+1. 应用将一个查询条件发往系统;
+2. taosc 将超级表的名字发往 meta node(管理节点);
+3. 管理节点将超级表所拥有的 vnode 列表发回 taosc;
+4. taosc 将计算的请求连同标签过滤条件发往这些 vnode 对应的多个数据节点;
+5. 每个 vnode 先在内存里查找出自己节点里符合标签过滤条件的表的集合,然后扫描存储的时序数据,完成相应的聚合计算,将结果返回给 taosc;
+6. taosc 将多个数据节点返回的结果做最后的聚合,将其返回给应用。
+由于 TDengine 在 vnode 内将标签数据与时序数据分离存储,通过在内存里过滤标签数据,先找到需要参与聚合操作的表的集合,将需要扫描的数据集大幅减少,大幅提升聚合计算速度。同时,由于数据分布在多个 vnode/dnode,聚合计算操作在多个 vnode 里并发进行,又进一步提升了聚合的速度。 对普通表的聚合函数以及绝大部分操作都适用于超级表,语法完全一样,细节请看 TAOS SQL。
+### 预计算
+为有效提升查询处理的性能,针对物联网数据的不可更改的特点,在数据块头部记录该数据块中存储数据的统计信息:包括最大值、最小值、和。我们称之为预计算单元。如果查询处理涉及整个数据块的全部数据,直接使用预计算结果,完全不需要读取数据块的内容。由于预计算数据量远小于磁盘上存储的数据块数据的大小,对于磁盘 I/O 为瓶颈的查询处理,使用预计算结果可以极大地减小读取 I/O 压力,加速查询处理的流程。预计算机制与 PostgreSQL 的索引 BRIN(block range index)有异曲同工之妙。
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+sidebar_label: 数据复制模块设计
+title: 数据复制模块设计
+## 数据复制概述
+数据复制(Replication)是指同一份数据在多个物理地点保存。它的目的是防止数据丢失,提高系统的高可用性(High Availability),而且通过应用访问多个副本,提升数据查询性能。
+TDengine面向的是物联网场景,需要支持数据的实时复制,来最大程度保证系统的可靠性。实时复制有两种方式,一种是异步复制,一种是同步复制。异步复制(Asynchronous Replication)是指数据由Master转发给Slave后,Master并不需要等待Slave回复确认,这种方式效率高,但有极小的概率会丢失数据。同步复制是指Master将数据转发给Slave后,需要等待Slave的回复确认,才会通知应用写入成功,这种方式效率偏低,但能保证数据绝不丢失。
+数据复制是与数据存储(写入、读取)密切相关的,但两者又是相对独立,可以完全脱耦的。在TDengine系统中,有两种不同类型的数据,一种是时序数据,由TSDB模块负责;一种是元数据(Meta Data), 由MNODE负责。这两种性质不同的数据都需要同步功能。数据复制模块通过不同的实例启动配置参数,为这两种类型数据都提供同步功能。
+在阅读本文之前,请先阅读《[TDengine 2.0 整体架构](/tdinternal/arch/)》,了解TDengine的集群设计和基本概念
+## 基本概念和定义
+TDengine里存在vnode, mnode, vnode用来存储时序数据,mnode用来存储元数据。但从同步数据复制的模块来看,两者没有本质的区别,因此本文里的虚拟节点不仅包括vnode, 也包括mnode, vgroup也指mnode group, 除非特别注明。
+一个虚拟节点组里多个虚拟节点互为备份,来保证数据的有效与可靠,是依靠虚拟节点组的数据版本号来维持的。TDengine2.0设计里,对于版本的定义如下:客户端发起增加、删除、修改的流程,无论是一条记录还是多条,只要是在一个请求里,这个数据更新请求被TDengine的一个虚拟节点收到后,经过合法性检查后,可以被写入系统时,就会被分配一个版本号。这个版本号在一个虚拟节点里从1开始,是单调连续递增的。无论这条记录是采集的时序数据还是meta data, 一样处理。当Master转发一个写入请求到slave时,必须带上版本号。一个虚拟节点将一数据更新请求写入WAL时,需要带上版本号。
+不同虚拟节点组的数据版本号是完全独立的,互不相干的。版本号本质上是数据更新记录的transaction ID,但用来标识数据集的版本。
+一个虚拟节点可以是master, slave, unsynced或offline状态。
+- master: 具有最新的数据,容许客户端往里写入数据,一个虚拟节点组,至多一个master.
+- slave:与master是同步的,但不容许客户端往里写入数据,根据配置,可以容许客户端对其进行查询。
+- unsynced: 节点处于非同步状态,比如虚拟节点刚启动、或与其他虚拟节点的连接出现故障等。处于该状态时,该虚拟节点既不能提供写入,也不能提供查询服务。
+- offline: 由于宕机或网络原因,无法访问到某虚拟节点时,其他虚拟节点将该虚拟节点标为离线。但请注意,该虚拟节点本身的状态可能是unsynced或其他,但不会是离线。
+指数据写入成功所需要的确认数。对于异步复制,quorum设为1,具有master角色的虚拟节点自己确认即可。对于同步复制,需要至少大于等于2。原则上,Quorum >=1 并且 Quorum <= replication(副本数)。这个参数在启动一个同步模块实例时需要提供。
+TDengine的WAL(Write Ahead Log)与cassandra的commit log, mySQL的bin log, Postgres的WAL没本质区别。没有写入数据库文件,还保存在内存的数据都会先存在WAL。当数据已经成功写入数据库数据文件,相应的WAL会被删除。但需要特别指明的是,在TDengine系统里,有几点:
+- 每个虚拟节点有自己独立的wal
+- WAL里包含而且仅仅包含来自客户端的数据更新操作,每个更新操作都会被打上一个版本号
+- 虚拟节点个数,即replication number
+- 各虚拟节点所在节点的信息,包括node的end point
+- quorum, 需要的数据写入成功的确认数
+- 虚拟节点的初始版本号
+## 数据复制模块的基本工作原理
+1. 一个vgroup里有一到多个虚拟节点,每个虚拟节点都有自己的角色
+2. 客户端只能向角色是master的虚拟节点发起数据更新操作,因为master具有最新版本的数据,如果向非Master发起数据更新操作,会直接收到错误
+3. 客户端可以向master, 也可以向角色是Slave的虚拟节点发起查询操作,但不能对unsynced的虚拟节点发起任何操作
+4. 如果master不存在,这个vgroup是不能对外提供数据更新和查询服务的
+5. master收到客户端的数据更新操作时,会将其转发给slave节点
+6. 一个虚拟节点的版本号比master低的时候,会发起数据恢复流程,成功后,才会成为slave
+## 虚拟节点之间的网络连接
+虚拟节点之间通过TCP进行连接,节点之间的状态交换、数据包的转发都是通过这个TCP连接(peerFd)进行。为避免竞争,两个虚拟节点之间的TCP连接,总是由IP地址(UINT32)小的节点作为TCP客户端发起。一旦TCP连接被中断,虚拟节点能通过TCP socket自动检测到,将对方标为offline。如果监测到任何错误(比如数据恢复流程),虚拟节点将主动重置该连接。
+任意一个节点,无论有多少虚拟节点,都会启动而且只会启动一个TCP server, 来接受来自其他虚拟节点的上述两类TCP的连接请求。当TCP socket建立起来,客户端侧发送的消息体里会带有vgId(全局唯一的vgroup ID), TCP 服务器侧会检查该vgId是否已经在该节点启动运行。如果已经启动运行,就接受其请求。如果不存在,就直接将连接请求关闭。在TDengine代码里,mnode group的vgId设置为1。
+## 选主流程
+当同一组的两个虚拟节点之间(vnode A, vnode B)建立连接后,他们互换status消息。status消息里包含本地存储的同一虚拟节点组内所有虚拟节点的role和version。
+如果一个虚拟节点(vnode A)检测到与同一虚拟节点组内另外一虚拟节点(vnode B)的连接中断,vnode A将立即把vnode B的role设置为offline。无论是接收到另外一虚拟节点发来的status消息,还是检测与另外一虚拟节点的连接中断,该虚拟节点都将进入状态处理流程。状态处理流程的规则如下:
+1. 如果检测到在线的节点数没有超过一半,则将自己的状态设置为unsynced.
+2. 如果在线的虚拟节点数超过一半,会检查master节点是否存在,如果存在,则会决定是否将自己状态改为slave或启动数据恢复流程。
+3. 如果master不存在,则会检查自己保存的各虚拟节点的状态信息与从另一节点接收到的是否一致,如果一致,说明节点组里状态已经稳定一致,则会触发选举流程。如果不一致,说明状态还没趋于一致,即使master不存在,也不进行选主。由于要求状态信息一致才进行选举,每个虚拟节点根据同样的信息,会选出同一个虚拟节点做master,无需投票表决。
+4. 自己的状态是根据规则自己决定并修改的,并不需要其他节点同意,包括成为master。一个节点无权修改其他节点的状态。
+5. 如果一个虚拟节点检测到自己或其他虚拟节点的role发生改变,该节点会广播它自己保存的各个虚拟节点的状态信息(role和version)。
+1. 如果只有一个副本,该副本永远就是master
+2. 所有副本都在线时,版本最高的被选为master
+3. 在线的虚拟节点数过半,而且有虚拟节点是slave的话,该虚拟节点自动成为master
+4. 对于2和3,如果多个虚拟节点满足成为master的要求,那么虚拟节点组的节点列表里,最前面的选为master
+## 数据转发流程
+如果vnode A是master, vnode B是slave, vnode A能接受客户端的写请求,而vnode B不能。当vnode A收到写的请求后,遵循下面的流程:
+1. 应用对写请求做基本的合法性检查,通过,则给该请求包打上一个版本号(version, 单调递增)
+2. 应用将打上版本号的写请求封装一个WAL Head, 写入WAL(Write Ahead Log)
+3. 应用调用API syncForwardToPeer,如果vnode B是slave状态,sync模块将包含WAL Head的数据包通过Forward消息发送给vnode B,否则就不转发。
+4. vnode B收到Forward消息后,调用回调函数writeToCache, 交给应用处理
+5. vnode B应用在写入成功后,都需要调用syncConfirmForward通知sync模块已经写入成功。
+6. 如果quorum大于1,vnode B需要等待应用的回复确认,收到确认后,vnode B发送Forward Response消息给node A。
+7. 如果quorum大于1,vnode A需要等待vnode B或其他副本对Forward消息的确认。
+8. 如果quorum大于1,vnode A收到quorum-1条确认消息后,调用回调函数confirmForward,通知应用写入成功。
+9. 如果quorum为1,上述6,7,8步不会发生。
+10. 如果要等待slave的确认,master会启动2秒的定时器(可配置),如果超时,则认为失败。
+对于回复确认,sync模块提供的是异步回调函数,因此APP在调用syncForwardToPeer之后,无需等待,可以处理下一个操作。在Master与Slave的TCP连接管道里,可能有多个Forward消息,这些消息是严格按照应用提供的顺序排好的。对于Forward Response也是一样,TCP管道里存在多个,但都是排序好的。这个顺序,SYNC模块并没有做特别的事情,是由APP单线程顺序写来保证的(TDengine里每个vnode的写数据,都是单线程)。
+## 数据恢复流程
+如果一虚拟节点(vnode B) 处于unsynced状态,master存在(vnode A),而且其版本号比master的低,它将立即启动数据恢复流程。在理解恢复流程时,需要澄清几个关于文件的概念和处理规则。
+1. 每个文件(无论是archived data的file还是wal)都有一个index, 这需要应用来维护(vnode里,该index就是fileId*3 + 0/1/2, 对应data, head与last三个文件)。如果index为0,表示系统里最老的数据文件。对于mode里的文件,数量是固定的,对应于acct, user, db, table等文件。
+2. 任何一个数据文件(file)有名字、大小,还有一个magic number。只有文件名、大小与magic number一致时,两个文件才判断是一样的,无需同步。Magic number可以是checksum, 也可以是简单的文件大小。怎么计算magic,换句话说,如何检测数据文件是否有效,完全由应用决定。
+3. 文件名的处理有点复杂,因为每台服务器的路径可能不一致。比如node A的TDengine的数据文件存放在 /etc/taos目录下,而node B的数据存放在 /home/jhtao目录下。因此同步模块需要应用在启动一个同步实例时提供一个path,这样两台服务器的绝对路径可以不一样,但仍然可以做对比,做同步。
+4. 当sync模块调用回调函数getFileInfo获得数据文件信息时,有如下的规则
+ * index 为0,表示获取最老的文件,同时修改index返回给sync模块。如果index不为0,表示获取指定位置的文件。
+ * 如果name为空,表示sync想获取位于index位置的文件信息,包括magic, size。Master节点会这么调用
+ * 如果name不为空,表示sync想获取指定文件名和index的信息,slave节点会这么调用
+ * 如果某个index的文件不存在,magic返回0,表示文件已经是最后一个。因此整个系统里,文件的index必须是连续的一段整数。
+5. 当sync模块调用回调函数getWalInfo获得wal信息时,有如下规则
+ * index为0,表示获得最老的WAL文件, 返回时,index更新为具体的数字
+ * 如果返回0,表示这是最新的一个WAL文件,如果返回值是1,表示后面还有更新的WAL文件
+ * 返回的文件名为空,那表示没有WAL文件
+6. 无论是getFileInfo, 还是getWalInfo, 只要获取出错(不是文件不存在),返回-1即可,系统会报错,停止同步
+整个数据恢复流程分为两大步骤,第一步,先恢复archived data(file), 然后恢复wal。具体流程如下:
+1. 通过已经建立的TCP连接,发送sync req给master节点
+2. master收到sync req后,以client的身份,向vnode B主动建立一新的专用于同步的TCP连接(syncFd)
+3. 新的TCP连接建立成功后,master将开始retrieve流程,对应的,vnode B将同步启动restore流程
+4. Retrieve/Restore流程里,先处理所有archived data (vnode里的data, head, last文件),后处理WAL data。
+5. 对于archived data,master将通过回调函数getFileInfo获取数据文件的基本信息,包括文件名、magic以及文件大小。
+6. master 将获得的文件名、magic以及文件大小发给vnode B
+7. vnode B将回调函数getFile获得magic和文件大小,如果两者一致,就认为无需同步,如果两者不一致 ,就认为需要同步。vnode B将结果通过消息FileAck发回master
+8. 如果文件需要同步,master就调用sendfile把整个文件发往vnode B
+9. 如果文件不需要同步,master(vnode A)就重复5,6,7,8,直到所有文件被处理完
+1. master节点调用回调函数getWalInfo,获取WAL的文件名。
+2. 如果getWalInfo返回值大于0,表示该文件还不是最后一个WAL,因此master调用sendfile一下把该文件发送给vnode B
+3. 如果getWalInfo返回时为0,表示该文件是最后一个WAL,因为文件可能还处于写的状态中,sync模块要根据WAL Head的定义逐条读出记录,然后发往vnode B。
+4. vnode A读取TCP连接传来的数据,按照WAL Head,逐条读取,如果版本号比现有的大,调用回调函数writeToCache,交给应用处理。如果小,直接扔掉。
+5. 上述流程循环,直到所有WAL文件都被处理完。处理完后,master就会将新来的数据包通过Forward消息转发给slave。
+对于最后一个WAL (LastWal)的处理逻辑有点复杂,因为这个文件往往是打开写的状态,有很多场景需要考虑,比如:
+- LastWal文件size在增长,需要重新读;
+- LastWal文件虽然已经打开写,但内容为空;
+- LastWal文件已经被关闭,应用生成了新的Last WAL文件;
+- LastWal文件没有被关闭,但数据落盘的原因,没有读到完整的一条记录;
+- LastWal文件没有被关闭,但数据落盘的原因,还有部分记录暂时读取不到;
+sync模块通过inotify监控LastWal文件的更新和关闭操作。而且在确认已经尽可能读完LastWal的数据后,会将对方同步状态设置为SYNC_CACHE。该状态下,master节点会将新的记录转发给vnode B,而此时vnode B并没有完成同步,需要把这些转发包先存在recv buffer里,等WAL处理完后,vnode A再把recv buffer里的数据包通过回调writeToCache交给应用处理。
+等vnode B把这些buffered forwards处理完,同步流程才算结束,vnode B正式变为slave。
+## Master分布均匀性问题
+但在TDengine的设计里,如果多个虚拟节点都符合master条件,TDengine选在列表中最前面的做Master, 这样是否导致在集群里,Master数量的分布不均匀问题呢?这取决于应用的设计。
+给一个具体例子,系统里仅仅有三个节点,IP地址分别为IP1, IP2, IP3. 在各个节点上,TDengine创建了多个虚拟节点组,每个虚拟节点组都有三个副本。如果三个副本的顺序在所有虚拟节点组里都是IP1, IP2, IP3, 那毫无疑问,master将集中在IP1这个节点,这是我们不想看到的。
+但是,如果在创建虚拟节点组时,增加随机性,这个问题就不存在了。比如在vgroup 1, 顺序是IP1, IP2, IP3, 在vgroup 2里,顺序是IP2, IP3, IP1, 在vgroup 3里,顺序是IP3, IP1, IP2。最后master的分布会是均匀的。
+因此在创建一个虚拟节点组时,应用需要保证节点的顺序是round robin或完全随机。
+## 少数虚拟节点写入成功的问题
+在某种情况下,写入成功的确认数大于0,但小于配置的Quorum, 虽然有虚拟节点数据更新成功,master仍然会认为数据更新失败,并通知客户端写入失败。
+因为写入失败,客户端会重新写入数据。但对于TDengine而言,是OK的。因为时序数据都是有时间戳的,时间戳相同的数据更新操作,第一次会执行,但第二次会自动扔掉。对于Meta Data(增加、删除库、表等等)的操作,也是OK的。一张表、库已经被创建或删除,再创建或删除,不会被执行的。
+## Split Brain的问题
+选举流程中,有个强制要求,那就是一定有超过半数的虚拟节点在线。但是如果replication正好是偶数,这个时候,完全可能存在splt brain问题。
+Arbitrator的程序tarbitrator.c在复制模块的同一目录, 编译整个系统时,会在bin目录生成。命令行参数“-?”查看可以配置的参数,比如绑定的IP地址,监听的端口号。
+## 与RAFT相比的异同
+数据一致性协议流行的有两种,Paxos与Raft. 本设计的实现与Raft有很多类同之处,下面做一些比较
+- 三大流程一致:Raft里有Leader election, replication, safety,完全对应TDengine的选举、数据转发、数据恢复三个流程。
+- 节点状态定义一致:Raft里每个节点有Leader, Follower, Candidate三个状态,TDengine里是Master, Slave, Unsynced, Offline。多了一个offlince, 但本质上是一样的,因为offline是外界看一个节点的状态,但该节点本身是处于master, slave 或unsynced的。
+- 数据转发流程完全一样,Master(leader)需要等待回复确认。
+- 数据恢复流程几乎一样,Raft没有涉及历史数据同步问题,只考虑了WAL数据同步。
+- 选举流程不一样:Raft里任何一个节点是candidate时,主动向其他节点发出vote request,如果超过半数回答Yes,这个candidate就成为Leader,开始一个新的term。而TDengine的实现里,节点上线、离线或角色改变都会触发状态消息在节点组内传播,等节点组里状态稳定一致之后才触发选举流程,因为状态稳定一致,基于同样的状态信息,每个节点做出的决定会是一致的,一旦某个节点符合成为master的条件,无需其他节点认可,它会自动将自己设为master。TDengine里,任何一个节点检测到其他节点或自己的角色发生改变,就会向节点组内其他节点进行广播。Raft里不存在这样的机制,因此需要投票来解决。
+- 对WAL的一条记录,Raft用term + index来做唯一标识。但TDengine只用version(类似index),在TDengine实现里,仅仅用version是完全可行的, 因为TDengine的选举机制,没有term的概念。
+## Meta Data的数据复制
+TDengine里存在时序数据,也存在Meta Data。Meta Data对数据的可靠性要求更高,那么TDengine设计能否满足要求呢?下面做个仔细分析。
+TDengine里Meta Data包括以下:
+- account 信息
+- 一个account下面,可以有多个user, 多个DB
+- 一个DB下面有多个vgroup
+- 一个DB下面有多个stable
+- 一个vgroup下面有多个table
+- 整个系统有多个mnode, dnode
+- 一个dnode可以有多个vnode
+上述的account, user, DB, vgroup, table, stable, mnode, dnode都有自己的属性,这些属性是TDengine自己定义的,不会开放给用户进行修改。这些Meta Data的查询都比较简单,都可以采用key-value模型进行存储。这些Meta Data还具有几个特点:
+1. 上述的Meta Data之间有一定的层级关系,比如必须先创建DB,才能创建table, stable。只有先创建dnode,才可能创建vnode, 才可能创建vgroup。因此他们创建的顺序是绝对不能错的。
+2. 在客户端应用的数据更新操作得到TDengine服务器侧确认后,所执行的数据更新操作绝对不能丢失。否则会造成客户端应用与服务器的数据不一致。
+3. 上述的Meta Data是容许重复操作的。比如插入新记录后,再插入一次,删除一次后,再删除一次,更新一次后,再更新一次,不会对系统产生任何影响,不会改变系统任何状态。
+对于特点1,本设计里,数据的写入是单线程的,按照到达的先后顺序,给每个数据更新操作打上版本号,版本号大的记录一定是晚于版本号小的写入系统,数据写入顺序是100%保证的,绝对不会让版本号大的记录先写入。复制过程中,数据块的转发也是严格按照顺序进行的,因此TDengine的数据复制设计是能保证Meta Data的创建顺序的。
+对于特点2,只要Quorum数设置等于replica,那么一定能保证回复确认过的数据更新操作不会在服务器侧丢失。即使某节点永不起来,只要超过一半的节点还是online, 查询服务不会受到任何影响。这时,如果某个节点离线超过一定时长,系统可以自动补充新的节点,以保证在线的节点数在绝大部分时间是100%的。
+对于特点3,完全可能发生,服务器确实持久化存储了某一数据更新操作,但客户端应用出了问题,认为操作不成功,它会重新发起操作。但对于Meta Data而言,没有关系,客户端可以再次发起同样的操作,不会有任何影响。
+总结来看,只要quorum设置大于一,本数据复制的设计是能满足Meta Data的需求的。目前,还没有发现漏洞。
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+sidebar_label: taosd 的设计
+title: taosd的设计
+逻辑上,TDengine 系统包含 dnode,taosc 和 App,dnode 是服务器侧执行代码 taosd 的一个运行实例,因此 taosd 是 TDengine 的核心,本文对 taosd 的设计做一简单的介绍,模块内的实现细节请见其他文档。
+## 系统模块图
+taosd 包含 rpc,dnode,vnode,tsdb,query,cq,sync,wal,mnode,http,monitor 等模块,具体如下图:
+taosd 的启动入口是 dnode 模块,dnode 然后启动其他模块,包括可选配置的 http,monitor 模块。taosc 或 dnode 之间交互的消息都是通过 rpc 模块进行,dnode 模块根据接收到的消息类型,将消息分发到 vnode 或 mnode 的消息队列,或由 dnode 模块自己消费。dnode 的工作线程(worker)消费消息队列里的消息,交给 mnode 或 vnode 进行处理。下面对各个模块做简要说明。
+## RPC 模块
+该模块负责 taosd 与 taosc,以及其他数据节点之间的通讯。TDengine 没有采取标准的 HTTP 或 gRPC 等第三方工具,而是实现了自己的通讯模块 RPC。
+考虑到物联网场景下,数据写入的包一般不大,因此除支持 TCP 连接之外,RPC 还支持 UDP 连接。当数据包小于 15K 时,RPC 将采用 UDP 方式进行连接,否则将采用 TCP 连接。对于查询类的消息,RPC 不管包的大小,总是采取 TCP 连接。对于 UDP 连接,RPC 实现了自己的超时、重传、顺序检查等机制,以保证数据可靠传输。
+RPC 模块还提供数据压缩功能,如果数据包的字节数超过系统配置参数 compressMsgSize,RPC 在传输中将自动压缩数据,以节省带宽。
+为保证数据的安全和数据的 integrity,RPC 模块采用 MD5 做数字签名,对数据的真实性和完整性进行认证。
+## DNODE 模块
+该模块是整个 taosd 的入口,它具体负责如下任务:
+- 系统的初始化,包括
+ - 从文件 taos.cfg 读取系统配置参数,从文件 dnodeCfg.json 读取数据节点的配置参数;
+ - 启动 RPC 模块,并建立起与 taosc 通讯的 server 连接,与其他数据节点通讯的 server 连接;
+ - 启动并初始化 dnode 的内部管理,该模块将扫描该数据节点已有的 vnode ,并打开它们;
+ - 初始化可配置的模块,如 mnode,http,monitor 等。
+- 数据节点的管理,包括
+ - 定时的向 mnode 发送 status 消息,报告自己的状态;
+ - 根据 mnode 的指示,创建、改变、删除 vnode;
+ - 根据 mnode 的指示,修改自己的配置参数;
+- 消息的分发、消费,包括
+ - 为每一个 vnode 和 mnode 的创建并维护一个读队列、一个写队列;
+ - 将从 taosc 或其他数据节点来的消息,根据消息类型,将其直接分发到不同的消息队列,或由自己的管理模块直接消费;
+ - 维护一个读的线程池,消费读队列的消息,交给 vnode 或 mnode 处理。为支持高并发,一个读线程(worker)可以消费多个队列的消息,一个读队列可以由多个 worker 消费;
+ - 维护一个写的线程池,消费写队列的消息,交给 vnode 或 mnode 处理。为保证写操作的序列化,一个写队列只能由一个写线程负责,但一个写线程可以负责多个写队列。
+taosd 的消息消费由 dnode 通过读写线程池进行控制,是系统的中枢。该模块内的结构体图如下:
+## VNODE 模块
+vnode 是一独立的数据存储查询逻辑单元,但因为一个 vnode 只能容许一个 DB ,因此 vnode 内部没有 account,DB,user 等概念。为实现更好的模块化、封装以及未来的扩展,它有很多子模块,包括负责存储的 TSDB,负责查询的 query,负责数据复制的 sync,负责数据库日志的的 WAL,负责连续查询的 cq(continuous query),负责事件触发的流计算的 event 等模块,这些子模块只与 vnode 模块发生关系,与其他模块没有任何调用关系。模块图如下:
+vnode 模块向下,与 dnodeVRead,dnodeVWrite 发生互动,向上,与子模块发生互动。它主要的功能有:
+- 协调各个子模块的互动。各个子模块之间都不直接调用,都需要通过 vnode 模块进行;
+- 对于来自 taosc 或 mnode 的写操作,vnode 模块将其分解为写日志(WAL),转发(sync),本地存储(TSDB)子模块的操作;
+- 对于查询操作,分发到 query 模块进行。
+一个数据节点里有多个 vnode,因此 vnode 模块是有多个运行实例的。每个运行实例是完全独立的。
+vnode 与其子模块是通过 API 直接调用,而不是通过消息队列传递。而且各个子模块只与 vnode 模块有交互,不与 dnode,rpc 等模块发生任何直接关联。
+## MNODE 模块
+mnode 是整个系统的大脑,负责整个系统的资源调度,负责 meta data 的管理与存储。
+一个运行的系统里,只有一个 mnode,但它有多个副本(由系统配置参数 numOfMnodes 控制)。这些副本分布在不同的 dnode 里,目的是保证系统的高可靠运行。副本之间的数据复制是采用同步而非异步的方式,以确保数据的一致性,确保数据不会丢失。这些副本会自动选举一个 Master,其他副本是 slave。所有数据更新类的操作,都只能在 master 上进行,而查询类的可以在 slave 节点上进行。代码实现上,同步模块与 vnode 共享,但 mnode 被分配一个特殊的 vgroup ID: 1,而且 quorum 大于 1。整个集群系统是由多个 dnode 组成的,运行的 mnode 的副本数不可能超过 dnode 的个数,但不会超过配置的副本数。如果某个 mnode 副本宕机一段时间,只要超过半数的 mnode 副本仍在运行,运行的 mnode 会自动根据整个系统的资源情况,在其他 dnode 里再启动一个 mnode,以保证运行的副本数。
+各个 dnode 通过信息交换,保存有 mnode 各个副本的 End Point 列表,并向其中的 master 节点定时(间隔由系统配置参数 statusInterval 控制)发送 status 消息,消息体里包含该 dnode 的 CPU、内存、剩余存储空间、vnode 个数,以及各个 vnode 的状态(存储空间、原始数据大小、记录条数、角色等)。这样 mnode 就了解整个系统的资源情况,如果用户创建新的表,就可以决定需要在哪个 dnode 创建;如果增加或删除 dnode,或者监测到某 dnode 数据过热、或离线太长,就可以决定需要挪动那些 vnode,以实现负载均衡。
+mnode 里还负责 account,user,DB,stable,table,vgroup,dnode 的创建、删除与更新。mnode 不仅把这些 entity 的 meta data 保存在内存,还做持久化存储。但为节省内存,各个表的标签值不保存在 mnode(保存在 vnode),而且子表不维护自己的 schema,而是与 stable 共享。为减小 mnode 的查询压力,taosc 会缓存 table、stable 的 schema。对于查询类的操作,各个 slave mnode 也可以提供,以减轻 master 压力。
+## TSDB 模块
+TSDB 模块是 vnode 中的负责快速高并发地存储和读取属于该 vnode 的表的元数据及采集的时序数据的引擎。除此之外,TSDB 还提供了表结构的修改、表标签值的修改等功能。TSDB 提供 API 供 vnode 和 query 等模块调用。TSDB 中存储了两类数据,1:元数据信息;2:时序数据
+### 元数据信息
+TSDB 中存储的元数据包含属于其所在的 vnode 中表的类型,schema 的定义等。对于超级表和超级表下的子表而言,又包含了 tag 的 schema 定义以及子表的 tag 值等。对于元数据信息而言,TSDB 就相当于一个全内存的 KV 型数据库,属于该 vnode 的表对象全部在内存中,方便快速查询表的信息。除此之外,TSDB 还对其中的子表,按照 tag 的第一列取值做了全内存的索引,大大加快了对于标签的过滤查询。TSDB 中的元数据的最新状态在落盘时,会以追加(append-only)的形式,写入到 meta 文件中。meta 文件只进行追加操作,即便是元数据的删除,也会以一条记录的形式写入到文件末尾。TSDB 也提供了对于元数据的修改操作,如表 schema 的修改,tag schema 的修改以及 tag 值的修改等。
+### 时序数据
+每个 TSDB 在创建时,都会事先分配一定量的内存缓冲区,且内存缓冲区的大小可配可修改。表采集的时序数据,在写入 TSDB 时,首先以追加的方式写入到分配的内存缓冲区中,同时建立基于时间戳的内存索引,方便快速查询。当内存缓冲区的数据积累到一定的程度时(达到内存缓冲区总大小的 1/3),则会触发落盘操作,将缓冲区中的数据持久化到硬盘文件上。时序数据在内存缓冲区中是以行(row)的形式存储的。
+而时序数据在写入到 TSDB 的数据文件时,是以列(column)的形式存储的。TSDB 中的数据文件包含多个数据文件组,每个数据文件组中又包含 .head、.data 和 .last 三个文件,如(v2f1801.head、v2f1801.data、v2f1801.last)数据文件组。TSDB 中的数据文件组是按照时间跨度进行分片的,默认是 10 天一个文件组,且可通过配置文件及建库选项进行配置。分片的数据文件组又按照编号递增排列,方便快速定位某一时间段的时序数据,高效定位数据文件组。时序数据在 TSDB 的数据文件中是以块的形式进行列式存储的,每个块中只包含一张表的数据,且数据在一个块中是按照时间顺序递增排列的。在一个数据文件组中,.head 文件负责存储数据块的索引及统计信息,如每个块的位置,压缩算法,时间戳范围等。存储在 .head 文件中一张表的索引信息是按照数据块中存储的数据的时间递增排列的,方便进行折半查找等工作。.head 和 .last 文件是存储真实数据块的文件,若数据块中的数据累计到一定程度,则会写入 .data 文件中,否则,会写入 .last 文件中,等待下次落盘时合并数据写入 .data 文件中,从而大大减少文件中块的个数,避免数据的过度碎片化。
+## Query 模块
+该模块负责整体系统的查询处理。客户端调用该该模块进行 SQL 语法解析,并将查询或写入请求发送到 vnode ,同时负责针对超级表的查询进行二阶段的聚合操作。在 vnode 端,该模块调用 TSDB 模块读取系统中存储的数据进行查询处理。query 模块还定义了系统能够支持的全部查询函数,查询函数的实现机制与查询框架无耦合,可以在不修改查询流程的情况下动态增加查询函数。详细的设计请参见《TDengine 2.0 查询模块设计》。
+## SYNC 模块
+该模块实现数据的多副本复制,包括 vnode 与 mnode 的数据复制,支持异步和同步两种复制方式,以满足 meta data 与时序数据不同复制的需求。因为它为 mnode 与 vnode 共享,系统为 mnode 副本预留了一个特殊的 vgroup ID:1。因此 vnode group 的 ID 是从 2 开始的。
+每个 vnode/mnode 模块实例会有一对应的 sync 模块实例,他们是一一对应的。详细设计请见[TDengine 2.0 数据复制模块设计](/tdinternal/replica/)
+## WAL 模块
+该模块负责将新插入的数据写入 write ahead log(WAL),为 vnode,mnode 共享。以保证服务器 crash 或其他故障,能从 WAL 中恢复数据。
+每个 vnode/mnode 模块实例会有一对应的 WAL 模块实例,是完全一一对应的。WAL 的落盘操作由两个参数 walLevel,fsync 控制。看具体场景,如果要 100% 保证数据不会丢失,需要将 walLevel 配置为 2,fsync 设置为 0,每条数据插入请求,都会实时落盘后,才会给应用确认
+## HTTP 模块
+该模块负责处理系统对外的 RESTful 接口,可以通过配置,由 dnode 启动或停止 。(仅 2.2 及之前的版本中存在)
+该模块将接收到的 RESTful 请求,做了各种合法性检查后,将其变成标准的 SQL 语句,通过 taosc 的异步接口,将请求发往整个系统中的任一 dnode 。收到处理后的结果后,再翻译成 HTTP 协议,返回给应用。
+如果 HTTP 模块启动,就意味着启动了一个 taosc 的实例。任一一个 dnode 都可以启动该模块,以实现对 RESTful 请求的分布式处理。
+## Monitor 模块
+该模块负责检测一个 dnode 的运行状态,可以通过配置,由 dnode 启动或停止。原则上,每个 dnode 都应该启动一个 monitor 实例。
+Monitor 采集 TDengine 里的关键操作,比如创建、删除、更新账号、表、库等,而且周期性的收集 CPU、内存、网络等资源的使用情况(采集周期由系统配置参数 monitorInterval 控制)。获得这些数据后,monitor 模块将采集的数据写入系统的日志库(DB 名字由系统配置参数 monitorDbName 控制)。
+Monitor 模块使用 taosc 来将采集的数据写入系统,因此每个 monitor 实例,都有一个 taosc 运行实例。
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+title: TSZ 压缩算法
+TSZ 压缩算法是 TDengine 为浮点数据类型提供更加丰富的压缩功能,可以实现浮点数的有损至无损全状态压缩,相比原来在 TDengine 中原有压缩算法,TSZ 压缩算法压缩选项更丰富,压缩率更高,即使切到无损状态下对浮点数压缩,压缩率也会比原来的压缩算法高一倍。
+## 适合场景
+TSZ 压缩算法压缩率比原来的要高,但压缩时间会更长,即开启 TSZ 压缩算法写入速度会有一些下降,通常情况下会有 20% 左右的下降。影响写入速度是因为需要更多的 CPU 计算,所以从原始数据到压缩好数据的交付时间变长,导致写入速度变慢。如果您的服务器 CPU 配置很高的话,这个影响会变小甚至没有。
+另外如果设备产生了大量的高精度浮点数,存储占用的空间非常庞大,但实际使用并不需要那么高的精度时,可以通过 TSZ 压缩的有损压缩功能,把精度压缩至指定的长度,节约存储空间。
+## 使用步骤
+- 检查版本支持, 及之后 TDengine 的版本都支持此功能
+- 配置选项开启功能,在 TDengine 的配置文件 taos.cfg 增加一行以下内容,打开 TSZ 功能
+lossyColumns float|double
+- 根据自己需要配置其它选项,如果不配置都会按默认值处理。
+- 重启服务,配置生效。
+- 确认功能已开启,在服务启动过程中输出的信息如果有前面配置的内容,表明功能已生效:
+```TSZ Test
+02/22 10:49:27.607990 00002933 UTL lossyColumns float|double
+## 注意事项
+- 确认版本是否支持
+- 除了服务器启动时的输出的配置成功信息外,不再会有其它的信息输出是使用的哪种压缩算法,可以通过配置前后数据库文件大小来比较效果
+- 如果浮点数类型列较少,看整体数据文件大小效果会不太明显
+- 此压缩产生的数据文件中浮点数据部分将不能被 以下的版本解析,即不向下兼容,使用时避免更换回旧版本,以免数据不能被读取出来。
+- 在使用过程中允许反复开启和关闭 TSZ 压缩选项的操作,前后两种压缩算法产生的数据都能正常读取。
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+title: 物联网大数据
+description: "物联网、工业互联网大数据的特点;物联网大数据平台应具备的功能和特点;通用大数据架构为什么不适合处理物联网数据;物联网、车联网、工业互联网大数据平台,为什么推荐使用 TDengine"
+- [物联网、工业互联网大数据的特点](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/07/09/105.html)
+- [物联网大数据平台应具备的功能和特点](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/07/29/542.html)
+- [通用大数据架构为什么不适合处理物联网数据?](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/07/09/107.html)
+- [物联网、车联网、工业互联网大数据平台,为什么推荐使用 TDengine?](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/07/09/109.html)
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+label: 技术内幕
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+sidebar_label: TDengine + Telegraf + Grafana
+title: 使用 TDengine + Telegraf + Grafana 快速搭建 IT 运维展示系统
+## 背景介绍
+TDengine 是涛思数据专为物联网、车联网、工业互联网、IT 运维等设计和优化的大数据平台。自从 2019 年 7 月开源以来,凭借创新的数据建模设计、快捷的安装方式、易用的编程接口和强大的数据写入查询性能博得了大量时序数据开发者的青睐。
+IT 运维监测数据通常都是对时间特性比较敏感的数据,例如:
+- 系统资源指标:CPU、内存、IO、带宽等。
+- 软件系统指标:存活状态、连接数目、请求数目、超时数目、错误数目、响应时间、服务类型及其他与业务有关的指标。
+当前主流的 IT 运维系统通常包含一个数据采集模块,一个数据存储模块,和一个可视化显示模块。Telegraf 和 Grafana 分别是当前最流行的数据采集模块和可视化显示模块之一。而数据存储模块可供选择的软件比较多,其中 OpenTSDB 或 InfluxDB 比较流行。而 TDengine 作为新兴的时序大数据平台,具备极强的高性能、高可靠、易管理、易维护的优势。
+本文介绍不需要写一行代码,通过简单修改几行配置文件,就可以快速搭建一个基于 TDengine + Telegraf + Grafana 的 IT 运维系统。架构如下图:
+## 安装步骤
+### 安装 Telegraf,Grafana 和 TDengine
+安装 Telegraf、Grafana 和 TDengine 请参考相关官方文档。
+### Telegraf
+### Grafana
+### TDengine
+从涛思数据官网[下载](http://taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/)页面下载最新 TDengine-server 2.4.0.x 或以上版本安装。
