client5.sim 2.0 KB
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$tblStart = 0
$tblEnd = 2000
$tsStart = 1325347200000  # 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000
$tsEnd   = 1325347210000

sql connect
$db = db1
$stb = stb1
#subtable: tb0 - tb4999
#print create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(16))

sleep 20000 # wait other client insert data

print ====================== client5 start loop query

sql use $db   

sql select count(*) from $stb

$tsQueryStart = $tsStart
$tsQueryStart = $tsStart + 90000
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart order by ts asc limit 500 offset 7
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart order by ts desc limit 500 offset 7

sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_0'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_1'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_2'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_3'

sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_0'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_1'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_2'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_3'

sql select min(c1)      from $stb
sql select max(c1)      from $stb
sql select first(*)     from $stb
sql select last(*)      from $stb
sql select last_row(*)  from $stb
sql select sum(c1)      from $stb
sql select avg(c1)      from $stb

sql select min(c1)      from tb1
sql select max(c1)      from tb10
sql select first(*)     from tb100
sql select last(*)      from tb1000
sql select last_row(*)  from tb20
sql select sum(c1)      from tb200
sql select avg(c1)      from tb2000

goto loop_lable