start, &end);
// numOfRows = doCopyRowsFromFileBlock(pTsdbReadHandle, pTsdbReadHandle->outputCapacity, numOfRows, start, end);
// pos += (end - start + 1) * step;
// cur->win.ekey = ascScan ? tsArray[end] : tsArray[start];
// cur->lastKey = cur->win.ekey + step;
// cur->mixBlock = true;
// }
// }
// }
// cur->blockCompleted = (((pos > endPos || cur->lastKey > pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && ascScan) ||
// ((pos < endPos || cur->lastKey < pTsdbReadHandle->window.ekey) && !ascScan));
// if (!ascScan) {
// TSWAP(cur->win.skey, cur->win.ekey);
// }
// updateInfoAfterMerge(pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo, numOfRows, pos);
// doCheckGeneratedBlockRange(pTsdbReadHandle);
// tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 ", data block created, mixblock:%d, brange:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " rows:%d, %s",
// pTsdbReadHandle, pCheckInfo->tableId, cur->mixBlock, cur->win.skey, cur->win.ekey, cur->rows,
// pTsdbReadHandle->idStr);
// }
static void cleanupBlockOrderSupporter(SBlockOrderSupporter* pSup) {
......@@ -1252,8 +836,9 @@ static int32_t initBlockIterator(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIte
// access data blocks according to the offset of each block in asc/desc order.
int32_t numOfTables = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pReader->status.pTableMap);
SBlockOrderSupporter sup = {0};
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
SBlockOrderSupporter sup = {0};
int32_t code = initBlockOrderSupporter(&sup, numOfTables);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -1302,11 +887,12 @@ static int32_t initBlockIterator(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIte
SFileDataBlockInfo blockInfo = {.uid = sup.pDataBlockInfo[0][i].uid, .tbBlockIdx = i};
taosArrayPush(pBlockIter->blockList, &blockInfo);
tsdbDebug("%p create blocks info struct completed for one table, %d blocks not sorted %s", pReader, cnt,
pBlockIter->index = asc ? 0 : (numOfBlocks - 1);
int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
tsdbDebug("%p create blocks info struct completed for one table, %d blocks not sorted, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", pReader, cnt,
(et - st)/1000.0, pReader->idStr);
pBlockIter->index = asc ? 0 : (numOfBlocks - 1);
......@@ -1340,7 +926,8 @@ static int32_t initBlockIterator(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIte
tMergeTreeAdjust(pTree, tMergeTreeGetAdjustIndex(pTree));
tsdbDebug("%p %d data blocks sort completed, %s", pReader, cnt, pReader->idStr);
int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
tsdbDebug("%p %d data blocks access order completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", pReader, cnt, (et-st)/1000.0, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -1813,6 +1400,8 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanInfo*
SBlockData* pBlockData = &pReader->status.fileBlockData;
int32_t step = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pReader->order) ? 1 : -1;
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
while (1) {
// todo check the validate of row in file block
......@@ -1851,10 +1440,11 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanInfo*
blockDataUpdateTsWindow(pResBlock, 0);
setComposedBlockFlag(pReader, true);
int64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs();
tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 ", composed data block created, brange:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " rows:%d, %s", pReader,
tsdbDebug("%p uid:%" PRIu64 ", composed data block created, brange:%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " rows:%d, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", pReader,
pBlockScanInfo->uid, pResBlock->info.window.skey, pResBlock->info.window.ekey, pResBlock->info.rows,
(et - st)/1000.0, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -2031,7 +1621,9 @@ static TSDBKEY getCurrentKeyInBuf(SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter, STsdbReader* pRead
static int32_t moveToNextFile(STsdbReader* pReader, int32_t* numOfBlocks) {
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
SArray* pIndexList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SBlockIdx));