+## 数据链路设置
+### 下载 TDengine 插件到 Grafana 插件目录
+1. wget -c https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/releases/download/v3.1.3/tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip
+2. sudo unzip tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins/
+3. sudo chown grafana:grafana -R /var/lib/grafana/plugins/tdengine
+4. echo -e "[plugins]\nallow_loading_unsigned_plugins = tdengine-datasource\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
+5. sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service
+### 修改 /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
+配置方法,在 `/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf` 增加如下文字,其中 `database name` 请填写希望在 TDengine 保存 Telegraf 数据的数据库名,`TDengine server/cluster host`、`username` 和 `password` 填写 TDengine 实际值:
+ url = "http://:6041/influxdb/v1/write?db="
+ method = "POST"
+ timeout = "5s"
+ username = ""
+ password = ""
+ data_format = "influx"
+ influx_max_line_bytes = 250
+然后重启 Telegraf:
+sudo systemctl start telegraf
+### 导入 Dashboard
+使用 Web 浏览器访问 `IP:3000` 登录 Grafana 界面,系统初始用户名密码为 admin/admin。
+点击左侧齿轮图标并选择 `Plugins`,应该可以找到 TDengine data source 插件图标。
+点击左侧加号图标并选择 `Import`,从 `https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/examples/telegraf/grafana/dashboards/telegraf-dashboard-v0.1.0.json` 下载 dashboard JSON 文件后导入。之后可以看到如下界面的仪表盘:
+## 总结
+以上演示如何快速搭建一个完整的 IT 运维展示系统。得力于 TDengine 版本中新增的 schemaless 协议解析功能,以及强大的生态软件适配能力,用户可以短短数分钟就可以搭建一个高效易用的 IT 运维系统。TDengine 强大的数据写入查询性能和其他丰富功能请参考官方文档和产品落地案例。
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+sidebar_label: TDengine + collectd/StatsD + Grafana
+title: 使用 TDengine + collectd/StatsD + Grafana 快速搭建 IT 运维监控系统
+## 背景介绍
+TDengine 是涛思数据专为物联网、车联网、工业互联网、IT 运维等设计和优化的大数据平台。自从 2019 年 7 月开源以来,凭借创新的数据建模设计、快捷的安装方式、易用的编程接口和强大的数据写入查询性能博得了大量时序数据开发者的青睐。
+IT 运维监测数据通常都是对时间特性比较敏感的数据,例如:
+- 系统资源指标:CPU、内存、IO、带宽等。
+- 软件系统指标:存活状态、连接数目、请求数目、超时数目、错误数目、响应时间、服务类型及其他与业务有关的指标。
+当前主流的 IT 运维系统通常包含一个数据采集模块,一个数据存储模块,和一个可视化显示模块。collectd / statsD 作为老牌开源数据采集工具,具有广泛的用户群。但是 collectd / StatsD 自身功能有限,往往需要配合 Telegraf、Grafana 以及时序数据库组合搭建成为完整的监控系统。而 TDengine 新版本支持多种数据协议接入,可以直接接受 collectd 和 statsD 的数据写入,并提供 Grafana dashboard 进行图形化展示。
+本文介绍不需要写一行代码,通过简单修改几行配置文件,就可以快速搭建一个基于 TDengine + collectd / statsD + Grafana 的 IT 运维系统。架构如下图:
+## 安装步骤
+安装 collectd, StatsD, Grafana 和 TDengine 请参考相关官方文档。
+### 安装 collectd
+### 安装 StatsD
+### 安装 Grafana
+### 安装 TDengine
+从涛思数据官网[下载](http://taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/)页面下载最新 TDengine-server 2.4.0.x 或以上版本安装。
+## 数据链路设置
+### 复制 TDengine 插件到 grafana 插件目录
+1. wget -c https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/releases/download/v3.1.3/tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip
+2. sudo unzip tdengine-datasource-3.1.3.zip -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins/
+3. sudo chown grafana:grafana -R /var/lib/grafana/plugins/tdengine
+4. echo -e "[plugins]\nallow_loading_unsigned_plugins = tdengine-datasource\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
+5. sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service
+### 配置 collectd
+在 `/etc/collectd/collectd.conf` 文件中增加如下内容,其中 `host` 和 `port` 请填写 TDengine 和 taosAdapter 配置的实际值:
+LoadPlugin network
+ Server "" ""
+sudo systemctl start collectd
+### 配置 StatsD
+在 `config.js` 文件中增加如下内容后启动 StatsD,其中 `host` 和 `port` 请填写 TDengine 和 taosAdapter 配置的实际值:
+backends 部分添加 "./backends/repeater"
+repeater 部分添加 { host:'', port: }
+### 导入 Dashboard
+使用 Web 浏览器访问运行 Grafana 的服务器的 3000 端口 `host:3000` 登录 Grafana 界面,系统初始用户名密码为 `admin/admin`。
+点击左侧齿轮图标并选择 `Plugins`,应该可以找到 TDengine data source 插件图标。
+#### 导入 collectd 仪表盘
+从 https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/examples/collectd/grafana/dashboards/collect-metrics-with-tdengine-v0.1.0.json 下载 dashboard json 文件,点击左侧加号图标并选择 `Import`,按照界面提示选择 JSON 文件导入。之后可以看到如下界面的仪表盘:
+#### 导入 StatsD 仪表盘
+从 `https://github.com/taosdata/grafanaplugin/blob/master/examples/statsd/dashboards/statsd-with-tdengine-v0.1.0.json` 下载 dashboard json 文件,点击左侧加号图标并选择 `Import`,按照界面提示导入 JSON 文件。之后可以看到如下界面的仪表盘:
+## 总结
+TDengine 作为新兴的时序大数据平台,具备极强的高性能、高可靠、易管理、易维护的优势。得力于 TDengine 版本中新增的 schemaless 协议解析功能,以及强大的生态软件适配能力,用户可以短短数分钟就可以搭建一个高效易用的 IT 运维系统或者适配一个已存在的系统。
+TDengine 强大的数据写入查询性能和其他丰富功能请参考官方文档和产品成功落地案例。
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+sidebar_label: OpenTSDB 迁移到 TDengine
+title: OpenTSDB 应用迁移到 TDengine 的最佳实践
+作为一个分布式、可伸缩、基于 HBase 的分布式时序数据库系统,得益于其先发优势,OpenTSDB 被 DevOps 领域的人员引入并广泛地应用在了运维监控领域。但最近几年,随着云计算、微服务、容器化等新技术快速落地发展,企业级服务种类变得越来越多,架构也越来越复杂,应用运行基础环境日益多样化,给系统和运行监控带来的压力也越来越大。从这一现状出发,使用 OpenTSDB 作为 DevOps 的监控后端存储,越来越受困于其性能问题以及迟缓的功能升级,以及由此而衍生出来的应用部署成本上升和运行效率降低等问题,这些问题随着系统规模的扩大日益严重。
+在这一背景下,为满足高速增长的物联网大数据市场和技术需求,在吸取众多传统关系型数据库、NoSQL 数据库、流计算引擎、消息队列等软件的优点之后,涛思数据自主开发出创新型大数据处理产品 TDengine。在时序大数据处理上,TDengine 有着自己独特的优势。就 OpenTSDB 当前遇到的问题来说,TDengine 能够有效解决。
+相对于 OpenTSDB,TDengine 具有如下显著特点:
+- 数据写入和查询的性能远超 OpenTSDB;
+- 针对时序数据的高效压缩机制,压缩后在磁盘上的存储空间不到 1/5;
+- 安装部署非常简单,单一安装包完成安装部署,不依赖其他的第三方软件,整个安装部署过程秒级搞定;
+- 提供的内建函数覆盖 OpenTSDB 支持的全部查询函数,还支持更多的时序数据查询函数、标量函数及聚合函数,支持多种时间窗口聚合、连接查询、表达式运算、多种分组聚合、用户定义排序、以及用户定义函数等高级查询功能。采用类 SQL 的语法规则,更加简单易学,基本上没有学习成本。
+- 支持多达 128 个标签,标签总长度可达到 16 KB;
+- 除 REST 接口之外,还提供 C/C++、Java、Python、Go、Rust、Node.js、C#、Lua(社区贡献)、PHP(社区贡献)等多种语言的接口,支持 JDBC 等多种企业级标准连接器协议。
+如果我们将原本运行在 OpenTSDB 上的应用迁移到 TDengine 上,不仅可以有效地降低计算和存储资源的占用、减少部署服务器的规模,还能够极大减少运行维护的成本的输出,让运维管理工作更简单、更轻松,大幅降低总拥有成本。与 OpenTSDB 一样,TDengine 也已经进行了开源,不同的是,除了单机版,后者还实现了集群版开源,被厂商绑定的顾虑一扫而空。
+在下文中我们将就“使用最典型并广泛应用的运维监控(DevOps)场景”来说明,如何在不编码的情况下将 OpenTSDB 的应用快速、安全、可靠地迁移到 TDengine 之上。后续的章节会做更深度的介绍,以便于进行非 DevOps 场景的迁移。
+## DevOps 应用快速迁移
+### 1、典型应用场景
+一个典型的 DevOps 应用场景的系统整体的架构如下图(图 1) 所示。
+**图 1. DevOps 场景中典型架构**
+![IT-DevOps-Solutions-Immigrate-OpenTSDB-Arch](/img/IT-DevOps-Solutions-Immigrate-OpenTSDB-Arch.jpg "图1. DevOps 场景中典型架构")
+在该应用场景中,包含了部署在应用环境中负责收集机器度量(Metrics)、网络度量(Metrics)以及应用度量(Metrics)的 Agent 工具、汇聚 Agent 收集信息的数据收集器,数据持久化存储和管理的系统以及监控数据可视化工具(例如:Grafana 等)。
+其中,部署在应用节点的 Agents 负责向 collectd/Statsd 提供不同来源的运行指标,collectd/StatsD 则负责将汇聚的数据推送到 OpenTSDB 集群系统,然后使用可视化看板 Grafana 将数据可视化呈现出来。
+### 2、迁移服务
+- **TDengine 安装部署**
+首先是 TDengine 的安装,从官网上下载 TDengine 最新稳定版进行安装。各种安装包的使用帮助请参见博客[《TDengine 多种安装包的安装和卸载》](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/08/09/566.html)。
+注意,安装完成以后,不要立即启动 `taosd` 服务,在正确配置完成参数以后再启动。
+- **调整数据收集器配置**
+在 TDengine 2.4 版本中,包含一个组件 taosAdapter。taosAdapter 是一个无状态、可快速弹性伸缩的组件,它可以兼容 Influxdb 的 Line Protocol 和 OpenTSDB 的 telnet/JSON 写入协议规范,提供了丰富的数据接入能力,有效的节省用户迁移成本,降低用户应用迁移的难度。
+用户可以根据需求弹性部署 taosAdapter 实例,结合场景的需要,快速提升数据写入的吞吐量,为不同应用场景下的数据写入提供保障。
+通过 taosAdapter,用户可以将 collectd 或 StatsD 收集的数据直接推送到 TDengine ,实现应用场景的无缝迁移,非常的轻松便捷。taosAdapter 还支持 Telegraf、Icinga、TCollector 、node_exporter 的数据接入,使用详情参考[taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter/)。
+如果使用 collectd,修改其默认位置 `/etc/collectd/collectd.conf` 的配置文件为指向 taosAdapter 部署的节点 IP 地址和端口。假设 taosAdapter 的 IP 地址为,端口为 6046,配置如下:
+LoadPlugin write_tsdb
+ Host "" Port "6046" HostTags "status=production" StoreRates
+ false AlwaysAppendDS false
+即可让 collectd 将数据使用推送到 OpenTSDB 的插件方式推送到 taosAdapter, taosAdapter 将调用 API 将数据写入到 TDengine 中,从而完成数据的写入工作。如果你使用的是 StatsD 相应地调整配置文件信息。
+- **调整看板(Dashboard)系统**
+在数据能够正常写入 TDengine 后,可以调整适配 Grafana 将写入 TDengine 的数据可视化呈现出来。获取和使用 TDengine 提供的 Grafana 插件请参考[与其他工具的连接](/third-party/grafana)。
+TDengine 提供了默认的两套 Dashboard 模板,用户只需要将 Grafana 目录下的模板导入到 Grafana 中即可激活使用。
+**图 2. 导入 Grafana 模板**
+![](/img/IT-DevOps-Solutions-Immigrate-OpenTSDB-Dashboard.jpg "图2. 导入 Grafana 模板")
+操作完以上步骤后,就完成了将 OpenTSDB 替换成为 TDengine 的迁移工作。可以看到整个流程非常简单,不需要写代码,只需要对某些配置文件进行调整即可完成全部的迁移工作。
+### 3、迁移后架构
+完成迁移以后,此时的系统整体的架构如下图(图 3)所示,而整个过程中采集端、数据写入端、以及监控呈现端均保持了稳定,除了极少的配置调整外,不涉及任何重要的更改和变动。OpenTSDB 大量的应用场景均为 DevOps ,这种场景下,简单的参数设置即可完成 OpenTSDB 到 TDengine 迁移动作,使用上 TDengine 更加强大的处理能力和查询性能。
+在绝大多数的 DevOps 场景中,如果你拥有一个小规模的 OpenTSDB 集群(3 台及以下的节点)作为 DevOps 的存储端,依赖于 OpenTSDB 为系统持久化层提供数据存储和查询功能,那么你可以安全地将其替换为 TDengine,并节约更多的计算和存储资源。在同等计算资源配置情况下,单台 TDengine 即可满足 3 ~ 5 台 OpenTSDB 节点提供的服务能力。如果规模比较大,那便需要采用 TDengine 集群。
+如果你的应用特别复杂,或者应用领域并不是 DevOps 场景,你可以继续阅读后续的章节,更加全面深入地了解将 OpenTSDB 的应用迁移到 TDengine 的高级话题。
+**图 3. 迁移完成后的系统架构**
+![IT-DevOps-Solutions-Immigrate-TDengine-Arch](/img/IT-DevOps-Solutions-Immigrate-TDengine-Arch.jpg "图 3. 迁移完成后的系统架构")
+## 其他场景的迁移评估与策略
+### 1、TDengine 与 OpenTSDB 的差异
+本章将详细介绍 OpenTSDB 与 TDengine 在系统功能层面上存在的差异。阅读完本章的内容,你可以全面地评估是否能够将某些基于 OpenTSDB 的复杂应用迁移到 TDengine 上,以及迁移之后应该注意的问题。
+TDengine 当前只支持 Grafana 的可视化看板呈现,所以如果你的应用中使用了 Grafana 以外的前端看板(例如[TSDash](https://github.com/facebook/tsdash)、[Status Wolf](https://github.com/box/StatusWolf)等),那么前端看板将无法直接迁移到 TDengine,需要将前端看板重新适配到 Grafana 才可以正常运行。
+在 2.3.0.x 版本中,TDengine 只能够支持 collectd 和 StatsD 作为数据收集汇聚软件,当然后面会陆续提供更多的数据收集聚合软件的接入支持。如果您的收集端使用了其他类型的数据汇聚器,您的应用需要适配到这两个数据汇聚端系统,才能够将数据正常写入。除了上述两个数据汇聚端软件协议以外,TDengine 还支持通过 InfluxDB 的行协议和 OpenTSDB 的数据写入协议、JSON 格式将数据直接写入,您可以重写数据推送端的逻辑,使用 TDengine 支持的行协议来写入数据。
+此外,如果你的应用中使用了 OpenTSDB 以下特性,在将应用迁移到 TDengine 之前你还需要了解以下注意事项:
+1. `/api/stats`:如果你的应用中使用了该项特性来监控 OpenTSDB 的服务状态,并在应用中建立了相关的逻辑来联动处理,那么这部分状态读取和获取的逻辑需要重新适配到 TDengine。TDengine 提供了全新的处理集群状态监控机制,来满足你的应用对其进行的监控和维护的需求。
+2. `/api/tree`:如果你依赖于 OpenTSDB 的该项特性来进行时间线的层级化组织和维护,那么便无法将其直接迁移至 TDengine。TDengine 采用了数据库->超级表->子表这样的层级来组织和维护时间线,归属于同一个超级表的所有的时间线在系统中同一个层级,但是可以通过不同标签值的特殊构造来模拟应用逻辑上的多级结构。
+3. `Rollup And PreAggregates`:采用了 Rollup 和 PreAggregates 需要应用来决定在合适的地方访问 Rollup 的结果,在某些场景下又要访问原始的结果,这种结构的不透明性让应用处理逻辑变得极为复杂而且完全不具有移植性。我们认为这种策略是时序数据库无法提供高性能聚合情况下的妥协与折中。TDengine 暂不支持多个时间线的自动降采样和(时间段范围的)预聚合,由于 其拥有的高性能查询处理逻辑,即使不依赖于 Rollup 和 (时间段)预聚合计算结果,也能够提供很高性能的查询响应,而且让你的应用查询处理逻辑更加简单。
+4. `Rate`: TDengine 提供了两个计算数值变化率的函数,分别是 Derivative(其计算结果与 InfluxDB 的 Derivative 行为一致)和 IRate(其计算结果与 Prometheus 中的 IRate 函数计算结果一致)。但是这两个函数的计算结果与 Rate 有细微的差别,但整体上功能更强大。此外,**OpenTSDB 提供的所有计算函数,TDengine 均有对应的查询函数支持,并且 TDengine 的查询函数功能远超过 OpenTSDB 支持的查询函数,**可以极大地简化你的应用处理逻辑。
+通过上面的介绍,相信你应该能够了解 OpenTSDB 迁移到 TDengine 带来的变化,这些信息也有助于你正确地判断是否可以接受将应用 迁移到 TDengine 之上,体验 TDengine 提供的强大的时序数据处理能力和便捷的使用体验。
+### 2、迁移策略
+首先将基于 OpenTSDB 的系统进行迁移涉及到的数据模式设计、系统规模估算、数据写入端改造,进行数据分流、应用适配工作;之后将两个系统并行运行一段时间,再将历史数据迁移到 TDengine 中。当然如果你的应用中有部分功能强依赖于上述 OpenTSDB 特性,同时又不希望停止使用,可以考虑保持原有的 OpenTSDB 系统运行,同时启动 TDengine 来提供主要的服务。
+## 数据模型设计
+一方面,TDengine 要求其入库的数据具有严格的模式定义。另一方面,TDengine 的数据模型相对于 OpenTSDB 来说又更加丰富,多值模型能够兼容全部的单值模型的建立需求。
+现在让我们假设一个 DevOps 的场景,我们使用了 collectd 收集设备的基础度量(metrics),包含了 memory 、swap、disk 等几个度量,其在 OpenTSDB 中的模式如下:
+| 序号 | 测量(metric) | 值名称 | 类型 | tag1 | tag2 | tag3 | tag4 | tag5 |
+| ---- | -------------- | ------ | ------ | ---- | ----------- | -------------------- | --------- | ------ |
+| 1 | memory | value | double | host | memory_type | memory_type_instance | source | n/a |
+| 2 | swap | value | double | host | swap_type | swap_type_instance | source | n/a |
+| 3 | disk | value | double | host | disk_point | disk_instance | disk_type | source |
+TDengine 要求存储的数据具有数据模式,即写入数据之前需创建超级表并指定超级表的模式。对于数据模式的建立,你有两种方式来完成此项工作:1)充分利用 TDengine 对 OpenTSDB 的数据原生写入的支持,调用 TDengine 提供的 API 将(文本行或 JSON 格式)数据写入,并自动化地建立单值模型。采用这种方式不需要对数据写入应用进行较大的调整,也不需要对写入的数据格式进行转换。
+在 C 语言层面,TDengine 提供了 `taos_schemaless_insert()` 函数来直接写入 OpenTSDB 格式的数据(在更早版本中该函数名称是 `taos_insert_lines()`)。其代码参考示例请参见安装包目录下示例代码 schemaless.c。
+2)在充分理解 TDengine 的数据模型基础上,结合生成数据的特点,手动方式建立 OpenTSDB 到 TDengine 的数据模型调整的映射关系。TDengine 能够支持多值模型和单值模型,考虑到 OpenTSDB 均为单值映射模型,这里推荐使用单值模型在 TDengine 中进行建模。
+- **单值模型**。
+具体步骤如下:将度量(metrics)的名称作为 TDengine 超级表的名称,该超级表建成后具有两个基础的数据列—时间戳(timestamp)和值(value),超级表的标签等效于 度量 的标签信息,标签数量等同于度量 的标签的数量。子表的表名采用具有固定规则的方式进行命名:`metric + '_' + tags1_value + '_' + tag2_value + '_' + tag3_value ...`作为子表名称。
+在 TDengine 中建立 3 个超级表:
+create stable memory(ts timestamp, val float) tags(host binary(12),memory_type binary(20), memory_type_instance binary(20), source binary(20));
+create stable swap(ts timestamp, val double) tags(host binary(12), swap_type binary(20), swap_type_binary binary(20), source binary(20));
+create stable disk(ts timestamp, val double) tags(host binary(12), disk_point binary(20), disk_instance binary(20), disk_type binary(20), source binary(20));
+insert into memory_vm130_memory_buffered_collectd using memory tags(‘vm130’, ‘memory’, 'buffer', 'collectd') values(1632979445, 3.0656);
+最终系统中会建立 340 个左右的子表,3 个超级表。需要注意的是,如果采用串联标签值的方式导致子表名称超过系统限制(191 字节),那么需要采用一定的编码方式(例如 MD5)将其转化为可接受长度。
+- **多值模型**
+如果你想要利用 TDengine 的多值模型能力,需要首先满足以下要求:不同的采集量具有相同的采集频率,且能够通过消息队列**同时到达**数据写入端,从而确保使用 SQL 语句将多个指标一次性写入。将度量的名称作为超级表的名称,建立具有相同采集频率且能够同时到达的数据多列模型。子表的表名采用具有固定规则的方式进行命名。上述每个度量均只包含一个测量值,因此无法将其转化为多值模型。
+## 数据分流与应用适配
+数据开始写入持续一段时间后,可以采用 SQL 语句检查写入的数据量是否符合预计的写入要求。统计数据量使用如下 SQL 语句:
+select count(*) from memory
+TDengine 不支持采用 OpenTSDB 的查询语法进行查询或数据获取处理,但是针对 OpenTSDB 的每种查询都提供对应的支持。可以用检查附录 1 获取对应的查询处理的调整和应用使用的方式,如果需要全面了解 TDengine 支持的查询类型,请参阅 TDengine 的用户手册。
+TDengine 支持标准的 JDBC 3.0 接口操纵数据库,你也可以使用其他类型的高级语言的连接器来查询读取数据,以适配你的应用。具体的操作和使用帮助也请参阅用户手册。
+## 历史数据迁移
+### 1、使用工具自动迁移数据
+为了方便历史数据的迁移工作,我们为数据同步工具 DataX 提供了插件,能够将数据自动写入到 TDengine 中,需要注意的是 DataX 的自动化数据迁移只能够支持单值模型的数据迁移过程。
+DataX 具体的使用方式及如何使用 DataX 将数据写入 TDengine 请参见[基于 DataX 的 TDengine 数据迁移工具](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2021/10/26/3156.html)。
+在对 DataX 进行迁移实践后,我们发现通过启动多个进程,同时迁移多个 metric 的方式,可以大幅度的提高迁移历史数据的效率,下面是迁移过程中的部分记录,希望这些能为应用迁移工作带来参考。
+| DataX 实例个数 (并发进程个数) | 迁移记录速度 (条/秒) |
+| ----------------------------- | --------------------- |
+| 1 | 约 13.9 万 |
+| 2 | 约 21.8 万 |
+| 3 | 约 24.9 万 |
+| 5 | 约 29.5 万 |
+| 10 | 约 33 万 |
+ (注:测试数据源自 单节点 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU@2.90GHz 16 核 64G 硬件设备,channel 和 batchSize 分别为 8 和 1000,每条记录包含 10 个 tag)
+### 2、手动迁移数据
+如果你需要使用多值模型进行数据写入,就需要自行开发一个将数据从 OpenTSDB 导出的工具,然后确认哪些时间线能够合并导入到同一个时间线,再将可以同时导入的时间通过 SQL 语句的写入到数据库中。
+1)在磁盘中存储导出数据时,磁盘需要有足够的存储空间以便能够充分容纳导出的数据文件。为了避免全量数据导出后导致磁盘文件存储紧张,可以采用部分导入的模式,对于归属于同一个超级表的时间线优先导出,然后将导出部分的数据文件导入到 TDengine 系统中。
+2)在系统全负载运行下,如果有足够的剩余计算和 IO 资源,可以建立多线程的导入机制,最大限度地提升数据迁移的效率。考虑到数据解析对于 CPU 带来的巨大负载,需要控制最大的并行任务数量,以避免因导入历史数据而触发的系统整体过载。
+由于 TDengine 本身操作简易性,所以不需要在整个过程中进行索引维护、数据格式的变化处理等工作,整个过程只需要顺序执行即可。
+当历史数据完全导入到 TDengine 以后,此时两个系统处于同时运行的状态,之后便可以将查询请求切换到 TDengine 上,从而实现无缝的应用切换。
+## 附录 1: OpenTSDB 查询函数对应表
+### Avg
+SELECT avg(val) FROM (SELECT first(val) FROM super_table WHERE ts >= startTime and ts <= endTime INTERVAL(20s) Fill(linear)) INTERVAL(20s)
+1. Interval 内的数值与外层查询的 interval 数值需要相同。
+2. 在 TDengine 中插值处理需要使用子查询来协助完成,如上所示,在内层查询中指明插值类型即可,由于 OpenTSDB 中数值的插值使用了线性插值,因此在插值子句中使用 fill(linear) 来声明插值类型。以下有相同插值计算需求的函数,均采用该方法处理。
+3. Interval 中参数 20s 表示将内层查询按照 20 秒一个时间窗口生成结果。在真实的查询中,需要调整为不同的记录之间的时间间隔。这样可确保等效于原始数据生成了插值结果。
+4. 由于 OpenTSDB 特殊的插值策略和机制,聚合查询(Aggregate)中先插值再计算的方式导致其计算结果与 TDengine 不可能完全一致。但是在降采样(Downsample)的情况下,TDengine 和 OpenTSDB 能够获得一致的结果(由于 OpenTSDB 在聚合查询和降采样查询中采用了完全不同的插值策略)。
+### Count
+select count(\*) from super_table_name;
+### Dev
+Select stddev(val) from table_name
+### Estimated percentiles
+Select apercentile(col1, 50, “t-digest”) from table_name
+1. 近似查询处理过程中,OpenTSDB 默认采用 t-digest 算法,所以为了获得相同的计算结果,需要在 apercentile 函数中指明使用的算法。TDengine 能够支持两种不同的近似处理算法,分别通过“default”和“t-digest”来声明。
+### First
+Select first(col1) from table_name
+### Last
+Select last(col1) from table_name
+### Max
+Select max(value) from (select first(val) value from table_name interval(10s) fill(linear)) interval(10s)
+备注:Max 函数需要插值,原因见上。
+### Min
+Select min(value) from (select first(val) value from table_name interval(10s) fill(linear)) interval(10s);
+### MinMax
+Select max(val) from table_name
+### MimMin
+Select min(val) from table_name
+### Percentile
+### Sum
+Select max(value) from (select first(val) value from table_name interval(10s) fill(linear)) interval(10s)
+### Zimsum
+Select sum(val) from table_name
+// OpenTSDB 查询 JSON
+query = {
+“end”: 1515000009,
+“aggregator”: “count”,
+//等效查询 SQL:
+SELECT count(*)
+FROM `cpu.usage_user`
+WHERE ts>=1510560000 AND ts<=1515000009
+## 附录 2: 资源估算方法
+### 数据生成环境
+我们仍然使用第 4 章中的假设环境,3 个测量值。分别是:温度和湿度的数据写入的速率是每 5 秒一条记录,时间线 10 万个。空气质量的写入速率是 10 秒一条记录,时间线 1 万个,查询的请求频率 500 QPS。
+### 存储资源估算
+假设产生数据并需要存储的传感器设备数量为 `n`,数据生成的频率为`t`条/秒,每条记录的长度为 `L` bytes,则每天产生的数据规模为 `n×t×L` bytes。假设压缩比为 C,则每日产生数据规模为 `(n×t×L)/C` bytes。存储资源预估为能够容纳 1.5 年的数据规模,生产环境下 TDengine 的压缩比 C 一般在 5 ~ 7 之间,同时为最后结果增加 20% 的冗余,可计算得到需要存储资源:
+结合以上的计算公式,将参数带入计算公式,在不考虑标签信息的情况下,每年产生的原始数据规模是 11.8TB。需要注意的是,由于标签信息在 TDengine 中关联到每个时间线,并不是每条记录。所以需要记录的数据量规模相对于产生的数据有一定的降低,而这部分标签数据整体上可以忽略不记。假设压缩比为 5,则保留的数据规模最终为 2.56 TB。
+### 存储设备选型考虑
+硬盘应该选用具有较好随机读性能的硬盘设备,如果能够有 SSD,尽可能考虑使用 SSD。较好的随机读性能的磁盘对于提升系统查询性能具有极大的帮助,能够整体上提升系统的查询响应性能。为了获得较好的查询性能,硬盘设备的单线程随机读 IOPS 的性能指标不应该低于 1000,能够达到 5000 IOPS 以上为佳。为了获得当前的设备随机读取的 IO 性能的评估,建议使用 `fio` 软件对其进行运行性能评估(具体的使用方式请参阅附录 1),确认其是否能够满足大文件随机读性能要求。
+硬盘写性能对于 TDengine 的影响不大。TDengine 写入过程采用了追加写的模式,所以只要有较好的顺序写性能即可,一般意义上的 SAS 硬盘和 SSD 均能够很好地满足 TDengine 对于磁盘写入性能的要求。
+### 计算资源估算
+由于物联网数据的特殊性,数据产生的频率固定以后,TDengine 写入的过程对于(计算和存储)资源消耗都保持一个相对固定的量。《[TDengine 运维指南](/operation/)》上的描述,该系统中每秒 22000 个写入,消耗 CPU 不到 1 个核。
+在针对查询所需要消耗的 CPU 资源的估算上,假设应用要求数据库提供的 QPS 为 10000,每次查询消耗的 CPU 时间约 1 ms,那么每个核每秒提供的查询为 1000 QPS,满足 10000 QPS 的查询请求,至少需要 10 个核。为了让系统整体上 CPU 负载小于 50%,整个集群需要 10 个核的两倍,即 20 个核。
+### 内存资源估算
+数据库默认为每个 Vnode 分配内存 16MB\*3 缓冲区,集群系统包括 22 个 CPU 核,则默认会建立 22 个虚拟节点 Vnode,每个 Vnode 包含 1000 张表,则可以容纳所有的表。则约 1 个半小时写满一个 block,从而触发落盘,可以不做调整。22 个 Vnode 共计需要内存缓存约 1GB。考虑到查询所需要的内存,假设每次查询的内存开销约 50MB,则 500 个查询并发需要的内存约 25GB。
+综上所述,可使用单台 16 核 32GB 的机器,或者使用 2 台 8 核 16GB 机器构成的集群。
+## 附录 3: 集群部署及启动
+TDengine 提供了丰富的帮助文档说明集群安装、部署的诸多方面的内容,这里提供相应的文档列表,供你参考。
+### 集群部署
+首先是安装 TDengine,从官网上下载 TDengine 最新稳定版,解压缩后运行 install.sh 进行安装。各种安装包的使用帮助请参见博客[《TDengine 多种安装包的安装和卸载》](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2019/08/09/566.html)。
+注意安装完成以后,不要立即启动 `taosd` 服务,在正确配置完成参数以后才启动 `taosd` 服务。
+### 设置运行参数并启动服务
+FQDN、firstEp、secondEP、dataDir、logDir、tmpDir、serverPort。各参数的具体含义及设置的要求,可参见文档《[TDengine 集群安装、管理](/cluster/)》
+按照相同的步骤,在需要运行的节点上设置参数,并启动 `taosd` 服务,然后添加 Dnode 到集群中。
+最后启动 `taos` 命令行程序,执行命令 `show dnodes`,如果能看到所有的加入集群的节点,那么集群顺利搭建完成。具体的操作流程及注意事项,请参阅文档《[TDengine 集群安装、管理](/cluster/)》
+## 附录 4: 超级表名称
+由于 OpenTSDB 的 metric 名称中带有点号(“.”),例如“cpu.usage_user”这种名称的 metric。但是点号在 TDengine 中具有特殊含义,是用来分隔数据库和表名称的分隔符。TDengine 也提供转义符,以允许用户在(超级)表名称中使用关键词或特殊分隔符(如:点号)。为了使用特殊字符,需要采用转义字符将表的名称括起来,例如:`cpu.usage_user`这样就是合法的(超级)表名称。
+## 附录 5:参考文章
+1. [使用 TDengine + collectd/StatsD + Grafana 快速搭建 IT 运维监控系统](/application/collectd/)
+2. [通过 collectd 将采集数据直接写入 TDengine](/third-party/collectd/)
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+label: 应用实践
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+title: 应用实践
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+title: 常见问题及反馈
+## 问题反馈
+如果 FAQ 中的信息不能够帮到您,需要 TDengine 技术团队的技术支持与协助,请将以下两个目录中内容打包:
+1. /var/log/taos (如果没有修改过默认路径)
+2. /etc/taos
+附上必要的问题描述,包括使用的 TDengine 版本信息、平台环境信息、发生该问题的执行操作、出现问题的表征及大概的时间,在 [GitHub](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) 提交 issue。
+为了保证有足够的 debug 信息,如果问题能够重复,请修改/etc/taos/taos.cfg 文件,最后面添加一行“debugFlag 135"(不带引号本身),然后重启 taosd, 重复问题,然后再递交。也可以通过如下 SQL 语句,临时设置 taosd 的日志级别。
+ alter dnode debugFlag 135;
+但系统正常运行时,请一定将 debugFlag 设置为 131,否则会产生大量的日志信息,降低系统效率。
+## 常见问题列表
+### 1. TDengine2.0 之前的版本升级到 2.0 及以上的版本应该注意什么?☆☆☆
+2.0 版在之前版本的基础上,进行了完全的重构,配置文件和数据文件是不兼容的。在升级之前务必进行如下操作:
+1. 删除配置文件,执行 `sudo rm -rf /etc/taos/taos.cfg`
+2. 删除日志文件,执行 `sudo rm -rf /var/log/taos/`
+3. 确保数据已经不再需要的前提下,删除数据文件,执行 `sudo rm -rf /var/lib/taos/`
+4. 安装最新稳定版本的 TDengine
+5. 如果需要迁移数据或者数据文件损坏,请联系涛思数据官方技术支持团队,进行协助解决
+### 2. Windows 平台下 JDBCDriver 找不到动态链接库,怎么办?
+### 3. 创建数据表时提示 more dnodes are needed
+### 4. 如何让 TDengine crash 时生成 core 文件?
+### 5. 遇到错误“Unable to establish connection” 怎么办?
