提交 3eda47e1 编写于 作者: X Xiaoyu Wang

merge 3.0

......@@ -1345,8 +1345,24 @@ static int32_t smlDealCols(SSmlTableInfo *oneTable, bool dataFormat, SArray *col
void *p = taosArraySearch(oneTable->cols, &cols, smlKvTimeArrayCompare, TD_GE);
if (p == NULL) {
taosArrayPush(oneTable->cols, &cols);
} else {
} else { // to make the sort stable for update data
SArray *sa = (SArray *)p;
SSmlKv *cur = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(sa, 0);
SSmlKv *dCur = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(cols, 0);
if (cur->i > dCur->i) {
taosArrayInsert(oneTable->cols, TARRAY_ELEM_IDX(oneTable->cols, p), &cols);
} else {
ASSERT(cur->i == dCur->i);
int32_t index = TARRAY_ELEM_IDX(oneTable->cols, p) + 1;
for (; index < taosArrayGetSize(oneTable->cols); index++) {
SArray *tmp = (SArray *)taosArrayGet(oneTable->cols, index);
SSmlKv *curTs = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(tmp, 0);
if (curTs->i > dCur->i) {
taosArrayInsert(oneTable->cols, index, &cols);
......@@ -1364,8 +1380,24 @@ static int32_t smlDealCols(SSmlTableInfo *oneTable, bool dataFormat, SArray *col
void *p = taosArraySearch(oneTable->cols, &kvHash, smlKvTimeHashCompare, TD_GE);
if (p == NULL) {
taosArrayPush(oneTable->cols, &kvHash);
} else { // to make the sort stable for update data
SHashObj *sa = (SHashObj *)p;
SSmlKv *cur = (SSmlKv *)taosHashGet(sa, TS, TS_LEN);
SSmlKv *dCur = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(cols, 0);
if (cur->i > dCur->i) {
taosArrayInsert(oneTable->cols, TARRAY_ELEM_IDX(oneTable->cols, p), &cols);
} else {
taosArrayInsert(oneTable->cols, TARRAY_ELEM_IDX(oneTable->cols, p), &kvHash);
ASSERT(cur->i == dCur->i);
int32_t index = TARRAY_ELEM_IDX(oneTable->cols, p) + 1;
for (; index < taosArrayGetSize(oneTable->cols); index++) {
SHashObj *tmp = (SHashObj *)taosArrayGet(oneTable->cols, index);
SSmlKv *curTs = (SSmlKv *)taosHashGet(tmp, TS, TS_LEN);
if (curTs->i > dCur->i) {
taosArrayInsert(oneTable->cols, index, &cols);
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