size_t numOfTables = taosHashGetSize(pReader->status.pTableMap);
SArray* pIndexList = taosArrayInit(numOfTables, sizeof(SBlockIdx));
while (1) {
bool hasNext = filesetIteratorNext(&pStatus->fileIter, pReader);
......@@ -2803,24 +2395,57 @@ int32_t tsdbGetStbIdList(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t suid, SArray* list) {
// ====================================== EXPOSED APIs ======================================
int32_t tsdbReaderOpen(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, SArray* pTableList, STsdbReader** ppReader,
const char* idstr) {
int32_t code = tsdbReaderCreate(pVnode, pCond, ppReader, idstr);
if (code) {
int32_t code = tsdbReaderCreate(pVnode, pCond, ppReader, 4096, idstr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _err;
if (pCond->suid != 0) {
(*ppReader)->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema((*ppReader)->pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, (*ppReader)->suid, -1);
} else if (taosArrayGetSize(pTableList) > 0) {
STableKeyInfo* pKey = taosArrayGet(pTableList, 0);
(*ppReader)->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema((*ppReader)->pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, pKey->uid, -1);
// check for query time window
STsdbReader* pReader = *ppReader;
if (isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
tsdbDebug("%p query window not overlaps with the data set, no result returned, %s", pReader, pReader->idStr);
// update the SQueryTableDataCond to create inner reader
STimeWindow w = pCond->twindows;
int32_t order = pCond->order;
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
pCond->twindows.ekey = pCond->twindows.skey;
pCond->twindows.skey = INT64_MIN;
pCond->order = TSDB_ORDER_DESC;
} else {
pCond->twindows.skey = pCond->twindows.ekey;
pCond->twindows.ekey = INT64_MAX;
pCond->order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
code = tsdbReaderCreate(pVnode, pCond, &pReader->innerReader[0], 1, idstr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _err;
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
pCond->twindows.skey = w.ekey;
pCond->twindows.ekey = INT64_MAX;
} else {
pCond->twindows.skey = INT64_MIN;
pCond->twindows.ekey = w.ekey;
code = tsdbReaderCreate(pVnode, pCond, &pReader->innerReader[1], 1, idstr);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _err;
if (pCond->suid != 0) {
pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, pReader->suid, -1);
} else if (taosArrayGetSize(pTableList) > 0) {
STableKeyInfo* pKey = taosArrayGet(pTableList, 0);
pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, pKey->uid, -1);
int32_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(pTableList);
pReader->status.pTableMap = createDataBlockScanInfo(pReader, pTableList->pData, numOfTables);
if (pReader->status.pTableMap == NULL) {
......@@ -2831,21 +2456,41 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderOpen(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, SArray* pTabl
goto _err;
SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter = &pReader->status.blockIter;
code = tsdbTakeReadSnap(pReader->pTsdb, &pReader->pReadSnap);
if (code) goto _err;
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _err;
initFilesetIterator(&pReader->status.fileIter, (*ppReader)->pReadSnap->fs.aDFileSet, pReader->order, pReader->idStr);
resetDataBlockIterator(&pReader->status.blockIter, pReader->order);
if (pReader->type == TIMEWINDOW_RANGE_CONTAINED) {
SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter = &pReader->status.blockIter;
// no data in files, let's try buffer in memory
if (pReader->status.fileIter.numOfFiles == 0) {
pReader->status.loadFromFile = false;
initFilesetIterator(&pReader->status.fileIter, pReader->pReadSnap->fs.aDFileSet, pReader->order, pReader->idStr);
resetDataBlockIterator(&pReader->status.blockIter, pReader->order);
// no data in files, let's try buffer in memory
if (pReader->status.fileIter.numOfFiles == 0) {
pReader->status.loadFromFile = false;
} else {
code = initForFirstBlockInFile(pReader, pBlockIter);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
} else {
code = initForFirstBlockInFile(pReader, pBlockIter);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
STsdbReader* pPrevReader = pReader->innerReader[0];
SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter = &pPrevReader->status.blockIter;
initFilesetIterator(&pPrevReader->status.fileIter, pPrevReader->pReadSnap->fs.aDFileSet, pPrevReader->order, pPrevReader->idStr);
resetDataBlockIterator(&pPrevReader->status.blockIter, pPrevReader->order);
// no data in files, let's try buffer in memory
if (pPrevReader->status.fileIter.numOfFiles == 0) {
pPrevReader->status.loadFromFile = false;
} else {
code = initForFirstBlockInFile(pPrevReader, pBlockIter);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -2885,20 +2530,6 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
#if 0
// if (pReader->status.pTableScanInfo != NULL) {
// pReader->status.pTableScanInfo = destroyTableCheckInfo(pReader->status.pTableScanInfo);
// }
// tsdbDestroyReadH(&pReader->rhelper);
// tdFreeDataCols(pReader->pDataCols);
// pReader->pDataCols = NULL;
// pReader->prev = doFreeColumnInfoData(pReader->prev);
// pReader->next = doFreeColumnInfoData(pReader->next);
SIOCostSummary* pCost = &pReader->cost;
tsdbDebug("%p :io-cost summary: head-file read cnt:%" PRIu64 ", head-file time:%" PRIu64 " us, statis-info:%" PRId64
......@@ -2911,55 +2542,100 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
if (isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
return false;
static bool doTsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
// cleanup the data that belongs to the previous data block
SSDataBlock* pBlock = pReader->pResBlock;
int64_t stime = taosGetTimestampUs();
int64_t elapsedTime = stime;
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
if (pReader->type == BLOCK_LOAD_OFFSET_ORDER) {
if (pStatus->loadFromFile) {
int32_t code = buildBlockFromFiles(pReader);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
if (pStatus->loadFromFile) {
int32_t code = buildBlockFromFiles(pReader);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
if (pBlock->info.rows > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
} else { // no data in files, let's try the buffer
if (pBlock->info.rows > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
} else if (pReader->type == BLOCK_LOAD_TABLESEQ_ORDER) {
} else if (pReader->type == BLOCK_LOAD_EXTERN_ORDER) {
} else {
} else { // no data in files, let's try the buffer
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
return false;
void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo) {
bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
if (isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
return false;
if (pReader->innerReader[0] != NULL) {
bool ret = doTsdbNextDataBlock(pReader->innerReader[0]);
if (ret) {
pReader->step = EXTERNAL_ROWS_PREV;
return ret;
pReader->innerReader[0] = NULL;
pReader->step = EXTERNAL_ROWS_MAIN;
bool ret = doTsdbNextDataBlock(pReader);
if (ret) {
return ret;
if (pReader->innerReader[1] != NULL) {
bool ret1 = doTsdbNextDataBlock(pReader->innerReader[1]);
if (ret1) {
pReader->step = EXTERNAL_ROWS_NEXT;
return ret1;
pReader->innerReader[1] = NULL;
return false;
static void setBlockInfo(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo) {
ASSERT(pDataBlockInfo != NULL && pReader != NULL);
pDataBlockInfo->rows = pReader->pResBlock->info.rows;
pDataBlockInfo->uid = pReader->pResBlock->info.uid;
pDataBlockInfo->window = pReader->pResBlock->info.window;
void tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo) {
if (pReader->type == TIMEWINDOW_RANGE_EXTERNAL) {
if (pReader->step == EXTERNAL_ROWS_MAIN) {
setBlockInfo(pReader, pDataBlockInfo);
} else if (pReader->step == EXTERNAL_ROWS_PREV) {
setBlockInfo(pReader->innerReader[0], pDataBlockInfo);
} else {
setBlockInfo(pReader->innerReader[1], pDataBlockInfo);
} else {
setBlockInfo(pReader, pDataBlockInfo);
int32_t tsdbRetrieveDatablockSMA(STsdbReader* pReader, SColumnDataAgg*** pBlockStatis, bool* allHave) {
int32_t code = 0;
*allHave = false;
if(pReader->type == TIMEWINDOW_RANGE_EXTERNAL) {
*pBlockStatis = NULL;
// there is no statistics data for composed block
if (pReader->status.composedDataBlock) {
*pBlockStatis = NULL;
......@@ -3029,7 +2705,7 @@ int32_t tsdbRetrieveDatablockSMA(STsdbReader* pReader, SColumnDataAgg*** pBlockS
return code;
SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIdList) {
static SArray* doRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
