未验证 提交 313be267 编写于 作者: H Hui Li 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #14642 from taosdata/3.0test/jcy

test:update test cases
......@@ -41,6 +41,30 @@ class TDSetSql:
create_stb_sql = f'create table {stbname} ({column_sql[:-1]}) tags({tag_sql[:-1]})'
return create_stb_sql
def set_insertsql(self,column_dict,tbname,binary_str,nchar_str):
sql = ''
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() == 'timestamp' or v.lower() == 'tinyint' or v.lower() == 'smallint' or v.lower() == 'int' or v.lower() == 'bigint' or \
v.lower() == 'tinyint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'smallint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'int unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bigint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bool':
sql += '%d,'
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
sql += '%f,'
elif 'binary' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{binary_str}%d",'
elif 'nchar' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{nchar_str}%d",'
return (f'insert into {tbname} values({sql[:-1]})')
def insert_values(self,column_dict,i,insert_sql,insert_list,ts):
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() in[ 'tinyint' , 'smallint' , 'int', 'bigint' , 'tinyint unsigned' , 'smallint unsigned' , 'int unsigned' , 'bigint unsigned'] or\
'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
insert_list.append(0 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
insert_list.append(0.1 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'bool':
insert_list.append(i % 2)
elif v.lower() == 'timestamp':
insert_list.append(ts + i)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -184,20 +184,36 @@ class TDTestCase:
for k,v in self.tag_dict.items():
if v.lower() == 'tinyint':
for error in [constant.TINYINT_MIN-1,constant.TINYINT_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'smallint':
for error in [constant.SMALLINT_MIN-1,constant.SMALLINT_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'int':
for error in [constant.INT_MIN-1,constant.INT_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'bigint':
for error in [constant.BIGINT_MIN-1,constant.BIGINT_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'tinyint unsigned':
for error in [constant.TINYINT_UN_MIN-1,constant.TINYINT_UN_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'smallint unsigned':
for error in [constant.SMALLINT_UN_MIN-1,constant.SMALLINT_UN_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'int unsigned':
for error in [constant.INT_UN_MIN-1,constant.INT_UN_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'bigint unsigned':
for error in [constant.BIGINT_UN_MIN-1,constant.BIGINT_UN_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'bool':
elif v.lower() == 'float':
......@@ -207,6 +223,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.exit(f'select {k} from {self.stbname}_{i},data check failure')
# for error in [constant.FLOAT_MIN*10,constant.FLOAT_MAX*10]:
# tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif v.lower() == 'double':
tdSql.execute(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {tag_double}')
tdSql.query(f'select {k} from {self.stbname}_{i}')
......@@ -214,12 +232,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.exit(f'select {k} from {self.stbname}_{i},data check failure')
for error in [constant.DOUBLE_MIN-1,constant.DOUBLE_MAX+1]:
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = {error}')
elif 'binary' in v.lower():
tag_binary_error = tdCom.getLongName(self.binary_length+1)
tdSql.error(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = "{tag_binary_error}"')
tdSql.execute(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = "{tag_binary}"')
tdSql.query(f'select {k} from {self.stbname}_{i}')
elif 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.execute(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = "{tag_nchar}"')
tag_nchar_error = tdCom.getLongName(self.nchar_length+1)
tdSql.execute(f'alter table {self.stbname}_{i} set tag {k} = "{tag_nchar_error}"')
tdSql.query(f'select {k} from {self.stbname}_{i}')
......@@ -15,89 +15,117 @@ from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import numpy as np
from util.sqlset import TDSetSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.rowNum = 10
self.ts = 1537146000000
def check_apercentile(self,data,expect_data,param,percent,column):
if param == "default":
if abs((expect_data-data) <= expect_data * 0.2):
tdLog.info(f"apercentile function values check success with col{column}, param = {param},percent = {percent}")
self.setsql = TDSetSql()
self.ntbname = 'ntb'
self.stbname = 'stb'
self.binary_length = 20 # the length of binary for column_dict
self.nchar_length = 20 # the length of nchar for column_dict
self.column_dict = {
'ts' : 'timestamp',
'col1': 'tinyint',
'col2': 'smallint',
'col3': 'int',
'col4': 'bigint',
'col5': 'tinyint unsigned',
'col6': 'smallint unsigned',
'col7': 'int unsigned',
'col8': 'bigint unsigned',
'col9': 'float',
'col10': 'double',
'col11': 'bool',
'col12': f'binary({self.binary_length})',
'col13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})'
self.tag_dict = {
'ts_tag' : 'timestamp',
't1': 'tinyint',
't2': 'smallint',
't3': 'int',
't4': 'bigint',
't5': 'tinyint unsigned',
