提交 7221f5a6 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao


上级 7f514df7
......@@ -326,8 +326,7 @@ void tsDataSwap(void *pLeft, void *pRight, int32_t type, int32_t size);
#define TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_INSERT 0x100u // insert type
#define TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_IMPORT 0x200u // import data
#define TSDB_QUERY_HAS_TYPE(x, _type) (((x) & (_type)) != 0)
#define TSDB_QUERY_SET_TYPE(x, _type) ((x) |= (_type))
......@@ -403,19 +403,20 @@ static bool isTopBottomQuery(SQuery *pQuery) {
return false;
static SDataStatis *getStatisInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SDataStatis *pStatis, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo, int32_t index) {
static SDataStatis *getStatisInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SDataStatis *pStatis, int32_t numOfCols, int32_t index) {
// for a tag column, no corresponding field info
SColIndex *pColIndexEx = &pQuery->pSelectExpr[index].base.colInfo;
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndexEx->flag)) {
SColIndex *pColIndex = &pQuery->pSelectExpr[index].base.colInfo;
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndex->flag)) {
return NULL;
* Choose the right column field info by field id, since the file block may be out of date,
* which means the newest table schema is not equalled to the schema of this block.
* TODO: speedup by using bsearch
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pDataBlockInfo->numOfCols; ++i) {
if (pColIndexEx->colId == pStatis[i].colId) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
if (pColIndex->colId == pStatis[i].colId) {
return &pStatis[i];
......@@ -431,8 +432,7 @@ static SDataStatis *getStatisInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SDataStatis *pStatis, SDataBlo
* @param pColStatis
* @return
static bool hasNullValue(SQuery *pQuery, int32_t col, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo, SDataStatis *pStatis,
SDataStatis **pColStatis) {
static bool hasNullValue(SQuery *pQuery, int32_t col, int32_t numOfCols, SDataStatis *pStatis, SDataStatis **pColStatis) {
SColIndex *pColIndex = &pQuery->pSelectExpr[col].base.colInfo;
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndex->flag)) {
return false;
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static bool hasNullValue(SQuery *pQuery, int32_t col, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlock
if (pStatis != NULL) {
*pColStatis = getStatisInfo(pQuery, pStatis, pDataBlockInfo, col);
*pColStatis = getStatisInfo(pQuery, pStatis, numOfCols, col);
} else {
*pColStatis = NULL;
......@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ static void blockwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *
SDataStatis *tpField = NULL;
bool hasNull = hasNullValue(pQuery, k, pDataBlockInfo, pStatis, &tpField);
bool hasNull = hasNullValue(pQuery, k, pDataBlockInfo->numOfCols, pStatis, &tpField);
char *dataBlock = getDataBlock(pRuntimeEnv, &sasArray[k], k, pDataBlockInfo->rows, pDataBlock);
setExecParams(pQuery, &pCtx[k], dataBlock, primaryKeyCol, pDataBlockInfo->rows, functionId, tpField, hasNull,
......@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ static void rowwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *pS
SDataStatis *pColStatis = NULL;
bool hasNull = hasNullValue(pQuery, k, pDataBlockInfo, pStatis, &pColStatis);
bool hasNull = hasNullValue(pQuery, k, pDataBlockInfo->numOfCols, pStatis, &pColStatis);
char *dataBlock = getDataBlock(pRuntimeEnv, &sasArray[k], k, pDataBlockInfo->rows, pDataBlock);
setExecParams(pQuery, &pCtx[k], dataBlock, primaryKeyCol, pDataBlockInfo->rows, functionId, pColStatis, hasNull,
......@@ -2455,9 +2455,9 @@ static int64_t doScanAllDataBlocks(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
