提交 5d123801 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-11818] fix bug in select * from super_table.

上级 23b39814
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ typedef struct SScanPhyNode {
int8_t tableType;
int32_t order; // scan order: TSDB_ORDER_ASC|TSDB_ORDER_DESC
int32_t count; // repeat count
int32_t reverse; // reverse scan count
} SScanPhyNode;
typedef SScanPhyNode SSystemTableScanPhyNode;
......@@ -48,477 +48,226 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
TEST(testCase, driverInit_Test) { taos_init(); }
TEST(testCase, connect_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
if (pConn == NULL) {
printf("failed to connect to server, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL));
TEST(testCase, create_user_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create user abc pass 'abc'");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, create_account_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create account aabc pass 'abc'");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, drop_account_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop account aabc");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, show_user_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show users");
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, drop_user_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop user abc");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, show_db_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show databases");
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, create_db_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to drop database, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1 vgroups 2");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database if not exists abc1 vgroups 4");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create database abc1, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, create_dnode_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode abc1 port 7000");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in create dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode port 9000");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, drop_dnode_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop dnode 3");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in drop dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop dnode 4");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in drop dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, use_db_test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
TEST(testCase, drop_db_test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("create to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, create_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database if not exists abc1 vgroups 2");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1(ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in create stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
TEST(testCase, create_table_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0(ts timestamp, k int)");
TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0 using st1 tags(1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create child table tm0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, show_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show stables");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show stables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, show_vgroup_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show vgroups");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, create_multiple_tables) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table t_2 using st1 tags(1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table t_3 using st1 tags(2)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
char sql[512] = {0};
snprintf(sql, tListLen(sql),
"create table t_x_%d using st1 tags(2) t_x_%d using st1 tags(5) t_x_%d using st1 tags(911)", i,
(i + 1) * 30, (i + 2) * 40);
TAOS_RES* pres = taos_query(pConn, sql);
if (taos_errno(pres) != 0) {
printf("failed to create table %d\n, reason:%s", i, taos_errstr(pres));
TEST(testCase, show_table_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show tables");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, drop_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in creating db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in using db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop stable st1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to drop stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
SHashObj* phash = taosHashInit(10000, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
uint64_t v = generateRequestId();
void* result = taosHashGet(phash, &v, sizeof(v));
if (result != nullptr) {
printf("0x%lx, index:%d\n", v, i);
assert(result == nullptr);
taosHashPut(phash, &v, sizeof(v), NULL, 0);
// TEST(testCase, create_topic_Test) {
//TEST(testCase, connect_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// if (pConn == NULL) {
// printf("failed to connect to server, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL));
// }
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_user_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create user abc pass 'abc'");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_account_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create account aabc pass 'abc'");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, drop_account_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop account aabc");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_user_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show users");
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, drop_user_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop user abc");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// printf("failed to create user, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_db_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show databases");