't6': 'smallint unsigned',
't7': 'int unsigned',
't8': 'bigint unsigned',
't9': 'float',
't10': 'double',
't11': 'bool',
't12': f'binary({self.binary_length})',
't13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})'
self.binary_str = 'taosdata'
self.nchar_str = '涛思数据'
self.tbnum = 2
self.tag_ts = self.ts
self.tag_tinyint = 1
self.tag_smallint = 2
self.tag_int = 3
self.tag_bigint = 4
self.tag_utint = 5
self.tag_usint = 6
self.tag_uint = 7
self.tag_ubint = 8
self.tag_float = 9.1
self.tag_double = 10.1
self.tag_bool = True
self.tag_values = [
self.percent = [1,50,100]
self.param_list = ['default','t-digest']
def insert_data(self,column_dict,tbname,row_num):
insert_sql = self.setsql.set_insertsql(column_dict,tbname,self.binary_str,self.nchar_str)
for i in range(row_num):
insert_list = []
def function_check_ntb(self):
for k,v in self.column_dict.items():
for percent in self.percent:
for param in self.param_list:
if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.error(f'select apercentile({k},{percent},"{param}") from {self.ntbname}')
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile({k},{percent},'{param}') from {self.ntbname}")
def function_check_stb(self):
for i in range(self.tbnum):
tdSql.execute(f"create table {self.stbname}_{i} using {self.stbname} tags({self.tag_values[0]})")
for i in range(self.tbnum):
for k,v in self.column_dict.items():
for percent in self.percent:
for param in self.param_list:
if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.error(f'select apercentile({k},{percent},"{param}") from {self.stbname}_{i}')
tdLog.notice(f"apercentile function value has not as expected with col{column}, param = {param},percent = {percent}")
elif param == "t-digest":
if abs((expect_data-data) <= expect_data * 0.2):
tdLog.info(f"apercentile function values check success with col{column}, param = {param},percent = {percent}")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile({k},{percent},'{param}') from {self.stbname}_{i}")
for k,v in self.column_dict.items():
for percent in self.percent:
for param in self.param_list:
if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.error(f'select apercentile({k},{percent},"{param}") from {self.stbname}')
tdLog.notice(f"apercentile function value has not as expected with col{column}, param = {param},percent = {percent}")
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile({k},{percent},'{param}') from {self.stbname}")
def run(self):
intData = []
floatData = []
percent_list = [0,50,100]
param_list = ['default','t-digest']
tdSql.execute('''create table test(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
col7 bool, col8 binary(20), col9 nchar(20), col11 tinyint unsigned, col12 smallint unsigned, col13 int unsigned, col14 bigint unsigned)''')
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into test values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
% (self.ts + i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 0.1, i + 0.1, i % 2, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1))
intData.append(i + 1)
floatData.append(i + 0.1)
# percentile verifacation
tdSql.error("select apercentile(ts ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select apercentile(col7 ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select apercentile(col8 ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select apercentile(col9 ,20) from test")
column_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14]
for i in column_list:
for j in percent_list:
for k in param_list:
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile(col{i},{j},'{k}') from test")
data = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
tdSql.query(f"select percentile(col{i},{j}) from test")
expect_data = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
error_param_list = [-1,101,'"a"']
for i in error_param_list:
tdSql.error(f'select apercentile(col1,{i}) from test')
tdSql.execute("create table meters (ts timestamp, voltage int) tags(loc nchar(20))")
tdSql.execute("create table t0 using meters tags('beijing')")
tdSql.execute("create table t1 using meters tags('shanghai')")
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into t0 values(%d, %d)" % (self.ts + i, i + 1))
tdSql.execute("insert into t1 values(%d, %d)" % (self.ts + i, i + 1))
column_list = ['voltage']
for i in column_list:
for j in percent_list:
for k in param_list:
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile({i}, {j},'{k}') from t0")
data = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
tdSql.query(f"select percentile({i},{j}) from t0")
expect_data = tdSql.getData(0,0)
tdSql.query(f"select apercentile({i}, {j},'{k}') from meters")
table_list = ["meters","t0"]
for i in error_param_list:
for j in table_list:
for k in column_list:
tdSql.error(f'select apercentile({k},{i}) from {j}')
def stop(self):
......@@ -51,31 +51,10 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.param_list = [1,100]
def insert_data(self,column_dict,tbname,row_num):
sql = ''
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() == 'timestamp' or v.lower() == 'tinyint' or v.lower() == 'smallint' or v.lower() == 'int' or v.lower() == 'bigint' or \
v.lower() == 'tinyint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'smallint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'int unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bigint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bool':
sql += '%d,'
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
sql += '%f,'
elif 'binary' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{self.binary_str}%d",'
elif 'nchar' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{self.nchar_str}%d",'
insert_sql = f'insert into {tbname} values({sql[:-1]})'
insert_sql = self.setsql.set_insertsql(column_dict,tbname,self.binary_str,self.nchar_str)
for i in range(row_num):
insert_list = []
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() in[ 'tinyint' , 'smallint' , 'int', 'bigint' , 'tinyint unsigned' , 'smallint unsigned' , 'int unsigned' , 'bigint unsigned'] or\
'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
insert_list.append(0 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
insert_list.append(0.1 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'bool':
insert_list.append(i % 2)
elif v.lower() == 'timestamp':
insert_list.append(self.ts + i)
def bottom_check_data(self,tbname,tb_type):
new_column_dict = {}
for param in self.param_list:
......@@ -129,7 +108,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(self.tbnum):
tdSql.execute(f"create table {stbname}_{i} using {stbname} tags({tag_values[0]})")
tdSql.query('show tables')
vgroup_list = []
for i in range(len(tdSql.queryResult)):
......@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from platform import java_ver
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import numpy as np
from util.sqlset import TDSetSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
......@@ -25,55 +27,141 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.rowNum = 10
self.ts = 1537146000000
def run(self):
self.setsql = TDSetSql()
self.ntbname = 'ntb'
self.stbname = 'stb'
self.binary_length = 20 # the length of binary for column_dict
self.nchar_length = 20 # the length of nchar for column_dict
self.column_dict = {
'ts' : 'timestamp',
'col1': 'tinyint',
'col2': 'smallint',
'col3': 'int',
'col4': 'bigint',
'col5': 'tinyint unsigned',
'col6': 'smallint unsigned',
'col7': 'int unsigned',
'col8': 'bigint unsigned',
'col9': 'float',
'col10': 'double',
'col11': 'bool',
'col12': f'binary({self.binary_length})',
'col13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})'
self.tag_dict = {
'ts_tag' : 'timestamp',
't1': 'tinyint',
't2': 'smallint',
't3': 'int',
't4': 'bigint',
't5': 'tinyint unsigned',
't6': 'smallint unsigned',
't7': 'int unsigned',
't8': 'bigint unsigned',
't9': 'float',
't10': 'double',
't11': 'bool',
't12': f'binary({self.binary_length})',
't13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})'
self.binary_str = 'taosdata'
self.nchar_str = '涛思数据'
self.tbnum = 2
self.tag_ts = self.ts
self.tag_tinyint = 1
self.tag_smallint = 2
self.tag_int = 3
self.tag_bigint = 4
self.tag_utint = 5
self.tag_usint = 6
self.tag_uint = 7
self.tag_ubint = 8
self.tag_float = 9.1
self.tag_double = 10.1
self.tag_bool = True
self.tag_values = [
self.param = [1,50,100]
def insert_data(self,column_dict,tbname,row_num):
intData = []
floatData = []
tdSql.execute('''create table test(ts timestamp, col1 tinyint, col2 smallint, col3 int, col4 bigint, col5 float, col6 double,
col7 bool, col8 binary(20), col9 nchar(20), col11 tinyint unsigned, col12 smallint unsigned, col13 int unsigned, col14 bigint unsigned)''')
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into test values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, 'taosdata%d', '涛思数据%d', %d, %d, %d, %d)"
% (self.ts + i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 0.1, i + 0.1, i % 2, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1))
intData.append(i + 1)
insert_sql = self.setsql.set_insertsql(column_dict,tbname,self.binary_str,self.nchar_str)
for i in range(row_num):
insert_list = []
floatData.append(i + 0.1)
# percentile verifacation
tdSql.error("select percentile(ts ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select percentile(col7 ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select percentile(col8 ,20) from test")
tdSql.error("select percentile(col9 ,20) from test")
column_list = [1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14]
percent_list = [0,50,100]
for i in column_list:
for j in percent_list:
tdSql.query(f"select percentile(col{i}, {j}) from test")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(intData, j))
for i in [5,6]:
for j in percent_list:
tdSql.query(f"select percentile(col{i}, {j}) from test")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(floatData, j))
tdSql.execute("create table meters (ts timestamp, voltage int) tags(loc nchar(20))")
tdSql.execute("create table t0 using meters tags('beijing')")
tdSql.execute("create table t1 using meters tags('shanghai')")
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into t0 values(%d, %d)" % (self.ts + i, i + 1))
tdSql.execute("insert into t1 values(%d, %d)" % (self.ts + i, i + 1))
# tdSql.error("select percentile(voltage, 20) from meters")
tdSql.execute("create table st(ts timestamp, k int)")
tdSql.execute("insert into st values(now, -100)(now+1a,-99)")
tdSql.query("select apercentile(k, 20) from st")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, -100.00)
