提交 37eacfad 编写于 作者: G Ganlin Zhao

[TD-10773]<enhance>: add user configurable option smlChildTableName to

specify child table name instead using ID in tag field.
上级 a65dfee6
......@@ -898,8 +898,13 @@ static int32_t parseTagsFromJSON(cJSON *root, TAOS_SML_KV **pKVs, int *num_kvs,
if (tags == NULL || tags->type != cJSON_Object) {
//only pick up the first ID value as child table name
cJSON *id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tags, "ID");
//handle child table name
size_t childTableNameLen = strlen(tsSmlChildTableName);
char childTbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN] = {0};
if (childTableNameLen != 0) {
memcpy(childTbName, tsSmlChildTableName, childTableNameLen);
cJSON *id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tags, childTbName);
if (id != NULL) {
if (!cJSON_IsString(id)) {
tscError("OTD:0x%"PRIx64" ID must be JSON string", info->id);
......@@ -912,12 +917,14 @@ static int32_t parseTagsFromJSON(cJSON *root, TAOS_SML_KV **pKVs, int *num_kvs,
addEscapeCharToString(*childTableName, (int32_t)idLen);
//check duplicate IDs
cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(tags, "ID");
id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tags, "ID");
cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(tags, childTbName);
id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tags, childTbName);
if (id != NULL) {
int32_t tagNum = cJSON_GetArraySize(tags);
//at least one tag pair required
if (tagNum <= 0) {
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