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_db_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to drop database, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1 vgroups 2");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database if not exists abc1 vgroups 4");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create database abc1, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_dnode_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode abc1 port 7000");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create dnode port 9000");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, drop_dnode_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop dnode 3");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in drop dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop dnode 4");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in drop dnode, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, use_db_test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// taos_close(pConn);
// TEST(testCase, drop_db_test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// showDB(pConn);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// showDB(pConn);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("create to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_stable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database if not exists abc1 vgroups 2");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
......@@ -542,61 +291,340 @@ TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_table_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0(ts timestamp, k int)");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// char* sql = "select * from st1";
// tmq_create_topic(pConn, "test_topic_1", sql, strlen(sql));
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0 using st1 tags(1)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create child table tm0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_stable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show stables");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show stables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_vgroup_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show vgroups");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_multiple_tables) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
// return;
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table t_2 using st1 tags(1)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table t_3 using st1 tags(2)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
// char sql[512] = {0};
// snprintf(sql, tListLen(sql),
// "create table t_x_%d using st1 tags(2) t_x_%d using st1 tags(5) t_x_%d using st1 tags(911)", i,
// (i + 1) * 30, (i + 2) * 40);
// TAOS_RES* pres = taos_query(pConn, sql);
// if (taos_errno(pres) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create table %d\n, reason:%s", i, taos_errstr(pres));
// }
// taos_free_result(pres);
// }
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_table_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show tables");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, drop_stable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in creating db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in using db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop stable st1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to drop stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
// SHashObj* phash = taosHashInit(10000, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
// for (int32_t i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
// uint64_t v = generateRequestId();
// void* result = taosHashGet(phash, &v, sizeof(v));
// if (result != nullptr) {
// printf("0x%lx, index:%d\n", v, i);
// }
// assert(result == nullptr);
// taosHashPut(phash, &v, sizeof(v), NULL, 0);
// }
// taosHashCleanup(phash);
//// TEST(testCase, create_topic_Test) {
//// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
//// assert(pConn != NULL);
//// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
//// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
//// printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
//// }
//// taos_free_result(pRes);
//// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
//// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
//// printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
//// }
//// taos_free_result(pRes);
//// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1(ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
//// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
//// printf("error in create stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
//// }
//// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
//// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
//// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
//// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
//// taos_free_result(pRes);
//// char* sql = "select * from st1";
//// tmq_create_topic(pConn, "test_topic_1", sql, strlen(sql));
//// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, insert_test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into t_2 values(now, 1)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, projection_query_tables) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1 (ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create table tu, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tu using st1 tags(1)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create table tu, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// for(int32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
// char sql[512] = {0};
// sprintf(sql, "insert into tu values(now+%da, %d)", i, i);
// TAOS_RES* p = taos_query(pConn, sql);
// if (taos_errno(p) != 0) {
// printf("failed to insert data, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(p));
// }
// taos_free_result(p);
// }
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "select * from tu");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to select from table, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, insert_test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "insert into t_2 values(now, 1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create multiple tables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, projection_query_tables) {
