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# 如何在windows上使用nodejs进行TDengine应用开发

## 环境准备








> node.exe --version

> npm --version




>python --version
Python 2.7.18



使用client的taos shell连接server

>taos -h node5

Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.

taos> show dnodes;
   id   |           end_point            | vnodes | cores  |    status    |  role   |       create_time       |       offline reason       |
      1 | node5:6030                     |      7 |      1 | ready        | any     | 2020-10-26 09:45:26.308 |                            |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.036000s)


* 检查能否在client的机器上ping通server的fqdn
* 如果你的dns server并没有提供到server的域名解析,可以将server的hostname配置到client的hosts文件中

## 应用开发


npm init


``` tdshell
npm install td2.0-connector


const taos = require('td2.0-connector');

var host = null;
var port = 6030;
for (var i = 2; i < global.process.argv.length; i++) {
    var key = global.process.argv[i].split("=")[0];
    var value = global.process.argv[i].split("=")[1];

    if ("host" == key) {
        host = value;
    if ("port" == key) {
        port = value;

if (host == null) {
    console.log("Usage: node nodejsChecker.js host=<hostname> port=<port>");

// establish connection
var conn = taos.connect({host: host, user: "root", password: "taosdata", port: port});
var cursor = conn.cursor();
// create database
executeSql("create database if not exists testnodejs", 0);
// use db
executeSql("use testnodejs", 0);
// drop table
executeSql("drop table if exists", 0);
// create table
executeSql("create table if not exists timestamp, temperature float, humidity int)", 0);
// insert
executeSql("insert into (ts, temperature, humidity) values(now, 20.5, 34)", 1);
// select
executeQuery("select * from");
// close connection

function executeQuery(sql) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    var promise = cursor.query(sql, true);
    var end = new Date().getTime();
    promise.then(function (result) {
        printSql(sql, result != null, (end - start));

function executeSql(sql, affectRows) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    var promise = cursor.execute(sql);
    var end = new Date().getTime();
    printSql(sql, promise == affectRows, (end - start));

function printSql(sql, succeed, cost) {
    console.log("[ " + (succeed ? "OK" : "ERROR!") + " ] time cost: " + cost + " ms, execute statement ====> " + sql);


>node nodejsChecker.js
Usage: node nodejsChecker.js host=<hostname> port=<port>
# 提示指定host

>node nodejsChecker.js host=
Successfully connected to TDengine
Query OK, 0 row(s) affected (0.00997610s)
[ OK ] time cost: 14 ms, execute statement ====> create database if not exists testnodejs
Query OK, 0 row(s) affected (0.00235920s)
[ OK ] time cost: 4 ms, execute statement ====> use testnodejs
Query OK, 0 row(s) affected (0.06604280s)
[ OK ] time cost: 67 ms, execute statement ====> drop table if exists
Query OK, 0 row(s) affected (0.59403290s)
[ OK ] time cost: 595 ms, execute statement ====> create table if not exists timestamp, temperature float, humidity int)
Query OK, 1 row(s) affected (0.01058950s)
[ OK ] time cost: 12 ms, execute statement ====> insert into (ts, temperature, humidity) values(now, 20.5, 34)
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.00401490s)
[ OK ] time cost: 10 ms, execute statement ====> select * from
Connection is closed

           ts             |       temperature        |  humidity   |
2020-10-27 18:49:15.547   | 20.5                     | 34          |