SDataStatis *pStatis = NULL;
SArray * pDataBlock = loadDataBlockOnDemand(pRuntimeEnv, pQueryHandle, &blockInfo, &pStatis);
pQuery->pos = QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery) ? 0 : blockInfo.rows - 1;
SArray *pDataBlock = loadDataBlockOnDemand(pRuntimeEnv, pQueryHandle, &blockInfo, &pStatis);
int32_t numOfRes = tableApplyFunctionsOnBlock(pRuntimeEnv, &blockInfo, pStatis, binarySearchForKey, pDataBlock);
qTrace("QInfo:%p check data block, brange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", rows:%d, numOfRes:%d", GET_QINFO_ADDR(pRuntimeEnv),
......@@ -5610,18 +5610,18 @@ static void doUpdateExprColumnIndex(SQuery *pQuery) {
SColIndex *pColIndexEx = &pSqlExprMsg->colInfo;
if (!TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndexEx->flag)) {
SColIndex *pColIndex = &pSqlExprMsg->colInfo;
if (!TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndex->flag)) {
for (int32_t f = 0; f < pQuery->numOfCols; ++f) {
if (pColIndexEx->colId == pQuery->colList[f].colId) {
pColIndexEx->colIndex = f;
if (pColIndex->colId == pQuery->colList[f].colId) {
pColIndex->colIndex = f;
} else {
for (int32_t f = 0; f < pQuery->numOfTags; ++f) {
if (pColIndexEx->colId == pQuery->tagColList[f].colId) {
pColIndexEx->colIndex = f;
if (pColIndex->colId == pQuery->tagColList[f].colId) {
pColIndex->colIndex = f;
......@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ enum {
typedef struct SField {
// todo need the definition
} SField;
typedef struct SQueryFilePos {
int32_t fid;
int32_t slot;
......@@ -71,28 +67,20 @@ typedef struct STableCheckInfo {
STableId tableId;
TSKEY lastKey;
STable* pTableObj;
int32_t start;
SCompInfo* pCompInfo;
int32_t compSize;
int32_t numOfBlocks; // number of qualified data blocks not the original blocks
SDataCols* pDataCols;
SSkipListIterator* iter; // skip list iterator
SSkipListIterator* iiter; // imem iterator
bool initBuf; // if we should initialize the in-memory skip list iterator
bool initBuf; // whether to initialize the in-memory skip list iterator or not
SSkipListIterator* iter; // mem buffer skip list iterator
SSkipListIterator* iiter; // imem buffer skip list iterator
} STableCheckInfo;
typedef struct {
SCompBlock* compBlock;
SField* fields;
} SCompBlockFields;
typedef struct STableBlockInfo {
SCompBlockFields pBlock;
SCompBlock* compBlock;
STableCheckInfo* pTableCheckInfo;
int32_t blockIndex;
int32_t groupIdx; /* number of group is less than the total number of tables */
// int32_t blockIndex;
// int32_t groupIdx; /* number of group is less than the total number of tables */
} STableBlockInfo;
typedef struct SBlockOrderSupporter {
......@@ -105,15 +93,11 @@ typedef struct SBlockOrderSupporter {
typedef struct STsdbQueryHandle {
STsdbRepo* pTsdb;
SQueryFilePos cur; // current position
SDataBlockLoadInfo dataBlockLoadInfo; /* record current block load information */
SLoadCompBlockInfo compBlockLoadInfo; /* record current compblock information in SQuery */
int16_t order;
STimeWindow window; // the primary query time window that applies to all queries
SCompBlock* pBlock;
SDataStatis* statis; // query level statistics, only one table block statistics info exists at any time
int32_t numOfBlocks;
SField** pFields;
SArray* pColumns; // column list, SColumnInfoData array list
bool locateStart;
int32_t outputCapacity;
......@@ -123,11 +107,13 @@ typedef struct STsdbQueryHandle {
bool checkFiles; // check file stage
void* qinfo; // query info handle, for debug purpose
int32_t type; // query type: retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve only last row, 3. retrieve direct prev|next rows
STableBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo;
SFileGroup* pFileGroup;
SFileGroupIter fileIter;
SRWHelper rhelper;
STableBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo;
