未验证 提交 2012a15d 编写于 作者: W wade zhang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21998 from taosdata/doc/password-len

doc/password len
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This statement creates a user account.
The maximum length of user_name is 23 bytes.
The maximum length of password is 128 bytes. The password can include leters, digits, and special characters excluding single quotation marks, double quotation marks, backticks, backslashes, and spaces. The password cannot be empty.
The maximum length of password is 32 bytes. The password can include leters, digits, and special characters excluding single quotation marks, double quotation marks, backticks, backslashes, and spaces. The password cannot be empty.
`SYSINFO` indicates whether the user is allowed to view system information. `1` means allowed, `0` means not allowed. System information includes server configuration, dnode, vnode, storage. The default value is `1`.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ CREATE USER use_name PASS 'password' [SYSINFO {1|0}];
use_name 最长为 23 字节。
password 最长为 128 字节,合法字符包括"a-zA-Z0-9!?$%^&*()_–+={[}]:;@~#|<,>.?/",不可以出现单双引号、撇号、反斜杠和空格,且不可以为空。
password 最长为 32 字节,合法字符包括"a-zA-Z0-9!?$%^&*()_–+={[}]:;@~#|<,>.?/",不可以出现单双引号、撇号、反斜杠和空格,且不可以为空。
SYSINFO 表示用户是否可以查看系统信息。1 表示可以查看,0 表示不可以查看。系统信息包括服务端配置信息、服务端各种节点信息(如 DNODE、QNODE等)、存储相关的信息等。默认为可以查看系统信息。
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