未验证 提交 4b8cd944 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #9711 from taosdata/feature/qnode

......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ enum {
typedef struct STableComInfo {
......@@ -61,14 +61,17 @@ typedef struct SSchLevel {
typedef struct SSchTask {
uint64_t taskId; // task id
SRWLatch lock; // task lock
SSchLevel *level; // level
SSubplan *plan; // subplan
char *msg; // operator tree
int32_t msgLen; // msg length
int8_t status; // task status
SQueryNodeAddr execAddr; // task actual executed node address
int32_t lastMsgType; // last sent msg type
SQueryNodeAddr succeedAddr; // task executed success node address
int8_t candidateIdx; // current try condidation index
SArray *candidateAddrs; // condidate node addresses, element is SQueryNodeAddr
SArray *execAddrs; // all tried node for current task, element is SQueryNodeAddr
SQueryProfileSummary summary; // task execution summary
int32_t childReady; // child task ready number
SArray *children; // the datasource tasks,from which to fetch the result, element is SQueryTask*
......@@ -96,22 +99,24 @@ typedef struct SSchJob {
SHashObj *succTasks; // succeed tasks, key:taskid, value:SQueryTask*
SHashObj *failTasks; // failed tasks, key:taskid, value:SQueryTask*
int32_t ref;
int8_t status;
SQueryNodeAddr resNode;
tsem_t rspSem;
int32_t userFetch;
int8_t userFetch;
int32_t remoteFetch;
SSchTask *fetchTask;
int32_t errCode;
void *res;
void *res; //TODO free it or not
int32_t resNumOfRows;
SQueryProfileSummary summary;
} SSchJob;
#define SCH_TASK_READY_TO_LUNCH(task) (atomic_load_32(&(task)->childReady) >= taosArrayGetSize((task)->children))
#define SCH_IS_DATA_SRC_TASK(task) ((task)->plan->type == QUERY_TYPE_SCAN)
#define SCH_TASK_NEED_WAIT_ALL(task) ((task)->plan->type == QUERY_TYPE_MODIFY)
#define SCH_TASK_NO_NEED_DROP(task) ((task)->plan->type == QUERY_TYPE_MODIFY)
#define SCH_SET_TASK_STATUS(task, st) atomic_store_8(&(task)->status, st)
#define SCH_GET_TASK_STATUS(task) atomic_load_8(&(task)->status)
......@@ -125,8 +130,9 @@ typedef struct SSchJob {
#define SCH_JOB_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QID:%"PRIx64" " param, pJob->queryId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_JOB_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QID:%"PRIx64" " param, pJob->queryId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QID:%"PRIx64",TID:%"PRIx64" " param, pJob->queryId, pTask->taskId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QID:%"PRIx64",TID:%"PRIx64" " param, pJob->queryId, pTask->taskId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QID:%"PRIx64",TID:%"PRId64" " param, pJob->queryId, pTask->taskId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QID:%"PRIx64",TID:%"PRId64" " param, pJob->queryId, pTask->taskId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QID:%"PRIx64",TID:%"PRId64" " param, pJob->queryId, pTask->taskId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SCH_ERR_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; return _code; } } while (0)
#define SCH_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; } return _code; } while (0)
......@@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ typedef struct SSchJob {
static int32_t schLaunchTask(SSchJob *job, SSchTask *task);
static int32_t schBuildAndSendMsg(SSchJob *job, SSchTask *task, int32_t msgType);
static int32_t schBuildAndSendMsg(SSchJob *job, SSchTask *task, SQueryNodeAddr *addr, int32_t msgType);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
namespace {
extern "C" int32_t schProcessRspMsg(SSchJob *job, SSchTask *task, int32_t msgType, char *msg, int32_t msgSize, int32_t rspCode);
extern "C" int32_t schHandleResponseMsg(SSchJob *job, SSchTask *task, int32_t msgType, char *msg, int32_t msgSize, int32_t rspCode);
void schtBuildQueryDag(SQueryDag *dag) {
uint64_t qId = 0x0000000000000001;
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void *schtSendRsp(void *param) {
SShellSubmitRsp rsp = {0};
rsp.affectedRows = 10;
schProcessRspMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_SUBMIT, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
schHandleResponseMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_SUBMIT, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
pIter = taosHashIterate(job->execTasks, pIter);
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ TEST(queryTest, normalCase) {
SSchTask *task = *(SSchTask **)pIter;
SQueryTableRsp rsp = {0};
code = schProcessRspMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_QUERY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
code = schHandleResponseMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_QUERY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
pIter = taosHashIterate(job->execTasks, pIter);
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ TEST(queryTest, normalCase) {
SSchTask *task = *(SSchTask **)pIter;
SResReadyRsp rsp = {0};
code = schProcessRspMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_RES_READY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
code = schHandleResponseMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_RES_READY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
pIter = taosHashIterate(job->execTasks, pIter);
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ TEST(queryTest, normalCase) {
SSchTask *task = *(SSchTask **)pIter;
SQueryTableRsp rsp = {0};
code = schProcessRspMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_QUERY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
code = schHandleResponseMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_QUERY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
pIter = taosHashIterate(job->execTasks, pIter);
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ TEST(queryTest, normalCase) {
SSchTask *task = *(SSchTask **)pIter;
SResReadyRsp rsp = {0};
code = schProcessRspMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_RES_READY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
code = schHandleResponseMsg(job, task, TDMT_VND_RES_READY, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
pIter = taosHashIterate(job->execTasks, pIter);
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ TEST(queryTest, normalCase) {
SRetrieveTableRsp rsp = {0};
rsp.completed = 1;
rsp.numOfRows = 10;
code = schProcessRspMsg(job, NULL, TDMT_VND_FETCH, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
code = schHandleResponseMsg(job, NULL, TDMT_VND_FETCH, (char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
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