system sh/stop_dnodes.shsystem sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1system sh/ -n dnode1 -s startsql connectsql drop database if exists db1;sql create database if not exists db1;sql use db1;sql create stable sta (ts timestamp, f1 double, f2 binary(200)) tags(t1 int);sql create table tba1 using sta tags(1);sql insert into tba1 values ('2022-04-26 15:15:01', 1.0, "a");sql insert into tba1 values ('2022-04-26 15:15:02', 2.0, "b");sql insert into tba1 values ('2022-04-26 15:15:04', 4.0, "b");sql insert into tba1 values ('2022-04-26 15:15:05', 5.0, "b");sql select last_row(*) from sta where ts >= 1678901803783 and ts <= 1678901803783 and _c0 <= 1678901803782 interval(10d,8d) fill(linear) order by _wstart desc;if $rows != 0 then return -1endisystem sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT