提交 4681611e 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/3.0' into feature/dnode3

......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ option(
"If build with NuRaft"
......@@ -54,3 +55,9 @@ option(
"If use doxygen build documents"
"If use invertedIndex"
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct SIndex SIndex;
typedef struct SIndexTerm SIndexTerm;
typedef struct SIndexOpts SIndexOpts;
typedef struct SIndexMultiTermQuery SIndexMultiTermQuery;
typedef struct SArray SIndexMultiTerm;
......@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ typedef enum {
ADD_INDEX, // add index on specify column
DROP_INDEX, // drop existed index
DROP_SATBLE // drop stable
} SIndexColumnType;
} SIndexOperOnColumn;
typedef enum { MUST = 0, SHOULD = 1, NOT = 2 } EIndexOperatorType;
typedef enum { QUERY_TERM = 0, QUERY_PREFIX = 1, QUERY_SUFFIX = 2,QUERY_REGEX = 3} EIndexQueryType;
......@@ -45,12 +46,12 @@ typedef enum { QUERY_TERM = 0, QUERY_PREFIX = 1, QUERY_SUFFIX = 2,QUERY_REGEX =
SIndexMultiTermQuery *indexMultiTermQueryCreate(EIndexOperatorType oper);
void indexMultiTermQueryDestroy(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery);
int indexMultiTermQueryAdd(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery, const char *field, int32_t nFields, const char *value, int32_t nValue, EIndexQueryType type);
int indexMultiTermQueryAdd(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery, SIndexTerm *term, EIndexQueryType type);
* @param:
* @param:
SIndex* indexOpen(SIndexOpts *opt, const char *path);
int indexOpen(SIndexOpts *opt, const char *path, SIndex **index);
void indexClose(SIndex *index);
int indexPut(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTerm *terms, int uid);
int indexDelete(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query);
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ int indexRebuild(SIndex *index, SIndexOpts *opt);
* @param
SIndexMultiTerm *indexMultiTermCreate();
int indexMultiTermAdd(SIndexMultiTerm *terms, const char *field, int32_t nFields, const char *value, int32_t nValue);
int indexMultiTermAdd(SIndexMultiTerm *terms, SIndexTerm *term);
void indexMultiTermDestroy(SIndexMultiTerm *terms);
* @param:
......@@ -70,6 +71,17 @@ void indexMultiTermDestroy(SIndexMultiTerm *terms);
SIndexOpts *indexOptsCreate();
void indexOptsDestroy(SIndexOpts *opts);
* @param:
* @param:
SIndexTerm *indexTermCreate(int64_t suid, SIndexOperOnColumn operType, uint8_t colType,
const char *colName, int32_t nColName, const char *colVal, int32_t nColVal);
void indexTermDestroy(SIndexTerm *p);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ typedef struct SProjectPhyNode {
typedef struct SExchangePhyNode {
SPhyNode node;
uint64_t srcTemplateId; // template id of datasource suplans
SArray *pSourceEpSet; // SEpSet, scheduler fill by calling qSetSuplanExecutionNode
SArray *pSrcEndPoints; // SEpAddrMsg, scheduler fill by calling qSetSuplanExecutionNode
} SExchangePhyNode;
typedef struct SSubplanId {
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ typedef struct SSubplan {
typedef struct SQueryDag {
uint64_t queryId;
int32_t numOfSubplans;
SArray *pSubplans; // Element is SArray*, and nested element is SSubplan. The execution level of subplan, starting from 0.
} SQueryDag;
......@@ -137,7 +138,11 @@ typedef struct SQueryDag {
int32_t qCreateQueryDag(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SEpSet* pQnode, struct SQueryDag** pDag);
int32_t qSetSubplanExecutionNode(SSubplan* subplan, SArray* eps);
// Set datasource of this subplan, multiple calls may be made to a subplan.