TEST(testCase, projection_query_stables) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
ASSERT_NE(pConn, nullptr);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1 (ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create table tu, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tu using st1 tags(1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create table tu, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
char sql[512] = {0};
sprintf(sql, "insert into tu values(now+%da, %d)", i, i);
TAOS_RES* p = taos_query(pConn, sql);
if (taos_errno(p) != 0) {
printf("failed to insert data, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(p));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "select * from tu");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "select ts,k from m1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to select from table, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
......@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ typedef struct SOrderOperatorInfo {
void appendUpstream(SOperatorInfo* p, SOperatorInfo* pUpstream);
SOperatorInfo* createDataBlocksOptScanInfo(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, STaskRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t repeatTime, int32_t reverseTime);
SOperatorInfo* createDataBlocksOptScanInfo(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t repeatTime, int32_t reverseTime, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t repeatTime, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
SOperatorInfo* createTableSeqScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, STaskRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
......@@ -4844,7 +4844,16 @@ static SSDataBlock* doBlockInfoScan(void* param, bool* newgroup) {
SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t repeatTime, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
assert(repeatTime > 0 && numOfOutput > 0);
STableScanInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(STableScanInfo));
STableScanInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(STableScanInfo));
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
if (pInfo == NULL || pOperator == NULL) {
return NULL;
pInfo->pTsdbReadHandle = pTsdbQueryHandle;
pInfo->times = repeatTime;
pInfo->reverseTimes = 0;
......@@ -4852,7 +4861,6 @@ SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, in
pInfo->current = 0;
pInfo->scanFlag = MAIN_SCAN;
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
pOperator->name = "TableScanOperator";
pOperator->operatorType = OP_TableScan;
pOperator->blockingOptr = false;
......@@ -4866,6 +4874,39 @@ SOperatorInfo* createTableScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, in
return pOperator;
SOperatorInfo* createDataBlocksOptScanInfo(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, int32_t order, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t repeatTime, int32_t reverseTime, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
assert(repeatTime > 0);
STableScanInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(STableScanInfo));
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
if (pInfo == NULL || pOperator == NULL) {
return NULL;
pInfo->pTsdbReadHandle = pTsdbQueryHandle;
pInfo->times = repeatTime;
pInfo->reverseTimes = reverseTime;
pInfo->order = order;
pInfo->current = 0;
pInfo->scanFlag = MAIN_SCAN;
pOperator->name = "DataBlocksOptimizedScanOperator";
pOperator->operatorType = OP_DataBlocksOptScan;
pOperator->blockingOptr = false;
pOperator->status = OP_IN_EXECUTING;
pOperator->info = pInfo;
pOperator->numOfOutput = numOfOutput;
pOperator->pRuntimeEnv = NULL;
pOperator->exec = doTableScan;
pOperator->pTaskInfo = pTaskInfo;
return pOperator;
SOperatorInfo* createTableSeqScanOperator(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, STaskRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv) {
STableScanInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(STableScanInfo));
......@@ -4973,27 +5014,6 @@ void setTableScanFilterOperatorInfo(STableScanInfo* pTableScanInfo, SOperatorInf
SOperatorInfo* createDataBlocksOptScanInfo(void* pTsdbQueryHandle, STaskRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t repeatTime, int32_t reverseTime) {
assert(repeatTime > 0);
STableScanInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(STableScanInfo));
pInfo->pTsdbReadHandle = pTsdbQueryHandle;
pInfo->times = repeatTime;
pInfo->reverseTimes = reverseTime;
pInfo->current = 0;
pInfo->order = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr->order.order;
SOperatorInfo* pOptr = calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
pOptr->name = "DataBlocksOptimizedScanOperator";
// pOptr->operatorType = OP_DataBlocksOptScan;
pOptr->pRuntimeEnv = pRuntimeEnv;
pOptr->blockingOptr = false;
pOptr->info = pInfo;
pOptr->exec = doTableScan;
return pOptr;
SArray* getOrderCheckColumns(STaskAttr* pQuery) {
int32_t numOfCols = (pQuery->pGroupbyExpr == NULL)? 0: taosArrayGetSize(pQuery->pGroupbyExpr->columnInfo);
......@@ -7187,10 +7207,13 @@ static SExecTaskInfo* createExecTaskInfo(uint64_t queryId) {
SOperatorInfo* doCreateOperatorTreeNode(SPhyNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, void* param) {
if (pPhyNode->pChildren == NULL || taosArrayGetSize(pPhyNode->pChildren) == 0) {
if (pPhyNode->info.type == OP_TableScan) {
SScanPhyNode* pScanPhyNode = (SScanPhyNode*) pPhyNode;
size_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pPhyNode->pTargets);
SOperatorInfo* pOperatorInfo = createTableScanOperator(param, pScanPhyNode->order, numOfCols, pScanPhyNode->count, pTaskInfo);
pTaskInfo->pRoot = pOperatorInfo;
SScanPhyNode* pScanPhyNode = (SScanPhyNode*)pPhyNode;
size_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pPhyNode->pTargets);
return createTableScanOperator(param, pScanPhyNode->order, numOfCols, pScanPhyNode->count, pTaskInfo);
} else if (pPhyNode->info.type == OP_DataBlocksOptScan) {
SScanPhyNode* pScanPhyNode = (SScanPhyNode*)pPhyNode;