SDataBlockLoadInfo dataBlockLoadInfo; /* record current block load information */
SLoadCompBlockInfo compBlockLoadInfo; /* record current compblock information in SQuery */
} STsdbQueryHandle;
static void changeQueryHandleForLastrowQuery(TsdbQueryHandleT pqHandle);
......@@ -152,15 +138,35 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
pQueryHandle->window = pCond->twindow;
pQueryHandle->pTsdb = tsdb;
pQueryHandle->type = TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_ALL;
tsdbInitReadHelper(&pQueryHandle->rhelper, (STsdbRepo*) tsdb);
pQueryHandle->cur.fid = -1;
pQueryHandle->cur.win = TSWINDOW_INITIALIZER;
pQueryHandle->checkFiles = true;//ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pQueryHandle->order);
pQueryHandle->activeIndex = 0; // current active table index
pQueryHandle->outputCapacity = ((STsdbRepo*)tsdb)->config.maxRowsPerFileBlock;
tsdbInitReadHelper(&pQueryHandle->rhelper, (STsdbRepo*) tsdb);
size_t sizeOfGroup = taosArrayGetSize(groupList->pGroupList);
assert(sizeOfGroup >= 1 && pCond != NULL && pCond->numOfCols > 0);
// allocate buffer in order to load data blocks from file
int32_t numOfCols = pCond->numOfCols;
pQueryHandle->statis = calloc(numOfCols, sizeof(SDataStatis));
pQueryHandle->pColumns = taosArrayInit(numOfCols, sizeof(SColumnInfoData)); // todo: use list instead of array?
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData colInfo = {{0}, 0};
colInfo.info = pCond->colList[i];
colInfo.pData = calloc(1, EXTRA_BYTES + pQueryHandle->outputCapacity * pCond->colList[i].bytes);
taosArrayPush(pQueryHandle->pColumns, &colInfo);
pQueryHandle->statis[i].colId = colInfo.info.colId;
pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo = taosArrayInit(groupList->numOfTables, sizeof(STableCheckInfo));
STsdbMeta* pMeta = tsdbGetMeta(tsdb);
assert(pMeta != NULL);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeOfGroup; ++i) {
SArray* group = *(SArray**) taosArrayGet(groupList->pGroupList, i);
......@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
STableCheckInfo info = {
.lastKey = pQueryHandle->window.skey,
.tableId = *id,
.pTableObj = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), id->uid),
.pTableObj = tsdbGetTableByUid(pMeta, id->uid),
assert(info.pTableObj != NULL && info.pTableObj->tableId.tid == id->tid);
......@@ -182,28 +188,11 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
uTrace("%p total numOfTable:%d in query", pQueryHandle, taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo));
* For ascending timestamp order query, query starts from data files. In contrast, buffer will be checked in the first place
* in case of descending timestamp order query.
pQueryHandle->checkFiles = true;//ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pQueryHandle->order);
pQueryHandle->activeIndex = 0;
// allocate buffer in order to load data blocks from file
int32_t numOfCols = pCond->numOfCols;
pQueryHandle->outputCapacity = 4096;
pQueryHandle->pColumns = taosArrayInit(numOfCols, sizeof(SColumnInfoData));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCond->numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData colInfo = {{0}, 0};
colInfo.info = pCond->colList[i];
colInfo.pData = calloc(1, EXTRA_BYTES + pQueryHandle->outputCapacity * pCond->colList[i].bytes);
taosArrayPush(pQueryHandle->pColumns, &colInfo);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
uTrace("%p total numOfTable:%d in query", pQueryHandle, taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo));
......@@ -499,8 +488,9 @@ static bool doLoadFileDataBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, SCompBlock* pBlo
bool blockLoaded = false;
SArray* sa = getDefaultLoadColumns(pQueryHandle, true);
if (pCheckInfo->pDataCols == NULL) { // todo: why not the real data?
