未验证 提交 70444e2d 编写于 作者: D dapan1121 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21329 from taosdata/feat/TD-21187

feat(query): interp support ignore null value opition
......@@ -867,10 +867,16 @@ FIRST(expr)
INTERP(expr [, ignore_null_values])
ignore_null_values: {
| 1
**Description**: The value that matches the specified timestamp range is returned, if existing; or an interpolation value is returned.
**Description**: The value that matches the specified timestamp range is returned, if existing; or an interpolation value is returned. The value of `ignore_null_values` can be 0 or 1, 1 means null values are ignored. The default value of this parameter is 0.
**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated upon
......@@ -869,10 +869,15 @@ FIRST(expr)
INTERP(expr [, ignore_null_values])
ignore_null_values: {
| 1
**功能说明**:返回指定时间截面指定列的记录值或插值。ignore_null_values 参数的值可以是 0 或 1,为 1 时表示忽略 NULL 值, 缺省值为0。
......@@ -209,6 +209,45 @@ static bool isGroupKeyFunc(SExprInfo* pExprInfo) {
return (functionType == FUNCTION_TYPE_GROUP_KEY);
static bool getIgoreNullRes(SExprSupp* pExprSup) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pExprSup->numOfExprs; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = &pExprSup->pExprInfo[i];
if (isInterpFunc(pExprInfo)) {
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pExprInfo->base.numOfParams; ++j) {
SFunctParam *pFuncParam = &pExprInfo->base.pParam[j];
if (pFuncParam->type == FUNC_PARAM_TYPE_VALUE) {
return pFuncParam->param.i ? true : false;
return false;
static bool checkNullRow(SExprSupp* pExprSup, SSDataBlock* pSrcBlock, int32_t index, bool ignoreNull) {
if (!ignoreNull) {
return false;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pExprSup->numOfExprs; ++j) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = &pExprSup->pExprInfo[j];
if (isInterpFunc(pExprInfo)) {
int32_t srcSlot = pExprInfo->base.pParam[0].pCol->slotId;
SColumnInfoData* pSrc = taosArrayGet(pSrcBlock->pDataBlock, srcSlot);
if (colDataIsNull_s(pSrc, index)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool genInterpolationResult(STimeSliceOperatorInfo* pSliceInfo, SExprSupp* pExprSup, SSDataBlock* pResBlock,
SSDataBlock* pSrcBlock, int32_t index, bool beforeTs) {
int32_t rows = pResBlock->info.rows;
......@@ -602,7 +641,7 @@ static int32_t resetKeeperInfo(STimeSliceOperatorInfo* pInfo) {
static void doTimesliceImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, STimeSliceOperatorInfo* pSliceInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock,
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, bool ignoreNull) {
SSDataBlock* pResBlock = pSliceInfo->pRes;
SInterval* pInterval = &pSliceInfo->interval;
......@@ -615,6 +654,10 @@ static void doTimesliceImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, STimeSliceOperatorInfo* pS
if (checkNullRow(&pOperator->exprSupp, pBlock, i, ignoreNull)) {
if (pSliceInfo->current > pSliceInfo->win.ekey) {
......@@ -744,6 +787,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTimeslice(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
STimeSliceOperatorInfo* pSliceInfo = pOperator->info;
SSDataBlock* pResBlock = pSliceInfo->pRes;
SExprSupp* pSup = &pOperator->exprSupp;
bool ignoreNull = getIgoreNullRes(pSup);
int32_t order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
SInterval* pInterval = &pSliceInfo->interval;
......@@ -754,7 +798,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTimeslice(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
while (1) {
if (pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes != NULL) {
setInputDataBlock(pSup, pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes, order, MAIN_SCAN, true);
doTimesliceImpl(pOperator, pSliceInfo, pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes, pTaskInfo);
doTimesliceImpl(pOperator, pSliceInfo, pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes, pTaskInfo, ignoreNull);
copyPrevGroupKey(&pOperator->exprSupp, pSliceInfo->pPrevGroupKey, pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes);
pSliceInfo->pNextGroupRes = NULL;
......@@ -788,7 +832,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTimeslice(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// the pDataBlock are always the same one, no need to call this again
