提交 45b3420a 编写于 作者: D danielclow

doc: english version of tdengine sql

上级 5d2addc2
sidebar_label: Data Types
title: Data Types
description: "TDengine supports a variety of data types including timestamp, float, JSON and many others."
## Timestamp
When using TDengine to store and query data, the most important part of the data is timestamp. Timestamp must be specified when creating and inserting data rows. Timestamp must follow the rules below:
......@@ -18,52 +19,54 @@ Time precision in TDengine can be set by the `PRECISION` parameter when executin
## Data Types
In TDengine, the data types below can be used when specifying a column or tag.
| # | **type** | **Bytes** | **Description** |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | ------------------------- |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | TIMESTAMP | 8 | Default precision is millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond are also supported |
| 2 | INT | 4 | Integer, the value range is [-2^31, 2^31-1] |
| 3 |INT UNSIGNED|4 | Unsigned integer, the value range is [0, 2^31-1] |
| 3 | INT UNSIGNED| 4| unsigned integer, the value range is [0, 2^32-1]
| 4 | BIGINT | 8 | Long integer, the value range is [-2^63, 2^63-1] |
| 5 | BIGINT UNSIGNED | 8 | Unsigned long integer, the value range is [0, 2^63-1] |
| 5 | BIGINT UNSIGNED | 8 | unsigned long integer, the value range is [0, 2^64-1] |
| 6 | FLOAT | 4 | Floating point number, the effective number of digits is 6-7, the value range is [-3.4E38, 3.4E38] |
| 7 | DOUBLE | 8 | Double precision floating point number, the effective number of digits is 15-16, the value range is [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
| 8 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. The string length can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'` |
| 8 | BINARY | User Defined | Single-byte string for ASCII visible characters. Length must be specified when defining a column or tag of binary type. |
| 9 | SMALLINT | 2 | Short integer, the value range is [-32768, 32767] |
| 10 | SMALLINT UNSIGNED | 2 | Unsigned short integer, the value range is [0, 32767] |
| 10 | INT UNSIGNED| 2| unsigned integer, the value range is [0, 65535]|
| 11 | TINYINT | 1 | Single-byte integer, the value range is [-128, 127] |
| 12 | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 1 | Unsigned single-byte integer, the value range is [0, 127] |
| 12 | TINYINT UNSIGNED | 1 | unsigned single-byte integer, the value range is [0, 255] |
| 13 | BOOL | 1 | Bool, the value range is {true, false} |
| 14 | NCHAR | User Defined| Multi-Byte string that can include multi byte characters like Chinese characters. Each character of NCHAR type consumes 4 bytes storage. The string value should be quoted with single quotes. Literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with backslash, like `\’`. The length must be specified when defining a column or tag of NCHAR type, for example nchar(10) means it can store at most 10 characters of nchar type and will consume fixed storage of 40 bytes. An error will be reported if the string value exceeds the length defined. |
| 15 | JSON | | JSON type can only be used on tags. A tag of json type is excluded with any other tags of any other type |
| 16 | VARCHAR | User Defined| Alias of BINARY type |
| 16 | VARCHAR | User-defined | Alias of BINARY |
- TDengine is case insensitive and treats any characters in the sql command as lower case by default, case sensitive strings must be quoted with single quotes.
- Only ASCII visible characters are suggested to be used in a column or tag of BINARY type. Multi-byte characters must be stored in NCHAR type.
- The length of BINARY can be up to 16374 bytes. The string value must be quoted with single quotes. You must specify a length in bytes for a BINARY value, for example binary(20) for up to twenty single-byte characters. If the data exceeds the specified length, an error will occur. The literal single quote inside the string must be preceded with back slash like `\'`
- Numeric values in SQL statements will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used, so attention must be paid to avoid overflow. For example, 9999999999999999999 will be considered as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of long integer, but 9999999999999999999.0 will be considered as a legal float number.
## Constants
TDengine supports constants of multiple data type.
TDengine supports a variety of constants:
| # | **Syntax** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :-------: | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
| 1 | [{+ \| -}]123 | BIGINT | Numeric constants are treated as BIGINT type. The value will be truncated if it exceeds the range of BIGINT type. |
| 2 | 123.45 | DOUBLE | Floating number constants are treated as DOUBLE type. TDengine determines whether it's a floating number based on if decimal point or scientific notation is used. |
| 3 | 1.2E3 | DOUBLE | Constants in scientific notation are treated ad DOUBLE type. |
| 4 | 'abc' | BINARY | String constants enclosed by single quotes are treated as BINARY type. Its size is determined as the acutal length. Single quote itself can be included by preceding backslash, i.e. `\'`, in a string constant. |
| 5 | "abc" | BINARY | String constants enclosed by double quotes are treated as BINARY type. Its size is determined as the acutal length. Double quote itself can be included by preceding backslash, i.e. `\"`, in a string constant. |
| 6 | TIMESTAMP {'literal' \| "literal"} | TIMESTAMP | A string constant following `TIMESTAMP` keyword is treated as TIMESTAMP type. The string should be in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS". Its time precision is same as that of the current database being used. |
| 7 | {TRUE \| FALSE} | BOOL | BOOL type contant. |
| 8 | {'' \| "" \| '\t' \| "\t" \| ' ' \| " " \| NULL } | -- | NULL constant, it can be used for any type.|
| 1 | [{+ \| -}]123 | BIGINT | Integer literals are of type BIGINT. Data that exceeds the length of the BIGINT type is truncated. |
| 2 | 123.45 | DOUBLE | Floating-point literals are of type DOUBLE. Numeric values will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used. |
| 3 | 1.2E3 | DOUBLE | Literals in scientific notation are of type DOUBLE. |
| 4 | 'abc' | BINARY | Content enclosed in single quotation marks is of type BINARY. The size of a BINARY is the size of the string in bytes. A literal single quote inside the string must be escaped with a backslash (\'). |
| 5 | 'abc' | BINARY | Content enclosed in double quotation marks is of type BINARY. The size of a BINARY is the size of the string in bytes. A literal double quote inside the string must be escaped with a backslash (\"). |
| 6 | TIMESTAMP {'literal' \| "literal"} | TIMESTAMP | The TIMESTAMP keyword indicates that the following string literal is interpreted as a timestamp. The string must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.MS format. The precision is inherited from the database configuration. |
| 7 | {TRUE \| FALSE} | BOOL | Boolean literals are of type BOOL. |
| 8 | {'' \| "" \| '\t' \| "\t" \| ' ' \| " " \| NULL } | -- | The preceding characters indicate null literals. These can be used with any data type. |
- TDengine determines whether it's a floating number based on if decimal point or scientific notation is used. So whether the value is determined as overflow depends on both the value and the determined type. For example, 9999999999999999999 is determined as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of BIGINT type, while 9999999999999999999.0 is considered as a valid floating number because it is within the range of DOUBLE type.
Numeric values will be determined as integer or float type according to whether there is decimal point or whether scientific notation is used, so attention must be paid to avoid overflow. For example, 9999999999999999999 will be considered as overflow because it exceeds the upper limit of long integer, but 9999999999999999999.0 will be considered as a legal float number.
......@@ -4,123 +4,153 @@ title: Database
description: "create and drop database, show or change database parameters"
## Create Database
## Create a Database
CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name [database_options]
database_option ...
database_option: {
BUFFER value
| CACHEMODEL {'none' | 'last_row' | 'last_value' | 'both'}
| COMP {0 | 1 | 2}
| DURATION value
| MAXROWS value
| MINROWS value
| KEEP value
| PAGES value
| PAGESIZE value
| PRECISION {'ms' | 'us' | 'ns'}
| REPLICA value
| RETENTIONS ingestion_duration:keep_duration ...
| STRICT {'off' | 'on'}
| WAL_LEVEL {1 | 2}
| VGROUPS value
## Parameters
- BUFFER: specifies the size (in MB) of the write buffer for each vnode. Enter a value between 3 and 16384. The default value is 96.
- CACHEMODEL: specifies how the latest data in subtables is stored in the cache. The default value is none.
- none: The latest data is not cached.
- last_row: The last row of each subtable is cached. This option significantly improves the performance of the LAST_ROW function.
- last_value: The last non-null value of each column in each subtable is cached. This option significantly improves the performance of the LAST function under normal circumstances, such as statements including the WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and INTERVAL keywords.
- both: The last row of each subtable and the last non-null value of each column in each subtable are cached.
- CACHESIZE: specifies the amount (in MB) of memory used for subtable caching on each vnode. Enter a value between 1 and 65536. The default value is 1.
- COMP: specifies how databases are compressed. The default value is 2.
- 0: Compression is disabled.
- 1: One-pass compression is enabled.
- 2: Two-pass compression is enabled.
- DURATION: specifies the time period contained in each data file. After the time specified by this parameter has elapsed, TDengine creates a new data file to store incoming data. You can use m (minutes), h (hours), and d (days) as the unit, for example DURATION 100h or DURATION 10d. If you do not include a unit, d is used by default.
- WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD: specifies the interval (in milliseconds) at which data is written from the WAL to disk. This parameter takes effect only when the WAL parameter is set to 2. The default value is 3000. Enter a value between 0 and 180000. The value 0 indicates that incoming data is immediately written to disk.
- MAXROWS: specifies the maximum number of rows recorded in a block. The default value is 4096.
- MINROWS: specifies the minimum number of rows recorded in a block. The default value is 100.
- KEEP: specifies the time for which data is retained. Enter a value between 1 and 365000. The default value is 3650. The value of the KEEP parameter must be greater than or equal to the value of the DURATION parameter. TDengine automatically deletes data that is older than the value of the KEEP parameter. You can use m (minutes), h (hours), and d (days) as the unit, for example KEEP 100h or KEEP 10d. If you do not include a unit, d is used by default.
- PAGES: specifies the number of pages in the metadata storage engine cache on each vnode. Enter a value greater than or equal to 64. The default value is 256. The space occupied by metadata storage on each vnode is equal to the product of the values of the PAGESIZE and PAGES parameters. The space occupied by default is 1 MB.
- PAGESIZE: specifies the size (in KB) of each page in the metadata storage engine cache on each vnode. The default value is 4. Enter a value between 1 and 16384.
- PRECISION: specifies the precision at which a database records timestamps. Enter ms for milliseconds, us for microseconds, or ns for nanoseconds. The default value is ms.
- REPLICA: specifies the number of replicas that are made of the database. Enter 1 or 3. The default value is 1. The value of the REPLICA parameter cannot exceed the number of dnodes in the cluster.
- RETENTIONS: specifies the retention period for data aggregated at various intervals. For example, RETENTIONS 15s:7d,1m:21d,15m:50d indicates that data aggregated every 15 seconds is retained for 7 days, data aggregated every 1 minute is retained for 21 days, and data aggregated every 15 minutes is retained for 50 days. You must enter three aggregation intervals and corresponding retention periods.
- STRICT: specifies whether strong data consistency is enabled. The default value is off.
- on: Strong consistency is enabled and implemented through the Raft consensus algorithm. In this mode, an operation is considered successful once it is confirmed by half of the nodes in the cluster.
- off: Strong consistency is disabled. In this mode, an operation is considered successful when it is initiated by the local node.
- WAL_LEVEL: specifies whether fsync is enabled. The default value is 1.
- 1: WAL is enabled but fsync is disabled.
- 2: WAL and fsync are both enabled.
- VGROUPS: specifies the initial number of vgroups when a database is created.
- SINGLE_STABLE: specifies whether the database can contain more than one supertable.
- 0: The database can contain multiple supertables.
- 1: The database can contain only one supertable.
- WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD: specifies the time after which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. Enter a time in seconds. The default value is 0. A value of 0 indicates that each WAL file is deleted immediately after its contents are written to disk. -1: WAL files are never deleted.
- WAL_RETENTION_SIZE: specifies the size at which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. Enter a size in KB. The default value is 0. A value of 0 indicates that each WAL file is deleted immediately after its contents are written to disk. -1: WAL files are never deleted.
- WAL_ROLL_PERIOD: specifies the time after which WAL files are rotated. After this period elapses, a new WAL file is created. The default value is 0. A value of 0 indicates that a new WAL file is created only after the previous WAL file was written to disk.
- WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE: specifies the maximum size of a WAL file. After the current WAL file reaches this size, a new WAL file is created. The default value is 0. A value of 0 indicates that a new WAL file is created only after the previous WAL file was written to disk.
