TDengine通过多副本的机制来提供系统的高可用性。副本数是与DB关联的,一个集群里可以有多个DB,根据运营的需求,每个DB可以配置不同的副本数。创建数据库时,通过参数replica 指定副本数(缺省为1)。如果副本数为1,系统的可靠性无法保证,只要数据所在的节点宕机,就将无法提供服务。集群的节点数必须大于等于副本数,否则创建表时将返回错误“more dnodes are needed"。比如下面的命令将创建副本数为3的数据库demo:
TDengine通过多副本的机制来提供系统的高可用性。副本数是与DB关联的,一个集群里可以有多个DB,根据运营的需求,每个DB可以配置不同的副本数。创建数据库时,通过参数replica 指定副本数(缺省为1)。如果副本数为1,系统的可靠性无法保证,只要数据所在的节点宕机,就将无法提供服务。集群的节点数必须大于等于副本数,否则创建表时将返回错误“more dnodes are needed"。比如下面的命令将创建副本数为3的数据库demo:
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: use ${GREEN_UNDERLINE}taos${NC} in shell OR from ${GREEN_UNDERLINE}${nginx_port}${NC}"
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: use ${GREEN_UNDERLINE}taos${NC} in shell${NC}"
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: use ${GREEN_UNDERLINE}taos${NC} in shell${NC}"
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}Please run${NC}: taos -h $firstEp${GREEN_DARK} to login into cluster, then execute ${NC}: create dnode 'newDnodeFQDN:port'; ${GREEN_DARK}in TAOS shell to add this new node into the clsuter${NC}"
echo-e"\033[44;32;1mTDengine is installed successfully!${NC}"
@@ -242,6 +265,11 @@ function install_TDengine() {
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}To access TDengine ${NC}: use ${GREEN_UNDERLINE}taos${NC} in shell${NC}"
echo-e"${GREEN_DARK}Please run${NC}: taos -h $firstEp${GREEN_DARK} to login into cluster, then execute ${NC}: create dnode 'newDnodeFQDN:port'; ${GREEN_DARK}in TAOS shell to add this new node into the clsuter${NC}"
echo-e"\033[44;32;1mTDengine is installed successfully!${NC}"
This is the Node.js library that lets you connect to [TDengine]( It is built so that you can use as much of it as you want or as little of it as you want through providing an extensive API. If you want the raw data in the form of an array of arrays for the row data retrieved from a table, you can do that. If you want to wrap that data with objects that allow you easily manipulate and display data such as using a prettifier function, you can do that!
This is the Node.js library that lets you connect to [TDengine]( 2.0 version. It is built so that you can use as much of it as you want or as little of it as you want through providing an extensive API. If you want the raw data in the form of an array of arrays for the row data retrieved from a table, you can do that. If you want to wrap that data with objects that allow you easily manipulate and display data such as using a prettifier function, you can do that!
## Installation
To get started, just type in the following to install the connector through [npm](
npm install td-connector
npm install td2.0-connector
To interact with TDengine, we make use of the [node-gyp]( library. To install, you will need to install the following depending on platform (the following instructions are quoted from node-gyp)
### On Unix
### On Linux
-`python` (`v2.7` recommended, `v3.x.x` is **not** supported)
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like [GCC](
-`node` (between `v10.x` and `v11.x`, other version has some dependency compatibility problems)
### On macOS
@@ -71,12 +72,12 @@ The following is a short summary of the basic usage of the connector, the full
### Connection
To use the connector, first require the library ```td-connector```. Running the function ```taos.connect``` with the connection options passed in as an object will return a TDengine connection object. The required connection option is ```host```, other options if not set, will be the default values as shown below.
To use the connector, first require the library ```td2.0-connector```. Running the function ```taos.connect``` with the connection options passed in as an object will return a TDengine connection object. The required connection option is ```host```, other options if not set, will be the default values as shown below.
A cursor also needs to be initialized in order to interact with TDengine from Node.js.