setInputDataBlock(pSup, pBlock, order, MAIN_SCAN, true);
doTimesliceImpl(pOperator, pSliceInfo, pBlock, pTaskInfo);
doTimesliceImpl(pOperator, pSliceInfo, pBlock, pTaskInfo, ignoreNull);
copyPrevGroupKey(&pOperator->exprSupp, pSliceInfo->pPrevGroupKey, pBlock);
......@@ -1568,17 +1568,32 @@ static int32_t translateInterp(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len)
int32_t numOfParams = LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList);
uint8_t dbPrec = pFunc->node.resType.precision;
// if (1 != numOfParams && 3 != numOfParams && 4 != numOfParams) {
if (1 != numOfParams) {
if (2 < numOfParams) {
return invaildFuncParaNumErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
uint8_t nodeType = nodeType(nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 0));
uint8_t paraType = ((SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 0))->resType.type;
if ((!IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(paraType) && !IS_BOOLEAN_TYPE(paraType))|| QUERY_NODE_VALUE == nodeType) {
if ((!IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(paraType) && !IS_BOOLEAN_TYPE(paraType)) || QUERY_NODE_VALUE == nodeType) {
return invaildFuncParaTypeErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
if (2 == numOfParams) {
nodeType = nodeType(nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1));
paraType = ((SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1))->resType.type;
if (!IS_INTEGER_TYPE(paraType) || QUERY_NODE_VALUE != nodeType) {
return invaildFuncParaTypeErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
SValueNode* pValue = (SValueNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1);
if (pValue->datum.i != 0 && pValue->datum.i != 1) {
return buildFuncErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, TSDB_CODE_FUNC_FUNTION_ERROR,
"INTERP function second parameter should be 0/1");
pValue->notReserved = true;
#if 0
if (3 <= numOfParams) {
int64_t timeVal[2] = {0};
......@@ -1624,6 +1639,15 @@ static int32_t translateInterp(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len)
static EFuncReturnRows interpEstReturnRows(SFunctionNode* pFunc) {
int32_t numOfParams = LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList);
if (1 < numOfParams && 1 == ((SValueNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1))->datum.i) {
} else {
static int32_t translateFirstLast(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len) {
// forbid null as first/last input, since first(c0, null, 1) may have different number of input
int32_t numOfParams = LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList);
......@@ -2484,7 +2508,8 @@ const SBuiltinFuncDefinition funcMgtBuiltins[] = {
.getEnvFunc = getSelectivityFuncEnv,
.initFunc = functionSetup,
.processFunc = NULL,
.finalizeFunc = NULL
.finalizeFunc = NULL,
.estimateReturnRowsFunc = interpEstReturnRows
.name = "derivative",
......@@ -1526,6 +1526,12 @@ static int32_t translateInterpFunc(STranslateContext* pCxt, SFunctionNode* pFunc
if (pSelect->hasAggFuncs || pSelect->hasMultiRowsFunc || pSelect->hasIndefiniteRowsFunc) {
return generateSyntaxErrMsg(&pCxt->msgBuf, TSDB_CODE_PAR_NOT_ALLOWED_FUNC);
if (pSelect->hasInterpFunc && (FUNC_RETURN_ROWS_INDEFINITE == pSelect->returnRows || pSelect->returnRows != fmGetFuncReturnRows(pFunc))) {
return generateSyntaxErrMsgExt(&pCxt->msgBuf, TSDB_CODE_PAR_NOT_ALLOWED_FUNC,
"%s ignoring null value options cannot be used when applying to multiple columns", pFunc->functionName);
if (NULL != pSelect->pWindow || NULL != pSelect->pGroupByList) {
return generateSyntaxErrMsgExt(&pCxt->msgBuf, TSDB_CODE_PAR_NOT_ALLOWED_FUNC,
"%s function is not supported in window query or group query", pFunc->functionName);
......@@ -1726,7 +1732,10 @@ static void setFuncClassification(SNode* pCurrStmt, SFunctionNode* pFunc) {
if (fmIsIndefiniteRowsFunc(pFunc->funcId)) {
pSelect->hasIndefiniteRowsFunc = true;
pSelect->returnRows = fmGetFuncReturnRows(pFunc);
} else if (fmIsInterpFunc(pFunc->funcId)) {
pSelect->returnRows = fmGetFuncReturnRows(pFunc);
pSelect->hasMultiRowsFunc = pSelect->hasMultiRowsFunc ? true : fmIsMultiRowsFunc(pFunc->funcId);
if (fmIsSelectFunc(pFunc->funcId)) {
pSelect->hasSelectFunc = true;
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