pCheckInfo->pDataCols = tdNewDataCols(pRepo->tsdbMeta->maxRowBytes, pRepo->tsdbMeta->maxCols, pRepo->config.maxRowsPerFileBlock);
if (pCheckInfo->pDataCols == NULL) {
STsdbMeta* pMeta = tsdbGetMeta(pRepo);
pCheckInfo->pDataCols = tdNewDataCols(pMeta->maxRowBytes, pMeta->maxCols, pRepo->config.maxRowsPerFileBlock);
tdInitDataCols(pCheckInfo->pDataCols, tsdbGetTableSchema(tsdbGetMeta(pQueryHandle->pTsdb), pCheckInfo->pTableObj));
......@@ -522,8 +512,6 @@ static bool doLoadFileDataBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, SCompBlock* pBlo
static void handleDataMergeIfNeeded(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, SCompBlock* pBlock, STableCheckInfo* pCheckInfo){
SArray* sa = getDefaultLoadColumns(pQueryHandle, true);
SQueryFilePos* cur = &pQueryHandle->cur;
SDataBlockInfo binfo = getTrueDataBlockInfo(pCheckInfo, pBlock);
/*bool hasData = */ initTableMemIterator(pQueryHandle, pCheckInfo);
......@@ -592,8 +580,11 @@ static void handleDataMergeIfNeeded(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, SCompBlock*
SArray* sa = getDefaultLoadColumns(pQueryHandle, true);
doLoadFileDataBlock(pQueryHandle, pBlock, pCheckInfo);
doMergeTwoLevelData(pQueryHandle, pCheckInfo, pBlock, sa);
} else {
pQueryHandle->realNumOfRows = binfo.rows;
......@@ -1074,7 +1065,9 @@ static void cleanBlockOrderSupporter(SBlockOrderSupporter* pSupporter, int32_t n
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTables; ++i) {
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = pSupporter->pDataBlockInfo[i];
// tfree(pBlockInfo->statis);
......@@ -1100,14 +1093,14 @@ static int32_t dataBlockOrderCompar(const void* pLeft, const void* pRight, void*
STableBlockInfo* pLeftBlockInfoEx = &pSupporter->pDataBlockInfo[leftTableIndex][leftTableBlockIndex];
STableBlockInfo* pRightBlockInfoEx = &pSupporter->pDataBlockInfo[rightTableIndex][rightTableBlockIndex];
// assert(pLeftBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset != pRightBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset);
if (pLeftBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset == pRightBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset &&
pLeftBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->last == pRightBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->last) {
// assert(pLeftBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset != pRightBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset);
if (pLeftBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset == pRightBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset &&
pLeftBlockInfoEx->compBlock->last == pRightBlockInfoEx->compBlock->last) {
// todo add more information
uError("error in header file, two block with same offset:%p", pLeftBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset);
uError("error in header file, two block with same offset:%p", pLeftBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset);
return pLeftBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset > pRightBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock->offset ? 1 : -1;
return pLeftBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset > pRightBlockInfoEx->compBlock->offset ? 1 : -1;
static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numOfBlocks, int32_t* numOfAllocBlocks) {
......@@ -1116,7 +1109,7 @@ static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numO
pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo = (STableBlockInfo*)tmp;
pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo = (STableBlockInfo*) tmp;
memset(pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo, 0, sizeof(STableBlockInfo) * numOfBlocks);
*numOfAllocBlocks = numOfBlocks;
......@@ -1135,6 +1128,7 @@ static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numO
