提交 3a566d5e 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

refactor(query): do some internal refactor.

上级 7678b6bb
......@@ -984,8 +984,7 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlockData(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockI
} else {
SColVal cv = {0};
SColData* pData = (SColData*)taosArrayGetP(pBlockData->aColDataP, pReader->suppInfo.slotIds[i]);
SColData* pData = (SColData*)taosArrayGetP(pBlockData->aColDataP, pReader->suppInfo.slotIds[i] - 1);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pBlockData->nRow; ++j) {
tColDataGetValue(pData, j, &cv);
colDataAppend(pColData, j, (const char*)&cv.value, cv.isNull);
......@@ -2283,7 +2282,7 @@ static bool bufferDataInFileBlockGap(int32_t order, TSDBKEY key, SBlock* pBlock)
static bool keyOverlapFileBlock(TSDBKEY key, SBlock* pBlock, SVersionRange* pVerRange) {
return (key.ts >= pBlock->minKey.ts && key.ts <= pBlock->maxKey.ts) /*&& (pBlock->maxVersion >= pVerRange->minVer) && (pBlock->minVersion <= pVerRange->maxVer)*/;
return (key.ts >= pBlock->minKey.ts && key.ts <= pBlock->maxKey.ts) && (pBlock->maxVersion >= pVerRange->minVer) && (pBlock->minVersion <= pVerRange->maxVer);
static bool fileBlockShouldLoad(STsdbReader* pReader, SFileDataBlockInfo *pFBlock, SBlock* pBlock, STableBlockScanInfo *pScanInfo, TSDBKEY key) {
......@@ -2616,7 +2615,7 @@ static int32_t doBuildDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
return code;
static int32_t buildInmemBlockSeqentially(STsdbReader* pReader) {
static int32_t buildBlockFromBufferSeqentially(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
while(1) {
......@@ -2644,7 +2643,7 @@ static int32_t buildInmemBlockSeqentially(STsdbReader* pReader) {
static int32_t loadDataInFiles(STsdbReader* pReader) {
static int32_t buildBlockFromFiles(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SReaderStatus* pStatus = &pReader->status;
SFileSetIter* pFIter = &pStatus->fileIter;
......@@ -3018,7 +3017,7 @@ int32_t tsdbGetStbIdList(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t suid, SArray* list) {
// // check if the query range overlaps with the file data block
// bool exists = true;
// int32_t code = loadDataInFiles(pTsdbReadHandle, &exists);
// int32_t code = buildBlockFromFiles(pTsdbReadHandle, &exists);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// pTsdbReadHandle->checkFiles = false;
// return false;
......@@ -3306,7 +3305,7 @@ bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
if (pReader->type == BLOCK_LOAD_OFFSET_ORDER) {
if (pStatus->loadFromFile) {
int32_t code = loadDataInFiles(pReader);
int32_t code = buildBlockFromFiles(pReader);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
......@@ -3314,11 +3313,11 @@ bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
if (pBlock->info.rows > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
} else { // no data in files, let's try the buffer
return pBlock->info.rows > 0;
} else if (pReader->type == BLOCK_LOAD_TABLESEQ_ORDER) {
......@@ -3334,7 +3333,7 @@ bool tsdbNextDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
// if (pReader->checkFiles) {
// // check if the query range overlaps with the file data block
// bool exists = true;
// int32_t code = loadDataInFiles(pReader, &exists);
// int32_t code = buildBlockFromFiles(pReader, &exists);
// if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// pReader->activeIndex = 0;
// pReader->checkFiles = false;
......@@ -3454,7 +3453,16 @@ SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIdList) {
STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo = taosHashGet(pStatus->pTableMap, &pFBlock->uid, sizeof(pFBlock->uid));
int32_t code = tBlockDataInit(&pStatus->fileBlockData);
doLoadFileBlockData(pReader, &pStatus->blockIter, pBlockScanInfo, &pStatus->fileBlockData);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
terrno = code;
return NULL;
code = doLoadFileBlockData(pReader, &pStatus->blockIter, pBlockScanInfo, &pStatus->fileBlockData);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
terrno = code;
return NULL;
return pReader->pResBlock->pDataBlock;
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ int32_t getNumOfTotalRes(SGroupResInfo* pGroupResInfo);
SSDataBlock* createResDataBlock(SDataBlockDescNode* pNode);
EDealRes doTranslateTagExpr(SNode** pNode, void* pContext);
int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo* pListInfo);
int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, void* vnode, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo* pListInfo);
SArray* createSortInfo(SNodeList* pNodeList);
SArray* extractPartitionColInfo(SNodeList* pNodeList);
SArray* extractColMatchInfo(SNodeList* pNodeList, SDataBlockDescNode* pOutputNodeList, int32_t* numOfOutputCols, int32_t type);
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ static bool isTableOk(STableKeyInfo* info, SNode *pTagCond, SMeta *metaHandle){
return result;
int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo* pListInfo) {
int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, void* pVnode, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo* pListInfo) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
pListInfo->pTableList = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(STableKeyInfo));
if(pListInfo->pTableList == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo
//code = doFilterTag(pTagIndexCond, &metaArg, res);
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(metaHandle, tableUid, pListInfo->pTableList);
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pVnode, tableUid, pListInfo->pTableList);
} else if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
qError("failed to get tableIds, reason: %s, suid: %" PRIu64 "", tstrerror(code), tableUid);
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, STableListInfo
} else {
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(metaHandle, tableUid, pListInfo->pTableList);
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pVnode, tableUid, pListInfo->pTableList);
......@@ -4121,7 +4121,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createOperatorTree(SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo
STagScanPhysiNode* pScanPhyNode = (STagScanPhysiNode*)pPhyNode;
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, pScanPhyNode, pTableListInfo);
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, pHandle->vnode, pScanPhyNode, pTableListInfo);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pTaskInfo->code = terrno;
return NULL;
......@@ -4133,7 +4133,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createOperatorTree(SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo
pTableListInfo->pTableList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(STableKeyInfo));
if (pBlockNode->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
int32_t code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pHandle->meta, pBlockNode->uid, pTableListInfo->pTableList);
int32_t code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pHandle->vnode, pBlockNode->uid, pTableListInfo->pTableList);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pTaskInfo->code = terrno;
return NULL;
......@@ -4183,7 +4183,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createOperatorTree(SPhysiNode* pPhyNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo
pTableListInfo->pTableList = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(STableKeyInfo));
if (pScanNode->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pHandle->meta, pScanNode->uid, pTableListInfo->pTableList);
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pHandle->vnode, pScanNode->uid, pTableListInfo->pTableList);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pTaskInfo->code = terrno;
return NULL;
......@@ -4399,7 +4399,7 @@ SArray* extractColumnInfo(SNodeList* pNodeList) {
STsdbReader* doCreateDataReader(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, SReadHandle* pHandle, STableListInfo* pTableListInfo, const char* idstr) {
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, &pTableScanNode->scan, pTableListInfo);
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, pHandle->vnode, &pTableScanNode->scan, pTableListInfo);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error;
......@@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ typedef struct STableMergeScanInfo {
int32_t createScanTableListInfo(STableScanPhysiNode* pTableScanNode, SReadHandle* pHandle,
STableListInfo* pTableListInfo, uint64_t queryId, uint64_t taskId) {
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, &pTableScanNode->scan, pTableListInfo);
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, pHandle->vnode, &pTableScanNode->scan, pTableListInfo);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ static int32_t doInternalMergeSort(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
return 0;
// TODO consider the page meta size
int32_t getProperSortPageSize(size_t rowSize) {
uint32_t defaultPageSize = 4096;
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