提交 3c6d493a 编写于 作者: haoranc's avatar haoranc

Merge branch 'test/chr/TD-14699' of github.com:taosdata/TDengine into test/chr/TD-14699

......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ ALTER ALL DNODES dnode_option
dnode_option: {
| 'resetQueryCache'
| 'balance' value
| 'monitor' value
| 'debugFlag' value
......@@ -18,10 +18,13 @@ title: 容量规划
关于这些参数的详细说明请参考 [数据库管理](../taos-sql/database)。
一个数据库所需要的内存大小等于 `vgroups * replica * (buffer + pages * pagesize + cachesize)`。
vgroups * replica * (buffer + pages * pagesize + cachesize)
## 客户端内存需求
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ title: 容错和灾备
## 容错
TDengine 支持**WAL**(Write Ahead Log)机制,实现数据的容错能力,保证数据的高可用。
TDengine 支持 **WAL**(Write Ahead Log)机制,实现数据的容错能力,保证数据的高可用。
TDengine 接收到应用的请求数据包时,先将请求的原始数据包写入数据库日志文件,等数据成功写入数据库数据文件后,再删除相应的 WAL。这样保证了 TDengine 能够在断电等因素导致的服务重启时从数据库日志文件中恢复数据,避免数据的丢失。
- wal_level:WAL 级别,1:写WAL,但不执行fsync。2:写WAL,而且执行fsync。默认值为 1。
- wal_fsync_period:当 wal_evel 设置为 2 时,执行 fsync 的周期。设置为 0,表示每次写入,立即执行 fsync。
- wal_level:WAL 级别,1:写 WAL,但不执行 fsync。2:写 WAL,而且执行 fsync。默认值为 1。
- wal_fsync_period:当 wal_level 设置为 2 时,执行 fsync 的周期。设置为 0,表示每次写入,立即执行 fsync。
如果要 100%的保证数据不丢失,需要将 wal_level 设置为 2,fsync 设置为 0。这时写入速度将会下降。但如果应用侧启动的写数据的线程数达到一定的数量(超过 50),那么写入数据的性能也会很不错,只会比 fsync 设置为 3000 毫秒下降 30%左右。
如果要 100%的保证数据不丢失,需要将 wal_level 设置为 2,wal_fsync_period 设置为 0。这时写入速度将会下降。但如果应用侧启动的写数据的线程数达到一定的数量(超过 50),那么写入数据的性能也会很不错,只会比 wal_fsync_period 设置为 3000 毫秒下降 30%左右。
## 灾备
......@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ typedef struct {
} SWalSyncInfo;
typedef struct {
int8_t protoVer;
int64_t version;
int16_t msgType;
int64_t ingestTs;
int32_t bodyLen;
int64_t ingestTs; // not implemented
int16_t msgType;
int8_t protoVer;
// sync meta
SWalSyncInfo syncMeta;
......@@ -805,14 +805,6 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConfigDnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
return -1;
SDnodeObj *pDnode = mndAcquireDnode(pMnode, cfgReq.dnodeId);
if (pDnode == NULL) {
mError("dnode:%d, failed to config since %s ", cfgReq.dnodeId, terrstr());
return -1;
SEpSet epSet = mndGetDnodeEpset(pDnode);
mndReleaseDnode(pMnode, pDnode);
SDCfgDnodeReq dcfgReq = {0};
if (strcasecmp(cfgReq.config, "resetlog") == 0) {
strcpy(dcfgReq.config, "resetlog");
......@@ -860,16 +852,36 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConfigDnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
int32_t code = -1;
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
void *pIter = NULL;
while (1) {
SDnodeObj *pDnode = NULL;
pIter = sdbFetch(pSdb, SDB_DNODE, pIter, (void **)&pDnode);
if (pIter == NULL) break;
if (pDnode->id == cfgReq.dnodeId || cfgReq.dnodeId == -1 || cfgReq.dnodeId == 0) {
SEpSet epSet = mndGetDnodeEpset(pDnode);
int32_t bufLen = tSerializeSDCfgDnodeReq(NULL, 0, &dcfgReq);
void *pBuf = rpcMallocCont(bufLen);
if (pBuf == NULL) return -1;
if (pBuf != NULL) {
tSerializeSDCfgDnodeReq(pBuf, bufLen, &dcfgReq);
mInfo("dnode:%d, send config req to dnode, app:%p config:%s value:%s", cfgReq.dnodeId, pReq->info.ahandle,
dcfgReq.config, dcfgReq.value);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.msgType = TDMT_DND_CONFIG_DNODE, .pCont = pBuf, .contLen = bufLen};
return tmsgSendReq(&epSet, &rpcMsg);
tmsgSendReq(&epSet, &rpcMsg);
code = 0;
sdbRelease(pSdb, pDnode);
if (code == -1) {
return code;
static int32_t mndProcessConfigDnodeRsp(SRpcMsg *pRsp) {
......@@ -1287,6 +1287,7 @@ static bool mndTransPerformRedoActionStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
mDebug("trans:%d, stage keep on redoAction since %s", pTrans->id, tstrerror(code));
continueExec = false;
} else {
pTrans->code = terrno;
if (pTrans->policy == TRN_POLICY_ROLLBACK) {
if (pTrans->lastAction != 0) {
......@@ -1306,7 +1307,6 @@ static bool mndTransPerformRedoActionStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
mError("trans:%d, stage from redoAction to rollback since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
continueExec = true;
} else {
mError("trans:%d, stage keep on redoAction since %s, failedTimes:%d", pTrans->id, terrstr(), pTrans->failedTimes);
continueExec = false;
......@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ void vnodeApplyWriteMsg(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfMsgs; ++i) {
if (taosGetQitem(qall, (void **)&pMsg) == 0) continue;
const STraceId *trace = &pMsg->info.traceId;
vGTrace("vgId:%d, msg:%p get from vnode-apply queue, type:%s handle:%p", vgId, pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType),
vGInfo("vgId:%d, msg:%p get from vnode-apply queue, type:%s handle:%p index:%ld", vgId, pMsg,
TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), pMsg->info.handle, pMsg->info.conn.applyIndex);
SRpcMsg rsp = {.code = pMsg->code, .info = pMsg->info};
if (rsp.code == 0) {
......@@ -503,9 +503,6 @@ static void vnodeSyncReconfig(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SReCon
static void vnodeSyncCommitMsg(SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SFsmCbMeta cbMeta) {
if (cbMeta.isWeak == 0) {
SVnode *pVnode = pFsm->data;
vTrace("vgId:%d, commit-cb is excuted, fsm:%p, index:%" PRId64 ", isWeak:%d, code:%d, state:%d %s, msgtype:%d %s",
syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync), pFsm, cbMeta.index, cbMeta.isWeak, cbMeta.code, cbMeta.state,
syncUtilState2String(cbMeta.state), pMsg->msgType, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
if (cbMeta.code == 0) {
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.msgType = pMsg->msgType, .contLen = pMsg->contLen};
......@@ -514,11 +511,17 @@ static void vnodeSyncCommitMsg(SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SFsmCbMeta c
syncGetAndDelRespRpc(pVnode->sync, cbMeta.seqNum, &rpcMsg.info);
rpcMsg.info.conn.applyIndex = cbMeta.index;
rpcMsg.info.conn.applyTerm = cbMeta.term;
vInfo("vgId:%d, commit-cb is excuted, fsm:%p, index:%" PRId64 ", term:%" PRIu64 ", msg-index:%" PRId64
", isWeak:%d, code:%d, state:%d %s, msgtype:%d %s",
syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync), pFsm, cbMeta.index, cbMeta.term, rpcMsg.info.conn.applyIndex, cbMeta.isWeak,
cbMeta.code, cbMeta.state, syncUtilState2String(cbMeta.state), pMsg->msgType, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
tmsgPutToQueue(&pVnode->msgCb, APPLY_QUEUE, &rpcMsg);
} else {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.code = cbMeta.code, .info = pMsg->info};
vError("vgId:%d, sync commit error, msgtype:%d,%s, error:0x%X, errmsg:%s", syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync),
pMsg->msgType, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), cbMeta.code, tstrerror(cbMeta.code));
vError("vgId:%d, sync commit error, msgtype:%d,%s, index:%ld, error:0x%X, errmsg:%s", syncGetVgId(pVnode->sync),
pMsg->msgType, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), cbMeta.index, cbMeta.code, tstrerror(cbMeta.code));
if (rsp.info.handle != NULL) {
......@@ -612,8 +612,7 @@ int32_t sumFunction(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
if (IS_NULL_TYPE(type)) {
GET_RES_INFO(pCtx)->isNullRes = 1;
numOfElem = 1;
numOfElem = 0;
goto _sum_over;
......@@ -1172,8 +1171,7 @@ int32_t doMinMaxHelper(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t isMinFunc) {
SMinmaxResInfo* pBuf = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
if (IS_NULL_TYPE(type)) {
GET_RES_INFO(pCtx)->isNullRes = 1;
numOfElems = 1;
numOfElems = 0;
goto _min_max_over;
......@@ -579,11 +579,13 @@ static int32_t sifExecLogic(SLogicConditionNode *node, SIFCtx *ctx, SIFParam *ou
if (ctx->noExec == false) {
for (int32_t m = 0; m < node->pParameterList->length; m++) {
// add impl later
if (node->condType == LOGIC_COND_TYPE_AND) {
taosArrayAddAll(output->result, params[m].result);
// taosArrayDestroy(params[m].result);
// params[m].result = NULL;
} else if (node->condType == LOGIC_COND_TYPE_OR) {
taosArrayAddAll(output->result, params[m].result);
// params[m].result = NULL;
} else if (node->condType == LOGIC_COND_TYPE_NOT) {
// taosArrayAddAll(output->result, params[m].result);
......@@ -593,6 +595,8 @@ static int32_t sifExecLogic(SLogicConditionNode *node, SIFCtx *ctx, SIFParam *ou
} else {
for (int32_t m = 0; m < node->pParameterList->length; m++) {
output->status = sifMergeCond(node->condType, output->status, params[m].status);
params[m].result = NULL;
......@@ -607,6 +611,7 @@ static EDealRes sifWalkFunction(SNode *pNode, void *context) {
SIFCtx *ctx = context;
ctx->code = sifExecFunction(node, ctx, &output);
if (ctx->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -624,6 +629,7 @@ static EDealRes sifWalkLogic(SNode *pNode, void *context) {
SIFCtx *ctx = context;
ctx->code = sifExecLogic(node, ctx, &output);
if (ctx->code) {
......@@ -640,6 +646,7 @@ static EDealRes sifWalkOper(SNode *pNode, void *context) {
SIFCtx *ctx = context;
ctx->code = sifExecOper(node, ctx, &output);
if (ctx->code) {
if (taosHashPut(ctx->pRes, &pNode, POINTER_BYTES, &output, sizeof(output))) {
......@@ -698,7 +705,11 @@ static int32_t sifCalculate(SNode *pNode, SIFParam *pDst) {
nodesWalkExprPostOrder(pNode, sifCalcWalker, &ctx);
if (ctx.code != 0) {
return ctx.code;
if (pDst) {
SIFParam *res = (SIFParam *)taosHashGet(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -714,8 +725,7 @@ static int32_t sifCalculate(SNode *pNode, SIFParam *pDst) {
taosHashRemove(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES);
return code;
static int32_t sifGetFltHint(SNode *pNode, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
......@@ -732,8 +742,10 @@ static int32_t sifGetFltHint(SNode *pNode, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
nodesWalkExprPostOrder(pNode, sifCalcWalker, &ctx);
if (ctx.code != 0) {
return ctx.code;
SIFParam *res = (SIFParam *)taosHashGet(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES);
if (res == NULL) {
......@@ -745,8 +757,7 @@ static int32_t sifGetFltHint(SNode *pNode, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
taosHashRemove(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES);
return code;
int32_t doFilterTag(SNode *pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg *metaArg, SArray *result, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
......@@ -760,7 +771,11 @@ int32_t doFilterTag(SNode *pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg *metaArg, SArray *result,
SArray *output = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(uint64_t));
SIFParam param = {.arg = *metaArg, .result = output};
SIF_ERR_RET(sifCalculate((SNode *)pFilterNode, &param));
int32_t code = sifCalculate((SNode *)pFilterNode, &param);
if (code != 0) {
return code;
taosArrayAddAll(result, param.result);
/** Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
......@@ -16,6 +15,10 @@
#ifdef USE_UV
#include "transComm.h"
typedef struct SConnList {
queue conn;
} SConnList;
typedef struct SCliConn {
uv_connect_t connReq;
......@@ -26,7 +29,9 @@ typedef struct SCliConn {
SConnBuffer readBuf;
STransQueue cliMsgs;
queue q;
SConnList* list;
STransCtx ctx;
bool broken; // link broken or not
......@@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ typedef struct SCliThrd {
uv_loop_t* loop;
SAsyncPool* asyncPool;
uv_idle_t* idle;
uv_prepare_t* prepare;
uv_timer_t timer;
void* pool; // conn pool
......@@ -86,10 +92,6 @@ typedef struct SCliObj {
SCliThrd** pThreadObj;
} SCliObj;
typedef struct SConnList {
queue conn;
} SConnList;
// conn pool
// add expire timeout and capacity limit
static void* createConnPool(int size);
......@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ static void doCloseIdleConn(void* param);
static int sockDebugInfo(struct sockaddr* sockname, char* dst) {
struct sockaddr_in addr = *(struct sockaddr_in*)sockname;
char buf[20] = {0};
char buf[16] = {0};
int r = uv_ip4_name(&addr, (char*)buf, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(dst, "%s:%d", buf, ntohs(addr.sin_port));
return r;
......@@ -118,6 +120,9 @@ static void cliSendCb(uv_write_t* req, int status);
static void cliConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status);
static void cliAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle);
static void cliIdleCb(uv_idle_t* handle);
static void cliPrepareCb(uv_prepare_t* handle);
static int32_t allocConnRef(SCliConn* conn, bool update);
static int cliAppCb(SCliConn* pConn, STransMsg* pResp, SCliMsg* pMsg);
......@@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ static void cliReleaseUnfinishedMsg(SCliConn* conn) {
pThrd = (SCliThrd*)(exh)->pThrd; \
} \
} while (0)
#define CONN_PERSIST_TIME(para) ((para) == 0 ? 3 * 1000 : (para))
#define CONN_PERSIST_TIME(para) ((para) <= 90000 ? 90000 : (para))
#define CONN_GET_HOST_THREAD(conn) (conn ? ((SCliConn*)conn)->hostThrd : NULL)
#define CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn) (((STrans*)(((SCliThrd*)(conn)->hostThrd)->pTransInst))->label)
#define CONN_SHOULD_RELEASE(conn, head) \
......@@ -499,9 +504,8 @@ void* destroyConnPool(void* pool) {
static SCliConn* getConnFromPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port) {
char key[128] = {0};
char key[32] = {0};
SHashObj* pPool = pool;
SConnList* plist = taosHashGet(pPool, key, strlen(key));
if (plist == NULL) {
......@@ -519,13 +523,44 @@ static SCliConn* getConnFromPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port) {
conn->status = ConnNormal;
assert(h == &conn->q);
transDQCancel(((SCliThrd*)conn->hostThrd)->timeoutQueue, conn->task);
conn->task = NULL;
return conn;
static void addConnToPool(void* pool, SCliConn* conn) {
if (conn->status == ConnInPool) {
SCliThrd* thrd = conn->hostThrd;
allocConnRef(conn, true);
STrans* pTransInst = thrd->pTransInst;
conn->status = ConnInPool;
if (conn->list == NULL) {
char key[32] = {0};
CONN_CONSTRUCT_HASH_KEY(key, conn->ip, conn->port);
tTrace("%s conn %p added to conn pool, read buf cap:%d", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn, conn->readBuf.cap);
conn->list = taosHashGet((SHashObj*)pool, key, strlen(key));
assert(conn->list != NULL);
QUEUE_PUSH(&conn->list->conn, &conn->q);
STaskArg* arg = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STaskArg));
arg->param1 = conn;
arg->param2 = thrd;
conn->task = transDQSched(thrd->timeoutQueue, doCloseIdleConn, arg, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pTransInst->idleTime));
static int32_t allocConnRef(SCliConn* conn, bool update) {
if (update) {
transRemoveExHandle(transGetRefMgt(), conn->refId);
......@@ -556,38 +591,6 @@ static int32_t specifyConnRef(SCliConn* conn, bool update, int64_t handle) {
return 0;
static void addConnToPool(void* pool, SCliConn* conn) {
if (conn->status == ConnInPool) {
SCliThrd* thrd = conn->hostThrd;
