It's very easy to install TDengine and would take you only a few minutes from downloading to finishing installation.
TDengine 的安装非常简单,从下载到安装成功仅仅只要几秒钟。
For the convenience of users, from version, the standard server side installation package includes `taos`, `taosd`, `taosAdapter`, `taosBenchmark` and sample code. If only the `taosd` server and C/C++ connector are required, you can also choose to download the lite package.
为方便使用,从 开始,标准的服务端安装包包含了 taos、taosd、taosAdapter、taosdump、taosBenchmark、TDinsight 安装脚本和示例代码;如果您只需要用到服务端程序和客户端连接的 C/C++ 语言支持,也可以仅下载 lite 版本的安装包。
Three kinds of packages are provided, tar.gz, rpm and deb. Especially the tar.gz package is provided for the convenience of enterprise customers on different kinds of operating systems, it includes `taosdump` and TDinsight installation script which are normally only provided in taos-tools rpm and deb packages.
在安装包格式上,我们提供 tar.gz, rpm 和 deb 格式,为企业客户提供 tar.gz 格式安装包,以方便在特定操作系统上使用。需要注意的是,rpm 和 deb 包不含 taosdump、taosBenchmark 和 TDinsight 安装脚本,这些工具需要通过安装 taosTool 包获得。
Between two major release versions, some beta versions may be delivered for users to try some new features.
For the details please refer to [Install and Uninstall](/operation/pkg-install)。
To see the details of versions, please refer to [Download List]( and [Release Notes](
The full package of TDengine includes the server(taosd), taosAdapter for connecting with third-party systems and providing a RESTful interface, client driver(taosc), command-line program(CLI, taos) and some tools. For the current version, the server taosd and taosAdapter can only be installed and run on Linux systems. In the future taosd and taosAdapter will also be supported on Windows, macOS and other systems. The client driver taosc and TDengine CLI can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. In addition to connectors for multiple languages, TDengine also provides a [RESTful interface](/reference/rest-api) through [taosAdapter](/reference/taosadapter). Prior to version, taosAdapter did not exist and the RESTful interface was provided by the built-in HTTP service of taosd.
import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64 hardware platforms, and will support ARM32, RISC-V and other CPU architectures in the future.
If docker is already installed on your computer, execute the following command:
docker run -d-p 6030-6049:6030-6049 -p 6030-6049:6030-6049/udp tdengine/tdengine
Make sure the container is running
docker ps
Enter into container and execute bash
docker exec-it <container name> bash
Then you can execute the Linux commands and access TDengine.
For detailed steps, please visit [Experience TDengine via Docker](/train-faq/docker)。
Starting from,besides taosd,TDengine docker image includes: taos,taosAdapter,taosdump,taosBenchmark,TDinsight, scripts and sample code. Once the TDengine container is started,it will start both taosAdapter and taosd automatically to support RESTful interface.
<TabItemvalue="src"label="Source Code">
If you like to check the source code, build the package by yourself or contribute to the project, please check [TDengine GitHub Repository](
## Quick Launch
After installation, you can launch the TDengine service by the 'systemctl' command to start 'taosd'.
systemctl start taosd
Check if taosd is running:
systemctl status taosd
If everything is fine, you can run TDengine command-line interface `taos` to access TDengine and test it out yourself.
- systemctl requires _root_ privileges,if you are not _root_ ,please add sudo before the command.
- To get feedback and keep improving the product, TDengine is collecting some basic usage information, but you can turn it off by setting telemetryReporting to 0 in configuration file taos.cfg.
- TDengine uses FQDN (usually hostname)as the ID for a node. To make the system work, you need to configure the FQDN for the server running taosd, and configure the DNS service or hosts file on the the machine where the application or TDengine CLI runs to ensure that the FQDN can be resolved.
-`systemctl stop taosd` won't stop the server right away, it will wait until all the data in memory are flushed to disk. It may takes time depending on the cache size.
TDengine supports the installation on system which runs [`systemd`]( for process management,use `which systemctl` to check if the system has `systemd` installed:
which systemctl
If the system does not have `systemd`,you can start TDengine manually by executing `/usr/local/taos/bin/taosd`
## Command Line Interface
To manage the TDengine running instance,or execute ad-hoc queries, TDengine provides a Command Line Interface (hereinafter referred to as TDengine CLI) taos. To enter into the interactive CLI,execute `taos` on a Linux terminal where TDengine is installed.
If it connects to the TDengine server successfully, it will print out the version and welcome message. If it fails, it will print out the error message, please check [FAQ](/train-faq/faq) for trouble shooting connection issue. TDengine CLI's prompt is:
Inside TDengine CLI,you can execute SQL commands to create/drop database/table, and run queries. The SQL command must be ended with a semicolon. For example:
insertintotvalues('2019-07-15 00:00:00',10);
insertintotvalues('2019-07-15 01:00:00',20);
Besides executing SQL commands, system administrators can check running status, add/drop user accounts and manage the running instances. TDengine CLI with client driver can be installed and run on either Linux or Windows machines. For more details on CLI, please [check here](../reference/taos-shell/).
## Experience the blazing fast speed
After TDengine server is running,execute `taosBenchmark` (previously named taosdemo) from a Linux terminal:
This command will create a super table "meters" under database "test". Under "meters", 10000 tables are created with names from "d0" to "d9999". Each table has 10000 rows and each row has four columns (ts, current, voltage, phase). Time stamp is starting from "2017-07-14 10:40:00 000" to "2017-07-14 10:40:09 999". Each table has tags "location" and "groupId". groupId is set 1 to 10 randomly, and location is set to "California.SanFrancisco" or "California.SanDiego".
This command will insert 100 million rows into the database quickly. Time to insert depends on the hardware configuration, it only takes a dozen seconds for a regular PC server.
taosBenchmark provides command-line options and a configuration file to customize the scenarios, like number of tables, number of rows per table, number of columns and more. Please execute `taosBenchmark --help` to list them. For details on running taosBenchmark, please check [reference for taosBenchmark](/reference/taosbenchmark)
## Experience query speed
After using taosBenchmark to insert a number of rows data, you can execute queries from TDengine CLI to experience the lightning fast query speed.
query the total number of rows under super table "meters":
query the average, maximum, minimum of 100 million rows: