未验证 提交 0ecb0d26 编写于 作者: D dapan1121 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #18694 from taosdata/fix/TS-2144

enh(query): add timetruncate function ignore timezone option for 1d
......@@ -532,7 +532,12 @@ TIMEDIFF(expr1, expr2 [, time_unit])
TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit)
TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit [, ignore_timezone])
ignore_timezone: {
| 1
**Description**: Truncate the input timestamp with unit specified by `time_unit`
......@@ -548,7 +553,10 @@ TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit)
1b (nanoseconds), 1u (microseconds), 1a (milliseconds), 1s (seconds), 1m (minutes), 1h (hours), 1d (days), or 1w (weeks)
- The precision of the returned timestamp is same as the precision set for the current data base in use
- If the input data is not formatted as a timestamp, the returned value is null.
- If `1d` is used as `time_unit` to truncate the timestamp, `ignore_timezone` option can be set to indicate if the returned result is affected by client timezone or not.
For example, if client timezone is set to UTC+0800, TIMETRUNCATE('2020-01-01 23:00:00', 1d, 0) will return '2020-01-01 08:00:00'.
Otherwise, TIMETRUNCATE('2020-01-01 23:00:00', 1d, 1) will return '2020-01-01 00:00:00'.
If `ignore_timezone` option is omitted, the default value is set to 1.
......@@ -533,7 +533,12 @@ TIMEDIFF(expr1, expr2 [, time_unit])
TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit)
TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit [, ignore_timezone])
ignore_timezone: {
| 1
**功能说明**:将时间戳按照指定时间单位 time_unit 进行截断。
......@@ -549,6 +554,11 @@ TIMETRUNCATE(expr, time_unit)
1b(纳秒), 1u(微秒),1a(毫秒),1s(秒),1m(分),1h(小时),1d(天), 1w(周)。
- 返回的时间戳精度与当前 DATABASE 设置的时间精度一致。
- 输入包含不符合时间日期格式的字符串则返回 NULL。
- 当使用 1d 作为时间单位对时间戳进行截断时, 可通过设置 ignore_timezone 参数指定返回结果的显示是否忽略客户端时区的影响。
例如客户端所配置时区为 UTC+0800, 则 TIMETRUNCATE('2020-01-01 23:00:00', 1d, 0) 返回结果为 '2020-01-01 08:00:00'。
而使用 TIMETRUNCATE('2020-01-01 23:00:00', 1d, 1) 设置忽略时区时,返回结果为 '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
ignore_timezone 如果忽略的话,则默认值为 1 。
......@@ -1924,7 +1924,8 @@ static int32_t translateToUnixtimestamp(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int
static int32_t translateTimeTruncate(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_t len) {
if (2 != LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList)) {
int32_t numOfParams = LIST_LENGTH(pFunc->pParameterList);
if (2 != numOfParams && 3 != numOfParams) {
return invaildFuncParaNumErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
......@@ -1935,9 +1936,7 @@ static int32_t translateTimeTruncate(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_
return invaildFuncParaTypeErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
// add database precision as param
uint8_t dbPrec = pFunc->node.resType.precision;
int32_t ret = validateTimeUnitParam(dbPrec, (SValueNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1));
if (ret == TIME_UNIT_TOO_SMALL) {
return buildFuncErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, TSDB_CODE_FUNC_FUNTION_ERROR,
......@@ -1948,11 +1947,30 @@ static int32_t translateTimeTruncate(SFunctionNode* pFunc, char* pErrBuf, int32_
"TIMETRUNCATE function time unit parameter should be one of the following: [1b, 1u, 1a, 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w]");
if (3 == numOfParams) {
uint8_t para3Type = ((SExprNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 2))->resType.type;
if (!IS_INTEGER_TYPE(para3Type)) {
return invaildFuncParaTypeErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
SValueNode* pValue = (SValueNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 2);
if (pValue->datum.i != 0 && pValue->datum.i != 1) {
return invaildFuncParaValueErrMsg(pErrBuf, len, pFunc->functionName);
// add database precision as param
int32_t code = addDbPrecisonParam(&pFunc->pParameterList, dbPrec);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
// add client timezone as param
code = addTimezoneParam(pFunc->pParameterList);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
pFunc->node.resType =
(SDataType){.bytes = tDataTypes[TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].bytes, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP};
......@@ -1174,12 +1174,35 @@ int32_t toJsonFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOu
/** Time functions **/
static int64_t offsetFromTz(char *timezone, int64_t factor) {
char *minStr = &timezone[3];
int64_t minutes = taosStr2Int64(minStr, NULL, 10);
memset(minStr, 0, strlen(minStr));
int64_t hours = taosStr2Int64(timezone, NULL, 10);
int64_t seconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
return seconds * factor;
int32_t timeTruncateFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarParam *pOutput) {
int32_t type = GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[0]);
int64_t timeUnit, timePrec, timeVal = 0;
bool ignoreTz = true;
char timezone[20] = {0};
GET_TYPED_DATA(timeUnit, int64_t, GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[1]), pInput[1].columnData->pData);
GET_TYPED_DATA(timePrec, int64_t, GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[2]), pInput[2].columnData->pData);
int32_t timePrecIdx = 2, timeZoneIdx = 3;
if (inputNum == 5) {
timePrecIdx += 1;
timeZoneIdx += 1;
GET_TYPED_DATA(ignoreTz, bool, GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[2]), pInput[2].columnData->pData);
