提交 320296a6 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-225] merge develop

......@@ -118,6 +118,22 @@ pipeline {
agent{label "release"}
git checkout develop
cd tests/gotest
bash batchtest.sh
cd ${WORKSPACE}/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/
mvn clean package assembly:single >/dev/null
java -jar target/jdbcChecker-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -host
cd ${WORKSPACE}/tests/examples/python/PYTHONConnectorChecker
python3 PythonChecker.py
......@@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ SHOW MNODES;
## Arbitrator的使用
如果副本数为偶数,当一个vnode group里一半或超过一半的vnode不工作时,是无法从中选出master的。同理,一半或超过一半的mnode不工作时,是无法选出mnode的master的,因为存在“split brain”问题。为解决这个问题,TDengine引入了arbitrator的概念。Arbitrator模拟一个vnode或mnode在工作,但只简单的负责网络连接,不处理任何数据插入或访问。只要包含arbitrator在内,超过半数的vnode或mnode工作,那么该vnode group或mnode组就可以正常的提供数据插入或查询服务。比如对于副本数为2的情形,如果一个节点A离线,但另外一个节点B正常,而且能连接到arbitrator, 那么节点B就能正常工作。
如果副本数为偶数,当一个vnode group里一半vnode不工作时,是无法从中选出master的。同理,一半mnode不工作时,是无法选出mnode的master的,因为存在“split brain”问题。为解决这个问题,TDengine引入了arbitrator的概念。Arbitrator模拟一个vnode或mnode在工作,但只简单的负责网络连接,不处理任何数据插入或访问。只要包含arbitrator在内,超过半数的vnode或mnode工作,那么该vnode group或mnode组就可以正常的提供数据插入或查询服务。比如对于副本数为2的情形,如果一个节点A离线,但另外一个节点B正常,而且能连接到arbitrator, 那么节点B就能正常工作。
下载最新arbitrator及之前版本的安装包,请点击[安装包下载](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/),在TDengine Arbitrator Linux一节中,选择适合的版本下载并安装。
TDengine Arbitrator安装包里带有一个执行程序tarbitrator, 找任何一台Linux服务器运行它即可。该程序对系统资源几乎没有要求,只需要保证有网络连接即可。该应用的命令行参数`-p`可以指定其对外服务的端口号,缺省是6042。配置每个taosd实例时,可以在配置文件taos.cfg里将参数arbitrator设置为arbitrator的End Point。如果该参数配置了,当副本数为偶数数,系统将自动连接配置的arbitrator。
TDengine提供一个执行程序tarbitrator, 找任何一台Linux服务器运行它即可。请点击[安装包下载](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/),在TDengine Arbitrator Linux一节中,选择适合的版本下载并安装。该程序对系统资源几乎没有要求,只需要保证有网络连接即可。该应用的命令行参数`-p`可以指定其对外服务的端口号,缺省是6042。配置每个taosd实例时,可以在配置文件taos.cfg里将参数arbitrator设置为arbitrator的End Point。如果该参数配置了,当副本数为偶数数,系统将自动连接配置的arbitrator。如果副本数为奇数,即使配置了arbitrator, 系统也不会去建立连接。
......@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ static bool balanceCheckVgroupReady(SVgObj *pVgroup, SVnodeGid *pRmVnode) {
SVnodeGid *pVnode = pVgroup->vnodeGid + i;
if (pVnode == pRmVnode) continue;
mTrace("vgId:%d, change vgroup status, dnode:%d status:%d", pVgroup->vgId, pVnode->pDnode->dnodeId,
mTrace("vgId:%d, check vgroup status, dnode:%d status:%d, vnode role:%s", pVgroup->vgId, pVnode->pDnode->dnodeId,
pVnode->pDnode->status, syncRole[pVnode->role]);
if (pVnode->pDnode->status == TAOS_DN_STATUS_DROPPING) continue;
if (pVnode->pDnode->status == TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE) continue;
......@@ -604,7 +604,8 @@ static UNUSED_FUNC bool tscKillQueryInDnode(SSqlObj* pSql) {
return true;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
if ((pQueryInfo == NULL) || tscIsTwoStageSTableQuery(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
return true;
......@@ -718,6 +719,7 @@ static void tscKillSTableQuery(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
if (!tscIsTwoStageSTableQuery(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
......@@ -766,6 +768,7 @@ void taos_stop_query(TAOS_RES *res) {
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
if (tscIsTwoStageSTableQuery(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
assert(pSql->pRpcCtx == NULL);
......@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ bool tscIsTwoStageSTableQuery(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
// for select query super table, the super table vgroup list can not be null in any cases.