+1. 检查网络环境
+ - 云服务器:检查云服务器的安全组是否打开 TCP/UDP 端口 6030-6042 的访问权限
+ - 本地虚拟机:检查网络能否 ping 通,尽量避免使用`localhost` 作为 hostname
+ - 公司服务器:如果为 NAT 网络环境,请务必检查服务器能否将消息返回值客户端
+2. 确保客户端与服务端版本号是完全一致的,开源社区版和企业版也不能混用
+3. 在服务器,执行 `systemctl status taosd` 检查*taosd*运行状态。如果没有运行,启动*taosd*
+4. 确认客户端连接时指定了正确的服务器 FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name —— 可在服务器上执行 Linux 命令 hostname -f 获得),FQDN 配置参考:[一篇文章说清楚 TDengine 的 FQDN](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/09/11/1824.html)。
+5. ping 服务器 FQDN,如果没有反应,请检查你的网络,DNS 设置,或客户端所在计算机的系统 hosts 文件。如果部署的是 TDengine 集群,客户端需要能 ping 通所有集群节点的 FQDN。
+6. 检查防火墙设置(Ubuntu 使用 ufw status,CentOS 使用 firewall-cmd --list-port),确认 TCP/UDP 端口 6030-6042 是打开的
+7. 对于 Linux 上的 JDBC(ODBC, Python, Go 等接口类似)连接, 确保*libtaos.so*在目录*/usr/local/taos/driver*里, 并且*/usr/local/taos/driver*在系统库函数搜索路径*LD_LIBRARY_PATH*里
+8. 对于 Windows 上的 JDBC, ODBC, Python, Go 等连接,确保*C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll*在你的系统库函数搜索目录里 (建议*taos.dll*放在目录 _C:\Windows\System32_)
+9. 如果仍不能排除连接故障
+ - Linux 系统请使用命令行工具 nc 来分别判断指定端口的 TCP 和 UDP 连接是否通畅
+ 检查 UDP 端口连接是否工作:`nc -vuz {hostIP} {port} `
+ 检查服务器侧 TCP 端口连接是否工作:`nc -l {port}`
+ 检查客户端侧 TCP 端口连接是否工作:`nc {hostIP} {port}`
+ - Windows 系统请使用 PowerShell 命令 Net-TestConnection -ComputerName {fqdn} -Port {port} 检测服务段端口是否访问
+10. 也可以使用 taos 程序内嵌的网络连通检测功能,来验证服务器和客户端之间指定的端口连接是否通畅(包括 TCP 和 UDP):[TDengine 内嵌网络检测工具使用指南](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/09/08/1816.html)。
+### 6. 遇到错误 “Unexpected generic error in RPC”或者“Unable to resolve FQDN” 怎么办?
+产生这个错误,是由于客户端或数据节点无法解析 FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name)导致。对于 TAOS Shell 或客户端应用,请做如下检查:
+1. 请检查连接的服务器的 FQDN 是否正确,FQDN 配置参考:[一篇文章说清楚 TDengine 的 FQDN](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/09/11/1824.html)
+2. 如果网络配置有 DNS server,请检查是否正常工作
+3. 如果网络没有配置 DNS server,请检查客户端所在机器的 hosts 文件,查看该 FQDN 是否配置,并是否有正确的 IP 地址
+4. 如果网络配置 OK,从客户端所在机器,你需要能 Ping 该连接的 FQDN,否则客户端是无法连接服务器的
+5. 如果服务器曾经使用过 TDengine,且更改过 hostname,建议检查 data 目录的 dnodeEps.json 是否符合当前配置的 EP,路径默认为/var/lib/taos/dnode。正常情况下,建议更换新的数据目录或者备份后删除以前的数据目录,这样可以避免该问题。
+6. 检查/etc/hosts 和/etc/hostname 是否是预配置的 FQDN
+### 7. 虽然语法正确,为什么我还是得到 "Invalid SQL" 错误?
+如果你确认语法正确,2.0 之前版本,请检查 SQL 语句长度是否超过 64K。如果超过,也会返回这个错误。
+### 8. 是否支持 validation queries?
+TDengine 还没有一组专用的 validation queries。然而建议你使用系统监测的数据库”log"来做。
+### 9. 我可以删除或更新一条记录吗?
+TDengine 目前尚不支持删除功能,未来根据用户需求可能会支持。
+从 开始,TDengine 支持更新已经写入数据的功能。使用更新功能需要在创建数据库时使用 UPDATE 1 参数,之后可以使用 INSERT INTO 命令更新已经写入的相同时间戳数据。UPDATE 参数不支持 ALTER DATABASE 命令修改。没有使用 UPDATE 1 参数创建的数据库,写入相同时间戳的数据不会修改之前的数据,也不会报错。
+另需注意,在 UPDATE 设置为 0 时,后发送的相同时间戳的数据会被直接丢弃,但并不会报错,而且仍然会被计入 affected rows (所以不能利用 INSERT 指令的返回信息进行时间戳查重)。这样设计的主要原因是,TDengine 把写入的数据看做一个数据流,无论时间戳是否出现冲突,TDengine 都认为产生数据的原始设备真实地产生了这样的数据。UPDATE 参数只是控制这样的流数据在进行持久化时要怎样处理——UPDATE 为 0 时,表示先写入的数据覆盖后写入的数据;而 UPDATE 为 1 时,表示后写入的数据覆盖先写入的数据。这种覆盖关系如何选择,取决于对数据的后续使用和统计中,希望以先还是后生成的数据为准。
+此外,从 版本开始,支持将 UPDATE 参数设为 2,表示“支持部分列更新”。也即,当 UPDATE 设为 1 时,如果更新一个数据行,其中某些列没有提供取值,那么这些列会被设为 NULL;而当 UPDATE 设为 2 时,如果更新一个数据行,其中某些列没有提供取值,那么这些列会保持原有数据行中的对应值。
+### 10. 我怎么创建超过 1024 列的表?
+使用 2.0 及其以上版本,默认支持 1024 列;2.0 之前的版本,TDengine 最大允许创建 250 列的表。但是如果确实超过限值,建议按照数据特性,逻辑地将这个宽表分解成几个小表。(从 版本开始,表的最大列数增加到了 4096 列。)
+### 11. 最有效的写入数据的方法是什么?
+### 12. Windows 系统下插入的 nchar 类数据中的汉字被解析成了乱码如何解决?
+Windows 下插入 nchar 类的数据中如果有中文,请先确认系统的地区设置成了中国(在 Control Panel 里可以设置),这时 cmd 中的`taos`客户端应该已经可以正常工作了;如果是在 IDE 里开发 Java 应用,比如 Eclipse, IntelliJ,请确认 IDE 里的文件编码为 GBK(这是 Java 默认的编码类型),然后在生成 Connection 时,初始化客户端的配置,具体语句如下:
+Properties properties = new Properties();
+properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.LOCALE_KEY, "UTF-8");
+Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
+### 13.JDBC 报错: the executed SQL is not a DML or a DDL?
+请更新至最新的 JDBC 驱动,参考 [Java 连接器](/reference/connector/java)
+### 14. taos connect failed, reason: invalid timestamp
+常见原因是服务器和客户端时间没有校准,可以通过和时间服务器同步的方式(Linux 下使用 ntpdate 命令,Windows 在系统时间设置中选择自动同步)校准。
+### 15. 表名显示不全
+由于 taos shell 在终端中显示宽度有限,有可能比较长的表名显示不全,如果按照显示的不全的表名进行相关操作会发生 Table does not exist 错误。解决方法可以是通过修改 taos.cfg 文件中的设置项 maxBinaryDisplayWidth, 或者直接输入命令 set max_binary_display_width 100。或者在命令结尾使用 \G 参数来调整结果的显示方式。
+### 16. 如何进行数据迁移?
+TDengine 是根据 hostname 唯一标志一台机器的,在数据文件从机器 A 移动机器 B 时,注意如下两件事:
+ - 至 2.0.6.x 的版本,重新配置机器 B 的 hostname 为机器 A 的 hostname。
+ - 及以后的版本,到/var/lib/taos/dnode 下,修复 dnodeEps.json 的 dnodeId 对应的 FQDN,重启。确保机器内所有机器的此文件是完全相同的。
+ - 1.x 和 2.x 版本的存储结构不兼容,需要使用迁移工具或者自己开发应用导出导入数据。
+### 17. 如何在命令行程序 taos 中临时调整日志级别
+为了调试方便,从 2.0.16 版本开始,命令行程序 taos 新增了与日志记录相关的两条指令:
+ALTER LOCAL flag_name flag_value;
+其含义是,在当前的命令行程序下,修改一个特定模块的日志记录级别(只对当前命令行程序有效,如果 taos 命令行程序重启,则需要重新设置):
+ - flag_name 的取值可以是:debugFlag,cDebugFlag,tmrDebugFlag,uDebugFlag,rpcDebugFlag
+ - flag_value 的取值可以是:131(输出错误和警告日志),135( 输出错误、警告和调试日志),143( 输出错误、警告、调试和跟踪日志)
+### 18. go 语言编写组件编译失败怎样解决?
+TDengine 及之后的版本包含一个使用 go 语言开发的 taosAdapter 独立组件,需要单独运行,取代之前 taosd 内置的 httpd ,提供包含原 httpd 功能以及支持多种其他软件(Prometheus、Telegraf、collectd、StatsD 等)的数据接入功能。
+使用最新 develop 分支代码编译需要先 `git submodule update --init --recursive` 下载 taosAdapter 仓库代码后再编译。
+目前编译方式默认自动编译 taosAdapter。go 语言版本要求 1.14 以上,如果发生 go 编译错误,往往是国内访问 go mod 问题,可以通过设置 go 环境变量来解决:
+go env -w GO111MODULE=on
+go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
+如果希望继续使用之前的内置 httpd,可以关闭 taosAdapter 编译,使用
+`cmake .. -DBUILD_HTTP=true` 使用原来内置的 httpd。
+### 19. 如何查询数据占用的存储空间大小?
+默认情况下,TDengine 的数据文件存储在 /var/lib/taos ,日志文件存储在 /var/log/taos 。
+若想查看所有数据文件占用的具体大小,可以执行 Shell 指令:`du -sh /var/lib/taos/vnode --exclude='wal'` 来查看。此处排除了 WAL 目录,因为在持续写入的情况下,这里大小几乎是固定的,并且每当正常关闭 TDengine 让数据落盘后,WAL 目录都会清空。
+若想查看单个数据库占用的大小,可在命令行程序 taos 内指定要查看的数据库后执行 `show vgroups;` ,通过得到的 VGroup id 去 /var/lib/taos/vnode 下查看包含的文件夹大小。
+若仅仅想查看指定(超级)表的数据块分布及大小,可查看[_block_dist 函数](https://docs.taosdata.com/taos-sql/select/#_block_dist-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0)
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+title: 视频教程
+## 技术公开课
+- [技术公开课:开源、高效的物联网大数据平台,TDengine 内核技术剖析](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/12/25/2126.html)
+## 视频教程
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - 快速上手](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1941.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - 数据建模](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1945.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - 集群搭建](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1961.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - Go Connector](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1951.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - JDBC Connector](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1955.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - Node.js Connector](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1957.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - Python Connector](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1963.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - RESTful Connector](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1965.html)
+- [TDengine 视频教程 - “零”代码运维监控](https://www.taosdata.com/blog/2020/11/11/1959.html)
+## 微课堂
+关注 TDengine 视频号, 有精心制作的微课堂。
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+title: 通过 Docker 快速体验 TDengine
+虽然并不推荐在生产环境中通过 Docker 来部署 TDengine 服务,但 Docker 工具能够很好地屏蔽底层操作系统的环境差异,很适合在开发测试或初次体验时用于安装运行 TDengine 的工具集。特别是,借助 Docker,能够比较方便地在 macOS 和 Windows 系统上尝试 TDengine,而无需安装虚拟机或额外租用 Linux 服务器。另外,从 版本开始,TDengine 提供的镜像已经可以同时支持 X86-64、X86、arm64、arm32 平台,像 NAS、树莓派、嵌入式开发板之类可以运行 docker 的非主流计算机也可以基于本文档轻松体验 TDengine。
+下文通过 Step by Step 风格的介绍,讲解如何通过 Docker 快速建立 TDengine 的单节点运行环境,以支持开发和测试。
+## 下载 Docker
+Docker 工具自身的下载请参考 [Docker 官网文档](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)。
+安装完毕后可以在命令行终端查看 Docker 版本。如果版本号正常输出,则说明 Docker 环境已经安装成功。
+$ docker -v
+Docker version 20.10.3, build 48d30b5
+## 使用 Docker 在容器中运行 TDengine
+### 在 Docker 容器中运行 TDengine server
+$ docker run -d -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
+这条命令,启动一个运行了 TDengine server 的 docker 容器,并且将容器的 6030 到 6049 端口映射到宿主机的 6030 到 6049 端口上。如果宿主机已经运行了 TDengine server 并占用了相同端口,需要映射容器的端口到不同的未使用端口段。(详情参见 [TDengine 2.0 端口说明](/train-faq/faq#port)。为了支持 TDengine 客户端操作 TDengine server 服务, TCP 和 UDP 端口都需要打开。
+- **docker run**:通过 Docker 运行一个容器
+- **-d**:让容器在后台运行
+- **-p**:指定映射端口。注意:如果不是用端口映射,依然可以进入 Docker 容器内部使用 TDengine 服务或进行应用开发,只是不能对容器外部提供服务
+- **tdengine/tdengine**:拉取的 TDengine 官方发布的应用镜像
+- **526aa188da767ae94b244226a2b2eec2b5f17dd8eff592893d9ec0cd0f3a1ccd**:这个返回的长字符是容器 ID,我们也可以通过容器 ID 来查看对应的容器
+进一步,还可以使用 docker run 命令启动运行 TDengine server 的 docker 容器,并使用 `--name` 命令行参数将容器命名为 `tdengine`,使用 `--hostname` 指定 hostname 为 `tdengine-server`,通过 `-v` 挂载本地目录到容器,实现宿主机与容器内部的数据同步,防止容器删除后,数据丢失。
+docker run -d --name tdengine --hostname="tdengine-server" -v ~/work/taos/log:/var/log/taos -v ~/work/taos/data:/var/lib/taos -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
+- **--name tdengine**:设置容器名称,我们可以通过容器名称来访问对应的容器
+- **--hostname=tdengine-server**:设置容器内 Linux 系统的 hostname,我们可以通过映射 hostname 和 IP 来解决容器 IP 可能变化的问题。
+- **-v**:设置宿主机文件目录映射到容器内目录,避免容器删除后数据丢失。
+### 使用 docker ps 命令确认容器是否已经正确运行
+docker ps
+c452519b0f9b tdengine/tdengine "taosd" 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes ···
+- **docker ps**:列出所有正在运行状态的容器信息。
+- **CONTAINER ID**:容器 ID。
+- **IMAGE**:使用的镜像。
+- **COMMAND**:启动容器时运行的命令。
+- **CREATED**:容器创建时间。
+- **STATUS**:容器状态。UP 表示运行中。
+### 通过 docker exec 命令,进入到 docker 容器中去做开发
+$ docker exec -it tdengine /bin/bash
+- **docker exec**:通过 docker exec 命令进入容器,如果退出,容器不会停止。
+- **-i**:进入交互模式。
+- **-t**:指定一个终端。
+- **tdengine**:容器名称,需要根据 docker ps 指令返回的值进行修改。
+- **/bin/bash**:载入容器后运行 bash 来进行交互。
+进入容器后,执行 taos shell 客户端程序。
+root@tdengine-server:~/TDengine-server- taos
+Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
+Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
+TDengine 终端成功连接服务端,打印出了欢迎消息和版本信息。如果失败,会有错误信息打印出来。
+在 TDengine 终端中,可以通过 SQL 命令来创建/删除数据库、表、超级表等,并可以进行插入和查询操作。具体可以参考 [TAOS SQL 说明文档](/taos-sql/)。
+### 在宿主机访问 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
+在使用了 -p 命令行参数映射了正确的端口启动了 TDengine Docker 容器后,就在宿主机使用 taos shell 命令即可访问运行在 Docker 容器中的 TDengine。
+$ taos
+Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
+Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
+也可以在宿主机使用 curl 通过 RESTful 端口访问 Docker 容器内的 TDengine server。
+curl -u root:taosdata -d 'show databases'
+{"status":"succ","head":["name","created_time","ntables","vgroups","replica","quorum","days","keep0,keep1,keep(D)","cache(MB)","blocks","minrows","maxrows","wallevel","fsync","comp","cachelast","precision","update","status"],"column_meta":[["name",8,32],["created_time",9,8],["ntables",4,4],["vgroups",4,4],["replica",3,2],["quorum",3,2],["days",3,2],["keep0,keep1,keep(D)",8,24],["cache(MB)",4,4],["blocks",4,4],["minrows",4,4],["maxrows",4,4],["wallevel",2,1],["fsync",4,4],["comp",2,1],["cachelast",2,1],["precision",8,3],["update",2,1],["status",8,10]],"data":[["test","2021-08-18 06:01:11.021",10000,4,1,1,10,"3650,3650,3650",16,6,100,4096,1,3000,2,0,"ms",0,"ready"],["log","2021-08-18 05:51:51.065",4,1,1,1,10,"30,30,30",1,3,100,4096,1,3000,2,0,"us",0,"ready"]],"rows":2}
+这条命令,通过 REST API 访问 TDengine server,这时连接的是本机的 6041 端口,可见连接成功。
+TDengine REST API 详情请参考[官方文档](/reference/rest-api/)。
+### 使用 Docker 容器运行 TDengine server 和 taosAdapter
+在 TDengine 之后版本的 Docker 容器,开始提供一个独立运行的组件 taosAdapter,代替之前版本 TDengine 中 taosd 进程中内置的 http server。taosAdapter 支持通过 RESTful 接口对 TDengine server 的数据写入和查询能力,并提供和 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 兼容的数据摄取接口,允许 InfluxDB/OpenTSDB 应用程序无缝移植到 TDengine。在新版本 Docker 镜像中,默认启用了 taosAdapter,也可以使用 docker run 命令中设置 TAOS_DISABLE_ADAPTER=true 来禁用 taosAdapter;也可以在 docker run 命令中单独使用 taosAdapter,而不运行 taosd 。
+注意:如果容器中运行 taosAdapter,需要根据需要映射其他端口,具体端口默认配置和修改方法请参考[taosAdapter 文档](/reference/taosadapter/)。
+使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(taosd + taosAdapter):
+docker run -d --name tdengine-all -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine:
+使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(仅 taosAdapter,需要设置 firstEp 配置项 或 TAOS_FIRST_EP 环境变量):
+docker run -d --name tdengine-taosa -p 6041-6049:6041-6049 -p 6041-6049:6041-6049/udp -e TAOS_FIRST_EP=tdengine-all tdengine/tdengine: taosadapter
+使用 docker 运行 TDengine 版本镜像(仅 taosd):
+docker run -d --name tdengine-taosd -p 6030-6042:6030-6042 -p 6030-6042:6030-6042/udp -e TAOS_DISABLE_ADAPTER=true tdengine/tdengine:
+使用 curl 命令验证 RESTful 接口可以正常工作:
+curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'show databases;'
+{"status":"succ","head":["name","created_time","ntables","vgroups","replica","quorum","days","keep","cache(MB)","blocks","minrows","maxrows","wallevel","fsync","comp","cachelast","precision","update","status"],"column_meta":[["name",8,32],["created_time",9,8],["ntables",4,4],["vgroups",4,4],["replica",3,2],["quorum",3,2],["days",3,2],["keep",8,24],["cache(MB)",4,4],["blocks",4,4],["minrows",4,4],["maxrows",4,4],["wallevel",2,1],["fsync",4,4],["comp",2,1],["cachelast",2,1],["precision",8,3],["update",2,1],["status",8,10]],"data":[["log","2021-12-28 09:18:55.765",10,1,1,1,10,"30",1,3,100,4096,1,3000,2,0,"us",0,"ready"]],"rows":1}
+### 应用示例:在宿主机使用 taosBenchmark 写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
+1. 在宿主机命令行界面执行 taosBenchmark (曾命名为 taosdemo)写入数据到 Docker 容器中的 TDengine server
+ ```bash
+ $ taosBenchmark
+ taosBenchmark is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...
+ host:
+ user: root
+ password: taosdata
+ configDir:
+ resultFile: ./output.txt
+ thread num of insert data: 10
+ thread num of create table: 10
+ top insert interval: 0
+ number of records per req: 30000
+ max sql length: 1048576
+ database count: 1
+ database[0]:
+ database[0] name: test
+ drop: yes
+ replica: 1
+ precision: ms
+ super table count: 1
+ super table[0]:
+ stbName: meters
+ autoCreateTable: no
+ childTblExists: no
+ childTblCount: 10000
+ childTblPrefix: d
+ dataSource: rand
+ iface: taosc
+ insertRows: 10000
+ interlaceRows: 0
+ disorderRange: 1000
+ disorderRatio: 0
+ maxSqlLen: 1048576
+ timeStampStep: 1
+ startTimestamp: 2017-07-14 10:40:00.000
+ sampleFormat:
+ sampleFile:
+ tagsFile:
+ columnCount: 3
+ column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT
+ tagCount: 2
+ tag[0]:INT tag[1]:BINARY(16)
+ Press enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop
+ ```
+ 回车后,该命令将在数据库 test 下面自动创建一张超级表 meters,该超级表下有 1 万张表,表名为 "d0" 到 "d9999",每张表有 1 万条记录,每条记录有 (ts, current, voltage, phase) 四个字段,时间戳从 "2017-07-14 10:40:00 000" 到 "2017-07-14 10:40:09 999",每张表带有标签 location 和 groupId,groupId 被设置为 1 到 10, location 被设置为 "beijing" 或者 "shanghai"。
+ 最后共插入 1 亿条记录。
+2. 进入 TDengine 终端,查看 taosBenchmark 生成的数据。
+ - **进入命令行。**
+ ```bash
+ $ root@c452519b0f9b:~/TDengine-server- taos
+ Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
+ Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ taos>
+ ```
+ - **查看数据库。**
+ ```bash
+ $ taos> show databases;
+ name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | ···
+ test | 2021-08-18 06:01:11.021 | 10000 | 6 | ···
+ log | 2021-08-18 05:51:51.065 | 4 | 1 | ···
+ ```
+ - **查看超级表。**
+ ```bash
+ $ taos> use test;
+ Database changed.
+ $ taos> show stables;
+ name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
+ ============================================================================================
+ meters | 2021-08-18 06:01:11.116 | 4 | 2 | 10000 |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003259s)
+ ```
+ - **查看表,限制输出十条。**
+ ```bash
+ $ taos> select * from test.t0 limit 10;
+ DB error: Table does not exist (0.002857s)
+ taos> select * from test.d0 limit 10;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase |
+ ======================================================================================
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.000 | 10.12072 | 223 | 0.34167 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.001 | 10.16103 | 224 | 0.34445 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.002 | 10.00204 | 220 | 0.33334 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.003 | 10.00030 | 220 | 0.33333 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.004 | 9.84029 | 216 | 0.32222 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.005 | 9.88028 | 217 | 0.32500 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.006 | 9.88110 | 217 | 0.32500 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.007 | 10.08137 | 222 | 0.33889 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.008 | 10.12063 | 223 | 0.34167 |
+ 2017-07-14 10:40:00.009 | 10.16086 | 224 | 0.34445 |
+ Query OK, 10 row(s) in set (0.016791s)
+ ```
+ - **查看 d0 表的标签值。**
+ ```bash
+ $ taos> select groupid, location from test.d0;
+ groupid | location |
+ =================================
+ 0 | shanghai |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003490s)
+ ```
+### 应用示例:使用数据收集代理软件写入 TDengine
+taosAdapter 支持多个数据收集代理软件(如 Telegraf、StatsD、collectd 等),这里仅模拟 StasD 写入数据,在宿主机执行命令如下:
+echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 6044
+然后可以使用 taos shell 查询 taosAdapter 自动创建的数据库 statsd 和 超级表 foo 中的内容:
+taos> show databases;
+ name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | cachelast | precision | update | status |
+ log | 2021-12-28 09:18:55.765 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 30 | 1 | 3 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | us | 0 | ready |
+ statsd | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.841 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 3650 | 16 | 6 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | 0 | ns | 2 | ready |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002112s)
+taos> use statsd;
+Database changed.
+taos> show stables;
+ name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
+ foo | 2021-12-28 09:21:48.894 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001160s)
+taos> select * from foo;
+ ts | value | metric_type |
+ 2021-12-28 09:21:48.840820836 | 1 | counter |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001639s)
+可以看到模拟数据已经被写入到 TDengine 中。
+## 停止正在 Docker 中运行的 TDengine 服务
+docker stop tdengine
+- **docker stop**:通过 docker stop 停止指定的正在运行中的 docker 镜像。
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+title: TDengine Documentation
+sidebar_label: Documentation Home
+slug: /
+TDengine is a [high-performance](https://tdengine.com/fast), [scalable](https://tdengine.com/scalable) time series database with [SQL support](https://tdengine.com/sql-support). This document is the TDengine user manual. It introduces the basic, as well as novel concepts, in TDengine, and also talks in detail about installation, features, SQL, APIs, operation, maintenance, kernel design and other topics. It’s written mainly for architects, developers and system administrators.
+To get an overview of TDengine, such as a feature list, benchmarks, and competitive advantages, please browse through the [Introduction](./intro) section.
+TDengine greatly improves the efficiency of data ingestion, querying and storage by exploiting the characteristics of time series data, introducing the novel concepts of "one table for one data collection point" and "super table", and designing an innovative storage engine. To understand the new concepts in TDengine and make full use of the features and capabilities of TDengine, please read [“Concepts”](./concept) thoroughly.
+If you are a developer, please read the [“Developer Guide”](./develop) carefully. This section introduces the database connection, data modeling, data ingestion, query, continuous query, cache, data subscription, user-defined functions, and other functionality in detail. Sample code is provided for a variety of programming languages. In most cases, you can just copy and paste the sample code, make a few changes to accommodate your application, and it will work.
+We live in the era of big data, and scale-up is unable to meet the growing needs of business. Any modern data system must have the ability to scale out, and clustering has become an indispensable feature of big data systems. Not only did the TDengine team develop the cluster feature, but also decided to open source this important feature. To learn how to deploy, manage and maintain a TDengine cluster please refer to ["cluster"](./cluster).
+TDengine uses ubiquitious SQL as its query language, which greatly reduces learning costs and migration costs. In addition to the standard SQL, TDengine has extensions to better support time series data analysis. These extensions include functions such as roll up, interpolation and time weighted average, among many others. The ["SQL Reference"](./taos-sql) chapter describes the SQL syntax in detail, and lists the various supported commands and functions.
+If you are a system administrator who cares about installation, upgrade, fault tolerance, disaster recovery, data import, data export, system configuration, how to monitor whether TDengine is running healthily, and how to improve system performance, please refer to, and thoroughly read the ["Administration"](./operation) section.
+If you want to know more about TDengine tools, the REST API, and connectors for various programming languages, please see the ["Reference"](./reference) chapter.
+If you are very interested in the internal design of TDengine, please read the chapter ["Inside TDengine”](./tdinternal), which introduces the cluster design, data partitioning, sharding, writing, and reading processes in detail. If you want to study TDengine code or even contribute code, please read this chapter carefully.
+TDengine is an open source database, and we would love for you to be a part of TDengine. If you find any errors in the documentation, or see parts where more clarity or elaboration is needed, please click "Edit this page" at the bottom of each page to edit it directly.
+Together, we make a difference.
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+title: Introduction
+toc_max_heading_level: 2
+TDengine is a high-performance, scalable time-series database with SQL support. Its code, including its cluster feature is open source under GNU AGPL v3.0. Besides the database engine, it provides [caching](/develop/cache), [stream processing](/develop/continuous-query), [data subscription](/develop/subscribe) and other functionalities to reduce the complexity and cost of development and operation.
+This section introduces the major features, competitive advantages, suited scenarios and benchmarks to help you get a high level picture for TDengine.
+## Major Features
+The major features are listed below:
+1. Besides [using SQL to insert](/develop/insert-data/sql-writing),it supports [Schemaless writing](/reference/schemaless/),and it supports [InfluxDB LINE](/develop/insert-data/influxdb-line),[OpenTSDB Telnet](/develop/insert-data/opentsdb-telnet), [OpenTSDB JSON ](/develop/insert-data/opentsdb-json) and other protocols.
+2. Support for seamless integration with third-party data collection agents like [Telegraf](/third-party/telegraf),[Prometheus](/third-party/prometheus),[StatsD](/third-party/statsd),[collectd](/third-party/collectd),[icinga2](/third-party/icinga2), [TCollector](/third-party/tcollector), [EMQX](/third-party/emq-broker), [HiveMQ](/third-party/hive-mq-broker). Without a line of code, those agents can write data points into TDengine just by configuration.
+3. Support for [all kinds of queries](/develop/query-data), including aggregation, nested query, downsampling, interpolation, etc.
+4. Support for [user defined functions](/develop/udf)
+5. Support for [caching](/develop/cache). TDengine always saves the last data point in cache, so Redis is not needed in some scenarios.
+6. Support for [continuous query](/develop/continuous-query).
+7. Support for [data subscription](/develop/subscribe) with the capability to specify filter conditions.
+8. Support for [cluster](/cluster/), with the capability of increasing processing power by adding more nodes. High availability is supported by replication.
+9. Provides interactive [command-line interface](/reference/taos-shell) for management, maintenance and ad-hoc query.
+10. Provides many ways to [import](/operation/import) and [export](/operation/export) data.
+11. Provides [monitoring](/operation/monitor) on TDengine running instances.
+12. Provides [connectors](/reference/connector/) for [C/C++](/reference/connector/cpp), [Java](/reference/connector/java), [Python](/reference/connector/python), [Go](/reference/connector/go), [Rust](/reference/connector/rust), [Node.js](/reference/connector/node) and other programming languages.
+13. Provides a [REST API](/reference/rest-api/).
+14. Supports the seamless integration with [Grafana](/third-party/grafana) for visualization.
+15. Supports seamless integration with Google Data Studio.
+For more detail on features, please read through the whole documentation.
+## Competitive Advantages
+TDengine makes full use of [the characteristics of time series data](https://tdengine.com/2019/07/09/86.html), such as structured, no transaction, rarely delete or update, etc., and builds its own innovative storage engine and computing engine to differentiate itself from other time series databases with the following advantages.
+- **[High Performance](https://tdengine.com/fast)**: TDengine outperforms other time series databases in data ingestion and querying while significantly reducing storage cost and compute costs, with an innovatively designed and purpose-built storage engine.
+- **[Scalable](https://tdengine.com/scalable)**: TDengine provides out-of-box scalability and high-availability through its native distributed design. Nodes can be added through simple configuration to achieve greater data processing power. In addition, this feature is open source.
+- **[SQL Support](https://tdengine.com/sql-support)**: TDengine uses SQL as the query language, thereby reducing learning and migration costs, while adding SQL extensions to handle time-series data better, and supporting convenient and flexible schemaless data ingestion.
+- **All in One**: TDengine has built-in caching, stream processing and data subscription functions. It is no longer necessary to integrate Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark or other software in some scenarios. It makes the system architecture much simpler, cost-effective and easier to maintain.
+- **Seamless Integration**: Without a single line of code, TDengine provide seamless, configurable integration with third-party tools such as Telegraf, Grafana, EMQX, Prometheus, StatsD, collectd, etc. More third-party tools are being integrated.
+- **Zero Management**: Installation and cluster setup can be done in seconds. Data partitioning and sharding are executed automatically. TDengine’s running status can be monitored via Grafana or other DevOps tools.
+- **Zero Learning Costs**: With SQL as the query language and support for ubiquitous tools like Python, Java, C/C++, Go, Rust, and Node.js connectors, there are zero learning costs.
+- **Interactive Console**: TDengine provides convenient console access to the database to run ad hoc queries, maintain the database, or manage the cluster without any programming.
+With TDengine, the total cost of ownership of time-series data platform can be greatly reduced. Because 1: with its superior performance, the computing and storage resources are reduced significantly; 2:with SQL support, it can be seamlessly integrated with many third party tools, and learning costs/migration costs are reduced significantly; 3: with its simple architecture and zero management, the operation and maintenance costs are reduced.
+## Technical Ecosystem
+In the time-series data processing platform, TDengine stands in a role like this diagram below:
+![TDengine Technical Ecosystem ](eco_system.png)
Figure 1. TDengine Technical Ecosystem
+On the left side, there are data collection agents like OPC-UA, MQTT, Telegraf and Kafka. On the right side, visualization/BI tools, HMI, Python/R, and IoT Apps can be connected. TDengine itself provides interactive command-line interface and web interface for management and maintenance.
+## Suited Scenarios
+As a high-performance, scalable and SQL supported time-series database, TDengine's typical application scenarios include but are not limited to IoT, Industrial Internet, Connected Vehicles, IT operation and maintenance, energy, financial markets and other fields. TDengine is a purpose-built database optimized for the characteristics of time series data, it cannot be used to process data from web crawlers, social media, e-commerce, ERP, CRM, etc. This section makes a more detailed analysis of the applicable scenarios.
+### Characteristics and Requirements of Data Sources
+| **Data Source Characteristics and Requirements** | **Not Applicable** | **Might Be Applicable** | **Very Applicable** | **Description** |
+| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
+| A massive amount of total data | | | √ | TDengine provides excellent scale-out functions in terms of capacity, and has a storage structure with matching high compression ratio to achieve the best storage efficiency in the industry.|
+| Data input velocity is extremely high | | | √ | TDengine's performance is much higher than that of other similar products. It can continuously process larger amounts of input data in the same hardware environment, and provides a performance evaluation tool that can easily run in the user environment. |
+| A huge number of data sources | | | √ | TDengine is optimized specifically for a huge number of data sources. It is especially suitable for efficiently ingesting, writing and querying data from billions of data sources. |
+### System Architecture Requirements
+| **System Architecture Requirements** | **Not Applicable** | **Might Be Applicable** | **Very Applicable** | **Description** |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| A simple and reliable system architecture | | | √ | TDengine's system architecture is very simple and reliable, with its own message queue, cache, stream computing, monitoring and other functions. There is no need to integrate any additional third-party products. |
+| Fault-tolerance and high-reliability | | | √ | TDengine has cluster functions to automatically provide high-reliability and high-availability functions such as fault tolerance and disaster recovery. |
+| Standardization support | | | √ | TDengine supports standard SQL and provides SQL extensions for time-series data analysis. |
+### System Function Requirements
+| **System Function Requirements** | **Not Applicable** | **Might Be Applicable** | **Very Applicable** | **Description** |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| Complete data processing algorithms built-in | | √ | | While TDengine implements various general data processing algorithms, industry specific algorithms and special types of processing will need to be implemented at the application level.|
+| A large number of crosstab queries | | √ | | This type of processing is better handled by general purpose relational database systems but TDengine can work in concert with relational database systems to provide more complete solutions. |
+### System Performance Requirements
+| **System Performance Requirements** | **Not Applicable** | **Might Be Applicable** | **Very Applicable** | **Description** |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| Very large total processing capacity | | | √ | TDengine’s cluster functions can easily improve processing capacity via multi-server coordination. |
+| Extremely high-speed data processing | | | √ | TDengine’s storage and data processing are optimized for IoT, and can process data many times faster than similar products.|
+| Extremely fast processing of high resolution data | | | √ | TDengine has achieved the same or better performance than other relational and NoSQL data processing systems. |
+### System Maintenance Requirements
+| **System Maintenance Requirements** | **Not Applicable** | **Might Be Applicable** | **Very Applicable** | **Description** |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| Native high-reliability | | | √ | TDengine has a very robust, reliable and easily configurable system architecture to simplify routine operation. Human errors and accidents are eliminated to the greatest extent, with a streamlined experience for operators. |
+| Minimize learning and maintenance costs | | | √ | In addition to being easily configurable, standard SQL support and the Taos shell for ad hoc queries makes maintenance simpler, allows reuse and reduces learning costs.|
+| Abundant talent supply | √ | | | Given the above, and given the extensive training and professional services provided by TDengine, it is easy to migrate from existing solutions or create a new and lasting solution based on TDengine.|
+## Comparison with other databases
+- [Writing Performance Comparison of TDengine and InfluxDB ](https://tdengine.com/2022/02/23/4975.html)
+- [Query Performance Comparison of TDengine and InfluxDB](https://tdengine.com/2022/02/24/5120.html)
+- [TDengine vs InfluxDB、OpenTSDB、Cassandra、MySQL、ClickHouse](https://www.tdengine.com/downloads/TDengine_Testing_Report_en.pdf)
+- [TDengine vs OpenTSDB](https://tdengine.com/2019/09/12/710.html)
+- [TDengine vs Cassandra](https://tdengine.com/2019/09/12/708.html)
+- [TDengine vs InfluxDB](https://tdengine.com/2019/09/12/706.html)
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+label: Concepts
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+title: Concepts
+In order to explain the basic concepts and provide some sample code, the TDengine documentation takes smart meters as a typical time series data scenario. Assuming that each smart meter collects three metrics of current, voltage, and phase, there are multiple smart meters, and each meter has static attributes like location and group ID, the collected data will be similar to the following table:
+Each row contains the device ID, time stamp, collected metrics (current, voltage, phase as above), and static tags (location and groupId in Table 1) associated with the devices. Each smart meter generates a row (measurement) in a pre-defined time interval or triggered by an external event. The device produces a sequence of measurements with associated time stamps.
+## Metric
+Metric refers to the physical quantity collected by sensors, equipment or other types of data collection devices, such as current, voltage, temperature, pressure, GPS position, etc., which change with time, and the data type can be integer, float, Boolean, or strings. As time goes by, the amount of collected metric data stored increases.
+## Label/Tag
+Label/Tag refers to the static properties of sensors, equipment or other types of data collection devices, which do not change with time, such as device model, color, fixed location of the device, etc. The data type can be any type. Although static, TDengine allows users to add, delete or update tag values at any time. Unlike the collected metric data, the amount of tag data stored does not change over time.
+## Data Collection Point
+Data Collection Point (DCP) refers to hardware or software that collects metrics based on preset time periods or triggered by events. A data collection point can collect one or multiple metrics, but these metrics are collected at the same time and have the same time stamp. For some complex equipments, there are often multiple data collection points, and the sampling rate of each collection point may be different, and fully independent. For example, for a car, there could be a data collection point to collect GPS position metrics, a data collection point to collect engine status metrics, and a data collection point to collect the environment metrics inside the car, so in this example the car would have three data collection points.
+## Table
+Since time-series data is most likely to be structured data, TDengine adopts the traditional relational database model to process them with a short learning curve. You need to create a database, create tables, then insert data points and execute queries to explore the data.