// @subplan subplan to be schedule
// @templateId templateId of a group of datasource subplans of this @subplan
// @eps Execution location of this group of datasource subplans, is an array of SEpAddr structures
int32_t qSetSubplanExecutionNode(SSubplan* subplan, uint64_t templateId, SArray* eps);
int32_t qExplainQuery(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SEpSet* pQnode, char** str);
......@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ if (${BUILD_WITH_LUCENE})
PUBLIC lucene++
if (${BUILD_TEST})
......@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ struct SIndex {
void *cache;
void *tindex;
SHashObj *fieldObj;// < field name, field id>
SHashObj *colObj;// < field name, field id>
int64_t suid; // current super table id, -1 is normal table
int fieldId; // field id allocated to cache
int colId; // field id allocated to cache
int32_t cVersion; // current version allocated to cache
pthread_mutex_t mtx;
......@@ -60,22 +60,21 @@ struct SIndexMultiTermQuery {
// field and key;
typedef struct SIndexTerm {
uint8_t type; // term data type, str/interger/json
char *key;
int32_t nKey;
char *val;
int32_t nVal;
int64_t suid;
SIndexOperOnColumn operType; // oper type, add/del/update
uint8_t colType; // term data type, str/interger/json
char *colName;
int32_t nColName;
char *colVal;
int32_t nColVal;
} SIndexTerm;
typedef struct SIndexTermQuery {
SIndexTerm* field_value;
EIndexQueryType type;
SIndexTerm* term;
EIndexQueryType qType;
} SIndexTermQuery;
SIndexTerm *indexTermCreate(const char *key, int32_t nKey, const char *val, int32_t nVal);
void indexTermDestroy(SIndexTerm *p);
#define indexFatal(...) do { if (sDebugFlag & DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPrintLog("index FATAL ", 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0)
#define indexError(...) do { if (sDebugFlag & DEBUG_ERROR) { taosPrintLog("index ERROR ", 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0)
......@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ typedef struct IndexCache {
IndexCache *indexCacheCreate();
void indexCacheDestroy(IndexCache *cache);
void indexCacheDestroy(void *cache);
int indexCachePut(IndexCache *cache, int16_t fieldId, int16_t fieldType, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvLen,
int indexCachePut(void *cache, int16_t fieldId, int16_t fieldType, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvLen,
uint32_t version, uint64_t uid, int8_t operType);
int indexCacheGet(IndexCache *cache, uint64_t *rst);
int indexCacheSearch(IndexCache *cache, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query, SArray *result);
int indexCacheGet(void *cache, uint64_t *rst);
int indexCacheSearch(void *cache, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query, SArray *result);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
typedef struct SIdxFieldInfo {
int fieldId; // generated by index internal
typedef struct SIdxColInfo {
int colId; // generated by index internal
int cVersion;
int type; // field type
} SIdxFieldInfo;
} SIdxColInfo;
static pthread_once_t isInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void indexInit();
......@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ static int indexMergeCacheIntoTindex(struct SIndex *sIdx) {
indexWarn("suid %" PRIu64 " merge cache into tindex", sIdx->suid);
return 0;
SIndex *indexOpen(SIndexOpts *opts, const char *path) {
int indexOpen(SIndexOpts *opts, const char *path, SIndex **index) {
pthread_once(&isInit, indexInit);
SIndex *sIdx = calloc(1, sizeof(SIndex));
if (sIdx == NULL) { return -1; }
index_t *index = index_open(path);
......@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ SIndex *indexOpen(SIndexOpts *opts, const char *path) {
sIdx->cache = (void*)indexCacheCreate();
sIdx->tindex = NULL;
sIdx->fieldObj = taosHashInit(8, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
sIdx->fieldId = 1;
sIdx->colObj = taosHashInit(8, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
sIdx->colId = 1;
sIdx->cVersion = 1;
pthread_mutex_init(&sIdx->mtx, NULL);
return sIdx;
*index = sIdx;
return 0;
void indexClose(SIndex *sIdx) {
......@@ -61,14 +63,17 @@ void indexClose(SIndex *sIdx) {
sIdx->index = NULL;