GET_TYPED_DATA(timePrec, int64_t, GET_PARAM_TYPE(&pInput[timePrecIdx]), pInput[timePrecIdx].columnData->pData);
memcpy(timezone, varDataVal(pInput[timeZoneIdx].columnData->pData), varDataLen(pInput[timeZoneIdx].columnData->pData));
int64_t factor = TSDB_TICK_PER_SECOND(timePrec);
int64_t unit = timeUnit * 1000 / factor;
......@@ -1294,13 +1317,29 @@ int32_t timeTruncateFunction(SScalarParam *pInput, int32_t inputNum, SScalarPara
case 86400000: { /* 1d */
if (ignoreTz) {
timeVal = timeVal - (timeVal + offsetFromTz(timezone, 1000)) % (86400L * 1000);
} else {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO_DIGITS) {
if (ignoreTz) {
timeVal = timeVal - (timeVal + offsetFromTz(timezone, 1000000)) % (86400L * 1000000);
} else {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000000;
} else if (tsDigits == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO_DIGITS) {
if (ignoreTz) {
timeVal = timeVal - (timeVal + offsetFromTz(timezone, 1000000000)) % (86400L * 1000000000);
} else {
timeVal = timeVal / 1000000000 / 86400 * 86400 * 1000000000;
} else if (tsDigits <= TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) {
if (ignoreTz) {
timeVal = (timeVal - (timeVal + offsetFromTz(timezone, 1)) % (86400L)) * factor;
} else {
timeVal = timeVal * factor / factor / 86400 * 86400 * factor;
} else {
colDataAppendNULL(pOutput->columnData, i);
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.stbname = f'{self.dbname}.stb'
self.ctbname = f'{self.dbname}.ctb'
def check_ms_timestamp(self,unit,date_time):
def check_ms_timestamp(self,unit,date_time, ignore_tz):
if unit.lower() == '1a':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_ms_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
......@@ -50,13 +50,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif unit.lower() == '1d':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_ms_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
if ignore_tz == 0:
# assuming the client timezone is UTC+0800
tdSql.checkEqual(ts_result,int(date_time[i] - (date_time[i] + 8 * 3600 * 1000) % (86400 * 1000)))
elif unit.lower() == '1w':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_ms_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
def check_us_timestamp(self,unit,date_time):
def check_us_timestamp(self,unit,date_time, ignore_tz):
if unit.lower() == '1u':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_us_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
......@@ -80,13 +84,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif unit.lower() == '1d':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_us_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
if ignore_tz == 0:
tdSql.checkEqual(ts_result,int(date_time[i]/1000/1000/60/60/24)*24*60*60*1000*1000 )
# assuming the client timezone is UTC+0800
tdSql.checkEqual(ts_result,int(date_time[i] - (date_time[i] + 8 * 3600 * 1000000) % (86400 * 1000000)))
elif unit.lower() == '1w':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
ts_result = self.get_time.get_us_timestamp(str(tdSql.queryResult[i][0]))
def check_ns_timestamp(self,unit,date_time):
def check_ns_timestamp(self,unit,date_time, ignore_tz):
if unit.lower() == '1b':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
if self.rest_tag != 'rest':
......@@ -114,21 +122,26 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif unit.lower() == '1d':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
if self.rest_tag != 'rest':
if ignore_tz == 0:
tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryResult[i][0],int(date_time[i]*1000/1000/1000/1000/1000/60/60/24)*24*60*60*1000*1000*1000 )
# assuming the client timezone is UTC+0800
tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryResult[i][0],int(date_time[i] - (date_time[i] + 8 * 3600 * 1000000) % (86400 * 1000000)))
elif unit.lower() == '1w':
for i in range(len(self.ts_str)):
if self.rest_tag != 'rest':
def check_tb_type(self,unit,tb_type):
def check_tb_type(self,unit,tb_type,ignore_tz):
if tb_type.lower() == 'ntb':
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit}) from {self.ntbname}')
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit},{ignore_tz}) from {self.ntbname}')
elif tb_type.lower() == 'ctb':
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit}) from {self.ctbname}')
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit},{ignore_tz}) from {self.ctbname}')
elif tb_type.lower() == 'stb':
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit}) from {self.stbname}')
tdSql.query(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit},{ignore_tz}) from {self.stbname}')
def data_check(self,date_time,precision,tb_type):
tz_options = [0, 1]
for unit in self.time_unit:
if (unit.lower() == '1u' and precision.lower() == 'ms') or (unit.lower() == '1b' and precision.lower() == 'us') or (unit.lower() == '1b' and precision.lower() == 'ms'):
if tb_type.lower() == 'ntb':
......@@ -138,17 +151,20 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif tb_type.lower() == 'stb':
tdSql.error(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit}) from {self.stbname}')
elif precision.lower() == 'ms':
for ignore_tz in tz_options:
elif precision.lower() == 'us':
for ignore_tz in tz_options:
elif precision.lower() == 'ns':
for ignore_tz in tz_options:
self.check_tb_type(unit,tb_type, ignore_tz)
for unit in self.error_unit:
if tb_type.lower() == 'ntb':
tdSql.error(f'select timetruncate(ts,{unit}) from {self.ntbname}')
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