+To make full use of time-series data characteristics, TDengine adopts a strategy of "**One Table for One Data Collection Point**". TDengine requires the user to create a table for each data collection point (DCP) to store collected time-series data. For example, if there are over 10 million smart meters, it means 10 million tables should be created. For the table above, 4 tables should be created for devices D1001, D1002, D1003, and D1004 to store the data collected. This design has several benefits:
+1. Since the metric data from different DCP are fully independent, the data source of each DCP is unique, and a table has only one writer. In this way, data points can be written in a lock-free manner, and the writing speed can be greatly improved.
+2. For a DCP, the metric data generated by DCP is ordered by timestamp, so the write operation can be implemented by simple appending, which further greatly improves the data writing speed.
+3. The metric data from a DCP is continuously stored in block by block. If you read data for a period of time, it can greatly reduce random read operations and improve read and query performance by orders of magnitude.
+4. Inside a data block for a DCP, columnar storage is used, and different compression algorithms are used for different data types. Metrics generally don't vary as significantly between themselves over a time range as compared to other metrics, this allows for a higher compression rate.
+If the metric data of multiple DCPs are traditionally written into a single table, due to the uncontrollable network delay, the timing of the data from different DCPs arriving at the server cannot be guaranteed, the writing operation must be protected by locks, and the metric data from one DCP cannot be guaranteed to be continuously stored together. **One table for one data collection point can ensure the best performance of insert and query of a single data collection point to the greatest extent.**
+TDengine suggests using DCP ID as the table name (like D1001 in the above table). Each DCP may collect one or multiple metrics (like the current, voltage, phase as above). Each metric has a corresponding column in the table. The data type for a column can be int, float, string and others. In addition, the first column in the table must be a timestamp. TDengine uses the time stamp as the index, and won’t build the index on any metrics stored. Column wise storage is used.
+## Super Table (STable)
+The design of one table for one data collection point will require a huge number of tables, which is difficult to manage. Furthermore, applications often need to take aggregation operations among DCPs, thus aggregation operations will become complicated. To support aggregation over multiple tables efficiently, the STable(Super Table) concept is introduced by TDengine.
+STable is a template for a type of data collection point. A STable contains a set of data collection points (tables) that have the same schema or data structure, but with different static attributes (tags). To describe a STable, in addition to defining the table structure of the metrics, it is also necessary to define the schema of its tags. The data type of tags can be int, float, string, and there can be multiple tags, which can be added, deleted, or modified afterward. If the whole system has N different types of data collection points, N STables need to be established.
+In the design of TDengine, **a table is used to represent a specific data collection point, and STable is used to represent a set of data collection points of the same type**.
+## Subtable
+When creating a table for a specific data collection point, the user can use a STable as a template and specifies the tag values of this specific DCP to create it. **The table created by using a STable as the template is called subtable** in TDengine. The difference between regular table and subtable is:
+1. Subtable is a table, all SQL commands applied on a regular table can be applied on subtable.
+2. Subtable is a table with extensions, it has static tags (labels), and these tags can be added, deleted, and updated after it is created. But a regular table does not have tags.
+3. A subtable belongs to only one STable, but a STable may have many subtables. Regular tables do not belong to a STable.
+4. A regular table can not be converted into a subtable, and vice versa.
+The relationship between a STable and the subtables created based on this STable is as follows:
+1. A STable contains multiple subtables with the same metric schema but with different tag values.
+2. The schema of metrics or labels cannot be adjusted through subtables, and it can only be changed via STable. Changes to the schema of a STable takes effect immediately for all associated subtables.
+3. STable defines only one template and does not store any data or label information by itself. Therefore, data cannot be written to a STable, only to subtables.
+Queries can be executed on both a table (subtable) and a STable. For a query on a STable, TDengine will treat the data in all its subtables as a whole data set for processing. TDengine will first find the subtables that meet the tag filter conditions, then scan the time-series data of these subtables to perform aggregation operation, which can greatly reduce the data sets to be scanned, thus greatly improving the performance of data aggregation across multiple DCPs.
+In TDengine, it is recommended to use a subtable instead of a regular table for a DCP.
+## Database
+A database is a collection of tables. TDengine allows a running instance to have multiple databases, and each database can be configured with different storage policies. Different types of DCPs often have different data characteristics, including the frequency of data collection, data retention time, the number of replications, the size of data blocks, whether data is allowed to be updated, and so on. In order for TDengine to work with maximum efficiency in various scenarios, TDengine recommends that STables with different data characteristics be created in different databases.
+In a database, there can be one or more STables, but a STable belongs to only one database. All tables owned by a STable are stored in only one database.
+## FQDN & End Point
+FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) is the full domain name of a specific computer or host on the Internet. FQDN consists of two parts: hostname and domain name. For example, the FQDN of a mail server might be mail.tdengine.com. The hostname is mail, and the host is located in the domain name tdengine.com. DNS (Domain Name System) is responsible for translating FQDN into IP. For systems without DNS, it can be solved by configuring the hosts file.
+Each node of a TDengine cluster is uniquely identified by an End Point, which consists of an FQDN and a Port, such as h1.tdengine.com:6030. In this way, when the IP changes, we can still use the FQDN to dynamically find the node without changing any configuration of the cluster. In addition, FQDN is used to facilitate unified access to the same cluster from the Intranet and the Internet.
+TDengine does not recommend using an IP address to access the cluster, FQDN is recommended for cluster management.
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+`apt-get` can be used to install TDengine from official package repository.
+**Package Repository**
+wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
+echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-stable stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-stable.list
+The repository required for installing beta versions can be configured as below:
+echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-beta beta main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-beta.list
+**Install With apt-get**
+sudo apt-get update
+apt-cache policy tdengine
+sudo apt-get install tdengine
+`apt-get` can only be used on Debian or Ubuntu Linux.
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+label: Get Started
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+import PkgList from "/components/PkgList";
+It's very easy to install TDengine and would take you only a few minutes from downloading to finishing installation.
+For the convenience of users, from version, the standard server side installation package includes `taos`, `taosd`, `taosAdapter`, `taosBenchmark` and sample code. If only the `taosd` server and C/C++ connector are required, you can also choose to download the lite package.
+Three kinds of packages are provided, tar.gz, rpm and deb. Especially the tar.gz package is provided for the convenience of enterprise customers on different kinds of operating systems, it includes `taosdump` and TDinsight installation script which are normally only provided in taos-tools rpm and deb packages.
+Between two major release versions, some beta versions may be delivered for users to try some new features.
+For the details please refer to [Install and Uninstall](/operation/pkg-install)。
+To see the details of versions, please refer to [Download List](https://www.taosdata.com/all-downloads) and [Release Notes](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/releases).
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+title: Get Started
+description: 'Install TDengine from Docker image, apt-get or package, and run TAOS CLI and taosBenchmark to experience the features'
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import PkgInstall from "./\_pkg_install.mdx";
+import AptGetInstall from "./\_apt_get_install.mdx";
+## Quick Install
+The full package of TDengine includes the server(taosd), taosAdapter for connecting with third-party systems and providing a RESTful interface, client driver(taosc), command-line program(CLI, taos) and some tools. For the current version, the server taosd and taosAdapter can only be installed and run on Linux systems. In the future taosd and taosAdapter will also be supported on Windows, macOS and other systems. The client driver taosc and TDengine CLI can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. In addition to the connectors of multiple languages, [RESTful interface](/reference/rest-api) is also provided by [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter) in TDengine. Prior to version, however, there is no taosAdapter, the RESTful interface is provided by the built-in HTTP service of taosd.
+TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64 hardware platforms, and will support ARM32, RISC-V and other CPU architectures in the future.
+If docker is already installed on your computer, execute the following command:
+docker run -d -p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
+Make sure the container is running
+docker ps
+Enter into container and execute bash
+docker exec -it bash
+Then you can execute the Linux commands and access TDengine.
+For detailed steps, please visit [Experience TDengine via Docker](/train-faq/docker)。
+Starting from,besides taosd,TDengine docker image includes: taos,taosAdapter,taosdump,taosBenchmark,TDinsight, scripts and sample code. Once the TDengine container is started,it will start both taosAdapter and taosd automatically to support RESTful interface.
+If you like to check the source code, build the package by yourself or contribute to the project, please check [TDengine GitHub Repository](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine)
+## Quick Launch
+After installation, you can launch the TDengine service by the 'systemctl' command to start 'taosd'.
+systemctl start taosd
+Check if taosd is running:
+systemctl status taosd
+If everything is fine, you can run TDengine command-line interface `taos` to access TDengine and test it out yourself.
+- systemctl requires _root_ privileges,if you are not _root_ ,please add sudo before the command.
+- To get feedback and keep improving the product, TDengine is collecting some basic usage information, but you can turn it off by setting telemetryReporting to 0 in configuration file taos.cfg.
+- TDengine uses FQDN (usually hostname)as the ID for a node. To make the system work, you need to configure the FQDN for the server running taosd, and configure the DNS service or hosts file on the the machine where the application or TDengine CLI runs to ensure that the FQDN can be resolved.
+- `systemctl stop taosd` won't stop the server right away, it will wait until all the data in memory are flushed to disk. It may takes time depending on the cache size.
+TDengine supports the installation on system which runs [`systemd`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd) for process management,use `which systemctl` to check if the system has `systemd` installed:
+which systemctl
+If the system does not have `systemd`,you can start TDengine manually by executing `/usr/local/taos/bin/taosd`
+## Command Line Interface
+To manage the TDengine running instance,or execute ad-hoc queries, TDengine provides a Command Line Interface (hereinafter referred to as TDengine CLI) taos. To enter into the interactive CLI,execute `taos` on a Linux terminal where TDengine is installed.
+If it connects to the TDengine server successfully, it will print out the version and welcome message. If it fails, it will print out the error message, please check [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) for trouble shooting connection issue. TDengine CLI's prompt is:
+Inside TDengine CLI,you can execute SQL commands to create/drop database/table, and run queries. The SQL command must be ended with a semicolon. For example:
+create database demo;
+use demo;
+create table t (ts timestamp, speed int);
+insert into t values ('2019-07-15 00:00:00', 10);
+insert into t values ('2019-07-15 01:00:00', 20);
+select * from t;
+ ts | speed |
+ 2019-07-15 00:00:00.000 | 10 |
+ 2019-07-15 01:00:00.000 | 20 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.003128s)
+Besides executing SQL commands, system administrators can check running status, add/drop user accounts and manage the running instances. TAOS CLI with client driver can be installed and run on either Linux or Windows machines. For more details on CLI, please [check here](../reference/taos-shell/).
+## Experience the blazing fast speed
+After TDengine server is running,execute `taosBenchmark` (previously named taosdemo) from a Linux terminal:
+This command will create a super table "meters" under database "test". Under "meters", 10000 tables are created with names from "d0" to "d9999". Each table has 10000 rows and each row has four columns (ts, current, voltage, phase). Time stamp is starting from "2017-07-14 10:40:00 000" to "2017-07-14 10:40:09 999". Each table has tags "location" and "groupId". groupId is set 1 to 10 randomly, and location is set to "beijing" or "shanghai".
+This command will insert 100 million rows into the database quickly. Time to insert depends on the hardware configuration, it only takes a dozen seconds for a regular PC server.
+taosBenchmark provides command-line options and a configuration file to customize the scenarios, like number of tables, number of rows per table, number of columns and more. Please execute `taosBenchmark --help` to list them. For details on running taosBenchmark, please check [reference for taosBenchmark](/reference/taosbenchmark)
+## Experience query speed
+After using taosBenchmark to insert a number of rows data, you can execute queries from TDengine CLI to experience the lightning fast query speed.
+query the total number of rows under super table "meters":
+taos> select count(*) from test.meters;
+query the average, maximum, minimum of 100 million rows:
+taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.meters;
+query the total number of rows with location="beijing":
+taos> select count(*) from test.meters where location="beijing";
+query the average, maximum, minimum of all rows with groupId=10:
+taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.meters where groupId=10;
+query the average, maximum, minimum for table d10 in 10 seconds time interval:
+taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.d10 interval(10s);
diff --git a/docs-en/07-develop/01-connect/_category_.yml b/docs-en/07-develop/01-connect/_category_.yml
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+label: Connect
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+```c title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/c/connect_example.c}}
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+```csharp title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/csharp/ConnectExample.cs}}
+C# connector supports only native connection for now.
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+#### Unified Database Access Interface
+```go title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/go/connect/cgoexample/main.go}}
+```go title="REST Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/go/connect/restexample/main.go}}
+#### Advanced Features
+The af package of driver-go can also be used to establish connection, with this way some advanced features of TDengine, like parameter binding and subscription, can be used.
+```go title="Establish native connection using af package"
+{{#include docs-examples/go/connect/afconn/main.go}}
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+```java title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/JNIConnectExample.java}}
+```java title="REST Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/RESTConnectExample.java:main}}
+When using REST connection, the feature of bulk pulling can be enabled if the size of resulting data set is huge.
+```java title="Enable Bulk Pulling" {4}
+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/WSConnectExample.java:main}}
+More configuration about connection,please refer to [Java Connector](/reference/connector/java)
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+```js title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/connect.js}}
+```js title="REST Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/node/restexample/connect.js}}
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+```python title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/python/connect_example.py}}
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+```r title="Native Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/R/connect_native.r:demo}}
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+```rust title="Native Connection/REST Connection"
+{{#include docs-examples/rust/nativeexample/examples/connect.rs}}
+For Rust connector, the connection depends on the feature being used. If "rest" feature is enabled, then only the implementation for "rest" is compiled and packaged.
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+sidebar_label: Connection
+title: Connect to TDengine
+description: "This document explains how to establish connection to TDengine, and briefly introduce how to install and use TDengine connectors."
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import ConnJava from "./\_connect_java.mdx";
+import ConnGo from "./\_connect_go.mdx";
+import ConnRust from "./\_connect_rust.mdx";
+import ConnNode from "./\_connect_node.mdx";
+import ConnPythonNative from "./\_connect_python.mdx";
+import ConnCSNative from "./\_connect_cs.mdx";
+import ConnC from "./\_connect_c.mdx";
+import ConnR from "./\_connect_r.mdx";
+import InstallOnWindows from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_linux_install.mdx";
+import InstallOnLinux from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_windows_install.mdx";
+import VerifyLinux from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_verify_linux.mdx";
+import VerifyWindows from "../../14-reference/03-connector/\_verify_windows.mdx";
+Any application programs running on any kind of platforms can access TDengine through the REST API provided by TDengine. For the details, please refer to [REST API](/reference/rest-api/). Besides, application programs can use the connectors of multiple programming languages to access TDengine, including C/C++, Java, Python, Go, Node.js, C#, and Rust. This chapter describes how to establish connection to TDengine and briefly introduce how to install and use connectors. For details about the connectors, please refer to [Connectors](/reference/connector/)
+## Establish Connection
+There are two ways for a connector to establish connections to TDengine:
+1. Connection through the REST API provided by taosAdapter component, this way is called "REST connection" hereinafter.
+2. Connection through the TDengine client driver (taosc), this way is called "Native connection" hereinafter.
+Either way, same or similar APIs are provided by connectors to access database or execute SQL statements, no obvious difference can be observed.
+Key differences:
+1. With REST connection, it's not necessary to install TDengine client driver (taosc), it's more friendly for cross-platform with the cost of 30% performance downgrade. When taosc has an upgrade, application does not need to make changes.
+2. With native connection, full compatibility of TDengine can be utilized, like [Parameter Binding](/reference/connector/cpp#parameter-binding-api), [Subscription](/reference/connector/cpp#subscription-and-consumption-api), etc. But taosc has to be installed, some platforms may not be supported.
+## Install Client Driver taosc
+If choosing to use native connection and the application is not on the same host as TDengine server, TDengine client driver taosc needs to be installed on the host where the application is. If choosing to use REST connection or the application is on the same host as server side, this step can be skipped. It's better to use same version of taosc as the server.
+### Install
+### Verify
+After the above installation and configuration are done and making sure TDengine service is already started and in service, the TDengine command-line interface `taos` can be launched to access TDengine.
+## Install Connectors
+If `maven` is used to manage the projects, what needs to be done is only adding below dependency in `pom.xml`.
+ com.taosdata.jdbc
+ taos-jdbcdriver
+ 2.0.38
+Install from PyPI using `pip`:
+pip install taospy
+Install from Git URL:
+pip install git+https://github.com/taosdata/taos-connector-python.git
+Just need to add `driver-go` dependency in `go.mod` .
+```go-mod title=go.mod
+module goexample
+go 1.17
+require github.com/taosdata/driver-go/v2 develop
+`driver-go` uses `cgo` to wrap the APIs provided by taosc, while `cgo` needs `gcc` to compile source code in C language, so please make sure you have proper `gcc` on your system.
+Just need to add `libtaos` dependency in `Cargo.toml`.
+```toml title=Cargo.toml
+libtaos = { version = "0.4.2"}
+Rust connector uses different features to distinguish the way to establish connection. To establish REST connection, please enable `rest` feature.
+libtaos = { version = "*", features = ["rest"] }
+Node.js connector provides different ways of establishing connections by providing different packages.
+1. Install Node.js Native Connector
+npm i td2.0-connector
+It's recommend to use Node whose version is between `node-v12.8.0` and `node-v13.0.0`.
+2. Install Node.js REST Connector
+npm i td2.0-rest-connector
+Just need to add the reference to [TDengine.Connector](https://www.nuget.org/packages/TDengine.Connector/) in the project configuration file.
+```xml title=csharp.csproj {12}
+ Exe
+ net6.0
+ enable
+ enable
+ TDengineExample.AsyncQueryExample
+Or add by `dotnet` command.
+dotnet add package TDengine.Connector
+The sample code below are based on dotnet6.0, they may need to be adjusted if your dotnet version is not exactly same.
+1. Download [taos-jdbcdriver-version-dist.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/taosdata/jdbc/taos-jdbcdriver/2.0.38/).
+2. Install the dependency package `RJDBC`:
+If the client driver (taosc) is already installed, then the C connector is already available.
+## Establish Connection
+Prior to establishing connection, please make sure TDengine is already running and accessible. The following sample code assumes TDengine is running on the same host as the client program, with FQDN configured to "localhost" and serverPort configured to "6030".
+If the connection fails, in most cases it's caused by improper configuration for FQDN or firewall. Please refer to the section "Unable to establish connection" in [FAQ](https://docs.taosdata.com/train-faq/faq).
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+label: Data Model
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+title: Data Model
+The data model employed by TDengine is similar to relational database, you need to create databases and tables. For a specific application, the design of databases, STables (abbreviated for super table), and tables need to be considered. This chapter will explain the big picture without syntax details.
+## Create Database
+The characteristics of data from different data collection points may be different, such as collection frequency, days to keep, number of replicas, data block size, whether it's allowed to update data, etc. For TDengine to operate with the best performance, it's strongly suggested to put the data with different characteristics into different databases because different storage policy can be set for each database. When creating a database, there are a lot of parameters that can be configured, such as the days to keep data, the number of replicas, the number of memory blocks, time precision, the minimum and maximum number of rows in each data block, compress or not, the time range of the data in single data file, etc. Below is an example of the SQL statement for creating a database.
+In the above SQL statement, a database named "power" will be created, the data in it will be kept for 365 days, which means the data older than 365 days will be deleted automatically, a new data file will be created every 10 days, the number of memory blocks is 6, data is allowed to be updated. For more details please refer to [Database](/taos-sql/database).
+After creating a database, the current database in use can be switched using SQL command `USE`, for example below SQL statement switches the current database to `power`. Without current database specified, table name must be preceded with the corresponding database name.
+USE power;
+- Any table or STable must belong to a database. To create a table or STable, the database it belongs to must be ready.
+- JOIN operation can't be performed tables from two different databases.
+- Timestamp needs to be specified when inserting rows or querying historical rows.
+## Create STable
+In a time-series application, there may be multiple kinds of data collection points. For example, in the electrical power system there are meters, transformers, bus bars, switches, etc. For easy and efficient aggregation of multiple tables, one STable needs to be created for each kind of data collection point. For example, for the meters in [table 1](/tdinternal/arch#model_table1), below SQL statement can be used to create the super table.
+CREATE STable meters (ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase float) TAGS (location binary(64), groupId int);
+If you are using versions prior to 2.0.15, the `STable` keyword needs to be replaced with `TABLE`.
+Similar to creating a regular table, when creating a STable, name and schema need to be provided too. In the STable schema, the first column must be timestamp (like ts in the example), and other columns (like current, voltage and phase in the example) are the data collected. The type of a column can be integer, float, double, string ,etc. Besides, the schema for tags need to be provided, like location and groupId in the example. The type of a tag can be integer, float, string, etc. The static properties of a data collection point can be defined as tags, like the location, device type, device group ID, manager ID, etc. Tags in the schema can be added, removed or updated. Please refer to [STable](/taos-sql/stable) for more details.
+For each kind of data collection points, a corresponding STable must be created. There may be many STables in an application. For electrical power system, we need to create a STable respectively for meters, transformers, busbars, switches. There may be multiple kinds of data collection points on a single device, for example there may be one data collection point for electrical data like current and voltage and another point for environmental data like temperature, humidity and wind direction, multiple STables are required for such kind of device.
+At most 4096 (or 1024 prior to version columns are allowed in a STable. If there are more than 4096 of metrics to bo collected for a data collection point, multiple STables are required for such kind of data collection point. There can be multiple databases in system, while one or more STables can exist in a database.
+## Create Table
+A specific table needs to be created for each data collection point. Similar to RDBMS, table name and schema are required to create a table. Beside, one or more tags can be created for each table. To create a table, a STable needs to be used as template and the values need to be specified for the tags. For example, for the meters in [Table 1](/tdinternal/arch#model_table1), the table can be created using below SQL statement.
+CREATE TABLE d1001 USING meters TAGS ("Beijing.Chaoyang", 2);
+In the above SQL statement, "d1001" is the table name, "meters" is the STable name, followed by the value of tag "Location" and the value of tag "groupId", which are "Beijing.Chaoyang" and "2" respectively in the example. The tag values can be updated after the table is created. Please refer to [Tables](/taos-sql/table) for details.
+In TDengine system, it's recommended to create a table for a data collection point via STable. Table created via STable is called subtable in some parts of TDengine document. All SQL commands applied on regular table can be applied on subtable.
+It's not recommended to create a table in a database while using a STable from another database as template.
+It's suggested to use the global unique ID of a data collection point as the table name, for example the device serial number. If there isn't such a unique ID, multiple IDs that are not global unique can be combined to form a global unique ID. It's not recommended to use a global unique ID as tag value.
+## Create Table Automatically
+In some circumstances, it's not sure whether the table already exists when inserting rows. The table can be created automatically using the SQL statement below, and nothing will happen if the table already exist.
+INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS ("Beijng.Chaoyang", 2) VALUES (now, 10.2, 219, 0.32);
+In the above SQL statement, a row with value `(now, 10.2, 219, 0.32)` will be inserted into table "d1001". If table "d1001" doesn't exist, it will be created automatically using STable "meters" as template with tag value `"Beijing.Chaoyang", 2`.
+For more details please refer to [Create Table Automatically](/taos-sql/insert#automatically-create-table-when-inserting).
+## Single Column vs Multiple Column
+Multiple columns data model is supported in TDengine. As long as multiple metrics are collected by same data collection point at same time, i.e. the timestamp are identical, these metrics can be put in single stable as columns. However, there is another kind of design, i.e. single column data model, a table is created for each metric, which means a STable is required for each kind of metric. For example, 3 STables are required for current, voltage and phase.
+It's recommended to use multiple column data model as much as possible because it's better in the performance of inserting or querying rows. In some cases, however, the metrics to be collected vary frequently and correspondingly the STable schema needs to be changed frequently too. In such case, it's more convenient to use single column data model.
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+sidebar_label: SQL
+title: Insert Using SQL
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import JavaSQL from "./_java_sql.mdx";
+import JavaStmt from "./_java_stmt.mdx";
+import PySQL from "./_py_sql.mdx";
+import PyStmt from "./_py_stmt.mdx";
+import GoSQL from "./_go_sql.mdx";
+import GoStmt from "./_go_stmt.mdx";
+import RustSQL from "./_rust_sql.mdx";
+import RustStmt from "./_rust_stmt.mdx";
+import NodeSQL from "./_js_sql.mdx";
+import NodeStmt from "./_js_stmt.mdx";
+import CsSQL from "./_cs_sql.mdx";
+import CsStmt from "./_cs_stmt.mdx";
+import CSQL from "./_c_sql.mdx";
+import CStmt from "./_c_stmt.mdx";
+## Introduction
+Application program can execute `INSERT` statement through connectors to insert rows. TAOS CLI can be launched manually to insert data too.
+### Insert Single Row
+Below SQL statement is used to insert one row into table "d1001".
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31);
+### Insert Multiple Rows
+Multiple rows can be inserted in single SQL statement. Below example inserts 2 rows into table "d1001".
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548684000, 10.2, 220, 0.23) (1538548696650, 10.3, 218, 0.25);
+### Insert into Multiple Tables
+Data can be inserted into multiple tables in same SQL statement. Below example inserts 2 rows into table "d1001" and 1 row into table "d1002".
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (1538548685000, 10.3, 219, 0.31) (1538548695000, 12.6, 218, 0.33) d1002 VALUES (1538548696800, 12.3, 221, 0.31);
+For more details about `INSERT` please refer to [INSERT](/taos-sql/insert).
+- Inserting in batch can gain better performance. Normally, the higher the batch size, the better the performance. Please be noted each single row can't exceed 16K bytes and each single SQL statement can't exceed 1M bytes.
+- Inserting with multiple threads can gain better performance too. However, depending on the system resources on the application side and the server side, with the number of inserting threads grows to a specific point, the performance may drop instead of growing. The proper number of threads need to be tested in a specific environment to find the best number.
+- If the timestamp for the row to be inserted already exists in the table, the behavior depends on the value of parameter `UPDATE`. If it's set to 0 (also the default value), the row will be discarded. If it's set to 1, the new values will override the old values for the same row.
+- The timestamp to be inserted must be newer than the timestamp of subtracting current time by the parameter `KEEP`. If `KEEP` is set to 3650 days, then the data older than 3650 days ago can't be inserted. The timestamp to be inserted can't be newer than the timestamp of current time plus parameter `DAYS`. If `DAYS` is set to 2, the data newer than 2 days later can't be inserted.
+## Examples
+### Insert Using SQL
+1. With either native connection or REST connection, the above samples can work well.
+2. Please be noted that `use db` can't be used with REST connection because REST connection is stateless, so in the samples `dbName.tbName` is used to specify the table name.
+### Insert with Parameter Binding
+TDengine also provides Prepare API that support parameter binding. Similar to MySQL, only `?` can be used in these APIs to represent the parameters to bind. From version and, parameter binding support for inserting data has been improved significantly to improve the insert performance by avoiding the cost of parsing SQL statements.
+Parameter binding is available only with native connection.
diff --git a/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/02-influxdb-line.mdx b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/02-influxdb-line.mdx
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+++ b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/02-influxdb-line.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+sidebar_label: InfluxDB Line Protocol
+title: InfluxDB Line Protocol
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import JavaLine from "./_java_line.mdx";
+import PyLine from "./_py_line.mdx";
+import GoLine from "./_go_line.mdx";
+import RustLine from "./_rust_line.mdx";
+import NodeLine from "./_js_line.mdx";
+import CsLine from "./_cs_line.mdx";
+import CLine from "./_c_line.mdx";
+## Introduction
+A single line of text is used in InfluxDB Line protocol format represents one row of data, each line contains 4 parts as shown below.
+measurement,tag_set field_set timestamp
+- `measurement` will be used as the STable name
+- `tag_set` will be used as tags, with format like `=,=`
+- `field_set`will be used as data columns, with format like `=,=`
+- `timestamp` is the primary key timestamp corresponding to this row of data
+For example:
+meters,location=Beijing.Haidian,groupid=2 current=13.4,voltage=223,phase=0.29 1648432611249500
+- All the data in `tag_set` will be converted to ncahr type automatically .
+- Each data in `field_set` must be self-description for its data type. For example 1.2f32 means a value 1.2 of float type, it will be treated as double without the "f" type suffix.
+- Multiple kinds of precision can be used for the `timestamp` field. Time precision can be from nanosecond (ns) to hour (h).
+For more details please refer to [InfluxDB Line Protocol](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.0/reference/syntax/line-protocol/) and [TDengine Schemaless](/reference/schemaless/#Schemaless-Line-Protocol)
+## Examples
diff --git a/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/03-opentsdb-telnet.mdx b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/03-opentsdb-telnet.mdx
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+++ b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/03-opentsdb-telnet.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+sidebar_label: OpenTSDB Line Protocol
+title: OpenTSDB Line Protocol
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import JavaTelnet from "./_java_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import PyTelnet from "./_py_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import GoTelnet from "./_go_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import RustTelnet from "./_rust_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import NodeTelnet from "./_js_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import CsTelnet from "./_cs_opts_telnet.mdx";
+import CTelnet from "./_c_opts_telnet.mdx";
+## Introduction
+A single line of text is used in OpenTSDB line protocol to represent one row of data. OpenTSDB employs single column data model, so one line can only contains single data column. There can be multiple tags. Each line contains 4 parts as below:
+=[ =]
+- `metric` will be used as STable name.
+- `timestamp` is the timestamp of current row of data. The time precision will be determined automatically based on the length of the timestamp. second and millisecond time precision are supported.\
+- `value` is a metric which must be a numeric value, the corresponding column name is "value".
+- The last part is tag sets separated by space, all tags will be converted to nchar type automatically.
+For example:
+meters.current 1648432611250 11.3 location=Beijing.Haidian groupid=3
+Please refer to [OpenTSDB Telnet API](http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/api_telnet/put.html) for more details.
+## Examples
+2 STables will be crated automatically while each STable has 4 rows of data in the above sample code.
+taos> use test;
+Database changed.
+taos> show STables;
+ name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
+ meters.current | 2022-03-30 17:04:10.877 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
+ meters.voltage | 2022-03-30 17:04:10.882 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002544s)
+taos> select tbname, * from `meters.current`;
+ tbname | ts | value | groupid | location |
+ t_0e7bcfa21a02331c06764f275... | 2022-03-28 09:56:51.249 | 10.800000000 | 3 | Beijing.Haidian |
+ t_0e7bcfa21a02331c06764f275... | 2022-03-28 09:56:51.250 | 11.300000000 | 3 | Beijing.Haidian |
+ t_7e7b26dd860280242c6492a16... | 2022-03-28 09:56:51.249 | 10.300000000 | 2 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+ t_7e7b26dd860280242c6492a16... | 2022-03-28 09:56:51.250 | 12.600000000 | 2 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+Query OK, 4 row(s) in set (0.005399s)
diff --git a/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/04-opentsdb-json.mdx b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/04-opentsdb-json.mdx
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+++ b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/04-opentsdb-json.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+sidebar_label: OpenTSDB JSON Protocol
+title: OpenTSDB JSON Protocol
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import JavaJson from "./_java_opts_json.mdx";
+import PyJson from "./_py_opts_json.mdx";
+import GoJson from "./_go_opts_json.mdx";
+import RustJson from "./_rust_opts_json.mdx";
+import NodeJson from "./_js_opts_json.mdx";
+import CsJson from "./_cs_opts_json.mdx";
+import CJson from "./_c_opts_json.mdx";
+## Introduction
+A JSON string is used in OpenTSDB JSON to represent one or more rows of data, for example:
+ {
+ "metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
+ "timestamp": 1346846400,
+ "value": 18,
+ "tags": {
+ "host": "web01",
+ "dc": "lga"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
+ "timestamp": 1346846400,
+ "value": 9,
+ "tags": {
+ "host": "web02",
+ "dc": "lga"
+ }
+ }
+Similar to OpenTSDB line protocol, `metric` will be used as the STable name, `timestamp` is the timestamp to be used, `value` represents the metric collected, `tags` are the tag sets.
+Please refer to [OpenTSDB HTTP API](http://opentsdb.net/docs/build/html/api_http/put.html) for more details.
+- In JSON protocol, strings will be converted to nchar type and numeric values will be converted to double type.
+- Only data in array format is accepted, array must be used even there is only one row.
+## Examples
+The above sample code will created 2 STables automatically while each STable has 2 rows of data.
+taos> use test;
+Database changed.
+taos> show STables;
+ name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
+ meters.current | 2022-03-29 16:05:25.193 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
+ meters.voltage | 2022-03-29 16:05:25.200 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001954s)
+taos> select * from `meters.current`;
+ ts | value | groupid | location |
+ 2022-03-28 09:56:51.249 | 10.300000000 | 2.000000000 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+ 2022-03-28 09:56:51.250 | 12.600000000 | 2.000000000 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.004076s)
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/line_example.c:main}}
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+++ b/docs-en/07-develop/03-insert-data/_c_opts_json.mdx
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/json_protocol_example.c:main}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/telnet_line_example.c:main}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/insert_example.c}}
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+```c title=Single Row Binding
+{{#include docs-examples/c/stmt_example.c}}
+```c title=Multiple Row Binding 72:117
+{{#include docs-examples/c/multi_bind_example.c}}
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+label: Insert Data
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+{{#include docs-examples/csharp/InfluxDBLineExample.cs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/go/insert/line/main.go}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/go/insert/telnet/main.go}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/go/insert/stmt/main.go}}
+`github.com/taosdata/driver-go/v2/wrapper` module in driver-go is the wrapper for C API, it can be used to insert data with parameter binding.
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/LineProtocolExample.java}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/JSONProtocolExample.java}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/TelnetLineProtocolExample.java}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/RestInsertExample.java:insert}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/StmtInsertExample.java}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/influxdb_line_example.js}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/opentsdb_json_example.js}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/opentsdb_telnet_example.js}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/insert_example.js}}
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+```js title=Single Row Binding
+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/param_bind_example.js}}
+```js title=Multiple Row Binding
+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/multi_bind_example.js:insertData}}
+Multiple row binding is better in performance than single row binding, but it can only be used with `INSERT` statement while single row binding can be used for other SQL statements besides `INSERT`.
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+{{#include docs-examples/python/line_protocol_example.py}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/python/json_protocol_example.py}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/python/telnet_line_protocol_example.py}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/python/native_insert_example.py}}
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+```py title=Single Row Binding
+{{#include docs-examples/python/bind_param_example.py}}
+```py title=Multiple Row Binding
+{{#include docs-examples/python/multi_bind_example.py:bind_batch}}
+Multiple row binding is better in performance than single row binding, but it can only be used with `INSERT` statement while single row binding can be used for other SQL statements besides `INSERT`.
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/schemalessexample/examples/influxdb_line_example.rs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/schemalessexample/examples/opentsdb_json_example.rs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/schemalessexample/examples/opentsdb_telnet_example.rs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/restexample/examples/insert_example.rs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/nativeexample/examples/stmt_example.rs}}
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+title: Insert
+TDengine supports multiple protocols of inserting data, including SQL, InfluxDB Line protocol, OpenTSDB Telnet protocol, OpenTSDB JSON protocol. Data can be inserted row by row, or in batch. Data from one or more collecting points can be inserted simultaneously. In the meantime, data can be inserted with multiple threads, out of order data and historical data can be inserted too. InfluxDB Line protocol, OpenTSDB Telnet protocol and OpenTSDB JSON protocol are the 3 kinds of schemaless insert protocols supported by TDengine. It's not necessary to create stable and table in advance if using schemaless protocols, and the schemas can be adjusted automatically according to the data to be inserted.
+import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
+import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
\ No newline at end of file
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/query_example.c}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/c/async_query_example.c:demo}}
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+label: Select Data
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+{{#include docs-examples/csharp/QueryExample.cs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/csharp/AsyncQueryExample.cs}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/go/query/sync/main.go}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/go/query/async/main.go}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/RestQueryExample.java}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/query_example.js}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/node/nativeexample/async_query_example.js}}
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+Result set is iterated row by row.
+{{#include docs-examples/python/query_example.py:iter}}
+Result set is retrieved as a whole, each row is converted to a dict and returned.
+{{#include docs-examples/python/query_example.py:fetch_all}}
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+{{#include docs-examples/python/async_query_example.py}}
+This sample code can't be run on Windows system for now.
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+{{#include docs-examples/rust/restexample/examples/query_example.rs}}
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+Sidebar_label: Select
+title: Select
+description: "This chapter introduces major query functionalities and how to perform sync and async query using connectors."
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import JavaQuery from "./_java.mdx";
+import PyQuery from "./_py.mdx";
+import GoQuery from "./_go.mdx";
+import RustQuery from "./_rust.mdx";
+import NodeQuery from "./_js.mdx";
+import CsQuery from "./_cs.mdx";
+import CQuery from "./_c.mdx";
+import PyAsync from "./_py_async.mdx";
+import NodeAsync from "./_js_async.mdx";
+import CsAsync from "./_cs_async.mdx";
+import CAsync from "./_c_async.mdx";
+## Introduction
+SQL is used by TDengine as the query language. Application programs can send SQL statements to TDengine through REST API or connectors. TDengine CLI `taos` can also be used to execute SQL Ad-Hoc query. Here is the list of major query functionalities supported by TDengine:
+- Query on single column or multiple columns
+- Filter on tags or data columns:>, <, =, <\>, like
+- Grouping of results: `Group By`
+- Sorting of results: `Order By`
+- Limit the number of results: `Limit/Offset`
+- Arithmetic on columns of numeric types or aggregate results
+- Join query with timestamp alignment
+- Aggregate functions: count, max, min, avg, sum, twa, stddev, leastsquares, top, bottom, first, last, percentile, apercentile, last_row, spread, diff
+For example, below SQL statement can be executed in TDengine CLI `taos` to select the rows whose voltage column is bigger than 215 and limit the output to only 2 rows.
+select * from d1001 where voltage > 215 order by ts desc limit 2;
+taos> select * from d1001 where voltage > 215 order by ts desc limit 2;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 | 221 | 0.31000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.60000 | 218 | 0.33000 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001100s)
+To meet the requirements in many use cases, some special functions have been added in TDengine, for example `twa` (Time Weighted Average), `spared` (The difference between the maximum and the minimum), `last_row` (the last row), more and more functions will be added to better perform in many use cases. Furthermore, continuous query is also supported in TDengine.