int indexPut(SIndex *index, SArray* fVals, int uid) {
int indexPut(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTerm * fVals, int uid) {
index_document_t *doc = index_document_create();
......@@ -86,32 +91,38 @@ int indexPut(SIndex *index, SArray* fVals, int uid) {
//TODO(yihao): reduce the lock range
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(fVals); i++) {
SIndexTerm *p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
SIdxFieldInfo *fi = taosHashGet(index->fieldObj, p->key, p->nKey);
SIdxColInfo *fi = taosHashGet(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName);
if (fi == NULL) {
SIdxFieldInfo tfi = {.fieldId = index->fieldId, .type = p->type};
SIdxColInfo tfi = {.colId = index->colId};
taosHashPut(index->fieldObj, p->key, p->nKey, &tfi, sizeof(tfi));
taosHashPut(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName, &tfi, sizeof(tfi));
} else {
//TODO, del
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(fVals); i++) {
SIndexTerm *p = taosArrayGetP(fVals, i);
SIdxFieldInfo *fi = taosHashGet(index->fieldObj, p->key, p->nKey);
SIdxColInfo *fi = taosHashGet(index->colObj, p->colName, p->nColName);
assert(fi != NULL);
int32_t fieldId = fi->fieldId;
int32_t colType = fi->type;
int32_t colId = fi->colId;
int32_t version = index->cVersion;
int ret = indexCachePut(index->cache, colId, p->colType, p->colVal, p->nColVal, version, uid, p->operType);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
return 1;
return 0;
int indexSearch(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTermQuery *multiQuerys, SArray *result) {
......@@ -148,16 +159,26 @@ int indexSearch(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTermQuery *multiQuerys, SArray *result
return 1;
int indexDelete(SIndex *index, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query) {
return 1;
int indexRebuild(SIndex *index, SIndexOpts *opts);
int indexRebuild(SIndex *index, SIndexOpts *opts) {
SIndexOpts *indexOptsCreate() {
......@@ -184,53 +205,55 @@ SIndexMultiTermQuery *indexMultiTermQueryCreate(EIndexOperatorType opera) {
void indexMultiTermQueryDestroy(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery) {
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pQuery->query); i++) {
SIndexTermQuery *p = (SIndexTermQuery *)taosArrayGet(pQuery->query, i);
int indexMultiTermQueryAdd(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery, const char *field, int32_t nFields, const char *value, int32_t nValue, EIndexQueryType type){
SIndexTerm *t = indexTermCreate(field, nFields, value, nValue);
if (t == NULL) {return -1;}
SIndexTermQuery q = {.type = type, .field_value = t};
int indexMultiTermQueryAdd(SIndexMultiTermQuery *pQuery, SIndexTerm *term, EIndexQueryType qType){
SIndexTermQuery q = {.qType = qType, .term = term};
taosArrayPush(pQuery->query, &q);
return 0;
SIndexTerm *indexTermCreate(const char *key, int32_t nKey, const char *val, int32_t nVal) {
SIndexTerm *t = (SIndexTerm *)malloc(sizeof(SIndexTerm));
t->key = (char *)calloc(nKey + 1, 1);
memcpy(t->key, key, nKey);
t->nKey = nKey;
SIndexTerm *indexTermCreate(int64_t suid, SIndexOperOnColumn oper, uint8_t colType, const char *colName, int32_t nColName, const char *colVal, int32_t nColVal) {
SIndexTerm *t = (SIndexTerm *)calloc(1, (sizeof(SIndexTerm)));
if (t == NULL) { return NULL; }
t->suid = suid;
t->operType= oper;
t->colType = colType;
t->colName = (char *)calloc(1, nColName + 1);
memcpy(t->colName, colName, nColName);
t->nColName = nColName;
t->val = (char *)calloc(nVal + 1, 1);
memcpy(t->val, val, nVal);
t->nVal = nVal;
t->colVal = (char *)calloc(1, nColVal + 1);
memcpy(t->colVal, colVal, nColVal);
t->nColVal = nColVal;
return t;
void indexTermDestroy(SIndexTerm *p) {
SArray *indexMultiTermCreate() {
SIndexMultiTerm *indexMultiTermCreate() {
return taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SIndexTerm *));
int indexMultiTermAdd(SArray *array, const char *field, int32_t nField, const char *val, int32_t nVal) {
SIndexTerm *term = indexTermCreate(field, nField, val, nVal);
if (term == NULL) { return -1; }
taosArrayPush(array, &term);
int indexMultiTermAdd(SIndexMultiTerm *terms, SIndexTerm *term) {
taosArrayPush(terms, &term);