allocConnRef(conn, true);
STrans* pTransInst = thrd->pTransInst;
conn->status = ConnInPool;
char key[128] = {0};
CONN_CONSTRUCT_HASH_KEY(key, conn->ip, conn->port);
tTrace("%s conn %p added to conn pool, read buf cap:%d", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn, conn->readBuf.cap);
SConnList* plist = taosHashGet((SHashObj*)pool, key, strlen(key));
// list already create before
assert(plist != NULL);
QUEUE_PUSH(&plist->conn, &conn->q);
STaskArg* arg = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STaskArg));
arg->param1 = conn;
arg->param2 = thrd;
conn->task = transDQSched(thrd->timeoutQueue, doCloseIdleConn, arg, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pTransInst->idleTime));
static void cliAllocRecvBufferCb(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf) {
SCliConn* conn = handle->data;
SConnBuffer* pBuf = &conn->readBuf;
......@@ -602,11 +605,9 @@ static void cliRecvCb(uv_stream_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) {
SConnBuffer* pBuf = &conn->readBuf;
if (nread > 0) {
pBuf->len += nread;
if (transReadComplete(pBuf)) {
while (transReadComplete(pBuf)) {
tTrace("%s conn %p read complete", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
} else {
tTrace("%s conn %p read partial packet, continue to read", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
......@@ -967,6 +968,62 @@ static void cliAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle) {
static void cliIdleCb(uv_idle_t* handle) {
SCliThrd* thrd = handle->data;
tTrace("do idle work");
SAsyncPool* pool = thrd->asyncPool;
for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) {
uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]);
SAsyncItem* item = async->data;
queue wq;
QUEUE_MOVE(&item->qmsg, &wq);
int count = 0;
while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&wq)) {
queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&wq);
SCliMsg* pMsg = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliMsg, q);
if (pMsg == NULL) {
(*cliAsyncHandle[pMsg->type])(pMsg, thrd);
tTrace("prepare work end");
if (thrd->stopMsg != NULL) cliHandleQuit(thrd->stopMsg, thrd);
static void cliPrepareCb(uv_prepare_t* handle) {
SCliThrd* thrd = handle->data;
tTrace("prepare work start");
SAsyncPool* pool = thrd->asyncPool;
for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) {
uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]);
SAsyncItem* item = async->data;
queue wq;
QUEUE_MOVE(&item->qmsg, &wq);
int count = 0;
while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&wq)) {
queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&wq);
SCliMsg* pMsg = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliMsg, q);
if (pMsg == NULL) {
(*cliAsyncHandle[pMsg->type])(pMsg, thrd);
tTrace("prepare work end");
if (thrd->stopMsg != NULL) cliHandleQuit(thrd->stopMsg, thrd);
static void* cliWorkThread(void* arg) {
......@@ -1035,6 +1092,11 @@ static SCliThrd* createThrdObj() {
// pThrd->idle->data = pThrd;
// uv_idle_start(pThrd->idle, cliIdleCb);
pThrd->prepare = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(uv_prepare_t));
uv_prepare_init(pThrd->loop, pThrd->prepare);
pThrd->prepare->data = pThrd;
uv_prepare_start(pThrd->prepare, cliPrepareCb);
pThrd->pool = createConnPool(4);
transDQCreate(pThrd->loop, &pThrd->delayQueue);
......@@ -1058,6 +1120,7 @@ static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrd* pThrd) {
transDQDestroy(pThrd->timeoutQueue, NULL);
......@@ -120,8 +120,9 @@ int transInitBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf) {
buf->total = 0;
return 0;
int transDestroyBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf) {
int transDestroyBuffer(SConnBuffer* p) {
p->buf = NULL;
return 0;
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ typedef struct SWorkThrd {
uv_os_fd_t fd;
uv_loop_t* loop;
SAsyncPool* asyncPool;
uv_prepare_t* prepare;
queue msg;
TdThreadMutex msgMtx;
......@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ static void uvOnConnectionCb(uv_stream_t* q, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf)
static void uvWorkerAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle);
static void uvAcceptAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle);
static void uvShutDownCb(uv_shutdown_t* req, int status);
static void uvPrepareCb(uv_prepare_t* handle);
* time-consuming task throwed into BG work thread
......@@ -238,8 +240,6 @@ static void uvHandleReq(SSvrConn* pConn) {
transMsg.msgType = pHead->msgType;
transMsg.code = pHead->code;
// transClearBuffer(&pConn->readBuf);
pConn->inType = pHead->msgType;
if (pConn->status == ConnNormal) {
if (pHead->persist == 1) {
......@@ -546,6 +546,52 @@ static void uvShutDownCb(uv_shutdown_t* req, int status) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)req->handle, uvDestroyConn);
static void uvPrepareCb(uv_prepare_t* handle) {
// prepare callback
SWorkThrd* pThrd = handle->data;
SAsyncPool* pool = pThrd->asyncPool;
for (int i = 0; i < pool->nAsync; i++) {
uv_async_t* async = &(pool->asyncs[i]);
SAsyncItem* item = async->data;
queue wq;
QUEUE_MOVE(&item->qmsg, &wq);
while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&wq)) {
queue* head = QUEUE_HEAD(&wq);
SSvrMsg* msg = QUEUE_DATA(head, SSvrMsg, q);
if (msg == NULL) {
tError("unexcept occurred, continue");
// release handle to rpc init
if (msg->type == Quit) {
(*transAsyncHandle[msg->type])(msg, pThrd);
} else {
STransMsg transMsg = msg->msg;
SExHandle* exh1 = transMsg.info.handle;
int64_t refId = transMsg.info.refId;
SExHandle* exh2 = transAcquireExHandle(transGetRefMgt(), refId);
if (exh2 == NULL || exh1 != exh2) {
tTrace("handle except msg %p, ignore it", exh1);
transReleaseExHandle(transGetRefMgt(), refId);
msg->pConn = exh1->handle;
transReleaseExHandle(transGetRefMgt(), refId);
(*transAsyncHandle[msg->type])(msg, pThrd);
static void uvWorkDoTask(uv_work_t* req) {
// doing time-consumeing task
......@@ -695,13 +741,17 @@ static bool addHandleToWorkloop(SWorkThrd* pThrd, char* pipeName) {
uv_pipe_init(pThrd->loop, pThrd->pipe, 1);
// int r = uv_pipe_open(pThrd->pipe, pThrd->fd);
pThrd->pipe->data = pThrd;
taosThreadMutexInit(&pThrd->msgMtx, NULL);
pThrd->prepare = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(uv_prepare_t));
uv_prepare_init(pThrd->loop, pThrd->prepare);
uv_prepare_start(pThrd->prepare, uvPrepareCb);
pThrd->prepare->data = pThrd;
// conn set
......@@ -986,6 +1036,7 @@ void destroyWorkThrd(SWorkThrd* pThrd) {
TRANS_DESTROY_ASYNC_POOL_MSG(pThrd->asyncPool, SSvrMsg, destroySmsg);
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ int walCheckAndRepairMeta(SWal* pWal) {
const char* idxPattern = "^[0-9]+.idx$";
regex_t logRegPattern;
regex_t idxRegPattern;
SArray* pLogInfoArray = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(SWalFileInfo));
SArray* actualLog = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(SWalFileInfo));
regcomp(&logRegPattern, logPattern, REG_EXTENDED);
regcomp(&idxRegPattern, idxPattern, REG_EXTENDED);
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int walCheckAndRepairMeta(SWal* pWal) {
SWalFileInfo fileInfo;
memset(&fileInfo, -1, sizeof(SWalFileInfo));
sscanf(name, "%" PRId64 ".log", &fileInfo.firstVer);
taosArrayPush(pLogInfoArray, &fileInfo);
taosArrayPush(actualLog, &fileInfo);
......@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ int walCheckAndRepairMeta(SWal* pWal) {
taosArraySort(pLogInfoArray, compareWalFileInfo);
taosArraySort(actualLog, compareWalFileInfo);
int metaFileNum = taosArrayGetSize(pWal->fileInfoSet);
int actualFileNum = taosArrayGetSize(pLogInfoArray);
int actualFileNum = taosArrayGetSize(actualLog);
#if 0
for (int32_t fileNo = actualFileNum - 1; fileNo >= 0; fileNo--) {
......@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ int walCheckAndRepairMeta(SWal* pWal) {
taosArrayPopFrontBatch(pWal->fileInfoSet, metaFileNum - actualFileNum);
} else if (metaFileNum < actualFileNum) {
for (int i = metaFileNum; i < actualFileNum; i++) {
SWalFileInfo* pFileInfo = taosArrayGet(pLogInfoArray, i);
SWalFileInfo* pFileInfo = taosArrayGet(actualLog, i);
taosArrayPush(pWal->fileInfoSet, pFileInfo);
pWal->writeCur = actualFileNum - 1;
if (actualFileNum > 0) {
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ int walCheckAndRepairMeta(SWal* pWal) {
int code = walSaveMeta(pWal);
if (code < 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -423,37 +423,38 @@ int32_t walFetchBody(SWalReader *pRead, SWalCkHead **ppHead) {
return 0;
int32_t walReadVer(SWalReader *pRead, int64_t ver) {
wDebug("vgId:%d wal start to read ver %ld", pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId, ver);
int32_t walReadVer(SWalReader *pReader, int64_t ver) {
wDebug("vgId:%d wal start to read ver %ld", pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, ver);
int64_t contLen;
int32_t code;
bool seeked = false;
if (pRead->pWal->vers.firstVer == -1) {
if (pReader->pWal->vers.firstVer == -1) {
return -1;
if (ver > pRead->pWal->vers.lastVer || ver < pRead->pWal->vers.firstVer) {
wDebug("vgId:%d, invalid index:%" PRId64 ", first index:%" PRId64 ", last index:%" PRId64, pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId,
ver, pRead->pWal->vers.firstVer, pRead->pWal->vers.lastVer);
if (ver > pReader->pWal->vers.lastVer || ver < pReader->pWal->vers.firstVer) {
wDebug("vgId:%d, invalid index:%" PRId64 ", first index:%" PRId64 ", last index:%" PRId64, pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId,
ver, pReader->pWal->vers.firstVer, pReader->pWal->vers.lastVer);
return -1;
if (pRead->curInvalid || pRead->curVersion != ver) {
if (walReadSeekVer(pRead, ver) < 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since %s", pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId, ver, terrstr());
if (pReader->curInvalid || pReader->curVersion != ver) {
if (walReadSeekVer(pReader, ver) < 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since %s", pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, ver, terrstr());
return -1;
seeked = true;
while (1) {
contLen = taosReadFile(pRead->pLogFile, pRead->pHead, sizeof(SWalCkHead));
contLen = taosReadFile(pReader->pLogFile, pReader->pHead, sizeof(SWalCkHead));
if (contLen == sizeof(SWalCkHead)) {
} else if (contLen == 0 && !seeked) {
walReadSeekVerImpl(pRead, ver);
walReadSeekVerImpl(pReader, ver);
seeked = true;
} else {
......@@ -467,26 +468,26 @@ int32_t walReadVer(SWalReader *pRead, int64_t ver) {
contLen = walValidHeadCksum(pRead->pHead);
if (contLen != 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since head checksum not passed", pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId,
code = walValidHeadCksum(pReader->pHead);
if (code != 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since head checksum not passed", pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId,
return -1;
if (pRead->capacity < pRead->pHead->head.bodyLen) {
void *ptr = taosMemoryRealloc(pRead->pHead, sizeof(SWalCkHead) + pRead->pHead->head.bodyLen);
if (pReader->capacity < pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen) {
void *ptr = taosMemoryRealloc(pReader->pHead, sizeof(SWalCkHead) + pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen);
if (ptr == NULL) {
return -1;
pRead->pHead = ptr;
pRead->capacity = pRead->pHead->head.bodyLen;
pReader->pHead = ptr;
pReader->capacity = pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen;
if ((contLen = taosReadFile(pRead->pLogFile, pRead->pHead->head.body, pRead->pHead->head.bodyLen)) !=
pRead->pHead->head.bodyLen) {
if ((contLen = taosReadFile(pReader->pLogFile, pReader->pHead->head.body, pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen)) !=
pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen) {
if (contLen < 0)
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
else {
......@@ -496,25 +497,28 @@ int32_t walReadVer(SWalReader *pRead, int64_t ver) {
return -1;
if (pRead->pHead->head.version != ver) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", read request index:%" PRId64, pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId,
pRead->pHead->head.version, ver);
pRead->curInvalid = 1;
if (pReader->pHead->head.version != ver) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", read request index:%" PRId64, pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId,
pReader->pHead->head.version, ver);
pReader->curInvalid = 1;
return -1;
contLen = walValidBodyCksum(pRead->pHead);
if (contLen != 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since body checksum not passed", pRead->pWal->cfg.vgId,
code = walValidBodyCksum(pReader->pHead);
if (code != 0) {
wError("vgId:%d, unexpected wal log, index:%" PRId64 ", since body checksum not passed", pReader->pWal->cfg.vgId,
pRead->curInvalid = 1;
uint32_t readCkSum = walCalcBodyCksum(pReader->pHead->head.body, pReader->pHead->head.bodyLen);
uint32_t logCkSum = pReader->pHead->cksumBody;
wError("checksum written into log: %u, checksum calculated: %u", logCkSum, readCkSum);
pReader->curInvalid = 1;
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -289,18 +289,25 @@ int32_t walEndSnapshot(SWal *pWal) {
newTotSize -= iter->fileSize;
int32_t actualDelete = 0;
char fnameStr[WAL_FILE_LEN];
// remove file
for (int i = 0; i < deleteCnt; i++) {
pInfo = taosArrayGet(pWal->fileInfoSet, i);
walBuildLogName(pWal, pInfo->firstVer, fnameStr);
if (taosRemoveFile(fnameStr) < 0) {
walBuildIdxName(pWal, pInfo->firstVer, fnameStr);
if (taosRemoveFile(fnameStr) < 0) {
// make new array, remove files
taosArrayPopFrontBatch(pWal->fileInfoSet, deleteCnt);
taosArrayPopFrontBatch(pWal->fileInfoSet, actualDelete);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pWal->fileInfoSet) == 0) {
pWal->writeCur = -1;
pWal->vers.firstVer = -1;
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import time
import socket
import json
import toml
from .boundary import DataBoundary
from util.boundary import DataBoundary
import taos
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
......@@ -80,23 +80,18 @@ class DataSet:
self.bool_data.append( bool((i + bool_start) % 2 ))
self.vchar_data.append( f"{vchar_prefix}_{i * vchar_step}" )
self.nchar_data.append( f"{nchar_prefix}_{i * nchar_step}")
self.ts_data.append( int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000 - i * ts_step))
def get_disorder_set(self,
int_low :int = INT_MIN,
int_up :int = INT_MAX,
bint_low :int = BIGINT_MIN,
bint_up :int = BIGINT_MAX,
sint_low :int = SMALLINT_MIN,
sint_up :int = SMALLINT_MAX,
tint_low :int = TINYINT_MIN,
tint_up :int = TINYINT_MAX,
ubint_low :int = BIGINT_UN_MIN,
ubint_up :int = BIGINT_UN_MAX,