if (pStatus->composedDataBlock) {
......@@ -3058,16 +2734,27 @@ SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIdList) {
return pReader->pResBlock->pDataBlock;
SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIdList) {
if (pReader->type == TIMEWINDOW_RANGE_EXTERNAL) {
if (pReader->step == EXTERNAL_ROWS_PREV) {
return doRetrieveDataBlock(pReader->innerReader[0]);
} else if (pReader->step == EXTERNAL_ROWS_NEXT) {
return doRetrieveDataBlock(pReader->innerReader[1]);
return doRetrieveDataBlock(pReader);
int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader* pReader, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond) {
if (isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->status.loadFromFile = true;
pReader->status.pTableIter = NULL;
pReader->window = updateQueryTimeWindow(pReader->pTsdb, &pCond->twindows);
// allocate buffer in order to load data blocks from file
......@@ -3077,10 +2764,7 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader* pReader, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond) {
pReader->suppInfo.tsColAgg.colId = PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_ID;
// todo set the correct numOfTables
int32_t numOfTables = 1;
SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter = &pReader->status.blockIter;
int32_t numOfTables = taosHashGetSize(pReader->status.pTableMap);
initFilesetIterator(&pReader->status.fileIter, pReader->pReadSnap->fs.aDFileSet, pReader->order, pReader->idStr);
......@@ -3088,18 +2772,23 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader* pReader, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond) {
int32_t code = 0;
SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter = &pReader->status.blockIter;
// no data in files, let's try buffer in memory
if (pReader->status.fileIter.numOfFiles == 0) {
pReader->status.loadFromFile = false;
} else {
code = initForFirstBlockInFile(pReader, pBlockIter);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tsdbError("%p reset reader failed, numOfTables:%d, query range:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 " in query %s",
pReader, numOfTables, pReader->window.skey, pReader->window.ekey, pReader->idStr);
return code;
tsdbDebug("%p reset reader, suid:%" PRIu64 ", numOfTables:%d, query range:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 " in query %s",
pReader, pReader->suid, numOfTables, pReader->window.skey, pReader->window.ekey, pReader->idStr);
return code;
......@@ -3190,7 +2879,7 @@ int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(STsdbReader* pReader) {
STbData* d = NULL;
if (pReader->pTsdb->mem != NULL) {
tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pReader->pTsdb->mem, pReader->suid, pBlockScanInfo->uid, &d);
tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pReader->pReadSnap->pMem, pReader->suid, pBlockScanInfo->uid, &d);
if (d != NULL) {
rows += tsdbGetNRowsInTbData(d);
......@@ -3198,7 +2887,7 @@ int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(STsdbReader* pReader) {
STbData* di = NULL;
if (pReader->pTsdb->imem != NULL) {
tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pReader->pTsdb->imem, pReader->suid, pBlockScanInfo->uid, &di);
tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(pReader->pReadSnap->pIMem, pReader->suid, pBlockScanInfo->uid, &di);
if (di != NULL) {
rows += tsdbGetNRowsInTbData(di);
......@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ size_t getResultRowSize(struct SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput);
void initResultRowInfo(SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo);
void cleanupResultRowInfo(SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo);
void closeAllResultRows(SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo);
void initResultRow(SResultRow* pResultRow);
void closeResultRow(SResultRow* pResultRow);
bool isResultRowClosed(SResultRow* pResultRow);
......@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ typedef struct STaskCostInfo {
SFileBlockLoadRecorder* pRecoder;
uint64_t elapsedTime;
uint64_t firstStageMergeTime;
uint64_t winInfoSize;
uint64_t tableInfoSize;
uint64_t hashSize;
......@@ -549,6 +548,7 @@ typedef struct SProjectOperatorInfo {
SLimitInfo limitInfo;