return 0;
void indexMultiTermDestroy(SArray *array) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(array); i++) {
SIndexTerm *p = taosArrayGetP(array, i);
void indexMultiTermDestroy(SIndexMultiTerm *terms) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(terms); i++) {
SIndexTerm *p = taosArrayGetP(terms, i);
void indexInit() {
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "index_cache.h"
#include "tcompare.h"
#define MAX_INDEX_KEY_LEN 128 // test only, change later
#define MAX_INDEX_KEY_LEN 256// test only, change later
static char* getIndexKey(const void *pData) {
return NULL;
......@@ -96,16 +96,19 @@ IndexCache *indexCacheCreate() {
void indexCacheDestroy(IndexCache *cache) {
if (cache == NULL) { return; }
void indexCacheDestroy(void *cache) {
IndexCache *pCache = cache;
if (pCache == NULL) { return; }
int indexCachePut(IndexCache *cache, int16_t fieldId, int16_t fieldType, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvLen,
int indexCachePut(void *cache, int16_t fieldId, int16_t fieldType, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvLen,
uint32_t version, uint64_t uid, int8_t operType) {
if (cache == NULL) { return -1;}
IndexCache *pCache = cache;
// encode data
int32_t total = sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(fieldId) + sizeof(fieldType) + sizeof(fvLen) + fvLen + sizeof(version) + sizeof(uid) + sizeof(operType);
......@@ -135,20 +138,15 @@ int indexCachePut(IndexCache *cache, int16_t fieldId, int16_t fieldType, const c
memcpy(p, &operType, sizeof(operType));
p += sizeof(operType);
tSkipListPut(cache->skiplist, (void *)buf);
tSkipListPut(pCache->skiplist, (void *)buf);
// encode end
int indexCacheDel(IndexCache *cache, int32_t fieldId, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvlen, uint64_t uid, int8_t operType) {
int indexCacheDel(void *cache, int32_t fieldId, const char *fieldValue, int32_t fvlen, uint64_t uid, int8_t operType) {
IndexCache *pCache = cache;
return 0;
int indexCacheSearch(IndexCache *cache, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query, SArray *result) {
int indexCacheSearch(void *cache, SIndexMultiTermQuery *query, SArray *result) {
return 0;
add_executable(indexTest "")
target_include_directories ( indexTest
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
......@@ -279,15 +293,71 @@ void validateFst() {
delete m;
class IndexEnv : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
opts = indexOptsCreate();
int ret = indexOpen(opts, path, &index);
assert(ret == 0);
virtual void TearDown() {
const char *path = "/tmp/tindex";
SIndexOpts *opts;
SIndex *index;
TEST_F(IndexEnv, testPut) {
// single index column
std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello world");
SIndexTerm *term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
SIndexMultiTerm *terms = indexMultiTermCreate();
indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int tableId = i;
int ret = indexPut(index, terms, tableId);
assert(ret == 0);
// multi index column
SIndexMultiTerm *terms = indexMultiTermCreate();
std::string colName("tag1"), colVal("Hello world");
SIndexTerm *term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term);
std::string colName("tag2"), colVal("Hello world");
SIndexTerm *term = indexTermCreate(0, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, colName.c_str(), colName.size(), colVal.c_str(), colVal.size());
indexMultiTermAdd(terms, term);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int tableId = i;
int ret = indexPut(index, terms, tableId);
assert(ret == 0);
//TEST(IndexFstBuilder, IndexFstInput) {
TEST_F(IndexEnv, testDel) {
......@@ -100,8 +100,9 @@ int32_t queryPlanToString(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** str);
int32_t queryPlanToSql(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** sql);
int32_t createDag(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, struct SCatalog* pCatalog, SQueryDag** pDag);
int32_t setSubplanExecutionNode(SSubplan* subplan, uint64_t templateId, SArray* eps);
int32_t subPlanToString(const SSubplan *pPhyNode, char** str);
int32_t stringToSubplan(const char* str, SSubplan** subplan);
* Destroy the query plan object.