self.ts_data.append( int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()) * 1000 - i * ts_step))
def get_disorder_set(self, rows, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
int_low = v if k == "int_low" else INT_MIN
int_up = v if k == "int_up" else INT_MAX
bint_low = v if k == "bint_low" else BIGINT_MIN
bint_up = v if k == "bint_up" else BIGINT_MAX
sint_low = v if k == "sint_low" else SMALLINT_MIN
sint_up = v if k == "sint_up" else SMALLINT_MAX
tint_low = v if k == "tint_low" else TINYINT_MIN
tint_up = v if k == "tint_up" else TINYINT_MAX
......@@ -49,18 +49,23 @@ class TDSql:
def close(self):
def prepare(self):
tdLog.info("prepare database:db")
def prepare(self, dbname="db", drop=True, **kwargs):
tdLog.info(f"prepare database:{dbname}")
s = 'reset query cache'
tdLog.notice("'reset query cache' is not supported")
s = 'drop database if exists db'
if drop:
s = f'drop database if exists {dbname}'
s = 'create database db duration 300'
s = f'create database {dbname}'
for k, v in kwargs.items():
s += f" {k} {v}"
if "duration" not in kwargs:
s += " duration 300"
s = 'use db'
s = f'use {dbname}'
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
# ---- query ----
./test.sh -f tsim/query/charScalarFunction.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/query/explain.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/query/explain.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/query/interval-offset.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/query/interval.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/query/scalarFunction.sim
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic2.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic3.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic4.sim
# TD-17919 ./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic4.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic5.sim
# ---- show ----
from datetime import datetime
import time
from typing import List, Any, Tuple
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.common import *
INT_COL = "c_int"
BINT_COL = "c_bint"
SINT_COL = "c_sint"
TINT_COL = "c_tint"
FLOAT_COL = "c_float"
DOUBLE_COL = "c_double"
BOOL_COL = "c_bool"
TINT_UN_COL = "c_utint"
SINT_UN_COL = "c_usint"
BINT_UN_COL = "c_ubint"
INT_UN_COL = "c_uint"
BINARY_COL = "c_binary"
NCHAR_COL = "c_nchar"
TS_COL = "c_ts"
INT_TAG = "t_int"
# insert data args:
TIME_STEP = 10000
NOW = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()) * 1000)
# init db/table
DBNAME = "db"
STBNAME = "stb1"
CTB_PRE = "ct"
NTB_PRE = "nt"
L0 = 0
L1 = 1
L2 = 2
DATA_PRE0 = f"data0"
DATA_PRE1 = f"data1"
DATA_PRE2 = f"data2"
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), False)
self.taos_cfg_path = tdDnodes.dnodes[0].cfgPath
self.taos_data_dir = tdDnodes.dnodes[0].dataDir
def cfg(self, filename, **update_dict):
cmd = "echo "
for k, v in update_dict.items():
cmd += f"{k} {v}\n"
cmd += f" >> {filename}"
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
def cfg_str(self, filename, update_str):
cmd = f'echo "{update_str}" >> {filename}'
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
def cfg_str_list(self, filename, update_list):
for update_str in update_list:
self.cfg_str(filename, update_str)
def del_old_datadir(self, filename):
cmd = f"sed -i '/^dataDir/d' {filename}"
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
def __err_cfg(self):
cfg_list = []
err_case1 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE1}1 {L1} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L2} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}"
err_case2 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE1}1 {L1} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L2} {PRIMARY_DIR}"
err_case3 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/data33 3 {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}"
err_case4 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE1}1 {L1} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L2} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L1} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}"
err_case5 = [f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}"]
for i in range(16):
err_case5.append(f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}{i+1} {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}")
err_case6 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}1 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
err_case7 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L2} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
err_case8 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/data33 3 {PRIMARY_DIR}"
err_case9 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/data33 -1 {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}"
return cfg_list
def __current_cfg(self):
cfg_list = []
current_case1 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}1 {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE1}1 {L1} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}2 {L2} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}"
current_case2 = [f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 {L0} {PRIMARY_DIR}"]
for i in range(9):
current_case2.append(f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}{i+1} {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}")
# TD-17773bug
current_case3 = [
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}0 ",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE0}1 {L0} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE1}0 {L1} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
f"dataDir {self.taos_data_dir}/{DATA_PRE2}0 {L2} {NON_PRIMARY_DIR}",
# case2 must in last of least, because use this cfg as data uniformity test
return cfg_list
def cfg_check(self):
for cfg_case in self.__err_cfg:
self.cfg_str_list(filename=self.taos_cfg_path, update_list=cfg_case)
tdSql.error(f"show databases")
for cfg_case in self.__current_cfg:
self.cfg_str_list(filename=self.taos_cfg_path, update_list=cfg_case)
tdSql.query(f"show databases")
def __create_tb(self, stb=STBNAME, ctb_pre = CTB_PRE, ctb_num=20, ntb_pre=NTB_PRE, ntbnum=1, dbname=DBNAME):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.{stb}(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
) tags ({INT_TAG} int)
for i in range(ntbnum):
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.{ntb_pre}{i+1}(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp,
{TINT_UN_COL} tinyint unsigned, {SINT_UN_COL} smallint unsigned,
{INT_UN_COL} int unsigned, {BINT_UN_COL} bigint unsigned
for i in range(ctb_num):
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.{ctb_pre}{i+1} using {dbname}.{stb} tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname=DBNAME, ctb_num=20):
data = DataSet()
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step: start inser data into tables now.....")
for i in range(self.rows):
row_data = f'''
{data.int_data[i]}, {data.bint_data[i]}, {data.sint_data[i]}, {data.tint_data[i]}, {data.float_data[i]}, {data.double_data[i]},
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.vchar_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {data.utint_data[i]},
{data.usint_data[i]}, {data.uint_data[i]}, {data.ubint_data[i]}
neg_row_data = f'''
{-1 * data.int_data[i]}, {-1 * data.bint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.sint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.tint_data[i]}, {-1 * data.float_data[i]}, {-1 * data.double_data[i]},
{data.bool_data[i]}, '{data.vchar_data[i]}', '{data.nchar_data[i]}', {data.ts_data[i]}, {1 * data.utint_data[i]},
{1 * data.usint_data[i]}, {1 * data.uint_data[i]}, {1 * data.ubint_data[i]}
for j in range(ctb_num):
f"insert into {dbname}.{CTB_PRE}{j + 1} values ( {NOW - i * TIME_STEP}, {row_data} )")
# tdSql.execute(
# f"insert into {dbname}.{CTB_PRE}2 values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 0.6)}, {neg_row_data} )")
# tdSql.execute(
# f"insert into {dbname}.{CTB_PRE}4 values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 0.8) }, {row_data} )")
f"insert into {dbname}.{NTB_PRE}1 values ( {NOW - i * int(TIME_STEP * 1.2)}, {row_data} )")
def run(self):
self.rows = 10
tdSql.prepare(dbname=DBNAME, **{"keep": "1d, 1500m, 26h", "duration":"1h", "vgroups": 10})
self.__insert_data(rows=self.rows, dbname=DBNAME)
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {DBNAME}.{NTB_PRE}1")
tdSql.execute(f"flush database {DBNAME}")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
import datetime
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Any, Tuple
......@@ -328,11 +329,15 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query("select database()")
dbname = tdSql.getData(0,0)
tdSql.query("show databases")
for index , value in enumerate(tdSql.cursor.description):
if value[0] == "retention":
r_index = index
for row in tdSql.queryResult:
if row[0] == dbname:
if row[-1] is None:
if row[r_index] is None:
if ":" in row[-1]:
if ":" in row[r_index]:
sma.rollup_db = True
if sma.rollup_db :
return False
......@@ -393,8 +398,6 @@ class TDTestCase:
def __drop_sma_index(self, sma:SMAschema):
sql = f"{sma.drop} {sma.drop_flag} {sma.index_name}"
return sql
......@@ -416,8 +419,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.sma_created_index = list(filter(lambda x: x != sma.index_name, self.sma_created_index))
tdSql.query("show streams")
......@@ -136,23 +136,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
return sqls
def __test_current(self): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
def __test_current(self, dbname="db"): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========current sql condition check , must return query ok==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
for i in range(2,8):
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========current sql condition check in {tb}, col num: {i} over==========")
def __test_error(self):
def __test_error(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========err sql condition check , must return error==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
......@@ -163,22 +163,20 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========err sql condition check in {tb} over==========")
def all_test(self):
def all_test(self, dbname="db"):
def __create_tb(self):
def __create_tb(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table stb1(
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.stb1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
) tags (t1 int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table t1(
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.t1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
......@@ -188,29 +186,29 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows):
def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname="db"):
now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
for i in range(rows):
f"insert into ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f'''insert into ct1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct1 values
( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar_测试_0', { now_time + 8 } )
( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar_测试_9', { now_time + 9 } )
f'''insert into ct4 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct4 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
f'''insert into ct2 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct2 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -242,13 +240,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(rows):
insert_data = f'''insert into t1 values
insert_data = f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2},
"binary_{i}", "nchar_测试_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } )
f'''insert into t1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -268,22 +266,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data")
self.rows = 10
self.__insert_data(self.rows, dbname="db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:all check")
# tdDnodes.stop(1)
# tdDnodes.start(1)
tdSql.execute("flush database db")
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ")
def stop(self):
......@@ -137,22 +137,22 @@ class TDTestCase:
return sqls
def __test_current(self): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
def __test_current(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========current sql condition check , must return query ok==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
for i in range(2,8):
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========current sql condition check in {tb}, col num: {i} over==========")
def __test_error(self):
def __test_error(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========err sql condition check , must return error==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
......@@ -163,22 +163,20 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========err sql condition check in {tb} over==========")
def all_test(self):
def all_test(self, dbname="db"):
def __create_tb(self):
def __create_tb(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table stb1(
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.stb1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
) tags (t1 int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table t1(
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.t1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
......@@ -188,29 +186,29 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows):
def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname="db"):
now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
for i in range(rows):
f"insert into ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f'''insert into ct1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct1 values
( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar_测试_0', { now_time + 8 } )
( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar_测试_9', { now_time + 9 } )
f'''insert into ct4 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct4 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
f'''insert into ct2 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct2 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -242,13 +240,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(rows):
insert_data = f'''insert into t1 values
insert_data = f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2},
"binary_{i}", "nchar_测试_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } )
f'''insert into t1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -268,23 +266,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data")
self.rows = 10
self.__insert_data(self.rows, dbname="db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:all check")
# tdDnodes.stop(1)
# tdDnodes.start(1)
tdSql.execute("flush database db")
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
......@@ -137,23 +137,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
return sqls
def __test_current(self): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
def __test_current(self,dbname="db"): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========current sql condition check , must return query ok==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
for i in range(2,8):
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========current sql condition check in {tb}, col num: {i} over==========")
def __test_error(self):
def __test_error(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========err sql condition check , must return error==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
......@@ -164,22 +164,21 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========err sql condition check in {tb} over==========")
def all_test(self):
def all_test(self,dbname="db"):
def __create_tb(self):
def __create_tb(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table stb1(
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.stb1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
) tags (t1 int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table t1(
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.t1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
......@@ -189,29 +188,29 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows):
def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname="db"):
now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
for i in range(rows):
f"insert into ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f'''insert into ct1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct1 values
( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar_测试_0', { now_time + 8 } )
( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar_测试_9', { now_time + 9 } )
f'''insert into ct4 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct4 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
f'''insert into ct2 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct2 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -243,13 +242,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(rows):
insert_data = f'''insert into t1 values
insert_data = f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2},
"binary_{i}", "nchar_测试_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } )
f'''insert into t1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -269,22 +268,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data")
self.rows = 10
self.__insert_data(self.rows, dbname="db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:all check")
# tdDnodes.stop(1)
# tdDnodes.start(1)
tdSql.execute("flush database db")
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ")
def stop(self):
......@@ -137,23 +137,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
return sqls
def __test_current(self): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
def __test_current(self, dbname="db"): # sourcery skip: use-itertools-product
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========current sql condition check , must return query ok==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
for i in range(2,8):
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========current sql condition check in {tb}, col num: {i} over==========")
def __test_error(self):
def __test_error(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========err sql condition check , must return error==========")
tbname = [
for tb in tbname:
......@@ -164,22 +164,21 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix(f"==========err sql condition check in {tb} over==========")
def all_test(self):
def all_test(self, dbname="db"):
def __create_tb(self):
def __create_tb(self, dbname="db"):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
create_stb_sql = f'''create table stb1(
create_stb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.stb1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
) tags (t1 int)
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table t1(
create_ntb_sql = f'''create table {dbname}.t1(
ts timestamp, {INT_COL} int, {BINT_COL} bigint, {SINT_COL} smallint, {TINT_COL} tinyint,
{FLOAT_COL} float, {DOUBLE_COL} double, {BOOL_COL} bool,
{BINARY_COL} binary(16), {NCHAR_COL} nchar(32), {TS_COL} timestamp
......@@ -189,29 +188,29 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(4):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( {i+1} )')
def __insert_data(self, rows):
def __insert_data(self, rows, dbname="db"):
now_time = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) * 1000)
for i in range(rows):
f"insert into ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( { now_time - i * 1000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {i}, {11111 * i}, {111 * i % 32767 }, {11 * i % 127}, {1.11*i}, {1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct2 values ( { now_time - i * 7776000000 }, {-i}, {-11111 * i}, {-111 * i % 32767 }, {-11 * i % 127}, {-1.11*i}, {-1100.0011*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar_测试_{i}', { now_time + 1 * i } )"
f'''insert into ct1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct1 values
( { now_time - rows * 5 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar_测试_0', { now_time + 8 } )
( { now_time + 10000 }, { rows }, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar_测试_9', { now_time + 9 } )
f'''insert into ct4 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct4 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
f'''insert into ct2 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.ct2 values
( { now_time - rows * 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3888000000 + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time + 7776000000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -243,13 +242,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(rows):
insert_data = f'''insert into t1 values
insert_data = f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time - i * 3600000 }, {i}, {i * 11111}, { i % 32767 }, { i % 127}, { i * 1.11111 }, { i * 1000.1111 }, { i % 2},
"binary_{i}", "nchar_测试_{i}", { now_time - 1000 * i } )
f'''insert into t1 values
f'''insert into {dbname}.t1 values
( { now_time + 10800000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - (( rows // 2 ) * 60 + 30) * 60000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( { now_time - rows * 3600000 }, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
......@@ -269,22 +268,23 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data")
self.rows = 10
self.__insert_data(self.rows, dbname="db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:all check")
# tdDnodes.stop(1)
# tdDnodes.start(1)
tdSql.execute("flush database db")
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:after wal, all check again ")
def stop(self):
......@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ from util.sqlset import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.setsql = TDSetSql()
self.rowNum = 10
self.ts = 1537146000000
self.ntbname = 'ntb'
self.stbname = 'stb'
dbname = "db"
self.ntbname = f'{dbname}.ntb'
self.stbname = f'{dbname}.stb'
self.column_dict = {
......@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.tb_nums = 10
self.ts = 1537146000000
def prepare_datas(self, stb_name , tb_nums , row_nums ):
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(f" create stable {stb_name} (ts timestamp , c1 int , c2 bigint , c3 float , c4 double , c5 smallint , c6 tinyint , c7 bool , c8 binary(36) , c9 nchar(36) , uc1 int unsigned,\
def prepare_datas(self, stb_name , tb_nums , row_nums, dbname="db" ):
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
tdSql.execute(f" create stable {dbname}.{stb_name} (ts timestamp , c1 int , c2 bigint , c3 float , c4 double , c5 smallint , c6 tinyint , c7 bool , c8 binary(36) , c9 nchar(36) , uc1 int unsigned,\
uc2 bigint unsigned ,uc3 smallint unsigned , uc4 tinyint unsigned ) tags(t1 timestamp , t2 int , t3 bigint , t4 float , t5 double , t6 smallint , t7 tinyint , t8 bool , t9 binary(36)\
, t10 nchar(36) , t11 int unsigned , t12 bigint unsigned ,t13 smallint unsigned , t14 tinyint unsigned ) ")
for i in range(tb_nums):
tbname = f"sub_{stb_name}_{i}"
tbname = f"{dbname}.sub_{stb_name}_{i}"
ts = self.ts + i*10000
tdSql.execute(f"create table {tbname} using {stb_name} tags ({ts} , {i} , {i}*10 ,{i}*1.0,{i}*1.0 , 1 , 2, 'true', 'binary_{i}' ,'nchar_{i}',{i},{i},10,20 )")
tdSql.execute(f"create table {tbname} using {dbname}.{stb_name} tags ({ts} , {i} , {i}*10 ,{i}*1.0,{i}*1.0 , 1 , 2, 'true', 'binary_{i}' ,'nchar_{i}',{i},{i},10,20 )")
for row in range(row_nums):
ts = self.ts + row*1000
......@@ -31,140 +31,141 @@ class TDTestCase:
ts = self.ts + row_nums*1000 + null*1000
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {tbname} values({ts} , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL )")
def basic_query(self):
tdSql.query("select count(*) from stb")
def basic_query(self, dbname="db"):
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.checkData(0,0,(self.row_nums + 5 )*self.tb_nums)
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.checkData(0,0,(self.row_nums )*self.tb_nums)
tdSql.query(" select tbname , count(*) from stb partition by tbname ")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(*) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname ")
tdSql.query(" select count(c1) from stb group by t1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by t1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.error(" select count(c1) from stb group by c1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.error(" select count(t1) from stb group by c1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.query(" select count(c1) from stb group by tbname order by tbname ")
tdSql.error(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by c1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.error(f"select count(t1) from {dbname}.stb group by c1 order by t1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by tbname order by tbname ")
# bug need fix
# tdSql.query(" select count(t1) from stb group by t2 order by t2 ")
# tdSql.query(f"select count(t1) from {dbname}.stb group by t2 order by t2 ")
# tdSql.checkRows(self.tb_nums)
tdSql.query(" select count(c1) from stb group by c1 order by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by c1 order by c1 ")
tdSql.query(" select c1 , count(c1) from stb group by c1 order by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select c1 , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by c1 order by c1 ")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
tdSql.query("select abs(c1+c3), count(c1+c3) from stb group by abs(c1+c3) order by abs(c1+c3)")
tdSql.query(f"select abs(c1+c3), count(c1+c3) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1+c3) order by abs(c1+c3)")
tdSql.query("select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) from stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
tdSql.error("select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) ,abs(t1) from stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(t1)+c2")
tdSql.error("select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) from stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)+c2")
tdSql.query("select abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2) , count(c1+c3)+count(c2) from stb group by abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2) order by abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2)")
tdSql.error(f"select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) ,abs(t1) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(t1)+c2")
tdSql.error(f"select count(c1+c3)+max(c2) ,abs(c1) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)+c2")
tdSql.query(f"select abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2) , count(c1+c3)+count(c2) from {dbname}.stb group by abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2) order by abs(c1+c3)+abs(c2)")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t2) from stb where abs(c1+t2)=1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t2) from {dbname}.stb where abs(c1+t2)=1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb where abs(c1+t2)=1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb where abs(c1+t2)=1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.error("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by t1 order by t1")
tdSql.error("select tbname , count(t1) from stb partition by t1 order by t1")
tdSql.error("select tbname , count(t1) from stb partition by t2 order by t2")
tdSql.error(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by t1 order by t1")
tdSql.error(f"select tbname , count(t1) from {dbname}.stb partition by t1 order by t1")
tdSql.error(f"select tbname , count(t1) from {dbname}.stb partition by t2 order by t2")
# # bug need fix
# tdSql.query("select t2 , count(t1) from stb partition by t2 order by t2")
# tdSql.query(f"select t2 , count(t1) from {dbname}.stb partition by t2 order by t2")
# tdSql.checkRows(self.tb_nums)
tdSql.query("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.error("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by t2 order by t2")
tdSql.error(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by t2 order by t2")
tdSql.query("select c2, count(c1) from stb partition by c2 order by c2 desc")
tdSql.query(f"select c2, count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by c2 order by c2 desc")
tdSql.error("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by c1 order by c2")
tdSql.error(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by c1 order by c2")
tdSql.query("select tbname , abs(t2) from stb partition by c2 order by t2")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , abs(t2) from {dbname}.stb partition by c2 order by t2")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t2) from stb partition by c2 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t2) from {dbname}.stb partition by c2 ")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t2) ,c2 from stb partition by c2 order by c2")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t2) ,c2 from {dbname}.stb partition by c2 order by c2")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t1) ,max(c2) ,tbname from stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t1) ,max(c2) ,tbname from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname order by tbname")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t2) ,t1 from stb partition by t1 order by t1")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t2) ,t1 from {dbname}.stb partition by t1 order by t1")
# bug need fix
# tdSql.query("select count(c1) , count(t1) ,abs(c1) from stb partition by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
# tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) , count(t1) ,abs(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by abs(c1) order by abs(c1)")
# tdSql.checkRows(self.row_nums+1)
tdSql.query("select count(ceil(c2)) , count(floor(t2)) ,count(floor(c2)) from stb partition by abs(c2) order by abs(c2)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(ceil(c2)) , count(floor(t2)) ,count(floor(c2)) from {dbname}.stb partition by abs(c2) order by abs(c2)")
tdSql.query("select count(ceil(c1-2)) , count(floor(t2+1)) ,max(c2-c1) from stb partition by abs(floor(c1)) order by abs(floor(c1))")
tdSql.query(f"select count(ceil(c1-2)) , count(floor(t2+1)) ,max(c2-c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by abs(floor(c1)) order by abs(floor(c1))")
# interval
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb interval(2s) sliding(1s)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb interval(2s) sliding(1s)")
# bug need fix
tdSql.query('select max(c1) from stb where ts>="2022-07-06 16:00:00.000 " and ts < "2022-07-06 17:00:00.000 " interval(50s) sliding(30s) fill(NULL)')
tdSql.query(f'select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb where ts>="2022-07-06 16:00:00.000 " and ts < "2022-07-06 17:00:00.000 " interval(50s) sliding(30s) fill(NULL)')
tdSql.query(" select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname interval(10s) slimit 5 soffset 1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname interval(10s) slimit 5 soffset 1 ")
tdSql.query("select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname interval(10s)")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname interval(10s)")
tdSql.query("select tbname , count(c1) from sub_stb_1 partition by tbname interval(10s)")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.sub_stb_1 partition by tbname interval(10s)")
# tdSql.query(" select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname order by tbname slimit 5 soffset 0 ")
# tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname order by tbname slimit 5 soffset 0 ")
# tdSql.checkRows(5)
# tdSql.query(" select tbname , count(c1) from stb partition by tbname order by tbname slimit 5 soffset 1 ")
# tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb partition by tbname order by tbname slimit 5 soffset 1 ")
# tdSql.checkRows(5)
tdSql.query(" select tbname , count(c1) from sub_stb_1 partition by tbname interval(10s) sliding(5s) ")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.sub_stb_1 partition by tbname interval(10s) sliding(5s) ")
tdSql.query(f'select max(c1) from stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 partition by tbname interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
tdSql.query(f'select max(c1) from stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
tdSql.query(f'select tbname , count(c1) from stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 partition by tbname interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
tdSql.query(f'select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 partition by tbname interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
tdSql.query(f'select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
tdSql.query(f'select tbname , count(c1) from {dbname}.stb where ts>={self.ts} and ts < {self.ts}+10000 partition by tbname interval(50s) sliding(30s)')
def run(self):
# # coverage case for taosd crash about bug fix
tdSql.query(" select sum(c1) from stb where t2+10 >1 ")
tdSql.query(" select count(c1),count(t1) from stb where -t2<1 ")
tdSql.query(" select tbname ,max(ceil(c1)) from stb group by tbname ")
tdSql.query(" select avg(abs(c1)) , tbname from stb group by tbname ")
tdSql.query(" select t1,c1 from stb where abs(t2+c1)=1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select sum(c1) from {dbname}.stb where t2+10 >1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1),count(t1) from {dbname}.stb where -t2<1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select tbname ,max(ceil(c1)) from {dbname}.stb group by tbname ")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(abs(c1)) , tbname from {dbname}.stb group by tbname ")
tdSql.query(f"select t1,c1 from {dbname}.stb where abs(t2+c1)=1 ")
def stop(self):
......@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ import random
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143, "cDebugFlag": 143, "uDebugFlag": 143, "rpcDebugFlag": 143, "tmrDebugFlag": 143,
"jniDebugFlag": 143, "simDebugFlag": 143, "dDebugFlag": 143, "dDebugFlag": 143, "vDebugFlag": 143, "mDebugFlag": 143, "qDebugFlag": 143,
"wDebugFlag": 143, "sDebugFlag": 143, "tsdbDebugFlag": 143, "tqDebugFlag": 143, "fsDebugFlag": 143, "udfDebugFlag": 143}
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
......@@ -18,188 +18,117 @@ class TDTestCase:
def run(self):
dbname = "db"
"create table ntb(ts timestamp,c1 int,c2 double,c3 float)")
f"create table {dbname}.ntb(ts timestamp,c1 int,c2 double,c3 float)")
"insert into ntb values(now,1,1.0,10.5)(now+1s,10,-100.0,5.1)(now+10s,-1,15.1,5.0)")
f"insert into {dbname}.ntb values(now,1,1.0,10.5)(now+1s,10,-100.0,5.1)(now+10s,-1,15.1,5.0)")
tdSql.query("select diff(c1,0) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c1,0) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 9)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, -11)
tdSql.query("select diff(c1,1) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c1,1) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 9)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, None)
tdSql.query("select diff(c2,0) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c2,0) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, -101)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 115.1)
tdSql.query("select diff(c2,1) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c2,1) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 115.1)
tdSql.query("select diff(c3,0) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c3,0) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, -5.4)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, -0.1)
tdSql.query("select diff(c3,1) from ntb")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(c3,1) from {dbname}.ntb")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, None)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, None)
tdSql.execute('''create table stb(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
tdSql.execute(f'''create table {dbname}.stb(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
col7 bool, col8 binary(20), col9 nchar(20), col11 tinyint unsigned, col12 smallint unsigned, col13 int unsigned, col14 bigint unsigned) tags(loc nchar(20))''')
tdSql.execute("create table stb_1 using stb tags('beijing')")
tdSql.execute(f"create table {dbname}.stb_1 using {dbname}.stb tags('beijing')")
"insert into stb_1 values(%d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, False, ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0)" % (self.ts - 1))
f"insert into {dbname}.stb_1 values(%d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, False, ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0)" % (self.ts - 1))
# diff verifacation
tdSql.query("select diff(col1) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col1) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col2) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col2) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col3) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col3) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col4) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col4) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col5) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col5) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col6) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col6) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col7) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col7) from {dbname}.stb_1")
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into stb_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.stb_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
% (self.ts + i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 0.1, i + 0.1, i % 2, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1))
tdSql.error("select diff(ts) from stb")
tdSql.error("select diff(ts) from stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(ts) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(ts) from {dbname}.stb_1")
# tdSql.error("select diff(col7) from stb")
# tdSql.error(f"select diff(col7) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.error("select diff(col8) from stb")
tdSql.error("select diff(col8) from stb_1")
tdSql.error("select diff(col9) from stb")
tdSql.error("select diff(col9) from stb_1")
tdSql.error("select diff(col11) from stb_1")
tdSql.error("select diff(col12) from stb_1")
tdSql.error("select diff(col13) from stb_1")
tdSql.error("select diff(col14) from stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col8) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col8) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col9) from {dbname}.stb")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col9) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col11) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col12) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col13) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.error(f"select diff(col14) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select ts,diff(col1),ts from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col1) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col1) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col2) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col2) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col3) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col3) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col4) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col4) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col5) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col5) from {dbname}.stb_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col6) from stb_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col6) from {dbname}.stb_1")
# check selectivity
tdSql.query("select ts, diff(col1), col2 from stb_1")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.000")
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.001")
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.002")
tdSql.checkData(3, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.003")
tdSql.checkData(4, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.004")
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.005")
tdSql.checkData(6, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.006")
tdSql.checkData(7, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.007")
tdSql.checkData(8, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.008")
tdSql.checkData(9, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.009")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(1, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(2, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(3, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(4, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(5, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(6, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(7, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(8, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(9, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 0)
tdSql.checkData(1, 2, 1)
tdSql.checkData(2, 2, 2)
tdSql.checkData(3, 2, 3)
tdSql.checkData(4, 2, 4)
tdSql.checkData(5, 2, 5)
tdSql.checkData(6, 2, 6)
tdSql.checkData(7, 2, 7)
tdSql.checkData(8, 2, 8)
tdSql.checkData(9, 2, 9)
tdSql.query("select ts, diff(col1), col2 from stb order by ts")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.000")
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.001")
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.002")
tdSql.checkData(3, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.003")
tdSql.checkData(4, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.004")
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.005")
tdSql.checkData(6, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.006")
tdSql.checkData(7, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.007")
tdSql.checkData(8, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.008")
tdSql.checkData(9, 0, "2018-09-17 09:00:00.009")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(1, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(2, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(3, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(4, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(5, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(6, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(7, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(8, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(9, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 0)
tdSql.checkData(1, 2, 1)
tdSql.checkData(2, 2, 2)
tdSql.checkData(3, 2, 3)
tdSql.checkData(4, 2, 4)
tdSql.checkData(5, 2, 5)
tdSql.checkData(6, 2, 6)
tdSql.checkData(7, 2, 7)
tdSql.checkData(8, 2, 8)
tdSql.checkData(9, 2, 9)
tdSql.execute('''create table stb1(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
tdSql.execute(f'''create table {dbname}.stb1(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
col7 bool, col8 binary(20), col9 nchar(20), col11 tinyint unsigned, col12 smallint unsigned, col13 int unsigned, col14 bigint unsigned) tags(loc nchar(20))''')
tdSql.execute("create table stb1_1 using stb tags('shanghai')")
tdSql.execute(f"create table {dbname}.stb1_1 using {dbname}.stb tags('shanghai')")
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into stb1_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.stb1_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