size_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pPhyNode->pTargets);
return createDataBlocksOptScanInfo(param, pScanPhyNode->order, numOfCols, pScanPhyNode->count, pScanPhyNode->reverse, pTaskInfo);
} else {
......@@ -7199,21 +7222,20 @@ SOperatorInfo* doCreateOperatorTreeNode(SPhyNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTask
int32_t doCreateExecTaskInfo(SSubplan* pPlan, SExecTaskInfo** pTaskInfo, void* readerHandle) {
STsdbQueryCond cond = {.loadExternalRows = false};
cond.twindow.skey = INT64_MIN;
cond.twindow.ekey = INT64_MAX;
uint64_t uid = 0;
SPhyNode* pPhyNode = pPlan->pNode;
if (pPhyNode->info.type == OP_TableScan) {
if (pPhyNode->info.type == OP_TableScan || pPhyNode->info.type == OP_DataBlocksOptScan) {
SScanPhyNode* pScanNode = (SScanPhyNode*) pPhyNode;
uid = pScanNode->uid;
cond.order = pScanNode->order;
cond.numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pScanNode->node.pTargets);
STableScanPhyNode* pTableScanNode = (STableScanPhyNode*) pPhyNode;
uid = pTableScanNode->scan.uid;
cond.order = pTableScanNode->scan.order;
cond.numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pTableScanNode->scan.node.pTargets);
cond.colList = calloc(cond.numOfCols, sizeof(SColumnInfo));
cond.twindow = pTableScanNode->window;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < cond.numOfCols; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pScanNode->node.pTargets, i);
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pTableScanNode->scan.node.pTargets, i);
assert(pExprInfo->pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE);
SSchema* pSchema = pExprInfo->pExpr->pSchema;
......@@ -7235,7 +7257,11 @@ int32_t doCreateExecTaskInfo(SSubplan* pPlan, SExecTaskInfo** pTaskInfo, void* r
*pTaskInfo = createExecTaskInfo((uint64_t)pPlan->id.queryId);
tsdbReadHandleT tsdbReadHandle = tsdbQueryTables(readerHandle, &cond, &group, (*pTaskInfo)->id.queryId, NULL);
doCreateOperatorTreeNode(pPlan->pNode, *pTaskInfo, tsdbReadHandle);
(*pTaskInfo)->pRoot = doCreateOperatorTreeNode(pPlan->pNode, *pTaskInfo, tsdbReadHandle);
if ((*pTaskInfo)->pRoot == NULL) {
return terrno;
......@@ -917,6 +917,8 @@ int32_t validateLimitNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBu
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg1);
int32_t validateOrderbyNode(SQueryStmtInfo *pQueryInfo, SSqlNode* pSqlNode, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
......@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ static void vgroupMsgToEpSet(const SVgroupMsg* vg, SQueryNodeAddr* execNode) {
static uint64_t splitSubplanByTable(SPlanContext* pCxt, SQueryPlanNode* pPlanNode, SQueryTableInfo* pTable) {
SVgroupsInfo* vgroupList = pTable->pMeta->vgroupList;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTable->pMeta->vgroupList->numOfVgroups; ++i) {
SVgroupsInfo* pVgroupList = pTable->pMeta->vgroupList;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pVgroupList->numOfVgroups; ++i) {
SSubplan* subplan = initSubplan(pCxt, QUERY_TYPE_SCAN);
subplan->msgType = TDMT_VND_QUERY;
......@@ -530,32 +530,38 @@ static const char* jkScanNodeTableId = "TableId";
static const char* jkScanNodeTableType = "TableType";
static const char* jkScanNodeTableOrder = "Order";
static const char* jkScanNodeTableCount = "Count";
static const char* jkScanNodeTableRevCount = "Reverse";
static bool scanNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const SScanPhyNode* scan = (const SScanPhyNode*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableId, scan->uid);
const SScanPhyNode* pNode = (const SScanPhyNode*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableId, pNode->uid);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableType, scan->tableType);
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableType, pNode->tableType);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableOrder, scan->order);
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableOrder, pNode->order);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableCount, scan->count);
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableCount, pNode->count);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableRevCount, pNode->reverse);
return res;
static bool scanNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
SScanPhyNode* scan = (SScanPhyNode*)obj;
scan->uid = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableId);
scan->tableType = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableType);
scan->count = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableCount);
scan->order = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableOrder);
SScanPhyNode* pNode = (SScanPhyNode*)obj;
pNode->uid = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableId);
pNode->tableType = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableType);
pNode->count = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableCount);
pNode->order = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableOrder);
pNode->reverse = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableRevCount);
return true;
......@@ -910,7 +916,7 @@ static SSubplan* subplanFromJson(const cJSON* json) {
bool res = fromObject(json, jkSubplanId, subplanIdFromJson, &subplan->id, true);
if (res) {
size_t size = MAX(sizeof(SPhyNode), sizeof(SScanPhyNode));
size_t size = MAX(sizeof(SPhyNode), sizeof(STableScanPhyNode));
res = fromObjectWithAlloc(json, jkSubplanNode, phyNodeFromJson, (void**)&subplan->pNode, size, false);
if (res) {
......@@ -940,8 +946,8 @@ int32_t subPlanToString(const SSubplan* subplan, char** str, int32_t* len) {
*str = cJSON_Print(json);
// printf("====Physical plan:====\n")
// printf("%s\n", *str);
printf("====Physical plan:====\n");
printf("%s\n", *str);
*len = strlen(*str) + 1;
......@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ int32_t qCreateQueryDag(const struct SQueryNode* pNode, struct SQueryDag** pDag,
if (pLogicPlan->info.type != QNODE_MODIFY) {
// char* str = NULL;
// queryPlanToString(pLogicPlan, &str);
// printf("%s\n", str);
char* str = NULL;
queryPlanToString(pLogicPlan, &str);
printf("%s\n", str);
code = optimizeQueryPlan(pLogicPlan);
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