#!/usr/bin/env bashfunction showAlertMessage(){osascript <<EOF set buttonStr to "${3}" set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "," set buttonList to every text item of buttonStr set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters get buttonList set btns to buttonList display dialog "${1}" with title "${2}" buttons btns with icon ${4} get result EOF}taosd_status=`Launchctl list | grep taosd | head-n 1 | awk'{print $1}'`if["$taosd_status"x ="-"x ];thenlaunchctl start taosd showAlertMessage "Taosd is running!""TDengine""ok""note"elsechoose_result=`showAlertMessage "Taosd is running!\nDo you want to close it?""TDengine""yes,cancel""stop"`if["$choose_result"x ="button returned:yes"x ];thenlaunchctl stop taosdfifi