tdSql.execute('''create stream current_stream trigger at_once IGNORE EXPIRED 0 into stream_max_stable_1 as select _wstart as startts, _wend as wend, max(q_int) as max_int, min(q_bigint) as min_int from stable_1 where ts is not null interval (5s);''')
tdSql.execute('''create stream current_stream trigger at_once IGNORE EXPIRED 0 into stream_max_stable_1 as select _wstart as startts, _wend as wend, max(q_int) as max_int, min(q_bigint) as min_int from stable_1 where ts is not null interval (5s);''')
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='sh_table_0_a_negative';"%(database))
#check table :sh_table_i_a
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'sh_table_%%_a_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='sh_table_%d_a_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'sh_table_%%_b_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='sh_table_%d_b_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'sh_table_%%_c_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='sh_table_%d_c_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'sh_table_%%_r_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='sh_table_%d_r_negative';"%(database,i))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='bj_table_0_a_negative';"%(database))
#check table :bj_table_i_a
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'bj_table_%%_a_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='bj_table_%d_a_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'bj_table_%%_b_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='bj_table_%d_b_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'bj_table_%%_c_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='bj_table_%d_c_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'bj_table_%%_r_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='bj_table_%d_r_negative';"%(database,i))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='hn_table_0_r_negative';"%(database))
#check table :hn_table_i_r
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'hn_table_%%_r_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='hn_table_%d_r_negative';"%(database,i))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='tj_table_0_a_negative';"%(database))
#check table :tj_table_i_a
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'tj_table_%%_a_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='tj_table_%d_a_negative';"%(database,i))
check_rows=tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name like 'tj_table_%%_b_negative';"%(database))
tdSql.query(" select table_name,vgroup_id from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = '%s' and table_name='tj_table_%d_b_negative';"%(database,i))
sql_join="select count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts group by b.tbname order by cc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by b.tbname order by cc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) order by cc asc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) order by cc desc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) group by b.tbname limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) partition by b.tbname limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)
sql="select tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters where ts is not null partition by tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,num,num2)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)
sql="select tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters where ts is not null partition by tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,num,num2)
sql_join="select a.tbname,count(*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)
sql_join="select last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts group by b.tbname order by cc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by b.tbname order by cc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) order by cc asc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) order by cc desc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) group by b.tbname limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts interval(1a) partition by b.tbname limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.*) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)
sql="select tbname,last(ts) cc from %s.meters where ts is not null partition by tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,num,num2)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc asc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)
sql="select tbname,last(ts) cc from %s.meters where ts is not null partition by tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,num,num2)
sql_join="select a.tbname,last(a.ts) cc from %s.meters a,%s.meters b where a.ts is not null and a.ts = b.ts partition by a.tbname interval(1a) order by cc desc slimit %d limit %d"%(dbname,dbnamejoin,num,num2)