### Example Statement
create database if not exists db vgroups 10 buffer 10
The preceding SQL statement creates a database named db that has 10 vgroups and whose vnodes have a 10 MB cache.
### Specify the Database in Use
USE db_name;
1. KEEP specifies the number of days for which the data in the database will be retained. The default value is 3650 days, i.e. 10 years. The data will be deleted automatically once its age exceeds this threshold.
2. UPDATE specifies whether the data can be updated and how the data can be updated.
1. UPDATE set to 0 means update operation is not allowed. The update for data with an existing timestamp will be discarded silently and the original record in the database will be preserved as is.
2. UPDATE set to 1 means the whole row will be updated. The columns for which no value is specified will be set to NULL.
3. UPDATE set to 2 means updating a subset of columns for a row is allowed. The columns for which no value is specified will be kept unchanged.
3. The maximum length of database name is 33 bytes.
4. The maximum length of a SQL statement is 65,480 bytes.
5. Below are the parameters that can be used when creating a database
- cache: [Description](/reference/config/#cache)
- blocks: [Description](/reference/config/#blocks)
- days: [Description](/reference/config/#days)
- keep: [Description](/reference/config/#keep)
- minRows: [Description](/reference/config/#minrows)
- maxRows: [Description](/reference/config/#maxrows)
- wal: [Description](/reference/config/#wallevel)
- fsync: [Description](/reference/config/#fsync)
- update: [Description](/reference/config/#update)
- cacheLast: [Description](/reference/config/#cachelast)
- replica: [Description](/reference/config/#replica)
- quorum: [Description](/reference/config/#quorum)
- comp: [Description](/reference/config/#comp)
- precision: [Description](/reference/config/#precision)
6. Please note that all of the parameters mentioned in this section are configured in configuration file `taos.cfg` on the TDengine server. If not specified in the `create database` statement, the values from taos.cfg are used by default. To override default parameters, they must be specified in the `create database` statement.
The preceding SQL statement switches to the specified database. (If you connect to TDengine over the REST API, this statement does not take effect.)
## Show Current Configuration
## Drop a Database
## Specify The Database In Use
The preceding SQL statement deletes the specified database. This statement will delete all tables in the database and destroy all vgroups associated with it. Exercise caution when using this statement.
USE db_name;
This way is not applicable when using a REST connection. In a REST connection the database name must be specified before a table or stable name. For e.g. to query the stable "meters" in database "test" the query would be "SELECT count(*) from test.meters"
## Change Database Configuration
ALTER DATABASE db_name [alter_database_options]
## Drop Database
alter_database_option ...
alter_database_option: {
CACHEMODEL {'none' | 'last_row' | 'last_value' | 'both'}
| WAL_LEVEL value
| KEEP value
All data in the database will be deleted too. This command must be used with extreme caution. Please follow your organization's data integrity, data backup, data security or any other applicable SOPs before using this command.
Other parameters cannot be modified after the database has been created.
## Change Database Configuration
Some examples are shown below to demonstrate how to change the configuration of a database. Please note that some configuration parameters can be changed after the database is created, but some cannot. For details of the configuration parameters of database please refer to [Configuration Parameters](/reference/config/).
COMP parameter specifies whether the data is compressed and how the data is compressed.
## View Databases
REPLICA parameter specifies the number of replicas of the database.
### View All Databases
KEEP parameter specifies the number of days for which the data will be kept.
### View the CREATE Statement for a Database
QUORUM parameter specifies the necessary number of confirmations to determine whether the data is written successfully.
The preceding SQL statement can be used in migration scenarios. This command can be used to get the CREATE statement, which can be used in another TDengine instance to create the exact same database.
BLOCKS parameter specifies the number of memory blocks used by each VNODE.
### View Database Configuration
CACHELAST parameter specifies whether and how the latest data of a sub table is cached.
The above parameters can be changed using `ALTER DATABASE` command without restarting. For more details of all configuration parameters please refer to [Configuration Parameters](/reference/config/).
The preceding SQL statement shows the value of each parameter for the specified database. One value is displayed per line.
## Show All Databases
## Delete Expired Data
## Show The Create Statement of A Database
This command is useful when migrating the data from one TDengine cluster to another. This command can be used to get the CREATE statement, which can be used in another TDengine instance to create the exact same database.
The preceding SQL statement deletes data that has expired and orders the remaining data in accordance with the storage configuration.
sidebar_label: Table
title: Table
description: create super table, normal table and sub table, drop tables and change tables
## Create Table
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name (timestamp_field_name TIMESTAMP, field1_name data_type1 [, field2_name data_type2 ...]);
You create standard tables and subtables with the `CREATE TABLE` statement.
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name (create_definition [, create_definitionn] ...) [table_options]
CREATE TABLE create_subtable_clause
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name (create_definition [, create_definitionn] ...)
[TAGS (create_definition [, create_definitionn] ...)]
create_subtable_clause: {
create_subtable_clause [create_subtable_clause] ...
| [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name USING [db_name.]stb_name [(tag_name [, tag_name] ...)] TAGS (tag_value [, tag_value] ...)
col_name column_definition
type_name [comment 'string_value']
table_option ...
table_option: {
COMMENT 'string_value'
| WATERMARK duration[,duration]
| MAX_DELAY duration[,duration]
| ROLLUP(func_name [, func_name] ...)
| SMA(col_name [, col_name] ...)
| TTL value
**More explanations**
1. The first column of a table MUST be of type TIMESTAMP. It is automatically set as the primary key.
2. The maximum length of the table name is 192 bytes.
3. The maximum length of each row is 48k bytes, please note that the extra 2 bytes used by each BINARY/NCHAR column are also counted.
4. The name of the subtable can only consist of characters from the English alphabet, digits and underscore. Table names can't start with a digit. Table names are case insensitive.
5. The maximum length in bytes must be specified when using BINARY or NCHAR types.
6. Escape character "\`" can be used to avoid the conflict between table names and reserved keywords, above rules will be bypassed when using escape character on table names, but the upper limit for the name length is still valid. The table names specified using escape character are case sensitive. Only ASCII visible characters can be used with escape character.
6. Escape character "\`" can be used to avoid the conflict between table names and reserved keywords, above rules will be bypassed when using escape character on table names, but the upper limit for the name length is still valid. The table names specified using escape character are case sensitive.
For example \`aBc\` and \`abc\` are different table names but `abc` and `aBc` are same table names because they are both converted to `abc` internally.
Only ASCII visible characters can be used with escape character.
**Parameter description**
1. COMMENT: specifies comments for the table. This parameter can be used with supertables, standard tables, and subtables.
2. WATERMARK: specifies the time after which the window is closed. The default value is 5 seconds. Enter a value between 0 and 15 minutes in milliseconds, seconds, or minutes. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (,). This parameter applies only to supertables and takes effect only when the RETENTIONS parameter has been specified for the database.
3. MAX_DELAY: specifies the maximum latency for pushing computation results. The default value is 15 minutes or the value of the INTERVAL parameter, whichever is smaller. Enter a value between 0 and 15 minutes in milliseconds, seconds, or minutes. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (,). Note: Retain the default value if possible. Configuring a small MAX_DELAY may cause results to be frequently pushed, affecting storage and query performance. This parameter applies only to supertables and takes effect only when the RETENTIONS parameter has been specified for the database.
4. ROLLUP: specifies aggregate functions to roll up. Rolling up a function provides downsampled results based on multiple axes. This parameter applies only to supertables and takes effect only when the RETENTIONS parameter has been specified for the database. You can specify only one function to roll up. The rollup takes effect on all columns except TS. Enter one of the following values: avg, sum, min, max, last, or first.
5. SMA: specifies functions on which to enable small materialized aggregates (SMA). SMA is user-defined precomputation of aggregates based on data blocks. Enter one of the following values: max, min, or sum This parameter can be used with supertables and standard tables.
6. TTL: specifies the time to live (TTL) for the table. If the period specified by the TTL parameter elapses without any data being written to the table, TDengine will automatically delete the table. Note: The system may not delete the table at the exact moment that the TTL expires. Enter a value in days. The default value is 0. Note: The TTL parameter has a higher priority than the KEEP parameter. If a table is marked for deletion because the TTL has expired, it will be deleted even if the time specified by the KEEP parameter has not elapsed. This parameter can be used with standard tables and subtables.
### Create Subtable Using STable As Template
## Create Subtables
### Create a Subtable
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...);
The above command creates a subtable using the specified super table as a template and the specified tag values.
### Create Subtable Using STable As Template With A Subset of Tags
### Create a Subtable with Specified Tags
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name USING stb_name (tag_name1, ...) TAGS (tag_value1, ...);
The tags for which no value is specified will be set to NULL.
The preceding SQL statement creates a subtable based on a supertable but specifies a subset of tags to use. Tags that are not included in this subset are assigned a null value.
### Create Tables in Batch
### Create Multiple Subtables
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name1 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value1, ...) [IF NOT EXISTS] tb_name2 USING stb_name TAGS (tag_value2, ...) ...;
This can be used to create a lot of tables in a single SQL statement while making table creation much faster.
You can create multiple subtables in a single SQL statement provided that all subtables use the same supertable. For performance reasons, do not create more than 3000 tables per statement.
## Modify a Table
- Creating tables in batch must use a super table as a template.
- The length of single statement is suggested to be between 1,000 and 3,000 bytes for best performance.
ALTER TABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause
alter_table_clause: {
| ADD COLUMN col_name column_type
| DROP COLUMN col_name
| MODIFY COLUMN col_name column_type
| RENAME COLUMN old_col_name new_col_name
## Drop Tables
alter_table_option ...
alter_table_option: {
TTL value
| COMMENT 'string_value'
## Show All Tables In Current Database
**More explanations**
You can perform the following modifications on existing tables:
1. ADD COLUMN: adds a column to the supertable.
2. DROP COLUMN: deletes a column from the supertable.
3. MODIFY COLUMN: changes the length of the data type specified for the column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length.
4. RENAME COLUMN: renames a specified column in the table.
### Add a Column
ALTER TABLE tb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;
SHOW TABLES [LIKE tb_name_wildcard];
### Delete a Column
ALTER TABLE tb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
## Show Create Statement of A Table
### Modify the Data Length
ALTER TABLE tb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
### Rename a Column
ALTER TABLE tb_name RENAME COLUMN old_col_name new_col_name
This is useful when migrating the data in one TDengine cluster to another one because it can be used to create the exact same tables in the target database.
## Modify a Subtable
## Show Table Definition
ALTER TABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause
DESCRIBE tb_name;
alter_table_clause: {
| SET TAG tag_name = new_tag_value
alter_table_option ...
alter_table_option: {
TTL value
| COMMENT 'string_value'
## Change Table Definition
**More explanations**
1. Only the value of a tag can be modified directly. For all other modifications, you must modify the supertable from which the subtable was created.
### Add A Column
### Change Tag Value Of Sub Table
ALTER TABLE tb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;
ALTER TABLE tb_name SET TAG tag_name=new_tag_value;
1. The maximum number of columns is 4096, the minimum number of columns is 2.
2. The maximum length of a column name is 64 bytes.
## Delete a Table
The following SQL statement deletes one or more tables.
### Remove A Column
ALTER TABLE tb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name [, [IF EXISTS] [db_name.]tb_name] ...
If a table is created using a super table as template, the table definition can only be changed on the corresponding super table, and the change will be automatically applied to all the subtables created using this super table as template. For tables created in the normal way, the table definition can be changed directly on the table.
## View Tables
### View All Tables
### Change Column Length
The following SQL statement shows all tables in the current database.
ALTER TABLE tb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
SHOW TABLES [LIKE tb_name_wildchar];
If the type of a column is variable length, like BINARY or NCHAR, this command can be used to change the length of the column.
### View the CREATE Statement for a Table
If a table is created using a super table as template, the table definition can only be changed on the corresponding super table, and the change will be automatically applied to all the subtables created using this super table as template. For tables created in the normal way, the table definition can be changed directly on the table.
This command is useful in migrating data from one TDengine cluster to another because it can be used to create the exact same tables in the target database.
### Change Tag Value Of Sub Table
## View the Table Schema
ALTER TABLE tb_name SET TAG tag_name=new_tag_value;
DESCRIBE [db_name.]tb_name;
\ No newline at end of file
This command can be used to change the tag value if the table is created using a super table as template.
sidebar_label: STable
title: Super Table
sidebar_label: Supertable
title: Supertable
Keyword `STable`, abbreviated for super table, is supported since version 2.0.15.