bool mergeDataBlocks;
SSDataBlock* pFinalRes;
SNode* pCondition;
} SProjectOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SIndefOperatorInfo {
......@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ void cleanupResultRowInfo(SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo) {
void closeAllResultRows(SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo) {
// do nothing
bool isResultRowClosed(SResultRow* pRow) { return (pRow->closed == true); }
void closeResultRow(SResultRow* pResultRow) { pResultRow->closed = true; }
......@@ -160,11 +156,13 @@ int32_t getNumOfTotalRes(SGroupResInfo* pGroupResInfo) {
SArray* createSortInfo(SNodeList* pNodeList) {
size_t numOfCols = 0;
if (pNodeList != NULL) {
numOfCols = LIST_LENGTH(pNodeList);
} else {
numOfCols = 0;
SArray* pList = taosArrayInit(numOfCols, sizeof(SBlockOrderInfo));
if (pList == NULL) {
......@@ -196,10 +194,6 @@ SSDataBlock* createResDataBlock(SDataBlockDescNode* pNode) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SSlotDescNode* pDescNode = (SSlotDescNode*)nodesListGetNode(pNode->pSlots, i);
/*if (!pDescNode->output) { // todo disable it temporarily*/
SColumnInfoData idata =
createColumnInfoData(pDescNode->dataType.type, pDescNode->dataType.bytes, pDescNode->slotId);
idata.info.scale = pDescNode->dataType.scale;
......@@ -701,9 +695,6 @@ static int32_t setSelectValueColumnInfo(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutpu
qDebug("page_setSelect num:%d", num);
if (p != NULL) {
p->subsidiaries.pCtx = pValCtx;
p->subsidiaries.num = num;
......@@ -852,7 +843,7 @@ int32_t initQueryTableDataCond(SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, const STableScanPhysi
// TODO: get it from stable scan node
pCond->twindows = pTableScanNode->scanRange;
pCond->suid = pTableScanNode->scan.suid;
pCond->startVersion = -1;
pCond->endVersion = -1;
// pCond->type = pTableScanNode->scanFlag;
......@@ -947,6 +938,7 @@ STimeWindow getFirstQualifiedTimeWindow(int64_t ts, STimeWindow* pWindow, SInter
// get the correct time window according to the handled timestamp
// todo refactor
STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf, SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo, int64_t ts, SInterval* pInterval,
int32_t order) {
STimeWindow w = {0};
......@@ -1665,9 +1665,6 @@ void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
// hashSize += taosHashGetMemSize(pRuntimeEnv->tableqinfoGroupInfo.map);
// pSummary->hashSize = hashSize;
// add the merge time
pSummary->elapsedTime += pSummary->firstStageMergeTime;
// SResultRowPool* p = pTaskInfo->pool;
// if (p != NULL) {
// pSummary->winInfoSize = getResultRowPoolMemSize(p);
......@@ -1676,17 +1673,16 @@ void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
// pSummary->winInfoSize = 0;
// pSummary->numOfTimeWindows = 0;
// }
// calculateOperatorProfResults(pQInfo);
SFileBlockLoadRecorder* pRecorder = pSummary->pRecoder;
if (pSummary->pRecoder != NULL) {
qDebug("%s :cost summary: elapsed time:%" PRId64 " us, first merge:%" PRId64
" us, total blocks:%d, "
"load block statis:%d, load data block:%d, total rows:%" PRId64 ", check rows:%" PRId64,
GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pSummary->elapsedTime, pSummary->firstStageMergeTime, pRecorder->totalBlocks,
pRecorder->loadBlockStatis, pRecorder->loadBlocks, pRecorder->totalRows, pRecorder->totalCheckedRows);
"%s :cost summary: elapsed time:%.2f ms, total blocks:%d, load block SMA:%d, load data block:%d, total rows:%"
PRId64 ", check rows:%" PRId64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pSummary->elapsedTime / 1000.0,
pRecorder->totalBlocks, pRecorder->loadBlockStatis, pRecorder->loadBlocks, pRecorder->totalRows,
// qDebug("QInfo:0x%"PRIx64" :cost summary: winResPool size:%.2f Kb, numOfWin:%"PRId64", tableInfoSize:%.2f Kb,
// hashTable:%.2f Kb", pQInfo->qId, pSummary->winInfoSize/1024.0,
// pSummary->numOfTimeWindows, pSummary->tableInfoSize/1024.0, pSummary->hashSize/1024.0);
......@@ -3031,7 +3027,6 @@ static int32_t doOpenAggregateOptr(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
initGroupedResultInfo(&pAggInfo->groupResInfo, pAggInfo->aggSup.pResultRowHashTable, 0);
......@@ -3400,27 +3395,33 @@ static SSDataBlock* doProjectOperation(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// no results generated
