diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING-CN.md b/CONTRIBUTING-CN.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19f3000d45b53a4fcdab9d0e0ebbf2da7e2d94f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING-CN.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# 贡献指南 + +我们感谢所有开发者提交贡献。随时关注我们,Fork 存储库,报告错误,以及在 GitHub 上提交您的代码。但是,我们希望开发者遵循我们的指南,才能更好的做出贡献。 + +## 报告错误 + +- 任何用户都可以通过 **[GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues)** 向我们报告错误。请您对所遇到的问题进行**详细描述**,最好提供重现错误的详细步骤。 +- 欢迎提供包含由 Bug 生成的日志文件的附录。 + +## 需要强调的代码提交规则 + +- 在提交代码之前,需要**同意贡献者许可协议(CLA)**。点击 [TaosData CLA](https://cla-assistant.io/taosdata/TDengine) 阅读并签署协议。如果您不接受该协议,请停止提交。 +- 请在 [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues) 中解决问题或添加注册功能。 +- 如果在 [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues) 中没有找到相应的问题或功能,请**创建一个新的 issue**。 +- 将代码提交到我们的存储库时,请创建**包含问题编号的 PR**。 + +## 贡献指南 + +1. 请用友好的语气书写。 + +2. **主动语态**总体上优于被动语态。主动语态中的句子会突出执行动作的人,而不是被动语态突出动作的接受者。 + +3. 文档写作建议 + +- 正确拼写产品名称 “TDengine”。 “TD” 用大写字母,“TD” 和 “engine” 之间没有空格 **(正确拼写:TDengine)**。 +- 在句号或其他标点符号后只留一个空格。 + +4. 尽量**使用简单句**,而不是复杂句。 + +## 给贡献者的礼品 + +只要您是为 TDengine 做贡献的开发者,不管是代码贡献、修复 bug 或功能请求,还是文档更改,您都将会获得一份**特别的贡献者纪念品礼物**! + +

+ + + + +TDengine 社区致力于让更多的开发者理解和使用它。 +请填写**贡献者提交表**以选择您想收到的礼物。 + +- [贡献者提交表](https://page.ma.scrmtech.com/form/index?pf_uid=27715_2095&id=12100) + +## 联系我们 + +如果您有什么问题需要解决,或者有什么问题需要解答,可以添加微信:TDengineECO diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 3b1a66839d3d4779f00090a84e6895bd0d660d0d..5be84bec3483ac2f79f43941465df3b50047e661 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1,15 +1,64 @@ # Contributing -We appreciate contributions from all developers. Feel free to follow us, fork the repository, report bugs and even submit your code on GitHub. However, we would like developers to follow our guides to contribute for better corporation. +We appreciate contributions from all developers. Feel free to follow us, fork the repository, report bugs, and even submit your code on GitHub. However, we would like developers to follow the guidelines in this document to ensure effective cooperation. -## Report bugs +## Reporting a bug -Any users can report bugs to us through the [github issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues). We appreciate a detailed description of the problem you met. It is better to provide the detailed steps on reproducing the bug. Otherwise, an appendix with log files generated by the bug is welcome. +- Any users can report bugs to us through the **[GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues)**. We would appreciate if you could provide **a detailed description** of the problem you encountered, including steps to reproduce it. -## Read the contributor license agreement +- Attaching log files caused by the bug is really appreciated. -It is required to agree the Contributor Licence Agreement(CLA) before a user submitting his/her code patch. Follow the [TaosData CLA](https://www.taosdata.com/en/contributor/) link to read through the agreement. +## Guidelines for committing code -## Submit your code +- You must agree to the **Contributor License Agreement(CLA) before submitting your code patch**. Follow the **[TAOSData CLA](https://cla-assistant.io/taosdata/TDengine)** link to read through and sign the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, your contributions cannot be accepted. -Before submitting your code, make sure to [read the contributor license agreement](#read-the-contributor-license-agreement) beforehand. If you don't accept the aggreement, please stop submitting. Your submission means you have accepted the agreement. Your submission should solve an issue or add a feature registered in the [github issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues). If no corresponding issue or feature is found in the issue tracker, please create one. When submitting your code to our repository, please create a pull request with the issue number included. +- Please solve an issue or add a feature registered in the **[GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues)**. +- If no corresponding issue or feature is found in the issue tracker, please **create one**. +- When submitting your code to our repository, please create a pull request with the **issue number** included. + +## Guidelines for communicating + +1. Please be **nice and polite** in the description. +2. **Active voice is better than passive voice in general**. Sentences in the active voice will highlight who is performing the action rather than the recipient of the action highlighted by the passive voice. +3. Documentation writing advice + +- Spell the product name "TDengine" correctly. "TD" is written in capital letters, and there is no space between "TD" and "engine" (**Correct spelling: TDengine**). +- Please **capitalize the first letter** of every sentence. +- Leave **only one space** after periods or other punctuation marks. +- Use **American spelling**. +- When possible, **use second person** rather than first person (e.g.“You are recommended to use a reverse proxy such as Nginx.” rather than “We recommend to use a reverse proxy such as Nginx.”). + +5. Use **simple sentences**, rather than complex sentences. + +## Gifts for the contributors + +Developers, as long as you contribute to TDengine, whether it's code contributions to fix bugs or feature requests, or documentation changes, **you are eligible for a very special Contributor Souvenir Gift!** + +**You can choose one of the following gifts:** + +

+ + + + +The TDengine community is committed to making TDengine accepted and used by more developers. + +Just fill out the **Contributor Submission Form** to choose your desired gift. + +- [Contributor Submission Form](https://page.ma.scrmtech.com/form/index?pf_uid=27715_2095&id=12100) + +## Contact us + +If you have any problems or questions that need help from us, please feel free to add our WeChat account: TDengineECO. diff --git a/docs/assets/contributing-cup.jpg b/docs/assets/contributing-cup.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf935132a9c2395a06efd92ff51ecb7244caac5 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/contributing-cup.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/assets/contributing-notebook.jpg b/docs/assets/contributing-notebook.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de32051cad6f659f6bf104290189076086bcb3a5 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/contributing-notebook.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/assets/contributing-shirt.jpg b/docs/assets/contributing-shirt.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bffe3aff1ac9bacbd008c997edbaf793af1e2de9 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/contributing-shirt.jpg differ