if (pQueryInfo->command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT && UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
// assert(pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList != NULL); // if retrieve vgroupInfo failed, the value may be null
// if (pQueryInfo->command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT && UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
// assert(pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList != NULL);
// }
return false;
......@@ -192,8 +192,10 @@ class TDengineCursor(object):
buffer = [[] for i in range(len(self._fields))]
self._rowcount = 0
while True:
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(
self._result, self._fields)
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(self._result, self._fields)
errno = CTaosInterface.libtaos.taos_errno(self._result)
if errno != 0:
raise ProgrammingError(CTaosInterface.errStr(self._result), errno)
if num_of_fields == 0:
self._rowcount += num_of_fields
......@@ -207,8 +207,10 @@ class TDengineCursor(object):
buffer = [[] for i in range(len(self._fields))]
self._rowcount = 0
while True:
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(
self._result, self._fields)
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(self._result, self._fields)
errno = CTaosInterface.libtaos.taos_errno(self._result)
if errno != 0:
raise ProgrammingError(CTaosInterface.errStr(self._result), errno)
if num_of_fields == 0:
self._rowcount += num_of_fields
......@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ class TDengineCursor(object):
self._rowcount = 0
while True:
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(self._result, self._fields)
errno = CTaosInterface.libtaos.taos_errno(self._result)
if errno != 0:
raise ProgrammingError(CTaosInterface.errStr(self._result), errno)
if num_of_fields == 0: break
self._rowcount += num_of_fields
for i in range(len(self._fields)):
......@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ class TDengineCursor(object):
self._rowcount = 0
while True:
block, num_of_fields = CTaosInterface.fetchBlock(self._result, self._fields)
errno = CTaosInterface.libtaos.taos_errno(self._result)
if errno != 0:
raise ProgrammingError(CTaosInterface.errStr(self._result), errno)
if num_of_fields == 0: break
self._rowcount += num_of_fields
for i in range(len(self._fields)):
......@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ void dnodeSendRpcReadRsp(void *pVnode, SReadMsg *pRead, int32_t code) {
void dnodeDispatchNonRspMsg(void *pVnode, SReadMsg *pRead, int32_t code) {
static void *dnodeProcessReadQueue(void *param) {
......@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ typedef struct {
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
} SReadMsg;
extern char *vnodeStatus[];
int32_t vnodeCreate(SMDCreateVnodeMsg *pVnodeCfg);
int32_t vnodeDrop(int32_t vgId);
int32_t vnodeOpen(int32_t vgId, char *rootDir);
......@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ void mnodeReleaseConn(SConnObj *pConn) {
SConnObj *mnodeAccquireConn(int32_t connId, char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port) {
uint64_t expireTime = CONN_KEEP_TIME * 1000 + (uint64_t)taosGetTimestampMs();
SConnObj *pConn = taosCacheAcquireByKey(tsMnodeConnCache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t));
if (pConn == NULL) {
mDebug("connId:%d, is already destroyed, user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, user, taosIpStr(ip), port);
......@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ SConnObj *mnodeAccquireConn(int32_t connId, char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t po
// mDebug("connId:%d, is incoming, user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, pConn->user, taosIpStr(pConn->ip), pConn->port);
pConn->lastAccess = expireTime;
pConn->lastAccess = CONN_KEEP_TIME * 1000 + (uint64_t)taosGetTimestampMs();
return pConn;
......@@ -626,7 +625,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessKillConnectionMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SCMKillConnMsg *pKill = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
int32_t connId = atoi(pKill->queryId);
SConnObj * pConn = taosCacheAcquireByKey(tsMnodeConnCache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t));
SConnObj *pConn = taosCacheAcquireByKey(tsMnodeConnCache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t));
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("connId:%s, failed to kill, conn not exist", pKill->queryId);
......@@ -7118,6 +7118,7 @@ void qCleanupQueryMgmt(void* pQMgmt) {
void** qRegisterQInfo(void* pMgmt, uint64_t qInfo) {
if (pMgmt == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -7126,6 +7127,7 @@ void** qRegisterQInfo(void* pMgmt, uint64_t qInfo) {
SQueryMgmt *pQueryMgmt = pMgmt;
if (pQueryMgmt->qinfoPool == NULL) {
