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system sh/stop_dnodes.sh

system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c wallevel -v 2
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c numOfMnodes -v 1

print ========= start dnode1 as master
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sleep 2000
sql connect

print ======== step1 
sql create database db1 vgroups 3;
sql use db1;
sql show databases;
sql create stable st1 (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 binary(200)) tags(t1 int);
sql create stable st2 (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 binary(200)) tags(t1 int);
sql create table tb1 using st1 tags(1);
sql insert into tb1 values (now, 1, "Hash Join  (cost=230.47..713.98 rows=101 width=488) (actual time=0.711..7.427 rows=100 loops=1)");

sql create table tb2 using st1 tags(2);
sql insert into tb2 values (now, 2, "Seq Scan on tenk2 t2  (cost=0.00..445.00 rows=10000 width=244) (actual time=0.007..2.583 rows=10000 loops=1)");
sql create table tb3 using st1 tags(3);
sql insert into tb3 values (now, 3, "Hash  (cost=229.20..229.20 rows=101 width=244) (actual time=0.659..0.659 rows=100 loops=1)");
sql create table tb4 using st1 tags(4);
sql insert into tb4 values (now, 4, "Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 t1  (cost=5.07..229.20 rows=101 width=244) (actual time=0.080..0.526 rows=100 loops=1)");

sql create table tb1 using st2 tags(1);
sql insert into tb1 values (now, 1, "Hash Join  (cost=230.47..713.98 rows=101 width=488) (actual time=0.711..7.427 rows=100 loops=1)");

sql create table tb2 using st2 tags(2);
sql insert into tb2 values (now, 2, "Seq Scan on tenk2 t2  (cost=0.00..445.00 rows=10000 width=244) (actual time=0.007..2.583 rows=10000 loops=1)");
sql create table tb3 using st2 tags(3);
sql insert into tb3 values (now, 3, "Hash  (cost=229.20..229.20 rows=101 width=244) (actual time=0.659..0.659 rows=100 loops=1)");
sql create table tb4 using st2 tags(4);
sql insert into tb4 values (now, 4, "Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 t1  (cost=5.07..229.20 rows=101 width=244) (actual time=0.080..0.526 rows=100 loops=1)");

print ======== step2 
sql explain select * from st1 where -2;
sql explain select ts from tb1;
sql explain select * from st1;
sql explain select * from st1 order by ts;
sql explain select * from information_schema.user_stables;
sql explain select count(*),sum(f1) from tb1;
sql explain select count(*),sum(f1) from st1;
sql explain select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 group by f1;
sql explain select count(f1) from tb1 interval(1s, 2d) sliding(3s) fill(prev);
sql explain select min(f1) from st1 interval(1m, 2a) sliding(3n); 

print ======== step3 
sql explain verbose true select * from st1 where -2;
sql explain verbose true select ts from tb1 where f1 > 0;
sql explain verbose true select * from st1 where f1 > 0 and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00';
sql explain verbose true select * from information_schema.user_stables where db_name='db2';
sql explain verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 where f1 > 0 and ts > '2021-10-31 00:00:00' group by f1 having sum(f1) > 0;

print ======== step4 
sql explain analyze select ts from st1 where -2;
sql explain analyze select ts from tb1;
sql explain analyze select ts from st1;
sql explain analyze select ts from st1;
sql explain analyze select ts from st1 order by ts;
sql explain analyze select * from information_schema.user_stables;
sql explain analyze select count(*),sum(f1) from tb1;
sql explain analyze select count(*),sum(f1) from st1;
sql explain analyze select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 group by f1;
sql explain analyze select count(f1) from tb1 interval(1s, 2d) sliding(3s) fill(prev);
sql explain analyze select min(f1) from st1 interval(3n, 2a) sliding(1n); 

print ======== step5 
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from st1 where -2;
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from tb1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from st1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from st1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from st1 order by ts;
sql explain analyze verbose true select * from information_schema.user_stables;
sql explain analyze verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from tb1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from st1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 group by f1;
sql explain analyze verbose true select count(f1) from tb1 interval(1s, 2d) sliding(3s) fill(prev);
sql explain analyze verbose true select ts from tb1 where f1 > 0;
sql explain analyze verbose true select f1 from st1 where f1 > 0 and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00';
sql explain analyze verbose true select * from information_schema.user_stables where db_name='db2';
sql explain analyze verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 where f1 > 0 and ts > '2021-10-31 00:00:00' group by f1 having sum(f1) > 0;
sql explain analyze verbose true select min(f1) from st1 interval(3n, 2a) sliding(1n); 
sql explain analyze verbose true select * from (select min(f1),count(*) a from st1 where f1 > 0) where a < 0;

#not pass case
#sql explain verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) as aa from tb1 where (f1 > 0 or f1 < -1) and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00' order by aa;
#sql explain verbose true select * from st1 where (f1 > 0 or f1 < -1) and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00' order by ts;
#sql explain verbose true select count(*),sum(f1) from st1 where (f1 > 0 or f1 < -1) and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00' order by ts;
#sql explain verbose true select count(f1) from tb1 where (f1 > 0 or f1 < -1) and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00' interval(1s, 2d) sliding(3s) order by ts;
#sql explain verbose true select min(f1) from st1 where (f1 > 0 or f1 < -1) and ts > '2020-10-31 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-10-31 00:00:00' interval(1m, 2a) sliding(3n)  fill(linear) order by ts;
#sql explain select max(f1) from tb1 SESSION(ts, 1s);
#sql explain select max(f1) from st1 SESSION(ts, 1s);
#sql explain select * from tb1, tb2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts;
#sql explain select * from st1, st2 where tb1.ts=tb2.ts;
#sql explain analyze verbose true select sum(a+b) from (select _rowts, min(f1) b,count(*) a from st1 where f1 > 0 interval(1a)) where a < 0 interval(1s);

system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT