提交 4bb83933 编写于 作者: 陶建辉(Jeff)'s avatar 陶建辉(Jeff)

remove the pollFd check

上级 0057a138
......@@ -174,16 +174,15 @@ static void taosStopTcpThread(SThreadObj* pThreadObj) {
pThreadObj->stop = true;
eventfd_t fd = -1;
// save thread and pollFd into local variable since pThreadObj will be freed when thread exits
// save thread into local variable since pThreadObj is freed when thread exits
pthread_t thread = pThreadObj->thread;
SOCKET pollFd = pThreadObj->pollFd;
if (taosComparePthread(pThreadObj->thread, pthread_self())) {
if (taosCheckPthreadValid(pThreadObj->thread) && pThreadObj->pollFd >= 0) {
if (taosCheckPthreadValid(pThreadObj->thread)) {
// signal the thread to stop, try graceful method first,
// and use pthread_cancel when failed
struct epoll_event event = { .events = EPOLLIN };
......@@ -200,8 +199,8 @@ static void taosStopTcpThread(SThreadObj* pThreadObj) {
// at this step, pThreadObj may have been released
if (taosCheckPthreadValid(thread) && pollFd >= 0) {
// at this step, pThreadObj has already been released
if (taosCheckPthreadValid(thread)) {
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
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