qError("QInfo:%p failed to add qhandle into qMgmt, since qMgmt is closed", (void *)qInfo);
return NULL;
......@@ -7133,6 +7135,7 @@ void** qRegisterQInfo(void* pMgmt, uint64_t qInfo) {
if (pQueryMgmt->closed) {
// pthread_mutex_unlock(&pQueryMgmt->lock);
qError("QInfo:%p failed to add qhandle into cache, since qMgmt is colsing", (void *)qInfo);
return NULL;
} else {
......@@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ int syncGetNodesRole(tsync_h shandle, SNodesRole * cfg) { return 0; }
void syncConfirmForward(tsync_h shandle, uint64_t version, int32_t code) {}
char* vnodeStatus[] = {
int32_t vnodeInitResources() {
int code = syncInit();
if (code != 0) return code;
......@@ -74,6 +82,7 @@ int32_t vnodeInitResources() {
void vnodeCleanupResources() {
if (tsDnodeVnodesHash != NULL) {
vDebug("vnode list is cleanup");
tsDnodeVnodesHash = NULL;
......@@ -84,9 +93,10 @@ void vnodeCleanupResources() {
int32_t vnodeCreate(SMDCreateVnodeMsg *pVnodeCfg) {
int32_t code;
SVnodeObj *pTemp = (SVnodeObj *)taosHashGet(tsDnodeVnodesHash, (const char *)&pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, sizeof(int32_t));
if (pTemp != NULL) {
vInfo("vgId:%d, vnode already exist, pVnode:%p", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, pTemp);
SVnodeObj *pVnode = vnodeAcquire(pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId);
if (pVnode != NULL) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode already exist, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
......@@ -143,22 +153,24 @@ int32_t vnodeCreate(SMDCreateVnodeMsg *pVnodeCfg) {
vInfo("vgId:%d, vnode is created, walLevel:%d fsyncPeriod:%d", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, pVnodeCfg->cfg.walLevel, pVnodeCfg->cfg.fsyncPeriod);
vInfo("vgId:%d, vnode dir is created, walLevel:%d fsyncPeriod:%d", pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, pVnodeCfg->cfg.walLevel,
code = vnodeOpen(pVnodeCfg->cfg.vgId, rootDir);
return code;
int32_t vnodeDrop(int32_t vgId) {
SVnodeObj **ppVnode = (SVnodeObj **)taosHashGet(tsDnodeVnodesHash, (const char *)&vgId, sizeof(int32_t));
if (ppVnode == NULL || *ppVnode == NULL) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, failed to drop, vgId not find", vgId);
SVnodeObj *pVnode = vnodeAcquire(vgId);
if (pVnode == NULL) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, failed to drop, vnode not find", vgId);
SVnodeObj *pVnode = *ppVnode;
vTrace("vgId:%d, vnode will be dropped, refCount:%d", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount);
vInfo("vgId:%d, vnode will be dropped, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
pVnode->dropped = 1;
......@@ -340,11 +352,11 @@ int32_t vnodeOpen(int32_t vnode, char *rootDir) {
int32_t vnodeClose(int32_t vgId) {
SVnodeObj **ppVnode = (SVnodeObj **)taosHashGet(tsDnodeVnodesHash, (const char *)&vgId, sizeof(int32_t));
if (ppVnode == NULL || *ppVnode == NULL) return 0;
SVnodeObj *pVnode = vnodeAcquire(vgId);
if (pVnode == NULL) return 0;
SVnodeObj *pVnode = *ppVnode;
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode will be closed", pVnode->vgId);
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode will be closed, pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode);
return 0;
......@@ -355,21 +367,27 @@ void vnodeRelease(void *pVnodeRaw) {
int32_t vgId = pVnode->vgId;
int32_t refCount = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
vTrace("vgId:%d, release vnode, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", vgId, refCount, pVnode);
assert(refCount >= 0);
if (refCount > 0) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, release vnode, refCount:%d", vgId, refCount);
if (pVnode->status == TAOS_VN_STATUS_RESET && refCount == 2)
if (pVnode->status == TAOS_VN_STATUS_RESET && refCount == 2) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode will be destroyed, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", vgId, refCount, pVnode);
if (pVnode->qMgmt) {
pVnode->qMgmt = NULL;
if (pVnode->tsdb)
if (pVnode->tsdb) {
tsdbCloseRepo(pVnode->tsdb, 1);
pVnode->tsdb = NULL;
// stop continuous query
if (pVnode->cq) {
......@@ -378,17 +396,20 @@ void vnodeRelease(void *pVnodeRaw) {
if (pVnode->wal)
if (pVnode->wal) {
pVnode->wal = NULL;
if (pVnode->wqueue)
if (pVnode->wqueue) {
pVnode->wqueue = NULL;
if (pVnode->rqueue)
if (pVnode->rqueue) {
pVnode->rqueue = NULL;
......@@ -413,22 +434,31 @@ void vnodeRelease(void *pVnodeRaw) {
int32_t count = taosHashGetSize(tsDnodeVnodesHash);
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode is released, vnodes:%d", vgId, count);
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode is destroyed, vnodes:%d", vgId, count);
static void vnodeIncRef(void *ptNode) {
assert(ptNode != NULL);
SVnodeObj **ppVnode = (SVnodeObj **)ptNode;
SVnodeObj *pVnode = *ppVnode;
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