......@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
#define STORE_CURRENT_SUBPLAN(cxt) SSubplan* _ = cxt->pCurrentSubplan
#define RECOVERY_CURRENT_SUBPLAN(cxt) cxt->pCurrentSubplan = _
typedef struct SPlanContext {
struct SCatalog* pCatalog;
struct SQueryDag* pDag;
SSubplan* pCurrentSubplan;
SSubplanId nextId;
} SPlanContext;
static const char* gOpName[] = {
......@@ -26,12 +33,14 @@ static const char* gOpName[] = {
typedef struct SPlanContext {
struct SCatalog* pCatalog;
struct SQueryDag* pDag;
SSubplan* pCurrentSubplan;
SSubplanId nextId;
} SPlanContext;
int32_t opNameToOpType(const char* name) {
for (int32_t i = 1; i < sizeof(gOpName) / sizeof(gOpName[0]); ++i) {
if (strcmp(name, gOpName[i])) {
return i;
return OP_Unknown;
static void toDataBlockSchema(SQueryPlanNode* pPlanNode, SDataBlockSchema* dataBlockSchema) {
SWAP(dataBlockSchema->pSchema, pPlanNode->pSchema, SSchema*);
......@@ -216,11 +225,6 @@ int32_t createDag(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, struct SCatalog* pCatalog, SQueryD
int32_t opNameToOpType(const char* name) {
for (int32_t i = 1; i < sizeof(gOpName) / sizeof(gOpName[0]); ++i) {
if (strcmp(name, gOpName[i])) {
return i;
return OP_Unknown;
int32_t setSubplanExecutionNode(SSubplan* subplan, uint64_t templateId, SArray* eps) {
......@@ -463,6 +463,191 @@ static bool exprInfoFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
return res;
static const char* jkTimeWindowStartKey = "StartKey";
static const char* jkTimeWindowEndKey = "EndKey";
static bool timeWindowToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const STimeWindow* win = (const STimeWindow*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkTimeWindowStartKey, win->skey);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkTimeWindowEndKey, win->ekey);
return res;
static bool timeWindowFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
STimeWindow* win = (STimeWindow*)obj;
win->skey = getNumber(json, jkTimeWindowStartKey);
win->ekey = getNumber(json, jkTimeWindowEndKey);
return true;
static const char* jkScanNodeTableId = "TableId";
static const char* jkScanNodeTableType = "TableType";
static bool scanNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const SScanPhyNode* scan = (const SScanPhyNode*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableId, scan->uid);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkScanNodeTableType, scan->tableType);
return res;
static bool scanNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
SScanPhyNode* scan = (SScanPhyNode*)obj;
scan->uid = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableId);
scan->tableType = getNumber(json, jkScanNodeTableType);
return true;
static const char* jkTableScanNodeFlag = "Flag";
static const char* jkTableScanNodeWindow = "Window";
static const char* jkTableScanNodeTagsConditions = "TagsConditions";
static bool tableScanNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const STableScanPhyNode* scan = (const STableScanPhyNode*)obj;
bool res = scanNodeToJson(obj, json);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkTableScanNodeFlag, scan->scanFlag);
if (res) {
res = addObject(json, jkTableScanNodeWindow, timeWindowToJson, &scan->window);
if (res) {
res = addArray(json, jkTableScanNodeTagsConditions, exprInfoToJson, scan->pTagsConditions);
return res;
static bool tableScanNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
STableScanPhyNode* scan = (STableScanPhyNode*)obj;
bool res = scanNodeFromJson(json, obj);
if (res) {
scan->scanFlag = getNumber(json, jkTableScanNodeFlag);
if (res) {
res = fromObject(json, jkTableScanNodeWindow, timeWindowFromJson, &scan->window, true);
if (res) {
res = fromArray(json, jkTableScanNodeTagsConditions, exprInfoFromJson, &scan->pTagsConditions, sizeof(SExprInfo));
return res;
static const char* jkEpAddrFqdn = "Fqdn";
static const char* jkEpAddrPort = "Port";
