astGenerator.h 12.4 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <>
 * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "ttoken.h"
#include "tvariant.h"
#include "parser.h"

#define ParseTOKENTYPE SToken

#define AGG_ARIGHTMEIC     2

  SQL_NODE_VALUE       = 3,
  SQL_NODE_EXPR        = 4,


//enum SQL_EXPR_FLAG {

extern char tTokenTypeSwitcher[13];

#define toTSDBType(x)                          \
  do {                                         \
    if ((x) >= tListLen(tTokenTypeSwitcher)) { \
      (x) = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY;             \
    } else {                                   \
      (x) = tTokenTypeSwitcher[(x)];           \
    }                                          \
  } while (0)

#define TPARSER_HAS_TOKEN(_t)      ((_t).n > 0)
#define TPARSER_SET_NONE_TOKEN(_t) ((_t).n = 0)

typedef struct SListItem {
  SVariant           pVar;
  uint8_t            sortOrder;
} SListItem;

typedef struct SIntervalVal {
  int32_t            token;
  SToken             interval;
  SToken             offset;
} SIntervalVal;

typedef struct SSessionWindowVal {
  SToken          col;
  SToken          gap;
} SSessionWindowVal;

typedef struct SWindowStateVal {
  SToken          col;
} SWindowStateVal;

struct SRelationInfo;

typedef struct SSqlNode {
  struct SArray     *pSelNodeList; // select clause
  struct SRelationInfo  *from;     // from clause SArray<SSqlNode>
  struct tSqlExpr   *pWhere;       // where clause [optional]
  SArray            *pGroupby;     // groupby clause, only for tags[optional], SArray<SListItem>
  SArray            *pSortOrder;   // orderby [optional],  SArray<SListItem>
  SArray            *fillType;     // fill type[optional], SArray<SListItem>
  SIntervalVal       interval;     // (interval, interval_offset) [optional]
  SSessionWindowVal  sessionVal;   // session window [optional]
  SWindowStateVal    windowstateVal; // window_state(col) [optional]
  SToken             sliding;      // sliding window [optional]
  SLimit             limit;        // limit offset [optional]
  SLimit             slimit;       // group limit offset [optional]
  SToken             sqlstr;       // sql string in select clause
  struct tSqlExpr   *pHaving;      // having clause [optional]
} SSqlNode;

typedef struct SRelElementPair {
  union {
    SToken     tableName;
    SArray    *pSubquery;

  SToken aliasName;
} SRelElementPair;

typedef struct SRelationInfo {
  int32_t           type;        // nested query|table name list
  SArray           *list;        // SArray<SRelElementPair>
} SRelationInfo;

typedef struct SCreatedTableInfo {
  SToken             name;        // table name token
  SToken             stableName;  // super table name token , for using clause
  SArray            *pTagNames;   // create by using super table, tag name
  SArray            *pTagVals;    // create by using super table, tag value
  char              *fullname;    // table full name
  STagData           tagdata;     // true tag data, super table full name is in STagData
  int8_t             igExist;     // ignore if exists
} SCreatedTableInfo;

typedef struct SCreateTableSql {
  SToken             name;  // table name, create table [name] xxx
  int8_t             type;  // create normal table/from super table/ stream
  bool               existCheck;

  struct {
    SArray          *pTagColumns; // SArray<SField>
    SArray          *pColumns;    // SArray<SField>
  } colInfo;

  SArray            *childTableInfo;        // SArray<SCreatedTableInfo>
  SSqlNode          *pSelect;
} SCreateTableSql;

typedef struct SAlterTableInfo {
  SToken             name;
  int16_t            tableType;
  int16_t            type;
  STagData           tagData;
  SArray            *pAddColumns; // SArray<SField>
  SArray            *varList;     // set t=val or: change src dst, SArray<SListItem>
} SAlterTableInfo;

typedef struct SCreateDbInfo {
  SToken             dbname;
  int32_t            replica;
  int32_t            cacheBlockSize;
  int32_t            maxTablesPerVnode;
  int32_t            numOfBlocks;
  int32_t            daysPerFile;
  int32_t            minRowsPerBlock;
  int32_t            maxRowsPerBlock;
  int32_t            fsyncPeriod;
  int64_t            commitTime;
  int32_t            walLevel;
  int32_t            quorum;
  int32_t            compressionLevel;
  SToken             precision;
  bool               ignoreExists;
  int8_t             update;
  int8_t             cachelast;
  SArray            *keep;
  int8_t             dbType;
  int16_t            partitions;
} SCreateDbInfo;