vTrace("vgId:%d, get vnode, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
void *vnodeAcquire(int32_t vgId) {
SVnodeObj **ppVnode = (SVnodeObj **)taosHashGet(tsDnodeVnodesHash, (const char *)&vgId, sizeof(int32_t));
SVnodeObj **ppVnode = taosHashGetCB(tsDnodeVnodesHash, &vgId, sizeof(int32_t), vnodeIncRef, NULL, sizeof(void *));
if (ppVnode == NULL || *ppVnode == NULL) {
vInfo("vgId:%d, not exist", vgId);
vDebug("vgId:%d, not exist", vgId);
return NULL;
SVnodeObj *pVnode = *ppVnode;
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
vDebug("vgId:%d, get vnode, refCount:%d", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount);
return pVnode;
return *ppVnode;
void *vnodeAcquireRqueue(int32_t vgId) {
......@@ -528,7 +558,7 @@ void vnodeSetAccess(SDMVgroupAccess *pAccess, int32_t numOfVnodes) {
if (pVnode != NULL) {
pVnode->accessState = pAccess[i].accessState;
if (pVnode->accessState != TSDB_VN_ALL_ACCCESS) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, access state is set to %d", pAccess[i].vgId, pVnode->accessState)
vDebug("vgId:%d, access state is set to %d", pAccess[i].vgId, pVnode->accessState);
......@@ -538,11 +568,12 @@ void vnodeSetAccess(SDMVgroupAccess *pAccess, int32_t numOfVnodes) {
static void vnodeCleanUp(SVnodeObj *pVnode) {
// remove from hash, so new messages wont be consumed
taosHashRemove(tsDnodeVnodesHash, (const char *)&pVnode->vgId, sizeof(int32_t));
int i = 0;
if (pVnode->status != TAOS_VN_STATUS_INIT) {
// it may be in updateing or reset state, then it shall wait
while (atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pVnode->status, TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY, TAOS_VN_STATUS_CLOSING) != TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY) {
int i = 0;
while (atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pVnode->status, TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY, TAOS_VN_STATUS_CLOSING) !=
if (++i % 1000 == 0) {
......@@ -556,7 +587,7 @@ static void vnodeCleanUp(SVnodeObj *pVnode) {
vTrace("vgId:%d, vnode will cleanup, refCount:%d", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount);
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode will cleanup, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
// release local resources only after cutting off outside connections
......@@ -613,8 +644,9 @@ static int vnodeResetTsdb(SVnodeObj *pVnode)
char rootDir[128] = "\0";
sprintf(rootDir, "%s/tsdb", pVnode->rootDir);
if (atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pVnode->status, TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY, TAOS_VN_STATUS_RESET) != TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY)
if (atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pVnode->status, TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY, TAOS_VN_STATUS_RESET) != TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY) {
return -1;
void *tsdb = pVnode->tsdb;
pVnode->tsdb = NULL;
......@@ -622,8 +654,9 @@ static int vnodeResetTsdb(SVnodeObj *pVnode)
// acquire vnode
int32_t refCount = atomic_add_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
if (refCount > 2)
if (refCount > 2) {
// close tsdb, then open tsdb
tsdbCloseRepo(tsdb, 0);
......@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ void vnodeInitReadFp(void) {
vnodeProcessReadMsgFp[TSDB_MSG_TYPE_FETCH] = vnodeProcessFetchMsg;
int32_t vnodeProcessRead(void *param, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
SVnodeObj *pVnode = (SVnodeObj *)param;
static int32_t vnodeProcessReadImp(SVnodeObj *pVnode, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
int msgType = pReadMsg->rpcMsg.msgType;
if (vnodeProcessReadMsgFp[msgType] == NULL) {
......@@ -49,16 +48,23 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessRead(void *param, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
if (pVnode->status != TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, msgType:%s not processed, vnode status is %d", pVnode->vgId, taosMsg[msgType], pVnode->status);
vDebug("vgId:%d, msgType:%s not processed, vnode status is %s", pVnode->vgId, taosMsg[msgType],
// tsdb may be in reset state
if (pVnode->tsdb == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY;
if (pVnode->tsdb == NULL) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, msgType:%s not processed, tsdb is null", pVnode->vgId, taosMsg[msgType]);
if (pVnode->status == TAOS_VN_STATUS_CLOSING) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, msgType:%s not processed, vstatus is %s", pVnode->vgId, taosMsg[msgType],
// TODO: Later, let slave to support query
// if (pVnode->syncCfg.replica > 1 && pVnode->role != TAOS_SYNC_ROLE_MASTER) {
if (pVnode->role != TAOS_SYNC_ROLE_SLAVE && pVnode->role != TAOS_SYNC_ROLE_MASTER) {
vDebug("vgId:%d, msgType:%s not processed, replica:%d role:%s", pVnode->vgId, taosMsg[msgType],
pVnode->syncCfg.replica, syncRole[pVnode->role]);
......@@ -68,6 +74,25 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessRead(void *param, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
return (*vnodeProcessReadMsgFp[msgType])(pVnode, pReadMsg);
int32_t vnodeProcessRead(void *param, SReadMsg *pRead) {
SVnodeObj *pVnode = (SVnodeObj *)param;
int32_t code = vnodeProcessReadImp(pVnode, pRead);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY && pRead->rpcMsg.msgType == TSDB_MSG_TYPE_QUERY) {
// After the fetch request enters the vnode queue
// If the vnode cannot provide services, the following operations are still required
// Or, there will be a deadlock
void **qhandle = (void **)pRead->pCont;
vError("QInfo:%p msg:%p will be killed for vstatus is %s", *qhandle, pRead, vnodeStatus[pVnode->status]);
// qKillQuery(*qhandle);
// qReleaseQInfo(pVnode->qMgmt, (void **)&qhandle, true);
} else {
return code;
static void vnodePutItemIntoReadQueue(SVnodeObj *pVnode, void **qhandle, void *ahandle) {
SReadMsg *pRead = (SReadMsg *)taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(SReadMsg));
pRead->rpcMsg.msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_QUERY;
......@@ -175,11 +200,13 @@ static int32_t vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnodeObj *pVnode, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
// current connect is broken
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
handle = qRegisterQInfo(pVnode->qMgmt, (uint64_t)pQInfo);
if (handle == NULL) { // failed to register qhandle, todo add error test case
if (handle == NULL) { // failed to register qhandle
pRsp->code = terrno;
terrno = 0;
vError("vgId:%d QInfo:%p register qhandle failed, return to app, code:%s", pVnode->vgId, (void *)pQInfo,
qDestroyQueryInfo(pQInfo); // destroy it directly
return pRsp->code;
} else {
assert(*handle == pQInfo);
pRsp->qhandle = htobe64((uint64_t)pQInfo);
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ int vnodeWriteCqMsgToQueue(void *param, void *data, int type) {
memcpy(pWal, pHead, size);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
vDebug("CQ: vgId:%d, get vnode wqueue, refCount:%d", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount);
vTrace("CQ: vgId:%d, get vnode wqueue, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
taosWriteQitem(pVnode->wqueue, type, pSync);
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ int vnodeWriteToQueue(void *param, void *data, int type) {
memcpy(pWal, pHead, size);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pVnode->refCount, 1);
vDebug("vgId:%d, get vnode wqueue, refCount:%d", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount);
vTrace("vgId:%d, get vnode wqueue, refCount:%d pVnode:%p", pVnode->vgId, pVnode->refCount, pVnode);
taosWriteQitem(pVnode->wqueue, type, pWal);
......@@ -12,108 +12,105 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import threading
import taos
import sys
import json
import time
import random
# query sql
query_sql = [
# first supertable
"select count(*) from test.meters where c1 > 50;",
"select count(*) from test.meters where c2 >= 50 and c2 < 100;",
"select count(*) from test.meters where c3 != 5;",
"select count(*) from test.meters ;",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t3 > 2;",
"select count(*) from test.meters where ts <> '2020-05-13 10:00:00.002';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like 'fi%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like '_econd';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like 'taos_1%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like '_____2';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t8 like '%思%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters interval(1n) order by ts desc;",
"select max(c0) from test.meters group by tbname",
"select first(*) from test.meters;",
"select last(*) from test.meters;",
#"select max(c0) from test.meters group by tbname",
"select first(ts) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select last(ts) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select last_row(*) from test.meters;",
"select twa(c1) from test.t1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c1) from test.meters;",
"select avg(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select bottom(c1, 2) from test.t1;",
"select diff(c1) from test.t1;",
"select leastsquares(c1, 1, 1) from test.t1 ;",
"select max(c1) from test.meters;",
"select min(c1) from test.meters;",
"select c1 + c2 * c3 + c1 / c5 + c4 + c2 from test.t1;",
"select max(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select min(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select c1 + c2 + c1 / c5 + c4 + c2 from test.t1;",
"select percentile(c1, 50) from test.t1;",
"select spread(c1) from test.t1 ;",
"select stddev(c1) from test.t1;",
"select sum(c1) from test.meters;",
"select top(c1, 2) from test.meters;"
"select twa(c6) from test.t1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c6) from test.meters;",
"select bottom(c6, 2) from test.t1;",
"select diff(c6) from test.t1;",
"select leastsquares(c6, 1, 1) from test.t1 ;",
"select max(c6) from test.meters;",
"select min(c6) from test.meters;",
"select c6 + c2 * c3 + c6 / c5 + c4 + c2 from test.t1;",
"select percentile(c6, 50) from test.t1;",
"select spread(c6) from test.t1 ;",
"select stddev(c6) from test.t1;",
"select sum(c6) from test.meters;",
"select top(c6, 2) from test.meters;",
"select sum(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select top(c1, 2) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;"
"select twa(c4) from test.t1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c4) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select bottom(c4, 2) from test.t1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select diff(c4) from test.t1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select leastsquares(c4, 1, 1) from test.t1 ;",
"select max(c4) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select min(c4) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select c5 + c2 + c4 / c5 + c4 + c2 from test.t1 ;",
"select percentile(c5, 50) from test.t1;",
"select spread(c5) from test.t1 ;",
"select stddev(c5) from test.t1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select sum(c5) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select top(c5, 2) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
#all vnode
"select count(*) from test.meters where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select max(c0),avg(c1) from test.meters where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select sum(c5),avg(c1) from test.meters where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select max(c0),min(c6) from test.meters where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select min(c0),avg(c6) from test.meters where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select max(c0),avg(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select sum(c5),avg(c1) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select max(c0),min(c5) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select min(c0),avg(c5) from test.meters where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
# second supertable
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where c1 > 50;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where c2 >= 50 and c2 < 100;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where c3 != 5;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t3 > 2;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where ts <> '2020-05-13 10:00:00.002';",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t7 like 'fi%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t7 like '_econd';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like 'taos_1%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t7 like '_____2';",
"select count(*) from test.meters where t8 like '%思%';",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 interval(1n) order by ts desc;",
"select max(c0) from test.meters1 group by tbname",
"select first(*) from test.meters1;",
"select last(*) from test.meters1;",
"select last_row(*) from test.meters1;",
#"select max(c0) from test.meters1 group by tbname",
"select first(ts) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select last(ts) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select last_row(*) from test.meters1 ;",
"select twa(c1) from test.m1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c1) from test.meters1;",
"select bottom(c1, 2) from test.m1;",
"select diff(c1) from test.m1;",
"select avg(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select bottom(c1, 2) from test.m1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select diff(c1) from test.m1 ;",
"select leastsquares(c1, 1, 1) from test.m1 ;",
"select max(c1) from test.meters1;",
"select min(c1) from test.meters1;",
"select c1 + c2 * c3 + c1 / c5 + c3 + c2 from test.m1;",
"select max(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select min(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select c1 + c2 + c1 / c0 + c2 from test.m1 ;",
"select percentile(c1, 50) from test.m1;",
"select spread(c1) from test.m1 ;",
"select stddev(c1) from test.m1;",
"select sum(c1) from test.meters1;",
"select top(c1, 2) from test.meters1;",
"select twa(c6) from test.m1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c6) from test.meters1;",
"select bottom(c6, 2) from test.m1;",
"select diff(c6) from test.m1;",
"select leastsquares(c6, 1, 1) from test.m1 ;",
"select max(c6) from test.meters1;",
"select min(c6) from test.meters1;",