## Create a Supertable
CREATE STABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] stb_name (create_definition [, create_definitionn] ...) TAGS (create_definition [, create_definition] ...) [table_options]
## Create STable
col_name column_definition
CREATE STable [IF NOT EXISTS] stb_name (timestamp_field_name TIMESTAMP, field1_name data_type1 [, field2_name data_type2 ...]) TAGS (tag1_name tag_type1, tag2_name tag_type2 [, tag3_name tag_type3]);
type_name [COMMENT 'string_value']
The SQL statement of creating a STable is similar to that of creating a table, but a special column set named `TAGS` must be specified with the names and types of the tags.
**More explanations**
- Each supertable can have a maximum of 4096 columns, including tags. The minimum number of columns is 3: a timestamp column used as the key, one tag column, and one data column.
- When you create a supertable, you can add comments to columns and tags.
- The TAGS keyword defines the tag columns for the supertable. The following restrictions apply to tag columns:
- A tag column can use the TIMESTAMP data type, but the values in the column must be fixed numbers. Timestamps including formulae, such as "now + 10s", cannot be stored in a tag column.
- The name of a tag column cannot be the same as the name of any other column.
- The name of a tag column cannot be a reserved keyword.
- Each supertable must contain between 1 and 128 tags. The total length of the TAGS keyword cannot exceed 16 KB.
- For more information about table parameters, see Create a Table.
## View a Supertable
1. A tag can be of type timestamp, since version, but its value must be fixed and arithmetic operations cannot be performed on it. Prior to version, tag types specified in TAGS could not be of type timestamp.
2. The tag names specified in TAGS should NOT be the same as other columns.
3. The tag names specified in TAGS should NOT be the same as any reserved keywords.(Please refer to [keywords](/taos-sql/keywords/)
4. The maximum number of tags specified in TAGS is 128, there must be at least one tag, and the total length of all tag columns should NOT exceed 16KB.
### View All Supertables
SHOW STABLES [LIKE tb_name_wildcard];
## Drop STable
The preceding SQL statement shows all supertables in the current TDengine database, including the name, creation time, number of columns, number of tags, and number of subtabels for each supertable.
### View the CREATE Statement for a Supertable
DROP STable [IF EXISTS] stb_name;
All the subtables created using the deleted STable will be deleted automatically.
The preceding SQL statement can be used in migration scenarios. It returns the CREATE statement that was used to create the specified supertable. You can then use the returned statement to create an identical supertable on another TDengine database.
## Show All STables
## View the Supertable Schema
SHOW STableS [LIKE tb_name_wildcard];
DESCRIBE [db_name.]stb_name;
This command can be used to display the information of all STables in the current database, including name, creation time, number of columns, number of tags, and number of tables created using this STable.
## Show The Create Statement of A STable
## Drop STable
SHOW CREATE STable stb_name;
DROP STABLE [IF EXISTS] [db_name.]stb_name
This command is useful in migrating data from one TDengine cluster to another because it can be used to create the exact same STable in the target database.
Note: Deleting a supertable will delete all subtables created from the supertable, including all data within those subtables.
## Get STable Definition
## Modify a Supertable
ALTER STABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause
alter_table_clause: {
| ADD COLUMN col_name column_type
| DROP COLUMN col_name
| MODIFY COLUMN col_name column_type
| ADD TAG tag_name tag_type
| DROP TAG tag_name
| MODIFY TAG tag_name tag_type
| RENAME TAG old_tag_name new_tag_name
alter_table_option ...
alter_table_option: {
COMMENT 'string_value'
DESCRIBE stb_name;
## Change Columns Of STable
**More explanations**
Modifications to the table schema of a supertable take effect on all subtables within the supertable. You cannot modify the table schema of subtables individually. When you modify the tag schema of a supertable, the modifications automatically take effect on all of its subtables.
- ADD COLUMN: adds a column to the supertable.
- DROP COLUMN: deletes a column from the supertable.
- MODIFY COLUMN: changes the length of a BINARY or NCHAR column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length.
- ADD TAG: adds a tag to the supertable.
- DROP TAG: deletes a tag from the supertable. When you delete a tag from a supertable, it is automatically deleted from all subtables within the supertable.
- MODIFY TAG: modifies the definition of a tag in the supertable. You can use this keyword to change the length of a BINARY or NCHAR tag column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length.
- RENAME TAG: renames a specified tag in the supertable. When you rename a tag in a supertable, it is automatically renamed in all subtables within the supertable.
### Add A Column
### Add a Column
ALTER STable stb_name ADD COLUMN field_name data_type;
ALTER STABLE stb_name ADD COLUMN col_name column_type;
### Remove A Column
### Delete a Column
ALTER STable stb_name DROP COLUMN field_name;
ALTER STABLE stb_name DROP COLUMN col_name;
### Change Column Length
### Modify the Data Length
ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name data_type(length);
ALTER STABLE stb_name MODIFY COLUMN col_name data_type(length);
This command can be used to change (or more specifically, increase) the length of a column of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
## Change Tags of A STable
The preceding SQL statement changes the length of a BINARY or NCHAR data column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length.
### Add A Tag
ALTER STable stb_name ADD TAG new_tag_name tag_type;
ALTER STABLE stb_name ADD TAG tag_name tag_type;
This command is used to add a new tag for a STable and specify the tag type.
The preceding SQL statement adds a tag of the specified type to the supertable. A supertable cannot contain more than 128 tags. The total length of all tags in a supertable cannot exceed 16 KB.
### Remove A Tag
ALTER STable stb_name DROP TAG tag_name;
ALTER STABLE stb_name DROP TAG tag_name;
The tag will be removed automatically from all the subtables, created using the super table as template, once a tag is removed from a super table.
The preceding SQL statement deletes a tag from the supertable. When you delete a tag from a supertable, it is automatically deleted from all subtables within the supertable.
### Change A Tag
ALTER STable stb_name CHANGE TAG old_tag_name new_tag_name;
ALTER STABLE stb_name RENAME TAG old_tag_name new_tag_name;
The tag name will be changed automatically for all the subtables, created using the super table as template, once a tag name is changed for a super table.
The preceding SQL statement renames a tag in the supertable. When you rename a tag in a supertable, it is automatically renamed in all subtables within the supertable.
### Change Tag Length
ALTER STable stb_name MODIFY TAG tag_name data_type(length);
ALTER STABLE stb_name MODIFY TAG tag_name data_type(length);
This command can be used to change (or more specifically, increase) the length of a tag of variable length types, like BINARY or NCHAR.
The preceding SQL statement changes the length of a BINARY or NCHAR tag column. Note that you can only specify a length greater than the current length. (Available in and later versions)
### View a Supertable
You can run projection and aggregate SELECT queries on supertables, and you can filter by tag or column by using the WHERE keyword.
If you do not include an ORDER BY clause, results are returned by subtable. These results are not ordered. You can include an ORDER BY clause in your query to strictly order the results.
Changing tag values can be applied to only subtables. All other tag operations, like add tag, remove tag, however, can be applied to only STable. If a new tag is added for a STable, the tag will be added with NULL value for all its subtables.
All tag operations except for updating the value of a tag must be performed on the supertable and not on individual subtables. If you add a tag to an existing supertable, the tag is automatically added with a null value to all subtables within the supertable.
sidebar_label: Insert
title: Insert
......@@ -17,47 +18,62 @@ INSERT INTO
## Insert Single or Multiple Rows
Single row or multiple rows specified with VALUES can be inserted into a specific table. For example:
1. All data writes must include a timestamp. With regard to timestamps, note the following:
A single row is inserted using the below statement.
2. The precision of a timestamp depends on its format. The precision configured for the database affects only timestamps that are inserted as long integers (UNIX time). Timestamps inserted as date and time strings are not affected. As an example, the timestamp 2021-07-13 16:16:48 is equivalent to 1626164208 in UNIX time. This UNIX time is modified to 1626164208000 for databases with millisecond precision, 1626164208000000 for databases with microsecond precision, and 1626164208000000000 for databases with nanosecond precision.
3. If you want to insert multiple rows simultaneously, do not use the NOW function in the timestamp. Using the NOW function in this situation will cause multiple rows to have the same timestamp and prevent them from being stored correctly. This is because the NOW function obtains the current time on the client, and multiple instances of NOW in a single statement will return the same time.
The earliest timestamp that you can use when inserting data is equal to the current time on the server minus the value of the KEEP parameter. The latest timestamp that you can use when inserting data is equal to the current time on the server plus the value of the DURATION parameter. You can configure the KEEP and DURATION parameters when you create a database. The default values are 3650 days for the KEEP parameter and 10 days for the DURATION parameter.
1. The USING clause automatically creates the specified subtable if it does not exist. If it's unknown whether the table already exists, the table can be created automatically while inserting using the SQL statement below. To use this functionality, a STable must be used as template and tag values must be provided. Any tags that you do not specify will be assigned a null value.
2. You can insert data into specified columns. Any columns in which you do not insert data will be assigned a null value.
3. The VALUES clause inserts one or more rows of data into a table.
4. The FILE clause inserts tags or data from a comma-separates values (CSV) file. Do not include headers in your CSV files.
5. A single INSERT statement can write data to multiple tables.
6. The INSERT statement is fully parsed before being executed, so that if any element of the statement fails, the entire statement will fail. For example, the following statement will not create a table because the latter part of the statement is invalid:
INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS('Beijing.Chaoyang', 2) VALUES('a');
7. However, an INSERT statement that writes data to multiple subtables can succeed for some tables and fail for others. This situation is caused because vnodes perform write operations independently of each other. One vnode failing to write data does not affect the ability of other vnodes to write successfully.
## Insert a Record
Single row or multiple rows specified with VALUES can be inserted into a specific table. A single row is inserted using the below statement.
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES (NOW, 10.2, 219, 0.32);
## Insert Multiple Records
Double rows are inserted using the below statement.
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:32.272', 10.2, 219, 0.32) (1626164208000, 10.15, 217, 0.33);
1. In the second example above, different formats are used in the two rows to be inserted. In the first row, the timestamp format is a date and time string, which is interpreted from the string value only. In the second row, the timestamp format is a long integer, which will be interpreted based on the database time precision.
2. When trying to insert multiple rows in a single statement, only the timestamp of one row can be set as NOW, otherwise there will be duplicate timestamps among the rows and the result may be out of expectation because NOW will be interpreted as the time when the statement is executed.
3. The oldest timestamp that is allowed is subtracting the KEEP parameter from current time.
4. The newest timestamp that is allowed is adding the DAYS parameter to current time.
## Insert Into Specific Columns
## Write to a Specified Column
Data can be inserted into specific columns, either single row or multiple row, while other columns will be inserted as NULL value.
Data can be inserted into specific columns, either single row or multiple row, while other columns will be inserted as NULL value. The key (timestamp) cannot be null. For example:
INSERT INTO d1001 (ts, current, phase) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:33.196', 10.27, 0.31);
If no columns are explicitly specified, all the columns must be provided with values, this is called "all column mode". The insert performance of all column mode is much better than specifying a subset of columns, so it's encouraged to use "all column mode" while providing NULL value explicitly for the columns for which no actual value can be provided.
## Insert Into Multiple Tables
One or multiple rows can be inserted into multiple tables in a single SQL statement, with or without specifying specific columns.
One or multiple rows can be inserted into multiple tables in a single SQL statement, with or without specifying specific columns. For example:
INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.630', 10.2, 219, 0.32) ('2021-07-13 14:06:35.779', 10.15, 217, 0.33)
......@@ -66,19 +82,19 @@ INSERT INTO d1001 VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.630', 10.2, 219, 0.32) ('2021-07-
## Automatically Create Table When Inserting
If it's unknown whether the table already exists, the table can be created automatically while inserting using the SQL statement below. To use this functionality, a STable must be used as template and tag values must be provided.
If it's unknown whether the table already exists, the table can be created automatically while inserting using the SQL statement below. To use this functionality, a STable must be used as template and tag values must be provided. For example:
INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('California.SanFrancisco', 2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:32.272', 10.2, 219, 0.32);
It's not necessary to provide values for all tags when creating tables automatically, the tags without values provided will be set to NULL.