typedef struct SCreateFuncInfo {
  SToken             name;
  SToken             path;
  int32_t            type;
  int32_t            bufSize;
  SField             output;
} SCreateFuncInfo;

typedef struct SCreateAcctInfo {
  int32_t            maxUsers;
  int32_t            maxDbs;
  int32_t            maxTimeSeries;
  int32_t            maxStreams;
  int32_t            maxPointsPerSecond;
  int64_t            maxStorage;
  int64_t            maxQueryTime;
  int32_t            maxConnections;
  SToken             stat;
} SCreateAcctInfo;

typedef struct SShowInfo {
  uint8_t            showType;
  SToken             prefix;
  SToken             pattern;
} SShowInfo;

typedef struct SUserInfo {
  SToken             user;
  SToken             passwd;
  SToken             privilege;
  int16_t            type;
} SUserInfo;

typedef struct SMiscInfo {
  SArray            *a;         // SArray<SToken>
  bool               existsCheck;
  int16_t            dbType;
  int16_t            tableType;
  SUserInfo          user;
  union {
    SCreateDbInfo    dbOpt;
    SCreateAcctInfo  acctOpt;
    SCreateFuncInfo  funcOpt;
    SShowInfo        showOpt;
    SToken           id;
} SMiscInfo;

typedef struct SSqlInfo {
  int32_t            type;
  bool               valid;
  SArray            *list;    // todo refactor
  char               msg[256];
  SArray            *funcs;
  union {
    SCreateTableSql *pCreateTableInfo;
    SAlterTableInfo *pAlterInfo;
    SMiscInfo       *pMiscInfo;
} SSqlInfo;

typedef struct tSqlExpr {
  uint16_t           type;       // sql node type
  uint32_t           tokenId;    // TK_LE: less than(binary expr)

  // The complete string of the function(col, param), and the function name is kept in exprToken
  struct {
    SToken           operand;
    struct SArray   *paramList;      // function parameters list
  } Expr;

  SToken             columnName;  // table column info
  SVariant           value;       // the use input value
  SToken             exprToken;   // original sql expr string  or function name of sql function
  struct tSqlExpr   *pLeft;       // the left child
  struct tSqlExpr   *pRight;      // the right child
} tSqlExpr;

// used in select clause. select <SArray> from xxx
typedef struct tSqlExprItem {
  tSqlExpr          *pNode;      // The list of expressions
  char              *aliasName;  // alias name, null-terminated string
  bool               distinct;
} tSqlExprItem;

SArray *tListItemAppend(SArray *pList, SVariant *pVar, uint8_t sortOrder);
SArray *tListItemInsert(SArray *pList, SVariant *pVar, uint8_t sortOrder, int32_t index);
SArray *tListItemAppendToken(SArray *pList, SToken *pAliasToken, uint8_t sortOrder);

SRelationInfo *setTableNameList(SRelationInfo *pRelationInfo, SToken *pName, SToken *pAlias);
void *         destroyRelationInfo(SRelationInfo *pFromInfo);
SRelationInfo *addSubquery(SRelationInfo *pRelationInfo, SArray *pSub, SToken *pAlias);

// sql expr leaf node
tSqlExpr *tSqlExprCreateIdValue(SToken *pToken, int32_t optrType);
tSqlExpr *tSqlExprCreateFunction(SArray *pParam, SToken *pFuncToken, SToken *endToken, int32_t optType);
SArray *  tRecordFuncName(SArray *pList, SToken *pToken);
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271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279

tSqlExpr *tSqlExprCreate(tSqlExpr *pLeft, tSqlExpr *pRight, int32_t optrType);
tSqlExpr *tSqlExprClone(tSqlExpr *pSrc);
void      tSqlExprCompact(tSqlExpr **pExpr);
bool      tSqlExprIsLeaf(tSqlExpr *pExpr);
bool      tSqlExprIsParentOfLeaf(tSqlExpr *pExpr);
void      tSqlExprDestroy(tSqlExpr *pExpr);
SArray *  tSqlExprListAppend(SArray *pList, tSqlExpr *pNode, SToken *pDistinct, SToken *pToken);
void      tSqlExprListDestroy(SArray *pList);
void      tSqlExprEvaluate(tSqlExpr* pExpr);
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281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288