+For detailed query syntax please refer to [Select](/taos-sql/select).
+## Aggregation among Tables
+In many use cases, there are always multiple kinds of data collection points. A new concept, called STable (abbreviated for super table), is used in TDengine to represent a kind of data collection points, and a table is used to represent a specific data collection point. Tags are used by TDengine to represent the static properties of data collection points. A specific data collection point has its own values for static properties. By specifying filter conditions on tags, aggregation can be performed efficiently among all the subtables created via the same STable, i.e. same kind of data collection points, can be. Aggregate functions applicable for tables can be used directly on STables, syntax is exactly same.
+In summary, for a STable, its subtables can be aggregated by a simple query on STable, it's kind of join operation. But tables belong to different STables could not be aggregated.
+### Example 1
+In TDengine CLI `taos`, use below SQL to get the average voltage of all the meters in BeiJing grouped by location.
+taos> SELECT AVG(voltage) FROM meters GROUP BY location;
+ avg(voltage) | location |
+ 222.000000000 | Beijing.Haidian |
+ 219.200000000 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002136s)
+### Example 2
+In TDengine CLI `taos`, use below SQL to get the number of rows and the maximum current in the past 24 hours from meters whose groupId is 2.
+taos> SELECT count(*), max(current) FROM meters where groupId = 2 and ts > now - 24h;
+ cunt(*) | max(current) |
+ 5 | 13.4 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002136s)
+Join query is allowed between only the tables of same STable. In [Select](/taos-sql/select), all query operations are marked as whether it supports STable or not.
+## Down Sampling and Interpolation
+In IoT use cases, down sampling is widely used to aggregate the data by time range. `INTERVAL` keyword in TDengine can be used to simplify the query by time window. For example, below SQL statement can be used to get the sum of current every 10 seconds from meters table d1001.
+taos> SELECT sum(current) FROM d1001 INTERVAL(10s);
+ ts | sum(current) |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:00.000 | 10.300000191 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:10.000 | 24.900000572 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.000883s)
+Down sampling can also be used for STable. For example, below SQL statement can be used to get the sum of current from all meters in BeiJing.
+taos> SELECT SUM(current) FROM meters where location like "Beijing%" INTERVAL(1s);
+ ts | sum(current) |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:04.000 | 10.199999809 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 32.900000572 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:06.000 | 11.500000000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.600000381 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.000 | 36.000000000 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.001538s)
+Down sampling also supports time offset. For example, below SQL statement can be used to get the sum of current from all meters but each time window must start at the boundary of 500 milliseconds.
+taos> SELECT SUM(current) FROM meters INTERVAL(1s, 500a);
+ ts | sum(current) |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:04.500 | 11.189999809 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.500 | 31.900000572 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:06.500 | 11.600000000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.500 | 12.300000381 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.500 | 35.000000000 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.001521s)
+In many use cases, it's hard to align the timestamp of the data collected by each collection point. However, a lot of algorithms like FFT require the data to be aligned with same time interval and application programs have to handle by themselves in many systems. In TDengine, it's easy to achieve the alignment using down sampling.
+Interpolation can be performed in TDengine if there is no data in a time range.
+For more details please refer to [Aggregate by Window](/taos-sql/interval).
+## Examples
+### Query
+In the section describing [Insert](/develop/insert-data/sql-writing), a database named `power` is created and some data are inserted into STable `meters`. Below sample code demonstrates how to query the data in this STable.
+1. With either REST connection or native connection, the above sample code work well.
+2. Please be noted that `use db` can't be used in case of REST connection because it's stateless.
+### Asynchronous Query
+Besides synchronous query, asynchronous query API is also provided by TDengine to insert or query data more efficiently. With similar hardware and software environment, async API is 2~4 times faster than sync APIs. Async API works in non-blocking mode, which means an operation can be returned without finishing so that the calling thread can switch to other works to improve the performance of the whole application system. Async APIs perform especially better in case of poor network.
+Please be noted that async query can only be used with native connection.
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+sidebar_label: Continuous Query
+description: "Continuous query is a query that's executed automatically according to predefined frequency to provide aggregate query capability by time window, it's actually a simplified time driven stream computing."
+title: "Continuous Query"
+Continuous query is a query that's executed automatically according to predefined frequency to provide aggregate query capability by time window, it's actually a simplified time driven stream computing. Continuous query can be performed on a table or STable in TDengine. The result of continuous query can be pushed to client or written back to TDengine. Each query is executed on a time window, which moves forward with time. The size of time window and the forward sliding time need to be specified with parameter `INTERVAL` and `SLIDING` respectively.
+Continuous query in TDengine is time driven, and can be defined using TAOS SQL directly without any extra operations. With continuous query, the result can be generated according to time window to achieve down sampling of original data. Once a continuous query is defined using TAOS SQL, the query is automatically executed at the end of each time window and the result is pushed back to client or written to TDengine.
+There are some differences between continuous query in TDengine and time window computation in stream computing:
+- The computation is performed and the result is returned in real time in stream computing, but the computation in continuous query is only started when a time window closes. For example, if the time window is 1 day, then the result will only be generated at 23:59:59.
+- If a historical data row is written in to a time widow for which the computation has been finished, the computation will not be performed again and the result will not be pushed to client again either. If the result has been written into TDengine, there will be no update for the result.
+- In continuous query, if the result is pushed to client, the client status is not cached on the server side and Exactly-once is not guaranteed by the server either. If the client program crashes, a new time window will be generated from the time where the continuous query is restarted. If the result is written into TDengine, the data written into TDengine can be guaranteed as valid and continuous.
+## Syntax
+[CREATE TABLE AS] SELECT select_expr [, select_expr ...]
+ FROM {tb_name_list}
+ [WHERE where_condition]
+ [INTERVAL(interval_val [, interval_offset]) [SLIDING sliding_val]]
+INTERVAL: The time window for which continuous query is performed
+SLIDING: The time step for which the time window moves forward each time
+## How to Use
+In this section the use case of meters will be used to introduce how to use continuous query. Assume the STable and sub tables have been created using below SQL statement.
+create table meters (ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase float) tags (location binary(64), groupId int);
+create table D1001 using meters tags ("Beijing.Chaoyang", 2);
+create table D1002 using meters tags ("Beijing.Haidian", 2);
+The average voltage for each time window of one minute with 30 seconds as the length of moving forward can be retrieved using below SQL statement.
+select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s);
+Whenever the above SQL statement is executed, all the existing data will be computed again. If the computation needs to be performed every 30 seconds automatically to compute on the data in the past one minute, the above SQL statement needs to be revised as below, in which `{startTime}` stands for the beginning timestamp in the latest time window.
+select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > {startTime} interval(1m) sliding(30s);
+Another easier way for same purpose is prepend `create table {tableName} as` before the `select`.
+create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s);
+A table named as `avg_vol` will be created automatically, then every 30 seconds the `select` statement will be executed automatically on the data in the past 1 minutes, i.e. the latest time window, and the result is written into table `avg_vol`. The client program just needs to query from table `avg_vol`. For example:
+taos> select * from avg_vol;
+ ts | avg_voltage_ |
+ 2020-07-29 13:37:30.000 | 222.0000000 |
+ 2020-07-29 13:38:00.000 | 221.3500000 |
+ 2020-07-29 13:38:30.000 | 220.1700000 |
+ 2020-07-29 13:39:00.000 | 223.0800000 |
+Please be noted that the minimum allowed time window is 10 milliseconds, and no upper limit.
+Besides, it's allowed to specify the start and end time of continuous query. If the start time is not specified, the timestamp of the first original row will be considered as the start time; if the end time is not specified, the continuous will be performed infinitely, otherwise it will be terminated once the end time is reached. For example, the continuous query in below SQL statement will be started from now and terminated one hour later.
+create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > now and ts <= now + 1h interval(1m) sliding(30s);
+`now` in above SQL statement stands for the time when the continuous query is created, not the time when the computation is actually performed. Besides, to avoid the trouble caused by the delay of original data as much as possible, the actual computation in continuous query is also started with a little delay. That means, once a time window closes, the computation is not started immediately. Normally, the result can only be available a little time later, normally within one minute, after the time window closes.
+## How to Manage
+`show streams` command can be used in TDengine CLI `taos` to show all the continuous queries in the system, and `kill stream` can be used to terminate a continuous query.
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+sidebar_label: Subscription
+description: "Lightweight service for data subscription and pushing, the time series data inserted into TDengine continuously can be pushed automatically to the subscribing clients."
+title: Data Subscription
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import Java from "./_sub_java.mdx";
+import Python from "./_sub_python.mdx";
+import Go from "./_sub_go.mdx";
+import Rust from "./_sub_rust.mdx";
+import Node from "./_sub_node.mdx";
+import CSharp from "./_sub_cs.mdx";
+import CDemo from "./_sub_c.mdx";
+## Introduction
+According to the time series nature of the data, data inserting in TDengine is similar to data publishing in message queues, they both can be considered as a new data record with timestamp is inserted into the system. Data is stored in ascending order of timestamp inside TDengine, so essentially each table in TDengine can be considered as a message queue.
+Lightweight service for data subscription and pushing is built in TDengine. With the API provided by TDengine, client programs can used `select` statement to subscribe the data from one or more tables. The subscription and and state maintenance is performed on the client side, the client programs polls the server to check whether there is new data, and if so the new data will be pushed back to the client side. If the client program is restarted, where to start for retrieving new data is up to the client side.
+There are 3 major APIs related to subscription provided in the TDengine client driver.
+For more details about these API please refer to [C/C++ Connector](/reference/connector/cpp). Their usage will be introduced below using the use case of meters, in which the schema of STable and sub tables please refer to the previous section "continuous query". Full sample code can be found [here](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/master/examples/c/subscribe.c).
+If we want to get notification and take some actions if the current exceeds a threshold, like 10A, from some meters, there are two ways:
+The first way is to query on each sub table and record the last timestamp matching the criteria, then after some time query on the data later than recorded timestamp and repeat this process. The SQL statements for this way are as below.
+select * from D1001 where ts > {last_timestamp1} and current > 10;
+select * from D1002 where ts > {last_timestamp2} and current > 10;
+The above way works, but the problem is that the number of `select` statements increases with the number of meters grows. Finally the performance of both client side and server side will be unacceptable once the number of meters grows to a big enough number.
+A better way is to query on the STable, only one `select` is enough regardless of the number of meters, like below:
+select * from meters where ts > {last_timestamp} and current > 10;
+However, how to choose `last_timestamp` becomes a new problem if using this way. Firstly, the timestamp when the data is generated is different from the timestamp when the data is inserted into the database, sometimes the difference between them may be very big. Secondly, the time when the data from different meters may arrives at the database may be different too. If the timestamp of the "slowest" meter is used as `last_timestamp` in the query, the data from other meters may be selected repeatedly; but if the timestamp of the "fasted" meters is used as `last_timestamp`, some data from other meters may be missed.
+All the problems mentioned above can be resolved thoroughly using subscription provided by TDengine.
+The first step is to create subscription using `taos_subscribe`.
+TAOS_SUB* tsub = NULL;
+if (async) {
+ // create an asynchronous subscription, the callback function will be called every 1s
+ tsub = taos_subscribe(taos, restart, topic, sql, subscribe_callback, &blockFetch, 1000);
+} else {
+ // create an synchronous subscription, need to call 'taos_consume' manually
+ tsub = taos_subscribe(taos, restart, topic, sql, NULL, NULL, 0);
+The subscription in TDengine can be either synchronous or asynchronous. In the above sample code, the value of variable `async` is determined from the CLI input, then it's used to create either an async or sync subscription. Sync subscription means the client program needs to invoke `taos_consume` to retrieve data, and async subscription means another thread created by `taos_subscribe` internally invokes `taos_consume` to retrieve data and pass the data to `subscribe_callback` for processing, `subscribe_callback` is a call back function provided by the client program and it's suggested not to do time consuming operation in the call back function.
+The parameter `taos` is an established connection. There is nothing special in sync subscription mode. In async subscription, it should be exclusively by current thread, otherwise unpredictable error may occur.
+The parameter `sql` is a `select` statement in which `where` clause can be used to specify filter conditions. In our example, the data whose current exceeds 10A needs to be subscribed like below SQL statement:
+select * from meters where current > 10;
+Please be noted that, all the data will be processed because no start time is specified. If only the data from one day ago needs to be processed, a time related condition can be added:
+select * from meters where ts > now - 1d and current > 10;
+The parameter `topic` is the name of the subscription, it needs to be guaranteed unique in the client program, but it's not necessary to be globally unique because subscription is implemented in the APIs on client side.
+If the subscription named as `topic` doesn't exist, parameter `restart` would be ignored. If the subscription named as `topic` has been created before by the client program which then exited, when the client program is restarted to use this `topic`, parameter `restart` is used to determine retrieving data from beginning or from the last point where the subscription was broken. If the value of `restart` is **true** (i.e. a non-zero value), the data will be retrieved from beginning, or if it is **false** (i.e. zero), the data already consumed before will not be processed again.
+The last parameter of `taos_subscribe` is the polling interval in unit of millisecond. In sync mode, if the time difference between two continuous invocations to `taos_consume` is smaller than the interval specified by `taos_subscribe`, `taos_consume` would be blocked until the interval is reached. In async mode, this interval is the minimum interval between two invocations to the call back function.
+The last second parameter of `taos_subscribe` is used to pass arguments to the call back function. `taos_subscribe` doesn't process this parameter and simply passes it to the call back function. This parameter is simply ignored in sync mode.
+After a subscription is created, its data can be consumed and processed, below is the sample code of how to consume data in sync mode, in the else part if `if (async)`.
+if (async) {
+ getchar();
+} else while(1) {
+ TAOS_RES* res = taos_consume(tsub);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ printf("failed to consume data.");
+ break;
+ } else {
+ print_result(res, blockFetch);
+ getchar();
+ }
+In the above sample code, there is an infinite loop, each time carriage return is entered `taos_consume` is invoked, the return value of `taos_consume` is the selected result set, exactly as the input of `taos_use_result`, in the above sample `print_result` is used instead to simplify the sample. Below is the implementation of `print_result`.
+void print_result(TAOS_RES* res, int blockFetch) {
+ TAOS_ROW row = NULL;
+ int num_fields = taos_num_fields(res);
+ TAOS_FIELD* fields = taos_fetch_fields(res);
+ int nRows = 0;
+ if (blockFetch) {
+ nRows = taos_fetch_block(res, &row);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
+ char temp[256];
+ taos_print_row(temp, row + i, fields, num_fields);
+ puts(temp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ((row = taos_fetch_row(res))) {
+ char temp[256];
+ taos_print_row(temp, row, fields, num_fields);
+ puts(temp);
+ nRows++;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("%d rows consumed.\n", nRows);
+In the above code `taos_print_row` is used to process the data consumed. All the matching rows will be printed.
+In async mode, the data consuming is simpler as below.
+void subscribe_callback(TAOS_SUB* tsub, TAOS_RES *res, void* param, int code) {
+ print_result(res, *(int*)param);
+`taos_unsubscribe` can be invoked to terminate a subscription.
+taos_unsubscribe(tsub, keep);
+The second parameter `keep` is used to specify whether to keep the subscription progress on the client sde. If it is **false**, i.e. **0**, then subscription will be restarted from beginning regardless of the `restart` parameter's value in when `taos_subscribe` is invoked again. The subscription progress information is stored in _{DataDir}/subscribe/_ , under which there is a file with same name as `topic` for each subscription, the subscription will be restarted from beginning if the corresponding progress file is removed.
+Now let's see the effect of the above sample code, assuming below prerequisites have been done.
+- The sample code has been downloaded to local system
+- TDengine has been installed and launched properly on same system
+- The database, STable, sub tables required in the sample code have been ready
+It's ready to launch below command in the directory where the sample code resides to compile and start the program.
+./subscribe -sql='select * from meters where current > 10;'
+After the program is started, open another terminal and launch TDengine CLI `taos`, then use below SQL commands to insert a row whose current is 12A into table **D1001**.
+use test;
+insert into D1001 values(now, 12, 220, 1);
+Then, this row of data will be shown by the example program on the first terminal because its current exceeds 10A. More data can be inserted for you to observe the output of the example program.
+## Examples
+Below example program demonstrates how to subscribe the data rows whose current exceeds 10A using connectors.
+### Prepare Data
+# create database "power"
+taos> create database power;
+# use "power" as the database in following operations
+taos> use power;
+# create super table "meters"
+taos> create table meters(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase int) tags(location binary(64), groupId int);
+# create tabes using the schema defined by super table "meters"
+taos> create table d1001 using meters tags ("Beijing.Chaoyang", 2);
+taos> create table d1002 using meters tags ("Beijing.Haidian", 2);
+# insert some rows
+taos> insert into d1001 values("2020-08-15 12:00:00.000", 12, 220, 1),("2020-08-15 12:10:00.000", 12.3, 220, 2),("2020-08-15 12:20:00.000", 12.2, 220, 1);
+taos> insert into d1002 values("2020-08-15 12:00:00.000", 9.9, 220, 1),("2020-08-15 12:10:00.000", 10.3, 220, 1),("2020-08-15 12:20:00.000", 11.2, 220, 1);
+# filter out the rows in which current is bigger than 10A
+taos> select * from meters where current > 10;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase | location | groupid |
+ 2020-08-15 12:10:00.000 | 10.30000 | 220 | 1 | Beijing.Haidian | 2 |
+ 2020-08-15 12:20:00.000 | 11.20000 | 220 | 1 | Beijing.Haidian | 2 |
+ 2020-08-15 12:00:00.000 | 12.00000 | 220 | 1 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+ 2020-08-15 12:10:00.000 | 12.30000 | 220 | 2 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+ 2020-08-15 12:20:00.000 | 12.20000 | 220 | 1 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.004896s)
+### Example Programs
+ {/*
+ */}
+ {/*
+ */}
+### Run the Examples
+The example programs firstly consume all historical data matching the criteria.
+ts: 1597464000000 current: 12.0 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Chaoyang groupid : 2
+ts: 1597464600000 current: 12.3 voltage: 220 phase: 2 location: Beijing.Chaoyang groupid : 2
+ts: 1597465200000 current: 12.2 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Chaoyang groupid : 2
+ts: 1597464600000 current: 10.3 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Haidian groupid : 2
+ts: 1597465200000 current: 11.2 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Haidian groupid : 2
+Next, use TDengine CLI to insert a new row.
+# taos
+taos> use power;
+taos> insert into d1001 values(now, 12.4, 220, 1);
+Because the current in inserted row exceeds 10A, it will be consumed by the example program.
+ts: 1651146662805 current: 12.4 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Chaoyang groupid: 2
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+sidebar_label: Cache
+title: Cache
+description: "The latest row of each table is kept in cache to provide high performance query of latest state."
+The cache management policy in TDengine is First-In-First-Out (FIFO), which is also known as insert driven cache management policy and different from read driven cache management, i.e. Least-Recent-Used (LRU). It simply stores the latest data in cache and flushes the oldest data in cache to disk when the cache usage reaches a threshold. In IoT use cases, the most cared about data is the latest data, i.e. current state. The cache policy in TDengine is based the nature of IoT data.
+Caching the latest data provides the capability of retrieving data in milliseconds. With this capability, TDengine can be configured properly to be used as caching system without deploying another separate caching system to simplify the system architecture and minimize the operation cost. The cache will be emptied after TDengine is restarted, TDengine doesn't reload data from disk into cache like a real key-value caching system.
+The memory space used by TDengine cache is fixed in size, according to the configuration based on application requirement and system resources. Independent memory pool is allocated for and managed by each vnode (virtual node) in TDengine, there is no sharing of memory pools between vnodes. All the tables belonging to a vnode share all the cache memory of the vnode.
+Memory pool is divided into blocks and data is stored in row format in memory and each block follows FIFO policy. The size of each block is determined by configuration parameter `cache`, the number of blocks for each vnode is determined by `blocks`. For each vnode, the total cache size is `cache * blocks`. It's better to set the size of each block to hold at least tends of rows.
+`last_row` function can be used to retrieve the last row of a table or a STable to quickly show the current state of devices on monitoring screen. For example below SQL statement retrieves the latest voltage of all meters in Chaoyang district of Beijing.
+select last_row(voltage) from meters where location='Beijing.Chaoyang';
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+sidebar_label: UDF
+title: User Defined Functions
+description: "Scalar functions and aggregate functions developed by users can be utilized by the query framework to expand the query capability"
+In some use cases, the query capability required by application programs can't be achieved directly by builtin functions. With UDF, the functions developed by users can be utilized by query framework to meet some special requirements. UDF normally takes one column of data as input, but can also support the result of sub query as input.
+From version, UDF programmed in C/C++ language can be supported by TDengine.
+Two kinds of functions can be implemented by UDF: scalar function and aggregate function.
+## Define UDF
+### Scalar Function
+Below function template can be used to define your own scalar function.
+`void udfNormalFunc(char* data, short itype, short ibytes, int numOfRows, long long* ts, char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, char* tsOutput, int* numOfOutput, short otype, short obytes, SUdfInit* buf)`
+`udfNormalFunc` is the place holder of function name, a function implemented based on the above template can be used to perform scalar computation on data rows. The parameters are fixed to control the data exchange between UDF and TDengine.
+- Definitions of the parameters:
+ - data:input data
+ - itype:the type of input data, for details please refer to [type definition in column_meta](/reference/rest-api/), for example 4 represents INT
+ - iBytes:the number of bytes consumed by each value in the input data
+ - oType:the type of output data, similar to iType
+ - oBytes:the number of bytes consumed by each value in the output data
+ - numOfRows:the number of rows in the input data
+ - ts: the column of timestamp corresponding to the input data
+ - dataOutput:the buffer for output data, total size is `oBytes * numberOfRows`
+ - interBuf:the buffer for intermediate result, its size is specified by `BUFSIZE` parameter when creating a UDF. It's normally used when the intermediate result is not same as the final result, it's allocated and freed by TDengine.
+ - tsOutput:the column of timestamps corresponding to the output data; it can be used to output timestamp together with the output data if it's not NULL
+ - numOfOutput:the number of rows in output data
+ - buf:for the state exchange between UDF and TDengine
+ [add_one.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/add_one.c) is one example of the simplest UDF implementations, i.e. one instance of the above `udfNormalFunc` template. It adds one to each value of a column passed in which can be filtered using `where` clause and outputs the result.
+### Aggregate Function
+Below function template can be used to define your own aggregate function.
+`void abs_max_merge(char* data, int32_t numOfRows, char* dataOutput, int32_t* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf)`
+`udfMergeFunc` is the place holder of function name, the function implemented with the above template is used to aggregate the intermediate result, only can be used in the aggregate query for STable.
+Definitions of the parameters:
+- data:array of output data, if interBuf is used it's an array of interBuf
+- numOfRows:number of rows in `data`
+- dataOutput:the buffer for output data, the size is same as that of the final result; If the result is not final, it can be put in the interBuf, i.e. `data`.
+- numOfOutput:number of rows in the output data
+- buf:for the state exchange between UDF and TDengine
+[abs_max.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/abs_max.c) is an user defined aggregate function to get the maximum from the absolute value of a column.
+The internal processing is that the data affected by the select statement will be divided into multiple row blocks and `udfNormalFunc`, i.e. `abs_max` in this case, is performed on each row block to generate the intermediate of each sub table, then `udfMergeFunc`, i.e. `abs_max_merge` in this case, is performed on the intermediate result of sub tables to aggregate to generate the final or intermediate result of STable. The intermediate result of STable is finally processed by `udfFinalizeFunc` to generate the final result, which contain either 0 or 1 row.
+Other typical scenarios, like covariance, can also be achieved by aggregate UDF.
+### Finalize
+Below function template can be used to finalize the result of your own UDF, normally used when interBuf is used.
+`void abs_max_finalize(char* dataOutput, char* interBuf, int* numOfOutput, SUdfInit* buf)`
+`udfFinalizeFunc` is the place holder of function name, definitions of the parameter are as below:
+- dataOutput:buffer for output data
+- interBuf:buffer for intermediate result, can be used as input for next processing step
+- numOfOutput:number of output data, can only be 0 or 1 for aggregate function
+- buf:for state exchange between UDF and TDengine
+## UDF Conventions
+The naming of 3 kinds of UDF, i.e. udfNormalFunc, udfMergeFunc, and udfFinalizeFunc is required to have same prefix, i.e. the actual name of udfNormalFunc, which means udfNormalFunc doesn't need a suffix following the function name. While udfMergeFunc should be udfNormalFunc followed by `_merge`, udfFinalizeFunc should be udfNormalFunc followed by `_finalize`. The naming convention is part of UDF framework, TDengine follows this convention to invoke corresponding actual functions.\
+According to the kind of UDF to implement, the functions that need to be implemented are different.
+- Scalar function:udfNormalFunc is required
+- Aggregate function:udfNormalFunc, udfMergeFunc (if query on STable) and udfFinalizeFunc are required
+To be more accurate, assuming we want to implement a UDF named "foo". If the function is a scalar function, what we really need to implement is `foo`; if the function is aggregate function, we need to implement `foo`, `foo_merge`, and `foo_finalize`. For aggregate UDF, even though one of the three functions is not necessary, there must be an empty implementation.
+## Compile UDF
+The source code of UDF in C can't be utilized by TDengine directly. UDF can only be loaded into TDengine after compiling to dynamically linked library.
+For example, the example UDF `add_one.c` mentioned in previous sections need to be compiled into DLL using below command on Linux Shell.
+gcc -g -O0 -fPIC -shared add_one.c -o add_one.so
+The generated DLL file `dd_one.so` can be used later when creating UDF. It's recommended to use GCC not older than 7.5.
+## Create and Use UDF
+### Create UDF
+SQL command can be executed on the same hos where the generated UDF DLL resides to load the UDF DLL into TDengine, this operation can't be done through REST interface or web console. Once created, all the clients of the current TDengine can use these UDF functions in their SQL commands. UDF are stored in the management node of TDengine. The UDFs loaded in TDengine would be still available after TDengine is restarted.
+When creating UDF, it needs to be clarified as either scalar function or aggregate function. If the specified type is wrong, the SQL statements using the function would fail with error. Besides, the input type and output type don't need to be same in UDF, but the input data type and output data type need to be consistent with the UDF definition.
+- Create Scalar Function
+- ids(X):the function name to be sued in SQL statement, must be consistent with the function name defined by `udfNormalFunc`
+- ids(Y):the absolute path of the DLL file including the implementation of the UDF, the path needs to be quoted by single or double quotes
+- typename(Z):the output data type, the value is the literal string of the type
+- B:the size of intermediate buffer, in bytes; it's an optional parameter and the range is [0,512]
+For example, below SQL statement can be used to create a UDF from `add_one.so`.
+CREATE FUNCTION add_one AS "/home/taos/udf_example/add_one.so" OUTPUTTYPE INT;
+- Create Aggregate Function
+- ids(X):the function name to be sued in SQL statement, must be consistent with the function name defined by `udfNormalFunc`
+- ids(Y):the absolute path of the DLL file including the implementation of the UDF, the path needs to be quoted by single or double quotes
+- typename(Z):the output data type, the value is the literal string of the type
+- B:the size of intermediate buffer, in bytes; it's an optional parameter and the range is [0,512]
+For details about how to use intermediate result, please refer to example program [demo.c](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/demo.c).
+For example, below SQL statement can be used to create a UDF rom `demo.so`.
+CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION demo AS "/home/taos/udf_example/demo.so" OUTPUTTYPE DOUBLE bufsize 14;
+### Manage UDF
+- Delete UDF
+- ids(X):same as that in `CREATE FUNCTION` statement
+- Show Available UDF
+### Use UDF
+The function name specified when creating UDF can be used directly in SQL statements, just like builtin functions.
+SELECT X(c) FROM table/STable;
+The above SQL statement invokes function X for column c.
+## Restrictions for UDF
+In current version there are some restrictions for UDF
+1. Only Linux is supported when creating and invoking UDF for both client side and server side
+2. UDF can't be mixed with builtin functions
+3. Only one UDF can be used in a SQL statement
+4. Single column is supported as input for UDF
+5. Once created successfully, UDF is persisted in MNode of TDengineUDF
+6. UDF can't be created through REST interface
+7. The function name used when creating UDF in SQL must be consistent with the function name defined in the DLL, i.e. the name defined by `udfNormalFunc`
+8. The name name of UDF name should not conflict with any of builtin functions
+## Examples
+### Scalar function example [add_one](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/add_one.c)
+{{#include tests/script/sh/add_one.c}}
+### Aggregate function example [abs_max](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/abs_max.c)
+{{#include tests/script/sh/abs_max.c}}
+### Example for using intermediate result [demo](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/blob/develop/tests/script/sh/demo.c)
+{{#include tests/script/sh/demo.c}}
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+label: Developer Guide
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+{{#include docs-examples/java/src/main/java/com/taos/example/SubscribeDemo.java}}
+For now Java connector doesn't provide asynchronous subscription, but `TimerTask` can be used to achieve similar purpose.
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+title: Developer Guide
+To develop an application using TDengine to process time-series data, we recommend taking the following steps:
+1. Choose the way for connection to TDengine. No matter what programming language you use, you can always use the REST interface to access TDengine, but you can also use connectors unique to each programming language.
+2. Design the data model based on your own application scenarios. Learn the [concepts](/concept/) of TDengine including "one table for one data collection point" and the "super table" concept; learn about static labels, collected metrics, and subtables. According to the data characteristics, you may decide to create one or more databases, and you should design the STable schema to fit your data.
+3. Decide how to insert data. TDengine supports writing using standard SQL, but also supports schemaless writing, so that data can be written directly without creating tables manually.
+4. Based on business requirements, find out what SQL query statements need to be written.
+5. If you want to run real-time analysis based on time series data, including various dashboards, it is recommended that you use the TDengine continuous query feature instead of deploying complex streaming processing systems such as Spark or Flink.
+6. If your application has modules that need to consume inserted data, and they need to be notified when new data is inserted, it is recommended that you use the data subscription function provided by TDengine without the need to deploy Kafka.
+7. In many scenarios (such as fleet management), the application needs to obtain the latest status of each data collection point. It is recommended that you use the cache function of TDengine instead of deploying Redis separately.
+8. If you find that the SQL functions of TDengine cannot meet your requirements, then you can use user-defined functions to solve the problem.
+This section is organized in the order described above. For ease of understanding, TDengine provides sample code for each supported programming language for each function. If you want to learn more about the use of SQL, please read the [SQL manual](/taos-sql/). For a more in-depth understanding of the use of each connector, please read the [Connector Reference Guide](/reference/connector/). If you also want to integrate TDengine with third-party systems, such as Grafana, please refer to the [third-party tools](/third-party/).
+If you encounter any problems during the development process, please click ["Submit an issue"](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/issues/new/choose) at the bottom of each page and submit it on GitHub right away.
+import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
+import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
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+title: Deployment
+## Prerequisites
+### Step 1
+The FQDN of all hosts need to be setup properly, all the FQDNs need to be configured in the /etc/hosts of each host. It must be guaranteed that each FQDN can be accessed (by ping, for example) from any other hosts.
+On each host command `hostname -f` can be executed to get the hostname. `ping` command can be executed on each host to check whether any other host is accessible from it. If any host is not accessible, the network configuration, like /etc/hosts or DNS configuration, need to be checked and revised to make any two hosts accessible to each other.
+- The host where the client program runs also needs to configured properly for FQDN, to make sure all hosts for client or server can be accessed from any other. In other words, the hosts where the client is running are also considered as a part of the cluster.
+- It's suggested to disable the firewall for all hosts in the cluster. At least TCP/UDP for port 6030~6042 need to be open if firewall is enabled.
+### Step 2
+If any previous version of TDengine has been installed and configured on any host, the installation needs to be removed and the data needs to be cleaned up. For details about uninstalling please refer to [Install and Uninstall](/operation/pkg-install). To clean up the data, please use `rm -rf /var/lib/taos/\*` assuming the `dataDir` is configured as `/var/lib/taos`.
+### Step 3
+Now it's time to install TDengine on all hosts without starting `taosd`, the versions on all hosts should be same. If it's prompted to input the existing TDengine cluster, simply press carriage return to ignore it. `install.sh -e no` can also be used to disable this prompt. For details please refer to [Install and Uninstall](/operation/pkg-install).
+### Step 4
+Now each physical node (referred to as `dnode` hereinafter, it's abbreviation for "data node") of TDengine need to be configured properly. Please be noted that one dnode doesn't stand for one host, multiple TDengine nodes can be started on single host as long as they are configured properly without conflicting. More specifically each instance of the configuration file `taos.cfg` stands for a dnode. Assuming the first dnode of TDengine cluster is "h1.taosdata.com:6030", its `taos.cfg` is configured as following.
+// firstEp is the end point to connect to when any dnode starts
+firstEp h1.taosdata.com:6030
+// must be configured to the FQDN of the host where the dnode is launched
+fqdn h1.taosdata.com
+// the port used by the dnode, default is 6030
+serverPort 6030
+// only necessary when replica is configured to an even number
+#arbitrator ha.taosdata.com:6042
+`firstEp` and `fqdn` must be configured properly. In `taos.cfg` of all dnodes in TDengine cluster, `firstEp` must be configured to point to same address, i.e. the first dnode of the cluster. `fqdn` and `serverPort` compose the address of each node itself. If you want to start multiple TDengine dnodes on a single host, please also make sure all other configurations like `dataDir`, `logDir`, and other resources related parameters are not conflicting.
+For all the dnodes in a TDengine cluster, below parameters must be configured as exactly same, any node whose configuration is different from dnodes already in the cluster can't join the cluster.
+| **#** | **Parameter** | **Definition** |
+| ----- | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| 1 | numOfMnodes | The number of management nodes in the cluster |
+| 2 | mnodeEqualVnodeNum | The ratio of resource consuming of mnode to vnode |
+| 3 | offlineThreshold | The threshold of dnode offline, once it's reached the dnode is considered as down |
+| 4 | statusInterval | The interval by which dnode reports its status to mnode |
+| 5 | arbitrator | End point of the arbitrator component in the cluster |
+| 6 | timezone | Timezone |
+| 7 | balance | Enable load balance automatically |
+| 8 | maxTablesPerVnode | Maximum number of tables that can be created in each vnode |
+| 9 | maxVgroupsPerDb | Maximum number vgroups that can be used by each DB |
+Prior to version, besides the above parameters, `locale` and `charset` must be configured as same too for each dnode.
+## Start Cluster
+### Start The First DNODE
+The first dnode can be started following the instructions in [Get Started](/get-started/), for example h1.taosdata.com. Then TDengine CLI `taos` can be launched to execute command `show dnodes`, the output is as following for example:
+Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
+Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time |
+ 1 | h1.taos.com:6030 | 0 | 2 | ready | any | 2020-07-31 03:49:29.202 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.006385s)
+From the above output, it is shown that the end point of the started dnode is "h1.taos.com:6030", which is the `firstEp` of the cluster.
+### Start Other DNODEs
+There are a few steps necessary to add other dnodes in the cluster.
+Firstly, start `taosd` as instructed in [Get Started](/get-started/), assuming it's for the second dnode. Before starting `taosd`, please making sure the configuration is correct, especially `firstEp`, `FQDN` and `serverPort`, `firstEp` must be same as the dnode shown in the section "Start First DNODE", i.e. "h1.taosdata.com" in this example.
+Then, on the first dnode, use TDengine CLI `taos` to execute below command to add the end point of the dnode in the cluster. In the command "fqdn:port" should be quoted using double quotes.
+CREATE DNODE "h2.taos.com:6030";
+Then on the first dnode, execute `show dnodes` in `taos` to show whether the second dnode has been added in the cluster successfully or not.
+If the status of the newly added dnode is offline, please check:
+- Whether the `taosd` process is running properly or not
+- In the log file `taosdlog.0` to see whether the fqdn and port are correct or not
+The above process can be repeated to add more dnodes in the cluster.
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+sidebar_label: Operation
+title: Manage DNODEs
+It has been introduced that how to deploy and start a cluster from scratch. Once a cluster is ready, the dnode status in the cluster can be shown at any time, new dnode can be added to scale out the cluster, an existing dnode can be removed, even load balance can be performed manually.\
+All the commands to be introduced in this chapter need to be run through TDengine CLI, sometimes it's necessary to use root privilege.
+## Show DNODEs
+below command can be executed in TDengine CLI `taos` to list all dnodes in the cluster, including ID, end point (fqdn:port), status (ready, offline), number of vnodes, number of free vnodes, etc. It's suggested to execute this command to check after adding or removing a dnode.
+Below is the example output of this command.
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 9 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.008298s)
+## Show VGROUPs
+To utilize system resources efficiently and provide scalability, data sharding is required. The data of each database is divided into multiple shards and stored in multiple vnodes. These vnodes may be located in different dnodes, scaling out can be achieved by adding more vnodes from more dnodes. Each vnode can only be used for a single DB, but one DB can have multiple vnodes. The allocation of vnode is scheduled automatically by mnode according to system resources of the dnodes.
+Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute below command:
+The example output is as below:
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 9 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.008298s)
+taos> use db;
+Database changed.
+taos> show vgroups;
+ vgId | tables | status | onlines | v1_dnode | v1_status | compacting |
+ 14 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 15 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 16 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 17 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 18 | 37001 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 19 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 20 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 21 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.001154s)
+## Add DNODE
+Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute the command below to add the end point of a new dnode into the EPI (end point) list of the cluster. "fqdn:port" must be quoted using double quotes.
+CREATE DNODE "fqdn:port";
+The example output is as below:
+taos> create dnode "localhost:7030";
+Query OK, 0 of 0 row(s) in database (0.008203s)
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 9 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+ 2 | localhost:7030 | 0 | 0 | offline | any | 2022-04-19 08:11:42.158 | status not received |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001017s)
+It can be seen that the status of the new dnode is "offline", once the dnode is started and connects the firstEp of the cluster, execute the command again and get below example output, from which it can be seen that two dnodes are both in "ready" status.
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 3 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+ 2 | localhost:7030 | 6 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-19 08:14:59.165 | |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001316s)
+## Drop DNODE
+Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute the command below to drop or remove a dnode from the cluster. In the command, `dnodeId` can be gotten from `show dnodes`.
+DROP DNODE "fqdn:port";
+DROP DNODE dnodeId;
+The example output is as below:
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 9 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+ 2 | localhost:7030 | 0 | 0 | offline | any | 2022-04-19 08:11:42.158 | status not received |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001017s)
+taos> drop dnode 2;
+Query OK, 0 of 0 row(s) in database (0.000518s)
+taos> show dnodes;
+ id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time | offline reason |
+ 1 | localhost:6030 | 9 | 8 | ready | any | 2022-04-15 08:27:09.359 | |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001137s)
+In the above example, when `show dnodes` is executed the first time, two dnodes are shown. Then `drop dnode 2` is executed, after that from the output of executing `show dnodes` again it can be seen that only the dnode with ID 1 is still in the cluster.
+- Once a dnode is dropped, it can't rejoin the cluster. To rejoin, the dnode needs to deployed again after cleaning up the data directory. Normally, before dropping a dnode, the data belonging to the dnode needs to be migrated to other place.
+- Please be noted that `drop dnode` is different from stopping `taosd` process. `drop dnode` just removes the dnode out of TDengine cluster. Only after a dnode is dropped, can the corresponding `taosd` process be stopped.
+- Once a dnode is dropped, other dnodes in the cluster will be notified of the drop and will not accept the request from the dropped dnode.
+- dnodeID is allocated automatically and can't be interfered manually. dnodeID is generated in ascending order without duplication.
+## Move VNODE
+A vnode can be manually moved from one dnode to another.
+Launch TDengine CLI `taos` and execute below command:
+In the above command, `source-dnodeId` is the original dnodeId where the vnode resides, `dest-dnodeId` specifies the target dnode. vgId (vgroup ID) can be shown by `SHOW VGROUPS `.
+Firstly `show vgroups` is executed to show the vgroup distribution.
+taos> show vgroups;
+ vgId | tables | status | onlines | v1_dnode | v1_status | compacting |
+ 14 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 15 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 16 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 17 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 18 | 37001 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 19 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 20 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+ 21 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 |
+Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.001314s)
+It can be seen that there are 5 vgroups in dnode 3 and 3 vgroups in node 1, now we want to move vgId 18 from dnode 3 to dnode 1. Execute below command in `taos`
+taos> alter dnode 3 balance "vnode:18-dnode:1";
+DB error: Balance already enabled (0.00755
+However, the operation fails with error message show above, which means automatic load balancing has been enabled in the current database so manual load balance can't be performed.
+Shutdown the cluster, configure `balance` parameter in all the dnodes to 0, then restart the cluster, and execute `alter dnode` and `show vgroups` as below.
+taos> alter dnode 3 balance "vnode:18-dnode:1";
+Query OK, 0 row(s) in set (0.000575s)
+taos> show vgroups;
+ vgId | tables | status | onlines | v1_dnode | v1_status | v2_dnode | v2_status | compacting |
+ 14 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 15 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 16 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 17 | 38000 | ready | 1 | 3 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 18 | 37001 | ready | 2 | 1 | slave | 3 | master | 0 |
+ 19 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 20 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+ 21 | 37000 | ready | 1 | 1 | master | 0 | NULL | 0 |
+Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.001242s)
+It can be seen from above output that vgId 18 has been moved from dnode 3 to dnode 1.
+- Manual load balancing can only be performed when the automatic load balancing is disabled, i.e. `balance` is set to 0.
+- Only vnode in normal state, i.e. master or slave, can be moved. vnode can't moved when its in status offline, unsynced or syncing.
+- Before moving a vnode, it's necessary to make sure the target dnode has enough resources: CPU, memory and disk.
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+sidebar_label: HA & LB
+title: High Availability and Load Balancing
+## High Availability of Vnode
+High availability of vnode and mnode can be achieved through replicas in TDengine.
+The number of vnodes is associated with each DB, there can be multiple DBs in a TDengine cluster. For the purpose of operation, different number of replicas can be configured properly for each DB. When creating a database, the parameter `replica` is used to specify the number of replicas, the default value is 1. With single replica, the high availability of the system can't be guaranteed. Whenever one node is down, data service would be unavailable. The number of dnodes in the cluster must NOT be lower than the number of replicas set for any DB, otherwise the `create table` operation would fail with error "more dnodes are needed". Below SQL statement is used to create a database named as "demo" with 3 replicas.
+CREATE DATABASE demo replica 3;
+The data in a DB is divided into multiple shards and stored in multiple vgroups. The number of vnodes in each group is determined by the number of replicas set for the DB. The vnodes in each vgroups store exactly same data. For the purpose of high availability, the vnodes in a vgroup must be located in different dnodes on different hosts. As long as over half of the vnodes in a vgroup are in online state, the vgroup is able to serve data access. Otherwise the vgroup can't handle any data access for reading or inserting data.
+There may be data for multiple DBs in a dnode. Once a dnode is down, multiple DBs may be affected. However, it's hard to say the cluster is guaranteed to work properly as long as over half of dnodes are online because vnodes are introduced and there may be complex mapping between vnodes and dnodes.
+## High Availability of Mnode
+Each TDengine cluster is managed by `mnode`, which is a module of `taosd`. For the high availability of mnode, multiple mnodes can be configured using system parameter `numOfMNodes`, the valid time range is [1,3]. To make sure the data consistency between mnodes, the data replication between mnodes is performed in synchronous way.
+There may be multiple dnodes in a cluster, but only one mnode can be started in each dnode. Which one or ones of the dnodes will be designated as mnodes is automatically determined by TDengine according to the cluster configuration and system resources. Command `show mnodes` can be executed in TDengine `taos` to show the mnodes in the cluster.
+The end point and role/status (master, slave, unsynced, or offline) of all mnodes can be shown by the above command. When the first dnode is started in a cluster, there must be one mnode in this dnode, because there must be at least one mnode otherwise the cluster doesn't work. If `numOfMNodes` is configured to 2, another mnode will be started when the second dnode is launched.
+For the high availability of mnode, `numOfMnodes` needs to be configured to 2 or a higher value. Because the data consistency between mnodes must be guaranteed, the replica confirmation parameter `quorum` is set to 2 automatically if `numOfMNodes` is set to 2 or higher.
+If high availability is important for your system, both vnode and mnode must be configured to have multiple replicas. How to configure for them are different and have been described.
+## Load Balance
+Load balance will be triggered in 3 cades without manual intervention.
+- When a new dnode is joined in the cluster, automatic load balancing may be triggered, some data from some dnodes may be transferred to the new dnode automatically.
+- When a dnode is removed from the cluster, the data from this dnode will be transferred to other dnodes automatically.
+- When a dnode is too hot, i.e. too much data has been stored in it, automatic load balancing may be triggered to migrate some vnodes from this dnode to other dnodes.
+- :::tip
+ Automatic load balancing is controlled by parameter `balance`, 0 means disabled and 1 means enabled.
+## Dnode Offline
+When a dnode is offline, it can be detected by the TDengine cluster. There are two cases:
+- The dnode becomes online again before the threshold configured in `offlineThreshold` is reached, it is still in the cluster and data replication is started automatically. The dnode can work properly after the data syncup is finished.
+- If the dnode has been offline over the threshold configured in `offlineThreshold` in `taos.cfg`, the dnode will be removed from the cluster automatically. System alert will be generated and automatic load balancing will be triggered too if `balance` is set to 1. When the removed dnode is restarted and becomes online, it will not be joined in the cluster automatically, it can only be joined manually by the system operator.
+If all the vnodes in a vgroup (or mnodes in mnode group) are in offline or unsynced status, the master node can only be voted after all the vnodes or mnodes in the group become online and can exchange status, then the vgroup (or mnode group) is able to provide service.
+## Arbitrator
+If the number of replicas is set to an even number like 2, when half of the vnodes in a vgroup don't work master node can't be voted. Similar case is also applicable to mnode if the number of mnodes is set to an even number like 2.
+To resolve this problem, a new arbitrator component named `tarbitrator`, abbreviated for TDengine Arbitrator, was introduced. Arbitrator simulates a vnode or mnode but it's only responsible for network communication and doesn't handle any actual data access. With Arbitrator, any vgroup or mnode group can be considered as having number of member nodes and master node can be selected.
+Normally, it's suggested to configure replica number of each DB or system parameter `numOfMNodes` to an odd number. However, if a user is very sensitive to storage space, replica number of 2 plus arbitrator component can be used to achieve both lower cost of storage space and high availability.
+Arbitrator component is installed with the server package. For details about how to install, please refer to [Install](/operation/pkg-install). The `-p` parameter of `tarbitrator` can be used to specify the port on which it provides service.
+In the configuration file `taos.cfg` of each dnode, parameter `arbitrator` needs to be configured to the end point of the `tarbitrator` process. arbitrator component will be used automatically if the replica is configured to an even number and will be ignored if the replica is configured to an odd number.
+Arbitrator can be shown by executing command in TDengine CLI `taos` with its role shown as "arb".
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+label: Cluster
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+title: Cluster
+keywords: ["cluster", "high availability", "load balance", "scale out"]
+TDengine has a native distributed design and provides the ability to scale out. A few of nodes can form a TDengine cluster. If you need to get higher processing power, you just need to add more nodes into the cluster. TDengine uses virtual node technology to virtualize a node into multiple virtual nodes to achieve load balancing. At the same time, TDengine can group virtual nodes on different nodes into virtual node groups, and use the replication mechanism to ensure the high availability of the system. The cluster feature of TDengine is completely open source.
+This chapter mainly introduces cluster deployment, maintenance, and how to achieve high availability and load balancing.
+import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
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+title: Data Types
+description: "The data types supported by TDengine include timestamp, float, JSON, etc"
+When using TDengine to store and query data, the most important part of the data is timestamp. Timestamp must be specified when creating and inserting data rows or querying data, timestamp must follow below rules:
+- the format must be `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS`, the default time precision is millisecond (ms), for example `2017-08-12 18:25:58.128`
+- internal function `now` can be used to get the current timestamp of the client side
+- the current timestamp of the client side is applied when `now` is used to insert data
+- Epoch Time:timestamp can also be a long integer number, which means the number of seconds, milliseconds or nanoseconds, depending on the time precision, from 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 (UTC/GMT)
+- timestamp can be applied with add/subtract operation, for example `now-2h` means 2 hours back from the time at which query is executed,the unit can be b(nanosecond), u(microsecond), a(millisecond), s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), w(week.。 So `select * from t1 where ts > now-2w and ts <= now-1w` means the data between two weeks ago and one week ago. The time unit can also be n (calendar month) or y (calendar year) when specifying the time window for down sampling operation.
+Time precision in TDengine can be set by the `PRECISION` parameter when executing `CREATE DATABASE`, like below, the default time precision is millisecond.
+In TDengine, below data types can be used when specifying a column or tag.
+| # | **type** | **Bytes** | **Description** |
+| --- | :-------: | --------- | ------------------------- |
+| 1 | TIMESTAMP | 8 | Default precision is millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond are also supported |
+| 2 | INT | 4 | Integer, the value range is [-2^31+1, 2^31-1], while -2^31 is treated as NULL |
+| 3 | BIGINT | 8 | Long integer, the value range is [-2^63+1, 2^63-1], while -2^63 is treated as NULL |
+| 4 | FLOAT | 4 | Floating point number, the effective number of digits is 6-7, the value range is [-3.4E38, 3.4E38] |
+| 5 | DOUBLE | 8 | double precision floating point number, the effective number of digits is 15-16, the value range is [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
+| 6 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. The string length can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'` |
+| 7 | SMALLINT | 2 | Short integer, the value range is [-32767, 32767], while -32768 is treated as NULL |
+| 8 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-127, 127], while -128 is treated as NULL |
+| 9 | BOOL | 1 | Bool, the value range is {true, false} |
+| 10 | NCHAR | User Defined| Multiple-Byte string that can include like Chinese characters. Each character of NCHAR type consumes 4 bytes storage. The string value should be quoted with single quotes. Literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with backslash, like `\’`. The length must be specified when defining a column or tag of NCHAR type, for example nchar(10) means it can store at most 10 characters of nchar type and will consume fixed storage of 40 bytes. Error will be reported the string value exceeds the length defined. |
+| 11 | JSON | | json type can only be used on tag, a tag of json type is excluded with any other tags of any other type |
+TDengine is case insensitive and treats any characters in the sql command as lower case by default, case sensitive strings must be quoted with single quotes.
+Only ASCII visible characters are suggested to be used in a column or tag of BINARY type. Multiple-byte characters must be stored in NCHAR type.
+Numeric values in SQL statements will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used, so attention must be paid to avoid overflow. For example, 9999999999999999999 will be considered as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of long integer, but 9999999999999999999.0 will be considered as a legal float number.
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+sidebar_label: Database
+title: Database
+description: "create and drop database, show or change database parameters"
+## Create Datable
+1. KEEP specifies the number of days for which the data in the database to be created will be kept, the default value is 3650 days, i.e. 10 years. The data will be deleted automatically once its age exceeds this threshold.
+2. UPDATE specifies whether the data can be updated and how the data can be updated.
+ 1. UPDATE set to 0 means update operation is not allowed, the data with an existing timestamp will be dropped silently.
+ 2. UPDATE set to 1 means the whole row will be updated, the columns for which no value is specified will be set to NULL
+ 3. UPDATE set to 2 means updating a part of columns for a row is allowed, the columns for which no value is specified will be kept as no change
+3. The maximum length of database name is 33 bytes.
+4. The maximum length of a SQL statement is 65,480 bytes.
+5. Below are the parameters that can be used when creating a database
+ - cache: [Description](/reference/config/#cache)
+ - blocks: [Description](/reference/config/#blocks)
+ - days: [Description](/reference/config/#days)
+ - keep: [Description](/reference/config/#keep)
+ - minRows: [Description](/reference/config/#minrows)
+ - maxRows: [Description](/reference/config/#maxrows)
+ - wal: [Description](/reference/config/#wallevel)
+ - fsync: [Description](/reference/config/#fsync)
+ - update: [Description](/reference/config/#update)
+ - cacheLast: [Description](/reference/config/#cachelast)
+ - replica: [Description](/reference/config/#replica)
+ - quorum: [Description](/reference/config/#quorum)
+ - maxVgroupsPerDb: [Description](/reference/config/#maxvgroupsperdb)
+ - comp: [Description](/reference/config/#comp)
+ - precision: [Description](/reference/config/#precision)
+6. Please be noted that all of the parameters mentioned in this section can be configured in configuration file `taosd.cfg` at server side and used by default, can be override if they are specified in `create database` statement.
+## Show Current Configuration
+## Specify The Database In Use
+USE db_name;
+This way is not applicable when using a REST connection
+## Drop Database
+All data in the database will be deleted too. This command must be used with caution.
+## Change Database Configuration
+Some examples are shown below to demonstrate how to change the configuration of a database. Please be noted that some configuration parameters can be changed after the database is created, but some others can't, for details of the configuration parameters of database please refer to [Configuration Parameters](/reference/config/).
+COMP parameter specifies whether the data is compressed and how the data is compressed.
+REPLICA parameter specifies the number of replications of the database.
+KEEP parameter specifies the number of days for which the data will be kept.
+QUORUM parameter specifies the necessary number of confirmations to determine whether the data is written successfully.
+BLOCKS parameter specifies the number of memory blocks used by each VNODE.
+CACHELAST parameter specifies whether and how the latest data of a sub table is cached.
+The above parameters can be changed using `ALTER DATABASE` command without restarting. For more details of all configuration parameters please refer to [Configuration Parameters](/reference/config/).
+## Show All Databases
+## Show The Create Statement of A Database
+This command is useful when migrating the data from one TDengine cluster to another one. Firstly this command can be used to get the CREATE statement, which in turn can be used in another TDengine to create an exactly same database.
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+sidebar_label: Table
+title: Table
+description: create super table, normal table and sub table, drop tables and change tables
+## Create Table
+CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name (timestamp_field_name TIMESTAMP, field1_name data_type1 [, field2_name data_type2 ...]);
+1. The first column of a table must be in TIMESTAMP type, and it will be set as primary key automatically
+2. The maximum length of table name is 192 bytes.
+3. The maximum length of each row is 16k bytes, please be notes that the extra 2 bytes used by each BINARY/NCHAR column are also counted in.
+4. The name of sub-table can only be consisted of English characters, digits and underscore, and can't be started with digit. Table names are case insensitive.
+5. The maximum length in bytes must be specified when using BINARY or NCHAR type.
+6. Escape character "\`" can be used to avoid the conflict between table names and reserved keywords, above rules will be bypassed when using escape character on table names, but the upper limit for name length is still valid. The table names specified using escape character are case sensitive. Only ASCII visible characters can be used with escape character.
+ For example \`aBc\` and \`abc\` are different table names but `abc` and `aBc` are same table names because they are both converted to `abc` internally.
+### Create Subtable Using STable As Template
+CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...);
+The above command creates a subtable using the specified super table as template and the specified tab values.
+### Create Subtable Using STable As Template With A Part of Tags
+CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name (tag_name1, ...) TAGS (tag_value1, ...);
+The tags for which no value is specified will be set to NULL.
+### Create Tables in Batch
+CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name1 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...) [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name2 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value2, ...) ...;
+This way can be used to create a lot of tables in a single SQL statement to accelerate the speed of the creating tables.
+- Creating tables in batch must use super table as template.
+- The length of single statement is suggested to be between 1,000 and 3,000 bytes for best performance.
+## Drop Tables
+## Show All Tables In Current Database
+SHOW TABLES [LIKE tb_name_wildcard];
+## Show Create Statement of A Table
+This way is useful when migrating the data in one TDengine cluster to another one because it can be used to create exactly same tables in the target database.
+## Show Table Definition
+DESCRIBE tb_name;
+## Change Table Definition
+### Add A Column
+ALTER TABLE tb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;
+1. The maximum number of columns is 4096, the minimum number of columns is 2.
+2. The maximum length of column name is 64 bytes.
+### Remove A Column
+ALTER TABLE tb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
+If a table is created using a super table as template, the table definition can only be changed on the corresponding super table, but the change will be automatically applied to all the sub tables created using this super table as template. For tables created in normal way, the table definition can be changed directly on the table.
+### Change Column Length
+ALTER TABLE tb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
+The the type of a column is variable length, like BINARY or NCHAR, this way can be used to change (or increase) the length of the column.
+If a table is created using a super table as template, the table definition can only be changed on the corresponding super table, but the change will be automatically applied to all the sub tables created using this super table as template. For tables created in normal way, the table definition can be changed directly on the table.
+### Change Tag Value Of Sub Table
+ALTER TABLE tb_name SET TAG tag_name=new_tag_value;
+This command can be used to change the tag value if the table is created using a super table as template.
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+sidebar_label: STable
+title: Super Table
+Keyword `STable`, abbreviated for super table, is supported since version 2.0.15.
+## Crate STable
+CREATE STable [IF NOT EXISTS] stb_name (timestamp_field_name TIMESTAMP, field1_name data_type1 [, field2_name data_type2 ...]) TAGS (tag1_name tag_type1, tag2_name tag_type2 [, tag3_name tag_type3]);
+The SQL statement of creating STable is similar to that of creating table, but a special column named as `TAGS` must be specified with the names and types of the tags.
+1. The tag types specified in TAGS should NOT be timestamp. Since timestamp type can be used in TAGS column, but its value must be fixed and arithmetic operation can't be applied on it.
+2. The tag names specified in TAGS should NOT be same as other columns.
+3. The tag names specified in TAGS should NOT be same as any reserved keywords.(Please refer to [keywords](/taos-sql/keywords/)
+4. The maximum number of tags specified in TAGS is 128, but there must be at least one tag, and the total length of all tag columns should NOT exceed 16KB.
+## Drop STable
+DROP STable [IF EXISTS] stb_name;
+All the sub-tables created using the deleted STable will be deleted automatically.
+## Show All STables
+SHOW STableS [LIKE tb_name_wildcard];
+This command can be used to display the information of all STables in the current database, including name, creation time, number of columns, number of tags, number of tables created using this STable.
+## Show The Create Statement of A STable
+SHOW CREATE STable stb_name;
+This command is useful in migrating data from one TDengine cluster to another one because it can be used to create an exactly same STable in the target database.
+## Get STable Definition
+DESCRIBE stb_name;
+## Change Columns Of STable
+### Add A Column
+ALTER STable stb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;
+### Remove A Column
+ALTER STable stb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
+### Change Column Length
+ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
+This command can be used to change (or increase, more specifically) the length of a column of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
+## Change Tags of A STable
+### Add A Tag
+ALTER STable stb_name ADD TAG new_tag_name tag_type;
+This command is used to add a new tag for a STable and specify the tag type.
+### Remove A Tag
+ALTER STable stb_name DROP TAG tag_name;
+The tag will be removed automatically from all the sub tables crated using the super table as template once a tag is removed from a super table.
+### Change A Tag
+ALTER STable stb_name CHANGE TAG old_tag_name new_tag_name;
+The tag name will be changed automatically from all the sub tables crated using the super table as template once a tag name is changed for a super table.
+### Change Tag Length
+ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY TAG tag_name data_type(length);
+This command can be used to change (or increase, more specifically) the length of a tag of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
+Changing tag value can be applied to only sub tables. All other tag operations, like add tag, remove tag, however, can be applied to only STable. If a new tag is added for a STable, the tag will be added with NULL value for all its sub tables.
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+title: Insert
+## Syntax
+ tb_name
+ [USING stb_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...)]
+ [(field1_name, ...)]
+ VALUES (field1_value, ...) [(field1_value2, ...) ...] | FILE csv_file_path
+ [tb2_name
+ [USING stb_name [(tag1_name, ...)] TAGS (tag1_value, ...)]
+ [(field1_name, ...)]
+ VALUES (field1_value, ...) [(field1_value2, ...) ...] | FILE csv_file_path
+ ...];
+## Insert Single or Multiple Rows
+Single row or multiple rows specified with VALUES can be inserted into a specific table. For example
+Single row is inserted using below statement.
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (NOW, 10.2, 219, 0.32);
+Double rows can be inserted using below statement.
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:32.272', 10.2, 219, 0.32) (1626164208000, 10.15, 217, 0.33);
+1. In the second example above, different formats are used in the two rows to be inserted. In the first row, the timestamp format is a date and time string, which is interpreted from the string value only. In the second row, the timestamp format is a long integer, which will be interpreted based on the database time precision.
+2. When trying to insert multiple rows in single statement, only the timestamp of one row can be set as NOW, otherwise there will be duplicate timestamps among the rows and the result may be out of expectation because NOW will be interpreted as the time when the statement is executed.
+3. The oldest timestamp that is allowed is subtracting the KEEP parameter from current time.
+4. The newest timestamp that is allowed is adding the DAYS parameter to current time.
+## Insert Into Specific Columns
+Data can be inserted into specific columns, either single row or multiple row, while other columns will be inserted as NULL value.
+INSERT INTO d1001 (ts, current, phase) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:33.196', 10.27, 0.31);
+If no columns are explicitly specified, all the columns must be provided with values, this is called "all column mode". The insert performance of all column mode is much better than specifying a part of columns, so it's encouraged to use "all column mode" while providing NULL value explicitly for the columns for which no actual value can be provided.
+## Insert Into Multiple Tables
+One or multiple rows can be inserted into multiple tables in single SQL statement, with or without specifying specific columns.
+INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.630', 10.2, 219, 0.32) ('2021-07-13 14:06:35.779', 10.15, 217, 0.33)
+ d1002 (ts, current, phase) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.255', 10.27, 0.31);
+## Automatically Create Table When Inserting
+If it's not sure whether the table already exists, the table can be created automatically while inserting using below SQL statement. To use this functionality, a STable must be used as template and tag values must be provided.
+INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:32.272', 10.2, 219, 0.32);
+It's not necessary to provide values for all tag when creating tables automatically, the tags without values provided will be set to NULL.
+INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:33.196', 10.15, 217, 0.33);
+Multiple rows can also be inserted into same table in single SQL statement using this way.
+INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.630', 10.2, 219, 0.32) ('2021-07-13 14:06:35.779', 10.15, 217, 0.33)
+ d21002 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.255', 10.15, 217, 0.33)
+ d21003 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) (ts, current, phase) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.255', 10.27, 0.31);
+Prior to version, when using `INSERT` to create table automatically and specify the columns, the column names must follow the table name immediately. From version, the column names can follow the table name immediately, also can be put between `TAGS` and `VALUES`. In same SQL statement, however, these two ways of specifying column names can't be mixed.
+## Insert Rows From A File
+Besides using `VALUES` to insert one or multiple rows, the data to be inserted can also be prepared in a CSV file with comma as separator and each field value quoted by single quotes. Table definition is not required in the CSV file. For example, if file "/tmp/csvfile.csv" contains below data:
+'2021-07-13 14:07:34.630', '10.2', '219', '0.32'
+'2021-07-13 14:07:35.779', '10.15', '217', '0.33'
+Then data in this file can be inserted by below SQL statement:
+INSERT INTO d1001 FILE '/tmp/csvfile.csv';
+## Create Tables Automatically and Insert Rows From File
+From version, tables can be automatically created using a super table as template when inserting data from a CSV file, Like below:
+INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile.csv';
+Multiple tables can be automatically created and inserted in single SQL statement, like below:
+INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile_21001.csv'
+ d21002 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile_21002.csv';
+## More About Insert
+For SQL statement like `insert`, stream parsing strategy is applied. That means before an error is found and the execution is aborted, the part prior to the error point has already been executed. Below is an experiment to help understand the behavior.
+Firstly, a super table is created.
+CREATE TABLE meters(ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS(location BINARY(30), groupId INT);
+It can be proved that the super table has been created by `SHOW STableS`, but no table exists by `SHOW TABLES`.
+taos> SHOW STableS;
+ name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
+ meters | 2020-08-06 17:50:27.831 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001029s)
+Query OK, 0 row(s) in set (0.000946s)
+Then, try to create table d1001 automatically when inserting data into it.
+INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) VALUES('a');
+The output shows the value to be inserted is invalid. But `SHOW TABLES` proves that the table has been created automatically by the `INSERT` statement.
+DB error: invalid SQL: 'a' (invalid timestamp) (0.039494s)
+ table_name | created_time | columns | STable_name |
+ d1001 | 2020-08-06 17:52:02.097 | 4 | meters |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
+From the above experiment, we can see that even though the value to be inserted is invalid but the table is still created.
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+title: Select
+## Syntax
+SELECT select_expr [, select_expr ...]
+ FROM {tb_name_list}
+ [WHERE where_condition]
+ [SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)]
+ [INTERVAL(interval_val [, interval_offset]) [SLIDING sliding_val]]
+ [FILL(fill_mod_and_val)]
+ [GROUP BY col_list]
+ [ORDER BY col_list { DESC | ASC }]
+ [SLIMIT limit_val [SOFFSET offset_val]]
+ [LIMIT limit_val [OFFSET offset_val]]
+ [>> export_file];
+## Wildcard
+Wilcard \* can be used to specify all columns. The result includes only data columns for normal tables.
+taos> SELECT * FROM d1001;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000 | 219 | 0.31000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.60000 | 218 | 0.33000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 | 221 | 0.31000 |
+Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001165s)
+The result includes both data columns and tag columns for super table.
+taos> SELECT * FROM meters;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase | location | groupid |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.500 | 11.80000 | 221 | 0.28000 | Beijing.Haidian | 2 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.600 | 13.40000 | 223 | 0.29000 | Beijing.Haidian | 2 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.80000 | 223 | 0.29000 | Beijing.Haidian | 3 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:06.500 | 11.50000 | 221 | 0.35000 | Beijing.Haidian | 3 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:04.000 | 10.20000 | 220 | 0.23000 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 3 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.650 | 10.30000 | 218 | 0.25000 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 3 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000 | 219 | 0.31000 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.60000 | 218 | 0.33000 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 | 221 | 0.31000 | Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 |
+Query OK, 9 row(s) in set (0.002022s)
+Wildcard can be used with table name as prefix, both below SQL statements have same effects and return all columns.
+SELECT * FROM d1001;
+SELECT d1001.* FROM d1001;
+In JOIN query, however, with or without table name prefix will return different results. \* without table prefix will return all the columns of both tables, but \* with table name as prefix will return only the columns of that table.
+taos> SELECT * FROM d1001, d1003 WHERE d1001.ts=d1003.ts;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase | ts | current | voltage | phase |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000| 219 | 0.31000 | 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.80000| 223 | 0.29000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.017385s)
+taos> SELECT d1001.* FROM d1001,d1003 WHERE d1001.ts = d1003.ts;
+ ts | current | voltage | phase |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000 | 219 | 0.31000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.020443s)
+Wilcard \* can be used with some functions, but the result may be different depending on the function being used. For example, `count(*)` returns only one column, i.e. the number of rows; `first`, `last` and `last_row` return all columns of the selected row.
+taos> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM d1001;
+ count(*) |
+ 3 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001035s)
+taos> SELECT FIRST(*) FROM d1001;
+ first(ts) | first(current) | first(voltage) | first(phase) |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000 | 219 | 0.31000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000849s)
+## Tags
+Starting from version 2.0.14, tag columns can be selected together with data columns when querying sub tables. Please be noted that, however, wildcard \* doesn't represent any tag column, that means tag columns must be specified explicitly like below example.
+taos> SELECT location, groupid, current FROM d1001 LIMIT 2;
+ location | groupid | current |
+ Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 | 10.30000 |
+ Beijing.Chaoyang | 2 | 12.60000 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.003112s)
+## Get distinct values
+`DISTINCT` keyword can be used to get all the unique values of tag columns from a super table, it can also be used to get all the unique values of data columns from a table or sub table.
+SELECT DISTINCT tag_name [, tag_name ...] FROM stb_name;
+SELECT DISTINCT col_name [, col_name ...] FROM tb_name;
+1. Configuration parameter `maxNumOfDistinctRes` in `taos.cfg` is used to control the number of rows to output. The minimum configurable value is 100,000, the maximum configurable value is 100,000,000, the default value is 1000,000. If the actual number of rows exceeds the value of this parameter, only the number of rows specified by this parameter will be output.
+2. It can't be guaranteed that the results selected by using `DISTINCT` on columns of `FLOAT` or `DOUBLE` are exactly unique because of the precision nature of floating numbers.
+3. `DISTINCT` can't be used in the sub-query of a nested query statement, and can't be used together with aggregate functions, `GROUP BY` or `JOIN` in same SQL statement.
+## Columns Names of Result Set
+When using `SELECT`, the column names in the result set will be same as that in the select clause if `AS` is not used. `AS` can be used to rename the column names in the result set. For example
+taos> SELECT ts, ts AS primary_key_ts FROM d1001;
+ ts | primary_key_ts |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 |
+ 2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 |
+Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001191s)
+`AS` can't be used together with `first(*)`, `last(*)`, or `last_row(*)`.
+## Implicit Columns
+`Select_exprs` can be column names of a table, or function expression or arithmetic expression on columns. The maximum number of allowed column names and expressions is 256. Timestamp and the corresponding tag names will be returned in the result set if `interval` or `group by tags` are used, and timestamp will always be the first column in the result set.
+## Table List
+`FROM` can be followed by a number of tables or super tables, or can be followed by a sub-query. If no database is specified as current database in use, table names must be preceded with database name, like `power.d1001`.
+SELECT * FROM power.d1001;
+has same effect as
+USE power;
+SELECT * FROM d1001;
+## Special Query
+Some special query functionalities can be performed without `FORM` sub-clause. For example, below statement can be used to get the current database in use.
+ database() |
+ power |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000079s)
+If no database is specified upon logging in and no database is specified with `USE` after login, NULL will be returned by `select database()`.
+ database() |
+ NULL |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000184s)
+Below statement can be used to get the version of client or server.
+ client_version() |
+ |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000070s)
+ server_version() |
+ |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000077s)
+Below statement is used to check the server status. One integer, like `1`, is returned if the server status is OK, otherwise an error code is returned. This way is compatible with the status check for TDengine from connection pool or 3rd party tools, and can avoid the problem of losing connection from connection pool when using wrong heartbeat checking SQL statement.
+ server_status() |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000074s)
+taos> SELECT SERVER_STATUS() AS status;
+ status |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000081s)
+## \_block_dist
+**Description**: Get the data block distribution of a table or STable.
+```SQL title="Syntax"
+SELECT _block_dist() FROM { tb_name | stb_name }
+**Restrictions**:No argument is allowed, where clause is not allowed
+**Sub Query**:Sub query or nested query are not supported
+**Return value**: A string which includes the data block distribution of the specified table or STable, i.e. the histogram of rows stored in the data blocks of the table or STable.
+```text title="Result"
+5th=[392], 10th=[392], 20th=[392], 30th=[392], 40th=[792], 50th=[792] 60th=[792], 70th=[792], 80th=[792], 90th=[792], 95th=[792], 99th=[792] Min=[392(Rows)] Max=[800(Rows)] Avg=[666(Rows)] Stddev=[2.17] Rows=[2000], Blocks=[3], Size=[5.440(Kb)] Comp=[0.23] RowsInMem=[0] SeekHeaderTime=[1(us)]
+**More explanation about above example**:
+- Histogram about the rows stored in the data blocks of the table or STable: the value of rows for 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, and 99%
+- Minimum number of rows stored in a data block, i.e. Min=[392(Rows)]
+- Maximum number of rows stored in a data block, i.e. Max=[800(Rows)]
+- Average number of rows stored in a data block, i.e. Avg=[666(Rows)]
+- stddev of number of rows, i.e. Stddev=[2.17]
+- Total number of rows, i.e. Rows[2000]
+- Total number of data blocks, i.e. Blocks=[3]
+- Total disk size consumed, i.e. Size=[5.440(Kb)]
+- Compression ratio, which means the compressed size divided by original size, i.e. Comp=[0.23]
+- Total number of rows in memory, i.e. RowsInMem=[0], which means no rows in memory
+- The time spent on reading head file (to retrieve data block information), i.e. SeekHeaderTime=[1(us)], which means 1 microsecond.
+## Special Keywords in TAOS SQL
+- `TBNAME`: it is treated as a special tag when selecting on a super table, representing the name of sub-tables in that super table.
+- `_c0`: represents the first column of a table or super table.
+## Tips
+To get all the sub tables and corresponding tag values from a super table:
+SELECT TBNAME, location FROM meters;
+To get the number of sub tables in a super table:
+Only filter on `TAGS` are allowed in the `where` clause for above two query statements. For example:
+taos> SELECT TBNAME, location FROM meters;
+ tbname | location |
+ d1004 | Beijing.Haidian |
+ d1003 | Beijing.Haidian |
+ d1002 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+ d1001 | Beijing.Chaoyang |
+Query OK, 4 row(s) in set (0.000881s)
+taos> SELECT COUNT(tbname) FROM meters WHERE groupId > 2;
+ count(tbname) |
+ 2 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
+- Wildcard \* can be used to get all columns, or specific column names can be specified. Arithmetic operation can be performed on columns of number types, columns can be renamed in the result set.
+- Arithmetic operation on columns can't be used in where clause. For example, `where a*2>6;` is not allowed but `where a>6/2;` can be used instead for same purpose.
+- Arithmetic operation on columns can't be used as the objectives of select statement. For example, `select min(2*a) from t;` is not allowed but `select 2*min(a) from t;` can be used instead.
+- Logical operation can be used in `WHERE` clause to filter numeric values, wildcard can be used to filter string values.
+- Result set are arranged in ascending order of the first column, i.e. timestamp, but it can be controlled to output as descending order of timestamp. If `order by` is used on other columns, the result may be not as expected. By the way, \_c0 is used to represent the first column, i.e. timestamp.
+- `LIMIT` parameter is used to control the number of rows to output. `OFFSET` parameter is used to specify from which row to output. `LIMIT` and `OFFSET` are executed after `ORDER BY` in the query execution. A simple tip is that `LIMIT 5 OFFSET 2` can be abbreviated as `LIMIT 2, 5`.
+- What is controlled by `LIMIT` is the number of rows in each group when `GROUP BY` is used.
+- `SLIMIT` parameter is used to control the number of groups when `GROUP BY` is used. Similar to `LIMIT`, `SLIMIT 5 OFFSET 2` can be abbreviated as `SLIMIT 2, 5`.
+- ">>" can be used to output the result set of `select` statement to the specified file.
+## Where
+Logical operations in below table can be used in `where` clause to filter the resulting rows.
+| **Operation** | **Note** | **Applicable Data Types** |
+| ------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
+| > | larger than | all types except bool |
+| < | smaller than | all types except bool |
+| >= | larger than or equal to | all types except bool |
+| <= | smaller than or equal to | all types except bool |
+| = | equal to | all types |
+| <\> | not equal to | all types |
+| is [not] null | is null or is not null | all types |
+| between and | within a certain range | all types except bool |
+| in | match any value in a set | all types except first column `timestamp` |
+| like | match a wildcard string | **`binary`** **`nchar`** |
+| match/nmatch | filter regex | **`binary`** **`nchar`** |
+- Operator `<\>` is equal to `!=`, please be noted that this operator can't be used on the first column of any table, i.e.timestamp column.
+- Operator `like` is used together with wildcards to match strings
+ - '%' matches 0 or any number of characters, '\_' matches any single ASCII character.
+ - `\_` is used to match the \_ in the string.