return intData,floatData
def check_tags(self,tags,param,num,value):
tdSql.query(f'select percentile({tags}, {param}) from {self.stbname}_{num}')
tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryResult[0][0], value)
def function_check_ntb(self):
intData,floatData = self.insert_data(self.column_dict,self.ntbname,self.rowNum)
for k,v in self.column_dict.items():
for param in self.param:
if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.error(f'select percentile({k},{param}) from {self.ntbname}')
elif v.lower() in ['tinyint','smallint','int','bigint','tinyint unsigned','smallint unsigned','int unsigned','bigint unsigned']:
tdSql.query(f'select percentile({k}, {param}) from {self.ntbname}')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(intData, param))
tdSql.query(f'select percentile({k}, {param}) from {self.ntbname}')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(floatData, param))
def function_check_ctb(self):
for i in range(self.tbnum):
tdSql.execute(f"create table {self.stbname}_{i} using {self.stbname} tags({self.tag_values[0]})")
intData,floatData = self.insert_data(self.column_dict,f'{self.stbname}_{i}',self.rowNum)
for i in range(self.tbnum):
for k,v in self.column_dict.items():
for param in self.param:
if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
tdSql.error(f'select percentile({k},{param}) from {self.stbname}_{i}')
elif v.lower() in ['tinyint','smallint','int','bigint','tinyint unsigned','smallint unsigned','int unsigned','bigint unsigned']:
tdSql.query(f'select percentile({k}, {param}) from {self.stbname}_{i}')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(intData, param))
tdSql.query(f'select percentile({k}, {param}) from {self.stbname}_{i}')
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, np.percentile(floatData, param))
#!bug TD-17119
# for k,v in self.tag_dict.items():
# for param in self.param:
# if v.lower() in ['timestamp','bool'] or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
# tdSql.error(f'select percentile({k},{param}) from {self.stbname}_{i}')
# elif v.lower() == 'tinyint':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_tinyint)
# elif v.lower() == 'smallint':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_smallint)
# elif v.lower() == 'int':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_int)
# elif v.lower() == 'bigint':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_bigint)
# elif v.lower() == 'tinyint unsigned':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_utint)
# elif v.lower() == 'smallint unsigned':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_usint)
# elif v.lower() == 'int unsigned':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_uint)
# elif v.lower() == 'bigint unsigned':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_ubint)
# elif v.lower() == 'float':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_float)
# elif v.lower() == 'double':
# self.check_tags(k,param,i,self.tag_double)
def run(self):
def stop(self):
......@@ -49,32 +49,10 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.param_list = [1,100]
def insert_data(self,column_dict,tbname,row_num):
sql = ''
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() == 'timestamp' or v.lower() == 'tinyint' or v.lower() == 'smallint' or v.lower() == 'int' or v.lower() == 'bigint' or \
v.lower() == 'tinyint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'smallint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'int unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bigint unsigned' or v.lower() == 'bool':
sql += '%d,'
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
sql += '%f,'
elif 'binary' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{self.binary_str}%d",'
elif 'nchar' in v.lower():
sql += f'"{self.nchar_str}%d",'
insert_sql = f'insert into {tbname} values({sql[:-1]})'
insert_sql = self.setsql.set_insertsql(column_dict,tbname,self.binary_str,self.nchar_str)
for i in range(row_num):
insert_list = []
for k, v in column_dict.items():
if v.lower() in[ 'tinyint' , 'smallint' , 'int', 'bigint' , 'tinyint unsigned' , 'smallint unsigned' , 'int unsigned' , 'bigint unsigned'] or\
'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower():
insert_list.append(1 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'float' or v.lower() == 'double':
insert_list.append(0.1 + i)
elif v.lower() == 'bool':
insert_list.append(i % 2)
elif v.lower() == 'timestamp':
insert_list.append(self.ts + i)
def top_check_data(self,tbname,tb_type):
new_column_dict = {}
for param in self.param_list:
......@@ -86,7 +64,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
values_list = []
for i in range(self.rowNum):
tp = (self.rowNum-i,)
tp = (self.rowNum-i-1,)
elif tb_type == 'stable':
......@@ -96,7 +74,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
values_list = []
for i in range(param):
tp = (self.rowNum-i,)
tp = (self.rowNum-i-1,)
elif tb_type == 'stable':
......@@ -132,7 +110,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(self.tbnum):
tdSql.execute(f"create table {stbname}_{i} using {stbname} tags({tag_values[0]})")
tdSql.query('show tables')
vgroup_list = []
for i in range(len(tdSql.queryResult)):
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