% (self.ts + i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 0.1, i + 0.1, i % 2, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1))
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into stb1_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.stb1_1 values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
% (self.ts - i-1, i-1, i-1, i-1, i-1, -i - 0.1, -i - 0.1, -i % 2, i - 1, i - 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1))
tdSql.query("select diff(col1,0) from stb1_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col1,0) from {dbname}.stb1_1")
tdSql.query("select diff(col1,1) from stb1_1")
tdSql.query(f"select diff(col1,1) from {dbname}.stb1_1")
......@@ -6,86 +6,60 @@ import random
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"udfDebugFlag":143,
"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
updatecfgDict = {"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.vnode_disbutes = None
self.ts = 1537146000000
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self):
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self, dbname="testdb"):
# prepate datas for 20 tables distributed at different vgroups
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists testdb keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {dbname} keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
'''create table stb1
f'''create table {dbname}.stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t0 timestamp, t1 int, t2 bigint, t3 smallint, t4 tinyint, t5 float, t6 double, t7 bool, t8 binary(16),t9 nchar(32))
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(20):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
for i in range(1,21):
if i ==1 or i == 4:
tbname = "ct"+f'{i}'
tbname = f"{dbname}.ct{i}"
for j in range(9):
f"insert into {tbname} values ( now()-{(i+j)*10}s, {1*(j+i)}, {11111*(j+i)}, {111*(j+i)}, {11*(j)}, {1.11*(j+i)}, {11.11*(j+i)}, {(j+i)%2}, 'binary{j}', 'nchar{j}', now()+{1*j}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdLog.info(" prepare data for distributed_aggregate done! ")
def check_distribute_datas(self):
def check_distribute_datas(self, dbname="testdb"):
# get vgroup_ids of all
tdSql.query("show vgroups ")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.vgroups ")
vgroups = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -95,7 +69,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# check sub_table of per vnode ,make sure sub_table has been distributed
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
......@@ -109,28 +83,28 @@ class TDTestCase:
if count < 2:
tdLog.exit(" the datas of all not satisfy sub_table has been distributed ")
def distribute_agg_query(self):
def distribute_agg_query(self, dbname="testdb"):
# basic filter
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1 , 20) from stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1 , 20) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1 , 20) from stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1 , 20) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1+c2 ,100) from stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1+c2 ,100) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1 ,10 ) from stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1 ,10 ) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1,20) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1,20) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1,20) from stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1,20) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
# union all
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1,20) from stb1 union all select apercentile(c1,20) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1,20) from {dbname}.stb1 union all select apercentile(c1,20) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
......@@ -138,44 +112,44 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute(" create database if not exists db ")
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st tags(2) ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable db.st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb1 using db.st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb2 using db.st tags(2) ")
for i in range(10):
ts = i*10 + self.ts
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(tb1.c1,100), apercentile(tb2.c2,100) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(tb1.c1,100), apercentile(tb2.c2,100) from db.tb1 tb1, db.tb2 tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
# group by
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c1 from stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.execute(f"use {dbname} ")
tdSql.query(f" select max(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c1 from stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f" select max(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c2 from stb1 group by c2 ")
tdSql.query(f" select max(c1),c2 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c2 ")
# partition by tbname or partition by tag
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1 ,10)from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1 ,10)from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
# nest query for support max
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c2+2,10)+1 from (select max(c1) c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c2+2,10)+1 from (select max(c1) c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(c1+2,10)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(c1+2,10)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(a+2,10)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(a+2,10)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
# mixup with other functions
tdSql.query("select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3),spread(c1), apercentile(c1,10) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3),spread(c1), apercentile(c1,10) from {dbname}.stb1")
......@@ -7,11 +7,8 @@ import platform
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"udfDebugFlag":143,
"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
updatecfgDict = {"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
......@@ -34,75 +31,52 @@ class TDTestCase:
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self):
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self, dbname="testdb"):
# prepate datas for 20 tables distributed at different vgroups
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists testdb keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {dbname} keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
'''create table stb1
f'''create table {dbname}.stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t0 timestamp, t1 int, t2 bigint, t3 smallint, t4 tinyint, t5 float, t6 double, t7 bool, t8 binary(16),t9 nchar(32))
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(20):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
for i in range(1,21):
if i ==1 or i == 4:
tbname = "ct"+f'{i}'
tbname = f"{dbname}.ct{i}"
for j in range(9):
f"insert into {tbname} values ( now()-{(i+j)*10}s, {1*(j+i)}, {11111*(j+i)}, {111*(j+i)}, {11*(j)}, {1.11*(j+i)}, {11.11*(j+i)}, {(j+i)%2}, 'binary{j}', 'nchar{j}', now()+{1*j}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdLog.info(" prepare data for distributed_aggregate done! ")
def check_distribute_datas(self):
def check_distribute_datas(self, dbname="testdb"):
# get vgroup_ids of all
tdSql.query("show vgroups ")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.vgroups ")
vgroups = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -112,7 +86,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# check sub_table of per vnode ,make sure sub_table has been distributed
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
......@@ -126,7 +100,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
if count < 2:
tdLog.exit(" the datas of all not satisfy sub_table has been distributed ")
def check_avg_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name):
def check_avg_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name, dbname="testdb"):
vgroup_ids = []
for k ,v in self.vnode_disbutes.items():
......@@ -144,9 +118,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tbname_filters = tbname_ins[:-1]
avg_sql = f"select avg({col_name}) from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
avg_sql = f"select avg({col_name}) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null "
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null "
pre_data = np.array(tdSql.queryResult)[np.array(tdSql.queryResult) != None]
......@@ -157,16 +131,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
def check_avg_status(self):
def check_avg_status(self, dbname="testdb"):
# check max function work status
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
tdSql.query("desc stb1")
tdSql.query(f"desc {dbname}.stb1")
col_names = tdSql.queryResult
colnames = []
......@@ -182,41 +156,41 @@ class TDTestCase:
for colname in colnames:
if colname.startswith("c"):
self.check_avg_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname)
# self.check_avg_distribute_diff_vnode(colname) # bug for tag
# self.check_avg_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname) # bug for tag
def distribute_agg_query(self):
def distribute_agg_query(self, dbname="testdb"):
# basic filter
tdSql.query(" select avg(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
tdSql.query(" select avg(a) from (select avg(c1) a from stb1 partition by tbname) ")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(a) from (select avg(c1) a from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname) ")
tdSql.query(" select avg(c1) from stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query("select avg(c1+c2) from stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1+c2) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query("select avg(c1) from stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query("select avg(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select avg(c1) from stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
# union all
tdSql.query("select avg(c1) from stb1 union all select avg(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 union all select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
tdSql.query("select avg(a) from (select avg(c1) a from stb1 union all select avg(c1) a from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(a) from (select avg(c1) a from {dbname}.stb1 union all select avg(c1) a from {dbname}.stb1)")
......@@ -224,38 +198,38 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute(" create database if not exists db ")
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st tags(2) ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable db.st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb1 using db.st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb2 using db.st tags(2) ")
for i in range(10):
ts = i*10 + self.ts
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.query("select avg(tb1.c1), avg(tb2.c2) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(tb1.c1), avg(tb2.c2) from db.tb1 tb1, db.tb2 tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
# group by
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
# partition by tbname or partition by tag
tdSql.query("select avg(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
# nest query for support max
tdSql.query("select avg(c2+2)+1 from (select avg(c1) c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c2+2)+1 from (select avg(c1) c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select avg(c1+2) as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(c1+2) as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select avg(a+2) as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select avg(a+2) as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
# mixup with other functions
tdSql.query("select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3),sum(c1+c2),avg(c1) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3),sum(c1+c2),avg(c1) from {dbname}.stb1")
......@@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ import random
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"udfDebugFlag":143,
"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
updatecfgDict = {"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
......@@ -35,76 +32,52 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" count function work as expected, sql : %s "% max_sql)
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self):
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self, dbname="testdb"):
# prepate datas for 20 tables distributed at different vgroups
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists testdb keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {dbname} keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
'''create table stb1
f'''create table {dbname}.stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t0 timestamp, t1 int, t2 bigint, t3 smallint, t4 tinyint, t5 float, t6 double, t7 bool, t8 binary(16),t9 nchar(32))
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(20):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
for i in range(1,21):
if i ==1 or i == 4:
tbname = "ct"+f'{i}'
tbname = f"{dbname}.ct{i}"
for j in range(9):
f"insert into {tbname} values ( now()-{(i+j)*10}s, {1*(j+i)}, {11111*(j+i)}, {111*(j+i)}, {11*(j)}, {1.11*(j+i)}, {11.11*(j+i)}, {(j+i)%2}, 'binary{j}', 'nchar{j}', now()+{1*j}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdLog.info(" prepare data for distributed_aggregate done! ")
def check_distribute_datas(self):
def check_distribute_datas(self, dbname="testdb"):
# get vgroup_ids of all
tdSql.query("show vgroups ")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.vgroups ")
vgroups = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -114,7 +87,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# check sub_table of per vnode ,make sure sub_table has been distributed
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
......@@ -128,7 +101,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
if count < 2:
tdLog.exit(" the datas of all not satisfy sub_table has been distributed ")
def check_count_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name):
def check_count_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name, dbname="testdb"):
vgroup_ids = []
for k ,v in self.vnode_disbutes.items():