It's not necessary to provide values for all tags when creating tables automatically, the tags without values provided will be set to NULL. For example:
INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:33.196', 10.15, 217, 0.33);
Multiple rows can also be inserted into the same table in a single SQL statement.
Multiple rows can also be inserted into the same table in a single SQL statement. For example:
INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('California.SanFrancisco', 2) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.630', 10.2, 219, 0.32) ('2021-07-13 14:06:35.779', 10.15, 217, 0.33)
......@@ -86,10 +102,6 @@ INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('California.SanFrancisco', 2) VALUES ('202
d21003 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) (ts, current, phase) VALUES ('2021-07-13 14:06:34.255', 10.27, 0.31);
Prior to version, when using `INSERT` to create tables automatically and specifying the columns, the column names must follow the table name immediately. From version, the column names can follow the table name immediately, also can be put between `TAGS` and `VALUES`. In the same SQL statement, however, these two ways of specifying column names can't be mixed.
## Insert Rows From A File
Besides using `VALUES` to insert one or multiple rows, the data to be inserted can also be prepared in a CSV file with comma as separator and each field value quoted by single quotes. Table definition is not required in the CSV file. For example, if file "/tmp/csvfile.csv" contains the below data:
......@@ -107,58 +119,13 @@ INSERT INTO d1001 FILE '/tmp/csvfile.csv';
## Create Tables Automatically and Insert Rows From File
From version, tables can be automatically created using a super table as template when inserting data from a CSV file, like below:
INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('California.SanFrancisco', 2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile.csv';
Multiple tables can be automatically created and inserted in a single SQL statement, like below:
When writing data from a file, you can automatically create the specified subtable if it does not exist. For example:
INSERT INTO d21001 USING meters TAGS ('California.SanFrancisco', 2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile_21001.csv'
d21002 USING meters (groupId) TAGS (2) FILE '/tmp/csvfile_21002.csv';
## More About Insert
For SQL statement like `insert`, a stream parsing strategy is applied. That means before an error is found and the execution is aborted, the part prior to the error point has already been executed. Below is an experiment to help understand the behavior.
First, a super table is created.
CREATE TABLE meters(ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS(location BINARY(30), groupId INT);
It can be proven that the super table has been created by `SHOW STableS`, but no table exists using `SHOW TABLES`.
taos> SHOW STableS;
name | created_time | columns | tags | tables |
meters | 2020-08-06 17:50:27.831 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001029s)
Query OK, 0 row(s) in set (0.000946s)
Then, try to create table d1001 automatically when inserting data into it.
INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS('California.SanFrancisco', 2) VALUES('a');
The output shows the value to be inserted is invalid. But `SHOW TABLES` proves that the table has been created automatically by the `INSERT` statement.
DB error: invalid SQL: 'a' (invalid timestamp) (0.039494s)
table_name | created_time | columns | STable_name |
d1001 | 2020-08-06 17:52:02.097 | 4 | meters |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
From the above experiment, we can see that while the value to be inserted is invalid the table is still created.
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ description: "Delete data from table or Stable"
title: Delete Data
TDengine provides the functionality of deleting data from a table or STable according to specified time range, it can be used to cleanup abnormal data generated due to device failure. Please be noted that this functionality is only available in Enterprise version, please refer to [TDengine Enterprise Edition](https://tdengine.com/products#enterprise-edition-link)
TDengine provides the functionality of deleting data from a table or STable according to specified time range, it can be used to cleanup abnormal data generated due to device failure.
......@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ DELETE FROM [ db_name. ] tb_name [WHERE condition];
- `db_name`: Optional parameter, specifies the database in which the table exists; if not specified, the current database will be used.
- `tb_name`: Mandatory parameter, specifies the table name from which data will be deleted, it can be normal table, subtable or STable.
- `condition`: Optional parameter, specifies the data filter condition. If no condition is specified all data will be deleted, so please be cautions to delete data without any condition. The condition used here is only applicable to the first column, i.e. the timestamp column. If the table is a STable, the condition is also applicable to tag columns.
- `condition`: Optional parameter, specifies the data filter condition. If no condition is specified all data will be deleted, so please be cautions to delete data without any condition. The condition used here is only applicable to the first column, i.e. the timestamp column.
**More Explanations:**
......@@ -27,10 +26,10 @@ The data can't be recovered once deleted, so please be cautious to use the funct
`meters` is a STable, in which `groupid` is a tag column of int type. Now we want to delete the data older than 2021-10-01 10:40:00.100 and `groupid` is 1. The SQL for this purpose is like below:
`meters` is a STable, in which `groupid` is a tag column of int type. Now we want to delete the data older than 2021-10-01 10:40:00.100. You can perform this action by running the following SQL statement:
delete from meters where ts < '2021-10-01 10:40:00.100' and groupid=1 ;
delete from meters where ts < '2021-10-01 10:40:00.100' ;
The output is:
sidebar_label: Distinguished
title: Distinguished Query for Time Series Database
sidebar_label: Time-Series Extensions
title: Time-Series Extensions
Aggregation by time window is supported in TDengine. For example, in the case where temperature sensors report the temperature every seconds, the average temperature for every 10 minutes can be retrieved by performing a query with a time window.
Window related clauses are used to divide the data set to be queried into subsets and then aggregation is performed across the subsets. There are three kinds of windows: time window, status window, and session window. There are two kinds of time windows: sliding window and flip time/tumbling window.
As a purpose-built database for storing and processing time-series data, TDengine provides time-series-specific extensions to standard SQL.
## Time Window
These extensions include tag-partitioned queries and windowed queries.
The `INTERVAL` clause is used to generate time windows of the same time interval. The `SLIDING` parameter is used to specify the time step for which the time window moves forward. The query is performed on one time window each time, and the time window moves forward with time. When defining a continuous query, both the size of the time window and the step of forward sliding time need to be specified. As shown in the figure blow, [t0s, t0e] ,[t1s , t1e], [t2s, t2e] are respectively the time ranges of three time windows on which continuous queries are executed. The time step for which time window moves forward is marked by `sliding time`. Query, filter and aggregate operations are executed on each time window respectively. When the time step specified by `SLIDING` is same as the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding time window is actually a flip time/tumbling window.
![TDengine Database Time Window](./timewindow-1.webp)
## Tag-Partitioned Queries
`INTERVAL` and `SLIDING` should be used with aggregate functions and select functions. The SQL statement below is illegal because no aggregate or selection function is used with `INTERVAL`.
When you query a supertable, you may need to partition the supertable by tag and perform additional operations on a specific partition. In this case, you can use the following SQL clause:
PARTITION BY part_list
SELECT * FROM temp_tb_1 INTERVAL(1m);
The time step specified by `SLIDING` cannot exceed the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`. The SQL statement below is illegal because the time length specified by `SLIDING` exceeds that specified by `INTERVAL`.
When the time length specified by `SLIDING` is the same as that specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding window is actually a flip/tumbling window. The minimum time range specified by `INTERVAL` is 10 milliseconds (10a) prior to version Since version, the minimum time range by `INTERVAL` can be 1 microsecond (1u). However, if the DB precision is millisecond, the minimum time range is 1 millisecond (1a). Please note that the `timezone` parameter should be configured to be the same value in the `taos.cfg` configuration file on client side and server side.
## Status Window
In case of using integer, bool, or string to represent the status of a device at any given moment, continuous rows with the same status belong to a status window. Once the status changes, the status window closes. As shown in the following figure, there are two status windows according to status, [2019-04-28 14:22:07,2019-04-28 14:22:10] and [2019-04-28 14:22:11,2019-04-28 14:22:12]. Status window is not applicable to STable for now.
![TDengine Database Status Window](./timewindow-3.webp)
part_list can be any scalar expression, such as a column, constant, scalar function, or a combination of the preceding items.
`STATE_WINDOW` is used to specify the column on which the status window will be based. For example:
A PARTITION BY clause with a tag is processed as follows:
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts), status FROM temp_tb_1 STATE_WINDOW(status);
## Session Window
- The PARTITION BY clause must occur after the WHERE clause and cannot be used with a JOIN clause.
- The PARTITION BY clause partitions the super table by the specified tag group, and the specified calculation is performed on each partition. The calculation performed is determined by the rest of the statement - a window clause, GROUP BY clause, or SELECT clause.
- You can use PARTITION BY together with a window clause or GROUP BY clause. In this case, the window or GROUP BY clause takes effect on every partition. For example, the following statement partitions the table by the location tag, performs downsampling over a 10 minute window, and returns the maximum value:
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts) FROM temp_tb_1 SESSION(ts, tol_val);
select max(current) from meters partition by location interval(10m)
The primary key, i.e. timestamp, is used to determine which session window a row belongs to. If the time interval between two adjacent rows is within the time range specified by `tol_val`, they belong to the same session window; otherwise they belong to two different session windows. As shown in the figure below, if the limit of time interval for the session window is specified as 12 seconds, then the 6 rows in the figure constitutes 2 time windows, [2019-04-28 14:22:10,2019-04-28 14:22:30] and [2019-04-28 14:23:10,2019-04-28 14:23:30], because the time difference between 2019-04-28 14:22:30 and 2019-04-28 14:23:10 is 40 seconds, which exceeds the time interval limit of 12 seconds.
![TDengine Database Session Window](./timewindow-2.webp)
If the time interval between two continuous rows are within the time interval specified by `tol_value` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically. Session window is not supported on STable for now.
## More On Window Aggregate
### Syntax
## Windowed Queries
The full syntax of aggregate by window is as follows:
Aggregation by time window is supported in TDengine. For example, in the case where temperature sensors report the temperature every seconds, the average temperature for every 10 minutes can be retrieved by performing a query with a time window. Window related clauses are used to divide the data set to be queried into subsets and then aggregation is performed across the subsets. There are three kinds of windows: time window, status window, and session window. There are two kinds of time windows: sliding window and flip time/tumbling window. The query syntax is as follows:
SELECT function_list FROM tb_name
......@@ -63,27 +38,36 @@ SELECT function_list FROM tb_name
[INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
[WHERE where_condition]
[INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
[GROUP BY tags]
### Restrictions
The following restrictions apply:
### Restricted Functions
- Aggregate functions and select functions can be used in `function_list`, with each function having only one output. For example COUNT, AVG, SUM, STDDEV, LEASTSQUARES, PERCENTILE, MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST. Functions having multiple outputs, such as DIFF or arithmetic operations can't be used.
- `LAST_ROW` can't be used together with window aggregate.
- Scalar functions, like CEIL/FLOOR, can't be used with window aggregate.
### Other Rules
- The window clause must occur after the PARTITION BY clause and before the GROUP BY clause. It cannot be used with a GROUP BY clause.
- SELECT clauses on windows can contain only the following expressions:
- Constants
- Aggregate functions
- Expressions that include the preceding expressions.
- The window clause cannot be used with a GROUP BY clause.
- `WHERE` clause can be used to specify the starting and ending time and other filter conditions
- `FILL` clause is used to specify how to fill when there is data missing in any window, including:
1. NONE: No fill (the default fill mode)
2. VALUE:Fill with a fixed value, which should be specified together, for example `FILL(VALUE, 1.23)`
3. PREV:Fill with the previous non-NULL value, `FILL(PREV)`
4. NULL:Fill with NULL, `FILL(NULL)`
5. LINEAR:Fill with the closest non-NULL value, `FILL(LINEAR)`
6. NEXT:Fill with the next non-NULL value, `FILL(NEXT)`
### FILL Clause
`FILL` clause is used to specify how to fill when there is data missing in any window, including:
1. NONE: No fill (the default fill mode)
2. VALUE:Fill with a fixed value, which should be specified together, for example `FILL(VALUE, 1.23)` Note: The value filled depends on the data type. For example, if you run FILL(VALUE 1.23) on an integer column, the value 1 is filled.
3. PREV:Fill with the previous non-NULL value, `FILL(PREV)`
4. NULL:Fill with NULL, `FILL(NULL)`
5. LINEAR:Fill with the closest non-NULL value, `FILL(LINEAR)`
6. NEXT:Fill with the next non-NULL value, `FILL(NEXT)`
......@@ -93,17 +77,66 @@ SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
Aggregate by time window is also used in continuous query, please refer to [Continuous Query](/develop/continuous-query).
### Time Window
## Examples
There are two kinds of time windows: sliding window and flip time/tumbling window.
