未验证 提交 6183f221 编写于 作者: H huili 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #4909 from taosdata/feature/query

[TD-2752]<fix>: check if the FILE pointer is valid or not.
......@@ -6932,11 +6932,12 @@ static size_t getResultSize(SQInfo *pQInfo, int64_t *numOfRows) {
if (isTSCompQuery(pQuery) && (*numOfRows) > 0) {
struct stat fStat;
if (fstat(fileno(*(FILE **)pQuery->sdata[0]->data), &fStat) == 0) {
FILE *f = *(FILE **)pQuery->sdata[0]->data;
if ((f != NULL) && (fstat(fileno(f), &fStat) == 0)) {
*numOfRows = fStat.st_size;
return fStat.st_size;
} else {
qError("QInfo:%p failed to get file info, path:%s, reason:%s", pQInfo, pQuery->sdata[0]->data, strerror(errno));
qError("QInfo:%p failed to get file info, file:%p, reason:%s", pQInfo, f, strerror(errno));
return 0;
} else {
......@@ -6951,7 +6952,7 @@ static int32_t doDumpQueryResult(SQInfo *pQInfo, char *data) {
// load data from file to msg buffer
if (isTSCompQuery(pQuery)) {
FILE *f = *(FILE **)pQuery->sdata[0]->data;
FILE *f = *(FILE **)pQuery->sdata[0]->data; // TODO refactor
// make sure file exist
if (f) {
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