......@@ -146,9 +119,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tbname_filters = tbname_ins[:-1]
max_sql = f"select count({col_name}) from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
max_sql = f"select count({col_name}) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
same_sql = f"select sum(c) from (select {col_name} ,1 as c from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null) "
same_sql = f"select sum(c) from (select {col_name} ,1 as c from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null) "
max_result = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -161,16 +134,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" count function work as expected, sql : %s "% max_sql)
def check_count_status(self):
def check_count_status(self, dbname="testdb"):
# check max function work status
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
tdSql.query("desc stb1")
tdSql.query(f"desc {dbname}.stb1")
col_names = tdSql.queryResult
colnames = []
......@@ -186,34 +159,33 @@ class TDTestCase:
for colname in colnames:
if colname.startswith("c"):
self.check_count_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname)
# self.check_count_distribute_diff_vnode(colname) # bug for tag
# self.check_count_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname) # bug for tag
def distribute_agg_query(self):
def distribute_agg_query(self, dbname="testdb"):
# basic filter
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query("select count(c1+c2) from stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1+c2) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
# union all
tdSql.query("select count(c1) from stb1 union all select count(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 union all select count(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
......@@ -221,60 +193,60 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute(" create database if not exists db ")
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st tags(2) ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable db.st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb1 using db.st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb2 using db.st tags(2) ")
for i in range(10):
ts = i*10 + self.ts
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.query("select count(tb1.c1), count(tb2.c2) from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
tdSql.query(f"select count(tb1.c1), count(tb2.c2) from db.tb1 tb1, db.tb2 tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
# group by
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
tdSql.query(" select count(*) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
tdSql.query(" select count(*) from stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {dbname}.stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.query(" select count(*) from stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {dbname}.stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(" select count(*) from stb1 group by c2 ")
tdSql.query(f"select count(*) from {dbname}.stb1 group by c2 ")
# partition by tbname or partition by tag
tdSql.query("select max(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tdSql.query("select max(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by t1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by t1")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
# nest query for support max
tdSql.query("select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select count(c1) c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select count(c1) c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select count(c1+2) as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(c1+2) as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select count(a+2) as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select count(a+2) as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
# mixup with other functions
tdSql.query("select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3) from {dbname}.stb1")
......@@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ import random
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"udfDebugFlag":143,
"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
updatecfgDict = {"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
......@@ -36,75 +34,52 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" max function work as expected, sql : %s "% max_sql)
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self):
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self, dbname="testdb"):
# prepate datas for 20 tables distributed at different vgroups
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists testdb keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {dbname} keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
'''create table stb1
f'''create table {dbname}.stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t0 timestamp, t1 int, t2 bigint, t3 smallint, t4 tinyint, t5 float, t6 double, t7 bool, t8 binary(16),t9 nchar(32))
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(20):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
for i in range(1,21):
if i ==1 or i == 4:
tbname = "ct"+f'{i}'
tbname = f"{dbname}.ct{i}"
for j in range(9):
f"insert into {tbname} values ( now()-{(i+j)*10}s, {1*(j+i)}, {11111*(j+i)}, {111*(j+i)}, {11*(j)}, {1.11*(j+i)}, {11.11*(j+i)}, {(j+i)%2}, 'binary{j}', 'nchar{j}', now()+{1*j}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdLog.info(" prepare data for distributed_aggregate done! ")
def check_distribute_datas(self):
def check_distribute_datas(self, dbname="testdb"):
# get vgroup_ids of all
tdSql.query("show vgroups ")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.vgroups ")
vgroups = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -112,9 +87,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
for vgroup_id in vgroups:
# check sub_table of per vnode ,make sure sub_table has been distributed
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
......@@ -128,7 +102,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
if count < 2:
tdLog.exit(" the datas of all not satisfy sub_table has been distributed ")
def check_max_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name):
def check_max_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name, dbname="testdb"):
vgroup_ids = []
for k ,v in self.vnode_disbutes.items():
......@@ -146,9 +120,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tbname_filters = tbname_ins[:-1]
max_sql = f"select max({col_name}) from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
max_sql = f"select max({col_name}) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) order by {col_name} desc limit 1"
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) order by {col_name} desc limit 1"
max_result = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -161,16 +135,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" max function work as expected, sql : %s "% max_sql)
def check_max_status(self):
def check_max_status(self, dbname="testdb"):
# check max function work status
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
tdSql.query("desc stb1")
tdSql.query(f"desc {dbname}.stb1")
col_names = tdSql.queryResult
colnames = []
......@@ -186,34 +160,33 @@ class TDTestCase:
for colname in colnames:
if colname.startswith("c"):
self.check_max_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname)
# self.check_max_distribute_diff_vnode(colname) # bug for tag
# self.check_max_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname) # bug for tag
def distribute_agg_query(self):
def distribute_agg_query(self, dbname="testdb"):
# basic filter
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query("select max(c1+c2) from stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1+c2) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
# union all
tdSql.query("select max(c1) from stb1 union all select max(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 union all select max(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
......@@ -221,45 +194,45 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute(" create database if not exists db ")
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st tags(2) ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable db.st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb1 using db.st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb2 using db.st tags(2) ")
for i in range(10):
ts = i*10 + self.ts
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.query("select max(tb1.c1), tb2.c2 from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
tdSql.query(f"select max(tb1.c1), tb2.c2 from db.tb1 tb1, db.tb2 tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
# group by
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c1 from stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.execute("use testdb ")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c1 from stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(" select max(c1),c2 from stb1 group by c2 ")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),c2 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c2 ")
# selective common cols of datas
tdSql.query("select max(c1),c2,c3,c5 from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),c2,c3,c5 from {dbname}.stb1")
tdSql.query("select max(c1),t1,c2,t3 from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),t1,c2,t3 from {dbname}.stb1")
tdSql.query("select max(c1),ceil(t1),pow(c2,1)+2,abs(t3) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),ceil(t1),pow(c2,1)+2,abs(t3) from {dbname}.stb1")
......@@ -267,32 +240,32 @@ class TDTestCase:
# partition by tbname or partition by tag
tdSql.query("select max(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tdSql.query("select max(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by t1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by t1")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1) from %s "%tbname)
# nest query for support max
tdSql.query("select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select max(c1) c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select max(c1) c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select max(c1+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select max(a+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select max(a+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
# mixup with other functions
tdSql.query("select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3) from {dbname}.stb1")
......@@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ import random
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'debugFlag': 143 ,"cDebugFlag":143,"uDebugFlag":143 ,"rpcDebugFlag":143 , "tmrDebugFlag":143 ,
"jniDebugFlag":143 ,"simDebugFlag":143,"dDebugFlag":143, "dDebugFlag":143,"vDebugFlag":143,"mDebugFlag":143,"qDebugFlag":143,
"wDebugFlag":143,"sDebugFlag":143,"tsdbDebugFlag":143,"tqDebugFlag":143 ,"fsDebugFlag":143 ,"udfDebugFlag":143,
"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
updatecfgDict = {"maxTablesPerVnode":2 ,"minTablesPerVnode":2,"tableIncStepPerVnode":2 }
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
......@@ -35,76 +33,52 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" min function work as expected, sql : %s "% min_sql)
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self):
def prepare_datas_of_distribute(self, dbname="testdb"):
# prepate datas for 20 tables distributed at different vgroups
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists testdb keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {dbname} keep 3650 duration 1000 vgroups 5")
tdSql.execute(f" use {dbname} ")
'''create table stb1
f'''create table {dbname}.stb1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t0 timestamp, t1 int, t2 bigint, t3 smallint, t4 tinyint, t5 float, t6 double, t7 bool, t8 binary(16),t9 nchar(32))
create table t1
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(16),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
for i in range(20):
tdSql.execute(f'create table ct{i+1} using stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
tdSql.execute(f'create table {dbname}.ct{i+1} using {dbname}.stb1 tags ( now(), {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {1*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, "binary{i}", "nchar{i}" )')
for i in range(9):
f"insert into ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values ( now()-{i*10}s, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values ( now()-{i*90}d, {1*i}, {11111*i}, {111*i}, {11*i}, {1.11*i}, {11.11*i}, {i%2}, 'binary{i}', 'nchar{i}', now()+{1*i}a )"
for i in range(1,21):
if i ==1 or i == 4:
tbname = "ct"+f'{i}'
tbname = f"{dbname}.ct{i}"
for j in range(9):
f"insert into {tbname} values ( now()-{(i+j)*10}s, {1*(j+i)}, {11111*(j+i)}, {111*(j+i)}, {11*(j)}, {1.11*(j+i)}, {11.11*(j+i)}, {(j+i)%2}, 'binary{j}', 'nchar{j}', now()+{1*j}a )"
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()-45s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', 'nchar0', now()+8a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+10s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+15s, 9, -99999, -999, -99, -9.99, NULL, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct1 values (now()+20s, 9, -99999, -999, NULL, -9.99, -99.99, 1, 'binary9', 'nchar9', now()+9a )")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute("insert into ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
f'''insert into t1 values
( '2020-04-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2020-10-21 01:01:01.000', 1, 11111, 111, 11, 1.11, 11.11, 1, "binary1", "nchar1", now()+1a )
( '2020-12-31 01:01:01.000', 2, 22222, 222, 22, 2.22, 22.22, 0, "binary2", "nchar2", now()+2a )
( '2021-01-01 01:01:06.000', 3, 33333, 333, 33, 3.33, 33.33, 0, "binary3", "nchar3", now()+3a )
( '2021-05-07 01:01:10.000', 4, 44444, 444, 44, 4.44, 44.44, 1, "binary4", "nchar4", now()+4a )
( '2021-07-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
( '2021-09-30 01:01:16.000', 5, 55555, 555, 55, 5.55, 55.55, 0, "binary5", "nchar5", now()+5a )
( '2022-02-01 01:01:20.000', 6, 66666, 666, 66, 6.66, 66.66, 1, "binary6", "nchar6", now()+6a )
( '2022-10-28 01:01:26.000', 7, 00000, 000, 00, 0.00, 00.00, 1, "binary7", "nchar7", "1970-01-01 08:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-01 01:01:30.000', 8, -88888, -888, -88, -8.88, -88.88, 0, "binary8", "nchar8", "1969-01-01 01:00:00.000" )