The `INTERVAL` clause is used to generate time windows of the same time interval. The `SLIDING` parameter is used to specify the time step for which the time window moves forward. The query is performed on one time window each time, and the time window moves forward with time. When defining a continuous query, both the size of the time window and the step of forward sliding time need to be specified. As shown in the figure blow, [t0s, t0e] ,[t1s , t1e], [t2s, t2e] are respectively the time ranges of three time windows on which continuous queries are executed. The time step for which time window moves forward is marked by `sliding time`. Query, filter and aggregate operations are executed on each time window respectively. When the time step specified by `SLIDING` is same as the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`, the sliding time window is actually a flip time/tumbling window.
![TDengine Database Time Window](./timewindow-1.webp)
`INTERVAL` and `SLIDING` should be used with aggregate functions and select functions. The SQL statement below is illegal because no aggregate or selection function is used with `INTERVAL`.
SELECT * FROM temp_tb_1 INTERVAL(1m);
The time step specified by `SLIDING` cannot exceed the time interval specified by `INTERVAL`. The SQL statement below is illegal because the time length specified by `SLIDING` exceeds that specified by `INTERVAL`.
When using time windows, note the following:
- The window length for aggregation depends on the value of INTERVAL. The minimum interval is 10 ms. You can configure a window as an offset from UTC 0:00. The offset cannot be smaler than the interval. You can use SLIDING to specify the length of time that the window moves forward.
Please note that the `timezone` parameter should be configured to be the same value in the `taos.cfg` configuration file on client side and server side.
- The result set is in ascending order of timestamp when you aggregate by time window.
### Status Window
In case of using integer, bool, or string to represent the status of a device at any given moment, continuous rows with the same status belong to a status window. Once the status changes, the status window closes. As shown in the following figure, there are two status windows according to status, [2019-04-28 14:22:07,2019-04-28 14:22:10] and [2019-04-28 14:22:11,2019-04-28 14:22:12]. Status window is not applicable to STable for now.
![TDengine Database Status Window](./timewindow-3.webp)
`STATE_WINDOW` is used to specify the column on which the status window will be based. For example:
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts), status FROM temp_tb_1 STATE_WINDOW(status);
### Session Window
The primary key, i.e. timestamp, is used to determine which session window a row belongs to. As shown in the figure below, if the limit of time interval for the session window is specified as 12 seconds, then the 6 rows in the figure constitutes 2 time windows, [2019-04-28 14:22:10,2019-04-28 14:22:30] and [2019-04-28 14:23:10,2019-04-28 14:23:30] because the time difference between 2019-04-28 14:22:30 and 2019-04-28 14:23:10 is 40 seconds, which exceeds the time interval limit of 12 seconds.
![TDengine Database Session Window](./timewindow-2.webp)
If the time interval between two continuous rows are within the time interval specified by `tol_value` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically. Session window is not supported on STable for now.
SELECT COUNT(*), FIRST(ts) FROM temp_tb_1 SESSION(ts, tol_val);
### Examples
A table of intelligent meters can be created by the SQL statement below:
CREATE TABLE meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT);
The average current, maximum current and median of current in every 10 minutes for the past 24 hours can be calculated using the SQL statement below, with missing values filled with the previous non-NULL values.
The average current, maximum current and median of current in every 10 minutes for the past 24 hours can be calculated using the SQL statement below, with missing values filled with the previous non-NULL values. The query statement is as follows:
SELECT AVG(current), MAX(current), APERCENTILE(current, 50) FROM meters
sidebar_label: 消息队列
title: 消息队列
sidebar_label: Data Subscription
title: Data Subscription
TDengine 开始对消息队列做了大幅的优化和增强以简化用户的解决方案。
The information in this document is related to the TDengine data subscription feature.
## 创建订阅主题
## Create a Topic
CREATE TOPIC [IF NOT EXISTS] topic_name AS {subquery | DATABASE db_name | STABLE stb_name };
CREATE TOPIC [IF NOT EXISTS] topic_name AS subquery;
**列订阅是**用 subquery 描述,支持过滤和标量函数和 UDF 标量函数,不支持 JOIN、GROUP BY、窗口切分子句、聚合函数和 UDF 聚合函数。列订阅规则如下:
You can use filtering, scalar functions, and user-defined scalar functions with a topic. JOIN, GROUP BY, windows, aggregate functions, and user-defined aggregate functions are not supported. The following rules apply to subscribing to a column:
1. TOPIC 一旦创建则返回结果的字段确定
2. 被订阅或用于计算的列不可被删除、修改
3. 列可以新增,但新增的列不出现在订阅结果字段中
4. 对于 select \*,则订阅展开为创建时所有的列(子表、普通表为数据列,超级表为数据列加标签列)
1. The returned field is determined when the topic is created.
2. Columns to which a consumer is subscribed or that are involved in calculations cannot be deleted or modified.
3. If you add a column, the new column will not appear in the results for the subscription.
4. If you run `SELECT \*`, all columns in the subscription at the time of its creation are displayed. This includes columns in supertables, standard tables, and subtables. Supertables are shown as data columns plus tag columns.
1. 被订阅主体的 schema 变更不受限
2. 返回消息中 schema 是块级别的,每块的 schema 可能不一样
3. 列变更后写入的数据若未落盘,将以写入时的 schema 返回
4. 列变更后写入的数据若未已落盘,将以落盘时的 schema 返回
## 删除订阅主题
## Delete a Topic
DROP TOPIC [IF EXISTS] topic_name;
此时如果该订阅主题上存在 consumer,则此 consumer 会收到一个错误。
If a consumer is subscribed to the topic that you delete, the consumer will receive an error.
## 查看订阅主题
## View Topics
......@@ -43,24 +36,24 @@ DROP TOPIC [IF EXISTS] topic_name;
The preceding command displays all topics in the current database.
## 创建消费组
## Create Consumer Group
消费组的创建只能通过 TDengine 客户端驱动或者连接器所提供的 API 创建。
You can create consumer groups only through the TDengine Client driver or the API provided by a connector.
## 删除消费组
## Delete Consumer Group
DROP CONSUMER GROUP [IF EXISTS] cgroup_name ON topic_name;
删除主题 topic_name 上的消费组 cgroup_name。
This deletes the cgroup_name in the topic_name.
## 查看消费组
## View Consumer Groups
The preceding command displays all consumer groups in the current database.
sidebar_label: 流式计算
title: 流式计算
sidebar_label: Stream Processing
title: Stream Processing
在时序数据的处理中,经常要对原始数据进行清洗、预处理,再使用时序数据库进行长久的储存。用户通常需要在时序数据库之外再搭建 Kafka、Flink、Spark 等流计算处理引擎,增加了用户的开发成本和维护成本。
Raw time-series data is often cleaned and preprocessed before being permanently stored in a database. Stream processing components like Kafka, Flink, and Spark are often deployed alongside a time-series database to handle these operations, increasing system complexity and maintenance costs.
使用 TDengine 3.0 的流式计算引擎能够最大限度的减少对这些额外中间件的依赖,真正将数据的写入、预处理、长期存储、复杂分析、实时计算、实时报警触发等功能融为一体,并且,所有这些任务只需要使用 SQL 完成,极大降低了用户的学习成本、使用成本。
Because stream processing is built in to TDengine, you are no longer reliant on middleware. TDengine offers a unified platform for writing, preprocessing, permanent storage, complex analysis, and real-time computation and alerting. Additionally, you can use SQL to perform all these tasks.
## 创建流式计算
## Create a Stream
CREATE STREAM [IF NOT EXISTS] stream_name [stream_options] INTO stb_name AS subquery
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ stream_options: {
其中 subquery 是 select 普通查询语法的子集:
The subquery is a subset of standard SELECT query syntax:
subquery: SELECT [DISTINCT] select_list
......@@ -26,97 +26,74 @@ subquery: SELECT [DISTINCT] select_list
[WHERE condition]
[PARTITION BY tag_list]
不支持 order_by,limit,slimit,fill 语句
Session windows, state windows, and sliding windows are supported. When you configure a session or state window for a supertable, you must use PARTITION BY TBNAME.
例如,如下语句创建流式计算,同时自动创建名为 avg_vol 的超级表,此流计算以一分钟为时间窗口、30 秒为前向增量统计这些电表的平均电压,并将来自 meters 表的数据的计算结果写入 avg_vol 表,不同 partition 的数据会分别创建子表并写入不同子表。
window_clause: {
SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)
| INTERVAL(interval_val [, interval_offset]) [SLIDING (sliding_val)]
`SESSION` indicates a session window, and `tol_val` indicates the maximum range of the time interval. If the time interval between two continuous rows are within the time interval specified by `tol_val` they belong to the same session window; otherwise a new session window is started automatically.
For example, the following SQL statement creates a stream and automatically creates a supertable named `avg_vol`. The stream has a 1 minute time window that slides forward in 30 second intervals to calculate the average voltage of the meters supertable.
CREATE STREAM avg_vol_s INTO avg_vol AS
SELECT _wstartts, count(*), avg(voltage) FROM meters PARTITION BY tbname INTERVAL(1m) SLIDING(30s);
## 删除流式计算
## Delete a Stream
This statement deletes the stream processing service only. The data generated by the stream is retained.
## 展示流式计算
## View Streams
## 流式计算的触发模式
在创建流时,可以通过 TRIGGER 指令指定流式计算的触发模式。
对于非窗口计算,流式计算的触发是实时的;对于窗口计算,目前提供 3 种触发模式:
1. AT_ONCE:写入立即触发
2. WINDOW_CLOSE:窗口关闭时触发(窗口关闭由事件时间决定,可配合 watermark 使用,详见《流式计算的乱序数据容忍策略》)
3. MAX_DELAY time:若窗口关闭,则触发计算。若窗口未关闭,且未关闭时长超过 max delay 指定的时间,则触发计算。
## Trigger Stream Processing
因此,流式计算提供了以事件时间结合处理时间计算的 MAX_DELAY 触发模式。
When you create a stream, you can use the TRIGGER parameter to specify triggering conditions for it.
MAX_DELAY 模式在窗口关闭时会立即触发计算。此外,当数据写入后,计算触发的时间超过 max delay 指定的时间,则立即触发计算
For non-windowed processing, triggering occurs in real time. For windowed processing, there are three methods of triggering:
## 流式计算的乱序数据容忍策略
1. AT_ONCE: triggers on write
在创建流时,可以在 stream_option 中指定 watermark。
2. WINDOW_CLOSE: triggers when the window closes. This is determined by the event time. You can use WINDOW_CLOSE together with `watermark`. For more information, see Stream Processing Strategy for Out-of-Order Data.
流式计算通过 watermark 来度量对乱序数据的容忍程度,watermark 默认为 0。
3. MAX_DELAY: triggers when the window closes. If the window has not closed but the time elapsed exceeds MAX_DELAY, stream processing is also triggered.
T = 最新事件时间 - watermark
Because the window closing is determined by the event time, a delay or termination of an event stream will prevent the event time from being updated. This may result in an inability to obtain the latest results.
每批到来的数据都会以上述公式更新窗口关闭时间,并将窗口结束时间 < T 的所有打开的窗口关闭,若触发模式为 WINDOW_CLOSE 或 MAX_DELAY,则推送窗口聚合结果。
For this reason, MAX_DELAY is provided as a way to ensure that processing occurs even if the window does not close.
MAX_DELAY also triggers when the window closes. Additionally, if a write occurs but the processing is not triggered before MAX_DELAY expires, processing is also triggered.
1. 直接丢弃:这是常见流式计算引擎提供的默认(甚至是唯一)计算模式
## Stream Processing Strategy for Out-of-Order Data
2. 重新计算:从 TSDB 中重新查找对应窗口的所有数据并重新计算得到最新结果
When you create a stream, you can specify a watermark in the `stream_option` parameter.
无论在哪种模式下,watermark 都应该被妥善设置,来得到正确结果(直接丢弃模式)或避免频繁触发重算带来的性能开销(重新计算模式)。
The watermark is used to specify the tolerance for out-of-order data. The default value is 0.
## 流式计算的数据填充策略
T = latest event time - watermark
The window closing time for each batch of data that arrives at the system is updated using the preceding formula, and all windows are closed whose closing time is less than T. If the triggering method is WINDOW_CLOSE or MAX_DELAY, the aggregate result for the window is pushed.