if (pInfo->pRes->info.rows == 0 || (!pProjectInfo->mergeDataBlocks)) {
if (pProjectInfo->mergeDataBlocks) {
pFinalRes->info.groupId = pInfo->pRes->info.groupId;
pFinalRes->info.version = pInfo->pRes->info.version;
if (pRes->info.rows > 0) {
pFinalRes->info.groupId = pRes->info.groupId;
pFinalRes->info.version = pRes->info.version;
// continue merge data, ignore the group id
blockDataMerge(pFinalRes, pInfo->pRes);
// continue merge data, ignore the group id
blockDataMerge(pFinalRes, pRes);
if (pFinalRes->info.rows + pRes->info.rows <= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) {
if (pFinalRes->info.rows + pInfo->pRes->info.rows <= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) {
// do apply filter
doFilter(pProjectInfo->pFilterNode, pFinalRes, NULL);
if (pFinalRes->info.rows > 0 || pRes->info.rows == 0) {
} else {
// do apply filter
if (pRes->info.rows > 0) {
doFilter(pProjectInfo->pFilterNode, pRes, NULL);
if (pRes->info.rows == 0) {
// do apply filter
SSDataBlock* p = pProjectInfo->mergeDataBlocks ? pFinalRes : pRes;
doFilter(pProjectInfo->pFilterNode, p, NULL);
if (p->info.rows > 0) {
// no results generated
......@@ -3884,8 +3885,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createProjectOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SProjectPhys
initLimitInfo(pProjPhyNode->node.pLimit, pProjPhyNode->node.pSlimit, &pInfo->limitInfo);
pInfo->binfo.pRes = pResBlock;
pInfo->pFinalRes = createOneDataBlock(pResBlock, false);
pInfo->pFinalRes = createOneDataBlock(pResBlock, false);
pInfo->pFilterNode = pProjPhyNode->node.pConditions;
pInfo->mergeDataBlocks = pProjPhyNode->mergeDataBlock;
......@@ -4416,7 +4416,7 @@ static int32_t initTableblockDistQueryCond(uint64_t uid, SQueryTableDataCond* pC
pCond->twindows = (STimeWindow){.skey = INT64_MIN, .ekey = INT64_MAX};
pCond->suid = uid;
pCond->startVersion = -1;
pCond->endVersion = -1;
......@@ -1057,7 +1057,6 @@ static int32_t doOpenIntervalAgg(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
hashIntervalAgg(pOperator, &pInfo->binfo.resultRowInfo, pBlock, scanFlag, NULL);
initGroupedResultInfo(&pInfo->groupResInfo, pInfo->aggSup.pResultRowHashTable, pInfo->order);
......@@ -1213,7 +1212,6 @@ static SSDataBlock* doStateWindowAgg(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
pOperator->cost.openCost = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
pOperator->status = OP_RES_TO_RETURN;
initGroupedResultInfo(&pInfo->groupResInfo, pInfo->aggSup.pResultRowHashTable, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBInfo->pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity);
......@@ -2008,7 +2006,6 @@ static SSDataBlock* doSessionWindowAgg(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// restore the value
pOperator->status = OP_RES_TO_RETURN;
initGroupedResultInfo(&pInfo->groupResInfo, pInfo->aggSup.pResultRowHashTable, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBInfo->pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity);
......@@ -2172,8 +2169,6 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTimeslice(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
SSDataBlock* pResBlock = pSliceInfo->pRes;
SExprSupp* pSup = &pOperator->exprSupp;
blockDataEnsureCapacity(pResBlock, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity);
// if (pOperator->status == OP_RES_TO_RETURN) {
// // doBuildResultDatablock(&pRuntimeEnv->groupResInfo, pRuntimeEnv, pIntervalInfo->pRes);
// if (pResBlock->info.rows == 0 || !hasDataInGroupInfo(&pSliceInfo->groupResInfo)) {
......@@ -2313,10 +2308,10 @@ SOperatorInfo* createTimeSliceOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPhysiNode
initResultSizeInfo(&pOperator->resultInfo, 4096);
pInfo->pFillColInfo = createFillColInfo(pExprInfo, numOfExprs, (SNodeListNode*)pInterpPhyNode->pFillValues);
pInfo->pRes = createResDataBlock(pPhyNode->pOutputDataBlockDesc);
pInfo->win = pInterpPhyNode->timeRange;
pInfo->pRes = createResDataBlock(pPhyNode->pOutputDataBlockDesc);
pInfo->win = pInterpPhyNode->timeRange;
pInfo->interval.interval = pInterpPhyNode->interval;
pInfo->current = pInfo->win.skey;
pInfo->current = pInfo->win.skey;
pOperator->name = "TimeSliceOperator";
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