+ - The maximum length of wildcard string is 100 bytes from version (before that the maximum length is 20 bytes). `maxWildCardsLength` in `taos.cfg` can be used to control this threshold. Too long wildcard string may slowdown the execution performance of `LIKE` operator.
+- `AND` keyword can be used to filter multiple columns simultaneously. AND/OR operation can be performed on single or multiple columns from version However, before `OR` can't be used on multiple columns.
+- For timestamp column, only one condition can be used; for other columns or tags, `OR` keyword can be used to combine multiple logical operators. For example, `((value > 20 AND value < 30) OR (value < 12))`.
+ - From version, multiple conditions can be used on timestamp column, but the result set can only contain single time range.
+- From version, operator `BETWEEN AND` can be used in where clause, for example `WHERE col2 BETWEEN 1.5 AND 3.25` means the filter condition is equal to "1.5 ≤ col2 ≤ 3.25".
+- From version, operator `IN` can be used in where clause. For example, `WHERE city IN ('Beijing', 'Shanghai')`. For bool type, both `{true, false}` and `{0, 1}` are allowed, but integers other than 0 or 1 are not allowed. FLOAT and DOUBLE types are impacted by floating precision, only values that match the condition within the tolerance will be selected. Non-primary key column of timestamp type can be used with `IN`.
+- From version, regular expression is supported in where clause with keyword `match` or `nmatch`, the regular expression is case insensitive.
+## Regular Expression
+### Syntax
+WHERE (column|tbname) **match/MATCH/nmatch/NMATCH** _regex_
+### Specification
+The regular expression being used must be compliant with POSIX specification, please refer to [Regular Expressions](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap09.html).
+### Restrictions
+Regular expression can be used against only table names, i.e. `tbname`, and tags of binary/nchar types, but can't be used against data columns.
+The maximum length of regular expression string is 128 bytes. Configuration parameter `maxRegexStringLen` can be used to set the maximum allowed regular expression. It's a configuration parameter on client side, and will take in effect after restarting the client.
+## JOIN
+From version, inner join is fully supported in TDengine. More specifically, the inner join between table and table, that between STable and STable, and that between sub query and sub query are supported.
+Only primary key, i.e. timestamp, can be used in the join operation between table and table. For example:
+FROM temp_tb_1 t1, pressure_tb_1 t2
+WHERE t1.ts = t2.ts
+In the join operation between STable and STable, besides the primary key, i.e. timestamp, tags can also be used. For example:
+FROM temp_STable t1, temp_STable t2
+WHERE t1.ts = t2.ts AND t1.deviceid = t2.deviceid AND t1.status=0;
+Similary, join operation can be performed on the result set of multiple sub queries.
+Restrictions on join operation:
+- The number of tables or STables in single join operation can't exceed 10.
+- `FILL` is not allowed in the query statement that includes JOIN operation.
+- Arithmetic operation is not allowed on the result set of join operation.
+- `GROUP BY` is not allowed on a part of tables that participate in join operation.
+- `OR` can't be used in the conditions for join operation
+- join operation can't be performed on data columns, i.e. can only be performed on tags or primary key, i.e. timestamp
+## Nested Query
+Nested query is also called sub query, that means in a single SQL statement the result of inner query can be used as the data source of the outer query.
+From, unassociated sub query can be used in the `FROM` clause. unassociated means the sub query doesn't use the parameters in the parent query. More specifically, in the `tb_name_list` of `SELECT` statement, an independent SELECT statement can be used. So a complete nested query looks like:
+SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ... FROM ...) ...;
+- Only one layer of nesting is allowed, that means no sub query is allowed in a sub query
+- The result set returned by the inner query will be used as a "virtual table" by the outer query, the "virtual table" can be renamed using `AS` keyword for easy reference in the outer query.
+- Sub query is not allowed in continuous query.
+- JOIN operation is allowed between tables/STables inside both inner and outer queries. Join operation can be performed on the result set of the inner query.
+- UNION operation is not allowed in either inner query or outer query.
+- The functionalities that can be used in the inner query is same as non-nested query.
+ - `ORDER BY` inside the inner query doesn't make any sense but will slow down the query performance significantly, so please avoid such usage.
+- Compared to the non-nested query, the functionalities that can be used in the outer query have such restrictions as:
+ - Functions
+ - If the result set returned by the inner query doesn't contain timestamp column, then functions relying on timestamp can't be used in the outer query, like `TOP`, `BOTTOM`, `FIRST`, `LAST`, `DIFF`.
+ - Functions that need to scan the data twice can't be used in the outer query, like `STDDEV`, `PERCENTILE`.
+ - `IN` operator is not allowed in the outer query but can be used in the inner query.
+ - `GROUP BY` is not supported in the outer query.
+```SQL title=Syntax
+`UNION ALL` operator can be used to combine the result set from multiple select statements as long as the result set of these select statements have exactly same columns. `UNION ALL` doesn't remove redundant rows from multiple result sets. In single SQL statement, at most 100 `UNION ALL` can be supported.
+### Examples
+table `tb1` is created using below SQL statement:
+CREATE TABLE tb1 (ts TIMESTAMP, col1 INT, col2 FLOAT, col3 BINARY(50));
+The rows in the past one hour in `tb1` can be selected using below SQL statement:
+SELECT * FROM tb1 WHERE ts >= NOW - 1h;
+The rows between 2018-06-01 08:00:00.000 and 2018-06-02 08:00:00.000 and col3 ends with 'nny' can be selected in the descending order of timestamp using below SQL statement:
+SELECT * FROM tb1 WHERE ts > '2018-06-01 08:00:00.000' AND ts <= '2018-06-02 08:00:00.000' AND col3 LIKE '%nny' ORDER BY ts DESC;
+The sum of col1 and col2 for rows later than 2018-06-01 08:00:00.000 and whose col2 is bigger than 1.2 can be selected and renamed as "complex", while only 10 rows are output from the 5th row, by below SQL statement:
+SELECT (col1 + col2) AS 'complex' FROM tb1 WHERE ts > '2018-06-01 08:00:00.000' AND col2 > 1.2 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5;
+The rows in the past 10 minutes and whose col2 is bigger than 3.14 are selected and output to the result file `/home/testoutpu.csv` with below SQL statement:
+SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tb1 WHERE ts >= NOW - 10m AND col2 > 3.14 >> /home/testoutpu.csv;
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+title: Functions
+## Aggregate Functions
+Aggregate query is supported in TDengine by following aggregate functions and selection functions.
+### COUNT
+SELECT COUNT([*|field_name]) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:Get the number of rows or the number of non-null values in a table or a super table.
+**Return value type**:Long integer INT64
+**Applicable column types**:All
+**Applicable table types**: table, super table, sub table
+**More explanation**:
+- Wildcard (\*) can be used to represent all columns, it's used to get the number of all rows
+- The number of non-NULL values will be returned if this function is used on a specific column
+taos> SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(voltage) FROM meters;
+ count(*) | count(voltage) |
+ 9 | 9 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.004475s)
+taos> SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(voltage) FROM d1001;
+ count(*) | count(voltage) |
+ 3 | 3 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001075s)
+### AVG
+SELECT AVG(field_name) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:Get the average value of a column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Double precision floating number
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+taos> SELECT AVG(current), AVG(voltage), AVG(phase) FROM meters;
+ avg(current) | avg(voltage) | avg(phase) |
+ 11.466666751 | 220.444444444 | 0.293333333 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.004135s)
+taos> SELECT AVG(current), AVG(voltage), AVG(phase) FROM d1001;
+ avg(current) | avg(voltage) | avg(phase) |
+ 11.733333588 | 219.333333333 | 0.316666673 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000943s)
+### TWA
+SELECT TWA(field_name) FROM tb_name WHERE clause;
+**Description**:Time weighted average on a specific column within a time range
+**Return value type**:Double precision floating number
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- From version, function TWA can be used on stable with `GROUP BY`, i.e. timelines generated by `GROUP BY tbname` on a STable.
+### IRATE
+SELECT IRATE(field_name) FROM tb_name WHERE clause;
+**Description**:instantaneous rate on a specific column. The last two samples in the specified time range are used to calculate instantaneous rate. If the last sample value is smaller, then only the last sample value is used instead of the difference between the last two sample values.
+**Return value type**:Double precision floating number
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- From version, function IRATE can be used on stble with `GROUP BY`, i.e. timelines generated by `GROUP BY tbname` on a STable.
+### SUM
+SELECT SUM(field_name) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The sum of a specific column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Double precision floating number or long integer
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+taos> SELECT SUM(current), SUM(voltage), SUM(phase) FROM meters;
+ sum(current) | sum(voltage) | sum(phase) |
+ 103.200000763 | 1984 | 2.640000001 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001702s)
+taos> SELECT SUM(current), SUM(voltage), SUM(phase) FROM d1001;
+ sum(current) | sum(voltage) | sum(phase) |
+ 35.200000763 | 658 | 0.950000018 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000980s)
+SELECT STDDEV(field_name) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:Standard deviation of a specific column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Double precision floating number
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable (starting from version
+taos> SELECT STDDEV(current) FROM d1001;
+ stddev(current) |
+ 1.020892909 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000915s)
+SELECT LEASTSQUARES(field_name, start_val, step_val) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The linear regression function of the specified column and the timestamp column (primary key), `start_val` is the initial value and `step_val` is the step value.
+**Return value type**: A string in the format of "(slope, intercept)"
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table only
+taos> SELECT LEASTSQUARES(current, 1, 1) FROM d1001;
+ leastsquares(current, 1, 1) |
+{slop:1.000000, intercept:9.733334} |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000921s)
+### MODE
+SELECT MODE(field_name) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The value which has the highest frequency of occurrence. NULL is returned if there are multiple values which have highest frequency of occurrence. It can't be used on timestamp column or tags.
+**Return value type**:Same as the data type of the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp
+**More explanations**:Considering the number of returned result set is unpredictable, it's suggested to limit the number of unique values to 100,000, otherwise error will be returned.
+**Applicable version**:From version
+taos> select voltage from d002;
+ voltage |
+ 1 |
+ 1 |
+ 2 |
+ 19 |
+Query OK, 4 row(s) in set (0.003545s)
+taos> select mode(voltage) from d002;
+ mode(voltage) |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.019393s)
+SELECT HYPERLOGLOG(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The cardinal number of a specific column is returned by using hyperloglog algorithm.
+**Return value type**:Integer
+**Applicable column types**:Any data type
+**More explanations**: The benefit of using hyperloglog algorithm is that the memory usage is under control when the data volume is huge. However, when the data volume is very small, the result may be not accurate, it's recommented to use `select count(data) from (select unique(col) as data from table)` in this case.
+**Applicable versions**:From version
+taos> select dbig from shll;
+ dbig |
+ 1 |
+ 1 |
+ 1 |
+ NULL |
+ 2 |
+ 19 |
+ NULL |
+ 9 |
+Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.003755s)
+taos> select hyperloglog(dbig) from shll;
+ hyperloglog(dbig)|
+ 4 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.008388s)
+## Selection Functions
+When any selective function is used, timestamp column or tag columns including `tbname` can be specified to show that the selected value are from which rows.
+### MIN
+SELECT MIN(field_name) FROM {tb_name | stb_name} [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The minimum value of a specific column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Same as the data type of the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+taos> SELECT MIN(current), MIN(voltage) FROM meters;
+ min(current) | min(voltage) |
+ 10.20000 | 218 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001765s)
+taos> SELECT MIN(current), MIN(voltage) FROM d1001;
+ min(current) | min(voltage) |
+ 10.30000 | 218 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000950s)
+### MAX
+SELECT MAX(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The maximum value of a specific column of a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Same as the data type of the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+taos> SELECT MAX(current), MAX(voltage) FROM meters;
+ max(current) | max(voltage) |
+ 13.40000 | 223 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001123s)
+taos> SELECT MAX(current), MAX(voltage) FROM d1001;
+ max(current) | max(voltage) |
+ 12.60000 | 221 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000987s)
+### FIRST
+SELECT FIRST(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The first non-null value of a specific column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Any data type
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- FIRST(\*) can be used to get the first non-null value of all columns
+- NULL will be returned if all the values of the specified column are all NULL
+- No result will NOT be returned if all the columns in the result set are all NULL
+taos> SELECT FIRST(*) FROM meters;
+ first(ts) | first(current) | first(voltage) | first(phase) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:04.000 | 10.20000 | 220 | 0.23000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.004767s)
+taos> SELECT FIRST(current) FROM d1002;
+ first(current) |
+ 10.20000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001023s)
+### LAST
+SELECT LAST(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The last non-NULL value of a specific column in a table or STable
+**Return value type**:Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Any data type
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- LAST(\*) can be used to get the last non-NULL value of all columns
+- If the values of a column in the result set are all NULL, NULL is returned for that column; if all columns in the result are all NULL, no result will be returned.
+- When it's used on a STable, if there are multiple values with the timestamp in the result set, one of them will be returned randomly and it's not guaranteed that the same value is returned if the same query is run multiple times.
+taos> SELECT LAST(*) FROM meters;
+ last(ts) | last(current) | last(voltage) | last(phase) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 | 221 | 0.31000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001452s)
+taos> SELECT LAST(current) FROM d1002;
+ last(current) |
+ 10.30000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000843s)
+### TOP
+SELECT TOP(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The greatest _k_ values of a specific column in a table or STable. If a value has multiple occurrences in the column but counting all of them in will exceed the upper limit _k_, then a part of them will be returned randomly.
+**Return value type**:Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**:Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**:table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- _k_ must be in range [1,100]
+- The timestamp associated with the selected values are returned too
+- Can't be used with `FILL`
+taos> SELECT TOP(current, 3) FROM meters;
+ ts | top(current, 3) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.60000 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.600 | 13.40000 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 |
+Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001548s)
+taos> SELECT TOP(current, 2) FROM d1001;
+ ts | top(current, 2) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 12.60000 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.000810s)
+SELECT BOTTOM(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**:The least _k_ values of a specific column in a table or STable. If a value has multiple occurrences in the column but counting all of them in will exceed the upper limit _k_, then a part of them will be returned randomly.
+**Return value type**:Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- _k_ must be in range [1,100]
+- The timestamp associated with the selected values are returned too
+- Can't be used with `FILL`
+taos> SELECT BOTTOM(voltage, 2) FROM meters;
+ ts | bottom(voltage, 2) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 218 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.650 | 218 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001332s)
+taos> SELECT BOTTOM(current, 2) FROM d1001;
+ ts | bottom(current, 2) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:05.000 | 10.30000 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | 12.30000 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.000793s)
+SELECT PERCENTILE(field_name, P) FROM { tb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The value whose rank in a specific column matches the specified percentage. If such a value matching the specified percentage doesn't exist in the column, an interpolation value will be returned.
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table
+**More explanations**: _P_ is in range [0,100], when _P_ is 0, the result is same as using function MIN; when _P_ is 100, the result is same as function MAX.
+taos> SELECT PERCENTILE(current, 20) FROM d1001;
+percentile(current, 20) |
+ 11.100000191 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000787s)
+SELECT APERCENTILE(field_name, P[, algo_type])
+FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: Similar to `PERCENTILE`, but a simulated result is returned
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**
+- _P_ is in range [0,100], when _P_ is 0, the result is same as using function MIN; when _P_ is 100, the result is same as function MAX.
+- **algo_type** can only be input as `default` or `t-digest`, if it's not specified `default` will be used, i.e. `apercentile(column_name, 50)` is same as `apercentile(column_name, 50, "default")`.
+- When `t-digest` is used, `t-digest` sampling is used to calculate. It can be used from version
+**Nested query**: It can be used in both the outer query and inner query in a nested query.
+taos> SELECT APERCENTILE(current, 20) FROM d1001;
+apercentile(current, 20) |
+ 10.300000191 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000645s)
+taos> select apercentile (count, 80, 'default') from stb1;
+ apercentile (c0, 80, 'default') |
+ 601920857.210056424 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.012363s)
+taos> select apercentile (count, 80, 't-digest') from stb1;
+ apercentile (c0, 80, 't-digest') |
+ 605869120.966666579 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.011639s)
+SELECT LAST_ROW(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name };
+**Description**: The last row of a table or STable
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Any data type
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- When it's used against a STable, multiple rows with the same and largest timestamp may exist, in this case one of them is returned randomly and it's not guaranteed that the result is same if the query is run multiple times.
+- Can't be used with `INTERVAL`.
+ taos> SELECT LAST_ROW(current) FROM meters;
+ last_row(current) |
+ =======================
+ 12.30000 |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001238s)
+ taos> SELECT LAST_ROW(current) FROM d1002;
+ last_row(current) |
+ =======================
+ 10.30000 |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001042s)
+### INTERP [From version 2.3.1]
+SELECT INTERP(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE where_condition] [ RANGE(timestamp1,timestamp2) ] [EVERY(interval)] [FILL ({ VALUE | PREV | NULL | LINEAR | NEXT})];
+**Description**: The value that matches the specified timestamp range is returned, if existing; or an interpolation value is returned.
+**Return value type**: same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Numeric data types
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable, nested query
+**More explanations**
+- `INTERP` is used to get the value that matches the specified time slice from a column. If no such value exists an interpolation value will be returned based on `FILL` parameter.
+- The input data of `INTERP` is the value of the specified column, `where` can be used to filter the original data. If no `where` condition is specified then all original data is the input.
+- The output time range of `INTERP` is specified by `RANGE(timestamp1,timestamp2)` parameter, with timestamp1<=timestamp2. timestamp1 is the starting point of the output time range and must be specified. timestamp2 is the ending point of the output time range and must be specified. If `RANGE` is not specified, then the timestamp of the first row that matches the filter condition is treated as timestamp1, the timestamp of the last row that matches the filter condition is treated as timestamp2.
+- The number of rows in the result set of `INTERP` is determined by the parameter `EVERY`. Starting from timestamp1, one interpolation is performed for every time interval specified `EVERY` parameter. If `EVERY` parameter is not used, the time windows will be considered as no ending timestamp, i.e. there is only one time window from timestamp1.
+- Interpolation is performed based on `FILL` parameter. No interpolation is performed if `FILL` is not used, that means either the original data that matches is returned or nothing is returned.
+- `INTERP` can only be used to interpolate in single timeline. So it must be used with `group by tbname` when it's used on a STable. It can't be used with `GROUP BY` when it's used in the inner query of a nested query.
+- The result of `INTERP` is not influenced by `ORDER BY TIMESTAMP`, which impacts the output order only..
+**Examples**: Based on the `meters` schema used throughout the documents
+- Single point linear interpolation between "2017-07-14 18:40:00" and "2017-07-14 18:40:00:
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM t1 RANGE('2017-7-14 18:40:00','2017-7-14 18:40:00') FILL(LINEAR);
+- Get an original data every 5 seconds, no interpolation, between "2017-07-14 18:00:00" and "2017-07-14 19:00:00:
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM t1 RANGE('2017-7-14 18:00:00','2017-7-14 19:00:00') EVERY(5s);
+- Linear interpolation every 5 seconds between "2017-07-14 18:00:00" and "2017-07-14 19:00:00:
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM t1 RANGE('2017-7-14 18:00:00','2017-7-14 19:00:00') EVERY(5s) FILL(LINEAR);
+- Backward interpolation every 5 seconds
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM t1 EVERY(5s) FILL(NEXT);
+- Linear interpolation every 5 seconds between "2017-07-14 17:00:00" and "2017-07-14 20:00:00"
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM t1 where ts >= '2017-07-14 17:00:00' and ts <= '2017-07-14 20:00:00' RANGE('2017-7-14 18:00:00','2017-7-14 19:00:00') EVERY(5s) FILL(LINEAR);
+### INTERP [Prior to version 2.3.1]
+SELECT INTERP(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } WHERE ts='timestamp' [FILL ({ VALUE | PREV | NULL | LINEAR | NEXT})];
+**Description**: The value of a specific column that matches the specified time slice
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Numeric data type
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- It can be used from version
+- Time slice must be specified. If there is no data matching the specified time slice, interpolation is performed based on `FILL` parameter. Conditions such as tags or `tbname` can be used `Where` clause can be used to filter data.
+- The timestamp specified must be within the time range of the data rows of the table or STable. If it is beyond the valid time range, nothing is returned even with `FILL` parameter.
+- `INTERP` can be used to query only single time point once. `INTERP` can be used with `EVERY` to get the interpolation value every time interval.
+- **Examples**:
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(*) FROM meters WHERE ts='2017-7-14 18:40:00.004';
+ interp(ts) | interp(current) | interp(voltage) | interp(phase) |
+ ==========================================================================================
+ 2017-07-14 18:40:00.004 | 9.84020 | 216 | 0.32222 |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002652s)
+If there is not any data corresponding to the specified timestamp, an interpolation value is returned if interpolation policy is specified by `FILL` parameter; or nothing is returned\
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(*) FROM meters WHERE tbname IN ('d636') AND ts='2017-7-14 18:40:00.005';
+ Query OK, 0 row(s) in set (0.004022s)
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(*) FROM meters WHERE tbname IN ('d636') AND ts='2017-7-14 18:40:00.005' FILL(PREV);
+ interp(ts) | interp(current) | interp(voltage) | interp(phase) |
+ ==========================================================================================
+ 2017-07-14 18:40:00.005 | 9.88150 | 217 | 0.32500 |
+ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003056s)
+Interpolation is performed every 5 milliseconds between `['2017-7-14 18:40:00', '2017-7-14 18:40:00.014']`
+ taos> SELECT INTERP(current) FROM d636 WHERE ts>='2017-7-14 18:40:00' AND ts<='2017-7-14 18:40:00.014' EVERY(5a);
+ ts | interp(current) |
+ =================================================
+ 2017-07-14 18:40:00.000 | 10.04179 |
+ 2017-07-14 18:40:00.010 | 10.16123 |
+ Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.003487s)
+### TAIL
+SELECT TAIL(field_name, k, offset_val) FROM {tb_name | stb_name} [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The next _k_ rows are returned after skipping the last `offset_val` rows, NULL values are not ignored. `offset_val` is optional parameter. When it's not specified, the last _k_ rows are returned. When `offset_val` is used, the effect is same as `order by ts desc LIMIT k OFFSET offset_val`.
+**Parameter value range**: k: [1,100] offset_val: [0,100]
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Any data type except form timestamp, i.e. the primary key
+**Applicable versions**: From version
+taos> select ts,dbig from tail2;
+ ts | dbig |
+2021-10-15 00:31:33.000 | 1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000 | 19 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:06.000 | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:07.000 | 9 |
+Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.001952s)
+taos> select tail(dbig,2,2) from tail2;
+ts | tail(dbig,2,2) |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000 | 19 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.002307s)
+SELECT UNIQUE(field_name) FROM {tb_name | stb_name} [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The values that occur the first time in the specified column. The effect is similar to `distinct` keyword, but it can also be used to match tags or timestamp.
+**Return value type**: Same as the column or tag being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Any data types except for timestamp
+**Applicable versions**: From version
+**More explanations**:
+- It can be used against table or STable, but can't be used together with time window, like `interval`, `state_window` or `session_window` .
+- Considering the number of result sets is unpredictable, it's suggested to limit the distinct values under 100,000 to control the memory usage, otherwise error will be returned.
+taos> select ts,voltage from unique1;
+ ts | voltage |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | 1 |
+2022-01-24 00:31:31.000 | 1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | 1 |
+2021-12-24 00:31:31.000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:01.000 | 19 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:02.000 | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:03.000 | 9 |
+Query OK, 8 row(s) in set (0.003018s)
+taos> select unique(voltage) from unique1;
+ts | unique(voltage) |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | 1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000 | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:31.000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:01.000 | 19 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:03.000 | 9 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.108458s)
+## Scalar functions
+### DIFF
+SELECT {DIFF(field_name, ignore_negative) | DIFF(field_name)} FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The different of each row with its previous row for a specific column. `ignore_negative` can be specified as 0 or 1, the default value is 1 if it's not specified. `1` means negative values are ignored.
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- The number of result rows is the number of rows subtracted by one, no output for the first row
+- From version 2.1.30, `DIFF` can be used on STable with `GROUP by tbname`
+- From version 2.6.0, `ignore_negative` parameter is supported
+taos> SELECT DIFF(current) FROM d1001;
+ ts | diff(current) |
+2018-10-03 14:38:15.000 | 2.30000 |
+2018-10-03 14:38:16.800 | -0.30000 |
+Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.001162s)
+SELECT DERIVATIVE(field_name, time_interval, ignore_negative) FROM tb_name [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The derivative of a specific column. The time rage can be specified by parameter `time_interval`, the minimum allowed time range is 1 second (1s); the value of `ignore_negative` can be 0 or 1, 1 means negative values are ignored.
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- It is available from version, the number of result rows is the number of total rows in the time range subtracted by one, no output for the first row.\
+- It can be used together with `GROUP BY tbname` against a STable.
+taos> select derivative(current, 10m, 0) from t1;
+ ts | derivative(current, 10m, 0) |
+ 2021-08-20 10:11:22.790 | 0.500000000 |
+ 2021-08-20 11:11:22.791 | 0.166666620 |
+ 2021-08-20 12:11:22.791 | 0.000000000 |
+ 2021-08-20 13:11:22.792 | 0.166666620 |
+ 2021-08-20 14:11:22.792 | -0.666666667 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.004883s)
+SELECT SPREAD(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The difference between the max and the min of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for binary, nchar, and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**: Can be used on a column of TIMESTAMP type, the result is the time range size.
+taos> SELECT SPREAD(voltage) FROM meters;
+ spread(voltage) |
+ 5.000000000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001792s)
+taos> SELECT SPREAD(voltage) FROM d1001;
+ spread(voltage) |
+ 3.000000000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000836s)
+### CEIL
+SELECT CEIL(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The round up value of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being used
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: inner query and outer query
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used on any tags of any type
+- Arithmetic operation can be performed on the result of `ceil` function
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### FLOOR
+SELECT FLOOR(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The round down value of a specific column
+**More explanations**: The restrictions are same as `CEIL` function.
+### ROUND
+SELECT ROUND(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The round value of a specific column.
+**More explanations**: The restrictions are same as `CEIL` function.
+### CSUM
+ SELECT CSUM(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The cumulative sum of each row for a specific column. The number of output rows is same as that of the input rows.
+**Return value type**: Long integer for integers; Double for floating points. Timestamp is returned for each row.
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, and bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used on tags when it's used on STable
+- Arithmetic operation can't be performed on the result of `csum` function
+- Can only be used with aggregate functions
+- `Group by tbname` must be used together on a STable to force the result on a single timeline
+**Applicable versions**: From 2.3.0.x
+### MAVG
+ SELECT MAVG(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The moving average of continuous _k_ values of a specific column. If the number of input rows is less than _k_, nothing is returned. The applicable range is _k_ is [1,1000].
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, and bool
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Arithmetic operation can't be performed on the result of `MAVG`.
+- Can only be used with data columns, can't be used with tags.
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions.
+- Must be used with `GROUP BY tbname` when it's used on a STable to force the result on each single timeline.
+**Applicable versions**: From 2.3.0.x
+ SELECT SAMPLE(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: _k_ sampling values of a specific column. The applicable range of _k_ is [1,10000]
+**Return value type**: Same as the column being operated plus the associated timestamp
+**Applicable data types**: Any data type except for tags of STable
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**More explanations**:
+- Arithmetic operation can't be operated on the result of `SAMPLE` function
+- Must be used with `Group by tbname` when it's used on a STable to force the result on each single timeline
+**Applicable versions**: From 2.3.0.x
+### ASIN
+SELECT ASIN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The anti-sine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### ACOS
+SELECT ACOS(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The anti-cosine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### ATAN
+SELECT ATAN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: anti-tangent of a specific column
+**Description**: The anti-cosine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### SIN
+SELECT SIN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The sine of a specific column
+**Description**: The anti-cosine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### COS
+SELECT COS(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The cosine of a specific column
+**Description**: The anti-cosine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### TAN
+SELECT TAN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The tangent of a specific column
+**Description**: The anti-cosine of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### POW
+SELECT POW(field_name, power) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The power of a specific column with `power` as the index
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### LOG
+SELECT LOG(field_name, base) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The log of a specific with `base` as the radix
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### ABS
+SELECT ABS(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The absolute of a specific column
+**Return value type**: UBIGINT if the input value is integer; DOUBLE if the input value is FLOAT/DOUBLE
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### SQRT
+SELECT SQRT(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The square root of a specific column
+**Return value type**: Double if the input value is not NULL; or NULL if the input value is NULL
+**Applicable data types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Can't be used with tags
+- Can't be used with aggregate functions
+### CAST
+SELECT CAST(expression AS type_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: It's used for type casting. The input parameter `expression` can be data columns, constants, scalar functions or arithmetic between them. Can't be used with tags, and can only be used in `select` clause.
+**Return value type**: The type specified by parameter `type_name`
+**Applicable data types**:
+- The output data type specified by `type_name` can only be one of BIGINT/BINARY(N)/TIMESTAMP/NCHAR(N)/BIGINT UNSIGNED
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Error will be reported for unsupported type casting
+- NULL will be returned if the input value is NULL
+- Some values of some supported data types may not be casted, below are known issues:
+ 1)When casting BINARY/NCHAR to BIGINT/BIGINT UNSIGNED, some characters may be treated as illegal, for example "a" may be converted to 0.
+ 2)There may be overflow when casting singed integer or TIMESTAMP to unsigned BIGINT
+ 3)There may be overflow when casting unsigned BIGINT to BIGINT
+ 4)There may be overflow when casting FLOAT/DOUBLE to BIGINT or UNSIGNED BIGINT
+SELECT CONCAT(str1|column1, str2|column2, ...) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The concatenation result of two or more strings, the number of strings to be concatenated is at least 2 and at most 8
+**Return value type**: Same as the columns being operated, BINARY or NCHAR; or NULL if all the input are NULL
+**Applicable data types**: The input data must be in either all BINARY or in all NCHAR; can't be used on tag columns
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+SELECT CONCAT_WS(separator, str1|column1, str2|column2, ...) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The concatenation result of two or more strings with separator, the number of strings to be concatenated is at least 3 and at most 9
+**Return value type**: Same as the columns being operated, BINARY or NCHAR; or NULL if all the input are NULL
+**Applicable data types**: The input data must be in either all BINARY or in all NCHAR; can't be used on tag columns
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- If the value of `separator` is NULL, the output is NULL. If the value of `separator` is not NULL but other input are all NULL, the output is empty string.
+SELECT LENGTH(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The length in bytes of a string
+**Return value type**: Integer
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The length in number of characters of a string
+**Return value type**: Integer
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+### LOWER
+SELECT LOWER(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: Convert the input string to lower case
+**Return value type**: Same as input
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+### UPPER
+SELECT UPPER(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: Convert the input string to upper case
+**Return value type**: Same as input
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+### LTRIM
+SELECT LTRIM(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: Remove the left leading blanks of a string
+**Return value type**: Same as input
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+### RTRIM
+SELECT RTRIM(str|column) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: Remove the right tailing blanks of a string
+**Return value type**: Same as input
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**
+- If the input value is NULL, the output is NULL too
+SELECT SUBSTR(str,pos[,len]) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
+**Description**: The sub-string starting from `pos` with length of `len` from the original string `str`
+**Return value type**: Same as input
+**Applicable data types**: BINARY or NCHAR, can't be used on tags
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Inner query and Outer query
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- If the input is NULL, the output is NULL
+- Parameter `pos` can be an positive or negative integer; If it's positive, the starting position will be counted from the beginning of the string; if it's negative, the starting position will be counted from the end of the string.
+- If `len` is not specified, it means from `pos` to the end.
+### Arithmetic Operations
+SELECT field_name [+|-|*|/|%][Value|field_name] FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The sum, difference, product, quotient, or remainder between one or more columns
+**Return value type**: Double precision floating point
+**Applicable column types**: Data types except for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Arithmetic operations can be performed on two or more columns, `()` can be used to control the precedence
+- NULL doesn't participate the operation, if one of the operands is NULL then result is NULL
+taos> SELECT current + voltage * phase FROM d1001;
+(current+(voltage*phase)) |
+ 78.190000713 |
+ 84.540003240 |
+ 80.810000718 |
+Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001046s)
+SELECT STATECOUNT(field_name, oper, val) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The number of continuous rows satisfying the specified conditions for a specific column. The result is shown as an extra column for each row. If the specified condition is evaluated as true, the number is increased by 1; otherwise the number is reset to -1. If the input value is NULL, then the corresponding row is skipped.
+**Applicable parameter values**:
+- oper : Can be one of LT (lower than), GT (greater than), LE (lower than or euqal to), GE (greater than or equal to), NE (not equal to), EQ (equal to), the value is case insensitive
+- val : Numeric types
+**Return value type**: Integer
+**Applicable data types**: Data types excpet for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Outer query only
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Must be used together with `GROUP BY tbname` when it's used on a STable to force the result into each single timeline]
+- Can't be used with window operation, like interval/state_window/session_window
+taos> select ts,dbig from statef2;
+ ts | dbig |
+2021-10-15 00:31:33.000000000 | 1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000000000 | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000000000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000000000 | 19 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:06.000000000 | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:07.000000000 | 9 |
+Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.002977s)
+taos> select stateCount(dbig,GT,2) from statef2;
+ts | dbig | statecount(dbig,gt,2) |
+2021-10-15 00:31:33.000000000 | 1 | -1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000000000 | NULL | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000000000 | 2 | -1 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000000000 | 19 | 1 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:06.000000000 | NULL | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:07.000000000 | 9 | 2 |
+Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.002791s)
+SELECT stateDuration(field_name, oper, val, unit) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The length of time range in which all rows satisfy the specified condition for a specific column. The result is shown as an extra column for each row. The length for the first row that satisfies the condition is 0. Next, if the condition is evaluated as true for a row, the time interval between current row and its previous row is added up to the time range; otherwise the time range length is reset to -1. If the value of the column is NULL, the corresponding row is skipped.
+**Applicable parameter values**:
+- oper : Can be one of LT (lower than), GT (greater than), LE (lower than or euqal to), GE (greater than or equal to), NE (not equal to), EQ (equal to), the value is case insensitive
+- val : Numeric types
+- unit: The unit of time interval, can be [1s, 1m, 1h], default is 1s
+**Return value type**: Integer
+**Applicable data types**: Data types excpet for timestamp, binary, nchar, bool
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**Applicable nested query**: Outer query only
+**Applicable versions**: From
+**More explanations**:
+- Must be used together with `GROUP BY tbname` when it's used on a STable to force the result into each single timeline]
+- Can't be used with window operation, like interval/state_window/session_window
+taos> select ts,dbig from statef2;
+ ts | dbig |
+2021-10-15 00:31:33.000000000 | 1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000000000 | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000000000 | 2 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000000000 | 19 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:06.000000000 | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:07.000000000 | 9 |
+Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.002407s)
+taos> select stateDuration(dbig,GT,2) from statef2;
+ts | dbig | stateduration(dbig,gt,2) |
+2021-10-15 00:31:33.000000000 | 1 | -1 |
+2021-10-17 00:31:31.000000000 | NULL | NULL |
+2021-12-24 00:31:34.000000000 | 2 | -1 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:05.000000000 | 19 | 0 |
+2022-01-01 08:00:06.000000000 | NULL | NULL |
+2022-01-01 08:00:07.000000000 | 9 | 2 |
+Query OK, 6 row(s) in set (0.002613s)
+## Time Functions
+From version, below time related functions can be used in TDengine.
+### NOW
+SELECT NOW() FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+SELECT select_expr FROM { tb_name | stb_name } WHERE ts_col cond_operatior NOW();
+INSERT INTO tb_name VALUES (NOW(), ...);
+**Description**: The current time of the client side system
+**Return value type**: TIMESTAMP
+**Applicable column types**: TIMESTAMP only
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Add and Subtract operation can be performed, for example NOW() + 1s, the time unit can be:
+ b(nanosecond), u(microsecond), a(millisecond)), s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), w(week)
+- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT NOW() FROM meters;
+ now() |
+ 2022-02-02 02:02:02.456 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002093s)
+taos> SELECT NOW() + 1h FROM meters;
+ now() + 1h |
+ 2022-02-02 03:02:02.456 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002093s)
+taos> SELECT COUNT(voltage) FROM d1001 WHERE ts < NOW();
+ count(voltage) |
+ 5 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.004475s)
+taos> INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (NOW(), 10.2, 219, 0.32);
+Query OK, 1 of 1 row(s) in database (0.002210s)
+### TODAY
+SELECT TODAY() FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+SELECT select_expr FROM { tb_name | stb_name } WHERE ts_col cond_operatior TODAY()];
+INSERT INTO tb_name VALUES (TODAY(), ...);
+**Description**: The timestamp of 00:00:00 of the client side system
+**Return value type**: TIMESTAMP
+**Applicable column types**: TIMESTAMP only
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Add and Subtract operation can be performed, for example NOW() + 1s, the time unit can be:
+ b(nanosecond), u(microsecond), a(millisecond)), s(second), m(minute), h(hour), d(day), w(week)
+- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT TODAY() FROM meters;
+ today() |
+ 2022-02-02 00:00:00.000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002093s)
+taos> SELECT TODAY() + 1h FROM meters;
+ today() + 1h |
+ 2022-02-02 01:00:00.000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002093s)
+taos> SELECT COUNT(voltage) FROM d1001 WHERE ts < TODAY();
+ count(voltage) |
+ 5 |
+Query OK, 5 row(s) in set (0.004475s)
+taos> INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (TODAY(), 10.2, 219, 0.32);
+Query OK, 1 of 1 row(s) in database (0.002210s)
+SELECT TIMEZONE() FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The timezone of the client side system
+**Return value type**: BINARY
+**Applicable column types**: None
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+taos> SELECT TIMEZONE() FROM meters;
+ timezone() |
+ UTC (UTC, +0000) |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002093s)
+### TO_ISO8601
+SELECT TO_ISO8601(ts_val | ts_col) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The ISO8601 date/time format converted from a UNIX timestamp, plus the timezone of the client side system
+**Return value type**: BINARY
+**Applicable column types**: TIMESTAMP, constant or a column
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- If the input is UNIX timestamp constant, the precision of the returned value is determined by the digits of the input timestamp
+- If the input is a column of TIMESTAMP type, The precision of the returned value is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT TO_ISO8601(1643738400) FROM meters;
+ to_iso8601(1643738400) |
+ 2022-02-02T02:00:00+0800 |
+taos> SELECT TO_ISO8601(ts) FROM meters;
+ to_iso8601(ts) |
+ 2022-02-02T02:00:00+0800 |
+ 2022-02-02T02:00:00+0800 |
+ 2022-02-02T02:00:00+0800 |
+SELECT TO_UNIXTIMESTAMP(datetime_string | ts_col) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: UNIX timestamp converted from a string of date/time format
+**Return value type**: Long integer
+**Applicable column types**: Constant or column of BINARY/NCHAR
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- The input string must be compatible with ISO8601/RFC3339 standard, 0 will be returned if the string can't be converted
+- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT TO_UNIXTIMESTAMP("2022-02-02T02:00:00.000Z") FROM meters;
+to_unixtimestamp("2022-02-02T02:00:00.000Z") |
+ 1643767200000 |
+taos> SELECT TO_UNIXTIMESTAMP(col_binary) FROM meters;
+ to_unixtimestamp(col_binary) |
+ 1643767200000 |
+ 1643767200000 |
+ 1643767200000 |
+SELECT TIMETRUNCATE(ts_val | datetime_string | ts_col, time_unit) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: Truncate the input timestamp with unit specified by `time_unit`\
+**Return value type**: TIMESTAMP\
+**Applicable column types**: UNIX timestamp constant, string constant of date/time format, or a column of timestamp
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Time unit specified by `time_unit` can be:
+ 1u(microsecond),1a(millisecond),1s(second),1m(minute),1h(hour),1d(day).
+- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT TIMETRUNCATE(1643738522000, 1h) FROM meters;
+ timetruncate(1643738522000, 1h) |
+ 2022-02-02 02:00:00.000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001499s)
+taos> SELECT TIMETRUNCATE("2022-02-02 02:02:02", 1h) FROM meters;
+ timetruncate("2022-02-02 02:02:02", 1h) |
+ 2022-02-02 02:00:00.000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003903s)
+taos> SELECT TIMETRUNCATE(ts, 1h) FROM meters;
+ timetruncate(ts, 1h) |
+ 2022-02-02 02:00:00.000 |
+ 2022-02-02 02:00:00.000 |
+ 2022-02-02 02:00:00.000 |
+Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.003903s)
+SELECT TIMEDIFF(ts_val1 | datetime_string1 | ts_col1, ts_val2 | datetime_string2 | ts_col2 [, time_unit]) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause];
+**Description**: The difference between two timestamps, and rounded to the time unit specified by `time_unit`
+**Return value type**: Long Integer
+**Applicable column types**: UNIX timestamp constant, string constant of date/time format, or a column of TIMESTAMP type
+**Applicable table types**: table, STable
+**More explanations**:
+- Time unit specified by `time_unit` can be:
+ 1u(microsecond),1a(millisecond),1s(second),1m(minute),1h(hour),1d(day).
+- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
+taos> SELECT TIMEDIFF(1643738400000, 1643742000000) FROM meters;
+ timediff(1643738400000, 1643742000000) |
+ 3600000 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.002553s)
+taos> SELECT TIMEDIFF(1643738400000, 1643742000000, 1h) FROM meters;
+ timediff(1643738400000, 1643742000000, 1h) |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.003726s)
+taos> SELECT TIMEDIFF("2022-02-02 03:00:00", "2022-02-02 02:00:00", 1h) FROM meters;
+ timediff("2022-02-02 03:00:00", "2022-02-02 02:00:00", 1h) |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001937s)
+taos> SELECT TIMEDIFF(ts_col1, ts_col2, 1h) FROM meters;
+ timediff(ts_col1, ts_col2, 1h) |
+ 1 |
+Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001937s)
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+sidebar_label: Interval
+title: Aggregate by Time Window
+Aggregate by time window is supported in TDengine. For example, each temperature sensor reports the temperature every second, the average temperature every 10 minutes can be retrieved by query with time window.
+Window related clauses are used to divide the data set to be queried into subsets and then aggregate. There are three kinds of windows, time window, status window, and session window. There are two kinds of time windows, sliding window and flip time window.
+## Time Window
+`INTERVAL` clause is used to generate time windows of same time interval, `SLIDING` is used to specify the time step for which the time window moves forward. The query is performed on one time window each time, and the time window moves forward with time. When defining continuous query both the size of time window and the step of forward sliding time need to be specified. As shown in the figure blow, [t0s, t0e] ,[t1s , t1e], [t2s, t2e] are respectively the time range of three time windows on which continuous queries are executed. The time step for which time window moves forward is marked by `sliding time`. Query, filter and aggregate operations are executed on each time window respectively. When the time step specified by `SLIDING` is same as the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding time window is actually a flip time window.
+![Time Window](/img/sql/timewindow-1.png)
+`INTERVAL` and `SLIDING` should be used with aggregate functions and selection functions. Below SQL statement is illegal because no aggregate or selection function is used with `INTERVAL`.
+SELECT * FROM temp_tb_1 INTERVAL(1m);
+The time step specified by `SLIDING` can't exceed the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`. Below SQL statement is illegal because the time length specified by `SLIDING` exceeds that specified by `INTERVAL`.
+When the time length specified by `SLIDING` is same as that specified by `INTERVAL`, sliding window is actually flip window. The minimum time range specified by `INTERVAL` is 10 milliseconds (10a) prior to version From version, the minimum time range by `INTERVAL` can be 1 microsecond (1u). However, if the DB precision is millisecond, the minimum time range is 1 millisecond (1a). Please be noted that the `timezone` parameter should be configured to same value in the `taos.cfg` configuration file on client side and server side.
+## Status Window
+In case of using integer, bool, or string to represent the device status at a moment, the continuous rows with same status belong to same status window. Once the status changes, the status window closes. As shown in the following figure,there are two status windows according to status, [2019-04-28 14:22:07,2019-04-28 14:22:10] and [2019-04-28 14:22:11,2019-04-28 14:22:12]. Status window is not applicable to STable for now.
+![Status Window](/img/sql/timewindow-3.png)
+`STATE_WINDOW` is used to specify the column based on which to define status window, for example:
+SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts), status FROM temp_tb_1 STATE_WINDOW(status);
+## Session Window
+SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts) FROM temp_tb_1 SESSION(ts, tol_val);
+The primary key, i.e. timestamp, is used to determine which session window the row belongs to. If the time interval between two adjacent rows is within the time range specified by `tol_val`, they belong to same session window; otherwise they belong to two different time windows. As shown in the figure below, if the limit of time interval for session window is specified as 12 seconds, then the 6 rows in the figure constitutes 2 time windows, [2019-04-28 14:22:10,2019-04-28 14:22:30] and [2019-04-28 14:23:10,2019-04-28 14:23:30], because the time difference between 2019-04-28 14:22:30 and 2019-04-28 14:23:10 is 40 seconds, which exceeds the time interval limit of 12 seconds.
+![Session Window](/img/sql/timewindow-2.png)
+If the time interval between two continuous rows are within the time interval specified by `tol_value` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically. Session window is not supported on STable for now.
+## More On Window Aggregate
+### Syntax
+The full syntax of aggregate by window is as following:
+SELECT function_list FROM tb_name
+ [WHERE where_condition]
+ [SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)]
+ [INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
+SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
+ [WHERE where_condition]
+ [INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
+ [GROUP BY tags]
+### Restrictions
+- Aggregate functions and selection functions can be used in `function_list`, with each function having only one output, for example COUNT, AVG, SUM, STDDEV, LEASTSQUARES, PERCENTILE, MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST. Functions having multiple output can't be used, for example DIFF or arithmetic operations.
+- `LAST_ROW` can't be used together with window aggregate.
+- Scalar functions, like CEIL/FLOOR, can't be used with window aggregate.
+- `WHERE` clause can be used to specify the starting and ending time and other filter conditions
+- `FILL` clause is used to specify how to fill when there is data missing in any window, including: \
+ 1. NONE: No fill (the default fill mode)
+ 2. VALUE:Fill with a fixed value, which should be specified together, for example `FILL(VALUE, 1.23)`
+ 3. PREV:Fill with the previous non-NULL value, `FILL(PREV)`
+ 4. NULL:Fill with NULL, `FILL(NULL)`
+ 5. LINEAR:Fill with the closest non-NULL value, `FILL(LINEAR)`
+ 6. NEXT:Fill with the next non-NULL value, `FILL(NEXT)`
+1. Huge volume of interpolation output may be returned using `FILL`, so it's recommended to specify the time range when using `FILL`. The maximum interpolation values that can be returned in single query is 10,000,000.
+2. The result set is in the ascending order of timestamp in aggregate by time window aggregate.
+3. If aggregate by window is used on STable, the aggregate function is performed on all the rows matching the filter conditions. If `GROUP BY` is not used in the query, the result set will be returned in ascending order of timestamp; otherwise the result set is not exactly in the order of ascending timestamp in each group.
+ :::
+Aggregate by time window is also used in continuous query, please refer to [Continuous Query](/develop/continuous-query).
+## Examples
+The table of intelligent meters can be created like below SQL statement:
+CREATE TABLE meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT);
+The average current, maximum current and median of current in every 10 minutes of the past 24 hours can be calculated using below SQL statement, with missing value filled with the previous non-NULL value.
+SELECT AVG(current), MAX(current), APERCENTILE(current, 50) FROM meters
+ WHERE ts>=NOW-1d and ts<=now
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+title: Limits & Restrictions
+## Naming Rules
+1. Only English characters, digits and underscore are allowed
+2. Can't be started with digits
+3. Case Insensitive without escape character "\`"
+4. Identifier with escape character "\`"
+ To support more flexible table or column names, a new escape character "\`" is introduced. For more details please refer to [escape](/taos-sql/escape).
+## Password Rule
+The legal character set is `[a-zA-Z0-9!?$%^&*()_–+={[}]:;@~#|<,>.?/]`.
+## General Limits
+- Maximum length of database name is 32 bytes
+- Maximum length of table name is 192 bytes, excluding the database name prefix and the separator
+- Maximum length of each data row is 48K bytes from version , before which the limit is 16K bytes. Please be noted that the upper limit includes the extra 2 bytes consumed by each column of BINARY/NCHAR type.
+- Maximum of column name is 64.
+- Maximum number of columns is 4096. There must be at least 2 columns, and the first column must be timestamp.
+- Maximum length of tag name is 64.
+- Maximum number of tags is 128. There must be at least 1 tag. The total length of tag values should not exceed 16K bytes.
+- Maximum length of singe SQL statement is 1048576, i.e. 1 MB bytes. It can be configured in the parameter `maxSQLLength` in the client side, the applicable range is [65480, 1048576].
+- At most 4096 columns (or 1024 prior to can be returned by `SELECT`, functions in the query statement may constitute columns. Error will be returned if the limit is exceeded.
+- Maximum numbers of databases, STables, tables are only depending on the system resources.
+- Maximum of database name is 32 bytes, can't include "." and special characters.
+- Maximum replica number of database is 3
+- Maximum length of user name is 23 bytes
+- Maximum length of password is 15 bytes
+- Maximum number of rows depends on the storage space only.
+- Maximum number of tables depends on the number of nodes only.
+- Maximum number of databases depends on the number of nodes only.
+- Maximum number of vnodes for single database is 64.
+## Restrictions of `GROUP BY`
+`GROUP BY` can be performed on tags and `TBNAME`. It can be performed on data columns too, with one restriction that only one column and the number of unique values on that column is lower than 100,000. Please be noted that `GROUP BY` can't be performed on float or double type.
+## Restrictions of `IS NOT NULL`
+`IS NOT NULL` can be used on any data type of columns. The non-empty string evaluation expression, i.e. `<\>""` can only be used on non-numeric data types.
+## Restrictions of `ORDER BY`
+- Only one `order by` is allowed for normal table and sub table.
+- At most two `order by` are allowed for STable, and the second one must be `ts`.
+- `order by tag` must be used with `group by tag` on same tag, this rule is also applicable to `tbname`.
+- `order by column` must be used with `group by column` or `top/bottom` on same column. This rule is applicable to table and STable.
+- `order by ts` is applicable to table and STable.
+- If `order by ts` is used with `group by`, the result set is sorted using `ts` in each group.
+## Restrictions of Table/Column Names
+### Name Restrictions of Table/Column
+The name of a table or column can only be composed of ASCII characters, digits and underscore, while digit can't be used as the beginning. The maximum length is 192 bytes. Names are case insensitive. The name mentioned in this rule doesn't include the database name prefix and the separator.
+### Name Restrictions After Escaping
+To support more flexible table or column names, new escape character "`" is introduced in TDengine to avoid the conflict between table name and keywords and break the above restrictions for table name. The escape character is not counted in the length of table name.
+With escaping, the string inside escape characters are case sensitive, i.e. will not be converted to lower case internally.
+For example:
+\`aBc\` and \`abc\` are different table or column names, but "abc" and "aBc" are same names because internally they are all "abc".
+The characters inside escape characters must be printable characters.
+### Applicable Versions
+Escape character "\`" is available from version
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+title: JSON Type
+## Syntax
+1. Tag of JSON type
+ ```sql
+ create STable s1 (ts timestamp, v1 int) tags (info json);
+ create table s1_1 using s1 tags ('{"k1": "v1"}');
+ ```
+2. -> Operator of JSON
+ ```sql
+ select * from s1 where info->'k1' = 'v1';
+ select info->'k1' from s1;
+ ```
+3. contains Operator of JSON
+ ```sql
+ select * from s1 where info contains 'k2';
+ select * from s1 where info contains 'k1';
+ ```
+## Applicable Operations
+1. When JSON data type is used in `where`, `match/nmatch/between and/like/and/or/is null/is no null` can be used but `in` can't be used.
+ ```sql
+ select * from s1 where info->'k1' match 'v*';
+ select * from s1 where info->'k1' like 'v%' and info contains 'k2';
+ select * from s1 where info is null;
+ select * from s1 where info->'k1' is not null;
+ ```
+2. Tag of JSON type can be used in `group by`, `order by`, `join`, `union all` and sub query, for example `group by json->'key'`
+3. `Distinct` can be used with tag of JSON type
+ ```sql
+ select distinct info->'k1' from s1;
+ ```
+4. Tag Operations
+ The value of JSON tag can be altered. Please be noted that the full JSON will be override when doing this.
+ The name of JSON tag can be altered. A tag of JSON type can't be added or removed. The column length of a JSON tag can't be changed.
+## Other Restrictions
+- JSON type can only be used for tag. There can be only one tag of JSON type, and it's exclusive to any other types of tag.
+- The maximum length of keys in JSON is 256 bytes, and key must be printable ASCII characters. The maximum total length of a JSON is 4,096 bytes.
+- JSON format:
+ - The input string for JSON can be empty, i.e. "", "\t", or NULL, but can't be non-NULL string, bool or array.
+ - object can be {}, and the whole JSON is empty if so. Key can be "", and it's ignored if so.
+ - value can be int, double, string, boll or NULL, can't be array. Nesting is not allowed, that means value can't be another JSON.
+ - If one key occurs twice in JSON, only the first one is valid.
+ - Escape characters are not allowed in JSON.
+- NULL is returned if querying a key that doesn't exist in JSON.
+- If a tag of JSON is the result of inner query, it can't be parsed and queried in the outer query.
+For example, below SQL statements are not supported.
+select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from STable);
+select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from STable) where jtag->'key'>0;
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+title: Escape Characters
+Below table is the list of escape characters used in TDengine.
+| Escape Character | **Actual Meaning** |
+| :--------------: | ------------------------ |
+| `\'` | Single quote ' |
+| `\"` | Double quote " |
+| \n | Line Break |
+| \r | Carriage Return |
+| \t | tab |
+| `\\` | Back Slash \ |
+| `\%` | % see below for details |
+| `\_` | \_ see below for details |
+Escape characters are available from version .
+## Restrictions
+1. If there are escape characters in identifiers (database name, table name, column name)
+ - Identifier without ``: Error will be returned because identifier must be constituted of digits, ASCII characters or underscore and can't be started with digits
+ - Identifier quoted with ``: Original content is kept, no escaping
+2. If there are escape characters in values
+ - The escape characters will be escaped as the above table. If the escape character doesn't match any supported one, the escape character "\" will be ignored.
+ - "%" and "\_" are used as wildcards in `like`. `\%` and `\_` should be used to represent literal "%" and "\_" in `like`,. If `\%` and `\_` are used out of `like` context, the evaluation result is "`\%`"and "`\_`", instead of "%" and "\_".
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+title: Keywords
+There are about 200 keywords reserved by TDengine, they can't be used as the name of database, STable or table with either upper case, lower case or mixed case.
+**Keywords List**
+| | | | | |
+| ----------- | ---------- | --------- | ---------- | ------------ |
+| CONNS | ID | NOTNULL | STable | WAL |
+| COPY | IF | NOW | STableS | WHERE |
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+label: TDengine SQL
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+title: TDengine SQL
+description: "The syntax supported by TDengine SQL "
+This section explains the syntax about operating database, table, STable, inserting data, selecting data, functions and some tips that can be used in TDengine SQL. It would be easier to understand with some fundamental knowledge of SQL.
+TDengine SQL is the major interface for users to write data into or query from TDengine. For users to easily use, syntax similar to standard SQL is provided. However, please be noted that TDengine SQL is not standard SQL. Besides, because TDengine doesn't provide the functionality of deleting time series data, corresponding statements are not provided in TDengine SQL.
+TDengine SQL doesn't support abbreviation for keywords, for example `DESCRIBE` can't be abbreviated as `DESC`.
+Syntax Specifications used in this chapter:
+- The content inside <\> needs to be input by the user, excluding <\> itself.
+- \[ \] means optional input, excluding [] itself.
+- | means one of a few options, excluding | itself.
+- … means the item prior to it can be repeated multiple times.
+To better demonstrate the syntax, usage and rules of TAOS SQL, hereinafter it's assumed that there is a data set of meters. Assuming each meter collects 3 data: current, voltage, phase. The data model is as below:
+taos> DESCRIBE meters;
+ Field | Type | Length | Note |
+ ts | TIMESTAMP | 8 | |
+ current | FLOAT | 4 | |
+ voltage | INT | 4 | |
+ phase | FLOAT | 4 | |
+ location | BINARY | 64 | TAG |
+ groupid | INT | 4 | TAG |
+The data set includes the data collected by 4 meters, the corresponding table name is d1001, d1002, d1003, d1004 respectively based on the data model of TDengine.
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+title: Install & Uninstall
+description: Install, Uninstall, Start, Stop and Upgrade
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+TDengine community version provides dev and rpm package for users to choose based on the system environment. deb supports Debian, Ubuntu and systems derived from them. rpm supports CentOS, RHEL, SUSE and systems derived from them. Furthermore, tar.gz package is provided for enterprise customers.
+## Install
+1. Download deb package from official website, for example TDengine-server-
+2. In the directory where the package is located, execute below command
+$ sudo dpkg -i TDengine-server-
+(Reading database ... 137504 files and directories currently installed.)
+Preparing to unpack TDengine-server- ...
+TDengine is removed successfully!
+Unpacking tdengine ( over ( ...
+Setting up tdengine ( ...
+Start to install TDengine...
+System hostname is: ubuntu-1804
+Enter FQDN:port (like h1.taosdata.com:6030) of an existing TDengine cluster node to join
+OR leave it blank to build one:
+Enter your email address for priority support or enter empty to skip:
+Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/taosd.service → /etc/systemd/system/taosd.service.
+To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
+To start TDengine : sudo systemctl start taosd
+To access TDengine : taos -h ubuntu-1804 to login into TDengine server
+TDengine is installed successfully!
+1. Download rpm package from official website, for example TDengine-server-;
+2. In the directory where the package is located, execute below command
+$ sudo rpm -ivh TDengine-server-
+Preparing... ################################# [100%]
+Updating / installing...
+ 1:tdengine- ################################# [100%]
+Start to install TDengine...
+System hostname is: centos7
+Enter FQDN:port (like h1.taosdata.com:6030) of an existing TDengine cluster node to join
+OR leave it blank to build one:
+Enter your email address for priority support or enter empty to skip:
+Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/taosd.service to /etc/systemd/system/taosd.service.
+To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
+To start TDengine : sudo systemctl start taosd
+To access TDengine : taos -h centos7 to login into TDengine server
+TDengine is installed successfully!
+1. Download the tar.gz package, for example TDengine-server-;
+ 2、In the directory where the package is located, firstly decompress the file, then switch to the sub-directory generated in decompressing, i.e. "TDengine-enterprise-server-" in this example, and execute the `install.sh` script.
+$ tar xvzf TDengine-enterprise-server-
+$ ll
+total 43816
+drwxrwxr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:31 ./
+drwxr-xr-x 20 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:30 ../
+drwxrwxr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:30 TDengine-enterprise-server-
+-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 44852544 Feb 22 09:31 TDengine-enterprise-server-
+$ cd TDengine-enterprise-server-
+ $ ll
+total 40784
+drwxrwxr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:30 ./
+drwxrwxr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:31 ../
+drwxrwxr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:30 driver/
+drwxrwxr-x 10 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Feb 22 09:30 examples/
+-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 33294 Feb 22 09:30 install.sh*
+-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 41704288 Feb 22 09:30 taos.tar.gz
+$ sudo ./install.sh
+Start to update TDengine...
+Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/taosd.service → /etc/systemd/system/taosd.service.
+Nginx for TDengine is updated successfully!
+To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
+To configure Taos Adapter (if has) : edit /etc/taos/taosadapter.toml
+To start TDengine : sudo systemctl start taosd
+To access TDengine : use taos -h ubuntu-1804 in shell OR from
+TDengine is updated successfully!
+Install taoskeeper as a standalone service
+taoskeeper is installed, enable it by `systemctl enable taoskeeper`
+Some configuration will be prompted for users to provide when install.sh is executing, the interactive mode can be disabled by executing `./install.sh -e no`. `./install -h` can show all parameters and detailed explanation.
+When installing on the first node in the cluster, when "Enter FQDN:" is prompted, nothing needs to be provided. When installing on following nodes, when "Enter FQDN:" is prompted, the end point of the first dnode in the cluster can be input if it has been already up; or just ignore it and configure later after installation is done.
+## Uninstall
+Deb package of TDengine can be uninstalled as below:
+$ sudo dpkg -r tdengine
+(Reading database ... 137504 files and directories currently installed.)
+Removing tdengine ( ...
+TDengine is removed successfully!
+RPM package of TDengine can be uninstalled as below:
+$ sudo rpm -e tdengine
+TDengine is removed successfully!
+tar.gz package of TDengine can be uninstalled as below:
+$ rmtaos
+Nginx for TDengine is running, stopping it...
+TDengine is removed successfully!
+taosKeeper is removed successfully!
+- It's strongly suggested not to use multiple kinds of installation packages on single host TDengine
+- After deb package is installed, if the installation directory is removed manually so that uninstall or reinstall can't succeed, it can be resolved by cleaning up TDengine package information as below command and then reinstalling.
+ $ sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/tdengine*
+- After rpm package is installed, if the installation directory is removed manually so that uninstall or reinstall can't succeed, it can be resolved by cleaning up TDengine package information as below command and then reinstalling.
+ $ sudo rpm -e --noscripts tdengine
+## Installation Directory
+TDengine is installed at /usr/local/taos if successful.
+$ cd /usr/local/taos
+$ ll
+$ ll
+total 28
+drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 ./
+drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 ../
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 bin/
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 cfg/
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Feb 22 09:34 data -> /var/lib/taos/
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 driver/
+drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 examples/
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 22 09:34 include/
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Feb 22 09:34 log -> /var/log/taos/
+During the installation process:
+- Configuration directory, data directory, and log directory are created automatically if they don't exist
+- The default configuration file is located at /etc/taos/taos.cfg, which is a copy of /usr/local/taos/cfg/taos.cfg if not existing
+- The default data directory is /var/lib/taos, which is a soft link to /usr/local/taos/data
+- The default log directory is /var/log/taos, which is a soft link to /usr/local/taos/log
+- The executables at /usr/local/taos/bin are linked to /usr/bin
+- The DLL files at /usr/local/taos/driver are linked to /usr/lib
+- The header files at /usr/local/taos/include are linked to /usr/include
+- When TDengine is uninstalled, the configuration /etc/taos/taos.cfg, data directory /var/lib/taos, log directory /var/log/taos are kept. They can be deleted manually with caution because data can't be recovered once
+- When reinstalling TDengine, if the default configuration file /etc/taos/taos.cfg exists, it will be kept and the configuration file in the installation package will be renamed to taos.cfg.orig and stored at /usr/local/taos/cfg to be used as configuration sample. Otherwise the configuration file in the installation package will be installed to /etc/taos/taos.cfg and used.
+## Start and Stop
+Linux system services `systemd`, `systemctl` or `service` is used to start, stop and restart TDengine. The server process of TDengine is `taosd`, which is started automatically after the Linux system is started. System operator can use `systemd`, `systemctl` or `service` to start, stop or restart TDengine server.
+For example, if using `systemctl` , the commands to start, stop, restart and check TDengine server are as below:
+- Start server:`systemctl start taosd`
+- Stop server:`systemctl stop taosd`
+- Restart server:`systemctl restart taosd`
+- Check server status:`systemctl status taosd`
+From version, a new independent component named as `taosAdapter` has been included in TDengine. `taosAdapter` should be started and stopped using `systemctl`.
+If the server process is OK, the output of `systemctl status` is like below:
+Active: active (running)
+Otherwise, the output is as below:
+Active: inactive (dead)
+## Upgrade
+There are two aspects in upgrade operation: upgrade installation package and upgrade a running server.
+Upgrading package should follow the steps mentioned previously to firstly uninstall old version then install new version.
+Upgrading a running server is much more complex. Firstly please check the version number of old version and new version. The version number of TDengine consists of 4 sections, only the first 3 section match can the old version be upgraded to the new version. The steps of upgrading a running server are as below:
+- Stop inserting data
+- Make sure all data persisted into disk
+- Stop the cluster of TDengine
+- Uninstall old version and install new version
+- Start the cluster of TDengine
+- Make some simple queries to make sure no data loss
+- Make some simple data insertion to make sure the cluster works well
+- Restore business data
+TDengine doesn't guarantee any lower version is compatible with the data generated by a higher version, so it's never recommended to downgrade the version.
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+title: Resource Planning
+The computing and storage resources need to be planned if using TDengine to build an IoT platform. How to plan the CPU, memory and disk required will be described in this chapter.
+## Memory Requirement of Server Side
+The number of vgroups created for each database is same as the number of CPU cores by default and can be configured by parameter `maxVgroupsPerDb`, each vnode in a vgroup stores one replica. Each vnode consumes fixed size of memory, i.e. `blocks` \* `cache`. Besides, some memory is required for tag values associated with each table. A fixed amount of memory is required for each cluster. So, the memory required for each DB can be calculated using below formula:
+Database Memory Size = maxVgroupsPerDb * replica * (blocks * cache + 10MB) + numOfTables * (tagSizePerTable + 0.5KB)
+For example, assuming the default value of `maxVgroupPerDB` is 64, the default value of `cache` 16M, the default value of `blocks` is 6, there are 100,000 tables in a DB, the replica number is 1, total length of tag values is 256 bytes, the total memory required for this DB is: 64 \* 1 \* (16 \* 6 + 10) + 100000 \* (0.25 + 0.5) / 1000 = 6792M.
+In real operation of TDengine, we are more concerned about the memory used by each TDengine server process `taosd`.
+ taosd_memory = vnode_memory + mnode_memory + query_memory
+In the above formula:
+1. "vnode_memory" of a `taosd` process is the memory used by all vnodes hosted by this `taosd` process. It can be roughly calculated by firstly adding up the total memory of all DBs whose memory usage can be derived according to the formula mentioned previously then dividing by number of dnodes and multiplying the number of replicas.
+ vnode_memory = sum(Database memory) / number_of_dnodes \* replica
+2. "mnode_memory" of a `taosd` process is the memory consumed by a mnode. If there is one (and only one) mnode hosted in a `taosd` process, the memory consumed by "mnode" is "0.2KB \* the total number of tables in the cluster".
+3. "query_memory" is the memory used when processing query requests. Each ongoing query consumes at least "0.2 KB \* total number of involved tables".
+Please be noted that the above formulas can only be used to estimate the minimum memory requirement, instead of maximum memory usage. In a real production environment, it's better to preserve some redundance beyond the estimated minimum memory requirement. If memory is abundant, it's suggested to increase the value of parameter `blocks` to speed up data insertion and data query.
+## Memory Requirement of Client Side
+The client programs use TDengine client driver `taosc` to connect to the server side, there is also memory requirement for a client program.
+The memory consumed by a client program is mainly about the SQL statements for data insertion, caching of table metadata, and some internal use. Assuming maximum number of tables is N (the memory consumed by the metadata of each table is 256 bytes), maximum number of threads for parallel insertion is T, maximum length of a SQL statement is S (normally 1 MB), the memory required by a client program can be estimated using below formula:
+M = (T * S * 3 + (N / 4096) + 100)
+For example, if the number of parallel data insertion threads is 100, total number of tables is 10,000,000, then minimum memory requirement of a client program is:
+100 * 3 + (10000000 / 4096) + 100 = 2741 (MBytes)
+So, at least 3GB needs to be reserved for such a client.
+## CPU Requirement
+The CPU resources required depend on two aspects:
+- **Data Insertion** Each dnode of TDengine can process at least 10,000 insertion requests in one second, while each insertion request can have multiple rows. The computing resource consumed between inserting 1 row one time and inserting 10 rows one time is very small. So, the more the rows to insert one time, the higher the efficiency. Inserting in bach also exposes requirement for the client side which needs to cache rows and insert in batch once the cached rows reaches a threshold.
+- **Data Query** High efficiency query is provided in TDengine, but it's hard to estimate the CPU resource required because the queries used in different use cases and the frequency of queries vary significantly. It can only be verified with the query statements, query frequency, data size to be queried, etc provided by user.
+In short words, the CPU resource required for data insertion can be estimated but it's hard to do so for query use cases. In real operation, it's suggested to control CPU usage below 50%. If this threshold is exceeded, it's a reminder for system operator to add more nodes in the cluster to expand resources.
+## Disk Requirement
+The compression ratio in TDengine is much higher than that in RDBMS. In most cases, the compression ratio in TDengine is bigger than 5, or even 10 in some cases, depending on the characteristics of the original data. The data size before compression can be calculated based on below formula:
+Raw DataSize = numOfTables * rowSizePerTable * rowsPerTable
+For example, there are 10,000,000 meters, while each meter collects data every 15 minutes and the data size of each collection si 128 bytes, so the raw data size of one year is: 10000000 \* 128 \* 24 \* 60 / 15 \* 365 = 44.8512(TB). Assuming compression ratio is 5, the actual disk size is: 44.851 / 5 = 8.97024(TB).
+Parameter `keep` can be used to set how long the data will be kept on disk. To further reduce storage cost, multiple storage levels can be enabled in TDengine, with the coldest data stored on the cheapest storage device, and this is transparent to application programs.
+To increase the performance, multiple disks can be setup for parallel data reading or data inserting. Please be noted that expensive disk array is not necessary because replications are used in TDengine to provide high availability.
+## Number of Hosts
+A host can be either physical or virtual. The total memory, total CPU, total disk required can be estimated according to the formulas mentioned previously. Then, according to the system resources that a single host can provide, assuming all hosts are same in resources, the number of hosts can be derived easily.
+**Quick Estimation for CPU, Memory and Disk** Please refer to [Resource Estimate](https://www.taosdata.com/config/config.html).
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+sidebar_label: Fault Tolerance
+title: Fault Tolerance & Disaster Recovery
+## Fault Tolerance
+TDengine uses **WAL**, i.e. Write Ahead Log, to achieve fault tolerance and high reliability.
+When a data block is received by TDengine, the original data block is firstly written into WAL. The log in WAL will be deleted only after the data has been written into data files in the database. Data can be recovered from WAL in case the server is stopped abnormally due to any reason and then restarted.
+There are 2 configuration parameters related to WAL:
+- walLevel:0:wal is disabled; 1:wal is enabled without fsync; 2:wal is enabled with fsync.
+- fsync:only valid when walLevel is set to 2, it specified the interval of invoking fsync. If set to 0, it means fsync is invoked immediately once WAL is written.
+To achieve absolutely no data loss, walLevel needs to be set to 2 and fsync needs to be set to 1. The penalty is the performance of data ingestion downgrades. However, if the concurrent threads of data insertion on the client side can reach a big enough number, for example 50, the data ingestion performance would be still good enough, our verification shows that the drop is only 30% compared to fsync is set to 3,000 milliseconds.
+## Disaster Recovery
+TDengine uses replications to provide high availability and disaster recovery capability.
+TDengine cluster is managed by mnode. To make sure the high availability of mnode, multiple replicas can be configured by system parameter `numOfMnodes`. The data replication between mnode replicas is in synchronous way to guarantee the metadata consistency.
+The number of replicas for time series data in TDengine is associated with each database, there can be a lot of databases in a cluster while each database can be configured with a different number of replicas. When creating a database, parameter `replica` is used to configure the number of replications. To achieve high availability, `replica` needs to be higher than 1.
+The number of dnodes in a TDengine cluster must NOT be lower than the number of replicas for any database, otherwise it would fail when trying to create table.
+As long as the dnodes of a TDengine cluster are deployed on different physical machines and replica number is set to bigger than 1, high availability can be achieved without any other assistance. If dnodes of TDengine cluster are deployed in geographically different data centers, disaster recovery can be achieved too.
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+title: User Management
+System operator can use TDengine CLI `taos` to create or remove user or change password. The SQL command is as low:
+## Create User
+CREATE USER PASS <'password'>;
+When creating a user and specifying the user name and password, password needs to be quoted using single quotes.
+## Drop User
+Drop a user can only be performed by root.
+## Change Password
+ALTER USER PASS <'password'>;
+To keep the case of the password when changing password, password needs to be quoted using single quotes.
+## Change Privilege
+The privileges that can be changed to are `read` or `write` without single quotes.
+Note:there is another privilege `super`, which not allowed to be authorized to any user.
+## Show Users
+In SQL syntax, `< >` means the part that needs to be input by user, excluding the `< >` itself.
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+title: Data Import
+There are multiple ways of importing data provided byTDengine: import with script, import from data file, import using `taosdump`.
+## Import Using Script
+TDengine CLI `taos` supports `source ` command for executing the SQL statements in the file in batch. The SQL statements for creating databases, creating tables, and inserting rows can be written in single file with one statement on each line, then the file can be executed using `source` command in TDengine CLI `taos` to execute the SQL statements in order and in batch. In the script file, any line beginning with "#" is treated as comments and ignored silently.
+## Import from Data File
+In TDengine CLI, data can be imported from a CSV file into an existing table. The data in single CSV must belong to same table and must be consistent with the schema of that table. The SQL statement is as below:
+insert into tb1 file 'path/data.csv';
+If there is description in the first line of a CSV file, please remove it before importing. If there is no value for a column, please use `NULL` without quotes.
+For example, there is a sub table d1001 whose schema is as below:
+taos> DESCRIBE d1001
+ Field | Type | Length | Note |
+ ts | TIMESTAMP | 8 | |
+ current | FLOAT | 4 | |
+ voltage | INT | 4 | |
+ phase | FLOAT | 4 | |
+ location | BINARY | 64 | TAG |
+ groupid | INT | 4 | TAG |
+The format of the CSV file to be imported, data.csv, is as below:
+'2018-10-04 06:38:05.000',10.30000,219,0.31000
+'2018-10-05 06:38:15.000',12.60000,218,0.33000
+'2018-10-06 06:38:16.800',13.30000,221,0.32000
+'2018-10-07 06:38:05.000',13.30000,219,0.33000
+'2018-10-08 06:38:05.000',14.30000,219,0.34000
+'2018-10-09 06:38:05.000',15.30000,219,0.35000
+'2018-10-10 06:38:05.000',16.30000,219,0.31000
+'2018-10-11 06:38:05.000',17.30000,219,0.32000
+'2018-10-12 06:38:05.000',18.30000,219,0.31000
+Then, below SQL statement can be used to import data from file "data.csv", assuming the file is located under the home directory of current Linux user.
+taos> insert into d1001 file '~/data.csv';
+Query OK, 9 row(s) affected (0.004763s)
+## Import using taosdump
+A convenient tool for importing and exporting data is provided by TDengine, `taosdump`, which can used to export data from one TDengine cluster and import into another one. For the details of using `taosdump` please refer to [Tool for exporting and importing data: taosdump](/reference/taosdump).
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+title: Data Export
+There are two ways of exporting data from a TDengine cluster, one is SQL statement in TDengine CLI, the other one is `taosdump`.
+## Export Using SQL
+If you want to export the data of a table or a STable, please execute below SQL statement in TDengine CLI.
+select * from >> data.csv;
+The data of table or STable specified by `tb_name` will be exported into a file named `data.csv` in CSV format.
+## Export Using taosdump
+With `taosdump`, you can choose to export the data of all databases, a database, a table or a STable, you can also choose export the data within a time range, or even only export the schema definition of a table. For the details of using `taosdump` please refer to [Tool for exporting and importing data: taosdump](/reference/taosdump).
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+sidebar_label: Connections & Tasks
+title: Manage Connections and Query Tasks
+System operator can use TDengine CLI to show the connections, ongoing queries, stream computing, and can close connection or stop ongoing query task or stream computing.
+## Show Connections
+One column of the output of the above SQL command is "ip:port", which is the end point of the client.
+## Close Connections Forcedly