SSqlNode *tSetQuerySqlNode(SToken *pSelectToken, SArray *pSelNodeList, SRelationInfo *pFrom, tSqlExpr *pWhere,
                           SArray *pGroupby, SArray *pSortOrder, SIntervalVal *pInterval, SSessionWindowVal *ps,
                           SWindowStateVal *pw, SToken *pSliding, SArray *pFill, SLimit *pLimit, SLimit *pgLimit, tSqlExpr *pHaving);
int32_t   tSqlExprCompare(tSqlExpr *left, tSqlExpr *right);

SCreateTableSql *tSetCreateTableInfo(SArray *pCols, SArray *pTags, SSqlNode *pSelect, int32_t type);

Haojun Liao 已提交
SAlterTableInfo * tSetAlterTableInfo(SToken *pTableName, SArray *pCols, SArray *pVals, int32_t type, int16_t tableType);
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290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301
SCreatedTableInfo createNewChildTableInfo(SToken *pTableName, SArray *pTagNames, SArray *pTagVals, SToken *pToken,
                                          SToken *igExists);

void destroyAllSqlNode(SArray *pSqlNode);
void destroySqlNode(SSqlNode *pSql);
void freeCreateTableInfo(void* p);

SSqlInfo *setSqlInfo(SSqlInfo *pInfo, void *pSqlExprInfo, SToken *pTableName, int32_t type);
SArray   *setSubclause(SArray *pList, void *pSqlNode);
SArray   *appendSelectClause(SArray *pList, void *pSubclause);

void setCreatedTableName(SSqlInfo *pInfo, SToken *pTableNameToken, SToken *pIfNotExists);
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void* destroyCreateTableSql(SCreateTableSql* pCreate);
303 304
void setDropFuncInfo(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken* pToken);
void setCreateFuncInfo(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken *pName, SToken *pPath, SField *output, SToken* bufSize, int32_t funcType);
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305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356

void SqlInfoDestroy(SSqlInfo *pInfo);

void setDCLSqlElems(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, int32_t nParams, ...);
void setDropDbTableInfo(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken* pToken, SToken* existsCheck,int16_t dbType,int16_t tableType);
void setShowOptions(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken* prefix, SToken* pPatterns);

void setCreateDbInfo(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken *pToken, SCreateDbInfo *pDB, SToken *pIgExists);

void setCreateAcctSql(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken *pName, SToken *pPwd, SCreateAcctInfo *pAcctInfo);
void setCreateUserSql(SSqlInfo *pInfo, SToken *pName, SToken *pPasswd);
void setKillSql(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SToken *ip);
void setAlterUserSql(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int16_t type, SToken *pName, SToken* pPwd, SToken *pPrivilege);

void setCompactVnodeSql(SSqlInfo *pInfo, int32_t type, SArray *pParam);

void setDefaultCreateDbOption(SCreateDbInfo *pDBInfo);
void setDefaultCreateTopicOption(SCreateDbInfo *pDBInfo);

// prefix show db.tables;
void tSetDbName(SToken *pCpxName, SToken *pDb);

void tSetColumnInfo(struct SField *pField, SToken *pName, struct SField *pType);
void tSetColumnType(struct SField *pField, SToken *type);

 * The main parse function.
 * @param yyp      The parser
 * @param yymajor  The major token code number
 * @param yyminor  The value for the token
void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, ParseTOKENTYPE yyminor, SSqlInfo *);

 * Free the allocated resources in case of failure.
 * @param p         The parser to be deleted
 * @param freeProc  Function used to reclaim memory
void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void *));

 * Allocated callback function.
 * @param mallocProc  The parser allocator
 * @return
void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t));

 * @param str sql string
 * @return sql ast
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SSqlInfo doGenerateAST(const char *str);
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358 359 360 361 362 363

#ifdef __cplusplus