int32_t cnt = 0;
int32_t numOfQualTables = 0;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < numOfTables; ++j) {
STableCheckInfo* pTableCheck = (STableCheckInfo*)taosArrayGet(pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo, j);
if (pTableCheck->numOfBlocks <= 0) {
......@@ -1153,14 +1147,12 @@ static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numO
sup.pDataBlockInfo[numOfQualTables] = (STableBlockInfo*)buf;
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pTableCheck->numOfBlocks; ++k) {
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfoEx = &sup.pDataBlockInfo[numOfQualTables][k];
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &sup.pDataBlockInfo[numOfQualTables][k];
pBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock = &pBlock[k];
pBlockInfoEx->pBlock.fields = NULL;
pBlockInfoEx->pTableCheckInfo = pTableCheck;
// pBlockInfoEx->groupIdx = pTableCheckInfo[j]->groupIdx; // set the group index
// pBlockInfoEx->blockIndex = pTableCheckInfo[j]->start + k; // set the block index in original table
pBlockInfo->compBlock = &pBlock[k];
pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo = pTableCheck;
// pBlockInfo->groupIdx = pTableCheckInfo[j]->groupIdx; // set the group index
// pBlockInfo->blockIndex = pTableCheckInfo[j]->start + k; // set the block index in original table
......@@ -1185,8 +1177,8 @@ static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numO
int32_t pos = pTree->pNode[0].index;
int32_t index = sup.blockIndexArray[pos]++;
STableBlockInfo* pBlocksInfoEx = sup.pDataBlockInfo[pos];
pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo[numOfTotal++] = pBlocksInfoEx[index];
STableBlockInfo* pBlocksInfo = sup.pDataBlockInfo[pos];
pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo[numOfTotal++] = pBlocksInfo[index];
// set data block index overflow, in order to disable the offset comparator
if (sup.blockIndexArray[pos] >= sup.numOfBlocksPerTable[pos]) {
......@@ -1199,7 +1191,7 @@ static int32_t createDataBlocksInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t numO
* available when no import exists
* for(int32_t i = 0; i < cnt - 1; ++i) {
* assert((*pDataBlockInfo)[i].pBlock.compBlock->offset < (*pDataBlockInfo)[i+1].pBlock.compBlock->offset);
* assert((*pDataBlockInfo)[i].compBlock->offset < (*pDataBlockInfo)[i+1].compBlock->offset);
* }
......@@ -1255,7 +1247,7 @@ static bool getDataBlocksInFilesImpl(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle) {
cur->fid = pQueryHandle->pFileGroup->fileId;
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo[cur->slot];
return loadFileDataBlock(pQueryHandle, pBlockInfo->pBlock.compBlock, pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo);
return loadFileDataBlock(pQueryHandle, pBlockInfo->compBlock, pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo);
static bool getDataBlocksInFiles(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle) {
......@@ -1291,10 +1283,10 @@ static bool getDataBlocksInFiles(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle) {
cur->blockCompleted = false;
STableBlockInfo* pNext = &pQueryHandle->pDataBlockInfo[cur->slot];
return loadFileDataBlock(pQueryHandle, pNext->pBlock.compBlock, pNext->pTableCheckInfo);
return loadFileDataBlock(pQueryHandle, pNext->compBlock, pNext->pTableCheckInfo);
} else {
handleDataMergeIfNeeded(pQueryHandle, pBlockInfo->pBlock.compBlock, pCheckInfo);
handleDataMergeIfNeeded(pQueryHandle, pBlockInfo->compBlock, pCheckInfo);
return pQueryHandle->realNumOfRows > 0;
......@@ -1484,35 +1476,33 @@ SDataBlockInfo tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle) {
// there are data in file
if (pHandle->cur.fid >= 0) {