( '2022-12-31 01:01:36.000', 9, -99999999999999999, -999, -99, -9.99, -999999999999999999999.99, 1, "binary9", "nchar9", "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" )
( '2023-02-21 01:01:01.000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-810d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()-400d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {dbname}.ct4 values (now()+90d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ")
tdLog.info(" prepare data for distributed_aggregate done! ")
def check_distribute_datas(self):
def check_distribute_datas(self, dbname="testdb"):
# get vgroup_ids of all
tdSql.query("show vgroups ")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.vgroups ")
vgroups = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -112,9 +86,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
for vgroup_id in vgroups:
# check sub_table of per vnode ,make sure sub_table has been distributed
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
......@@ -128,7 +101,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
if count < 2:
tdLog.exit(" the datas of all not satisfy sub_table has been distributed ")
def check_min_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name):
def check_min_distribute_diff_vnode(self,col_name, dbname="testdb"):
vgroup_ids = []
for k ,v in self.vnode_disbutes.items():
......@@ -146,9 +119,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tbname_filters = tbname_ins[:-1]
min_sql = f"select min({col_name}) from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
min_sql = f"select min({col_name}) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters});"
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null order by {col_name} asc limit 1"
same_sql = f"select {col_name} from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname in ({tbname_filters}) and {col_name} is not null order by {col_name} asc limit 1"
min_result = tdSql.queryResult
......@@ -161,16 +134,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info(" min function work as expected, sql : %s "% min_sql)
def check_min_status(self):
# check max function work status
def check_min_status(self, dbname="testdb"):
# check min function work status
tdSql.query("show tables like 'ct%'")
tdSql.query(f"show {dbname}.tables like 'ct%'")
table_names = tdSql.queryResult
tablenames = []
for table_name in table_names:
tdSql.query("desc stb1")
tdSql.query(f"desc {dbname}.stb1")
col_names = tdSql.queryResult
colnames = []
......@@ -182,119 +155,117 @@ class TDTestCase:
for colname in colnames:
# check max function for different vnode
# check min function for different vnode
for colname in colnames:
if colname.startswith("c"):
self.check_min_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname)
# self.check_min_distribute_diff_vnode(colname) # bug for tag
# self.check_min_distribute_diff_vnode(colname, dbname) # bug for tag
def distribute_agg_query(self):
def distribute_agg_query(self, dbname="testdb"):
# basic filter
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 is null")
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1=1")
tdSql.query("select min(c1+c2) from stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1+c2) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 =1 ")
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where tbname=\"ct2\"")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 2)
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 where t1> 4 partition by tbname")
# union all
tdSql.query("select min(c1) from stb1 union all select min(c1) from stb1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 union all select min(c1) from {dbname}.stb1 ")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 0)
# join
tdSql.execute(" create database if not exists db ")
tdSql.execute(" use db ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb1 using st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table tb2 using st tags(2) ")
tdSql.execute(" create stable db.st (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb1 using db.st tags(1) ")
tdSql.execute(" create table db.tb2 using db.st tags(2) ")
for i in range(10):
ts = i*10 + self.ts
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb1 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.execute(f" insert into db.tb2 values({ts},{i},{i}.0)")
tdSql.query("select min(tb1.c1), tb2.c2 from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
tdSql.query(f"select min(tb1.c1), tb2.c2 from db.tb1 tb1, db.tb2 tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts")
# group by
tdSql.execute(" use testdb ")
tdSql.query(" select min(c1),c1 from stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.execute(f"use {dbname} ")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by t1 ")
tdSql.query(" select min(c1),c1 from stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),c1 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c1 ")
tdSql.query(" select min(c1),c2 from stb1 group by c2 ")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),c2 from {dbname}.stb1 group by c2 ")
# selective common cols of datas
tdSql.query("select min(c1),c2,c3,c5 from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),c2,c3,c5 from {dbname}.stb1")
tdSql.query("select min(c1),t1,c2,t3 from stb1 where c1 >5")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),t1,c2,t3 from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 > 5")
tdSql.query("select min(c1),ceil(t1),pow(c2,1)+2,abs(t3) from stb1 where c1>12")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),ceil(t1),pow(c2,1)+2,abs(t3) from {dbname}.stb1 where c1 > 12")
# partition by tbname or partition by tag
tdSql.query("select min(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by tbname")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by tbname")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select min(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tdSql.query("select min(c1),tbname from stb1 partition by t1")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1),tbname from {dbname}.stb1 partition by t1")
query_data = tdSql.queryResult
for row in query_data:
tbname = row[1]
tdSql.query(" select min(c1) from %s "%tbname)
tbname = f"{dbname}.{row[1]}"
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1) from %s "%tbname)
# nest query for support max
tdSql.query("select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select min(c1) c2 from stb1)")
# nest query for support min
tdSql.query(f"select abs(c2+2)+1 from (select min(c1) c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select min(c1+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select min(c1+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,c1 ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
tdSql.query("select min(a+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from stb1)")
tdSql.query(f"select min(a+2)+1 as c2 from (select ts ,abs(c1) a ,c2 from {dbname}.stb1)")
# mixup with other functions
tdSql.query("select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3),min(c1) from stb1")
tdSql.query(f"select max(c1),count(c1),last(c2,c3) from {dbname}.stb1")
def run(self):
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/alter_stable.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/alter_table.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/insertWithMoreVgroup.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/table_comment.py
#python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/time_range_wise.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/time_range_wise.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/block_wise.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/create_retentions.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/table_param_ttl.py
......@@ -59,17 +59,44 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ceil.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ceil.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/char_length.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/char_length.py -R
#python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/check_tsdb.py
#python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/check_tsdb.py -R
# python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/check_tsdb.py
# python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/check_tsdb.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws2.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws2.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/cos.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/cos.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count_partition.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count_partition.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/db.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/db.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distinct.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distinct.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_apercentile.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_apercentile.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_avg.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_avg.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_count.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_count.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_max.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_max.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_min.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_min.py -R
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/update_data.py
python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/delete_data.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/db.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/db.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distinct.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/varchar.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ltrim.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/rtrim.py
......@@ -81,10 +108,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/join2.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/substr.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/union.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/union1.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat2.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/concat_ws2.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/spread.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/hyperloglog.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/explain.py
......@@ -97,13 +121,11 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/Now.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/Today.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/max.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/min.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/last.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/first.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/To_iso8601.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/To_unixtimestamp.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/timetruncate.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/Timediff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/json_tag.py
......@@ -115,7 +137,6 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/log.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/pow.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sqrt.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sin.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/cos.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/tan.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/query_cols_tags_and_or.py
# python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/nestedQuery.py
......@@ -126,7 +147,6 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/query_cols_tags_and_or.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/elapsed.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/csum.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/mavg.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sample.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_diff.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/unique.py
......@@ -135,17 +155,11 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_stateduration.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/statecount.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/tail.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ttl_comment.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_count.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_max.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_min.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_sum.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_spread.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_apercentile.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_avg.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/distribute_agg_stddev.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/twa.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/irate.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/count_partition.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_null.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/queryQnode.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/max_partition.py
......@@ -303,7 +317,6 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/avg.py -Q 2
# python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/elapsed.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/csum.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/mavg.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sample.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_diff.py -Q 2
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/unique.py -Q 2
......@@ -391,7 +404,6 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/query_cols_tags_and_or.py -Q 3
# python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/elapsed.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/csum.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/mavg.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/diff.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sample.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_diff.py -Q 3
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/unique.py -Q 3
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