提交 5703d292 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

drop stb

上级 bfdd7b2c
......@@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ typedef struct {
int8_t igNotExists;
} SMDropStbReq;
int32_t tSerializeSMDropStbReq(void** buf, SMDropStbReq* pReq);
void* tDeserializeSMDropStbReq(void* buf, SMDropStbReq* pReq);
typedef struct {
int8_t alterType;
......@@ -399,3 +399,19 @@ void *tDeserializeSMCreateStbReq(void *buf, SMCreateStbReq *pReq) {
return buf;
int32_t tSerializeSMDropStbReq(void **buf, SMDropStbReq *pReq) {
int32_t tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->name);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pReq->igNotExists);
return tlen;
void *tDeserializeSMDropStbReq(void *buf, SMDropStbReq *pReq) {
buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pReq->name);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &pReq->igNotExists);
return buf;
......@@ -1119,27 +1119,29 @@ DROP_STB_OVER:
static int32_t mndProcessMDropStbReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SMDropStbReq *pDrop = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
mDebug("stb:%s, start to drop", pDrop->name);
SMDropStbReq dropReq = {0};
tDeserializeSMDropStbReq(pReq->rpcMsg.pCont, &dropReq);
SStbObj *pStb = mndAcquireStb(pMnode, pDrop->name);
mDebug("stb:%s, start to drop", dropReq.name);
SStbObj *pStb = mndAcquireStb(pMnode, dropReq.name);
if (pStb == NULL) {
if (pDrop->igNotExists) {
mDebug("stb:%s, not exist, ignore not exist is set", pDrop->name);
if (dropReq.igNotExists) {
mDebug("stb:%s, not exist, ignore not exist is set", dropReq.name);
return 0;
} else {
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", pDrop->name, terrstr());
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", dropReq.name, terrstr());
return -1;
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDbByStb(pMnode, pDrop->name);
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDbByStb(pMnode, dropReq.name);
if (pDb == NULL) {
mndReleaseStb(pMnode, pStb);
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", pDrop->name, terrstr());
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", dropReq.name, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -1148,7 +1150,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessMDropStbReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
mndReleaseStb(pMnode, pStb);
if (code != 0) {
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", pDrop->name, terrstr());
mError("stb:%s, failed to drop since %s", dropReq.name, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -388,12 +388,15 @@ TEST_F(MndTestStb, 01_Create_Show_Meta_Drop_Restart_Stb) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SMDropStbReq);
SMDropStbReq dropReq = {0};
strcpy(dropReq.name, stbname);
SMDropStbReq* pReq = (SMDropStbReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
strcpy(pReq->name, stbname);
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSMDropStbReq(NULL, &dropReq);
void* pHead = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
void* pBuf = pHead;
tSerializeSMDropStbReq(&pBuf, &dropReq);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_DROP_STB, pReq, contLen);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_DROP_STB, pHead, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->code, 0);
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ SCreateAcctReq* buildAcctManipulationMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* outputLen, in
SDropUserReq* buildDropUserMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* outputLen, int64_t id, char* msgBuf, int32_t msgLen);
SShowReq* buildShowMsg(SShowInfo* pShowInfo, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
SCreateDbReq* buildCreateDbMsg(SCreateDbInfo* pCreateDbInfo, SParseContext *pCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
SMCreateStbReq* buildCreateStbMsg(SCreateTableSql* pCreateTableSql, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
SMDropStbReq* buildDropStableMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
char* buildCreateStbReq(SCreateTableSql* pCreateTableSql, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
char* buildDropStableReq(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
SCreateDnodeReq *buildCreateDnodeMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
SDropDnodeReq *buildDropDnodeMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf);
......@@ -249,8 +249,7 @@ SCreateDbReq* buildCreateDbMsg(SCreateDbInfo* pCreateDbInfo, SParseContext *pCtx
return pCreateMsg;
SMCreateStbReq* buildCreateStbMsg(SCreateTableSql* pCreateTableSql, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx,
SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
char* buildCreateStbReq(SCreateTableSql* pCreateTableSql, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
SMCreateStbReq createReq = {0};
createReq.igExists = pCreateTableSql->existCheck ? 1 : 0;
createReq.pColumns = pCreateTableSql->colInfo.pColumns;
......@@ -275,13 +274,13 @@ SMCreateStbReq* buildCreateStbMsg(SCreateTableSql* pCreateTableSql, int32_t* len
return NULL;
void *buf = req;
void* buf = req;
tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(&buf, &createReq);
*len = tlen;
return req;
SMDropStbReq* buildDropStableMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
char* buildDropStableReq(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseContext* pParseCtx, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
SToken* tableName = taosArrayGet(pInfo->pMiscInfo->a, 0);
SName name = {0};
......@@ -291,14 +290,23 @@ SMDropStbReq* buildDropStableMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SParseContext* p
return NULL;
SMDropStbReq *pDropTableMsg = (SMDropStbReq*) calloc(1, sizeof(SMDropStbReq));
SMDropStbReq dropReq = {0};
code = tNameExtractFullName(&name, dropReq.name);
code = tNameExtractFullName(&name, pDropTableMsg->name);
assert(code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS && name.type == TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T);
dropReq.igNotExists = pInfo->pMiscInfo->existsCheck ? 1 : 0;
pDropTableMsg->igNotExists = pInfo->pMiscInfo->existsCheck ? 1 : 0;
*len = sizeof(SMDropStbReq);
return pDropTableMsg;
int32_t tlen = tSerializeSMDropStbReq(NULL, &dropReq);
void* req = malloc(tlen);
if (req == NULL) {
return NULL;
void* buf = req;
tSerializeSMDropStbReq(&buf, &dropReq);
*len = tlen;
return req;
SCreateDnodeReq *buildCreateDnodeMsg(SSqlInfo* pInfo, int32_t* len, SMsgBuf* pMsgBuf) {
......@@ -924,13 +924,13 @@ SDclStmtInfo* qParserValidateDclSqlNode(SSqlInfo* pInfo, SParseContext* pCtx, ch
goto _error;
pDcl->pMsg = (char*)buildCreateStbMsg(pCreateTable, &pDcl->msgLen, pCtx, pMsgBuf);
pDcl->pMsg = buildCreateStbReq(pCreateTable, &pDcl->msgLen, pCtx, pMsgBuf);
pDcl->msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB;
pDcl->pMsg = (char*)buildDropStableMsg(pInfo, &pDcl->msgLen, pCtx, pMsgBuf);
pDcl->pMsg = buildDropStableReq(pInfo, &pDcl->msgLen, pCtx, pMsgBuf);
if (pDcl->pMsg == NULL) {
goto _error;
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