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &pHandle->pDataBlockInfo[pHandle->cur.slot];
STableCheckInfo* pCheckInfo = pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo;
STable* pTable = pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo->pTableObj;
STable* pTable = pCheckInfo->pTableObj;
if (pHandle->cur.mixBlock) {
SDataBlockInfo blockInfo = {
.uid = pTable->tableId.uid,
.tid = pTable->tableId.tid,
.rows = pHandle->cur.rows,
.window = pHandle->cur.win,
.numOfCols = QH_GET_NUM_OF_COLS(pHandle),
return blockInfo;
} else {
return getTrueDataBlockInfo(pCheckInfo, pBlockInfo->pBlock.compBlock);
} else {
STableCheckInfo* pCheckInfo = taosArrayGet(pHandle->pTableCheckInfo, pHandle->activeIndex);
SQueryFilePos* cur = &pHandle->cur;
STable* pTable = pCheckInfo->pTableObj;
if (pTable->mem != NULL) { // create mem table iterator if it is not created yet
assert(pCheckInfo->iter != NULL);
STimeWindow* win = &pHandle->cur.win;
STimeWindow* win = &cur->win;
pHandle->cur.rows = tsdbReadRowsFromCache(pCheckInfo->iter, pCheckInfo->pTableObj, pHandle->window.ekey,
pHandle->outputCapacity, &win->skey, &win->ekey, pHandle); // todo refactor API
// update the last key value
pCheckInfo->lastKey = win->ekey + step;
cur->lastKey = win->ekey + step;
cur->mixBlock = true;
if (!ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pHandle->order)) {
......@@ -1524,15 +1514,34 @@ SDataBlockInfo tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle) {
.tid = pTable->tableId.tid,
.rows = pHandle->cur.rows,
.window = pHandle->cur.win,
.numOfCols = QH_GET_NUM_OF_COLS(pHandle),
return blockInfo;
// return null for data block in cache
* return null for mixed data block, if not a complete file data block, the statistics value will always return NULL
int32_t tsdbRetrieveDataBlockStatisInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, SDataStatis** pBlockStatis) {
STsdbQueryHandle* pHandle = (STsdbQueryHandle*) pQueryHandle;
SQueryFilePos* cur = &pHandle->cur;
if (cur->mixBlock) {
*pBlockStatis = NULL;
assert((cur->slot >= 0 && cur->slot < pHandle->numOfBlocks) ||
((cur->slot == pHandle->numOfBlocks) && (cur->slot == 0)));
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &pHandle->pDataBlockInfo[cur->slot];
tsdbLoadCompData(&pHandle->rhelper, pBlockInfo->compBlock, NULL);
tsdbGetDataStatis(&pHandle->rhelper, pHandle->statis, QH_GET_NUM_OF_COLS(pHandle));
*pBlockStatis = pHandle->statis;
......@@ -1546,13 +1555,13 @@ SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, SArray* pIdList) {
if (pHandle->cur.fid < 0) {
return pHandle->pColumns;
} else {
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfoEx = &pHandle->pDataBlockInfo[pHandle->cur.slot];
STableCheckInfo* pCheckInfo = pBlockInfoEx->pTableCheckInfo;
STableBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &pHandle->pDataBlockInfo[pHandle->cur.slot];
STableCheckInfo* pCheckInfo = pBlockInfo->pTableCheckInfo;
if (pHandle->cur.mixBlock) {
return pHandle->pColumns;
} else {
SDataBlockInfo binfo = getTrueDataBlockInfo(pCheckInfo, pBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock);
SDataBlockInfo binfo = getTrueDataBlockInfo(pCheckInfo, pBlockInfo->compBlock);
assert(pHandle->realNumOfRows <= binfo.rows);
// data block has been loaded, todo extract method
......@@ -1562,7 +1571,7 @@ SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, SArray* pIdList) {
pBlockLoadInfo->tid == pCheckInfo->pTableObj->tableId.tid) {
return pHandle->pColumns;
} else { // only load the file block
SCompBlock* pBlock = pBlockInfoEx->pBlock.compBlock;
SCompBlock* pBlock = pBlockInfo->compBlock;
doLoadFileDataBlock(pHandle, pBlock, pCheckInfo);
// todo refactor
......@@ -2006,8 +2015,9 @@ void tsdbCleanupQueryHandle(TsdbQueryHandleT queryHandle) {
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