static bool epAddrToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const SEpAddrMsg* ep = (const SEpAddrMsg*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddStringToObject(json, jkEpAddrFqdn, ep->fqdn);
if (res) {
res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkEpAddrPort, ep->port);
return res;
static bool epAddrFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
SEpAddrMsg* ep = (SEpAddrMsg*)obj;
copyString(json, jkEpAddrFqdn, ep->fqdn);
ep->port = getNumber(json, jkEpAddrPort);
return true;
static const char* jkExchangeNodeSrcTemplateId = "SrcTemplateId";
static const char* jkExchangeNodeSrcEndPoints = "SrcEndPoints";
static bool exchangeNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const SExchangePhyNode* exchange = (const SExchangePhyNode*)obj;
bool res = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, jkExchangeNodeSrcTemplateId, exchange->srcTemplateId);
if (res) {
res = addArray(json, jkExchangeNodeSrcEndPoints, epAddrToJson, exchange->pSrcEndPoints);
return res;
static bool exchangeNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
SExchangePhyNode* exchange = (SExchangePhyNode*)obj;
exchange->srcTemplateId = getNumber(json, jkExchangeNodeSrcTemplateId);
return fromArray(json, jkExchangeNodeSrcEndPoints, epAddrFromJson, &exchange->pSrcEndPoints, sizeof(SEpAddrMsg));
static bool specificPhyNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* json) {
const SPhyNode* phyNode = (const SPhyNode*)obj;
switch (phyNode->info.type) {
case OP_TableScan:
case OP_DataBlocksOptScan:
case OP_TableSeqScan:
return tableScanNodeToJson(obj, json);
case OP_TagScan:
case OP_SystemTableScan:
return scanNodeToJson(obj, json);
case OP_Aggregate:
break; // todo
case OP_Project:
return true;
case OP_Groupby:
case OP_Limit:
case OP_SLimit:
case OP_TimeWindow:
case OP_SessionWindow:
case OP_StateWindow:
case OP_Fill:
case OP_MultiTableAggregate:
case OP_MultiTableTimeInterval:
case OP_Filter:
case OP_Distinct:
case OP_Join:
case OP_AllTimeWindow:
case OP_AllMultiTableTimeInterval:
case OP_Order:
break; // todo
case OP_Exchange:
return exchangeNodeToJson(obj, json);
return false;
static bool specificPhyNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
SPhyNode* phyNode = (SPhyNode*)obj;
switch (phyNode->info.type) {
case OP_TableScan:
case OP_DataBlocksOptScan:
case OP_TableSeqScan:
return tableScanNodeFromJson(json, obj);
case OP_TagScan:
case OP_SystemTableScan:
return scanNodeFromJson(json, obj);
case OP_Aggregate:
break; // todo
case OP_Project:
return true;
case OP_Groupby:
case OP_Limit:
case OP_SLimit:
case OP_TimeWindow:
case OP_SessionWindow:
case OP_StateWindow:
case OP_Fill:
case OP_MultiTableAggregate:
case OP_MultiTableTimeInterval:
case OP_Filter:
case OP_Distinct:
case OP_Join:
case OP_AllTimeWindow:
case OP_AllMultiTableTimeInterval:
case OP_Order:
break; // todo
case OP_Exchange:
return exchangeNodeFromJson(json, obj);
return false;
static const char* jkPnodeName = "Name";
static const char* jkPnodeTargets = "Targets";
static const char* jkPnodeConditions = "Conditions";
......@@ -484,6 +669,9 @@ static bool phyNodeToJson(const void* obj, cJSON* jNode) {
if (res) {
res = addArray(jNode, jkPnodeChildren, phyNodeToJson, phyNode->pChildren);
if (res) {
res = addObject(jNode, phyNode->info.name, specificPhyNodeToJson, phyNode);
return res;
......@@ -501,6 +689,9 @@ static bool phyNodeFromJson(const cJSON* json, void* obj) {
if (res) {
res = fromArray(json, jkPnodeChildren, phyNodeFromJson, &node->pChildren, sizeof(SSlotSchema));
if (res) {
res = fromObject(json, node->info.name, specificPhyNodeFromJson, node, true);
return res;
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ int32_t qCreateQueryDag(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SEpSet*
int32_t qSetSubplanExecutionNode(SSubplan* subplan, uint64_t templateId, SArray* eps) {
return setSubplanExecutionNode(subplan, templateId, eps);
int32_t qSubPlanToString(const SSubplan *subplan, char** str) {
return subPlanToString(subplan, str);
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