提交 17822180 编写于 作者: G gccgdb1234

docs: add histogram function

上级 c16d1f26
......@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
**适用于**: 表和超级表。
1. bin_type 用户指定的分桶类型, 有效输入类型为"user_input“, ”linear_bin", "log_bin"。
2. bin_description 描述如何生成分桶区间,针对三种桶类型,分别为以下描述格式(均为 JSON 格式字符串):
1. bin_type 用户指定的分桶类型, 有效输入类型为"user_input“, ”linear_bin", "log_bin"。
2. bin_description 描述如何生成分桶区间,针对三种桶类型,分别为以下描述格式(均为 JSON 格式字符串):
- "user_input": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"
用户指定 bin 的具体数值。
......@@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
- "log_bin": "{"start":1.0, "factor": 2.0, "count": 5, "infinity": true}"
"start" 表示数据起始点,"factor" 表示按指数递增的因子,"count" 为 bin 的总数,"infinity" 表示是否添加(-inf, inf)作为区间起点跟终点,
生成区间为[-inf, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, +inf]。
3. normalized 是否将返回结果归一化到 0~1 之间 。有效输入为 0 和 1。
3. normalized 是否将返回结果归一化到 0~1 之间 。有效输入为 0 和 1。
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) |
{"lower_bin":1, "upper_bin":3, "count":0.333333} |
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
{"lower_bin":5, "upper_bin":7, "count":0.333333} |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.004273s)
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": false}', 0) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": false}', 0) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, " |
{"lower_bin":1, "upper_bin":4, "count":3} |
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
{"lower_bin":7, "upper_bin":10, "count":3} |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.004887s)
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": true}', 0) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": true}', 0) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count" |
{"lower_bin":-inf, "upper_bin":1, "count":3} |
......@@ -275,11 +275,12 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
**Applicable table types**: table, STable
1. bin_type: parameter to indicate the bucket type, valid inputs are: "user_input", "linear_bin", "log_bin"。
2. bin_description: parameter to describe how to generate buckets,can be in the following JSON formats for each bin_type respectively:
- "user_input": "[1, 3, 5, 7]"
User defined specified bin values.
1. bin_type: parameter to indicate the bucket type, valid inputs are: "user_input", "linear_bin", "log_bin"。
2. bin_description: parameter to describe how to generate buckets,can be in the following JSON formats for each bin_type respectively:
- "user_input": "[1, 3, 5, 7]": User specified bin values.
- "linear_bin": "{"start": 0.0, "width": 5.0, "count": 5, "infinity": true}"
"start" - bin starting point.
......@@ -294,12 +295,13 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
"count" - number of bins generated.
"infinity" - whether to add(-inf, inf)as start/end point in generated range of bins.
The above "log_bin" descriptor generates a set of bins:[-inf, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, +inf].
3. normalized: setting to 1/0 to turn on/off result normalization.
3. normalized: setting to 1/0 to turn on/off result normalization.
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, "user_input", "[1,3,5,7]", 1) |
{"lower_bin":1, "upper_bin":3, "count":0.333333} |
......@@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
{"lower_bin":5, "upper_bin":7, "count":0.333333} |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.004273s)
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": false}', 0) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": false}', 0) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, 'linear_bin', '{"start": 1, "width": 3, " |
{"lower_bin":1, "upper_bin":4, "count":3} |
......@@ -315,7 +317,7 @@ SELECT HISTOGRAM(field_name,bin_type, bin_description, normalized) FROM tb_nam
{"lower_bin":7, "upper_bin":10, "count":3} |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.004887s)
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": true}', 0) FROM meters;
taos> SELECT HISTOGRAM(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count": 3, "infinity": true}', 0) FROM meters;
histogram(voltage, 'log_bin', '{"start": 1, "factor": 3, "count" |
{"lower_bin":-inf, "upper_bin":1, "count":3} |
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