## 流式计算与会话窗口(session window)
Stream processing strategy for expired data
The data in expired windows is tagged as expired. TDengine stream processing provides two methods for handling such data:
window_clause: {
SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)
| INTERVAL(interval_val [, interval_offset]) [SLIDING (sliding_val)] [FILL(fill_mod_and_val)]
其中,SESSION 是会话窗口,tol_val 是时间间隔的最大范围。在 tol_val 时间间隔范围内的数据都属于同一个窗口,如果连续的两条数据的时间超过 tol_val,则自动开启下一个窗口。
1. Drop the data. This is the default and often only handling method for most stream processing engines.
## 流式计算的监控与流任务分布查询
2. Recalculate the data. In this method, all data in the window is reobtained from the database and recalculated. The latest results are then returned.
## 流式计算的内存控制与存算分离
## 流式计算的暂停与恢复
STOP STREAM stream_name;
RESUME STREAM stream_name;
In both of these methods, configuring the watermark is essential for obtaining accurate results (if expired data is dropped) and avoiding repeated triggers that affect system performance (if expired data is recalculated).
......@@ -5,62 +5,62 @@ title: Operators
## Arithmetic Operators
| # | **Operator** | **Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | +, - | Numeric Types | Representing positive or negative numbers, unary operator |
| 2 | +, - | Numeric Types | Addition and substraction, binary operator |
| 3 | \*, / | Numeric Types | Multiplication and division, binary oeprator |
| 4 | % | Numeric Types | Taking the remainder, binary operator |
| # | **Operator** | **Supported Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :--------: | -------------- | -------------------------- |
| 1 | +, - | Numeric | Expresses sign. Unary operators. |
| 2 | +, - | Numeric | Expresses addition and subtraction. Binary operators. |
| 3 | \*, / | Numeric | Expresses multiplication and division. Binary operators. |
| 4 | % | Numeric | Expresses modulo. Binary operator. |
## Bitwise Operators
| # | **Operator** | **Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | -------------- | ----------------------------- |
| 1 | & | Numeric Types | Bitewise AND, binary operator |
| 2 | \| | Numeric Types | Bitewise OR, binary operator |
| # | **Operator** | **Supported Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :--------: | -------------- | ------------------ |
| 1 | & | Numeric | Bitwise AND. Binary operator. |
| 2 | \| | Numeric | Bitwise OR. Binary operator. |
## JSON Operator
## JSON Operators
`->` operator can be used to get the value of a key in a column of JSON type, the left oeprand is the column name, the right operand is a string constant. For example, `col->'name'` returns the value of key `'name'`.
The `->` operator returns the value for a key in JSON column. Specify the column indicator on the left of the operator and the key name on the right of the operator. For example, `col->name` returns the value of the name key.
## Set Operator
## Set Operators
Set operators are used to combine the results of two queries into single result. A query including set operators is called a combined query. The number of rows in each result in a combined query must be same, and the type is determined by the first query's result, the type of the following queriess result must be able to be converted to the type of the first query's result, the conversion rule is same as `CAST` function.
Set operators combine the results of two queries. Queries that include set operators are known as compound queries. The expressions corresponding to each query in the select list in a compound query must match in number. The results returned take the data type of the first query, and the data type returned by subsequent queries must be convertible into the data type of the first query. The conditions of the `CAST` function apply to this conversion.
TDengine provides 2 set operators: `UNION ALL` and `UNION`. `UNION ALL` combines the results without removing duplicate data. `UNION` combines the results and remove duplicate data rows. In single SQL statement, at most 100 set operators can be used.
TDengine supports the `UNION` and `UNION ALL` operations. UNION ALL collects all query results and returns them as a composite result without deduplication. UNION collects all query results and returns them as a deduplicated composite result. In a single SQL statement, at most 100 set operators can be supported.
## Comparsion Operator
## Comparison Operators
| # | **Operator** | **Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :---------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | = | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and JSON | Equal |
| 2 | <\>, != | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, JSON and primary key of timestamp type | Not equal |
| 3 | \>, < | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and JSON | Greater than, less than |
| 4 | \>=, <= | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and JSON | Greater than or equal to, less than or equal to |
| 5 | IS [NOT] NULL | Any types | Is NULL or NOT |
| 6 | [NOT] BETWEEN AND | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and JSON | In a value range or not |
| 7 | IN | Except for BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, JSON and primary key of timestamp type | In a list of values or not |
| 8 | LIKE | BINARY, NCHAR and VARCHAR | Wildcard matching |
| 9 | MATCH, NMATCH | BINARY, NCHAR and VARCHAR | Regular expression matching |
| 10 | CONTAINS | JSON | If A key exists in JSON |
| # | **Operator** | **Supported Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :---------------: | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| 1 | = | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON | Equal to |
| 2 | <\>, != | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON; the primary key (timestamp) is also not supported | Not equal to |
| 3 | \>, < | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON | Greater than and less than |
| 4 | \>=, <= | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON | Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to |
| 5 | IS [NOT] NULL | All types | Indicates whether the value is null |
| 6 | [NOT] BETWEEN AND | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON | Closed interval comparison |
| 7 | IN | All types except BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and JSON; the primary key (timestamp) is also not supported | Equal to any value in the list |
| 8 | LIKE | BINARY, NCHAR, and VARCHAR | Wildcard match |
| 9 | MATCH, NMATCH | BINARY, NCHAR, and VARCHAR | Regular expression match |
| 10 | CONTAINS | JSON | Indicates whether the key exists |
`LIKE` operator uses wildcard to match a string, the rules are:
LIKE is used together with wildcards to match strings. Its usage is described as follows:
- '%' matches 0 to any number of characters; '\_' matches any single ASCII character.
- \_ can be used to match a `_` in the string, i.e. using escape character backslash `\`
- Wildcard string is 100 bytes at most. Longer a wildcard string is, worse the performance of LIKE operator is.
- '%' matches 0 or any number of characters, '\_' matches any single ASCII character.
- `\_` is used to match the \_ in the string.
- The maximum length of wildcard string is 100 bytes. A very long wildcard string may slowdown the execution performance of `LIKE` operator.
`MATCH` and `NMATCH` operators use regular expressions to match a string, the rules are:
MATCH and NMATCH are used together with regular expressions to match strings. Their usage is described as follows:
- Regular expressions of POSIX standard are supported.
- Only `tbname`, i.e. table name of sub tables, and tag columns of string types can be matched with regular expression, data columns are not supported.
- Regular expression string is 128 bytes at most, and can be adjusted by setting parameter `maxRegexStringLen`, which is a client side configuration and needs to restart the client to take effect.
- Use POSIX regular expression syntax. For more information, see Regular Expressions.
- Regular expression can be used against only table names, i.e. `tbname`, and tags of binary/nchar types, but can't be used against data columns.
- The maximum length of regular expression string is 128 bytes. Configuration parameter `maxRegexStringLen` can be used to set the maximum allowed regular expression. It's a configuration parameter on the client side, and will take effect after restarting the client.
## Logical Operators
| # | **Operator** | **Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | AND | BOOL | Logical AND, return TRUE if both conditions are TRUE; return FALSE if any one is FALSE. |
| 2 | OR | BOOL | Logical OR, return TRUE if any condition is TRUE; return FALSE if both are FALSE |
| # | **Operator** | **Supported Data Types** | **Description** |
| --- | :--------: | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | AND | BOOL | Logical AND; if both conditions are true, TRUE is returned; If either condition is false, FALSE is returned.
| 2 | OR | BOOL | Logical OR; if either condition is true, TRUE is returned; If both conditions are false, FALSE is returned.
TDengine uses shortcircut optimization when performing logical operations. For AND operator, if the first condition is evaluated to FALSE, then the second one is not evaluated. For OR operator, if the first condition is evaluated to TRUE, then the second one is not evaluated.
TDengine performs short-path optimization when calculating logical conditions. If the first condition for AND is false, FALSE is returned without calculating the second condition. If the first condition for OR is true, TRUE is returned without calculating the second condition
sidebar_label: JSON Type
title: JSON Type
## Syntax
1. Tag of type JSON
create STable s1 (ts timestamp, v1 int) tags (info json);
create stable s1 (ts timestamp, v1 int) tags (info json)
create table s1_1 using s1 tags ('{"k1": "v1"}');
create table s1_1 using s1 tags ('{"k1": "v1"}')
2. "->" Operator of JSON
select * from s1 where info->'k1' = 'v1';
select * from s1 where info->'k1' = 'v1'
select info->'k1' from s1;
select info->'k1' from s1
3. "contains" Operator of JSON
select * from s1 where info contains 'k2';
select * from s1 where info contains 'k2'
select * from s1 where info contains 'k1';
select * from s1 where info contains 'k1'
## Applicable Operations
1. When a JSON data type is used in `where`, `match/nmatch/between and/like/and/or/is null/is no null` can be used but `in` can't be used.
select * from s1 where info->'k1' match 'v*';
select * from s1 where info->'k1' like 'v%' and info contains 'k2';
select * from s1 where info is null;
select * from s1 where info->'k1' is not null;
select * from s1 where info->'k1' is not null
2. A tag of JSON type can be used in `group by`, `order by`, `join`, `union all` and sub query; for example `group by json->'key'`
3. `Distinct` can be used with a tag of type JSON
select distinct info->'k1' from s1;
select distinct info->'k1' from s1
4. Tag Operations
The value of a JSON tag can be altered. Please note that the full JSON will be overriden when doing this.
The name of a JSON tag can be altered. A tag of JSON type can't be added or removed. The column length of a JSON tag can't be changed.
The name of a JSON tag can be altered.
A tag of JSON type can't be added or removed. The column length of a JSON tag can't be changed.
## Other Restrictions
......@@ -74,9 +78,14 @@ title: JSON Type
- If a tag of JSON is the result of inner query, it can't be parsed and queried in the outer query.
For example, the SQL statements below are not supported.
For example, the SQL statements below are not supported.
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from STable);
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from STable) where jtag->'key'>0;
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable)
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Escape Characters
Below table is the list of escape characters used in TDengine.
## Escape Characters
| Escape Character | **Actual Meaning** |
| :--------------: | ------------------------ |
sidebar_label: 命名与边界限制
title: 命名与边界限制
sidebar_label: Name and Size Limits
title: Name and Size Limits
## 名称命名规则
## Naming Rules
1. 合法字符:英文字符、数字和下划线
2. 允许英文字符或下划线开头,不允许以数字开头
3. 不区分大小写
4. 转义后表(列)名规则:
为了兼容支持更多形式的表(列)名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 "`"。可用让表名与关键词不冲突,同时不受限于上述表名称合法性约束检查
1. Names can include letters, digits, and underscores (_).
2. Names can begin with letters or underscores (_) but not with digits.
3. Names are not case-sensitive.
4. Rules for names with escape characters are as follows:
You can escape a name by enclosing it in backticks (`). In this way, you can reuse keyword names for table names. However, the first three naming rules no longer apply.
Table and column names that are enclosed in escape characters are still subject to length limits. When the length of such a name is calculated, the escape characters are not included. Names specified using escape character are case-sensitive.
例如:\`aBc\` 和 \`abc\` 是不同的表(列)名,但是 abc 和 aBc 是相同的表(列)名。
For example, \`aBc\` and \`abc\` are different table or column names, but "abc" and "aBc" are same names because internally they are all "abc".
Only ASCII visible characters can be used with escape character.
## 密码合法字符集
## Password Rules
去掉了 `` ‘“`\ `` (单双引号、撇号、反斜杠、空格)
The following characters cannot occur in a password: single quotation marks ('), double quotation marks ("), backticks (`), backslashes (\\), and spaces.
## 一般限制
## General Limits
- 数据库名最大长度为 32
- 表名最大长度为 192,不包括数据库名前缀和分隔符
- 每行数据最大长度 48KB (注意:数据行内每个 BINARY/NCHAR 类型的列还会额外占用 2 个字节的存储位置)
- 列名最大长度为 64
- 最多允许 4096 列,最少需要 2 列,第一列必须是时间戳。
- 标签名最大长度为 64
- 最多允许 128 个,至少要有 1 个标签,一个表中标签值的总长度不超过 16KB
- SQL 语句最大长度 1048576 个字符,也可通过客户端配置参数 maxSQLLength 修改,取值范围 65480 ~ 1048576
- SELECT 语句的查询结果,最多允许返回 4096 列(语句中的函数调用可能也会占用一些列空间),超限时需要显式指定较少的返回数据列,以避免语句执行报错
- 库的数目,超级表的数目、表的数目,系统不做限制,仅受系统资源限制
- 数据库的副本数只能设置为 1 或 3
- 用户名的最大长度是 23 个字节
- 用户密码的最大长度是 15 个字节
- 总数据行数取决于可用资源
- 单个数据库的虚拟结点数上限为 1024
- Maximum length of database name is 32 bytes
- Maximum length of table name is 192 bytes, excluding the database name prefix and the separator.
- Maximum length of each data row is 48K bytes. Note that the upper limit includes the extra 2 bytes consumed by each column of BINARY/NCHAR type.
- The maximum length of a column name is 64 bytes.
- Maximum number of columns is 4096. There must be at least 2 columns, and the first column must be timestamp.
- The maximum length of a tag name is 64 bytes
- Maximum number of tags is 128. There must be at least 1 tag. The total length of tag values cannot exceed 16 KB.
- Maximum length of single SQL statement is 1 MB (1048576 bytes). It can be configured in the parameter `maxSQLLength` in the client side, the applicable range is [65480, 1048576].
- At most 4096 columns can be returned by `SELECT`. Functions in the query statement constitute columns. An error is returned if the limit is exceeded.
- Maximum numbers of databases, STables, tables are dependent only on the system resources.
- The number of replicas can only be 1 or 3.
- The maximum length of a username is 23 bytes.
- The maximum length of a password is 15 bytes.
- The maximum number of rows depends on system resources.
- The maximum number of vnodes in a database is 1024.
## 表(列)名合法性说明
## Restrictions of Table/Column Names
### TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
### Name Restrictions of Table/Column
只能由字母、数字、下划线构成,数字不能在首位,长度不能超过 192 字节,不区分大小写。这里表名称不包括数据库名的前缀和分隔符。
The name of a table or column can only be composed of ASCII characters, digits and underscore and it cannot start with a digit. The maximum length is 192 bytes. Names are case insensitive. The name mentioned in this rule doesn't include the database name prefix and the separator.
### 转义后表(列)名规则:
### Name Restrictions After Escaping
为了兼容支持更多形式的表(列)名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 "`",可以避免表名与关键词的冲突,同时不受限于上述表名合法性约束检查,转义符不计入表名的长度。
To support more flexible table or column names, new escape character "\`" is introduced in TDengine to avoid the conflict between table name and keywords and break the above restrictions for table names. The escape character is not counted in the length of table name.
With escaping, the string inside escape characters are case sensitive, i.e. will not be converted to lower case internally. The table names specified using escape character are case sensitive.
\`aBc\` \`abc\` 是不同的表(列)名,但是 abc 和 aBc 是相同的表(列)名。
For example:
\`aBc\` and \`abc\` are different table or column names, but "abc" and "aBc" are same names because internally they are all "abc".
The characters inside escape characters must be printable characters.
title: Keywords
sidebar_label: Reserved Keywords
title: Reserved Keywords
There are about 200 keywords reserved by TDengine, they can't be used as the name of database, STable or table with either upper case, lower case or mixed case.
## Keyword List
## Keywords List
There are about 200 keywords reserved by TDengine, they can't be used as the name of database, STable or table with either upper case, lower case or mixed case. The following list shows all reserved keywords:
### A
......@@ -264,52 +265,12 @@ There are about 200 keywords reserved by TDengine, they can't be used as the nam
### _
- _C0
## Explanations
`TBNAME` can be considered as a special tag, which represents the name of the subtable, in a STable.
Get the table name and tag values of all subtables in a STable.
SELECT TBNAME, location FROM meters;
Count the number of subtables in a STable.
Only filter on TAGS can be used in WHERE clause in the above two query statements.
taos> SELECT TBNAME, location FROM meters;
tbname | location |
d1004 | California.SanFrancisco |
d1003 | California.SanFrancisco |
d1002 | California.LosAngeles |
d1001 | California.LosAngeles |
Query OK, 4 row(s) in set (0.000881s)
taos> SELECT COUNT(tbname) FROM meters WHERE groupId > 2;
count(tbname) |
2 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
The start, stop and duration of a query time window.
The start, stop and duration of aggegate query by time window, like interval, session window, state window.
### _c0/_ROWTS
_c0 is equal to _ROWTS, it means the first column of a table or STable.
### \_
- \_C0
sidebar_label: 集群管理
title: 集群管理
sidebar_label: Cluster
title: Cluster
组成 TDengine 集群的物理实体是 dnode (data node 的缩写),它是一个运行在操作系统之上的进程。在 dnode 中可以建立负责时序数据存储的 vnode (virtual node),在多节点集群环境下当某个数据库的 replica 为 3 时,该数据库中的每个 vgroup 由 3 个 vnode 组成;当数据库的 replica 为 1 时,该数据库中的每个 vgroup 由 1 个 vnode 组成。如果要想配置某个数据库为多副本,则集群中的 dnode 数量至少为 3。在 dnode 还可以创建 mnode (management node),单个集群中最多可以创建三个 mnode。在 TDengine 中为了支持存算分离,引入了一种新的逻辑节点 qnode (query node),qnode 和 vnode 既可以共存在一个 dnode 中,也可以完全分离在不同的 dnode 上。
The physical entities that form TDengine clusters are known as data nodes (dnodes). Each dnode is a process running on the operating system of the physical machine. Dnodes can contain virtual nodes (vnodes), which store time-series data. Virtual nodes are formed into vgroups, which have 1 or 3 vnodes depending on the replica setting. If you want to enable replication on your cluster, it must contain at least three nodes. Dnodes can also contain management nodes (mnodes). Each cluster has up to three mnodes. Finally, dnodes can contain query nodes (qnodes), which compute time-series data, thus separating compute from storage. A single dnode can contain a vnode, qnode, and mnode.
## 创建数据节点
## Create a Dnode
CREATE DNODE {dnode_endpoint | dnode_host_name PORT port_val}
其中 `dnode_endpoint` 是形成 `hostname:port`的格式。也可以分开指定 hostname 和 port。
Enter the dnode_endpoint in hostname:port format. You can also specify the hostname and port as separate parameters.
实际操作中推荐先创建 dnode,再启动相应的 dnode 进程,这样该 dnode 就可以立即根据其配置文件中的 firstEP 加入集群。每个 dnode 在加入成功后都会被分配一个 ID。
Create the dnode before starting the corresponding dnode process. The dnode can then join the cluster based on the value of the firstEp parameter. Each dnode is assigned an ID after it joins a cluster.
## 查看数据节点
## View Dnodes
可以列出集群中所有的数据节点,所列出的字段有 dnode 的 ID, endpoint, status。
The preceding SQL command shows all dnodes in the cluster with the ID, endpoint, and status.
## 删除数据节点
## Delete a DNODE
DROP DNODE {dnode_id | dnode_endpoint}
可以用 dnoe_id 或 endpoint 两种方式从集群中删除一个 dnode。注意删除 dnode 不等于停止相应的进程。实际中推荐先将一个 dnode 删除之后再停止其所对应的进程。
You can delete a dnode by its ID or by its endpoint. Note that deleting a dnode does not stop its process. You must stop the process after the dnode is deleted.
## 修改数据节点配置
## Modify Dnode Configuration
ALTER DNODE dnode_id dnode_option
......@@ -62,59 +62,59 @@ dnode_option: {
上面语法中的这些可修改配置项其配置方式与 dnode 配置文件中的配置方式相同,区别是修改是动态的立即生效,且不需要重启 dnode。
The parameters that you can modify through this statement are the same as those located in the dnode configuration file. Modifications that you make through this statement take effect immediately, while modifications to the configuration file take effect when the dnode restarts.
## 添加管理节点
## Add an Mnode
系统启动默认在 firstEP 节点上创建一个 MNODE,用户可以使用此语句创建更多的 MNODE 来提高系统可用性。一个集群最多存在三个 MNODE,一个 DNODE 上只能创建一个 MNODE。
TDengine automatically creates an mnode on the firstEp node. You can use this statement to create more mnodes for higher system availability. A cluster can have a maximum of three mnodes. Each dnode can contain only one mnode.
## 查看管理节点
## View Mnodes
列出集群中所有的管理节点,包括其 ID,所在 DNODE 以及状态。
This statement shows all mnodes in the cluster with the ID, dnode, and status.
## 删除管理节点
## Delete an Mnode
删除 dnode_id 所指定的 DNODE 上的 MNODE。
This statement deletes the mnode located on the specified dnode.
## 创建查询节点
## Create a Qnode
系统启动默认没有 QNODE,用户可以创建 QNODE 来实现计算和存储的分离。一个 DNODE 上只能创建一个 QNODE。一个 DNODE 的 `supportVnodes` 参数如果不为 0,同时又在其上创建上 QNODE,则在该 dnode 中既有负责存储管理的 vnode 又有负责查询计算的 qnode,如果还在该 dnode 上创建了 mnode,则一个 dnode 上最多三种逻辑节点都可以存在。但通过配置也可以使其彻底分离。将一个 dnode 的`supportVnodes`配置为 0,可以选择在其上创建 mnode 或者 qnode 中的一种,这样可以实现三种逻辑节点在物理上的彻底分离。
TDengine does not automatically create qnodes on startup. You can create qnodes as necessary for compute/storage separation. Each dnode can contain only one qnode. If a qnode is created on a dnode whose supportVnodes parameter is not 0, a vnode and qnode may coexist on the dnode. Each dnode can have a maximum of one vnode, one qnode, and one mnode. However, you can configure your cluster so that vnodes, qnodes, and mnodes are located on separate dnodes. If you set supportVnodes to 0 for a dnode, you can then decide whether to deploy an mnode or a qnode on it. In this way you can physically separate virtual node types.
## 查看查询节点
## View Qnodes
列出集群中所有查询节点,包括 ID,及所在 DNODE。
This statement shows all qnodes in the cluster with the ID and dnode.
## 删除查询节点
## Delete a Qnode
删除 ID 为 dnode_id 的 DNODE 上的 QNODE,但并不会影响该 dnode 的状态。
This statement deletes the mnode located on the specified dnode. This does not affect the status of the dnode.
## 修改客户端配置
## Modify Client Configuration
The client configuration can also be modified in a similar way to other cluster components.
ALTER LOCAL local_option
......@@ -129,26 +129,26 @@ local_option: {
The parameters that you can modify through this statement are the same as those located in the client configuration file. Modifications that you make through this statement take effect immediately, while modifications to the configuration file take effect when the client restarts.
## 查看客户端配置
## View Client Configuration
## 合并 vgroup
## Combine Vgroups
MERGE VGROUP vgroup_no1 vgroup_no2;
如果在系统实际运行一段时间后,因为不同时间线的数据特征不同导致在 vgroups 之间的数据和负载分布不均衡,可以通过合并或拆分 vgroups 的方式逐步实现负载均衡。
If load and data are not properly balanced among vgroups due to the data in different tim lines having different characteristics, you can combine or separate vgroups.
## 拆分 vgroup
## Separate Vgroups
SPLIT VGROUP vgroup_no;
会创建一个新的 vgroup,并将指定 vgroup 中的数据按照一致性 HASH 迁移一部分到新的 vgroup 中。此过程中,原 vgroup 可以正常提供读写服务。
This statement creates a new vgroup and migrates part of the data from the original vgroup to the new vgroup with consistent hashing. During this process, the original vgroup can continue to provide services normally.
sidebar_label: Statistics
title: Performance_Schema Database
TDengine includes a built-in database named `PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA` to provide access to database performance statistics. This document introduces the tables of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA and their structure.
Provides information about clients (such as applications) that connect to the cluster. Similar to SHOW APPS.
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | ------------ | ------------------------------- |
| 1 | app_id | UBIGINT | Client ID |
| 2 | ip | BINARY(16) | Client IP address |
| 3 | pid | INT | Client process |
| 4 | name | BINARY(24) | Client name |
| 5 | start_time | TIMESTAMP | Time when client was started |
| 6 | insert_req | UBIGINT | Insert requests |
| 7 | insert_row | UBIGINT | Rows inserted |
| 8 | insert_time | UBIGINT | Time spent processing insert requests in microseconds |
| 9 | insert_bytes | UBIGINT | Size of data inserted in byted |
| 10 | fetch_bytes | UBIGINT | Size of query results in bytes |
| 11 | query_time | UBIGINT | Time spend processing query requests |
| 12 | slow_query | UBIGINT | Number of slow queries (greater than or equal to 3 seconds) |
| 13 | total_req | UBIGINT | Total requests |
| 14 | current_req | UBIGINT | Requests currently being processed |
| 15 | last_access | TIMESTAMP | Last update time |
Provides information about connections to the database. Similar to SHOW CONNECTIONS.