"select c6 + c2 * c3 + c6 / c5 + c3 + c2 from test.m1;",
"select percentile(c6, 50) from test.m1;",
"select spread(c6) from test.m1 ;",
"select stddev(c6) from test.m1;",
"select sum(c6) from test.meters1;",
"select top(c6, 2) from test.meters1;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select sum(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select top(c1, 2) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select twa(c5) from test.m1 where ts > 1500000001000 and ts < 1500000101000" ,
"select avg(c5) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select bottom(c5, 2) from test.m1;",
"select diff(c5) from test.m1;",
"select leastsquares(c5, 1, 1) from test.m1 ;",
"select max(c5) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select min(c5) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100;",
"select c5 + c2 + c4 / c5 + c0 from test.m1;",
"select percentile(c4, 50) from test.m1;",
"select spread(c4) from test.m1 ;",
"select stddev(c4) from test.m1;",
"select sum(c4) from test.meters1 where t5 >5100 and t5<5300;",
"select top(c4, 2) from test.meters1 where t5 >5100 and t5<5300;",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t5 >5100 and t5<5300",
#all vnode
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select max(c0),avg(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select sum(c5),avg(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select max(c0),min(c6) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select min(c0),avg(c6) from test.meters1 where t5 >2500 and t5<7500",
"select count(*) from test.meters1 where t5 >5100 and t5<5300",
"select max(c0),avg(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select sum(c5),avg(c1) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select max(c0),min(c5) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select min(c0),avg(c5) from test.meters1 where t5 >5000 and t5<5100",
"select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t5 = meters1.t5",
"select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t7 = meters1.t7",
"select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t8 = meters1.t8",
"select meters.ts,meters1.c2 from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t8 = meters1.t8"
# "select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t5 = meters1.t5",
# "select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t7 = meters1.t7",
# "select * from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t8 = meters1.t8",
# "select meters.ts,meters1.c2 from meters,meters1 where meters.ts = meters1.ts and meters.t8 = meters1.t8"
class ConcurrentInquiry:
......@@ -121,7 +118,8 @@ class ConcurrentInquiry:
self.numOfTherads = 50
def SetThreadsNum(self,num):
def query_thread(self,threadID):
host = ""
user = "root"
......@@ -142,12 +140,16 @@ class ConcurrentInquiry:
for i in ran_query_sql:
print("Thread %d : %s"% (threadID,i))
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("time cost :",end-start)
except Exception as e:
"Failure thread%d, sql: %s,exception: %s" %
(threadID, str(i),str(e)))
print("Thread %d: finishing" % threadID)
......@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ class ConcurrentInquiry:
def run(self):
threads = []
for i in range(50):
for i in range(self.numOfTherads):
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.query_thread, args=(i,))
......@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f query/queryNullValueTest.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryInsertValue.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryConnection.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/natualInterval.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/bug1471.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/metric_1.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import taos
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import time
import threading
class myThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, conn):
self.event = threading.Event()
self.conn = taos.connect(conn._host, port=conn._port, config=conn._config)
def run(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("drop database db")
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
def run(self):
for i in range(50):
print("round", i)
thread = myThread(tdSql.cursor._connection)
tdSql.execute('reset query cache')
tdSql.execute('drop database if exists db')
tdSql.execute('create database db')
tdSql.execute('use db')
tdSql.execute("create table car (ts timestamp, s int)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car values('2020-10-19 17:00:00', 123)")
tdSql.query("select s from car where ts = '2020-10-19 17:00:00'")
except Exception as e:
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 123)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
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