sync_raft_progress_tracker.h 4.5 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <>
 * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.


#include "sync_type.h"
#include "sync_raft_quorum.h"
#include "sync_raft_quorum_joint.h"
#include "sync_raft_progress.h"
#include "sync_raft_proto.h"
lichuang 已提交
#include "thash.h"
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struct SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig {
  SSyncRaftQuorumJointConfig voters;

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	// autoLeave is true if the configuration is joint and a transition to the
	// incoming configuration should be carried out automatically by Raft when
	// this is possible. If false, the configuration will be joint until the
	// application initiates the transition manually.
33 34
  bool autoLeave;

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	// Learners is a set of IDs corresponding to the learners active in the
	// current configuration.
	// Invariant: Learners and Voters does not intersect, i.e. if a peer is in
	// either half of the joint config, it can't be a learner; if it is a
	// learner it can't be in either half of the joint config. This invariant
	// simplifies the implementation since it allows peers to have clarity about
	// its current role without taking into account joint consensus.
  SSyncRaftNodeMap learners;

	// When we turn a voter into a learner during a joint consensus transition,
	// we cannot add the learner directly when entering the joint state. This is
	// because this would violate the invariant that the intersection of
	// voters and learners is empty. For example, assume a Voter is removed and
	// immediately re-added as a learner (or in other words, it is demoted):
	// Initially, the configuration will be
	//   voters:   {1 2 3}
	//   learners: {}
	// and we want to demote 3. Entering the joint configuration, we naively get
	//   voters:   {1 2} & {1 2 3}
	//   learners: {3}
	// but this violates the invariant (3 is both voter and learner). Instead,
	// we get
	//   voters:   {1 2} & {1 2 3}
	//   learners: {}
	//   next_learners: {3}
	// Where 3 is now still purely a voter, but we are remembering the intention
	// to make it a learner upon transitioning into the final configuration:
	//   voters:   {1 2}
	//   learners: {3}
	//   next_learners: {}
	// Note that next_learners is not used while adding a learner that is not
	// also a voter in the joint config. In this case, the learner is added
	// right away when entering the joint configuration, so that it is caught up
	// as soon as possible.
  SSyncRaftNodeMap learnersNext;
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struct SSyncRaftProgressTracker {
  SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig config;

  SSyncRaftProgressMap progressMap;

lichuang 已提交
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	// nodeid -> ESyncRaftVoteType map
	SHashObj* votesMap;

  int maxInflightMsgs;
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	SSyncRaft* pRaft;
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SSyncRaftProgressTracker* syncRaftOpenProgressTracker(SSyncRaft* pRaft);

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void syncRaftInitTrackConfig(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config);
void syncRaftFreeTrackConfig(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config);

void syncRaftFreeTrackConfig(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config);

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void syncRaftResetVotes(SSyncRaftProgressTracker*);

void syncRaftProgressVisit(SSyncRaftProgressTracker*, visitProgressFp visit, void* arg);

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 * syncRaftRecordVote records that the node with the given id voted for this Raft
 * instance if v == true (and declined it otherwise).
lichuang 已提交
void syncRaftRecordVote(SSyncRaftProgressTracker* tracker, SyncNodeId id, bool grant);

void syncRaftCopyTrackerConfig(const SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* from, SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* to);

int syncRaftCheckTrackerConfigInProgress(SSyncRaftProgressTrackerConfig* config, SSyncRaftProgressMap* progressMap);

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 * syncRaftTallyVotes returns the number of granted and rejected Votes, and whether the
 * election outcome is known.
ESyncRaftVoteResult syncRaftTallyVotes(SSyncRaftProgressTracker* tracker, int* rejected, int *granted);

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void syncRaftConfigState(const SSyncRaftProgressTracker* tracker, SSyncConfigState* cs);

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bool syncRaftIsInNodeMap(const SSyncRaftNodeMap* nodeMap, SyncNodeId nodeId);