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :---------: | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | conn_id | INT | Connection ID |
| 2 | user | BINARY(24) | User name |
| 3 | app | BINARY(24) | Client name |
| 4 | pid | UINT | Client process ID on client device that initiated the connection |
| 5 | end_point | BINARY(128) | Client endpoint |
| 6 | login_time | TIMESTAMP | Login time |
| 7 | last_access | TIMESTAMP | Last update time |
Provides information about SQL queries currently running. Similar to SHOW QUERIES.
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | ------------ | ---------------------------- |
| 1 | kill_id | UBIGINT | ID used to stop the query |
| 2 | query_id | INT | Query ID |
| 3 | conn_id | UINT | Connection ID |
| 4 | app | BINARY(24) | Client name |
| 5 | pid | INT | Client process ID on client device |
| 6 | user | BINARY(24) | User name |
| 7 | end_point | BINARY(16) | Client endpoint |
| 8 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Creation time |
| 9 | exec_usec | BIGINT | Elapsed time |
| 10 | stable_query | BOOL | Whether the query is on a supertable |
| 11 | sub_num | INT | Number of subqueries |
| 12 | sub_status | BINARY(1000) | Subquery status |
| 13 | sql | BINARY(1024) | SQL statement |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :---------: | ------------ | ------------------------------ |
| 1 | topic_name | BINARY(192) | Topic name |
| 2 | db_name | BINARY(64) | Database for the topic |
| 3 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Creation time |
| 4 | sql | BINARY(1024) | SQL statement used to create the topic |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :------------: | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | consumer_id | BIGINT | Consumer ID |
| 2 | consumer_group | BINARY(192) | Consumer group |
| 3 | client_id | BINARY(192) | Client ID (user-defined) |
| 4 | status | BINARY(20) | Consumer status |
| 5 | topics | BINARY(204) | Subscribed topic. Returns one row for each topic. |
| 6 | up_time | TIMESTAMP | Time of first connection to TDengine Server |
| 7 | subscribe_time | TIMESTAMP | Time of first subscription |
| 8 | rebalance_time | TIMESTAMP | Time of first rebalance triggering |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :------------: | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| 1 | topic_name | BINARY(204) | Subscribed topic |
| 2 | consumer_group | BINARY(193) | Subscribed consumer group |
| 3 | vgroup_id | INT | Vgroup ID for the consumer |
| 4 | consumer_id | BIGINT | Consumer ID |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :--------------: | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | id | INT | ID of the transaction currently running |
| 2 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Creation time |
| 3 | stage | BINARY(12) | Transaction stage (redoAction, undoAction, or commit) |
| 4 | db1 | BINARY(64) | First database having a conflict with the transaction |
| 5 | db2 | BINARY(64) | Second database having a conflict with the transaction |
| 6 | failed_times | INT | Times the transaction has failed |
| 7 | last_exec_time | TIMESTAMP | Previous time the transaction was run |
| 8 | last_action_info | BINARY(511) | Reason for failure on previous run |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :---------: | ------------ | ------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | sma_name | BINARY(192) | Time-range-wise SMA name |
| 2 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Creation time |
| 3 | stable_name | BINARY(192) | Supertable name |
| 4 | vgroup_id | INT | Dedicated vgroup name |
| # | **Column** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
| --- | :----------: | ------------ | --------------------------------------- |
| 1 | stream_name | BINARY(64) | Stream name |
| 2 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Creation time |
| 3 | sql | BINARY(1024) | SQL statement used to create the stream |
| 4 | status | BIANRY(20) | Current status |
| 5 | source_db | BINARY(64) | Source database |
| 6 | target_db | BIANRY(64) | Target database |
| 7 | target_table | BINARY(192) | Target table |
| 8 | watermark | BIGINT | Watermark (see stream processing documentation) |
| 9 | trigger | INT | Method of triggering the result push (see stream processing documentation) |
sidebar_label: 权限管理
title: 权限管理
sidebar_label: Permissions Management
title: Permissions Management
本节讲述如何在 TDengine 中进行权限管理的相关操作。
This document describes how to manage permissions in TDengine.
## 创建用户
## Create a User
CREATE USER use_name PASS password;
CREATE USER use_name PASS 'password';
This statement creates a user account.
The maximum length of use_name is 23 bytes.
The maximum length of password is 128 bytes. The password can include leters, digits, and special characters excluding single quotation marks, double quotation marks, backticks, backslashes, and spaces. The password cannot be empty.
## 删除用户
## Delete a User
DROP USER user_name;
## 修改用户信息
## Modify User Information
ALTER USER user_name alter_user_clause
......@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ alter_user_clause: {
- PASS:修改用户密码。
- ENABLE:修改用户是否启用。1表示启用此用户,0表示禁用此用户。
- SYSINFO:修改用户是否可查看系统信息。1表示可以查看系统信息,0表示不可以查看系统信息。
- PASS: Modify the user password.
- ENABLE: Specify whether the user is enabled or disabled. 1 indicates enabled and 0 indicates disabled.
- SYSINFO: Specify whether the user can query system information. 1 indicates that the user can query system information and 0 indicates that the user cannot query system information.
## 授权
## Grant Permissions
GRANT privileges ON priv_level TO user_name
......@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ priv_level : {
Grant permissions to a user.
Permissions are granted on the database level. You can grant read or write permissions.
TDengine 有超级用户和普通用户两类用户。超级用户缺省创建为root,拥有所有权限。使用超级用户创建出来的用户为普通用户。在未授权的情况下,普通用户可以创建DATABASE,并拥有自己创建的DATABASE的所有权限,包括删除数据库、修改数据库、查询时序数据和写入时序数据。超级用户可以给普通用户授予其他DATABASE的读写权限,使其可以在此DATABASE上读写数据,但不能对其进行删除和修改数据库的操作。
TDengine has superusers and standard users. The default superuser name is root. This account has all permissions. You can use the superuser account to create standard users. With no permissions, standard users can create databases and have permissions on the databases that they create. These include deleting, modifying, querying, and writing to their own databases. Superusers can grant users permission to read and write other databases. However, standard users cannot delete or modify databases created by other users.
For non-database objects such as users, dnodes, and user-defined functions, standard users have read permissions only, generally by means of the SHOW statement. Standard users cannot create or modify these objects.
## 撤销授权
## Revoke Permissions
REVOKE privileges ON priv_level FROM user_name
......@@ -91,4 +91,4 @@ priv_level : {
\ No newline at end of file
Revoke permissions from a user.
sidebar_label: 自定义函数
title: 用户自定义函数
sidebar_label: User-Defined Functions
title: User-Defined Functions (UDF)
除了 TDengine 的内置函数以外,用户还可以编写自己的函数逻辑并加入TDengine系统中。
You can create user-defined functions and import them into TDengine.
## Create UDF
## 创建函数
SQL command can be executed on the host where the generated UDF DLL resides to load the UDF DLL into TDengine. This operation cannot be done through REST interface or web console. Once created, any client of the current TDengine can use these UDF functions in their SQL commands. UDF are stored in the management node of TDengine. The UDFs loaded in TDengine would be still available after TDengine is restarted.
When creating UDF, the type of UDF, i.e. a scalar function or aggregate function must be specified. If the specified type is wrong, the SQL statements using the function would fail with errors. The input data type and output data type must be consistent with the UDF definition.
- Create Scalar Function
CREATE [AGGREGATE] FUNCTION func_name AS library_path OUTPUTTYPE type_name [BUFSIZE value]
CREATE FUNCTION function_name AS library_path OUTPUTTYPE output_type;
- function_name: The scalar function name to be used in SQL statement which must be consistent with the UDF name and is also the name of the compiled DLL (.so file).
- library_path: The absolute path of the DLL file including the name of the shared object file (.so). The path must be quoted with single or double quotes.
- output_type: The data type of the results of the UDF.
For example, the following SQL statement can be used to create a UDF from `libbitand.so`.
CREATE FUNCTION bit_and AS "/home/taos/udf_example/libbitand.so" OUTPUTTYPE INT;
- Create Aggregate Function
CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION function_name AS library_path OUTPUTTYPE output_type [ BUFSIZE buffer_size ];
关于如何开发自定义函数,请参考 [UDF使用说明](../../develop/udf)
- function_name: The aggregate function name to be used in SQL statement which must be consistent with the udfNormalFunc name and is also the name of the compiled DLL (.so file).
- library_path: The absolute path of the DLL file including the name of the shared object file (.so). The path must be quoted with single or double quotes.
- output_type: The output data type, the value is the literal string of the supported TDengine data type.
- buffer_size: The size of the intermediate buffer in bytes. This parameter is optional.
## 删除自定义函数
For example, the following SQL statement can be used to create a UDF from `libl2norm.so`.
CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION l2norm AS "/home/taos/udf_example/libl2norm.so" OUTPUTTYPE DOUBLE bufsize 8;
For more information about user-defined functions, see [User-Defined Functions](../../develop/udf).
## Manage UDF
- The following statement deleted the specified user-defined function.
DROP FUNCTION function_name;
- function_name: The value of function_name in the CREATE statement used to import the UDF for example `bit_and` or `l2norm`.
- Show Available UDF
## Call UDF
The function name specified when creating UDF can be used directly in SQL statements, just like builtin functions. For example:
SELECT X(c1,c2) FROM table/stable;
The above SQL statement invokes function X for column c1 and c2. You can use query keywords like WHERE with user-defined functions.
sidebar_label: 索引
title: 使用索引
sidebar_label: Index
title: Using Indices
TDengine 从 版本开始引入了索引功能,支持 SMA 索引和 FULLTEXT 索引。
TDengine supports SMA and FULLTEXT indexing.
## 创建索引
## Create an Index
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX index_name ON tb_name (col_name [, col_name] ...)
......@@ -19,29 +19,29 @@ functions:
function [, function] ...
### SMA 索引
### SMA Indexing
对指定列按 INTERVAL 子句定义的时间窗口创建进行预聚合计算,预聚合计算类型由 functions_string 指定。SMA 索引能提升指定时间段的聚合查询的性能。目前,限制一个超级表只能创建一个 SMA INDEX。
Performs pre-aggregation on the specified column over the time window defined by the INTERVAL clause. The type is specified in functions_string. SMA indexing improves aggregate query performance for the specified time period. One supertable can only contain one SMA index.
- 支持的函数包括 MAX、MIN 和 SUM。
- WATERMARK: 最小单位毫秒,取值范围 [0ms, 900000ms],默认值为 5 秒,只可用于超级表。
- MAX_DELAY: 最小单位毫秒,取值范围 [1ms, 900000ms],默认值为 interval 的值(但不能超过最大值),只可用于超级表。注:不建议 MAX_DELAY 设置太小,否则会过于频繁的推送结果,影响存储和查询性能,如无特殊需求,取默认值即可。
- The max, min, and sum functions are supported.
- WATERMARK: Enter a value between 0ms and 900000ms. The most precise unit supported is milliseconds. The default value is 5 seconds. This option can be used only on supertables.
- MAX_DELAY: Enter a value between 1ms and 900000ms. The most precise unit supported is milliseconds. The default value is the value of interval provided that it does not exceed 900000ms. This option can be used only on supertables. Note: Retain the default value if possible. Configuring a small MAX_DELAY may cause results to be frequently pushed, affecting storage and query performance.
### FULLTEXT Indexing
对指定列建立文本索引,可以提升含有文本过滤的查询的性能。FULLTEXT 索引不支持 index_option 语法。现阶段只支持对 JSON 类型的标签列创建 FULLTEXT 索引。不支持多列联合索引,但可以为每个列分布创建 FULLTEXT 索引。
Creates a text index for the specified column. FULLTEXT indexing improves performance for queries with text filtering. The index_option syntax is not supported for FULLTEXT indexing. FULLTEXT indexing is supported for JSON tag columns only. Multiple columns cannot be indexed together. However, separate indices can be created for each column.
## 删除索引
## Delete an Index
DROP INDEX index_name;
## 查看索引
## View Indices
SHOW INDEXES FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name];
Shows indices that have been created for the specified database or table.
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