提交 30eb8d50 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan


上级 187eb299
......@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ typedef struct SRpcMsg {
typedef struct {
char user[TSDB_USER_LEN];
uint32_t clientIp;
uint16_t clientPort;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
int32_t rspLen;
void * pRsp;
void * pNode;
void *pRsp;
void *pNode;
} SNodeMsg;
typedef struct SRpcInit {
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ static inline int32_t dndBuildMsg(SNodeMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRpc) {
memcpy(pMsg->user, connInfo.user, TSDB_USER_LEN);
pMsg->clientIp = connInfo.clientIp;
pMsg->clientPort = connInfo.clientPort;
memcpy(&pMsg->rpcMsg, pRpc, sizeof(SRpcMsg));
return 0;
......@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ typedef struct {
SQueryDesc *pQueries;
} SConnObj;
static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcConnInfo *pInfo, int32_t pid, const char *app, int64_t startTime);
static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, const char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, int32_t pid,
const char *app, int64_t startTime);
static void mndFreeConn(SConnObj *pConn);
static SConnObj *mndAcquireConn(SMnode *pMnode, int32_t connId);
static void mndReleaseConn(SMnode *pMnode, SConnObj *pConn);
......@@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ void mndCleanupProfile(SMnode *pMnode) {
static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcConnInfo *pInfo, int32_t pid, const char *app, int64_t startTime) {
static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, const char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, int32_t pid,
const char *app, int64_t startTime) {
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
int32_t connId = atomic_add_fetch_32(&pMgmt->connId, 1);
......@@ -104,8 +106,8 @@ static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcConnInfo *pInfo, int32_t pid,
SConnObj connObj = {.id = connId,
.appStartTimeMs = startTime,
.pid = pid,
.ip = pInfo->clientIp,
.port = pInfo->clientPort,
.ip = ip,
.port = port,
.killed = 0,
.loginTimeMs = taosGetTimestampMs(),
.lastAccessTimeMs = 0,
......@@ -114,17 +116,17 @@ static SConnObj *mndCreateConn(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcConnInfo *pInfo, int32_t pid,
.pQueries = NULL};
connObj.lastAccessTimeMs = connObj.loginTimeMs;
tstrncpy(connObj.user, pInfo->user, TSDB_USER_LEN);
tstrncpy(connObj.user, user, TSDB_USER_LEN);
tstrncpy(connObj.app, app, TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
int32_t keepTime = tsShellActivityTimer * 3;
SConnObj *pConn = taosCachePut(pMgmt->cache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t), &connObj, sizeof(connObj), keepTime * 1000);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("conn:%d, failed to put into cache since %s, user:%s", connId, pInfo->user, terrstr());
mError("conn:%d, failed to put into cache since %s, user:%s", connId, user, terrstr());
return NULL;
} else {
mTrace("conn:%d, is created, data:%p user:%s", pConn->id, pConn, pInfo->user);
mTrace("conn:%d, is created, data:%p user:%s", pConn->id, pConn, user);
return pConn;
......@@ -184,20 +186,14 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SNodeMsg *pReq) {
SConnObj *pConn = NULL;
int32_t code = -1;
SConnectReq connReq = {0};
char ip[30] = {0};
if (tDeserializeSConnectReq(pReq->rpcMsg.pCont, pReq->rpcMsg.contLen, &connReq) != 0) {
SRpcConnInfo info = {0};
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pReq->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login while get connection info since %s", pReq->user, terrstr());
char ip[30];
taosIp2String(info.clientIp, ip);
taosIp2String(pReq->clientIp, ip);
pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser == NULL) {
......@@ -216,7 +212,8 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SNodeMsg *pReq) {
pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, connReq.pid, connReq.app, connReq.startTime);
pConn =
mndCreateConn(pMnode, pReq->user, pReq->clientIp, pReq->clientPort, connReq.pid, connReq.app, connReq.startTime);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create connection since %s", pReq->user, ip, terrstr());
......@@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SNodeMsg *pReq) {
pReq->rspLen = contLen;
pReq->pRsp = pRsp;
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", info.user, ip, pConn->id, connReq.app);
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", pReq->user, ip, pConn->id, connReq.app);
code = 0;
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define SHM_DEFAULT_SIZE (20 * 1024 * 1024)
#define CEIL8(n) (ceil((float)(n) / 8) * 8)
typedef void *(*ProcThreadFp)(void *param);
typedef struct SProcQueue {
......@@ -58,6 +57,11 @@ typedef struct SProcObj {
bool stopFlag;
} SProcObj;
static inline int32_t CEIL8(int32_t v) {
const int32_t c = ceil((float)(v) / 8) * 8;
return c < 8 ? 8 : c;
static int32_t taosProcInitMutex(TdThreadMutex **ppMutex, int32_t *pShmid) {
TdThreadMutex *pMutex = NULL;
TdThreadMutexAttr mattr = {0};
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