Json tag test case, include create table with json tag, select json tag and query with json tag in where condition, besides, include json tag in group by/order by/join/subquery.
case1: [TD-12452] fix error if json tag is NULL
case2: [TD-12389] describe child table, tag length error if the tag is json tag
print("============== STEP 1 ===== prepare data & validate json string")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons1(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50), dataStrBin binary(150)) tags(jtag json)")
f="insert into jsons1_{} using jsons1 tags('{\"tag1\":\"fff\",\"tag2\":{}, \"tag3\":true}') values(1591060618000, 1, false, 'json1', '你是') (1591060608000, 23, true, '等等', 'json')".format
# test duplicate key using the first one. elimate empty key
#tdSql.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists jsons1_8 using jsons1 tags('{\"tag1\":null, \"tag1\":true, \"tag1\":45, \"1tag$\":2, \" \":90, \"\":32}')") tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons1_8") tdSql.checkRows(0);
#tdSql.query("select ts,jtag from jsons1 order by ts limit 2,3")